Quotes about sweets in English. Famous and not so famous quotes about sweets

Mom brought oriental sweets, sits at the computer, eats. Me: - Mmmm, how delicious it looks... And which of these is the least calorie-rich? Mom, without looking up from the monitor: - PLATE!

She loves to watch him eat sweets and is happy when she sees his smile.

My life lacked sweetness and then I met you...

How to explain to a child that you and your friends fucking devoured all his sweets!

SPA salon, shopping and sweets are the best cure for all diseases....).

She catches snowflakes with her eyelashes, talks about the sweetness of snow, and still believes in fairy tales and a happy ending!

The lips of a loved one, the most delicious sweetness I have ever tasted =)))

…Love is the sweetness that makes my heart fat and which is reflected in my eyes and smile as “Total Tenderness”

The sweetness of warm speeches The tenderness of affectionate nights You sincerely give only to me alone I appreciate every hour

Even in the future, without bitterness, sweetness is not a joy.

You have all the sweetness, you have all the salt.. You have my joy, you have my pain..

His hot tongue playfully licked this sweetness. He did it quickly, playfully and with eyes closed... Mm.. licked the ice cream.

***Mmmm, the sweetness of your lips drives me crazy***

And all your tenderness flows through your fingers like sugar syrup, and I through your lips to your palms. and I catch the sweetness with my lips.

Waiting and hoping that we will be together is like saying “halva” aimlessly, counting on the sweetness in your mouth..

Chapped lips, a piece of chocolate and the intoxicating sweetness of a cigarette, and dancing in a nightclub until you drop, and I look pretty disgusting, but still the question is in my head: “WHERE ARE YOU?!?”

“no bitterness, baby, and sweetness is not sweetness!!” (Vanilla Sky)

There is an amazing sweetness on the lips, Our souls are sinfully close, And it is not blood, but anxious joy that strains the temples to the point of pain...

Thank you for the spicy smell, for the sweetness of your lips given to me... Every evening I come to the fountain to look at the key rusting at the bottom.

pay through the nose to experience the sweetness and unforgettableness of a SESSION twice a year!

“What I’m sad about is sunk deep into my heart; And tears... tears bring sweetness to us, They make my soul feel lighter...”

What is the sweetest sweet in the world? Sugar - I could once answer. Honey, marmalade, pastille.. and sherbet.. Only now I understood the answer

dreams, dreams, where is your sweetness? the dreams are gone, what remains is disgusting!!!

And again the sweetness of your tender lips...

Remember you said that I have sweet lips? So you will never wash away this sweetness with any bitterness. You will always remember...

It’s just that sometimes it hurts me to remember his eyes, the caress of his touches, the sweetness of his lips and understand that this will forever remain in the past... it’s very painful.

people send everything to hell, there is fun and they give sweets!

What's on her mind? Wind or sweets, in any case, something difficult to digest...

I want to be little... so that I don't have problems... and so that I'm interested... only in sweets.

drawn to banalities - to love and sweets!

You're like Coca-Cola, sex and sweets. I want you always and a lot.

3 things disappear unnoticed: money, keys and your favorite sweets..)

He brought her sweets on weekends, Read the lines in her palms, And he did not know greater joy in the world - Than calling her by name...

You have 5 minutes to taste the sweetness of your plight. Realize it, enjoy it and forget about it:((

In rhymes there is a sonority free from carelessness... She keeps bitter poison in sweetness... She keeps bitter poison in tenderness......

Without sorrow you cannot know joy, without eating salty you cannot taste sweets.

No sweets in the world can compare with his lips...

She loves plush wonders... Loves him... Loves sweets... Taste sweet life…)))

Many people do not understand the sweetness that is inside a happy person.

Nine out of ten people say they love chocolate. The tenth person always lies.
John Tullius

Chocolate can even heal a broken heart.
John Tucker

Willpower is when you break a chocolate bar into four pieces and eat only one.
Judith Vioret

True aristocrats always start their day with a serving of chocolate.
Elena Usacheva. Prisoners of Twilight. Wish

We all sometimes dream... about the impossible... but as soon as you eat a chocolate bar, it becomes easier.
Closed school

What you see before you is the result of a life full of chocolate.
Katharine Hepburn

There are two types of people in the world: those who love chocolate and communists.
Leslie Moke Murray

Love is nothing more than a substitute for chocolate.
Miranda Ingram

Chocolate is not a substitute for love. Love is a substitute for chocolate.
Miranda Ingram

Mikhail Mamchich

When a person is upset, he eats candy. He probably uses them to plug holes in himself. The boy finally understood why the candies in boxes are round, square, and triangular. It’s just that no one knows in advance what shape his sad hole will be.......:)
Nadeya Yasminska

Everything else is just food. And chocolate is chocolate.
Patrick Skene Catling

I think the best thing about being an adult is being able to buy candy whenever and wherever you want.
Ryan Gosling

When you feel bad, you need to get a good night's sleep, or cry for 10 minutes, or eat a whole bar of chocolate, or even all together, - best medicine and you can't imagine it.
Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine

Research shows that 14 out of every 10 people love chocolate.
Sandra Boynton

Honey is so sweet that it finally turns bitter. Too much flavor kills the taste.
William Shakespeare

There is nothing more metaphysical in the world than chocolate.
Fernando Pessoa

You know that chocolate promotes the production of endorphins. Creates a feeling of falling in love. Hee.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

No chocolate - no breakfast!
Charles Dickens. Notes from the Pickwick Club

All I need is love - and a little chocolate.
Charles Schultz

There is a CHILD in each of us!...Don't forget to buy HIM ice cream!

There is a child in each of us. Don't forget to buy him chocolates.

Everything is great in our life!!! Blackberry and strawberry! Everything is raspberry and ice cream! Chocolate and cake!!!

The Lord gave angels wings and gave people chocolate.

If I eat a lot of sweets, it doesn't mean I'll be fat, it means I'll be sweet.

A woman needs little: admiration and chocolate.

People cannot live on chocolate alone, with the exception of women.

Too much sweet is harmful, but too little is offensive...

So what if I eat a lot of sweets! And this doesn’t mean that I will be plump, I will be sweet!

Food is divided into four main groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and chocolate truffles.

Let's save the Earth - after all, this is the only planet, which has chocolate on it!

Cake is a delight, cake is a delight, Cake is a treat for dear friends... Made with tenderness, with care and affection. The cake is homemade, beloved and sweet...

I want chocolate covered chocolate!

Chocolate is extracted from cocoa beans. Beans are vegetables. Sugar - from sugar beets. Beetroot is a vegetable. So, chocolate is also a vegetable, and vegetables are good for health!

Do you know that feeling that you can’t live a day without chocolate and candy? And sometimes, already lying in your bed, you cannot fall asleep, knowing that somewhere there, on the very top shelf in the kitchen cabinet, you have hidden a “sweet bunny” from yourself. Sweet! No, today we will not write about cake recipes, about making homemade cookies, about our favorite meringue, soufflé and tiramisu. Today in our publication we talk will go sooner about spiritual food, but the topic, believe me, will be the sweetest. So, we present to your attention some original ones for our sweets.

Childish spontaneity

There are actually many reasons to love sweets, and, in our opinion, one of the most significant is the opportunity to feel like a carefree child, to return to a happy childhood, when the most important things were associated with sweets. pleasant memories. Having become adults, we still often “sin” with sweets, eating problems. Trying to distract ourselves from troubles, we not only look for consolation in sweets, but also gain strength, no, not physical, but moral.

One very sweet girl, our contemporary, children’s writer from Belarus, Nadya Yasminska, wrote: “The boy knew: when a person is upset, he eats candy to plug holes in himself. And now he understood why there were all the candies in the box different shapes: There are round, square, and rectangular. After all, you don’t yet know what it will be like, this sad hole.” How spontaneous and sweet these words sound from the lips of a sweet child! How wise, simple and precise children are! After all, as you know, “through the mouth of a child the truth speaks.” This quote about sweets is like an axiom that becomes an indisputable revelation. When we teach a child to adapt to the world around us, do not forget to learn from him yourself. Why? Only children know what they really want, they know how to achieve it, and they always have the courage and courage to make their dreams come true.

Passion about sweets

“If I eat a lot of sweets, then I will not be fat, but sweet!” Did you smile? Let's continue our “sweet” theme. The following quote about the sweet life of the famous Russian artist Nikolai (Nikas) Safronov is simple and laconic: “Life is good if everyone goes to work in the morning, and you go to the pool.” “There is not a single word about sweets here,” you say. Learn to read between the lines, dear reader, and you will see in this expression elements of the so-called sweet life, with the absence pressing problems and worries, you will see the life of a wealthy person who can afford the Bahamas, and sleep until lunch, and the cherry on the cake. But do not rush to grieve, because for them, after all, the lucky ones, oh how difficult it is to preserve the taste of the sweet life, not to make it ordinary and insipid. As you know, the best is the enemy of the good!

“Why is life sometimes so bitter and nasty, because you can’t have something sweet every day!” And to confirm these words, let us quote the talented Vladimir Mayakovsky and his work “The Tale of Petya, the Fat Child, and Sim, the Thin One”: “They drink tea in a colorful mug. The workers have no money, Sima rarely has candy, but it’s sweeter than a whole box for Petya.” A quote about sweets in one line will show the whole essence of life.

Anything happens

The famous travel writer Robert Stevenson wrote: “The only difference between a good meal and life is that the sweets are served at the end.” By sweet we mean not only sweets and gingerbreads; sweet moments in life include our memories of the first kiss, the long-awaited birth of a child, a trip, and kind words. loved one. It was beautiful quote about sweets, it inspires, makes you smile and, most importantly, think about life.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to add that one should not confuse addiction and the desire to pamper oneself with sweets. It’s not even bad that sometimes you want to eat a piece of cake or a couple of sweets, but don’t forget: “The cake will be in your mouth for two minutes, in your stomach for several hours, but on your hips, alas, for the rest of your life!”

And cutlets, and sweets, so what for we need diets...

And I am beginning to understand that it gives me great pleasure. No, these are not flowers and sweets. This is when I cook him lunch every day.

Now it’s romance for the guys: candy, flowers and smiles, and for the girls beer, sex, cigarettes.

in America they give out candy and all sorts of candy for Halloween, but here we give it out for Easter)

Only he knows what kind of candies I like, and only he has no idea what and how I like to talk about.

You know, I love you! Like candy for a ruble! Which makes me puke!

and kind... until I run out of candy)

But I don’t eat sweets with cognac... I like cucumbers with vodka =)

New Georgian candies Ferrero Rocher... Ferrero Rocher - now in lavash!:))

Mmm... A box of chocolates... What could be tastier? Only candy can be tastier!

Horror... It's so hot... that I'm sitting here eating toffifee candies from a spoon..=((((

In the store: – Do you have “Cow Feathers” candies? – What nonsense?! – Is “Bird's Milk” better, or what?

I love him like a child loves candy…. The wrapper is the same, but I can’t tell what the filling is...

Life is like candy, you never know what filling is inside..)

Forget about what happened before you swapped candy and flowers for cocaine. And look at the world in a new way, not the same as always!

Personally, I eat candy “Children” only because the riddles are funny

Santa Claus, I understand that now it’s fashionable to imitate the West and you put gifts in socks, but please don’t put sweets in dad’s socks...

Opened on New Year a box of “Bird's Milk”, and there is a note: “I ate 4 candies from this box. Packer No. 5″

When I was little, the main thing for me was sweets and chocolate. And now, apart from it, nothing else is needed:*

And I need it... even more than chocolate and candy))

I'm not alone... I have a white teddy bear and candy with me...

I love you, damn it! More than waffles. - And I love you like candy. But I don't like them at all.

What do you want? -Candy, an unforgettable evening and your name...

I need a “Candy-Bouquet” period... It’s so nice to receive candies and flowers from your loved one...

The first wish.. From the beginning it was candy, then men. And then I started wanting candy again.

Candy makes life sweeter!

So I’ll drink tea, and you’ll have candy, I’ll ask you to stay!

As a child, all the candy at home was given to me only, and now nothing has changed, all the best goes to me)

I will definitely invite you to my wedding... Collect change and candy at the entrance to the registry office!

Girls are like candy. The brighter the candy, the more artificial colors it contains.

Will you feed me dumplings? - No, there are only sweets) - I don’t eat sweets at night...

new candies “Ukrainian delight” with a wonderful taste of lard)))

Do you have any more candy?? - no, Sluts, will you be sweet?

I'm going on a hunger strike! I only eat candy and chocolate!

Dad said today, “I used to like you better: I watched cartoons and ate candy endlessly, but now you spend days on the Internet and pour liters of coffee into yourself!”

Love is when you are sick, he brings you not candy, but medicine so that you get well soon =)

It happens that while your parents are not at home, you eat candy immoderately. And then you see a bunch of candy wrappers in the trash and you start to disguise them, stuff them lower so that they don’t come from your parents later!

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