Mars retrograde c. Recommended behavior during the period of influence of retrograde Mars

This article could be called “Mistakes Made”, since forgetfulness, confusion of thoughts and, as a result, errors are a characteristic feature of periods when Mercury moves in the opposite direction relative to an observer from Earth. When planning your activities, you should definitely take into account the retrograde of Mercury, as this will help save your time and money.

When a planet goes retrograde, its influence changes. Mercury is the planet responsible for communications, communications, mediation, information transfer, commerce, transactions, it is also associated with thinking and on the physical level - with hands. Therefore, when moving into retrograde movement, all these spheres come under attack.

Mercury retrograde occurs on average three times a year.

Mercury retrograde periods in 2016:

  • January 5 - January 26;
  • April 28 - May 22;
  • August 30 - September 22;
  • December 19 - January 8, 2017.

Important! 7 ways to avoid failure

The negative aspects that Mercury retrograde brings include delays and procrastination in all areas for which it is responsible.

In addition to errors and confusion in thinking, expect the loss of letters, or confusion with documents, difficulties in their preparation. There may be delays in payments, late meetings, breakdowns in negotiations.

During this period, any delay in payments may backfire, as creditors are not asleep.

If possible, postpone or plan long-distance trips more carefully; obstacles and vehicle breakdowns may occur.

7 ways to avoid failures during the retro-Mercury period:

  • Do not purchase complex equipment (tablets, smartphones, laptops and netbooks, computers; cars, means of production);
  • Do not make large and significant purchases (later you may find that you bought the wrong thing, or there are hidden defects, or are not needed, or you will simply be disappointed);
  • Do not enter into significant contracts, start new significant projects, or open a business (there is a high probability of mistakes);
  • Do not move from one place to another, start a new job, or sign an employment contract and go to work for the first time (additional information will be revealed later, which may be significant);
  • Do not register a marriage or sign a marriage contract;
  • Do not start training courses;
  • Do not perform planned operations, since Mercury on the physical plane is responsible for the hands, actions with the hands, therefore, there may be mistakes, repeated intervention and alteration will be required.

During the period of Mercury retrograde, you should more carefully check any documents submitted for verification (tests, scientific papers, manuscripts), since the likelihood of errors and the return of the document increases.

If something doesn’t go well, things don’t move forward, there are problems here and there, in your personal life, in work, in your attitude... How to find something that will become a lever for change, that same assemblage point?

What is favorable to do during the retro-Mercury period?

In order for things to go smoothly, it is advisable not to rush and check everything carefully.

Favorable during the retro-Mercury period:

  • Review and correct what was done previously;
  • Repair cars, equipment, furniture;
  • Clean up your wardrobe;
  • Send items for dry cleaning or restoration;
  • Change your image and improve your individual style;
  • Refuse unproductive relationships, end relationships that have outlived their usefulness;
  • Understand documents, papers, put things in order;
  • Get rid of trash;
  • Finish things started;
  • Write down ideas and ideas that come to mind, nurture and think about them;
  • Repeat and work through the material covered (for students);
  • Meet old friends, acquaintances (meeting classmates, classmates).

The period of Mercury retrograde is very favorable for better understanding yourself, your strengths and weaknesses, and understanding your purpose.

If something was not successful in the past, during the period of Mercury retrograde it is worth returning to it and trying again, but it is recommended to consolidate (formalize) the achieved result already during the direct movement of Mercury.

Mercury Retrograde: Don't rush to shop!
Mercury is retrograde in 2016:
from January 22 to February 11,
from May 19 to June 11,
from September 18 to October 9.
from January 5 to January 25,
from April 28 to May 21,
from August 30 to September 21,
from December 19 to January 7, 2017.

When any planet begins to move backwards, its energy rushes inward and begins to act somewhat differently. On Earth, the retrograde movement of Mercury is expressed in the fact that mental activity becomes deeper - processing, revision, and adjustment of what was done earlier begins. Old unresolved issues come up, things that were not logically completed. Mercury is the only planet whose retrograde effect is felt by most people. As a rule, communications suffer during Mercury retrograde, since in astrology it is responsible for information.

The negative aspects that Mercury retrograde presents include delays and delays in all areas for which this planet is responsible: loss of letters, confusion in papers, difficulties with paperwork, delays in payments, delays, transport breakdowns, breakdowns in negotiations. Lenders may also remember your existence.
Computers and office equipment will fail more often, and there may be problems with the Internet and Internet providers. Trips and business trips may be in vain. Obstacles in publishing affairs. Inhibition in the educational process, it is more difficult to assimilate new material, difficulties in expressing one’s thoughts, both orally and in writing. More often mistakes will be made in general, because At this time, people tend to be forgetful and absent-minded.
Mercury retrograde occurs on average three times a year and lasts about 3 weeks.

However, its slowing down and stopping occurs 2-3 days before the retrograde and 2-3 days after. These days are also unfavorable in the areas listed below.

During periods of Mercury retrograde, you should not:
shopping - make purchases, especially it is better not to make any significant purchases, because subsequently you may be disappointed, hidden defects will be revealed;

Sign contracts, make transactions, open a business, project, etc. the probability of errors is very high;

Sign an employment contract and go to work for the first time, because... subsequently you may not be satisfied with the conditions, additional information that you did not know will be revealed; sign contracts;

Start new things, because... with a high probability they will be recurrent;

Decide something definitively, because... then your decision, your view of the problem, will change;

Start studying on courses, because... studying will be difficult;

Visit a dentist, chiropractor, get tested, undergo surgery, start treatment, because... on the physical plane, Mercury is responsible for hands, actions with hands, there may be mistakes, repeated intervention or rework will be required; Also, negative Mercury can provoke unpleasant situations of losses, delays, information errors during travel. Caution must be exercised!

Venus retrograde and difficulties in love
There are no Venus retrograde periods in 2016.

Difficulties in love All planets except the Sun and Moon are retrograde. Retrograde is the apparent backward movement of a planet in relation to the Earth. Venus goes retrograde every 19 months, and the retrograde period lasts about 40 days.
In astrology, Venus is symbolically responsible for love and romantic relationships. Being in a retrograde has a negative impact on your love life, freezing feelings and the development of relationships.
The time of Venus retrograde is traditionally considered an unfavorable time for making new acquaintances and establishing personal relationships. New love relationships started during this period will not lead to a long-term and lasting union. It is not recommended to make a first date or arrange a first meeting at this time. It is worth postponing the marriage proposal, engagement and wedding: Venus retrograde leads to disappointment in your partner.
Venus is harmony and physical external beauty. Venus influences appearance, cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. It is not recommended to radically change your image, undergo cosmetic surgery to correct and correct your appearance, or begin a course of cosmetic procedures.
The planet of beauty and taste is in charge of beautiful clothes, jewelry and jewelry. The retrograde period is characterized by instability in likes and dislikes, distorting attitudes towards values ​​and taste preferences for this period. For this reason, it is not recommended to buy valuable jewelry, expensive clothes, fashion items, or luxury cosmetics. Auctions, fashion shows, art exhibitions and presentations also come under the adverse influence of Venus.
Money and financial resources are also under the protection of Venus, so during its retrograde phase it is unfavorable to borrow money or take a bank loan. Financiers and bankers are advised to avoid concluding contracts and agreements during this period. Retro Venus can give you a pleasant surprise in the form of returning old debts or receiving bonuses.
The influence of retrograde Venus is sobering; it is worth using in your development: it is useful to analyze and reconsider your views on love and relationships with specific people. This time is good for ending outdated relationships, getting rid of old, burdensome personal and business connections. During this period, old relationships or former lovers may reappear: Venus makes it possible to reconsider your attitude towards them, and, if necessary, renew valuable connections.
In 2015 (from July 25 to September 5), Venus will be retrograde in the sign of Leo. Being in Leo, Venus retrograde increases selfishness and self-obsession, and excites feelings. At this time, issues of dominance may arise in relationships and the struggle for leadership may intensify. This situation also increases moodiness and creates an excessive need for attention and expressions of love and sympathy, which does not benefit any relationship, especially an already formed one. Questions of love as such may also be acutely raised - has the feeling been preserved? At this time, careless flirting on the side can lead to a break in the relationship. And also any “pulling the blanket” over oneself and inattention to the partner can create serious conflicts. It is possible at this time a renewal of feelings, a revival of old relationships, or the return of a former lover.

Retrograde Mars - be careful!

Be careful: The retrograde period of Mars is 2.5 months and occurs once every 2 years. At this time, a person confuses his ideas about how and where he should apply his strength, how to use energy. Old conflicts often flare up again, but the side that started the war when Mars is retrograde usually loses.
It is not recommended to start a new job, since there is no clear idea of ​​what is needed. On the contrary, the best time is to change jobs, part with what is outdated and outdated, and stop a business that you no longer intend to do.

It is recommended to refrain from starting a new business and registering the enterprise with the tax office during this period. Everything started during retrograde Mars suffers from interruptions until it runs out of steam.
It is also necessary to maintain increased personal safety: people become very hot-tempered, irritated, nothing goes as smoothly as before. Anger sometimes becomes misplaced and leads to new problems. During Mars retrograde, many may feel drained of vitality. During this two-month period it is better not to start anything. The one who initiates loses.
They say that during Mars retrograde it is impossible to meet your soulmate. Former partners may also show up: in this case, you should follow the proverb “don’t fall into the same rake twice.”
Mars is responsible for any wounds, cuts, operations, weapons, accidents and accidents. Retrograde Mars increases the number of accidents. It is not recommended to purchase weapons, protective equipment, cars, or any mechanisms. It is extremely unfavorable to undergo planned operations. People in “dangerous professions” (EMERCOM, military, police) are advised to go on vacation and not act as a hero at work.
During this cycle, it is better not to buy anything mechanical: various equipment breaks down more often, there are more accidents, breakdowns of cars (brakes) and computers. Purchases must be guaranteed and insured.

Recommended behavior during the period of influence of retrograde Mars:
Save strength, do less vigorous activity.
Analysis of actions for errors. Think about it several times before acting.
Take full responsibility for your life, do not blame others for your problems.
Don't be a hero.
Don't start new things.
Avoid surgeries and any interventions in the body.
Don’t overexert yourself; you risk wasting a lot of energy in vain.
Exercise caution; fast on Tuesdays; eat hot and spicy food.
Mars does not always have a strong effect on individuals, it all depends on its position in the horoscope and its aspects with other planets. Those who have Aries or Scorpio in their horoscope react especially strongly: they prefer to remain inactive, become less persistent and passive. Each person may feel differently during this period; It is important to relieve excess excitement and think about your actions. If Mars is affected in the natal chart, then all activities at this time will be difficult.
These days are very good for planning. It is also recommended to go back to a past situation in your mind or in reality and do something again, correcting the situation.
During Mars retrograde, it's easy to see how we handle anger, self-defense, motivation, and sexual relationships. During this time, people often use passive-aggressive methods such as manipulation.
In 2016 (from April 18 to June 29), Mars will go retrograde in the sign of Libra. This is the weakest position for the planet Mars - in exile in Libra - therefore our business activity and our strength (including physical) can be significantly weakened. Any new projects during the influence of retrograde Mars will not be implemented: it freezes everything that should develop and move forward. It is extremely undesirable to start a project that involves significant energy expenditure: there are many chances to make mistakes in the balance of power.

Retrograde of higher and social planets

Higher planets
Fast planets - Mercury, Venus and Mars - when moving retrograde can cause a certain amount of confusion for some time. Fortunately, all these delusions and obsessions go away quite quickly. But slow planets in retrograde motion create the opposite effect. They give us the ability to see things much more clearly than usual.

planet JupiterRetrograde Jupiter sets the task of finding your Path and life calling, enriching your inner world and spiritual growth. During this period, it is worth looking at yourself objectively from the outside and seeing where you need to improve further or reconsider your value system. It allows you to become wiser and deepen your personal life experience. Perhaps you will find falsehood in yourself or in those around you. You must evaluate yourself and find where you are betraying your true essence, maybe playing roles that are unusual for yourself? During this period, positive influences come from people you have dealt with in the past.
This time is suitable for the resumption of social and business projects related to Jupiter themes: higher education, legal issues, charity, international relations, research, religion and philosophy.
Jupiter retrograde is a great time to:
complete education interrupted earlier;
resume learning a foreign language that you started before;
take a trip you've put off in the past;
travel for spiritual, educational or cultural purposes;
restore long-lost friendships or past relationships;
reconsider or clarify your views on life.
Negative influences can also manifest themselves. At this time, the speed of progress in government agencies decreases; an old question or problem may come to mind again. During this time, some people may notice delays or confusion in matters related to Jupiter's spheres of influence: social projects, education, legal issues, etc.
Retrograde Jupiter encourages a person to be guided by his own internal laws and principles, and not by the rules established by society. It is not recommended to criticize, judge others and impose your vision of life on them.
Retrograde Jupiter:
from January 8, 2016 to May 8, 2016

Planet Saturn Saturn is in retrograde position for about 4.5 months. This is a time of delay and inhibition in the development of events, a time of delay and disruption of plans. External circumstances offer a large amount of work. Often there is a need to spend extra time on ordinary things. The lack of time and the inability to complete things on time are frustrating. It is recommended to relax during this period and simply expect progress: persistent desire to solve problems will increase their number. This internal state will allow you to remain calm and manage your time correctly. Self-discipline and systematic thinking will help you successfully solve emerging problems. It is advisable to use the time of Saturn retrograde to consolidate and comprehend the results of long-standing work.
In astrology, Saturn is known as the "planet of karma." He, like a strict overseer, forces us to patiently and humbly bear our burden, according to his charter. Direct Saturn imposes rules on us that we must follow. However, during Saturn retrograde, we are forced to look for support within ourselves and develop our own rules. We can gain much more valuable experience during this time. But, unfortunately, this experience often comes as a result of one’s own mistakes. Such is the character of Saturn.
Retrograde Saturn:
from March 25, 2016 to August 12, 2016

Planet UranusWhen Uranus goes retrograde, the likelihood of change brought about by its lightning-like energy increases. If you yourself want changes that you have been putting off for some reason, you need to overcome fear, rely on the support of Uranus and act. Or simply let the planetary energies do their work.
This is the best time for self-expression, a rich source of new ideas and experiments. Uranus retrograde awakens the need to destroy existing traditions; enhances a person’s desire to be different, to be one and only.
This period is ideal for harnessing creativity, ingenuity and originality. Recommended qualities for success: originality and lack of stereotypes in any business.
Perhaps the changes created by Uranus in 2015 will have to do with love, because the beginning of the retrograde periods of Uranus and Venus, the planet of love, occurs almost simultaneously. The time has come to reconsider the relationship. Are you looking for new love or want to return to your old relationship? Take your chance in the summer of 2015!
Retrograde Uranus:
from July 30, 2016 to December 28, 2016

planet Neptune During this period, the border between reality and illusions becomes barely distinguishable, and any intention can be realized. You can dream and fantasize, not forgetting that in order to realize your fantasies, you still need a material and physical basis as an impulse for implementation. You can write down your dreams and plans in your personal diary. For better implementation, it is recommended to describe dreams as already existing.
However, Neptune, known in astrology as the planet of fantasy and daydreaming, during its retrograde movement shows us that not everything is so rosy. This is a good time to combine your fantasies and a realistic outlook on life, re-evaluate your ideals and take a closer look at your surroundings.
Retrograde Neptune:
from June 14, 2016 to November 19, 2016

planet PlutoRetrograde Pluto is a period of cleansing. Searching for the truth within yourself can be relentless. The retro planet deprives you of support in life and tests your ability to be true to your destiny. Reactionary Pluto disorients through loss or emptiness in the soul.
The best time for a leisurely analysis of your life, freeing yourself from unnecessary things.
During Pluto's retrograde period, you may feel the urge to exhibit a more rigid style of behavior than usual.
Retrograde Pluto:
from April 18, 2016 to September 25, 2016


The apparent movement of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn in the opposite direction against the background of fixed stars is called retrograde in astrology. Of course, this is just an illusion, which is caused by the uneven movement of the Earth and other planets around the Sun. Retrograde planets have a different effect on a person than those in direct motion, and different rules apply to them. We invite you to find out when the planets will go retrograde in 2016 and what impact they will have on our lives.

The qualities of a retrograde planet are mainly internal, so it takes a lot of effort and time to manifest them externally. That is, during the transit of a retrograde planet through certain signs, a person has to make more efforts to obtain a positive result. Often retrograde planets bring us back to unresolved issues of the past and give us a chance to change ourselves, make a person more focused on the internal state and slow down the time for obtaining results. The duration of retrograde motion of planets is as follows: Saturn can be retrograde for 140 days in a row, Jupiter - 120 days, Mars - 80, Venus - 42 and Mercury - 24 days.

Any retrograde planet in a horoscope indicates a strong influence of a past life, so a person needs to resolve issues regarding the affairs of the houses that the planet owns and in which it is located. Such problems are solved in an individual consultation with a Vedic astrologer, but there are also general rules for the influence of a retrograde planet during its transit through certain signs in its endless movement across the sky.

Mars retrograde in 2016

The retrograde movement of Mars will be observed in the period from April 17 to June 17 in the sign of Scorpio and from June 18 to June 30 in the sign of Libra.

What is characteristic of these periods? First of all, it should be taken into account that retrograde Mars gives a person the feeling of having a huge supply of energy: “Give me a fulcrum, and I will turn the globe over.” In fact, this is not entirely true, because each person has his own reserve of strength, and it must be used carefully. During this period, a person must correctly assess his capabilities and wisely use what the planet offers. In the presence of retrograde Mars, a person will seem to be active, but the outer space will not perceive such activity due to the fact that the flow of force is turned inward. This is the main feature of the influence of retrograde Mars, which does not allow one to correctly correlate one’s internal state and one’s strengths with the requirements of objective reality.

Very often, a retrograde planet does not create sufficient internal tension, and a person does not feel the need to actively act at the moment when the situation requires it. Sometimes you don’t even have enough strength to feel and react in time to the first impulse. The reaction occurs late, resulting in a discrepancy between the internal state of a person and the state of the world around him. Trying to smooth out this discrepancy, a person takes on a lot of things, trying to do everything very carefully and forcing himself to act actively. He immediately spends all his strength, trying to prove to himself and the world that he is capable of much. It is difficult for him to understand that the retrograde position of the planet obliges him to use his powers wisely.

When Mars retrograde moves through Scorpio, a person begins to feel tension in many areas, a feeling of anxiety appears, and an internal readiness to confront danger. In the period from April 17 to June 17, the likelihood of emergencies, disasters, and major accidents increases. There may be instability in business, crises in the financial sector, loss of orientation in moving towards a goal, weakening of internal motivation. What is especially unpleasant is that internal irritation, anger, aggression grows, and only God knows how and when these feelings will break out. You should not start construction, invest money in real estate, or buy equipment and machinery.

When Mars in its retrograde movement moves into Libra - from June 18 to 30 - misunderstandings may arise in relations with the opposite sex and business partners. There will be a desire to blame others for all problems, falling into the state of a victim. In fact, we will be too busy with ourselves and inattentive to our loved ones. But this can be corrected, you just have to explain to your EGO who is in charge: YOU or IT.

However, overall it's not that bad. With proper work and awareness of your capabilities, you can achieve good results. During this period, the ability to constantly monitor any of your actions and correlate it with your internal state is developed. A person gains power over himself and his desires. He begins to understand that true strength is not the one that manifests itself outside, but the one that is inside us. It is this power that helps us control ourselves.

Mercury retrograde in 2016

This planet is responsible for intelligence, information, communication skills, and is associated with commercial activities, advertising, and business processes. The retrograde movement of Mercury causes difficulties in communication, problems with oral and written speech, but at the same time non-standard thinking is manifested.

Mercury retrograde can encourage a person to study too much on a subject, which can lead to a lot of mental workload. This, on the one hand, provokes fatigue, and on the other hand, it fuels pride: “I am the smartest.” But there are also good moments in the manifestation of the influence of the transit of retrograde Mercury. In everyday life, it gives practicality, quick thinking, and strong intuition. But the lack of stability is annoying. And so that retrograde Mercury does not irritate, it is worth looking at all events with humor and somewhat detached.

In the period from January 5 to January 13, Mercury in its retrograde movement will pass through the sign of Capricorn. This is an earthly sign, the energy of which fuels a person’s determination, discipline, and respect for time. But retrograde Mercury will not give you the opportunity to enjoy this to the fullest - the movement will be unstable, “one step forward, two steps back.” You should not plan to sign contracts or start a new business. There may be financial confusion and deception, and the emergence of debts.

On January 14, retrograde Mercury will move into the sign of Sagittarius and will remain there until January 25. He will moderate his absent-mindedness and show interest in education and travel related to gaining knowledge. But even here you need to keep your eyes open, because communications and paperwork will suffer the most. And besides, it is quite likely to waste time and energy obtaining completely useless information.

On April 28, Mercury's retrograde motion in Aries begins. Quick thinking and speech may let you down, and you may be drawn to gambling. This disgrace will last until May 21. What can you do? It is worth remembering the proverb “Silence is golden” and taking a pause in communication. The main thing is not to fall out of the “here and now” state and not to rush to translate thoughts into action and analyze moral lessons.

From August 30 to September 9, retrograde Mercury will be in the sign of Virgo, of which it is the owner, and also in a position of exaltation. And these ten days will not be bad at all - you can have time to put things in order, think through and write commercial proposals, but you should not buy household and computer equipment, it is better to wait it out. From September 10, Mercury will move into the sign of Leo and will stay there until September 21. But these ten days cannot be called the happiest. Even very smart people will be capable of stupid things at this time. And boastful speeches will sound everywhere. There will be a desire to travel, you may feel like a commercial genius, but... Be careful: there is a high probability of errors in contracts. Well, we will receive the last gift from retrograde Mercury on New Year’s Eve. He will enter the sign of Sagittarius again on December 19 and will rule there until January 7, 2017.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2016

Retrograde Jupiter always acts as an intrusive advisor, prompting a person to advise others too often and too much, teach what and how to do, and act as a moralist. The other extreme that Jupiter retrograde gives is that a person does not trust his own wisdom. The influence of Jupiter retrograde gives those who listen to it vitality and the ability to analyze moral lessons. During the transit of retrograde Jupiter, a person tends to become self-absorbed; he has an increased interest in issues of education, culture, philosophy, religion, and raising children.

In 2016, Jupiter will begin retrograde on January 8th and will be in Leo until May 9th. Its energy can increase pride and arrogance, non-recognition of authorities and the desire to live only according to one’s own laws. In addition, people with heart problems may feel their condition worsen. But, as usual, not everything is so bad. Being in its friendly sign of Leo, Jupiter can increase the desire to defend the rights of the offended and oppressed, to help the unfortunate, sick and weak.

Retrograde Saturn in 2016

Saturn will enter the sign of Scorpio on March 25, and its retrograde movement in this sign will last until August 12. Saturn retrograde has challenging energy. It gives a person too much seriousness, rigidity, and exactingness. A person focuses on rules and order, can act as a destroyer of relationships with other people, manifestations of greed, despondency, and pessimism are possible. Saturn can be a benefactor or bring suffering and obstacles, depending on the path a person takes.

During the retrograde movement of Saturn in Scorpio, neglect or abuse of secret knowledge and a desire for long-distance travel may appear. Some may travel abroad for treatment. The energy of Saturn will manifest itself in life as leisurely, unhurried, and systematic in deeds and thoughts. You need to be patient and not rush into financial matters. And also - think about whether a person is going his own way.

The most important thing during the transit of a retrograde planet is to try to understand what lesson should be completed, do not become discouraged, do not stress, and take the position of an observer. If you emotionally detach, you can understand a lot in your life; the shortcomings of the past will be especially clearly visible.

Uranus retrograde in 2016

Area of ​​responsibility of the planet: scientific work, high technology, sudden events. There are a lot of changes happening at this time, and they happen at lightning speed. The unpredictability for which Uranus is famous increases several times. It is difficult to navigate what is happening, it is impossible to understand the logic. The usual framework is crumbling, and the desire to express oneself appears. A retrograde planet often leads to technological failures, often to disasters.

During Uranus retrograde it is favorable:

  • Showcase your talents, especially since it will be easy to do.
  • Dramatically change your life.
  • Fight fears, phobias and finally accomplish something that you would not have dared to do before.

Neptune retrograde in 2016

The planet’s area of ​​responsibility: everything intangible and unknown: dreams, dreams, fantasies, illusions. It’s as if a veil appears before our eyes; everything is seen in an unreal light. And it is not at all difficult for others to mislead us during this period. We are very easily influenced and accept obvious deception at face value. A feeling of melancholy and loneliness rolls in. You shouldn’t give in to despair, you just need to wait it out, survive this period.

During the period of Neptune retrograde it is favorable:

  • Resume (but not start) creative activities.
  • Go to a psychoanalyst, engage in self-analysis.
  • Read spiritual literature, it will strengthen your internal energy.

Pluto retrograde in 2016

Area of ​​responsibility of the planet: law enforcement agencies, crime, collective action. The powerful energy of Pluto does not allow you to stay in one place for long. You may feel that you are underestimated, you will want to give up everything and look for a new place in the sun. We become tough and merciless - both towards others and towards ourselves. At this time, self-esteem falls. It seems that you are doing everything wrong, not right. We must mercilessly part with the past.

During Pluto retrograde it is favorable:

  • Forgive past grievances, re-evaluate the past.
  • Analyze your life.
  • Engage in spiritual practices and self-development.
  • Rest and travel more often.

During the retrograde motion of the planet in orbit relative to the Earth, the influence is distorted. People feel the same when they walk together, lagging behind a group, a partner, or ahead of them. The sensations are different, you will agree.

So, here is the schedule of retrograde planets for our current year:

Mercury Retrograde 2016:

The phase of retrograde Mercury (aka Retro Mercury) in 2016 will be from

January 5 to January 25,
from April 28 to May 21,
from August 30 to September 21,
from December 19 to January 7, 2017.

Effect of Mercury Retrograde

Mercury retrograde is associated with many manifestations of human life - communications, negotiations, thinking, trade, transport, etc. During periods of Mercury retrograde, you should never start new business, sign documents, schedule important meetings and negotiations, go on long trips, or purchase expensive things. People feel the retrograde movement of Mercury especially well, and having understood the principle of impact once, they try to continue to monitor periods of retrograde and plan things in advance. During such periods, it is useful to return to past, unfinished matters, and visit old friends.

The retrograde phase of Mars (aka Retro Mars) in 2016 will be

from April 17 to June 29.

Effect of retrograde Mars

Periods of Mars retrograde are less common, but very painful, since Mars is associated with aggression, dynamics, weapons, masculine strength, surgical operations, and fire. The retrograde period of Mars will be especially negative, since it will coincide in time with the retrograde of Mercury. Please set aside this period for yourself (from 28.04 to 21.05 especially), and be extremely careful! Don’t get into conflicts, hold back your ambitions, don’t buy expensive equipment - it will quickly break down, don’t plan operations for this period. During periods of Mars retrograde, the male part of the population is especially excitable and prone to unforgivable mistakes. Mars begins its retrograde movement in the sign of Sagittarius - there may be accidents on earth and air transport. Sagittarius politicians will enter the world stage, not always in a positive way. Particularly high-profile events will be associated with aviation, space, international transport communications, religiosity, and migration

The retrograde of Mars is one of the main reasons for the sad events on this long-suffering earth.

Mars will continue the second part of its retrograde movement in the sign of Scorpio - the danger of military location conflicts and terrorist attacks cannot be ruled out.

Scorpio men will be especially active.

Venus will not be retrograde in 2016!

I wish you to live through the tense periods of retrograde planets as calmly and rationally as possible. Good luck to you!

Marina Nevskaya,

Your personal astrologer.

Publication date 2016-01-01 15:23:52

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> > > Mars

It will move from April 17 to June 17 and will be observed in the constellation Scorpio. Also, this phenomenon will repeat from June 18 to June 30, but in the sign of Libra. The above-mentioned periods are characterized by an impact on people’s sense of self. During retrograde, a person feels that he has a large energy reserve that can be spent on any goals in life. However, this must be approached with great caution.

The fact is that each person has his own potential of strength. When the red planet begins its retrograde motion, a surge of activity is created. However, the external space does not perceive such activity, as a result of which the flow goes inward. This is the main feature of retrograde Mars, which prevents you from correctly comparing your capabilities with the requirements of objective reality. Therefore, difficulties begin in a person’s life.

A retrograde planet is not able to create the necessary internal tension, so the person does not show activity when she needs to act. The reaction to events slows down significantly, as an imbalance arises between the internal state and the external state. To smooth out this imbalance, a person tries to do several things at once, wanting to demonstrate his capabilities. She lacks understanding of the need to use powers wisely.

The influence of retrograde Mars on personality in 2016

When Mars begins to move backward through the constellation Scorpio, a person experiences an anxious feeling that makes him ready to counteract danger. This is not without justification, since from April 17 to June 17, major troubles begin to arise in people's lives. Disasters, tragic events, accidents are possible. The planet's retrograde also affects business. Entrepreneurs have difficulties in trading and concluding contracts.

Also, a person gradually loses motivation in achieving personal goals. He begins to have outbursts of irritation, as a result of which relationships with relatives and colleagues deteriorate. It is unknown what additional consequences a negative character tendency may have. Therefore, during this period you should not engage in large matters, for example, investing money in real estate and purchasing expensive things. This will end in failure.

The next period of Mars retrograde takes place in the sign of Libra from June 18 to June 30. In this case, other life problems may arise. For example, people’s relationships with romantic partners and colleagues with whom they communicate in the course of their professional activities become strained. The appearance of failures often results in a desire to blame others rather than understand the real reasons. You need to focus on your Ego and find out who is in charge in life.

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