Two is a numeral name. Cardinal number

A numeral is a part of speech that serves to indicate the number, quantity and order of objects. Numerals answer the questions: how many? Which? which? Examples: three, one hundred twenty-seven, first, both, four.

Quantity can also mean other parts of speech. In contrast, numerals can be written not only in words, but also in numbers: five (or 5) hockey players (number) - the magnificent five (noun).

Simple and compound numbers

Based on the number of words, numerals are divided into simple and compound. Simple ones consist of one stem, compound ones - of two stems or several words.

  • Simple - have one base (describe one number): one, three, eight.
  • Complex ones - have two stems (describe two numbers), are written together: thirteen, seventy.
  • Compounds - consist of several words, written separately: two thousand fourteen, one hundred eighty.

In compound numerals, the number of words is equal to the number of significant figures, not counting zeros, but with the addition of the words thousand, million, etc. and taking into account the continuous writing of complex numerals: 102 - one hundred and two, 1501 - one thousand five hundred and one.
Numerals ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth”, etc. are written together: five thousandth (bill), one hundred and twenty millionth (budget).

Meaning and grammatical features

Depending on their meaning and use, numerals are divided into cardinal and ordinal.

There are also other types of numerals that are usually not considered in the school curriculum: counting (single case, binary code), multiplicative (double impact, triple benefit), indefinite quantity (few, several). The classification of numerals is a controversial issue, since different authors and philologists identify different types of numerals. But in the school curriculum everything is simple, cardinal and ordinal numbers are studied.

Morphological characteristics

A numeral is an inflected part of speech; numerals are declined according to cases. The initial form of the numeral is the nominative case.

All cardinal numbers (integers, collective numbers, fractions) change by case. The numeral one varies by gender (one, one, one) and numbers (one, one), the numeral two changes by gender (two, two).

Ordinal numbers change according to cases, numbers and genders. The ordinal number agrees with the noun; in the phrase, the ordinal number is a dependent word: the first car, the second car, the third bell.

The main page of the site describes in detail the declension of all types of numerals with rules, exceptions and examples.

Syntax function

Cardinal numbers can be any part of a sentence. Ordinal numbers are more often a determiner, less often a predicate and a subject.
Twenty is divisible by five (the numeral twenty is the subject).
Six six - thirty six (the numeral thirty six is ​​the nominal part of the predicate).
We are traveling in the fifth carriage (the numeral fifth is the definition).
The war ended in 1945 (in 1945 - a circumstance of the time).

A cardinal number in combination with a noun is one member of a sentence.
Eight employees of our company are going on a business trip tomorrow (eight employees - subject).
The working day begins at eight o'clock (at eight o'clock - circumstance).

Numeral gender

The numeral gender can be written together, with a hyphen, or separately.

It is written together: if it means “half” and is part of a compound word, the second part of which is a noun in the genitive case and begins with a consonant: half a kilogram, half a kilometer, half a third, half an hour;
if it is part of an adverb: half turn, in a low voice;
the word half-liter and the word quarter are written together as part of complex words: quarterfinal. It is written with a hyphen: before a vowel, before the letter l, before a proper name: half an island, half a lemon, half a Russia. It is written separately: if it has an independent meaning and is related to the subsequent noun through an agreed definition: half a tablespoon, half a bag of sugar.

Abbreviated spelling

Ordinal numbers can have one or two letters on the right (3rd, 21st), there are no other options. If part of the word is written in numbers, and part in letters with its own root, then the increment on the right is not applied (10th anniversary, 2-tone, 3 percent). In all numbers, starting with five-digit ones, their entire part is divided by non-breaking spaces into groups of three digits: 18,789,300, 25,000 (but 200, 3700). If four-digit numbers are used in the same column or list with numbers of a higher order, then they are divided into groups: 15,000, 2,000, 145,000. A non-breaking space in Windows is set by simultaneously pressing Alt + Shift + Space, for MAC - Alt + Space.

Spelling not with numerals

Negation with numerals Not written separately. Examples: not two, not the first on the list, not the prime meridian passes through our city.

Using zero and zero

Both forms are acceptable. The use of each form has its own rationale.

  • When counting and comparing, the form zero is most often used: zero is less than one, zero whole and one tenth.
  • In the terminological meaning, the zero form predominates: the sum is equal to zero, the street temperature is kept at zero.
  • Both forms occur in set expressions: zero attention, at twenty zero-zero, reduce to zero, temperature of absolute zero.
  • The adjective is often formed from the form zero: zero kilometer, zero mileage.

Has ten parts of speech. They can be divided into interjections and non-interjections, independent and auxiliary.

Independent non-interjective parts of speech are divided into names, verbs and adverbs. There are three names in Russian: adjective, noun, numeral. Based on some characteristics, pronouns can also be classified as such.

Numeral as a nominal part of speech

What words are numerals? What question does the numeral answer? How is the numeral declined? This is not a complete list of questions related to determining the name of a numeral.

Like all nominal parts of speech, the numeral is characterized by declension according to the case paradigm. The initial form is considered to be the nominative case form. There is no category of gender for numerals (the exception is numerals two,one, ordinal numbers and collective numbers both/both). The category of number is not defined for this part of speech, except for ordinal numbers.

Numerals can be all members of a sentence. They often perform subject, modifier, or object. Rarely are they predicates and circumstances. Phrases of numerals and nouns are indivisible and act as one member of the sentence.

Grammatical places of numerals

Leading scientists emphasize the insufficient development of this part of speech. There is a group of linguists who do not recognize the numeral as a separate part of speech. In this regard, there are different opinions on determining the composition of numerals. In the narrow sense, only quantitative ones belong to a numeral: compound numerals, simple and complex, and ordinal ones are included in the category of relative adjectives. In a broad sense, numerals include quantitative and ordinal categories, as well as words that do not denote a specific quantity: as much, much, how much, little.

Lecture: Independent parts of speech. Numeral


Numeral name (Ch.) - part of speech meaning the number, quantity and order of objects.

NB! Quantity can also mean other parts of speech. In contrast, numerals can be written not only in words, but also in numbers: seven (or 7) chess players (number) - big seven (noun).

Names Ch.


    Answer questions How many? Which? which?

There are (how many?) three oranges.

The banknote (what?) is five thousand.

Month (which?) is the fourth.

Five (how many?) teenagers.

    The initial form is the form I.p.

About four platforms– beginning f. – four platforms.

    By value they are divided into quantitative (how many?) and ordinal (which? which?)

Twenty-three (how many?) roses – quantitative.

The one hundred and sixth (which?) house is ordinal.

    Quantitatives are declined only by cases, have no gender (except one and two) and number (except one).

Six days (I.p.),

no six days (R.p.),

I remember six days(P.p.).

Two girls - I.p., female.

Just a sleigh - I.p., plural.

    In terms of meaning and grammatical properties, cardinal numbers are divided into:

- whole numbers (used with nouns that are counted, one cannot say four honeys);

- fractional numbers;

- collective numbers ( two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, both/both).

A thousand roses, seven cars, fifty-three days – whole.

Six-sevenths of a pie, a day and a half, two-thirds of capital – fractional.

Eight cubs, three skaters, three scissors - collective.

    Ordinals change, like adjectives, according to cases and numbers and singular parts. by birth.

Sixth - sixth - sixth - sixth (sixth) - sixth - (about) sixth.

    According to composition they are divided into simple(one word - one root), complex(one word - two roots), composite(a few words).

Three, one hundred, seventh – simple.

Three hundred, sixty, seven hundred – complex.

Three hundred six, sixty eight, eight hundred thirty nine – composite.

    Often they become any member of a sentence.

Thirty is divisible by ten(thirty is the subject).

Twice four is eight(eight is a predicate).

NB! Numerals ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth”, etc. are written together: five-thousandth (bill), five hundred twenty millionth(budget).

NB!“One and a half” has two forms: m. and f. r. (one and a half years, one and a half seconds), fractional numerals, which include the numerals one and two, are always used only in the form w. r. One ninth of a circle, two fourths of a book.

Declension of numerals







one (inanimate)
one (soul)

alone (inanimate)
alone (animated)


(about) one

(about) one

(about) alone



3, 4




three, four

three, four

three, four

two (inanimate)
two (soul)

two (inanimate)
two (soul)

three, four (inanimate)
three, four (soul)

three, four

(o) three, four

NB! Cardinal numbers from five to twenty and thirty declined as nouns of the 3rd declension:

Cases 5, 30

I., V. – five, thirty

R., D., P. - heel And, thirty And

T. – five yu, thirty yu

NB! The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred, one hundred and fifty have only two forms:

NB! The numerals from fifty to eighty, from five hundred to nine hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred have both parts declined. We list them in the table:






heels And ten And

dv wow hundred

heels And hundred

heels And ten And

dv mind st am

heels And st am


five yu ten yu

dv skillfully st ami

five yu st ami

oh hey And ten And

o dv wow st Oh

oh hey And st Oh

NB! In compound numerals, each word is declined according to case.

I.p. tr And thousand And six hundred thirty eight
R.p. tr eh thousand pole And hundred thirty And eight And
D.p. tr eat thousand am pole And st am thirty And eight And
V.p. three thousand And six hundred thirty eight
etc. tre me thousand mi six yu st ami thirty yu eight yu
P.p. o tr eh thousand Oh six hundred Oh thirty And eight And

NB! Ordinal numbers vary by number and gender. This should be taken into account when declension by case. For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word is declined. The ending is formed according to the same principle as that of relative adjectives.













about the tenth

about the tenth

about tenth

NB! 2325th
I.p. two thousand three hundred twenty-five
R.p. two thousand three hundred twenty-fifth
P.p. about two thousand three hundred twenty-five

NB! Collective numbers are declined like plural adjectives. Ending in V.p. depends on the animate/inanimate nature of the object.




How many


how many


how many

two (inanimate)
two (soul)

four (inanimate)
four (one soul)

how much (inanimate)
how many (personal)


how many

about four

about how many

NB!"Both" and "both" are modified differently.


Masculine and neuter


both (inanimate), both (inanimate)

both (inanimate), both (animate)

NB! A fractional number has two parts: the numerator of the fraction (the cardinal number that represents a whole number) and the denominator of the fraction (the ordinal number). If the numerator ends in the number "one", then "one" is used instead. The number "two" is replaced by "two". Compare: one fifth, two fifths, three fifths, four fifths.

Both parts change in cases in accordance with the declension of cardinal and ordinal numbers. The denominator is declined like an ordinal number in the plural: to three-fifths (d.p.), with two-fifths (tv.p.). Or as an ordinal number in the feminine singular, if the numerator ends in 1: to one fifth, I see twenty-one thirty-seventh. When denoting quantity, the noun with a fractional numeral is used in the genitive case: from one-eighth of the cake, to three-sevenths of the area of ​​the triangle.

NB!"One and a half" is declined according to a special rule.

Declension of mixed numbers

Mixed number - a number made up of an integer part and an ordinary fraction.

The cardinal number acts as an integer part. To separate an integer part from a fraction, the word “whole” or “whole” is used. Examples of mixed numbers: 3.1/2 or three whole one second; 1.23 or one point two thirds.

When declension of mixed numbers, the whole part is declined according to the rules for declension of cardinal numerals. If the whole part ends with the number “one”, then “one” is used instead. The number "two" is replaced by "two". Compare: 101 – one hundred and one whole, 102 – one hundred and two whole, 105 – one hundred and five whole. The fractional part is declined according to the rules for declination of fractional numerals, which are described above.

How do you spell NOT with numerals? With numerals, the negation is not written separately. For example, not the first husband, not four rubles, this is not the zero meridian.

How to write correctly: zero or zero? Both forms are allowed. An adjective is often formed from the zero form: zero kilometer, zero mood.

Morphological analysis of the numeral name

I. Determine what part of speech it means.

II. Indicate what morphological characteristics it has:
1. Initial form (I.p.).
2. Constant signs:
a) simple or compound,
b) quantitative or ordinal,
c) category (for quantitative).
3. Variable signs:
a) case,
b) number (if any),
c) gender (if any).

III. State what the syntactic function is.

Numeral- this is an independent significant part of speech, combining words that denote numbers, the number of objects or the order of objects when counting and answer the question How many? or which?.

The numeral is a part of speech into which words are combined based on the commonality of their meaning - their relationship to number. The grammatical features of numerals are heterogeneous and depend on which category of meaning the numeral belongs to.

Places of numerals by meaning

There are cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Quantitative numerals denote abstract numbers (five) and number of items (five tables) and answer the question How many?.

Cardinal numbers are integers (five), fractional (fiveseventh) and collective (five).

Whole Cardinal numerals denote whole numbers or quantities. Whole cardinal numbers are combined with counting nouns, that is, with nouns that denote objects that can be counted in pieces.

Fractional cardinal numerals denote fractional numbers or quantities and are combined as with counting nouns (twothird sweets), Same with uncountable nouns (two thirdswater), but cannot be combined with animate nouns.

Collective Numerals denote the number of objects as a whole. Collective numbers include the words both, two,three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Collective numerals have limited combinability; they do not combine with all nouns, but only with some:

    with nouns that name males (twomen); numeral both also combined with nouns denoting female persons (both women);

    With nouns person, person, child (five people, persons,children);

    with names of baby animals (seven kids);

    with nouns that have only plural forms (two sleighs); These nouns are combined mainly with numerals two, three And four;

    with nouns naming paired objects (two noseskov); two socks- these are two socks, and two socks- these are four socks, that is, two pairs of socks;

6) with personal pronouns we, you, they (there were no two of them).Ordinal numerals indicate the order of objects when

account (first, second, fifth, one hundred twenty-fifth) and answer the question which?, which one?.

Digits of numerals by structure

Based on their structure, numerals are divided into simple and compound.

Simple numerals are one-component (two, two, second).

Composite numerals are not single-component, that is, they are written with spaces (fifty five, five tenths, five thousand fiftyfifth place).

Complexes 2 and 3 are also distinguished complex numerals that are one-component, but have two or more roots (five hundred,five-and-hundred-thousandth). In complex 2, for some reason, this group also included numerals ending in - eleven (fifteen),To which element -eleven is not a second root, but a suffix.

The identification of complex numerals in these educational complexes is associated with methodological goals - teaching the declension of complex numerals with second roots -ten And -hundred (five-and-ten-and, five-and-hundred).

Grammatical features of cardinal numbers

The only “full-fledged” morphological feature of cardinal numbers is the feature case. Numerals do not have a morphological sign of number (about words one, thousand, million, billion see below). The morphological feature of gender is represented only in numerals two, both, one and a half, Moreover, they contrast two generic forms, one for the masculine and neuter gender (twotable, window), the other is for the feminine (two desks):

One and a half

m., Wed. genus

m., Wed. genus

m., Wed. genus

one and a half

one and a half


one and a half

both of them

both of them


one and a half

both of them

both of them

one and a half

one and a half


one and a half

about them

both of them


one and a half

both of them

both of them

As we see, the words two And one and a half generic differences appear only in I. p. and V. p., in the word both gender differences can be traced in all cases, and in I. p. and V. p. they are expressed by the ending, and in other cases - by the stem (if we accept the division into morphemes that is given in the table).

Changing numerals by case is called declination. Numerals have special types of declension (called numeral in linguistics) and substantive types of declension. ,

Numerals are declined in a special way two, one and a half(see above), three, four, forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half hundred:




One and a half hundred




one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred

I. p. / R. p.



one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred





one and a half hundred

As we see, the numerals three And four they incline equally, and the words forty, ninety, one hundred, one and a half And one and a half hundred only two forms differ - one for I. p. and V. p., the other for R. p., D. p., T. p. and P. p.

Numerals five- twenty And thirty inclined according to the third declension, that is, like a word sting, and the numeral eight Variable forms of T.p. are presented - eight And eight.

In numerals fifty- eighty And two hundred- nine hundred(that is, the names of tens on -ten and hundreds per -sot) both parts are declined: the first as the corresponding simple numeral, the second for numerals on -ten according to the third declension, and for numerals on -sot (-sti, -sta) by plural number of substantive declension (with the exception of forms I. and V. p.).

Cardinal numbers are characterized specially compatiblestu with nouns.

Whole and collective numerals are combined with nouns as follows: in I. p. (V. p.) the numeral is the main word and controls the noun, requiring it to be placed in R. p. unit. numbers for words two, three And four and in R. p. pl. numbers for words five and so on. In other cases, the main noun is the noun, and the numeral agrees with it, for example:

three~(I- p.) ^tEvil(R. p. unit); five(I. p.) tables(R. p. pl. h) three(R.p.) tables(R. p. plural); five(R.p.) tables( three(D.p.) tables(D. p. plural); five(D.p.) tables( three(V.p.) table(R. p. unit); five(V.p.) tables( three(T.p.) tables(; five(T.p.) tables( (o) three(P.p.) tables(P. p. plural); five(P.p.) tables(P. n. plural)

Fractional Cardinal numerals always control the R. of a noun, and the number of this noun depends on the meaning of the construction, cf.: one second candy- one second candy.

In grammatical terms, words stand out among cardinal numerals one, thousand, million, billion, trillion and other names of larger numbers.

Word one changes according to gender, number and cases, in which it agrees with the noun (one table, one desk, one window, alonesled). Plural form alone to denote one object is combined with nouns that have only a plural form (one sleigh, gate, scissors). The word bows one according to mixed declension: in I. (V.) p. has substantive endings (oneO, one-a, one-o, one-and), in other cases - adjectival declensions. In other words, the numeral one grammatically behaves like a relative adjective.

Words thousand, million, billion etc. have a constant morphological character of the genus (first thousand- female genus, first million- husband. gender), change by numbers and cases (first thousand, first thousand). These words are declined according to substantive declensions (youa thousand- according to the first declension, million and others - according to the II declension). When combined with nouns, these words always control the noun, requiring it to be put in the form of R. p. plural. numbers: I. p. thousand tons R. p. thousand tons D. p. thousand tons V. p. thousand tons etc. thousand tons P. p. (o) thousand tons.

In other words, these words behave grammatically like nouns. They are classified as numerals only on the basis of their meaning.

In a sentence, the cardinal number, together with the noun to which it refers, is one member of the sentence:

I bought five books.Grammatical features of ordinal numbers

The grammatical features of ordinal numbers are similar to relative adjectives. Ordinal numbers vary by gender, number and case and in all forms agree with the nouns they refer to. Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives (according to adjectival declension, and the word third- mixed: third-0, third-him, third-him, third-him, third-him,

as a possessive adjective). In compound ordinal numbers, only the last part is declined:

I. p. two thousand and five

R. p. two thousand and five

D. p. two thousand five

V. p. two thousand and five

etc. two thousand and five

P. p. (about) two thousand and five.

The numeral as a part of speech has the following features of presentation in educational complexes.

All three complexes study the numeral in one stage in the 6th grade and present the material with slight differences. In all complexes, the main attention is paid to the issue of the categories of numerals in meaning and structure and declension of numerals. The actual morphological features of numerals are considered very briefly, which does not allow students to develop a clear understanding of the grammatical heterogeneity of numerals of different categories and some words within the category of cardinal numerals.

Complex 2 identifies 4 categories of numerals by meaning: cardinal, collective, ordinal and fractional (and proposes precisely this order of study) and notes that “cardinal numerals change by case, but do not have a gender (except for words one, two) and numbers (except for the word one)". The wording “does not have a gender” requires clarification: numerals one, two, and also for some reason not included in this list when considering the corresponding categories both And one and a half have a non-constant sign of gender, that is, they change according to gender, while cardinal numerals thousand,million, billion and other names of large numbers have a constant gender attribute. About the grammatical features of the word thousand etc. are not mentioned in any of the complexes, which significantly complicates their morphological analysis. Only in complex 2 is it said about the peculiarities of the syntactic compatibility of cardinal numerals with nouns and that grammatically “ordinal numbers are similar to adjectives.”

Complex 3, like complex 1, divides numerals into quantitative and ordinal and, within quantitative ones, distinguishes sub-categories of integer, fractional and collective numerals. In connection with the speech orientation of the complex, the main emphasis of complex 3 is on the use of numerals: their declination, selective lexical compatibility of collective numerals, use of the word both/both, and the numerals both And both presented as separate words, while two And two presented as forms of one word.

69. Spelling of numerals.

  1. Complex numerals are written together (thirty);
  2. Compound and fractional numbers are written separately (forty-five, three-sevenths);
  3. Ordinal numbers that end in -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth are written together (thirty-thousandth);
  4. The numerals five-nineteen and twenty, thirty are written with ь (soft sign) at the end, and the numerals fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred ь (soft sign) are written in the middle of the word between two stems;
  5. There are two forms: zero and zero. The second is used in terminological meaning in indirect cases; both forms are found in stable expressions.
  6. The numeral gender is written as part of a compound word
  • through a hyphen if the second part of the word begins with a vowel or with l (half a liter, half a watermelon), or if it is a proper noun (half Russia);
  • together, if the second part of a compound word begins with a consonant letter (except l): half a kilogram;
  • separately if it has an independent meaning and is separated from the noun by the definition: half a teaspoon.

Note: the numeral semi- in compound words is always written together: half-breed, half-naked.

Spelling of numeral endings.

1. Declension of cardinal numbers:

The numeral one is declined in the same way as a singular adjective:

The numerals two, three, four have special case endings:

The numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten and the numerals ten and two are declined in the same way as third declension nouns:

I. p.
R. p.
D. p.
V. p.
P. p

about six

about thirty

The numerals forty, ninety, one hundred have a special declension (the accusative case coincides with the nominative case, in other cases - the ending -a):

In quantitative compound numerals, each word is declined:

The numerals one and a half, one and a half, one and a half have a special declension:

3. Collective numbers are declined in the same way as plural adjectives:

4. Declension of ordinal numbers:

Ordinal numbers are declined in the same way as adjectives of the first type:

For compound ordinal numbers, only the last word changes when declension:

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling of numerals."

  • Simple, complex and compound numerals. Number categories. Declension of numerals - Numeral name 6th grade

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