Ecology in Udmurtia. Public environmental movement

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Environmental problems of Udmurtia.

Radiation situation. The gamma background of the territory does not exceed acceptable standards and does not require planning restrictions.

Data from the annual monitoring of the atmospheric monitoring laboratory confirm the stability and safety of the radiation situation in the city.

The environmental situation in the city is largely determined by air pollution. The annual volume of harmful substances entering the city's air basin in 1998 amounted to 78,422 thousand tons, of which more than 60% came from vehicle emissions. Due to the growth of the car fleet, in Izhevsk, as in other cities of Russia, there is a tendency towards an increase in the share of vehicle emissions. The priority list of polluting enterprises includes 29 facilities, whose total emissions account for 95% of the total emissions from stationary sources. .

Soil pollution.

Chemical weapons. Chemical weapons became a burden and a danger to humanity long before their final ban, a convention on which was signed by 174 countries just in the nineties of the last century. Getting rid of its reserves is a worldwide matter, although each country does this independently, and it is done under international control. Employees of international organizations are frequent guests in the Udmurt swampy forests. Their attention is drawn to the CWD facility, or, in other words, the chemical weapons destruction facility. Once secret, but now known throughout the country and the whole world.

Water pollution

The main causes of technogenic pollution of the Izhevsk pond and urban watercourses are:

o organized discharges of wastewater from industrial enterprises and the Izhvodokanal enterprise;

o discharges of untreated storm drains;

o flushing of pollutants from industrial and residential areas;

o lack of sewerage in the private residential sector;

o aerotechnogenic fallout of impurities.

Only the entry of pollutants into surface water bodies through organized releases, the number of which reaches 31, can be assessed and controlled.

The annual total wastewater discharge reaches 124 million cubic meters/year (4 cubic meters/sec). More than 85% of wastewater is classified as insufficiently treated, 12% is discharged without treatment, and only 3% of wastewater is classified as conditionally clean. However, it should be noted that they also contain significant amounts of pollutants. Thus, all wastewater discharged into reservoirs is largely contaminated and does not comply with SanPiN N4630-88 standards. It should be emphasized that the actual intake is greater, since there is no accounting for pollutants discharged with stormwater and washed away from industrial and residential areas.

As a result of the entry of such a quantity of pollutants, the hydrochemical regime is disrupted in almost all receiving water bodies:

o mineralization has been changed both in quantity and quality;

o background concentrations of petroleum products and heavy metals are many times exceeded.

The priority list of polluting enterprises includes 4 organizations, whose discharges provide 98.5% of the citywide runoff: One of the problems is that the discharges of the Izhvodokanal Municipal Enterprise, along with household ones, contain industrial wastewater from numerous enterprises, and up to 15% of them are discharged into city ​​sewerage without preliminary treatment, in violation of the "Rules for the reception of wastewater into sewerage systems." The capacity of existing biological treatment facilities is 93,440 thousand cubic meters per year, they are currently overloaded, construction of the second stage is delayed due to lack of funding.

Regular observations of the chemical composition of surface sources are carried out at two sites - Izhevsky Pond and the Izh River, below the confluence of the Pozim River. When analyzing the state of surface water bodies, data from episodic observations of departmental laboratories and surveys conducted by the city Committee for Environmental Protection were also used. A distinctive feature of the sanitary condition of all water bodies in the city is the complex nature of the pollution: regular excess of the maximum permissible concentration for several ingredients.

The ecological state of the Izhevsk pond is of particular importance for the city, since the pond is a source of water supply and the main recreation area for the population. In the regulatory water protection zone of the Izhevsky Pond there are about 40 objects that have a negative impact. The water is polluted almost throughout the entire water area. Maximum complex pollution is observed in the southern part of the pond, adjacent to the industrial zone. Long-term deposition of heavy metals from the atmosphere has led to significant pollution of the Izhevsk pond, rivers and their bottom sediments, as well as groundwater.

The most polluted rivers are the Izh and Starkovka (Oktyabrinka): both flow through industrial areas and receive a significant volume of wastewater. The Izh River receives up to 92% of the city's total wastewater. In terms of quality, river water falls into the “extremely dirty” category. r. Podborenka - in terms of quality, the river water in the upper part belongs to the category “moderately dirty”, in the middle and lower parts - “dirty”, “extremely dirty”. The entire Karlutka River basin has been developed for industrial and residential development, and unorganized landfills have appeared in many places. The condition of the river is critical. In this regard, the problem arises of restoring the river regime to a state of possibility of natural self-purification and self-healing.

r. Chemoshurka - in terms of quality, the river’s water belongs to the “polluted” category. The reason for the pollution is the placement of garages in a water protection zone.

the rivers Pirogovka, Pozim, Pazelinka, Malinovka - there is practically no discharge of industrial and household wastewater into reservoirs. The sanitary condition of the waters is assessed as satisfactory.

To improve the ecological condition of the city's surface water bodies, it is necessary, first of all, to carry out a number of citywide measures to improve the treatment and disposal of untreated wastewater (both industrial and domestic). For this purpose, the General Plan provides:

o completion of the construction of a new sewage treatment unit with a capacity of 100 t.m3/day on the existing site; expansion of sewerage treatment facilities at a new site

o Conducting research work "Improving the quality of wastewater treatment"

o Development of a comprehensive project for the disposal of sewage sludge by dewatering and incineration

o Preliminary treatment of industrial wastewater at industrial enterprises;

o Organization of a drainage system and storm water treatment;

o Construction and reconstruction of sewerage networks and sewerage pumping stations in city districts:

Administrative districts and new construction sites

Main events


Design and construction of the second pressure sewer line from RKNS-15 to RKNS-13, L - 1.9 km; construction of the second pressure sewer line from RKNS - 13 to st. Petrova L - 0.6 km, construction of a gravity collector on the street. Petrova d - 1000mm, L - 0.9km; the second pressure sewer line from KNS-14 to KNS-15. d - 400mm, L - 1.2 km.


Completion of construction of GKNS-3, completion of construction of collector No. 26, construction of collector d - 1600 mm from the Ippodromny residential area to collector No. 26 L - 0.7 km; completion of construction of the railway sewer tunnel Southern d - 2000mm, L - 1 km - jumpers between the Central collector and collector No. 26


Construction of pressure lines from KNS 8A to collector No. 26, 2d - 600mm, L - 1.8 km

Aleksanrovsky, Pirogovo

Design and construction of sewage pumping stations, off-site sewerage networks - gravity collectors and pressure lines up to GKNS - 3, on-site networks

Design and construction of pumping station Q - 10 thousand m3/day, pressure lines 2d - 200 mm, gravity collectors. intrasite networks

Design and construction of a gravity collector up to collector No. 26, off-site gravity collectors, on-site networks

o In accordance with environmental requirements, environmentally hazardous objects are subject to gradual removal from the water protection zone of the pond and small urban rivers, in particular, the ash dump of Izhstal OJSC, the ash dump of CHPP-1, and the Oktyabr auto cooperative. Paid parking lots are transferred to the category of short-term storage parking lots. Gas stations and garage areas are subject to reconstruction.

o In the coastal zone of the pond and along the rivers Podborenka, Karlutka, Chemoshurka, flowing through residential areas, park areas are being designed.

An important planning measure is the consolidation of the boundaries of water protection zones and the establishment of a special regime for economic activity in accordance with current standards. Special sections of the General Plan are devoted to issues of reconstruction and development of city engineering systems that contribute to improving the environmental situation.

The main directions for improving the environmental situation in Izhevsk have been developed in a number of environmental documents and programs. In conjunction with them, a set of environmental and urban planning measures has been developed in the General Plan.

In accordance with the main objective of the master plan - rational organization of the territory - all environmental restrictions and requirements are taken into account in the project proposals.

Regulatory sanitary protection zones for industrial areas, individual enterprises and facilities have been built, and priority measures have been developed to protect the population in these zones.

Areas of priority for the resettlement of housing stock and housing compensation are determined depending on the nature of the housing stock and the hygienic situation in the territory. It is necessary to gradually remove residential buildings from the villages (Tonkovo, Oktyabri, Smironovo, Starki) located in the North-Eastern industrial area.

The main environmental problem of the city is the normalization of the situation in the territories of problem areas and, first of all, the Central Industrial District. Strategically, it can be solved in two directions: the removal of specialized enterprises (with a high class of sanitary hazard) outside the city or their radical modernization.

The master plan proposes prohibiting the territorial expansion of existing industrial areas for the estimated period, streamlining the layout of industrial areas, and implementing a set of environmental measures at enterprises, developed in citywide program documents and enterprise plans. It is proposed not to locate enterprises and production facilities of a high class of sanitary hazard in the city, which could become an additional source of environmental hazard.

The project developed planning recommendations and an urban planning regime for the use of territories in the industrial areas of the city. Special control of environmental activities and the state of the atmosphere in adjacent residential buildings is required for enterprises located in residential areas, in the sanitary protection zones of which there are kindergartens and medical institutions.

One of the main directions of the Master Plan is the development of a set of planning measures to improve the living conditions of the population in existing residential areas. The specifics of the districts determine the focus, nature and sequence of events.

List of used literature.

Newspaper "Life"

Environmental problems of Udmurtia:

Water pollution.

Completed the work:

8th grade student

Vasilyeva Natalya.

Izhevsk 2006


Electromagnetic environment. There are three radio television towers in the city: Pesochnaya St. 17, Pushkinskaya St. 204, Varaksino village. The General Plan provides for a sanitary gap of 50 m from the territories of radio and television towers.
Based on engineering requirements, corridors have been established from high-voltage transmission lines, for which restrictions have been introduced on the location of buildings, primarily residential.

According to information from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Udmurtia, which has just now finished summing up the results of 2001, the environmental situation in the republic last year remained fairly stable. However, there is also no trend towards improvement. In 2001, harmful emissions into the atmosphere in Udmurtia amounted to 203 thousand tons. Izhevsk remains the most unfavorable city in terms of pollution, followed, in descending order, by Glazov, Mozhginsky, Votkinsk and Sharkansky districts. The main problem for environmentalists is the lack (and in some areas, complete absence) of treatment facilities and processing plants. Thus, about 50 million tons of solid household waste alone have accumulated in the republic, 5 million of which are toxic waste. Most of the existing landfills in the republic are overfilled, and now the Ministry of Nature is struggling with new, unauthorized landfills that are spontaneously arising throughout the republic. According to experts, the problem can only be solved by introducing new processing technologies, but now there is not even a customer in the republic who could pay for the development of such projects. The peculiarities of the environmental situation in the cities and regions of the Udmurt Republic and the environmental problems arising in them are determined by the specific location of industrial and agricultural enterprises and transport, as well as the nature of the impact on the environment.

In 2008, 683 enterprises contributed their share to air pollution. The total amount of substances emanating from all recorded stationary sources of emission amounted to 113.98 thousand tons. The catch rate (as a percentage of the volume of substances emanating from stationary sources) on average for the republic is 25.4%. Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere throughout the republic are dominated by: carbon monoxide - 31.622 thousand tons, hydrocarbons - 28.963 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - 13.823 thousand tons, sulfur dioxide - 5.583 thousand. Environmental problems requiring priority solutions:

· construction of wastewater treatment facilities at a number of enterprises;

· physical and moral wear and tear of existing treatment facilities;

· lack of organized storm sewerage at enterprises and on the territory of Votkinsk;

· protection of the Votkinsk pond basin from the impact of the oil production and agro-industrial complex;

· improvement of the city territory;

· arrangement of a city landfill for industrial and household waste.

Ecological situation in the city of Sarapul

The leading industries are electrical power engineering, mechanical engineering and metalworking. Emissions of pollutants into the city's atmosphere from stationary sources of 43 industrial enterprises amounted to 1.74 thousand tons. The greatest contribution to air pollution from stationary sources is made by thermal power plants (Sarapulskaya CHPP, Kristall-Energo LLC, Sarapulteploenergo LLC).

The source of domestic and drinking water supply for the city of Sarapul is the Kama River. The intake is carried out in the Sarapul district and then the water is supplied to the city of Sarapul to a water treatment station.

Within the city, wastewater from the Sarapulskaya CHPP and OJSC Sarapulsky Mash.zavod are discharged. The wastewater from other industrial enterprises, after complete biological treatment, is discharged into the river. Malaya Sarapulka outside the city.

The main environmental problems requiring priority solutions:

· reconstruction of the solid waste landfill;

· clearing litter from ravines, forested areas, and river banks from solid household waste.

Ecological situation in the city of Izhevsk

The leading industries are thermal power engineering, ferrous metallurgy, and mechanical engineering.

Emission of pollutants into the atmosphere from 74. The main sources of domestic, drinking and industrial water supply in Izhevsk are the Votkinsk and Izhevsk reservoirs. Compared to last year, water consumption has decreased.

Environmental problems requiring priority solutions:

· reclamation of the territory of the solid waste dump along the Sarapulsky tract;

· complete the work on reclamation of the slag dump lands of OJSC Izhstal;

· complete the work on reclamation of the sludge dump lands of JSC TGK 5 OSP Izhevskoe CHPP-2;

· relocation of the snow dump from the territory of the floodplain part of the river. Izh;

· construction of a storm sewer system;

· measures to improve water quality in the Izhevsk reservoir.

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Page creation date: 2016-04-27

An environmental problem is a change in the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic influences, leading to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature. The problem of preserving the human habitat is the most important and pressing. The scale of interaction of modern society with the natural environment has led to an environmental crisis, which, without recognition, has now assumed a global scale. http://www. edu. cap. ru/home/4186/ekol. html further

The study of the state of nature revealed widespread and systematic excess of maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the environment. 1246 industrial enterprises and organizations of the republic have emissions of pollutants http: //gidepark. ru/user/3978892155/content/753170 further

The main environmental problems of Udmurtia: Quality of drinking water Pollution of surface water Radioactive pollution Impact of motor transport on the environment Impact of associated gases accompanying oil production Impact of large livestock complexes more

The population of our region is especially concerned about the quality of drinking water, which is sharply deteriorating both in surface waters and in underground water sources. As of January 1, 1997, 15 of the most dangerous sources of groundwater pollution were registered on the territory of Udmurtia. These include oil fields (Kiongopskoye, Elnikovskoye, Arlanskoye). Landfills for industrial waste in the cities of Izhevsk, Sarapul, territories of mineral fertilizer bases, sludge sites, urban wastewater treatment plants, sludge storage tank of JSC Izhstal, Izhevsk CHPP-2, territory of an oil depot in the village of Kambarsky district, storage facility of JSC ChMZ in the city of Glazov. And the main polluting components are petroleum products (petroleum, gasoline, oils), chemicals (chlorides, nitrates), and heavy metals. further http: //m-auto 43. ru/article_view? a_id=17205&start=60

Intensive pollution of surface waters continues. The most polluted water bodies of the republic were the rivers. Izh below the city of Izhevsk, r. Kama below the city of Sarapul, r. Cap and Vine. The lack of sewage treatment facilities in the cities of Mozhga, Kambarka and in all regional centers of the republic increases the risk of poisoning, contributes to the increase in the incidence of natural focal infections and the occurrence of outbreaks of intestinal infections. further

An equally serious problem in the republic is radioactive contamination. The activities of JSC ChMZ in the city of Glazov and 22 other enterprises involve the use of radioactive substances and waste. A potential danger is posed by the waste accumulated at OJSC Izhmash, and since the republic does not have its own radioactive waste repository, a very serious problem of their disposal has arisen. The problem is also created by chemical weapons, accumulated in large quantities in Udmurtia (lewisite in Kambarka). http://www. g-cofartsmolod. com/jobs/11 z/Yulia Chaikovskaya/kkk/khgkh. htm more

The impact of motor transport on the environment is increasing year by year. On the roads of Udmurtia, every third car is operated with increased (2-3 times) toxicity of exhaust gases. The most environmentally hazardous are transport and agricultural machinery in rural areas, where work on toxicity control has just begun. vmurmanske. ru more

Along with industrial and transport pollution in Udmurtia, a significant impact on the environment of associated gases accompanying oil production has been identified. Hydrogen sulfide leaks from drilling wells along with associated and petroleum gases, destroying green spaces, forests and affecting human health. In addition to hydrogen sulfide, associated gases contain nitrogen, hesium, and various hydrocarbons. http://www. photosight. ru/photos/3238958/ further

In rural areas, the creation of large livestock complexes also has a negative impact on the environment. In fact, environmental requirements are not met at any pig-breeding complex in the republic. Manure and manure-containing wastewater that accumulate in large quantities pollute the soil, water, and air. Human health is also at risk. http://www. tatar-inform. ru/news/2011/08/19/282673/ more

Changes in the environment under the influence of scientific and technological progress lead to a violation of environmental comfort, to a deterioration in the health and existence of human society. Environmental pollution already today shortens human life by about 10%, primarily for those who live in big cities. further

In Udmurtia, in recent years, there has been an increase in the mortality of adults and children from cancer, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and digestive tract, the occurrence of which is associated with air pollution. The urban population of the Udmurt Republic suffers from various diseases more often and exceeds the rural population by approximately 54%. further http: //www. photosight. ru/photos/2107720/

The Committee for Environmental Protection is responsible for organizing and implementing state environmental control in the Udmurt Republic. The use and protection of certain types of natural resources are controlled by authorized state bodies in the field of environmental protection: the Committee for Water Resources, the Ministry of Forestry, the Department of Game Management under the Government of the SD, the Fishery Conservation Inspectorate for the SD and others further http: //900 igr. net/prezentatsii/ekologija/Priroda-i-les/013 -My-vse. html

In December 1996, by the Decree of the State Council of the Urals, the targeted comprehensive program “Ecology 2000” was adopted. The objective of this program is to solve environmental problems in the conditions of adaptation of the republic's economy to market changes. http://clubs. ya. ru/4611686018427413433/replies. xml? item _no=28 next

The comprehensive program "Ecology 2000" includes a number of subprograms: Formation of a territorial system of continuous environmental education Organization and development of a system of continuous environmental education Environment and public health Protection and reproduction of flora and fauna Formation of a network of specially protected natural areas Radiation safety of the population Environmental problems of storage and destruction of chemicals weapons Improvement and protection of the air basin Protection and rational use of water resources Protection and rational use of soil and land resources Rational use of production and consumption waste. back

For many years in Udmurtia, work has been carried out to reduce emissions of harmful substances and control the toxicity of exhaust gases. Operation Clean Air allows you to intensify this work, during which state and private transport is controlled. further

The peculiarities of the environmental situation in the cities and regions of the Udmurt Republic and the environmental problems arising in them are determined by the specific location of industrial and agricultural enterprises and transport, as well as the nature of the impact on the environment.

In 2008, 683 enterprises contributed their share to air pollution. The total amount of substances emanating from all recorded stationary sources of emission amounted to 113.98 thousand tons. The catch rate (as a percentage of the volume of substances emanating from stationary sources) on average for the republic is 25.4%.

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere throughout the republic are dominated by: carbon monoxide - 31.622 thousand tons, hydrocarbons - 28.963 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - 13.823 thousand tons, sulfur dioxide - 5.583 thousand tons.

Table 6.1.1. Main indicators of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources for SD

Stationary sources


Pollutants released, total



liquid and gaseous

sulfur dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitric oxide

hydrocarbons (no VOCs)

Caught and neutralized

LLC Gazpromtransgaz Tchaikovsky, OJSC Udmurtneft, OJSC Russneft, OJSC Izhstal, CHPP-1, CHPP-2 (Izhevsk)

Votkinsk city

PopulationВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 98.8 thousand people.

Leading industriesВ В В В В Mechanical engineering and metalworking.

Atmospheric air. Emissions of pollutants into the city's atmosphere from stationary sources by 41 industrial enterprises of the city amounted to 1.19 thousand tons. The main share of pollution falls on the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Votkinsky Plant.

Table 6.1.2. Main indicators of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources

Stationary sources

Units of measurement

Number of controlled enterprises



liquid and gaseous

sulfur dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitric oxide

hydrocarbons (no VOCs)


FSUE GPO V "Votkinsk plant"

Water resources. The main source of water supply for Votkinsk is the Votkinsk pond. The intake from natural water bodies and the use of water slightly exceeded the level of last year.

Table 6.1.3.В В Main indicators of water use


Main water bodies

(Votkinsky pond, Votka river, Siva river)

Saving fresh water


Polluted sewage

B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B without cleaning

B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B Insufficiently purified

Regulatory clean

Regulatory cleared

Enterprises are the main polluters

Federal State Institution Votkinsk Plant, OJSC Votkinsk Meat Processing Plant, OJSC Votkinsk Poultry Farm, Municipal Unitary Heating Networks, Municipal Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal, OJSC Votkinsk Automobile Enterprise, RTO

· construction of wastewater treatment facilities at a number of enterprises;

B · physical and moral deterioration of existing treatment facilities;

In the absence of organized storm sewerage at enterprises and on the territory of Votkinsk;

B · protection of the Votkinsk pond basin from the impact of the oil production and agro-industrial complex;

IN· improvement of the city territory;

IN· arrangement of a city landfill for industrial and household waste.

Glazov city

TerritoryВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 78.1 km 2

PopulationВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 101 thousand people.

Leading industriesВ В В В В Non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering and metalworking

Atmospheric air. Emissions of pollutants from 21 enterprises (Municipal Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Glazov, OJSC Garment Factory Rabochaya Marka, OJSC Glazovsky Plant Metalist, OJSC Glazovsky LVZV, OJSC OskonV, LLC Glazov ElectronV") amounted to 4.368 thousand tons. The main volumes of pollutants from stationary sources in the city of Glazov are provided by JSC Chepetsk Mechanical Plant with its thermal power plants and boiler houses.

Table 6.1.4. Main indicators of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources

Stationary sources

Units of measurement

Pollutants released, total



liquid and gaseous

sulfur dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitrogen oxides

hydrocarbons (no VOCs)

Caught and neutralized

Enterprises are the main polluters

JSC "Chepetsk Mechanical Plant" with thermal power plants and boiler houses

Water resources. The main sources of water supply for the city of Glazov are the Cheptsa and Ubyt rivers. Water for domestic and drinking use is collected in the Glazov region and supplied to the city of Glazov. Compared to the previous year, water consumption decreased.

Table 6.1.5.В В Main indicators of water use


Main water bodies

(R. Cheptsa, R. Ubyt)

Total water consumption in the city

Collected from surface water bodies

Water disposal to surface water bodies, total


Polluted sewage

No cleaning

Insufficiently purified

Regulatory clean

Regulatory cleared

Major pollutants released into water bodies

Enterprises are the main polluters

OJSC "ChMZV", CHPP-1, meat processing plant OJSC "SaigasV", Udmurt poultry farm, OJSC "Udmurt Construction Materials Plant"

Izhevsk city

TerritoryВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 333.2 km 2

PopulationВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 645.0 thousand people.

Leading industries В В В В Heat power engineering, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering.

Atmospheric air. The emission of pollutants into the atmosphere from 74 enterprises in the city of Izhevsk in 2008 amounted to 18,017 thousand tons, including solids - 3,103 thousand tons; gaseous and liquid – 14.915 thousand tons, of which sulfur dioxide – 1.41 thousand tons; carbon monoxide - 4.996 thousand tons; nitrogen oxides – 7.68 thousand tons; hydrocarbons - 0.094 thousand tons. Specific emissions per resident of the city of Izhevsk in 2008 amounted to about 29.4 kg. The greatest contribution to air pollution from stationary sources is made by thermal power plants (CHP-1, CHPP-2), ferrous metallurgy (JSC IzhstalV), and mechanical engineering.

Table 6.1.6. Main indicators of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources

Stationary sources

Units of measurement

Pollutants released, total



liquid and gaseous

sulfur dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitrogen oxides

hydrocarbons (no VOCs)


Share in total pollutant emissions

Enterprises are the main polluters

JSC IzhstalV, CHPP-1, CHPP-2, JSC BummashV, FSUE Izhevsk Mechanical Plant

Water resources. The main sources of domestic, drinking and industrial water supply for the city of Izhevsk are the Votkinsk and Izhevsk reservoirs. Compared to last year, water consumption has decreased.

Table 6.1.7.В В Main indicators of water use


Main water bodies (Izhevsk reservoir, underground springs)

Total water consumption in the city

Collected from surface water bodies

Volume of recycled and sequentially reused water

Saving fresh water through recycling water supply systems

Water disposal to surface water bodies, total


Polluted sewage

No cleaning

Insufficiently purified

Regulatory clean

Regulatory cleared

Major pollutants released into water bodies

Enterprises are the main polluters

OJSC IzhmashV, OJSC IzhstalV, CHPP-1, CHPP-2, JSC Aksion-HoldingV

Environmental problems requiring priority solutions:

B· reclamation of the territory of the solid waste dump along the Sarapulsky tract;

B · complete the work on reclamation of the lands of the slag dump of OJSC Izhstal;

B · complete the work on reclamation of the sludge dump lands of JSC TGK 5 OSP Izhevskoe CHPP-2;

В· transfer of a snow dump from the territory of the floodplain part of the river. Izh;

· construction of a storm sewer system;

· measures to improve water quality in the Izhevsk reservoir.

Kambarka city

TerritoryВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 672.62 km 2

PopulationВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 21,311 thousand people.

Leading industries B B B B Oil production, agriculture, mechanical engineering.

Atmospheric air. The main pollutants of Kambarka's atmospheric air are the Kambarsky Gas Equipment Plant CJSC, the Kambarsky Machine-Building Plant CJSC, the Kambarsk oil depot, and the chemical weapons destruction plant. Emissions into the atmosphere from stationary sources in 2008 amounted to 0.577 thousand tons.

Table 6.1.8. Main indicators of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources

Stationary sources

Units of measurement

Number of controlled enterprises

Pollutants released, total



liquid and gaseous

sulfur dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitrogen oxides

hydrocarbons (no VOCs)

Caught and neutralized

Enterprises are the main polluters

MPP Housing and Communal Services of Kambarka, CJSC Kambarsky Machine-Building Plant, Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Kambarsky District V EnergiaV

Water resources. The source of domestic, drinking and industrial water supply for the city of Kambarka is the Kambarskoye Reservoir. Due to periodic excess of nitrites, wastewater was transferred from the standard-clean category to insufficiently purified.

Table 6.1.9. Main indicators of water use


Main water bodies (Kambarskoye Reservoir, Sholya River, V. Bui River)

Total water consumption in the city

Collected from surface water bodies

Volume of recycled and sequentially reused water

Saving fresh water through recycling water supply systems

Water disposal to surface water bodies, total


Polluted sewage

No cleaning

Insufficiently purified

Regulatory clean

Regulatory cleared

Major pollutants released into water bodies

Enterprises are the main polluters

Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services of Kambarka, OJSC "Kambarsky MashzavordV", Chemical Treatment Facility 1203

Environmental problems requiring priority solutions:

B · construction of a solid waste landfill;

· construction of storm sewers and prevention of pollution of water bodies with wastewater from cesspools in populated areas;

· Elimination of unauthorized landfills of solid household waste in forest and suburban areas, as well as in horticultural cooperatives and adjacent areas;

B· cleaning of the Kambarsky pond.

City of Mozhga

TerritoryВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 30.09 km 2

PopulationВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 47.119 thousand people.

Leading industries B B B B building materials industry, mechanical engineering, woodworking.

Atmospheric air. Stationary sources, which emit 1.164 thousand tons of pollutants into the atmosphere, have a significant impact on air pollution in the city.

Table 6.1.10. Main indicators of emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air from stationary sources

Stationary sources

Units of measurement

Number of controlled enterprises

Pollutants released, total



liquid and gaseous

sulfur dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitrogen oxides

hydrocarbons (no VOCs)


Enterprises are the main polluters

OJSC "SvetV", OJSC "Mozhginsky timber processing plant", OJSC "MSO", CJSC "Mozhginsky woodworking enterprise "Krasnaya Zvezda"

Water resources. The source of domestic and drinking water supply for the city of Mozhga is groundwater. Water consumption remained at last year’s level, and the volume of recycled water supply increased. City wastewater treatment plants are inoperative. Wastewater is discharged into the river. Suga without treatment belongs to the category of contaminated wastewater.

Table 6.1.11. Main indicators of water use


Main water bodies

(R. Vala, Syuga)

Total water consumption in the city

Collected from surface water bodies

Volume of recycled and sequentially reused water

Saving fresh water through recycling water supply systems

Water disposal to surface water bodies, total


Polluted sewage

No cleaning

Insufficiently purified

Regulatory clean

Regulatory cleared

Major pollutants released into water bodies

Enterprises are the main polluters

Municipal Unitary Enterprise Housing and Communal Services, JSC Mozhginsky Meat Processing Plant, JSC Krasnaya Zvezda

Environmental problems requiring priority solutions:

B · construction of urban sewage treatment plants;

· construction of a solid waste landfill and access road.

City of Sarapul

TerritoryВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 88.2 km 2

PopulationВ В В В В В В В В В В В В В В В 104.2 thousand people.

Leading industries B B B B electric power industry, mechanical engineering and metalworking.

Atmospheric air. Emissions of pollutants into the city's atmosphere from stationary sources of 43 industrial enterprises amounted to 1.74 thousand tons. The greatest contribution to air pollution from stationary sources is made by thermal power plants (Sarapulskaya CHPP, LLC V "Kristall-Energo", LLC V "Sarapulteploenergo").

Table 6.1.12. Key indicators of air emissions from stationary sources

Stationary sources


Number of controlled enterprises

Pollutants released, total



liquid and gaseous

sulfur dioxide

carbon monoxide

nitrogen oxides

hydrocarbons (no VOCs)

Of these caught

Enterprises are the main polluters

Sarapulskaya CHPP, LLC V"Kristal-EnergoV", LLC V"SarapulteploenergoV"

Water resources. The source of domestic and drinking water supply for the city of Sarapul is the Kama River. The intake is carried out in the Sarapul district and then the water is supplied to the city of Sarapul to a water treatment station.

Within the city, wastewater from the Sarapulskaya CHPP and OJSC Sarapulsky Machinery Plant are discharged. The wastewater from other industrial enterprises, after complete biological treatment, is discharged into the river. Malaya Sarapulka outside the city. In

Table 6.1.13. Main indicators of water use


Main water bodies (Kama River, B. Sarapulka, M. Sarapulka, Yurmanka River)

Total water consumption in the city

Collected from surface water bodies

Volume of recycled and sequentially reused water

Saving fresh water through recycling water supply systems

Water disposal to surface water bodies, total


Polluted sewage

No cleaning

Insufficiently purified

Regulatory clean

Regulatory cleared

Major pollutants released into water bodies

Enterprises are the main polluters

OJSC Sarapulsky Machinery Plant, OJSC Sarapulsky Meat Processing Plant, OJSC Sarapul Poultry Farm

The main environmental problems requiring priority solutions:

· reconstruction of the solid waste landfill;

B· clearing litter from ravines, forested areas, and river banks from solid household waste;

· design and construction of a biothermal pit for the disposal of biological waste generated in the city.

The peculiarities of the environmental situation in the cities and regions of the Udmurt Republic and the environmental problems arising in them are determined by the specific location of industrial and agricultural enterprises and transport, as well as the nature of the impact on the environment. The two main environmental problems are air pollution and water pollution.

Currently, the most pressing environmental problems in the field of environmental management are:

1. Water pollution from industrial and household waste; irrational use of water resources;

2. Air pollution from emissions from stationary objects and transport;

3. Irrational use of land, soil pollution and destruction;

4. Depletion of mineral reserves;

5. Irrational use of animal and plant, primarily forest, natural resources;

6. Elimination and disposal of production and consumption waste.


The peculiarities of the environmental situation in the cities and regions of the Udmurt Republic and the environmental problems arising in them are determined by the specific location of industrial and agricultural enterprises and transport, as well as the nature of the impact on the environment.

The main polluters are Gazpromtransgaz Tchaikovsky LLC, Udmurtneft OJSC, Russneft OJSC, Izhstal OJSC, CHPP-1, CHPP-2.

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere throughout the republic are dominated by: carbon monoxide - 31.622 thousand tons, hydrocarbons - 28.963 thousand tons, nitrogen oxides - 13.823 thousand tons, sulfur dioxide - 5.583 thousand tons. The mechanical engineering complex is a potential air pollutant , surface water bodies, soil. Thus, the most environmentally hazardous pollutants generated in foundry production are sulfur oxide and dioxide, nitrogen oxides, as well as solid substances that make up foundry molds.


On the territory of the republic there are 8925 watercourses (rivers and streams) and 868 ponds and reservoirs (219 with an area of ​​more than 5 hectares). As a result of industrial, agricultural and municipal runoff, the waters of the Kama, Loza and Nizhnekamsk reservoirs are officially classified as “very polluted”. In Udmurtia In the republic, the annual use of fresh water averages 302-306 million cubic meters. Moreover, in certain sectors of the economy, about 90% of the water used is usually discharged into reservoirs in the form of wastewater contaminated with waste from economic activities. In general, in the republic the level of pollution of water bodies (especially recreational ones) is noticeably higher than in the country and the Volga region. Thus, the problem of water disposal in the republic is very acute, since most treatment facilities do not provide water purification to the standard level due to the fact that that they have been built and operated for 20-25 years or more.


The structure of agricultural land is dominated by arable land - 81.78%. As a result of economic activity, land areas change. Agricultural areas are being reduced and are being overgrown with shrubs. The area under deposits is growing.

The qualitative composition of lands is changing. The humus content in soils decreases. Over twenty years, the humus content in soils has decreased by 0.35 percent, the annual loss of humus is 0.47 tons/ha.

The territory of the republic is cut up by a dense network of river valleys, lairs, and ravines. The average size of the arable land contour is 24.9 hectares.

The republic is located in a zone of increased danger of intensive development of erosion. 70 percent of farmland and 75 percent of arable land are located on erosive lands, subject to water erosion.

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