Exam in chemistry theory. Statistics and minimum scores

Greetings to schoolchildren who have entered 11th grade! The last school year is the most memorable and important in a student’s life. After all, you need to finally decide on the choice of your future specialty and subjects for exams. This time I have selected useful material for you on how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry.

Theory for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry

Preparation for the exam always begins with studying the theoretical part. Therefore, if your knowledge of chemistry is at an average level, improve the theory, but reinforce it with practical exercises.

In 2018, the Unified State Exam in Chemistry consisted of 35 tasks: the first 29 questions require choosing an answer from those proposed, or writing a digital answer after calculation, the remaining 6 tasks require providing a complete, detailed answer. For the first 29 answers you can score a maximum of 40 points, and for the second part of the Unified State Exam - 20 points. Perhaps in 2019 the structure of the Unified State Exam in chemistry will remain unchanged.

The main theoretical questions in the Unified State Exam in chemistry cover the following topics:

  • The structure of the atom in the modern understanding.
  • Periodic table.
  • Inorganic chemistry (chemical properties of metals and non-metals).
  • Organic chemistry (fats, proteins and carbohydrates).
  • Experimental chemistry in theory (working and safety rules in the laboratory, methods for obtaining a certain substance).
  • Ideas about methods for obtaining the required substances and elements in an industrial version (metallurgy and methods for producing metals in production, chemical industry).
  • Calculations using formulas and chemical equations.

Plan preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry

1). Create an annual plan with hourly calculations and a choice of preparation days. For example, study chemistry for 2 hours a day on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

2). It is best to involve a loved one (parents or sister/brother) in the preparation. If this is not possible, then team up with another student planning to take the Unified State Exam in chemistry. This way you will feel each other’s support and at the same time push you on if one of you is lagging behind. This is a unique way of motivation, and the classes will be more interesting.

3). Calculate the time to complete each test task. This way you will know in advance how much time to spend on a question, and if you get stuck on something, you can move on to another task and return to the unfinished task later.

4). As you approach the exam, try to maximize your nutrition and sleep. The examinee should feel rested.

Advice! During the exam itself, you need to decide on the difficulty of the tasks. The items that are easiest for you to understand are best left for the last 30 minutes of the exam. The problems in the second part will give you a high score, so it is recommended to start with them, but it is advisable to adhere to the planned time for completing each task. Simple questions can be answered at the end of the exam.

Books for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry

On one's own prepare for the chemistry exam possible by studying textbooks and teaching aids. This method is the most difficult, since the student will need maximum concentration, the ability to independently understand the material, perseverance and self-discipline.

Among the popular textbooks for preparing for the Unified State Exam in chemistry are:

  • “Unified State Exam. Chemistry. Big reference book" (authors - Doronkin, Sazhneva, Berezhnaya). The book describes in detail the main sections of organic and inorganic chemistry, as well as general chemistry. The manual contains tasks for the practical part. The book contains 560 pages. Approximate cost is about 300 rubles.
  • « Chemistry tutor"(author - Egorov). The book was created for in-depth study of chemistry in preparation for the Unified State Exam. “Tutor” consists of theoretical questions and answers to them (thematic testing), as well as practical problems by difficulty level with a detailed explanation of the solution algorithm. The book contains 762 pages. Approximate cost is about 600 rubles.

Courses in chemistry: preparation for the Unified State Exam

The most popular and easiest way preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry Attendance at group courses or individual tutoring is accepted. Self-discipline and independent analysis of materials are not required here. A chemistry teacher will schedule a visit and help you understand simple and complex problems within the approved program.

The material provided in chemistry courses is usually based on questions and topics from last year's USE exams. The teacher takes into account the most common mistakes made by students and gives a complete analysis of such problems.

Chemistry website for preparing for the Unified State Exam

Distance learning is popular now, so you can take advantage of the opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry using online lessons. Some of them are free, some are completely paid, and there are online lessons with partial payment, i.e. you can watch the first lesson for free, and then decide to continue training on a paid basis.

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores, which serve as a passport to adulthood, to a dream, which the online preparation center for the Unified State Exam "Novisse" will help you get closer to. It stands out among other similar organizations due to its simplicity, academic excellence and competence of teaching...

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores, which serve as a passport to adulthood, to a dream, which the online preparation center for the Unified State Exam "Novisse" will help you get closer to. It stands out among other similar organizations due to its simplicity, academic excellence and the competence of its teachers; educational material no longer seems like a terrible “vinaigrette” of terms, rules and exceptions, especially when it is presented by a person who is himself interested in the subject and who is easily able to inspire the student to be productive. High-quality presentations are quickly remembered and built in the head into a coherent series of knowledge, and selected practical tasks will help you get better at solving exam questions. This format of video lectures is convenient for busy graduates from different cities who are aimed at achieving a worthy result of their efforts. I am grateful to "Novisse" for high-quality preparation for the Unified State Exam, charismatic qualified teachers and new amazing discoveries! Study, you can't procrastinate!

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Honestly, I really enjoy your webinars! Firstly, everything is clearly explained. No unnecessary information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can confidently trust this...

Honestly, I really enjoy your webinars! Firstly, everything is clearly explained. No unnecessary information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can confidently trust this teacher. I would like to say thank you for conducting such interesting and useful classes! And I am sure that thanks to your classes I will be able to score high scores!

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Very cool webinar😍 I really liked it. And the teacher is wonderful, I understand perfectly😊I will continue to study with you:)

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Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before the class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the tasks, I didn’t know or understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! That I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up and take notes...

Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before the class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the tasks, I didn’t know or understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! That I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up and sign up ❤ ❤ ❤ hurry up and start preparing with professionals! After all, education is the main thing you should strive for ❤ :)

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I prepared for social studies together with the Novisse portal. I would like to say to Irina Vitalievna for her professional individual approach to training, I was completely satisfied with them! The courses from Novisse were very intensive, thanks to them I repeated the most complex topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that in addition to webinars, information...

I prepared for social studies together with the Novisse portal. I would like to say to Irina Vitalievna for her professional individual approach to training, I was completely satisfied with them! The courses from Novisse were very rich, thanks to them I repeated the most complex topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that apart from webinars, there was absolutely no information on the subject. As a result, 76 points. Very good result! Thank you very much ;)

). But it’s not too late to catch up and finally understand the solubility table and formulas. And not only in them, if you make a clear plan and choose the right materials. Anna Tikhonova, chemistry teacher and author of the FarSmatceutika telegram channel, talks about preparing for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry.

For those preparing for the main school exam

This year the exam format has remained almost unchanged: instead of 34 tasks there will be 35. But because of this, the system for converting primary scores into test scores will change slightly. The exam consists of two parts: the first involves choosing numbers or a sequence of numbers (29 tasks), the second - answers with a detailed answer (6 tasks). Maximum number of primary points that can be scored for the first part - 40, for the second - 20. Usually my students start to panic at this stage - when they find out about the assignments. But in reality, everything is not as scary as it seems.

1. Find someone you can ask questions to.

It is not necessary to hire a tutor. This person could be a teacher at school or a student you know who is studying at the chemistry department. The main thing is not to be shy about asking even the stupidest, in your opinion, questions and try to close the gaps that arise during preparation. Believe me, the fact that you have at least some thoughts about chemistry already indicates that the process has started. Feel free to raise your hand during the lesson, ask the tutor, participate in discussions in thematic communities and don’t be afraid to look stupid in the eyes of others.

2. You will have three official cheat sheets for the exam. And you need to understand them

This periodic table, solubility table and voltage series of metals. They contain about 70% of the information that will help you pass the exam successfully. The remaining 30% of your success comes from your ability to use them.

To understand the periodic table, you must first study the periodic properties of elements: the structure of atoms of elements, electronegativity, metallic, non-metallic, oxidizing and reducing properties, valencies, oxidation states. If you remember them, you won’t have to remember the properties of each individual element or each individual substance in nature. Just look at the table and remember the periodic law.

A tip for those who always forget everything: F (Fluorine) is the strongest non-metal and the most electronegative element, and Fr (Francium) is the opposite (the strongest metal and the least electronegative element). This will help you start somewhere.

3. Review math. You can’t pass chemistry without it

Of course, no one asks you to integrate or differentiate, and in general you can use a non-programmable calculator during the exam. But repeating the topics of percentages and proportions is a must. There are not so many formulas that are necessary to solve problems. You only need to remember the basics: formula for calculating the mass fraction, mass of a substance, volume, amount of substance, density and product yield. Knowing them, you will be able to display others without any problems.

Try to derive the mass of the solution from the mass fraction formula or, knowing the mass and molar mass of the substance, determine its quantity. After a few weeks of training, you will notice that all these formulas are interconnected and, if you forget something, you can always derive the formula you need from another one.

4. Table of chemical reactions - your assistant

There are indeed a lot of substances in chemistry; they can be systematized and patterns can be identified. The table of interactions between substances will help you. Print it out and keep it in front of your eyes when you first start solving chains or reactions.

Photo: chemistrytutor.wordpress.com/2008/05/15/inorg

How to use it?

  • Learn to identify the class of substances (oxides, acids, salts, bases, metals and non-metals) and understand the types of reactions and how they differ from each other.
  • At least two substances react. Determine which class the first substance belongs to. Find the corresponding item in the table on the right (or at the top).
  • Do the same with the second substance, look for the item at the top of the table (or on the right).
  • Look at the intersection of these two points in the table - this is the answer that is obtained in the reaction.

You cannot use such a cheat sheet during the exam. But during preparation, you can easily remember what happens if, for example, an acid and alkali react, and other substances. And this is about 80% of the tasks on the Unified State Exam.

5. Take FIPI books and go from simple to complex

In fact, it doesn’t matter which textbook you choose to prepare for the Unified State Exam. Take the one where you will understand the material and which contains all the topics that will appear on the exam. As for tests, there is no need to reinvent the wheel here either: I recommend using FIPI books. The material they give is as close as possible to what will be on the exam. And you can solve texts on the topics you have studied directly on their website.

It’s worth starting with the blocks that are most common:

  • atomic structure, periodic properties of elements
  • types of chemical bond
  • classes of inorganic substances
  • hydrolysis
  • electrolysis
  • interaction of substances with each other and classification of chemical reactions
  • problems on the topic “solutions”
  • chemical equilibrium
  • organic chemistry (classes of compounds, their methods of preparation and chemical properties)

The remaining blocks are more difficult. After you complete the tasks for the main blocks, you will understand which topics you have gaps in and which you know well. Reinforce the topics that you know better than others, and return to studying the theoretical basis of those topics that are worse. Learn the topic and do 20 exercises a day. If you have little time to prepare, focus on assignments whose topics are clear to you. It is better to completely solve the problem with redox reactions (redox reactions) than to do nothing.

6. Theory is good, but without tests it’s still impossible

If it seems that you know everything from theory and you don’t need to spend time solving tests, this is not so. Most mistakes on the exam happen because the student misread the task or does not understand what is expected of him. The more often you take tests, the faster you will understand the structure of the exam and the complex and mysterious wording of the task.

For example, task No. 30 says: “From the proposed list of substances, select substances between which an ion exchange reaction is possible. In your answer, write down the molecular, complete and abbreviated ionic equations of only one of the possible reactions.” Very often, students skip the stage of writing the full ionic equation and immediately write the abbreviated one, because it’s faster. This is not a mistake, but I can deduct one primary point for this.

7. But you definitely don’t need to read unnecessary articles and literature

Sometimes, while preparing for an exam, a student gets so carried away that he begins to read highly specialized literature. And when answering a simple question, he confuses himself: it seems that zinc hydroxide exhibits amphoteric properties and reacts with both acids and bases, but in such and such an article it was said that new research says something completely different. And this calls into question all fundamental knowledge about chemistry! I'm exaggerating, of course, but the point is that the purpose of the exam is to test your knowledge of the school curriculum. And the strategy “the simpler the better” works perfectly in tests.

The Unified State Exam in Chemistry in 2015 is not included in the mandatory state exams. Typically, this exam is taken by graduates who have long decided which university and specialty they will enroll in. As a rule, the Unified State Exam in chemistry is required for admission to specialties related to medicine, the chemical or food industries. The Unified State Exam in chemistry is not inferior in complexity to either mathematics or physics. Therefore, to successfully pass the exam, you need to start preparing as early as possible. And if knowledge in this subject is practically zero, then without outside help and painstaking independent work, the chances of passing the Unified State Exam in chemistry are negligible.

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Chemistry

The Unified State Exam in chemistry consists of 40 tasks, which are divided into three levels of difficulty:

  • The first level is basic level tasks. At this level, you need to choose one correct answer from four proposed answers. Each correct answer will be worth one point
  • The second level of difficulty consists of intermediate level tasks. At this level, you should write down the answer to each task. Depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer, answers will be scored from 1 to 2 points
  • The third level of difficulty consists of fairly complex tasks. Answers at this level should be detailed, with a complete description of the entire process of solving the task. The score at this level of difficulty is from 3 to 4 points, depending on the completeness of solving the task.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

First, the graduate must decide for himself whether he is ready to take the Unified State Exam in chemistry. To do this, you need to take trial demonstration tests for the Unified State Exam in chemistry, which can be found. Solving these tests will show your real level of knowledge.

If the level of knowledge is very low, then preparation for the Unified State Exam in chemistry should start from scratch. To do this, you must enroll in preparatory courses in chemistry. In these courses, qualified specialists will help to significantly increase the level of knowledge, both in the theoretical part of the subject and in solving problems of various levels. If it is not possible to attend such courses, then it is worth finding a tutor who will study individually, which will also have a positive impact on fundamental knowledge in chemistry. At the same time, you must independently carefully study and work through topic by topic, reinforcing your theoretical knowledge by solving practical problems.

Algorithm for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

To independently prepare for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry, you will definitely need basic school textbooks on chemistry, workbooks, reference materials and manuals for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

A student with a zero level of knowledge should prepare for the exam in stages, according to the following plan:

  • Basic concepts of chemistry
  • Nomenclature of inorganic and organic substances
  • Atomic structure
  • Chemical bonds

For each topic, it is necessary to keep notes in which to write down basic concepts, terms and formulas. After each topic, you need to write a test dictation, which will help reveal the real level of theoretical knowledge. Once the theory has been sorted out and studied, it is necessary to begin solving problems that can be taken from training papers for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry 2015 or previous years. When solving problems, special attention should be paid to solving tasks on chains of transformations. Solving these particular problems will help you quickly study a large number of chemical reactions and consolidate your knowledge of chemistry.

Three and a half hours are allotted to complete the 2016 version of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry. During this time, the student first gives short answers to 35 questions, and then writes detailed solutions for 5 high-level problems from the second part. It should be noted that out of the first thirty-five tasks, nine are of increased complexity. Verification of work takes only four days.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

Classes should be held regularly and according to plan. First, analyze one or two difficult problems, or “run through” basic questions as a warm-up if you find it difficult to immediately get into a working rhythm. At the same time, carefully note which places caused you the most difficulty and what theory you should remember to successfully pass. Based on these notes, end your training by repeating forgotten rules and paragraphs from the textbook.

Express preparation for the Unified State Exam

If suddenly the problem arises of how to prepare for the Unified State Exam in chemistry within a few days, then you must first identify easily understandable tasks and leave them for the final 20 minutes. Because first of all, you should analyze the difficult questions of an advanced level and the tasks of the second part, since you can get a high mark for them. Each test item is based on a specific theoretical basis, so you can easily determine which questions you cannot handle due to a lack of knowledge in this area of ​​chemistry, and focus on those that are clear and familiar to you.
In addition, systematic study of the periodic table of elements, solubility tables and other visual aids contributes to effective memorization.

Statistics and minimum scores

The average score of those taking the Unified State Exam in Chemistry 2015 was 56.3, with an increase in the percentage of examinees by 11%. In 2016, the threshold score is 36 - this is enough to apply to the university.

Online preparation for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry

HimEge.ru offers various ways to study on your own: many exam simulators, video lessons with analysis of complex questions, thematic sections and standard exercises. Traditionally updated demo versions can be found on the official FIPI page; there are also methodological recommendations that are useful to scroll through to avoid common mistakes. It’s convenient to create your own online test for the Unified State Exam in Chemistry at Solve the Unified State Exam, and good reference materials are presented on the Virtual Chemistry School site. In addition, it would be a good idea to look at the website of chemistry teacher Kim N.V.: here you can find not only test tests in chemistry for the Unified State Exam, but also current collections of exercises, recordings of experiments, practical advice, etc.

What do you need to take the Unified State Examination in Chemistry?

To enter the biology department of most universities, applicants submit results in chemistry and mathematics, or sometimes exclude mathematics (for example, for the direction of "Agronomy"), or add

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