There is no pleasure from food due to diets. The best wives, mothers and housewives

When we go on a diet or begin to limit ourselves in food, trying to lose weight, we forget to ask ourselves: what do I want? And this, according to the authors of the book “Intuitive Eating,” is the main issue that accompanies a harmonious life (and weight loss in the long term). What questions do you still need to learn to ask yourself in order to enjoy food again?

Many of our clients are initially afraid that if they let the pleasure of food into their lives, they will then maniacally search for what to eat. However, allowing yourself to enjoy food actually ends up leading to self-restraint rather than uncontrolled gluttony.

We asked our clients to compare a full four-course meal with just nibbling and munching on the go. If they spent time preparing food that pleased their senses of smell, touch, sight, and so on, then they inevitably reported satisfaction and a decrease in the need to eat later that evening.

Those who came home and plopped down on the couch in front of the TV with a box of crackers and a soda found themselves jumping to every commercial for another snack. They felt like they had never really eaten, and they couldn't get enough. The evening ended with a heavy stomach and disappointment.

Many people who are losing weight have lost the pleasure of eating and don’t know how to get it back. Here are steps to help our customers enjoy and be satisfied with their meals.

Step 1: What do I really want to eat?

Satisfaction comes when you have time to think about what you really want to eat, give yourself unconditional permission to eat, and then eat in a relaxing, indulgent atmosphere. In contrast, the basic principle of any diet is that you are told what to eat.

Even as a child, Jennifer was put on diets by doctors and her mother. When she first came to my office, she belligerently declared that she did not want to hear about any diets. I told her I didn't believe in diets and just wanted to know what she liked to eat. There was a look of amazement on her face. The determined 40-year-old woman was literally speechless. And having overcome her amazement, she admitted that no one in her entire life had ever asked her what she would like to eat.

Jennifer thought deeply and then said that she had no idea what she liked. In fact, this morbidly overweight woman wasn't even sure she even liked food. At the end of the appointment, Jennifer was encouraged to experiment with food over the next week to learn more about her own taste preferences.

In a week, Jennifer managed to identify only ten products that she really liked, and it turns out that she can do without everything else! The task for the next week was to eat only these ten foods and establish the actual amount of food consumed.

Once again, the results surprised the client. When she ate what she liked, she found herself eating a much smaller portion, and her total food intake for the week was less than in previous years.

If you're also having trouble figuring out what foods you actually like, the next step will help clear things up.

Step 2. Which supermarket shelf do I need?

Our clients are focused on any aspect of food consumption other than the here and now. They complain about the past and worry about the future (what will I eat, how will I lose these calories), but very rarely pay attention to the actual experience of eating food. And therefore they do not taste - they do not chew or savor food.

To find out what foods you really love and enhance your enjoyment of food, explore the sensory properties of foods. Give your taste buds and palate a thrill ride. Before you start eating, evaluate the following parameters.

Taste. Put a specific food in your mouth to see what taste sensations it stimulates. Roll the product on your tongue to understand whether it is mainly sweet, salty, sour or bitter. Is this taste pleasant, neutral, or perhaps even offensive?

Do this experiment at different times of the day to see what time a given taste tastes best. Some people have a sweet tooth at breakfast; they want waffles or pancakes. Something spicy like eggs and salsa can taste gross in the morning. Others cannot even think about sweets until mid-day.

Texture. As you roll the food on your tongue and start chewing it, feel the different textures of the food. How do you taste crunch? Does crispy food scratch when you chew it, or is it, on the contrary, pleasant? What is your reaction to soft or creamy foods? Does it remind you of baby food, is it pleasant or annoying? Some foods need to be chewed, which requires increased work of the teeth and tongue. How do you perceive this? Some foods' textures may be pleasant at different times of the day or even on different days.

Aroma. Sometimes the aroma of food has a greater impact on the desire to eat it than the taste or texture. Appreciate the different aromas produced by the products. If the aroma of your food doesn't appeal to you, you probably won't get optimal satisfaction from it. If you enjoy the smell while the food is being prepared and served, it will likely increase your satisfaction.

View. Take a look at the food you are about to eat. Does it attract the eye? Does it look fresh? Are you interested in its color?

Temperature. A steaming bowl of soup might just be the dish of the day if it's wet and cold outside. But tepid yogurt usually doesn't make you crave it if you're shivering under an umbrella. Ask yourself what food temperature is optimal for you. Do you like your hot dishes piping hot or at a moderate temperature? Do you like soft drinks with a lot of ice or is just a little better? Or is room temperature just right for everything?

Volume or filling capacity. Some products are light and airy, while others are heavy and filling. Some days you may be satisfied with just a plateful of pasta to fill your stomach, while other times you'll be more hungry for a light salad. Even if something feels great on the tongue and in the mouth, but later you feel nauseous or feel a heaviness in your stomach, satisfaction drops sharply.

Respect your taste buds. Your preferences may be for life or may change from time to time. Try to keep track of what you find appetizing and choose what gives you the most satisfaction. Knowing your taste preferences in general will lead you to the right line on the menu or the right shelf in the supermarket.

The next biggest key to enjoying food is to take a time out when you've already eaten a few bites. Are the taste and texture what you want? Is the food satisfying enough to eat? If you continue to eat just because food is in front of you, although it has already lost all its temptingness, then in the end you will simply remain unsatisfied and continue to fumble around in search of food that can satisfy you.

Step 3. Like in a restaurant

To learn how to savor food and get more satisfaction from your meals, try the following.

  1. Take time to appreciate the food. Give yourself a clear period of time for your meal. Even fifteen minutes is better than nothing.
  2. Sit down at the table. Standing by the refrigerator or pacing reduces your focus and satisfaction.
  3. Before you start eating, take a few deep breaths. Deep breathing helps you calm down, collect yourself and stop rushing.
  4. Try to eat as slowly as possible. Remember the taste buds are on your tongue, not in your stomach. Swallowing food robs you of the chance to taste it properly.
  5. From time to time during the meal, put down your fork. This will help slow down the pace.
  6. Feel the taste of every bite you put in your mouth. Experience different tastes and textures from food.
  7. Take a break mid-meal to assess your level of fullness. The food won't taste as good or be as satisfying when you reach that last bite.

Step 4. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it.

You don't have to finish your food just because you took a bite. However, how often have you tried the most tempting dessert, discovered that it was so-so, and still continued to eat? One of the great benefits of intuitive eating is the ability to let go of foods you don't like.

The main thing is to adopt the motto: “If you don’t like it, don’t eat it, but if you like it, savor it.” Order a different dish, find a different bowl in the refrigerator, or eat only the parts you like and leave the rest.

For example, Barbara talked about one banquet where she was served salad, chicken, vegetables and pasta on one plate. She only ate a spoonful of the salad and left the rest because the lettuce was drowning in a sea of ​​dressing and she didn't like it. The chicken and pasta were delicious, so she ate most of it. The vegetables turned out to be too oily, and she left them on the plate.

In the old days of dieting, she would have eaten only salad and vegetables for dietary reasons and would have been left unsatisfied, and when she got home, she would have started rummaging around in search of food.

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Comment on the article “If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food”

IMHO, the easiest way is to negotiate and cook the way she likes it. He doesn’t like soup, he doesn’t like meat, he doesn’t like vegetables. Doesn't eat fish. Naturally he doesn’t want to eat. We don't pay attention and eat with pleasure. A child refuses to eat: what to do?


Why sprinkle cheese???
My mother once stubbornly added fried onions to her favorite delicious buckwheat. No, you eat, it tastes better!!! And I sat for an hour picking out this onion with nauseating reflexes. I can’t imagine how you can do this(
My son doesn't eat cheese at all. And if I sprinkled it on him like that, I would have thrown it away myself and it would have been my own fault. Because if he doesn’t eat it, saying “it’s delicious” 10 times won’t help at all.
IMHO, the easiest way is to negotiate and cook the way she likes it.
For example, my mother cooks deliciously. But not all. Only my husband cooks scrambled eggs as deliciously as I like - with a certain level of friedness and snottyness. All other options are not tasty.
And to sprinkle something with cheese, sugar, cumin, turmeric without asking if there is a problem... is somehow strange.

It is NOT possible that she doesn't eat anything at all. She would have died already. If she's alive, she's eating. Well, let him eat what he likes. I also didn’t eat many foods and dishes. My youngest is alive too. That’s who tormented me, my grandmothers, my teachers, I wrote that at the age of 7, after a holiday with her grandmother, she weighed 13 kg, in kindergarten the teachers spoon-fed her, but nothing, she survived.

Proper nutrition for children. Doctors, clinics. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with My two older ones, about the same age, until they were three, ate these porridges at home, and in the garden and with nannies - regular food. Then calmly, I don’t remember how...


IMHO, lots of carbs, messy. But you will stand your ground until the bitter end))) and look for a gastroenterologist who will take your side...

There is no such thing as perfect :) That is. theoretically - ideal just “according to GOST”, calories, fats-proteins-carbohydrates, minerals are precisely calculated, gentle processing methods are used, etc. But such nutrition is not for everybody, both in terms of cooking and according to taste.
Kmk, food should
- approach and please the child (I can’t stand fights over “unloved porridge”)
- don’t be excessive (if he doesn’t want to, let him not eat)
- do not overexert your mother (if ideal nutrition involves cooking various complex dishes in a saucepan five times a day - this is only for fans)
- IMHO, anything is possible, the question is quantity.

As a result, mine ate partly in the garden, partly at home. Because My husband and I have very different tastes, from me the children received something unsalted, not fatty, etc., then from my husband they could grab fried potatoes with eggs, pasta/buckwheat with stewed meat (but this is more common on hikes), pilaf. .. Sweets are out in the open, but I have a sweet tooth and the children are quite calm about it. They still don’t drink soda (themselves), chips very rarely (maybe once a month or less). The flight is normal, there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract or weight. The eldest had a small tooth and generally consumed a very small range of foods (she ate neither raw/cooked vegetables, nor salads, nor berries, nor fish, nor soups - except for one thing, neither cheese, nor... in short, nothing), by the age of 10 she became there is almost everything.
In short, nothing is perfect :)

By the way:) you can also cling to the legalization of prohibited foods in intuitive nutrition, just like Brin:) like, what does it mean if it’s about nutrition, as Brin advises! Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and...


It's simple, there is such a thing as body quality. If you don't watch the foods you eat, for example. Instead of eating healthy foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the day, and eating cake, French fries with a Big Mac and going for a run or to the gym, then of course you will not gain weight, and maybe you will lose weight, but at the same time you will not look beautiful If you are, everything will be flabby and saggy, but thin. And if you want to have a beautiful body, then no Big Macs or sweets.

The person is trying to convey the second law of thermodynamics. 1. Foods can be as healthy as you like, but if their calorie content is higher than what you spent, you get fat. 2. if you eat only chocolate, but its calorie content is less than your expenses, you lose weight. Here, the usefulness of food for the body is not considered and how long you can last on chocolate either.

About food and weight. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Teenagers. A significant part of a healthy lifestyle is a healthy attitude towards food, recognizing feelings of hunger and satiety, and the ability to enjoy food. I never forced you to eat: if you don’t want to, don’t eat.

Amount for food in the report? Paperwork AFTER. Adoption. Amount for food in the report? My tutelage excelled again! I’m asking how much per day should I be charged for food? On the inclusion of food and hygiene expenses in the “guardianship” report.


The report has already been submitted - at the rate of 200 rubles per day *365 = 73,000 rubles, not Moscow, a child of 1.10 years old was accepted without receipts, I wrote a receipt for the amount.

we have 150 a day, and now and five years ago the same amount was allowed to be written off))

Section: Need advice (which nutritional system to choose for weight loss if you have problems with Girls, hello! I’m coming to you for help. Before the New Year, my husband said that he was getting a divorce. There are also supermarkets with food, if you have a place to cook, then on But often this happens ...


To begin with, it would be good to take thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4), glucose or glycated hemoglobin (preferred), lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL). You can take it yourself in any laboratory. Or you can go to a therapist and ask for a referral. Based on the test results, look further to determine which specialist is needed. As for the heart, do an ultrasound first. Regarding blood pressure, you can also check your kidneys just in case, but the therapist will tell you that. After such a medical examination, it will become clear what health problems there are. In accordance with them, establish proper nutrition. It should be balanced and correspond to your state of health. Here, for example, is the therapeutic diet N8 for obesity [link-1]

1. stop being whiny.
2. Go to an endocrinologist, get tested and have an ultrasound
3. Go to a therapist with your heart and blood pressure and get a consultation.
4. No diets needed. Just normal healthy eating.
5. don’t lose weight for your husband, if he wants to get a divorce (and by the way, everyone has the right to do this), he will get a divorce and nothing and no one will stop him. Lose weight only for yourself and only for yourself. To make it easy, to have a good complexion, to be in a good mood.
6. find out exactly how much you weigh (the options probably seem to be around - they disappear, you need to know for sure). Buy scales, weight loss is an exact science, loves scrupulousness, accuracy and consistency.
7. Did your cardiologist determine that you have heart problems? And why physical the load is prohibited, the doctor forbade it? And then no one demands Olympic records; walking at a comfortable pace for 40 minutes is very useful for losing weight. Walking is generally good.

Food is like joy. Figure and problem areas. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. If you don't like it, don't eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food.


Even before giving birth, I weighed 80 kg. Then I needed to lose about 15 kg to get pregnant. I couldn’t stay on diets for a long time. But I made a salad (cabbage, cucumber, leaves of any green salad and 1 teaspoon of butter) and radishes (instead of bread) as a side dish. And any cutlet meat. In fact, it’s great to lose your body. And I didn’t stick to it for any length of time. As soon as I quit breastfeeding, I’ll immediately switch to the same food. So don’t worry, everything will work out!!!

Treat yourself to a new lover!))) it helps so much!))

Section: ...I find it difficult to choose a section (report types of expenses for a foster child, what expenses should be written in the food column). We need advice from PSs who have several adopted children and are preparing several reports. We often buy food and hygiene products on...

If you don't like it, don't eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food. What questions do you still need to learn to ask yourself in order to enjoy food again? However, if you allow yourself to enjoy your food, it actually ends up...


I don’t see any downsides to a capsule coffee machine. Good coffee is also not cheap, so it cannot be said that a drink made from such coffee will be much cheaper.

In large coffee machines, I think it is necessary to have such a function as using ground coffee. Otherwise, you need to load grain in large quantities, but it “fizzles out.” IMHO, one of the advantages of pods is that the coffee is hermetically sealed in them. Plus, you can get different varieties to suit all tastes.

We also brew coffee in Turkish for now. Definitely on weekends. On weekdays before work, rarely, maybe. The time is calculated in minutes, and standing over the Turk so that the coffee doesn’t run away is most often lazy.

Now I am choosing between 2 Dolonghi models - EN 720 M and EN 265.

We have this one, we (more precisely, I, as the main coffee consumer in the family:) are very pleased:) every morning (and during the day, and even in the evening, when there are things to do:) always fresh aromatic coffee - espresso, lungo, cappuccino, for every taste :)

After all, it is unnatural not to enjoy food :) But you can also enjoy a small portion. From food - I didn’t eat any fried fish or fish derivatives (pies, cutlets, fish soup), no caviar, mushrooms, liver or any offal...


Your post is a clear “real life” example for R. Schwartz’s book “Diets Don’t Work.” I highly recommend reading it. Available in electronic form on Librusec.

I believe that it depends on the brain if it allows overeating, i.e. If you don’t have discomfort (heaviness, laziness throughout the whole body), then you will have to control it forcibly, and this is more difficult than for thin people, they do it automatically, or digestion happens at random.

Protein-free diet. Nutrition. Other children. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose Secondly, eating habits, I can’t eat so much protein food, it’s hard for me, and then I can’t replenish fluid loss, it’s uncomfortable for me and again it’s hard.


I decided to try a protein diet, since I can’t stand simple fasting. I suffered for a month and developed many health problems. Not mine. I decided again to just eat less (which is very difficult), and I was advised to take 7-slim, as it not only promotes weight loss, but also reduces the feeling of hunger. And I really liked it. I really didn’t feel like eating and my general condition was good. And the weight dropped by 2.5 kg per week.

10.27.2018 16:42:55, Irina67

It depends on what results should be visible. :)))
You can’t sit on a protein-free diet. Protein deficiency (especially in a growing child's body) is a terrible thing.

There is such a thing as the minimum number of essential amino acids that a person should receive from food. And if this MINIMUM quantity is not observed, there will be serious problems with somatics (cardiovascular system, skin-hair-teeth-nails, growth and much more).

You definitely shouldn’t experiment with protein restriction yourself. Especially essential amino acids, which are not synthesized in the body themselves, and a person can only get them from the outside with food.

The meaning of food - and for many adults - is to gain pleasure. If you don’t make children enjoy it, they won’t eat it, yeah. I believe pleasures should be manageable, I teach children to enjoy what is useful, and to despise aimless or...


Excuse me, for God's sake, but do you cook delicious food? And then some mothers cook something tasteless, watery, unsalted, and then they are sincerely surprised that their child doesn’t eat. My mother cooked this way when I was little, and I was firmly convinced that I didn’t like the first one, I just couldn’t stand it. And then she somehow began to fry onions and carrots, put in tomato paste, salt, pepper, pickle, kharcho, and at the age of 10 I made an amazing discovery - the soup is TASTY. I don’t want to offend you in any way, but maybe you’ll think about this topic?

Did her behavior or well-being change somehow after she didn’t eat for 2.5 days??? And did she really not eat ANYTHING at all or was there 2 cookies here, a piece of candy there... Maybe she lives on these interceptions, but her body requires little food. But!!! You need to check about worms - you made the right decision. And yet, you could also talk to a good psychologist, or at least consult by phone -... maybe her poor appetite is somehow connected??? Well, that's just a guess.
My child, in principle, eats normally, but firstly, I have been trying to stick to the regime since early childhood, and secondly, she has a clear relationship between the amount of physical activity and appetite.
And yet, she is usually not interested in all sorts of delights. she will gladly eat just boiled chicken rather than baked chicken with something.

Intensity of classes - from 1 time a week, to REGULAR 2-3 times a week or 3 hours a week
Intuition - intuitively find the type of exercise from which you will not only lose weight, but also enjoy it
Variety - do not focus on one type of activity, but diversify the load.

The book gives a clear sequence of where to start, which muscle groups, and how much time to spend on it.

TOPIC NUTRITION - a sinusoidal diet of “carbohydrate alternation” is given, I have a printed one, write to me and I will send it to you. The basic principle is that the amount of carbohydrates fluctuates throughout the week, which will speed up metabolism. The products are all simple, the diet is inexpensive, the number of calories per day is 1400-1600. Moreover, it is also possible to divide food according to the principle of separate meals, which is just an additional plus. SUNDAY IS FOOD PERMISSIBILITY DAY. The time to enter the diet is about 2 weeks for the most inveterate eaters. the result is visible within a month :)) which cannot but rejoice.

a separate topic in the book is home workouts, several blocks of 30 minutes each.

Self-massage - how to do it correctly at home

A separate topic is pharmacology, what you should drink and WHAT not to drink at all during exercise and weight control. There is a selection of vitamins - several options. I never get around to it, but I feel like I need to :)))

In general, I have only positive impressions from this book; it is written in an easy, relaxed manner. The authors are St. Petersburg instructors who have been specifically conducting research for a long time. Many points become clear and understandable, at least now I can now not torment the instructors at the club with stupid questions :)))

If you have started the fight for your beauty, you CANNOT stop, a break of 2 weeks WILL CROSS out ALL RESULTS! that is, classes must be constant until the end of life.

If you don't like it, don't eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food. Step 1. What I really want to eat. Step 2. Which supermarket shelf do I need? Step 3. It's like being in a restaurant. Step 4. If you don't like it, don't eat it. What questions do you still need to learn to ask yourself in order to...


You see, I had this too. But the main problem is that when you get behind the wheel you don’t feel full control over the car, and there is a fear that it will “throw something out”... But as you interact with the car, fear develops into a feeling of control over the car and even in some cases, into friendship with her. This will most likely pass for you. Understand the main thing to drive normally and get rid of fear!!! Then everything will work out! By the way, fear can be in front of the person who is sitting with you, be it an instructor or even a husband. That's exactly what happened to me! Try driving alone in deserted areas: just driving, turning and even making sharp turns, this will definitely help you. And when learning, you need to feel the car and listen to its noise... then everything becomes easier.. If you are still interested in anything, write to me by email [email protected] I'll be glad to help. I just had the same problem!

One of my friends, after a couple of years of eating according to a blood test, is now on Atkins very successfully. Weight loss and dieting. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose When What is intuitive eating. How to lose weight without diets, restrictions, hunger and...


Thank you! How relevant this is for me (or rather, for my husband). Natasha, I understand that your son did not count grams, but ate as much as he wanted, but certain foods. Or did I misunderstand?
My husband can't eat enough. I try to limit him, but the only thing I achieved was that he started drinking tea without sugar. My friends began to look at me askance, like my husband was starving to the sea. This is with his weight of 135 kg 8)

Interesting diet, thank you. The only thing that bothered me was counting the amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Well, you need to come up with a menu and calculate everything. Although gradually you can probably get better at it.

And the pleasure of eating cannot be replaced by anything equivalent! This is the PRIMARY human need - to eat. I haven’t tried it myself, but I think you can choose the type of food that you will enjoy with the least damage to your figure.


And thanks to everyone who responded - there is something to think about :)

Well, if intimate communication with your husband does not bring pleasure, you can try not with your husband =))) There are no expenses (maybe even replenishment of the budget), but there is a lot of adrenaline and impressions!

12/24/2003 18:01:20, I4Y

When we go on a diet or start to control our diet, we immediately crave sweets, fast food and unhealthy snacks. Scientists explain this from a psychological point of view. And in order to fight this feeling, you just need to approach the problem of losing weight correctly. Don’t think that you will have to give up all your favorite but harmful foods forever. Of course, in the process of losing weight, any candy eaten will slow down the weight loss process. However, after achieving the desired effect, you will be able to eat your favorite foods. Not daily and not in large portions, but there are no prohibitions.

In addition, nutritionists argue that food should be enjoyed, as our body expects to receive satisfaction after eating. However, in order to enjoy food, you don't need to eat it in large portions or have to eat desserts.

Firstly, it is worth understanding that we can only enjoy food when we decide exactly what we want. This, by the way, will help us get rid of overeating, because often, in search of our favorite taste, we, by inertia, eat a lot of extra foods. In order to understand what exactly you want, you need to think about treats on a full stomach. If nothing comes to mind, this means that you will not get any real pleasure from this food. If you want, say, a piece of watermelon, then you should eat it as soon as possible.

Scientists say that if a person is very dependent on sweets, then even desserts can be consumed while losing weight. However, you should choose them more wisely and watch the portions. Try to enjoy every bite that goes into your mouth. Evaluate its taste, smell, color and texture. Rest assured that within a few minutes you will feel full and will be able to overcome the desire to eat a larger portion.

Secondly, in order to enjoy even the most appetizing dishes, from your point of view, it is worth paying special attention to serving. Even exquisite meat with aromatic sauce, which will be eaten in a hurry from a plastic plate, will not leave any pleasure in your memory. If you spend a few minutes setting the table in the best restaurant traditions, then you will enjoy the food you eat much more, even if it’s banal steamed vegetables and a piece of boiled chicken breast. Plus, eating with a knife and fork takes much longer, so you'll be satisfied with less food.

Thirdly, during a meal it is worth taking short pauses to allow our brain to soberly assess the situation. And if you feel that you are no longer hungry, but your plate is not yet empty, you should not finish eating. We must gradually forget about the famous sayings of our grandparents, who came to us from the hungry post-war years. Fortunately, in modern times we do not experience a shortage of food, but it is worth using this invaluable resource responsibly, without sacrificing your own body. Not only is it possible to not finish eating, but it is also necessary if you do not feel hungry. And next time just reduce the portion.

Each of us knows: appetite is the main enemy of a beautiful figure. It is appetite, and not hunger, that pushes us to go to the refrigerator at night. It is he who insists on eating something delicious when we are already full. And many of us give up, confident that it is impossible to take complete control of our own appetite.

But if you are concerned about the question of how to overcome food addiction, you are already on the right track. You can cope with your appetite - not immediately, gradually, but if you set a goal, everything will work out. And we will show you the right direction - we will tell you how to get rid of psychological dependence on food. All you have to do is apply the acquired knowledge in practice!

You need to know the enemy by sight! Therefore, before we figure out how to distract ourselves from food, let’s talk about why and where food addiction comes from.

Agree that there are practically no people who do not like to eat delicious food. However, not every person suffers from food addiction. Where do the legs of this problem come from?

The fact is that food addiction is not a physiological need to eat, but a desire to solve one’s own psychological problems with the help of food.

Without noticing it ourselves, we eat up stress, anxiety and excitement with tasty treats. Or we fight boredom in this way. Or we don’t find other ways to have fun. In any case, the essence is the same.

Do you suffer from food addiction? You can diagnose this yourself. The main signs indicating a problem:

  • You constantly think about food: what foods are in the refrigerator, what delicious snack to have right now, what to cook for dinner, and so on.
  • When you pass by a bowl of candy or cookies, you are sure to eat something, even if you didn’t plan to.
  • You cannot control the amount of food you consume: for example, instead of the desired portion, you eat several times more.
  • Console yourself with treats in any unpleasant situation.
  • Even if you are not very hungry, you feel physical discomfort or irritation.
  • You often spend time alone with food.
  • After eating you feel guilty.
  • You don’t like to share treats with anyone, even with your family and friends.

Do you recognize yourself? This means there is a problem. Still want to know how to stop being addicted to food? Now we'll tell you!

Food addiction: how to get rid of it without excruciating pain

Here are several dozen tips for you. You don’t have to listen to everyone: even if you implement half of this list, your life will change dramatically. Shall we try?

With the help of liquid you can deceive the stomach and dull the feeling of hunger. It is best to drink plain clean water, maybe with a slice of lemon. If you want variety, brew yourself some green tea or make a glass of tomato juice.

We do not give advice on how to give up food completely - you must eat, otherwise you will only harm your body. But replacing a couple of extra meals with tea and juices is not only possible, but also necessary.

How to overcome food addiction? First of all, listen to your own feelings. Eat only when you are hungry. Stop snacking “for company” - you can chat with your loved ones over a cup of tea.

Are you used to eating while watching TV or your favorite music? Don't do that! This way you are distracted from the process, which means that you will get a lot more food.

If you prefer showering, it's time to change your habits. It has been proven that a hot bath is an excellent helper in our difficult task. It promotes relaxation, dulling of appetite, increased sweating and, accordingly, getting rid of excess fluid.

How to satisfy hunger without food? Everything ingenious is simple - you just need to do a little exercise! Not only will it help reduce your appetite a little, but it will also burn a few extra calories.

Have you ever thought about what colors surround you? But it has long been scientifically proven that one shade can whet the appetite, and another, on the contrary, reduce it. Avoid yellow, red and orange colors - they are guaranteed to push you to commit a “crime”. But blue is our best friend, helping us fight temptations.

Use a blue tablecloth, dishes, napkins for the holidays - you will eat much less.

Another answer to the question of how to get rid of hunger without food is to “feed” yourself with aromas. Everything in the world is used: perfume, aromatic candles, oil and even citrus peels. Floral or fruity scents are considered the most effective. Also among fruits and herbs, the smell of which discourages appetite, include apple, banana and mint.

Forget this word once and for all! How much you put on the plate is yours, everything else is extra. In addition, there is no need to add extra spices and seasonings - they whet the appetite. Yes, yes, this also applies to salt. Try it - and the swelling will go away, cellulite will become less pronounced, and the skin will be smoother. And this is not a complete list of what will happen if you give up salt.

How to give up junk food? That's right - hide it somewhere away! Remove baskets of sweets and cookies from the table. Better yet, replace it with a bowl of fruit that you can snack on if necessary.

How to distract yourself from food? That's right - take a walk! It is best to take it before meals. Thanks to a walk in the fresh air, hunger will be dulled, and during a meal you will eat much less. And to enhance the effect, try taking deep breaths and exhaling several times while walking and doing simple exercises.

Are you sure that sleep has nothing to do with overeating? You are wrong! A person who sleeps 5-6 hours a day is more prone to obesity than someone who rests 8 hours. How to stop being addicted to food? Start getting enough sleep, and the process of getting rid of addictions will go faster!

A great tip on how to stop yourself from eating is to press on a special point. It is located in the hollow between the nose and upper lip. Massage it for a few minutes and the feeling of hunger will dull.

Another great way to trick your body is to eat bulk, but low-calorie meals. For example, green salads or milkshakes. It will seem to you that you have eaten a lot, but in reality this is not the case.

A bag of vanilla is a must-have for any sweet tooth who wants to lose weight. As soon as you want to eat another cake, smell the vanilla and you will feel better. If you don’t have natural spices, even cosmetics or aromatherapy candles will do.

Another way to stop being dependent on food is to drink a glass of cold water before meals. This way you can partially fill your stomach, which means you will eat less. In addition, the body will spend energy to “warm” the water you drink, which means it will spend extra calories.

As you can see, there are many ways to trick your appetite and overcome your food addiction. Use it and share the results!

When we go on a diet or begin to limit ourselves in food, trying to lose weight, we forget to ask ourselves: what do I want? And this, according to the authors of the book “Intuitive Eating,” is the main issue that accompanies a harmonious life (and weight loss in the long term). What questions do you still need to learn to ask yourself in order to enjoy food again?

Many of our clients are initially afraid that if they let the pleasure of food into their lives, they will then maniacally search for what to eat. However, allowing yourself to enjoy food actually ends up leading to self-restraint rather than uncontrolled gluttony.

We asked our clients to compare a full four-course meal with just nibbling and munching on the go. If they spent time preparing food that pleased their senses of smell, touch, sight, and so on, then they inevitably reported satisfaction and a decrease in the need to eat later that evening.

Those who came home and plopped down on the couch in front of the TV with a box of crackers and a soda found themselves jumping to every commercial for another snack. They felt like they had never really eaten, and they couldn't get enough. The evening ended with a heavy stomach and disappointment.

Many people who are losing weight have lost the pleasure of eating and don’t know how to get it back. Here are steps to help our customers enjoy and be satisfied with their meals.

Step 1: What do I really want to eat?

Satisfaction comes when you have time to think about what you really want to eat, give yourself unconditional permission to eat, and then eat in a relaxing, indulgent atmosphere. In contrast, the basic principle of any diet is that you are told what to eat.

Even as a child, Jennifer was put on diets by doctors and her mother. When she first came to my office, she belligerently declared that she did not want to hear about any diets. I told her I didn't believe in diets and just wanted to know what she liked to eat. There was a look of amazement on her face. The determined 40-year-old woman was literally speechless. And having overcome her amazement, she admitted that no one in her entire life had ever asked her what she would like to eat.

Jennifer thought deeply and then said that she had no idea what she liked. In fact, this morbidly overweight woman wasn't even sure she even liked food. At the end of the appointment, Jennifer was encouraged to experiment with food over the next week to learn more about her own taste preferences.

In a week, Jennifer managed to identify only ten products that she really liked, and it turns out that she can do without everything else! The task for the next week was to eat only these ten foods and establish the actual amount of food consumed.

Once again, the results surprised the client. When she ate what she liked, she found herself eating a much smaller portion, and her total food intake for the week was less than in previous years.

If you're also having trouble figuring out what foods you actually like, the next step will help clear things up.

Step 2. Which supermarket shelf do I need?

Our clients are focused on any aspect of food consumption other than the here and now. They complain about the past and worry about the future (what will I eat, how will I lose these calories), but very rarely pay attention to the actual experience of eating food. And therefore they do not taste - they do not chew or savor food.

To find out what foods you really love and enhance your enjoyment of food, explore the sensory properties of foods. Give your taste buds and palate a thrill ride. Before you start eating, evaluate the following parameters.

Taste. Put a specific food in your mouth to see what taste sensations it stimulates. Roll the product on your tongue to understand whether it is mainly sweet, salty, sour or bitter. Is this taste pleasant, neutral, or perhaps even offensive?

Do this experiment at different times of the day to see what time a given taste tastes best. Some people have a sweet tooth at breakfast; they want waffles or pancakes. Something spicy like eggs and salsa can taste gross in the morning. Others cannot even think about sweets until mid-day.

Texture. As you roll the food on your tongue and start chewing it, feel the different textures of the food. How do you taste crunch? Does crispy food scratch when you chew it, or is it, on the contrary, pleasant? What is your reaction to soft or creamy foods? Does it remind you of baby food, is it pleasant or annoying? Some foods need to be chewed, which requires increased work of the teeth and tongue. How do you perceive this? Some foods' textures may be pleasant at different times of the day or even on different days.

Aroma. Sometimes the aroma of food has a greater impact on the desire to eat it than the taste or texture. Appreciate the different aromas produced by the products. If the aroma of your food doesn't appeal to you, you probably won't get optimal satisfaction from it. If you enjoy the smell while the food is being prepared and served, it will likely increase your satisfaction.

View. Take a look at the food you are about to eat. Does it attract the eye? Does it look fresh? Are you interested in its color?

Temperature. A steaming bowl of soup might just be the dish of the day if it's wet and cold outside. But tepid yogurt usually doesn't make you crave it if you're shivering under an umbrella. Ask yourself what food temperature is optimal for you. Do you like your hot dishes piping hot or at a moderate temperature? Do you like soft drinks with a lot of ice or is just a little better? Or is room temperature just right for everything?

Volume or filling capacity. Some products are light and airy, while others are heavy and filling. Some days you may be satisfied with just a plateful of pasta to fill your stomach, while other times you'll be more hungry for a light salad. Even if something feels great on the tongue and in the mouth, but later you feel nauseous or feel a heaviness in your stomach, satisfaction drops sharply.

Respect your taste buds. Your preferences may be for life or may change from time to time. Try to keep track of what you find appetizing and choose what gives you the most satisfaction. Knowing your taste preferences in general will lead you to the right line on the menu or the right shelf in the supermarket.

The next biggest key to enjoying food is to take a time out when you've already eaten a few bites. Are the taste and texture what you want? Is the food satisfying enough to eat? If you continue to eat just because food is in front of you, although it has already lost all its temptingness, then in the end you will simply remain unsatisfied and continue to fumble around in search of food that can satisfy you.

Step 3. Like in a restaurant

To learn how to savor food and get more satisfaction from your meals, try the following.

  1. Take time to appreciate the food. Give yourself a clear period of time for your meal. Even fifteen minutes is better than nothing.
  2. Sit down at the table. Standing by the refrigerator or pacing reduces your focus and satisfaction.
  3. Before you start eating, take a few deep breaths. Deep breathing helps you calm down, collect yourself and stop rushing.
  4. Try to eat as slowly as possible. Remember the taste buds are on your tongue, not in your stomach. Swallowing food robs you of the chance to taste it properly.
  5. From time to time during the meal, put down your fork. This will help slow down the pace.
  6. Feel the taste of every bite you put in your mouth. Experience different tastes and textures from food.
  7. Take a break mid-meal to assess your level of fullness. The food won't taste as good or be as satisfying when you reach that last bite.

Step 4. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it.

You don't have to finish your food just because you took a bite. However, how often have you tried the most tempting dessert, discovered that it was so-so, and still continued to eat? One of the great benefits of intuitive eating is the ability to let go of foods you don't like.

The main thing is to adopt the motto: “If you don’t like it, don’t eat it, but if you like it, savor it.” Order a different dish, find a different bowl in the refrigerator, or eat only the parts you like and leave the rest.

For example, Barbara talked about one banquet where she was served salad, chicken, vegetables and pasta on one plate. She only ate a spoonful of the salad and left the rest because the lettuce was drowning in a sea of ​​dressing and she didn't like it. The chicken and pasta were delicious, so she ate most of it. The vegetables turned out to be too oily, and she left them on the plate.

In the old days of dieting, she would have eaten only salad and vegetables for dietary reasons and would have been left unsatisfied, and when she got home, she would have started rummaging around in search of food.

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Comment on the article “If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food”

IMHO, the easiest way is to negotiate and cook the way she likes it. He doesn’t like soup, he doesn’t like meat, he doesn’t like vegetables. Doesn't eat fish. Naturally he doesn’t want to eat. We don't pay attention and eat with pleasure. A child refuses to eat: what to do?


Why sprinkle cheese???
My mother once stubbornly added fried onions to her favorite delicious buckwheat. No, you eat, it tastes better!!! And I sat for an hour picking out this onion with nauseating reflexes. I can’t imagine how you can do this(
My son doesn't eat cheese at all. And if I sprinkled it on him like that, I would have thrown it away myself and it would have been my own fault. Because if he doesn’t eat it, saying “it’s delicious” 10 times won’t help at all.
IMHO, the easiest way is to negotiate and cook the way she likes it.
For example, my mother cooks deliciously. But not all. Only my husband cooks scrambled eggs as deliciously as I like - with a certain level of friedness and snottyness. All other options are not tasty.
And to sprinkle something with cheese, sugar, cumin, turmeric without asking if there is a problem... is somehow strange.

It is NOT possible that she doesn't eat anything at all. She would have died already. If she's alive, she's eating. Well, let him eat what he likes. I also didn’t eat many foods and dishes. My youngest is alive too. That’s who tormented me, my grandmothers, my teachers, I wrote that at the age of 7, after a holiday with her grandmother, she weighed 13 kg, in kindergarten the teachers spoon-fed her, but nothing, she survived.

Proper nutrition for children. Doctors, clinics. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with My two older ones, about the same age, until they were three, ate these porridges at home, and in the garden and with nannies - regular food. Then calmly, I don’t remember how...


IMHO, lots of carbs, messy. But you will stand your ground until the bitter end))) and look for a gastroenterologist who will take your side...

There is no such thing as perfect :) That is. theoretically - ideal just “according to GOST”, calories, fats-proteins-carbohydrates, minerals are precisely calculated, gentle processing methods are used, etc. But such nutrition is not for everybody, both in terms of cooking and according to taste.
Kmk, food should
- approach and please the child (I can’t stand fights over “unloved porridge”)
- don’t be excessive (if he doesn’t want to, let him not eat)
- do not overexert your mother (if ideal nutrition involves cooking various complex dishes in a saucepan five times a day - this is only for fans)
- IMHO, anything is possible, the question is quantity.

As a result, mine ate partly in the garden, partly at home. Because My husband and I have very different tastes, from me the children received something unsalted, not fatty, etc., then from my husband they could grab fried potatoes with eggs, pasta/buckwheat with stewed meat (but this is more common on hikes), pilaf. .. Sweets are out in the open, but I have a sweet tooth and the children are quite calm about it. They still don’t drink soda (themselves), chips very rarely (maybe once a month or less). The flight is normal, there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract or weight. The eldest had a small tooth and generally consumed a very small range of foods (she ate neither raw/cooked vegetables, nor salads, nor berries, nor fish, nor soups - except for one thing, neither cheese, nor... in short, nothing), by the age of 10 she became there is almost everything.
In short, nothing is perfect :)

By the way:) you can also cling to the legalization of prohibited foods in intuitive nutrition, just like Brin:) like, what does it mean if it’s about nutrition, as Brin advises! Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose the right diet and...


It's simple, there is such a thing as body quality. If you don't watch the foods you eat, for example. Instead of eating healthy foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the day, and eating cake, French fries with a Big Mac and going for a run or to the gym, then of course you will not gain weight, and maybe you will lose weight, but at the same time you will not look beautiful If you are, everything will be flabby and saggy, but thin. And if you want to have a beautiful body, then no Big Macs or sweets.

The person is trying to convey the second law of thermodynamics. 1. Foods can be as healthy as you like, but if their calorie content is higher than what you spent, you get fat. 2. if you eat only chocolate, but its calorie content is less than your expenses, you lose weight. Here, the usefulness of food for the body is not considered and how long you can last on chocolate either.

About food and weight. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Teenagers. A significant part of a healthy lifestyle is a healthy attitude towards food, recognizing feelings of hunger and satiety, and the ability to enjoy food. I never forced you to eat: if you don’t want to, don’t eat.

Amount for food in the report? Paperwork AFTER. Adoption. Amount for food in the report? My tutelage excelled again! I’m asking how much per day should I be charged for food? On the inclusion of food and hygiene expenses in the “guardianship” report.


The report has already been submitted - at the rate of 200 rubles per day *365 = 73,000 rubles, not Moscow, a child of 1.10 years old was accepted without receipts, I wrote a receipt for the amount.

we have 150 a day, and now and five years ago the same amount was allowed to be written off))

Section: Need advice (which nutritional system to choose for weight loss if you have problems with Girls, hello! I’m coming to you for help. Before the New Year, my husband said that he was getting a divorce. There are also supermarkets with food, if you have a place to cook, then on But often this happens ...


To begin with, it would be good to take thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4), glucose or glycated hemoglobin (preferred), lipid profile (total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL). You can take it yourself in any laboratory. Or you can go to a therapist and ask for a referral. Based on the test results, look further to determine which specialist is needed. As for the heart, do an ultrasound first. Regarding blood pressure, you can also check your kidneys just in case, but the therapist will tell you that. After such a medical examination, it will become clear what health problems there are. In accordance with them, establish proper nutrition. It should be balanced and correspond to your state of health. Here, for example, is the therapeutic diet N8 for obesity [link-1]

1. stop being whiny.
2. Go to an endocrinologist, get tested and have an ultrasound
3. Go to a therapist with your heart and blood pressure and get a consultation.
4. No diets needed. Just normal healthy eating.
5. don’t lose weight for your husband, if he wants to get a divorce (and by the way, everyone has the right to do this), he will get a divorce and nothing and no one will stop him. Lose weight only for yourself and only for yourself. To make it easy, to have a good complexion, to be in a good mood.
6. find out exactly how much you weigh (the options probably seem to be around - they disappear, you need to know for sure). Buy scales, weight loss is an exact science, loves scrupulousness, accuracy and consistency.
7. Did your cardiologist determine that you have heart problems? And why physical the load is prohibited, the doctor forbade it? And then no one demands Olympic records; walking at a comfortable pace for 40 minutes is very useful for losing weight. Walking is generally good.

Food is like joy. Figure and problem areas. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with those who are losing weight. If you don't like it, don't eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food.


Even before giving birth, I weighed 80 kg. Then I needed to lose about 15 kg to get pregnant. I couldn’t stay on diets for a long time. But I made a salad (cabbage, cucumber, leaves of any green salad and 1 teaspoon of butter) and radishes (instead of bread) as a side dish. And any cutlet meat. In fact, it’s great to lose your body. And I didn’t stick to it for any length of time. As soon as I quit breastfeeding, I’ll immediately switch to the same food. So don’t worry, everything will work out!!!

Treat yourself to a new lover!))) it helps so much!))

Section: ...I find it difficult to choose a section (report types of expenses for a foster child, what expenses should be written in the food column). We need advice from PSs who have several adopted children and are preparing several reports. We often buy food and hygiene products on...

If you don't like it, don't eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food. What questions do you still need to learn to ask yourself in order to enjoy food again? However, if you allow yourself to enjoy your food, it actually ends up...


I don’t see any downsides to a capsule coffee machine. Good coffee is also not cheap, so it cannot be said that a drink made from such coffee will be much cheaper.

In large coffee machines, I think it is necessary to have such a function as using ground coffee. Otherwise, you need to load grain in large quantities, but it “fizzles out.” IMHO, one of the advantages of pods is that the coffee is hermetically sealed in them. Plus, you can get different varieties to suit all tastes.

We also brew coffee in Turkish for now. Definitely on weekends. On weekdays before work, rarely, maybe. The time is calculated in minutes, and standing over the Turk so that the coffee doesn’t run away is most often lazy.

Now I am choosing between 2 Dolonghi models - EN 720 M and EN 265.

We have this one, we (more precisely, I, as the main coffee consumer in the family:) are very pleased:) every morning (and during the day, and even in the evening, when there are things to do:) always fresh aromatic coffee - espresso, lungo, cappuccino, for every taste :)

After all, it is unnatural not to enjoy food :) But you can also enjoy a small portion. From food - I didn’t eat any fried fish or fish derivatives (pies, cutlets, fish soup), no caviar, mushrooms, liver or any offal...


Your post is a clear “real life” example for R. Schwartz’s book “Diets Don’t Work.” I highly recommend reading it. Available in electronic form on Librusec.

I believe that it depends on the brain if it allows overeating, i.e. If you don’t have discomfort (heaviness, laziness throughout the whole body), then you will have to control it forcibly, and this is more difficult than for thin people, they do it automatically, or digestion happens at random.

Protein-free diet. Nutrition. Other children. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose Secondly, eating habits, I can’t eat so much protein food, it’s hard for me, and then I can’t replenish fluid loss, it’s uncomfortable for me and again it’s hard.


I decided to try a protein diet, since I can’t stand simple fasting. I suffered for a month and developed many health problems. Not mine. I decided again to just eat less (which is very difficult), and I was advised to take 7-slim, as it not only promotes weight loss, but also reduces the feeling of hunger. And I really liked it. I really didn’t feel like eating and my general condition was good. And the weight dropped by 2.5 kg per week.

10.27.2018 16:42:55, Irina67

It depends on what results should be visible. :)))
You can’t sit on a protein-free diet. Protein deficiency (especially in a growing child's body) is a terrible thing.

There is such a thing as the minimum number of essential amino acids that a person should receive from food. And if this MINIMUM quantity is not observed, there will be serious problems with somatics (cardiovascular system, skin-hair-teeth-nails, growth and much more).

You definitely shouldn’t experiment with protein restriction yourself. Especially essential amino acids, which are not synthesized in the body themselves, and a person can only get them from the outside with food.

The meaning of food - and for many adults - is to gain pleasure. If you don’t make children enjoy it, they won’t eat it, yeah. I believe pleasures should be manageable, I teach children to enjoy what is useful, and to despise aimless or...


Excuse me, for God's sake, but do you cook delicious food? And then some mothers cook something tasteless, watery, unsalted, and then they are sincerely surprised that their child doesn’t eat. My mother cooked this way when I was little, and I was firmly convinced that I didn’t like the first one, I just couldn’t stand it. And then she somehow began to fry onions and carrots, put in tomato paste, salt, pepper, pickle, kharcho, and at the age of 10 I made an amazing discovery - the soup is TASTY. I don’t want to offend you in any way, but maybe you’ll think about this topic?

Did her behavior or well-being change somehow after she didn’t eat for 2.5 days??? And did she really not eat ANYTHING at all or was there 2 cookies here, a piece of candy there... Maybe she lives on these interceptions, but her body requires little food. But!!! You need to check about worms - you made the right decision. And yet, you could also talk to a good psychologist, or at least consult by phone -... maybe her poor appetite is somehow connected??? Well, that's just a guess.
My child, in principle, eats normally, but firstly, I have been trying to stick to the regime since early childhood, and secondly, she has a clear relationship between the amount of physical activity and appetite.
And yet, she is usually not interested in all sorts of delights. she will gladly eat just boiled chicken rather than baked chicken with something.

Intensity of classes - from 1 time a week, to REGULAR 2-3 times a week or 3 hours a week
Intuition - intuitively find the type of exercise from which you will not only lose weight, but also enjoy it
Variety - do not focus on one type of activity, but diversify the load.

The book gives a clear sequence of where to start, which muscle groups, and how much time to spend on it.

TOPIC NUTRITION - a sinusoidal diet of “carbohydrate alternation” is given, I have a printed one, write to me and I will send it to you. The basic principle is that the amount of carbohydrates fluctuates throughout the week, which will speed up metabolism. The products are all simple, the diet is inexpensive, the number of calories per day is 1400-1600. Moreover, it is also possible to divide food according to the principle of separate meals, which is just an additional plus. SUNDAY IS FOOD PERMISSIBILITY DAY. The time to enter the diet is about 2 weeks for the most inveterate eaters. the result is visible within a month :)) which cannot but rejoice.

a separate topic in the book is home workouts, several blocks of 30 minutes each.

Self-massage - how to do it correctly at home

A separate topic is pharmacology, what you should drink and WHAT not to drink at all during exercise and weight control. There is a selection of vitamins - several options. I never get around to it, but I feel like I need to :)))

In general, I have only positive impressions from this book; it is written in an easy, relaxed manner. The authors are St. Petersburg instructors who have been specifically conducting research for a long time. Many points become clear and understandable, at least now I can now not torment the instructors at the club with stupid questions :)))

If you have started the fight for your beauty, you CANNOT stop, a break of 2 weeks WILL CROSS out ALL RESULTS! that is, classes must be constant until the end of life.

If you don't like it, don't eat it. 4 ways to enjoy food. Step 1. What I really want to eat. Step 2. Which supermarket shelf do I need? Step 3. It's like being in a restaurant. Step 4. If you don't like it, don't eat it. What questions do you still need to learn to ask yourself in order to...


You see, I had this too. But the main problem is that when you get behind the wheel you don’t feel full control over the car, and there is a fear that it will “throw something out”... But as you interact with the car, fear develops into a feeling of control over the car and even in some cases, into friendship with her. This will most likely pass for you. Understand the main thing to drive normally and get rid of fear!!! Then everything will work out! By the way, fear can be in front of the person who is sitting with you, be it an instructor or even a husband. That's exactly what happened to me! Try driving alone in deserted areas: just driving, turning and even making sharp turns, this will definitely help you. And when learning, you need to feel the car and listen to its noise... then everything becomes easier.. If you are still interested in anything, write to me by email [email protected] I'll be glad to help. I just had the same problem!

One of my friends, after a couple of years of eating according to a blood test, is now on Atkins very successfully. Weight loss and dieting. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose When What is intuitive eating. How to lose weight without diets, restrictions, hunger and...


Thank you! How relevant this is for me (or rather, for my husband). Natasha, I understand that your son did not count grams, but ate as much as he wanted, but certain foods. Or did I misunderstand?
My husband can't eat enough. I try to limit him, but the only thing I achieved was that he started drinking tea without sugar. My friends began to look at me askance, like my husband was starving to the sea. This is with his weight of 135 kg 8)

Interesting diet, thank you. The only thing that bothered me was counting the amount of proteins and carbohydrates. Well, you need to come up with a menu and calculate everything. Although gradually you can probably get better at it.

And the pleasure of eating cannot be replaced by anything equivalent! This is the PRIMARY human need - to eat. I haven’t tried it myself, but I think you can choose the type of food that you will enjoy with the least damage to your figure.


And thanks to everyone who responded - there is something to think about :)

Well, if intimate communication with your husband does not bring pleasure, you can try not with your husband =))) There are no expenses (maybe even replenishment of the budget), but there is a lot of adrenaline and impressions!

12/24/2003 18:01:20, I4Y

One of the modern problems that contribute to excess weight is the inability to enjoy food. Increasingly, modern girls do not have time to cook food, so they buy, order pizza, go to fast food or a cafe. All this contributes to the appearance of excess weight. If you learn to enjoy food, extra pounds won't be a problem. A few recommendations and you will succeed:

1. Use seasonings for cooking

To make the dishes very tasty and aromatic, add seasonings, for example, basil, curry, chili, mint, cardamom, etc. Seasonings help break down fats and harmful carbohydrates. You just need to know what seasonings to add where. Here are some examples:

  • To make 1 liter of homemade ketchup tasty, add 1/2 tbsp. spoons of cayenne pepper;
  • for 1 liter of delicious chicken soup you need to add 1/2 teaspoon of chili;
  • a few cloves must be added to meat and fish;
  • To improve the taste of rice and pasta dishes, add curry or saffron;
  • use cinnamon for making desserts;
  • Another delicious seasoning for meat, vegetables and pickled mushrooms is marjoram.

In order not to overdo it, first add seasonings gradually, purify and bring to the desired taste. After a few experiments, you will learn how to add all the seasonings “by eye”. If you add the spice a few minutes before the end of cooking, the aroma of the dish will be incredible.

2. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly

To enjoy your dish and get the most out of your meal, cut foods into small pieces and chew thoroughly. Thanks to this, you will feel full faster, and, therefore, eat less than usual. And the food will be digested much better.

3. Concentrate on food

To learn this there are some tips:

  • When eating, concentrate on the tip of your tongue;
  • close your eyes while chewing food;
  • Chew each piece for about 30 seconds, and more if you can;
  • enjoy the aroma of cooked dishes.

4. Don't give up on fun

If you love sweets, then you don’t need to give them up once and for all; sometimes you can treat yourself to sweets, but only in the first half of the day. Dietary meals should be eaten after lunch and before bed, for example, it could be chicken broth, salad or fruit. To reduce your appetite, drink a glass of still water an hour and a half before your main meal.

5. Learn Cooking

Buy yourself a cookbook or look for recipes online. Cuisines from around the world will improve your gastronomic capabilities and diversify your diet. Replace regular pasta with delicious carbonara pasta, dumplings with unusual ravioli, and instead of pie, prepare lasagne, etc.

6. Enjoy the process

Learn not only how to cook properly, but also how to eat cooked dishes. Buy beautiful dishes, set the table every time, learn to use all the cutlery. Thus, you will turn an ordinary family dinner into a royal feast, thanks to which the process of eating eating will be a real pleasure.

7. In stressful situations, there is no need to run to the refrigerator

Very often, women eat away their problems with sweets and cakes. Thus, the main principle is to fill the stomach, and not to get pleasure. Because of this, you are definitely guaranteed to be overweight.

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