What is the fairy tale about? summary. Fairy tale Thumbelina Hans Christian Andersen text

A lonely woman turned to a witch for help so that she could get her a child. She gave her a grain of barley and told her to plant it in a flower pot. From the seed grew a flower resembling a tulip. Inside it was a tiny girl who was nicknamed Thumbelina.

One night a toad sneaked into the house and stole the girl to marry her to his son. She dragged her into the mud on the river bank, where she lived with her ugly son. And she planted her on a water lily leaf far from the shore so that she would not run away. But the little fish took pity on Thumbelina and gnawed the stem of the water lily, and the girl went on a journey along the river.

A cockchafer flew by, saw the girl, grabbed her and carried her up a tree. He really liked her, but other beetles came and said that she was ugly because she looked like a person. And the beetle, agreeing with its brothers, took her to the forest, where the girl lived all summer and autumn. But in winter she had nowhere to hide and began to freeze.

Thumbelina went to the field where the field mouse lived. She decided to shelter her and marry her to a blind mole. But the girl didn’t want to marry him at all. The mole dug a gallery to a mouse hole in which there was a frozen swallow. Thumbelina warmed her up and the swallow came to life. The kind girl looked after her all winter.

In the spring, the swallow invited her savior to fly away with her to green forest. But the girl refused, because she was sorry to leave the field mouse that had sheltered her. She was preparing for her wedding with the mole, which was supposed to take place in the fall. She forced the girl to prepare the dowry. But Thumbelina did not want to live with the mole deep underground, and never go out into the sun.

Meanwhile, the swallow was getting ready to fly away to warmer climes, as winter would soon come. Taking pity on the poor girl, she took her with her to an ancient white marble palace, where beautiful little elves lived among the flowers. Their king fell in love with Thumbelina and gave her another name - Maya.

A childless woman, on the advice of a witch, raised an inch-tall girl, Thumbelina, from a tulip seed. Became a cradle for her nut shell, boat tulip petal in a dish with water and flowers, where the girl swam and sang. One night the toad stole her away to make her a bride for his ugly son. The cry of Thumbelina, sitting on a water lily leaf while the toads were decorating their home, moved the fish to pity; they gnawed the stem and the girl swam with the flow, harnessing a moth to her boat. The beauty was carried away by the cockchafer, but his relatives did not like the frail girl, and he left her in the chamomile. Thumbelina burst into tears because she considered herself ugly, although in fact she was very pretty.

In winter, the girl left the forest and made her way to the hole field mouse. She warmed and fed the poor thing, kept her with her and advised her to marry a rich mole. While visiting this enviable groom, Thumbelina saw a swallow - everyone thought she was dead, but the girl, covering the bird with a blanket of grass, heard the bird's heart beating. All winter Thumbelina looked after the swallow, which was injured on a thorn bush and fell behind its relatives, and in the spring it flew away, inviting the girl to fly with her (she refused - it was a pity to leave the mouse).

Meanwhile, a mole had already wooed Thumbelina, and everyone was preparing for the wedding. In the fall, the dowry was ready, and when the girl said that she did not want to marry the mole, the mouse threatened with its teeth. On the wedding day, the bride went out to say goodbye to the sun and flowers, and met a swallow. The bird again offered to fly away, and this time Thumbelina did not refuse. In a warm land, a swallow planted her friend in a flower where the king of the elves sat. He proposed to the beauty; She was given a pair of beautiful wings for her wedding.

Title of the work: Thumbelina
Hans Christian Andersen
Year of writing: 1835
Genre: fairy tale
Main characters: tiny girl born from a flower


One woman had no children, and she raised her daughter in a flower. She was born very small, so she was named Thumbelina. The girl was very beautiful, and so she was kidnapped by a disgusting toad as a bride for his ugly son. Then the cockchafer fell in love with her. But after all these adventures, the girl was left alone in the forest, autumn came, and she had to look for shelter. At this difficult moment, an old mouse took in the baby, forced the girl to work, and then married her to a rich blind mole.

The girl did not at all want to become the wife of a blind mole, but she was saved by a swallow, whose life the poor girl saved in winter by sheltering her and secretly bringing her food. The swallow took the baby to distant lands, where the prince of the elves fell in love with her and made her his wife.

Conclusion (my opinion)

As in everyone fairy tales, the main character faced many trials and troubles, but she remained the same kind, meek and sweet girl, and as a result, fate gave her happiness.

Hans Christian Andersen has long been popular in our country. "Thumbelina" summary which will be presented in the article, is one of the favorite fairy tales of the Danish writer.


In December 1835, the work was first published in Copenhagen. Critics reacted with disapproval. And only one wrote that the fairy tale was amazing. The children really liked “Thumbelina”. A summary of the tale cannot fully convey its charm. It's better to buy the book in a store.

The image of the main character

This is a little girl. It's only an inch in size. She is courageous, patient and constant. The girl had kind heart and always tried to help everyone who was in trouble.

Andersen, “Thumbelina”: summary

The fairy tale tells about a woman who did not have children, but really wanted to. And on the advice of one witch, she raised a little girl from a barley grain. A walnut shell became her cradle. She slept in it at night and played on the table during the day. There the girl had a whole lake, more precisely, a deep plate of water, and flowers were laid out along the edge. Thumbelina swam across her small lake and sang songs. She had a wonderful and gentle voice, better than which no one had heard.

But one day in a calm and joyful life Thumbelina burst in big toad. At night she snuck through the window where the girl’s cradle stood. The Toad stole Thumbelina to marry her ugly son. The girl was carried to the middle of the river and placed on a leaf so that she would not run away and the wedding could be organized.

When the toads left to prepare a home for the newlyweds, Thumbelina began to cry. The fish heard her and decided to help. They gnawed the stem of the leaf, and the cute little girl swam away from these toads. And then she ended up with the cockchafer, but his friends considered the girl too puny and ugly. Then he left Thumbelina on the daisy. Upset, she sat and cried. She thought she was ugly, although in fact she was pretty.

Thumbelina reached the place where she was warmed and fed. She advised the girl to marry a rich mole. But he was old and the heroine didn’t like him; she dreamed of running away, but didn’t know where.

Throughout the winter, Thumbelina looked after the Swallow, whom everyone considered dead. But the girl heard the bird’s heart beating. In the spring, the swallow had to fly away, and she called her savior with her. But she refused because she did not want to leave the field mouse. When things began to move towards a wedding with the mole, the girl began to regret that she had not flown away with the bird. And on the main day before the wedding, Thumbelina asked to go outside to say goodbye to the sun, where she met a swallow. And this time she did not refuse to fly away with her.

They flew away together warm region, where Thumbelina ended up on a flower, next to the king of the elves. At the end of the fairy tale, the elf king proposes to her, and the girl receives a pair of wings for the wedding.

Every child and adult must read the work “Thumbelina,” a summary of which is outlined above, and in full.

Hans Christian Andersen has long been popular in our country. “Thumbelina,” a brief summary of which will be presented in the article, is one of the Danish writer’s favorite fairy tales.


In December 1835, the work was first published in Copenhagen. Critics reacted with disapproval. And only one wrote that the fairy tale was amazing. The children really liked "Thumbelina". A summary of the tale cannot fully convey its charm. It's better to buy the book in a store.

The image of the main character

This is a little girl. It's only an inch in size. She is courageous, patient and constant. The girl had a kind heart and always tried to help everyone who was in trouble.

Andersen, "Thumbelina": summary

The fairy tale tells about a woman who did not have children, but really wanted to. And on the advice of one witch, she raised a little girl from a barley grain. A walnut shell became her cradle. She slept in it at night and played on the table during the day. There the girl had a whole lake, more precisely, a deep plate of water, and flowers were laid out along the edge. Thumbelina swam across her small lake and sang songs. She had a wonderful and gentle voice, better than which no one had heard.

But one day a large toad burst into Thumbelina’s calm and joyful life. At night she snuck through the window where the girl’s cradle stood. The Toad stole Thumbelina to marry her ugly son. The girl was carried to the middle of the river and placed on a leaf so that she would not run away and the wedding could be organized.

When the toads left to prepare a home for the newlyweds, Thumbelina began to cry. The fish heard her and decided to help. They gnawed the stem of the leaf, and the cute little girl swam away from these toads. And then she ended up with the cockchafer, but his friends considered the girl too puny and ugly. Then he left Thumbelina on the daisy. Upset, she sat and cried. She thought she was ugly, although in fact she was pretty.

Thumbelina reached the place where she was warmed and fed. She advised the girl to marry a rich mole. But he was old and the heroine didn’t like him; she dreamed of running away, but didn’t know where.

Throughout the winter, Thumbelina looked after the Swallow, whom everyone considered dead. But the girl heard the bird’s heart beating. In the spring, the swallow had to fly away, and she called her savior with her. But she refused because she did not want to leave the field mouse. When things began to move towards a wedding with the mole, the girl began to regret that she had not flown away with the bird. And on the main day before the wedding, Thumbelina asked to go outside to say goodbye to the sun, where she met a swallow. And this time she did not refuse to fly away with her.

They flew away together to a warm land, where Thumbelina ended up on a flower, next to the king of the elves. At the end of the fairy tale, the elf king proposes to her, and the girl receives a pair of wings for the wedding.

Every child and adult must read the work “Thumbelina,” a brief summary of which is outlined above, in its entirety.

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