Wuthering Heights Quotes in English. Quotes from the novel Wuthering Heights

Perhaps one of the most exciting and unpredictable books about love.

And if it crumbled into dust or worse, what would you dream about then? - I said.
- About crumbling into dust with her.

Will Katherine suffer greatly if she loses him? I'm afraid of what will happen, and this fear holds me back. This shows the difference between his love and mine: if I were in his place, and he in mine, even if the fiercest hatred burned me, I would never have raised my hand against him. ... I would never expel him from her company as long as she wants to be close to him. At that hour, when she became indifferent to him, I would tear his heart out of his chest and drink his blood! But until then - if you don’t believe me, you don’t know me - until then I would allow myself to be cut into pieces, but would not touch a hair on his head!

I love the ground under his feet, and the air above his head, and everything he touches, and every word he says. I love his every look, and every movement, and all of him!

We all started and all stumbled and stumbled at the threshold. If our teachers had teased us instead of helping us, we would still be stumbling and stumbling to this day.

How do you manage to live here without books? ... Take my books away and I will fall into despair.

He is not a person, he has no right to my pity. I gave him my heart, and he took it, stabbed it to death and threw it back to me.

Your society is a poison that inevitably poisons even the purest soul.

You razed my palace to the ground - don’t build a shack now and don’t be touched by your own mercy by allowing me to settle in it.

With a good heart your face it would become beautiful even if you were blacker than a blackamoor; but with an evil heart beautiful face becomes worse than ugly.

He will never know how much I love him! And I love not because he is handsome, Nelly, but because he is more me than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his soul and mine are one; and Linton's soul is as different from ours as moonbeam from lightning or frost from fire.

What doesn't remind you of her? I can’t even look at my feet without her face appearing here on the floor slabs! It is in every cloud, in every tree - it fills the air at night, during the day it appears in the outlines of objects - her image is everywhere around me! The most ordinary faces, male and female, my own features - everything teases me with its likeness. The whole world is a terrible panopticon, where everything reminds me that she existed and that I lost her.

If he had loved her with all his insignificant being, in eighty years he would not have given her as much love as I did in one day.

I didn’t break your heart - you broke it; and, having broken it, she broke mine too. It's all the worse for me because I'm strong. Can I live? What kind of life will it be when you... Oh God! Would you like to live when your soul is in the grave?

If everything else disappears, but he remains, I will not yet disappear from existence; if everything else remains, but is no longer there, the universe for me will turn into something huge and alien, and I will no longer be a part of it. My love for Linton is like the leaves in the forest: I know that time will change it, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff is like the eternal layers of stone in the bowels of the earth. She is a source that does not provide obvious pleasure, but is nevertheless necessary.

You said I killed you, so chase me! The murdered, I believe, haunt the murderers. I know that ghosts sometimes roam the earth! Be with me always... take on any image you like... Drive me crazy, just don’t leave me in this abyss where I can’t find you! Oh my God! There are no words for this! I can't live without my life! I can't live without my soul!


Mystery novel included in the top ten best novels of all times and peoples!

The story of a stormy, truly demonic passion that has been exciting the imagination of readers for more than one hundred and fifty years."

Katie gave her heart cousin, but ambition and thirst for wealth push her into the arms of a rich man. A forbidden attraction turns into a curse for secret lovers, and one day...

Vivid realistic story about life English province with all its prejudices, secret vices, passions, bigotry and dramas.

Quotes from the book

Reasonable man must be content with the company that he himself presents.

“If everything else disappears, but he remains, I will not yet disappear from existence; if everything else remains, but he is gone, the universe for me will turn into something huge and alien, and I will no longer be a part of it.”

Proud people feed their own evil sorrows.

“My love for Linton is like the leaves in the forest: I know that time will change it, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff is like the eternal stone layers in the bowels of the Earth. It is a source that does not give obvious pleasure, but it is necessary.”

And I love not because he is handsome, but because he is more me than I am.

What doesn't remind you of her? I can’t even look at my feet without her face appearing here on the floor slabs! It is in every cloud, in every tree - it fills the air at night, during the day it appears in the outlines of objects - her image is everywhere around me! The most ordinary faces, male and female, my own features - everything teases me with its likeness. The whole world is a terrible panopticon, where everything reminds me that she existed and that I lost her.

Betrayal and violence are spears sharpened at both ends: the one who uses them, they hurt more painfully than his opponent.

A stranger is always a stranger, whether he is rich or poor.

“This shows the difference between his love and mine: if I were in his place, and he in mine, even if the fiercest hatred burned me, I would never have raised my hand to him. Do you look incredulously? Yes, never! Never I would expel him from her company while she wants to be near him. At the hour when he became indifferent to her, I would tear his heart out of his chest and drink his blood. But until then - if you don’t believe me, you won’t! you know me - until then I would allow myself to be cut into pieces, but I would not touch a hair on his head!

You said I killed you, so chase me! The murdered, I believe, haunt the murderers. I know that ghosts sometimes roam the earth! Be with me always... take on any image you like... Drive me crazy, just don’t leave me in this abyss where I can’t find you!

Any thing left over from those who were dear to us during their lifetime becomes a priceless relic for us.

Are you a Mister Edgar fan?
- How can you not love him? Of course I do.
- Why do you love him, Miss Katie?
- Nonsense! I love you - that's all.
- No, that's not the answer. You have to say - why?
- Well, because he is handsome and it’s nice to be with him.
- Bad! - I noticed.
- And because he is young and cheerful.
- How bad!
- And because he loves me.
- Empty, that’s not the point.
- And he will be rich, and I, of course, will become the first lady in the area. And I can be proud that I have such a husband.
- Even worse!...

“You loved me - so what right did you have to leave me? What right - answer! For the sake of your pathetic inclination towards Linton? .. When disasters, and humiliation, and death are all that God and the devil can send - nothing is in If you had the power to separate us, you did it yourself of your own free will. It was not I who broke your heart, and, having broken it, you also broke mine. How can I live? , when you... Oh God! Would you like to live when your soul is in the grave?

A good heart is the key to a beautiful face, my boy, even if it is black, like a black man. And an evil temper will make even a handsome man worse than just ugly.

People here live more focused, live more to their inner world- not on the surface, not in changes, not in the lightweight and external. It is now clear to me that life in the wilderness can become desirable, and just recently I would not have believed that you could voluntarily live a whole year in one place.

He is more me than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his soul and mine are one; and Linton's soul is as different from ours as a moonbeam from lightning or frost from fire.

My big thought in life is him and him. If everything else disappears, but he remains, I will not yet disappear from existence; if everything else remains, but is no longer there, the universe for me will turn into something huge and alien, and I will no longer be a part of it. My love for Linton is like the leaves in the forest: I know that time will change it, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff is like the eternal layers of stone in the bowels of the earth. She is a source that does not provide obvious pleasure, but is nevertheless necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff! He is always, always in my thoughts: not as joy and not as someone for whom I rejoice more than for myself, but as my whole being.

I want to go to the field! I want to become a girl again, half wild, brave and free; and laugh in response to insults, and not go crazy because of them! Why have I changed so much? Why, as soon as they say a word to me, does my blood boil like hell? I am sure that I would become myself again, if only I could find myself among the heather on those hills. Open the window again - wide open!

Is Mr. Heathcliff really a man? And if so, is he mad? And if not, then who is he - the devil?

You make me understand how cruel you were - cruel and deceitful. Why did you neglect me? Why did you betray your own heart, Katie? I have no words of consolation. You deserve it. You killed yourself. Yes, you can kiss me, and cry, and extort kisses and tears from me: in them is your death... your sentence. You loved me - so what right did you have to leave me? What right - answer! For your pathetic inclination towards Linton?... When disasters, and humiliation, and death - all that God and the devil can send - nothing could separate us, you did it yourself of your own free will. I didn’t break your heart - you broke it; and, having broken it, she broke mine too. It's all the worse for me because I'm strong. Can I live? What kind of life will it be when you... Oh my God! Would you like to live when your soul is in the grave?

I don’t know, maybe it’s just my weirdness, but I rarely experience any feeling other than happiness when I’m sitting over a dead person, unless someone close to him, violently dying or frozen in hopeless melancholy, shares this mournful duty with me. . Then I see peace, which will not be disturbed by the forces of earth and hell, and I am filled with faith in an endless cloudless future - eternal peace, where the soul enters, a world where life is limitless in its duration, and love in its compassion, and joy in its fullness.

One is gold, which is used to pave the road like cobblestones; and the other is tin, rubbed until it shines, to serve as a substitute for silver.

My mind is always so closed in on itself that I am finally tempted to turn it out in front of another person.

Betrayal and violence are spears sharpened at both ends: the one who uses them, they hurt more painfully than his opponent.

I forgive the harm you caused me. I love my murderer... But yours... How can I love him too?

I felt her nearby... I almost saw her - and yet I didn’t see her! Right, bloody sweat came out of melancholy and longing... from my fervent plea to let me look at her at least once! I didn't want to! She turned into the same devil that she often appeared to me. And since then I have always, sometimes to a greater or lesser extent, endured this unbearable, hellish torment.

I cannot express it, but, of course, you and everyone have the feeling that our “I” exists - or should exist - not only within ourselves, but also somewhere outside. What good would it be to create me if I were entirely here?

Just as the sea cannot be contained in the print of a horse’s hoof, so her feeling cannot belong entirely to Linton.

I can’t even look at my feet without her face appearing here on the floor slabs! It is in every cloud, in every tree - it fills the air at night, during the day it appears in the outlines of objects - her image is everywhere around me! The most ordinary faces, male and female, my own features - everything teases me with its likeness. The whole world is a terrible panopticon, where everything reminds me that she existed and that I lost her.

I remember that the task of dictating the inscription for his tombstone and negotiating this matter with the gravediggers turned out to be extremely painful for me; and since he had no surname and we could not indicate his age, we had to limit ourselves to one word: “Heathcliff.” And so it happened. If you go to the churchyard, you will read on his gravestone only this and the date of his death.

You said I killed you, so chase me! The murdered, I believe, haunt the murderers. I know that ghosts sometimes roam the earth! Be with me always... take on any image you like... Drive me crazy, just don’t leave me in this abyss where I can’t find you! Oh my God! There are no words for this! I can't live without my life! I can't live without my soul!

A reasonable person should be content with the society that he himself presents.

Proud people feed their own evil sorrows.

This shows the difference between his love and mine: if I were in his place, and he in mine, even if the fiercest hatred burned me, I would never have raised my hand against him. Are you looking incredulous? Yes, never! I would never expel him from her company as long as she wants to be near him. At that hour, when she became indifferent to him, I would tear his heart out of his chest and drink his blood! But until then - if you don’t believe me, you don’t know me - until then I would allow myself to be cut into pieces, but would not touch a hair on his head!

If I went to heaven, I would be endlessly unhappy there. I once dreamed that I was in heaven... heaven did not seem to be my home; and my heart was breaking, I wanted to cry so much. I asked to return to earth; and the angels got angry and threw me straight into the heather at Wuthering Heights; and there I woke up, sobbing with joy. This will explain my secret to you, and everything else. It is not a matter for me to marry Edgar Linton, just as it is not a matter for me to be blissful in paradise; and if this angry man If I hadn’t belittled Heathcliff like that, I wouldn’t have even thought about such a marriage. And now to marry Heathcliff would mean to stoop to him. He will never know how much I love him! And I love not because he is handsome, Nelly, but because he is more me than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his soul and mine are one; and Linton's soul is as different from ours as a moonbeam from lightning or frost from fire.

Are you a Mister Edgar fan?
- How can you not love him? Of course I do.
- Why do you love him, Miss Katie?
- Nonsense! I love you - that's all.
- No, that's not the answer. You have to say - why?
- Well, because he is handsome and it’s nice to be with him.
- Bad! - I noticed.
- And because he is young and cheerful.
- How bad!
- And because he loves me.
- Empty, that’s not the point.
- And he will be rich, and I, of course, will become the first lady in the area. And I can be proud that I have such a husband.
- Even worse!...

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