Fallout new vegas ncr legion. Walkthrough of the game Fallout: New Vegas for Caesar's Legion

Actually, the topic is indicated

This is what prompted me to this topic: I talked with the fighters and... especially with the officers and rangers of the NKR, it was not possible to get out of conversations with the legionnaires. And from these conversations I came away with the firm conviction that the NKR has no chance in this area. The Republic will not be able to ride horses like GG forever and very soon the Legion will take over. Actually the facts:

- supply lines are extended and unstable
- assistance (material, and not very financial) from the main regions of the republic is practically absent
- there is practically no discipline in the army, the number of rangers is declining and there is no one to join their ranks

- a very harsh suppression of the disobedient, which, with low effectiveness of the NKR, will lead to a lack of resistance from the inhabitants
- quite strict discipline in relation to military affairs due, as I understand it, to qualitative “brainwashing”
- concentration on one specific task => no dispersal of efforts

Well, something like that. Who will have any opinions?

Lioness Elsa

Lioness Elsa

Unfortunately, I don’t know enough about the situation, and I only spoke with two representatives of the Legion the captured one (who also talks about a spy) and the one who supervised the execution of an entire settlement, and after a while finds you and offers to meet with Caesar (Met him right after she tore off Benny’s head, literally talked to Yes-Man, and walked out of the casino). By the way, at that moment he changed into an “official” suit (probably legionnaires in uniform are simply not allowed into Vegas), and it looked quite impressive.
The captured legionnaire said something to the effect that the Legion was following a man, not an idea - Caesar, and after the death of the latter it was unlikely to be able to hold out. I'm inclined to stick with the same version... for now.
However, I know exactly what the future of the next Fallout (if there is one) is for NKR. The fact is that the first two Fallouts told the story of the small village of Shady Sands, which managed to grow into a powerful force. The third Fallout abandoned this topic, but in New Vegas we can again observe the NCR, and even judge it.



The Legion is a dictatorship of one person, without him (if a worthy follower is not found) internal squabbling will begin among the leaders and other confusion and vacillation. As far as I remember, Caesar is already old, there is an AutoDoc standing by the bed, that is, he doesn’t have much time left.

The NKR leadership, by the way, does not consider themselves to be the losing side at the beginning of the game; they simply believe that the battle for the dam will be difficult and with an unknown outcome. But it's still worth a try.
Yes, the main disadvantage of the NKR is precisely that it is pursuing a bad policy in general. High taxes, unguarded trade routes, lack of forces, poor supplies from the west.

But, apparently, the problems are limited specifically to this region. The loss if the Legion wins is great, but the Legion also needs to control and protect this region, which will also take time and effort. And then other units of the NKR army will strike, pulling up from the west, and there will be an inverted situation at the beginning of the game - the Legion clinging with all its might to the Mojave and the impudent NKR army, ready for battle. So Vegas will be a challenge prize until someone finally wins.

Although you need to familiarize yourself with the ending for the Legion first; what will happen to Caesar’s army in the event of victory, according to the scriptwriters.



Hm. I believe the important question here is will the Legion take over Vegas? And it’s not even a matter of electricity from the dam, or a lake of fresh water. The fact is that the Legion, although it has already formed into a highly organized state, has absolutely no mechanism for transferring power - this is natural when there is a continuous war and anyone who doubts the eternity of Caesar will be crucified. And the lack of a center prevents them from stopping, remember, Caesar says: “We have cities, but none of them compare to Vegas... It will become Rome for my Legion.” If this happens, IMHO, the Legion will stop - at least to gather their strength, NCR and House will thoroughly beat them up. This means that the commanders will begin to think about the long-term future, and Caesar will begin to prepare laws on the transfer of power, perhaps write a will. If the Legion is repulsed, Caesar will die before the third attack is prepared. The Legion will not even be in the position of Russia after the death of Peter I, as would have happened if Caesar had died after the capture of Vegas, but before the will is drawn up, no, everything will be worse. There simply won’t be anyone who will seize power right away. There won't even be any squabbling between the military leaders. That is, it will start, but later. Let’s add to this the extent of the Legionary lands, general confusion, inevitable disobedience to the new local commander... Even if the Legion gets out of this mess, it will be a completely different Legion, greatly weakened, and it won’t be soon. So the battle for the dam will determine not only the fate of the Legion for 20 years to come, but also the question of its existence.

But the NKR, as for me, cannot rule the region. Will the Bombers and Khans help or not, will we hand over the old ranger or not, will Mr. House live? Under the attack of the veterans, the first ranks will flee, the rangers will stand in the way of the Legion, covering the retreat, and everyone will be knocked out. True, it is quite possible that by doing this they will allow the NKR to rebuild and crush the Legion. But even if so, what next? the most that the NKR can really do is follow the example of the BS a fortpost at the borders of the region and rare patrols.
The solution could be Caesar's death BEFORE the battle. But even then, little will change: there will be more fortposts, more patrols, that’s all. The bulk of the soldiers will move on, and the NKR will declare a formal protectorate.

The most realistic situation in the event of a defeat (quite possible, given that the Bombers, Securitons, Khans and others will join the conflict) of the Legion seems to me to be the situation with a triumviate of large factions in the light of the battle for the dam, who realized that they need to more actively participate in local politics Red Caravan, Gunsmiths, The owner of Vegas. An additional parliament of small factions is possible Bombers (fully autonomous district) Vegas suburbs, Followers, District cities. By the time the NKR reaches Vegas for real, they will meet a powerful force that is already fully organized and, what is important, ready for dialogue. The result will probably be something like a treaty binding the EEC countries, perhaps with a hint of NKR superiority. Or NKR will become a federation - who knows? But one thing is certain, the NKR itself will not rule in the Mojave.

So both the Legion and the NKR are unviable in their own way.



Legion this is not for long. Simply because Caesar has an army and nothing more. After all, what is the similarity between the Legion and Rome? In the surroundings. Yes, they dug up a couple of Latin textbooks, made themselves loricas, and revived the noble traditions of homosexuality. But do they build roads? Are there philosophers, poets, or agronomists among them? Rome had something to offer the “barbarian” peoples. What can the Legion offer? Shish with butter. Well, and some kind of militaristic pseudo-ideology, which defines war as a means of separating the wheat from the chaff. In essence, legionnaires rob and kill. All. Such a team has no future. The first scenario: the “empire” is doomed to split into small pieces, which will then be assimilated one by one by border societies. The second option: instead of Caesar, a super-enlightened ruler comes to power (solely, of course), who begins to build roads and everything else. Even if he succeeds in radically restructuring the social structure of the Legion, the “empire” will still fall. Just like the Empire fell in the 5th century. The captures end. The country is turning into a patchwork quilt. There is confusion and vacillation in the center. Someone strong comes from outside, and kirdyk. No, citizens, even if the legionnaires march through the Mojave with fire and sword, there is no talk of the future. Remember "The Postman". Freedom-loving patriots of the United States will not give any slave-holding armies a single chance. Reviewed by Kevin Costner.



Kudjo Yes, I agree that if the Legion wins, the situation will repeat itself in an inverted form... only it will be easier for the Legion the front will be much narrower, since in fact the only normal way into the region from the southwest is that very outpost, while now the NKR holds front throughout the Colorado. Rangers in such conditions will not be able to act as effectively as Legion scouts now.

Everyone well, yes, now there is no center, now the center of the empire Caesar. But his death, hmm, is not so critical for the empire I got the impression that the Legion has too good senior officers to allow the empire to fall apart so easily. Rather, they will organize a kind of Senate and some semblance of the Roman Republic.
It seems to me that the current expansion of the empire is not due to flawed politics, as in the case of the NKR, but to some fairly objective factors that are leveled out with the establishment of control over the Mojave Wasteland. Moreover, in my opinion (at the current state of the gameplay), the Legion is able to ensure at least the neutrality of House...



That's just it - the officers are good, the legate may well take Caesar's place, but not right away. Plus, it’s not a fact that all provinces will recognize the new ruler.

I agree, the basis of the Legion’s ideas is war. But, firstly, Caesar directly says that after the capture of New Vegas he is inclined to stop. Secondly, I again agree with Caesar - the capture of Vegas will greatly change the Legion. Thirdly, we see a very small part of the Legion. From the words of the NPC, you can understand that somewhere far away there are cities, and therefore farms. What the local Legion has to offer is the complete absence of raiders.

Well, “freedom-loving patriots of the USA” will not do anything because the word “USA” is only remembered in the Enclave and the BS. And somehow they tolerated Vault City, New Reno, and even such a nice place as Dan.



Not really. It’s just that at the moment people are still preoccupied with one problem: immediate survival. Very few are ready to fight there - Sally, Boone and his partner (and those, at the same time, former NKR sheep), Sheriff-prisoner and... and... that's it, I don't remember anymore!



About Lanius) I remember somewhere, from someone there is a phrase (even from Caesar, I think) that they say “it’s better when soldiers fear their general and not the enemy.”

Therefore, they won’t delay barking for long).



A legion without Caesar will fall apart in 10 years (if Caesar does not have time to implement all his plans), and the NKR is a meaningless and merciless bureaucratic machine that, in any case, slowly or quickly, will still swallow up Central America. They simply don't have opponents who are the right weight or fast and smart enough.



I agree, the bureaucratic mill grinds slowly but surely. Its millstones will grind any resistance into dust, at what cost it does not matter. The NKR system is more viable than the Legion system. The NKR is based on subordination, the Legion is based on the charisma of Caesar. The president of the NKR will pass into eternity - everything will be as before, Caesar will pass away - this is not a fact, it depends on the strength of the personality of the heir, the likelihood of a civil war. IMHO.

alice lee

Alice Lee

I somehow believe in NKR more.
originally because Legion bad guys, and NKR good.
and if you dig deeper, well, “an alloy of 86 conquered tribes” cannot be stable for a long time. I admit that the Legion has a powerful officer corps and even a clear algorithm for inheriting power in the event of the death of Caesar (Boone told me about this when he and I cleared Caesar’s tent), but where do they get the vast majority of ordinary soldiers from? from slaves? such an “army” is a time bomb that will explode sooner or later.
On closer examination, NKR is also not as “white and fluffy” as it seems at the beginning. if the majority of field soldiers and officers still really believe that they are bringing order and peace to the Wasteland, then the top makes a terrible impression. For example, I was incredibly outraged by the episode with the awarding of a private on the Dam, whose deputy did not know why he was being awarded. show off, ugh..
The mood in the NKR army is not very optimistic, of course. problems with food, equipment and morale - all this is there. but the example of Shvali in Camp “Golf” shows very well how you can inspire the most unpromising soldiers, train them, and give them hope. and when you enlist the support of Bombers, Khans, Kings... and God forbid, BS this is a completely different balance of power.
Well, in any war there must be a Hero, such as GG, or better yet, more than one. then people begin to believe in victory.

The Legion is one of the two main opposing factions in the game Fallout New Vegas. Also, she was supposed to be present in an unfinished game with the working title Van Buren (unfinished Fallout 3).

History of the Legion

The Legion owes its entire existence to its leader, Caesar, formerly known as Edward Sallow. This man comes from the city of Boneyard in the NKR (the ruins of the former Los Angeles). He spent his childhood in the Followers of the Apocalypse library reading books. After becoming a member of the Followers, he traveled to the tribes of Arizona with Bill Colquhoun. They had to learn local dialects. They were helped in this by the Mormon Joshua Graham, whom they met in the vicinity of the Grand Canyon. The three of them were captured by the Blackfoot tribe for ransom. This tribe was in a difficult situation and suffered enmity with several other tribes. Edward decided that the only way out was to help the Blackfoot defeat them all. He began teaching them how to use weapons, how to make explosives, and taught them the basics of discipline. From a prisoner to a leader, he led the tribe against the others, defeating them all in battle one after another. Colquhoun protested against Edward's methods. The future Caesar then sent him back to NCR with a message for the Followers to leave him. Joshua Graham stayed and became a translator, and then a combat commander (legate).

Edward took the ancient Roman legion as the basis for his organization. Most likely, a specific legion was used - the tenth legion, as evidenced by the "X" sign (10 Roman numerals) and the image of a bull. He declared himself Caesar. This eliminated inter-tribal conflicts and united the various tribes under a new banner. In total, 86 tribes were conquered from Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado. In Colorado, the city of Denver was of great importance to the Legion. It was home to many tribes and packs of dogs (dogs were actively used by the Legion as a fighting force). Also, presumably, Legion coins were made there. But the capture of this city seriously depleted the Legion.

Caesar had long planned to start a war against the NKR. And in 2277 it took place. The situation was not very convenient for him - the territory of the NKR was separated by the Mojave Wasteland and the Colorado River. But he decided to defeat the NKR troops, drive them away from the Mojave and capture New Vegas, turning it into a new Rome. The legionnaires, led by Legate Graham, defeated the NKR troops on the eastern shore of the Colorado and destroyed Fort Aradesh. But they were defeated in the battle for Hoover Dam. Caesar was beside himself with rage. He ordered Graham's execution. He was coated with tar, set on fire and thrown into the Grand Canyon. This happened four years before the start of the game. The Legion did not retreat and entrenched itself on the opposite bank of the Colorado, preparing for the next attempt. Legate Lanius became the new commander.

Ideology and organization

Caesar conceived the Legion as a counterpoint to the NKR, in which he did not believe. For him, the NKR was a plutocracy, a hereditary dictatorship mired in bureaucracy and corruption. Also, he did not like the NKR's attempt to copy the pre-war USA, considering this path doomed to repeat all mistakes. But despite everything, Caesar does not reject democracy itself (at least, one cannot hear criticism of democracy as such from him). He also respects NKR President Aaran Kimball. The Legion itself is a purely military organization, which, after the capture of New Vegas and the defeat of the NKR troops, was supposed to become a “military patriarchal imperialist autocratic culturally homogeneous empire.” This empire had to reliably protect Caesar and the citizens, and the citizens themselves would be significant to the empire as much as they would be useful. At the same time, apparently, only people (not mutants) could become citizens. But at the same time, they will not immediately capture or kill a ghoul or a non-aggressive super mutant. According to the stories of some ghouls, they visited the eastern domains of the Legion and did not experience any particular discrimination. However, ghouls are not accepted as legionnaires.

The entire organization of the Legion is designed to serve one purpose - to wage war. Therefore, warriors were valued above all else. Those who could not fight were turned into slaves. Well, those who were unable to work were destroyed. It is not surprising that in this situation many women found themselves in the position of slaves. But there are many women serving in the NKR troops, so why are they considered incapable of fighting in the Legion? There is no specific answer to this in the game. Apparently this is due to the personal beliefs of Caesar himself. But being a slave in the legion is not considered humiliating. It is even considered honorable. There are many categories of people who can be destroyed or have no right to life at all. Among them are rebellious people, traitors, raiders, drug addicts, drug distributors and homosexuals. NKR employees are called "plutocrats" and are also subject to destruction.

But not the entire Legion is like a large military camp. In the east there are cities in which almost complete freedom of citizens (at least men) is maintained. Merchants and other travelers can enter territories controlled by the Legion by receiving a special mark. The hero of the game also receives a special mark - “The Sign of Caesar”, which also means that its owner was invited to his place by Caesar personally. It is known that there are absolutely no raiders on these lands and it is safer there than in the NKR.

As already mentioned, Caesar is at the head of the Legion. He is a ruler with complete freedom of action. Formally, he is limited by laws, but he himself formulates and approves these laws. It is believed that he is the son of the god Mars and directly fulfills his will - to bring order to the wasteland, fighting ignorance and chaos. About the great war he says, “Mars cleansed the Earth with fire.” Some characters believe that without Caesar the Legion cannot exist. Perhaps this is partly true, and without Caesar Edward this organization will not be the same. But there is a system of succession of power, and in the event of Caesar's death, no unrest will arise.

Enemies and allies

At the start of the game, the Great Khans tribe are allies of the Legion. But the player can persuade them to ally with the NKR, despite the fact that the NKR staged a bloody massacre of the Khans in Bitter Springs, since not all the Khans are against the NKR. Although the Khans are descended from raiders, the Legion treats them as a normal tribe. But the Fiends are real raiders, albeit somewhat better organized. They attack everyone (including the player) in the vicinity of New Vegas, presumably using underground communications. It is not clear how these drug addicts and raiders became allies of Caesar, but it is believed that this is so (the Devils themselves, attacking the McCarran camp in the final battle, consider themselves allies of the Legion). The Bombers can be persuaded to support the Legion in battle. At the same time, this faction remains relatively independent.

As is already clear, the NKR is an irreconcilable enemy. Caesar could change his attitude only if Kimball became a military dictator, as can be learned from his conversation with Caesar. But this will never happen. Also, the Brotherhood of Steel is considered an enemy of the legion. Caesar does not understand the goals of this organization at all - why do they need to take such care of technology if they don’t even share it with others and hide it like a miser’s treasure? He was perplexed by the fact that the captured scribes did not even know the name of the one who founded the Brotherhood itself (Roger Maxon). All they knew was technology. But there is no purpose for which these technologies are preserved. Another enemy is the ruler of New Vegas, Mr. House. It is not entirely clear how Caesar feels about him; in the conversation he does not show any special emotions. Perhaps he sees House simply as an obstacle and an ambitious but unremarkable opponent. After all, his army is soulless robots, battle with which is not honorable for legionnaires. Dying in a fight with a robot is perceived more like death from a bad fall or other accident, rather than at the hands of an opponent. For example, the player is tasked with entering the Fortification alone, where the robots are stored, and blowing it up.

Legion as a military force

At the top of the hierarchy are the legates. The troops led by legates are numerous and can be led independently by warriors. Smaller units are led by centurions. There is no clear size of troops controlled by centurions. This can be either a large force, several elite soldiers, or a small sabotage detachment. Conturbernii (a detachment of 8 people) are commanded by deans. However, deans can command several circuits at once. Vexilaria are standard bearers. Whether they are in charge of something is unknown. Ordinary legionnaires are divided into recruits, warriors and veterans. Moreover, this division does not reflect their rank, but their experience. Even titles such as legate and centurion directly reflect the experience of their owners. Anyone who doubted could challenge a higher standing legionnaire to a duel.

Those who have risen to the rank of centurion can join the praetorians - the guard. Praetorians guard important Legion officials, important installations, and important prisoners. In addition, they conduct interrogations, organize executions and control artillery. Caesar's agents are called frumentarii. Initially, they were created for infiltration and reconnaissance beyond the NKR. Frumentarii are secretly found among different factions, where they are allowed debauchery to emulate that faction. Sometimes frumentarii conduct reconnaissance openly, if this faction is allied and where the legion's scout is guaranteed safety. In addition, the ranks of cursor (messenger and intelligence officer) and consul (captures and sells slaves) are mentioned.

Unlike NKR troops, legionnaires do not disperse their forces in an attempt to control everything at once. The bulk of their troops are camped at a fort on the eastern shore of Colorado, preparing to strike the Hoover Dam and capture New Vegas. Their raids are swift and unexpected for the defenders. This allows you to achieve goals with relatively small forces and without wasting resources. Although the NCR has many ranger posts and garrisons, the appearance of the Legion on the west bank is a complete surprise to them. The attack on Nipton even goes unnoticed by them, and when they find out, they can hardly believe what happened. In this city, the entire population and part of the Demolition Gang were executed. At the same time, the legionnaires do not try to storm and then hold the NKR camps, but destroy supply caravans, depleting the NKR troops, which are supposed to defend New Vegas and the Hoover Dam. They also do not know about the existence of the Legion camp in Cottonwood Cove. What happened at Camp Searchlight, where the NKR garrison was turned into crazed ghouls, is also a mystery. But one thing is clear - this is the work of Legion saboteurs. Bitter Springs, which is located almost opposite Caesar's main camp, is guarded by only a couple of soldiers and can become easy prey for the legionnaires (and becomes, if the player does not kill the attackers, acting together with the sniper Boone). The captured village of Nelson in the game returns to the hands of the NKR with the help of the player; without his support, the “liberators”, if they decide to recapture the settlement, are destroyed by legionnaires. But the Legion does not seek to capture and hold settlements before the decisive battle takes place. After all, then you will have to engage troops to guard these facilities, organize supplies, provide reconnaissance and patrols to prevent enemy attacks, etc. And weapons with the skills of legionnaires are not very well suited for defending anything. But they can still occupy the HELIOS One station, but this is done entirely by the hands of the player, who, of his own free will, kills the garrison.

Most legionnaires wear light armor. According to some sources, it was created on the basis of sports equipment, possibly for playing American football, or for motocross. The material is metal (possibly aluminum or light alloys), leather and polymers. At the same time, only the shoulders, front torso and groin are protected. Veterans may have sharp spikes on their shoulders that look like nails, and Vexilarians may have additional protection in the form of metal discs (plates?) on the front. There is also a heavier (but rare and almost never used in operations) type of armor - centurion armor. They are assembled from the fragments of the Brotherhood of Steel power armor. These pieces of power armor were obtained in a battle with the Brotherhood itself (the Brotherhood was defeated). However, completely restored power armor can also be seen on NKR soldiers (and again, acquired in battle with the Brotherhood). Under the armor they wear a tunic made of rough red fabric and something like a dark-colored kilt made of some kind of thick fabric. On their heads they wear various hats, by which the titles and positions of their owners can be distinguished. For example, veterans can be distinguished by their metal helmet (again, it is not clear whether this helmet should be classified as a motorcycle helmet or a football helmet). The helmets of the deans have many feathers. The researchers wear a hood with a visor (possibly a baseball cap) sticking out of it. Vexilarians wear a headdress in the form of a wolf's head (or a coyote, or a dog with a breed close to wolves). They do not wear the usual common headdresses such as hats.

The standard weapon is a machete. At first glance, this is a weak weapon. But only in the hands of an inexperienced warrior. They can quickly close in and deliver powerful blows, cutting down enemies like cabbage, especially if several attack at once. But, of course, a machete is of little use against heavy armor. And it can be difficult to reach a shooter holed up in a hard-to-reach place. Recruits also use throwing spears. It seems that these types of weapons are not very successful. But this is a weapon that is well known to people from wild tribes. They don’t need to be trained for a long time, and you don’t have to spend money on them purchasing firearms and ammunition. And in battles, hand-to-hand fighters of the Legion have repeatedly shown their effectiveness, cutting out slow NKR shooters. Well, of course, (c) “a knife never runs out of cartridges.” Caesar's sabotage squads can remain combat-ready with minimal equipment, carrying a minimum of food and drink, a knife and light armor. This shows the idea of ​​relying on human experience rather than technology, which is unreliable and can fail (or even corrupt). In addition to the regular machete, there is also an improved one - the gladius machete. As well as chainsaws, power fists and other, less common types of melee and melee weapons. It is worth noting that only Legion camps have grinding machines that are actively used. True, this sharpening is not reflected in the characteristics of their weapons. But they still have firearms. These are ordinary “barrels” like hunting rifles, captured service rifles, shotguns and submachine guns. But there are also unusual examples, like 12.7mm pistols.

And what at the end?

So what happens if the player supports the Legion in the final battle? For starters, he will lose a lot of experience. Yes, there are few quests for the Legion, and if you take their side, it will be impossible to complete a large number of NKR quests and related ones. Is it a flaw or was this done on purpose to point to the NKR as the main plot point? OK. President Kimball is killed, the morale of the NKR soldiers is undermined, and legionnaires storm the Hoover Dam. But they don't show the massive battle. For example, I never saw the promised bomber and vertibird while playing for the Legion ( Later, after writing the article, playing for NKR, I still saw them, and mistakenly sent them against different opponents). So, several legionnaires break into the dam, while others block the approach of reinforcements to the enemies. This detachment will be quite small, even with Khanami’s assistants. They run fast, and if the player hesitates, they will be killed. However, they will still be killed. I think there is no need to remind that the player must be pumped up for this battle and have enough ammunition and medicine in his inventory. No need to skimp - this is the final battle. But finally, the enemies inside the dam are defeated, General Oliver is killed or persuaded to leave, the player receives praise from the terrible Legate Lanius, credits. What do these credits say? If Caesar is alive, then everything will go relatively calmly. New Vegas will be "peacefully" enslaved, the NCR will retreat to the Mojave Outpost. Civilization will finally come to the wasteland, no matter how bitter it may be. If Caesar is dead at that time, then Legate Lanius will lead the Legion. His reign will be even more brutal. Well, if the player chooses NKR, House or himself, then the Legion will be driven east from Colorado. But a more detailed description of the endings of the plot of the New Vegas game deserves a separate article.

Legion in Van Buren

Like other materials used to create New Vegas, Legion was also taken from Van Buren. Here events happen a little earlier than in NV. In 2238, Joshua Graham met two Followers of the Apocalypse in the Grand Canyon and they founded the Legion. One of the Followers became Caesar, and Graham was his right hand. It began with the Legion defeating the Braided Hair tribe, which was collecting tribute from everyone, changing the balance of power in its favor and becoming the main force in the area. In 2249, the Legion was already a serious force, buying slaves from the Chernon tribe and selling them to the Ghoul Reservation, which supplied weapons and ammunition.

In 2250, Caesar began war with the NCR by destroying Fort Aradesh, their outpost east of the Grand Canyon. But when trying to capture the Hoover Dam (where this dam represented an entire city), he was defeated. After this, the Legion moved east from Texas, leaving only a few groups of legionnaires in the southwest. It is unknown what the legionnaires were supposed to look like in the game, but some concept art remains, for example this one.

Legion in... reality

The real-life Tenth Legion (Legio X Equestris) was founded by Julius Caesar in 58 BC. It was conceived as a cavalry one, as the name suggests, but it became a typical legion (there was also an “alternative” Legio X Fretensis, but this is not about that). The symbol of the legion was the familiar bull, and the number was about 5,000 infantry and 300 cavalry. The beginning of his military career was stormy. Almost immediately after its founding, it defeated the vastly superior Belgian forces in France. Soon the legion lands in Britain, along with Caesar. But after that he had to fight internal enemies in a civil war. A resounding victory was the defeat of the Republicans led by Pompey in 45 BC. in the south of Spain. At first, Caesar seriously feared for the success of the battle and his life, but due to the confusion and lack of stamina, Pompey's legions lost 30,000 people against Caesar's 1,000 legionnaires and were completely defeated. But this was not the end of the civil wars. In 44 BC. the conspirators kill Caesar. The 10th legion, along with others, opposes the troops of Brutus and Cassius, who fled from Rome, fearing popular anger. The troops are commanded by Guy Octavius ​​(the future Emperor Octavian Augustus), whom Caesar appointed as heir before his death, and Mark Antony. After the victory over the Republicans in Macedonia, the time came for the Roman Empire, and the legion went to fight against the Parthians led by Mark Antony. But that's not all. Mark Antony, who considered himself the successor of Julius Caesar, in alliance with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra, went against Octavian. A major naval battle took place, in which something incomprehensible happened. According to the main version, Cleopatra's ships left the battle and headed south. Following this, Mark Antony sailed after her, who then fell into a stupor and sat on the ship for four days. The Tenth Legion, among others, was blocked, but continued to hold out. For seven days the legions waited for Anthony to return, but instead their commander, Canidius Crassus, abandoned them. Then Antony's legions surrendered. But the soldiers received a pardon. The legionnaires joined the rest of Octavian's army. But Legio X Equestris itself was actually disbanded. In its place was the newly formed Legio X Gemina, made up of half loyal soldiers from the original legion and soldiers from other legions. Then there were many more battles both with external enemies and in internal civil strife. The last mention of the legion dates back to the 5th century. Then it stood in Vienna and was more of a settlement than a military legion.

How similar were these legionnaires to the legionnaires from the game? If we describe the entire structure of the legions, tactics, all reforms, etc., it will take up a lot of space. The formation of Rome was also associated with the conquest and annexation of various tribes. In the beginning, the entire army of Rome consisted of one legion (more than 3,000 militia and cavalry from the nobility). Later, the number of legions increased, and service became first compulsory, later mercenary. The legions were indeed led by legates (but earlier, during the Republic, instead of them there were several military tribunes who took turns commanding). Units of 100 people were called centuries. But then the centuries could differ in number - from 60 to 120 people. The centuries were led by centurions - the most experienced warriors.

The soldiers wore red clothes. This was believed to bring them good luck. But among civilians, wearing red clothes could be perceived as a declaration of one’s vanity and exorbitant ambitions. In the game, legionnaires wear high boots (“booters”). These shoes are not like the Roman caligas worn by soldiers. But it resembles “calceuses” - high, closed shoes, similar to modern boots, only without toes (they were worn by citizens in cities). An interesting way to carry luggage is on a stick (to quickly drop it in case of alarm). But the game does not display draggable luggage, so there is nothing to compare it with.

What about weapons and armor? As in the game, the most important weapon for real legionnaires was a short sword for the infantry and a longer sword for the cavalry. But due to the characteristics of the metal, these swords were not intended for slashing, but for stabbing. Similar weapons were used for a long time after the fall of Rome. For example, Viking swords are variants of Roman ones. Also, the standard weapons were pilums - throwing spears. And, of course, each legionnaire carried a large shield - a scutum. There are no shields in the game. Oh well. On their heads they wore metal helmets familiar to everyone from the pictures. The armor was mainly made of metal plates (segments) covering the torso and shoulders. In addition, there were leather armor with plates sewn on them, scale and chain mail armor, as well as cheap quilting soaked in salt. The Romans were known for the effective use of various throwing machines. Including the likes of large crossbows that threw heavy arrows at enemies. In the world of Fallout, these machines could replace heavy machine guns. The Legion had them in concept art, but there is nothing like it in the game (except for one heavy howitzer that doesn’t fire).

We watch the introductory video in which our hero is shot in the head in a cemetery near a freshly dug grave. Then we arrive in Goodsprings, in the house of Doc Mitchell, who helped us get back on our feet after being seriously wounded. We choose our appearance, name, distribute S.P.E.C.I.A.L. points, select traits. Before leaving the cozy home, let's take a look around it. You can take whatever your heart desires, it is not considered theft.

Back in the saddle.

Going out into the street, we will see a robot moving along the road. We thank him for his help and ask a little about the bandits who attacked us. We go to the saloon. To mark the path, select the default task in the inventory. Sunny greets us immediately upon entering. Please teach us how to live in the desert. She agrees and offers to go behind the saloon. Having received the rifle, we aim at the bottles and shoot through exactly three of them. Then she offers to continue training, we agree and follow her. Having reached the reservoir, we kill small creatures using V.A.T.S. We speak with Sunny and agree to clean up two more reservoirs. We receive the reward and go on to the next task.


We get to Primm. The territory is controlled by escaped criminals. We enter the casino and chat with Johnson.

The city I like.

Before we learn the details of our investigation, we need to release the deputy sheriff. He is being held by criminals at the Bison Steve Hotel. Having penetrated there, we deal with the enemies we encounter. The hostage is being held on the first floor. But we also examine the second floor in search of useful items. We talk to Beagle and free him. Going outside, we talk to him again and get the necessary information.


We head to Novak via Nipton to mingle with the locals. Having reached the town, we immediately head to the motel. After talking with the owner, Jenny, we leave the motel and go to one of the rooms, passing through the gate. Having met Manny, we ask him about the man in the checkered suit. He agrees to help us, but on one condition, if we help him. Of course, with great charisma we can immediately get what interests us.

Let's fly.

We go to the training ground on Manny's mission. Our task: to clear this place of ghouls. Before leaving, let's look at a huge dinosaur, inside of which there is a small shop. To get secret weapons and ammunition, you need to enlist the help of Jenny. Having reached the training ground, we destroy several ghouls outside. Let's go inside. Over the intercom, a voice asks to go up the metal stairs to meet. At the entrance we talk to Chris, who, surprisingly, does not look like a ghoul at all. He reports that a certain Jason, the leader, is waiting for us. After passing along the corridor, we go upstairs. Jason, in response to our request to leave the training ground, wants us to first clear the basement of super-mutant shadows. Mutants are very strong in close combat and their health is not weak. We thoroughly look through the entire basement. After killing everyone, we find the boss, Dave. He is practically constantly in stealth mode. To declassify it, you need to cause damage. Having completed the task, we return to Jason. Now he is ready to leave with his brothers through the basement. Let's follow him. Another problem: some elements are missing to launch the rocket. First, let's start searching for isotope 239. We go to the marked territory. The corpse of a marauder lies near the road. We search and find the substance we need. Gibson scrap yard is a small town where you can buy a traction module. The rocket is launched from the laboratory, from where we first met Jason.


Let's return to Manny. He gives us all the information. Let's go to Boulder City. There we communicate with Lieutenant Monroe. Nearby there is a passage to the ruins, we go there to try to negotiate with the Great Khans.

Skirmish in Boulder City.

We go into the hiding place and talk to Jessup. To his surprise, we try to laugh it off by pretending to be a ghost. Next we ask about the chip. He says that Benny took the chip. Now, thanks to our developed charisma, we ask you to release the hostages. We tell the lieutenant the good news.


So, we know the whereabouts of the scoundrel in the plaid suit. On the way to the hotel we meet Victor. By the way, he is moving in the same direction as us. Strange, isn't it? First we pass through the city of Freeside, then through the Strip. To get into the Strip, you must have two thousand caps on you or have developed the science to intimidate a robot cop.

The casino always wins, I.

We meet Victor again. He tells us to go to Lucky 38 and talk to its owner House. You can go up the elevator only with the help of Victor. House is still waiting for the platinum chip that we have to deliver. He even promised to quadruple the fee! Having agreed, we go to Tops to talk with Benny. He will try to evade, again thanks to his eloquence, we persuade him to remain alone. We go to the presidential suite room. We get answers to questions accumulated since the beginning of the game. We ask about factions, platinum chip, etc. and agree to help him. After he leaves the room, four bodyguards will burst into the room. Since we don’t have weapons, we pick up a cue from the billiard table. We kill them and go in search of Benny.


Let's go to Benny's room. There we meet the yes-man robot. From here there will be various branches in the plot. You have to choose to kill Benny or House.

Joker: change of leadership.

We get to the river at the very edge of the map. From there we get to the Fort.

To Caesar what is Caesar's.

Caesar is already waiting for us. We receive the first task. Of course, the chip will be provided to us to complete this very task. Benny is sitting on the right, we talk to him. Let us not succumb to his provocations. We head to the bunker and hand over our weapons. We insert the chip into the console. Numerous robots and turrets await us in the bunker. If the first ones do not pose any particular danger, then the turrets can tear us to pieces in a couple of seconds. We put on heavier armor, it is also advisable to grab a powerful melee weapon. Going downstairs, we find (much to our surprise!) House. He asks not to blow up the bunker, but, on the contrary, to extract some data. Having refused, we continue our way down. To destroy the generators, just shoot the semicircular sphere a couple of times. Having done this, the radiation level will increase sharply, so we leave the bunker as quickly as possible. We inform Caesar about the work done. It's time to deal with Benny. There are several ways, but we will choose the most noble: an equal fight in the arena. Having killed him, we return to Caesar. We receive the next task. To replenish our supply of stimulants, we go to Dr. Mitchell. We go to Lucky 38, destroy two robots inside. We go up to the penthouse. We deal with several more robots, after which we activate the terminal to move on. We pull House out of the capsule and kill him. We return to Caesar and receive the next task. It is necessary to negotiate with the bombers so that they help the legionnaires. In front of their camp we will meet a man who will tell you how you can get to the camp without getting hit by rockets. To do this, we move from one building to another until we reach the fence, moving along it, we will find ourselves at the gate. Let's follow the girl, she will accompany us to the leader of the bombers. To gain trust, you need to help local residents.

To the sky!

So, we have four simple problems before us.

Bad ants.

We speak with Raquel. The generator room is full of aggressive ants. Before going there, we communicate with the Adept and receive a sound emitter to destroy the ant lair. Having reached the generator room, we kill the hard workers we meet. We go downstairs, install the emitter and launch it. We turn on two generators. When going up the stairs, we activate the switch. We return to Raquel.

Young hearts.

We communicate with Jack in the barn. He is in love with a girl who lives in another camp. Her name is Janet. We go to her and report Jack’s feelings. In order for her to settle in Nellis, it is necessary to ask permission from Pearl. After she approves, we talk to Jack and pick up the bombers’ uniform. Janet doesn't want to leave, that is. if she leaves, she will be left without a salary. We settle the issue with Ellis, Janet's employer. Now she is ready to come with us. We get to Nellis and talk to Jack.

We go to the local museum, where we talk with a nice boy named Pete. By asking about the history of the bombers, we improve our reputation.


The adept wants us to fix the solar panels. For this we need spare parts. You can find them at the Hellios factory. However, NKR sheep settled there. Under the pretext of helping them, we go inside. We go out on the other side and look for failed batteries. We extract spare parts from them. We get to the generator room, go up to the roof and repair the damaged batteries. We inform the Adept about the work done.

To the sky!

A good reputation has been achieved. Now let's go talk to Pearl. We did a good job for the bombers. The time has come for a more important task - raising a sunken bomber from the bottom of the Mead River. We speak with Adpet, he gives us pontoons. Since the bomber is at the bottom of the river, an apparatus for breathing underwater is needed. You can talk to Jack and get this device, but we will not do this, but will immediately go to extract the bomber. You'll have to walk a little to find yourself on the river bank, just on the other side of Caesar's camp. We swim to the crash site. Having dived, we quickly swim under the bottom of the bomber and install the first pontoon under the allotted place. We swim out to recuperate. We dive again and install the second pontoon on the other side. From the shore we use the activator, standing next to the winch (we will hear a squeak). We return to the Adept. We communicate with Pearl. We have completed all the bombers' tasks, and now they are ready to come to our aid at any time.

To Caesar what is Caesar's.

We report to Caesar that the bombers are ready to help in the fight against the NKR. Next up is the White Gloves Society. Marjorie and Mortimer refuse. With high eloquence, Mortimer can be persuaded to confess about cannibalism. To convict them of this, you will have to complete the task. Mortimer wants us to kill the boy in the kitchen and blame it on his father. However, we will go a different way. Let's save the boy and take him to his father. And we’ll bring an emigrant to the dish.

Next "Brotherhood of Steel". Caesar asks to destroy their bunker. Meanwhile, our relations with the NKR deteriorated completely. At the entrance we meet a couple of soldiers, we give all our things and follow them.

In the dark.

The brotherhood offered to work for them. Elder McNamara asks to deal with an NKR soldier who is sniffing out something on the surface. Our relations with this group are spoiled, so we simply kill him and, thanks to powerful eloquence, smooth out McNamara’s discontent. Next, he asks you to find three missing patrols and take a holographic recording from each with a description of the task. Next, we go around the three scouts, telling them the code word, and we get the data. We deliver this data to McNamara. An elder informs us of a problem with the shelter. The storm they cause for camouflage slowly penetrates inside. The sand makes it more and more difficult to breathe. He sends us to Lorenzo to tell us what parts are needed to purify the air. After talking with the senior knight, we go in search of spare parts. The first will be shelter 11. It is inhabited by rats and mantises, well, and there is a pressure regulator, which is located on the lowest level. We get to shelter 22. At the entrance we meet a couple of giant mantises. Finding the part will be more difficult. As soon as we enter the shelter, we find an elevator on the first level. We fix it and go up to the very top (destroying pests). From there we find ourselves in a cave. From the cave into the room, where we take out six air filters from the cabinet. “Devils” settled in the last shelter. We destroy those outside, and with those inside, under the pretext of helping, we get inside, find the necessary part and leave the shelter. McNamara is pleased. This completes the task.

To Caesar what is Caesar's.

Now we steal the key cards from the chief scribe, the chief paladin and the elder himself. In stealth mode, we approach from behind and pick them up. If they notice, you'll have to start over. There is a terminal in the room with the capsules. Using these key cards, we get the code and activate self-destruction from the nearby console. Of course, the brotherhood won’t like this, so we run away as quickly as possible. Let's return to Caesar. He invites us to a private conversation. Using eloquence, we try to get out. But we still need help, so we go to get the necessary medications. Having found surgical instruments and a doctor's bag, we return to Caesar and arrange it so that he himself dies in his sleep. Now Lucius will give orders. He asks to kill NKR President Kimball.

Arizona killer.

Kimball will only fly in for a few hours to cheer up his people before the battle. At this time we will strike. Our man is already waiting for us - Cato Hostilius. Having discussed the plan of action, we put on the NKR uniform and follow him. On the dam we do not approach the rangers (you can distinguish them by the hat on their heads), as they quickly expose us. We speak with Caton again. Kimball is already flying. Let's prepare a weapon, preferably a powerful one, for close combat. As soon as the president goes down the stairs, we run to the attack. He will, of course, try to escape. After delivering a couple of quick blows, we finish off with the help of VATS and hide by climbing onto the roof of the helicopter. From there we jump down and run as fast as we can. Before returning to Lucius, don’t forget to take off your NKR uniform!

To Caesar what is Caesar's.

Before we enter into the main battle on the dam, which will decide the outcome of New Vegas for the next ten years, let's prepare well. You should especially stock up on plenty of stimulants and super stimulants.

I came, I saw, I conquered.

We get to Legate Lanius. Having received instructions, we begin to break through the dam. We will have partners with us who cope well with the role of meat, and sometimes defeat a strong opponent. The main goal is to find and destroy Commander-in-Chief Oliver and his guards. This is not easy to do; good NKR defenses can be penetrated by powerful melee weapons, for example, a super sledgehammer or rebar. This concludes the story. It remains to be seen what happened next to New Vegas, the wasteland and the rest of the camps.

Winter is Coming
The assassination attempt on Kimball is a force majeure, but Caesar’s illness is clearly not acute.

I'll tell you a secret - both are game conventions created so that the player can play around with his roleplay.
As for Kimball - his visit and further attempts are predictable and obvious even to non-written people, everyone understands perfectly well that this will not end well (I remind you that even in the Yes Man branch this moment is not the main one for passing and can be freely skipped, although and non-participation in it again leads to the death of Kimball, which seems to hint at the level of security that the NKR can provide to its first person), but he goes. Dumb.

As for M. House - that is... Mr. House, is Vasyan from the entrance? And the fact that he was the director, co-founder of the largest corporation that was the engine of progress before the war, as well as his knowledge and perhaps - yes, definitely, some kind of raider, nothing more. Stupidly he will raise money from the casino.

What is unique about it? What is he doing?
Then you can add Benny to your list of “unique, cute emerald” grains of sand, he reprogrammed the securitron, captured the platinum chip, under the nose of a genius! And by adding Benny, we can add a whole bunch of characters by analogy.
And yes, restoring the world, based on absolutely the same ideas that destroyed it (namely, the development of technical progress without the ability to maintain it - the same case with Benny, the riots on the Strip, the need to do everything through third parties (House himself is a jerk weak!), etc., etc. clearly show that the most brilliant people in this world will repeat the same mistakes; Vegas should develop only in these directions, I’m an autocrat, I see that Vegas can go into space! !).
Somehow the desire to correct the mistakes of the past is not visible in all this, only to start all over again, along an already beaten path that ultimately led to nowhere.
And in this he is no different from other factions; the closest analogue of the NKR will be.

And yes, about the static world - the Fallout series was already overgrown with some kind of lore, in which, without the Courier, the notorious legion was formed, in which the Enclave retained many more bases, and - oh God! - NKR was able to knock out the Brotherhood without the GG, etc. examples that can set the vector of thought.

It’s probably cool that the lore changes (without which a new game is essentially impossible: D), which affect the starting conditions and are not reflected in any way during the passage (the resulting Legion will not sweep away the NKR, which will never be able to finish off the Brotherhood without the GG , and - my merciful Lord - they will still be wiping their steel pants in the bunker, occasionally replenishing supplies, how is this possible, a) - this is a very dynamic world.
The vector of thought apparently did not catch the analogy with the rangers, where the interaction “world-world” and “world-gg” manifests itself in the gameplay (and often does not depend on the player), and not in the fantasies of the developers, which provide only a preset and foundation for roleplaying.

I repeat once again, the best endings for NKR.

I'm sorry, but what are your criteria for kindness?
And how did you read the endings, dear?

For comparison, NKR:
"New California celebrated its second victory at Hoover Dam, which gave it full control of the Mojave Wasteland. Negotiations immediately began to annex the Strip, Freeside, and many other communities nearby. The Mojave Wasteland eventually fell entirely under the NCR flag."

"Although the Courier's motives were controversial, the NCR showered him with honors for his contributions to the victory at Hoover Dam. He was awarded the Golden Bough, the Republic's highest civilian honor."

Everyone stood under the flags of the NKR, ok, where is the kindness?

And Independence:
The Courier and Yes Man drove the Legion and NCR out of Hoover Dam and secured New Vegas's independence from both factions. With Mr. House out of the game, part of the Securitron army was sent to the Strip to maintain order. The riots on the streets were immediately stopped. They were replaced by confusion, and then resignation - with minimal human casualties. New Vegas became an independent force in the Mojave Territory.

By refusing to choose between the NKR and the Legion, as between a lesser and a greater evil, the Courier gave New Vegas true independence. He removed Mr. House from power on the Strip and kicked the NCR and Legion out of the Mojave Wasteland.

The riots ended with minimal casualties, independence.
The funny thing is that the NKR and the Legion are here as the “lesser” and “greater” evils. Such things.

Also look through the endings of Goodsprings, Khanov. Where is the kindness, eh?
Also, in Primm's endings:
Despite NCR assurances of Primm's protection, she left the city after her defeat.
Well, you understand.
This is considering the fact that in the game itself, completing quests reveals the sides of the factions much better, it is at least stupid to evaluate all sorts of game situations only by the text of the ending, where there are only consequences, but not background, conditions, possible options.
My point is that endings, of course, play an important role, but without the game it’s nothing. And vice versa.


I don't think the Legion is a faction of villains.
Yes, they kill people in the most brutal ways. Yes, their methods are not very humane.
But they bring peace to the Mojave - the kind that the region deserves.
A little history (part copied from the Vault resource).
In the first half of the 23rd century, a boy named Edward Sallow. The guy's father was killed by a gang of raiders when he was only two years old, and his mother worked in the library Followers of the Apocalypse. The boy was surrounded by books from childhood, and he carried his love of reading throughout his life. Having grown up, Edward began attending Follower courses, and by the age of 20 he became a full member of the organization.
At 20, Edward, and another Follower - a medic Bill Colquhoun were sent to Arizona in order to study the dialects of natural tribes, but this was no longer necessary when along the way they met Joshua Graham- a Mormon missionary from Utah who already knew many dialects. Young Edward began to study with him.
On their journey, Edward, Joshua and Bill met the Blackfoot tribe - they first welcomed them, and then took them prisoner, hoping to receive a ransom for them. However, the condition of the tribe left much to be desired, and Edward realized that if he did not help the Blackfoot, he would doom them (and most importantly himself) to death.
He taught the Blackfoot how to care for weapons, taught them to shoot and make explosives, and instilled in them a semblance of discipline. “They looked at me like I was God,” Edward later recalls. Having made at least some semblance of fighters out of them, he sent their warriors to the Ridgers, another weak tribe, and they were completely exterminated.
Next, Edward and the Blackfoot surrounded the Kaibab tribe, inviting them to surrender: they refused. Then Caesar took the messenger and took him to the place that was the home of the ridgers. “They are used to seeing a game - they will rob there, they will rape there, and everything will be as before. I showed them a real, total war” - the Kaibabs were amazed by the strength and cruelty of the Blackfoots, and submitted to them. The Fredonians did the same, and then many other tribes.
So the Follower of the Apocalypse became the head of an entire confederation of tribes.
Bill Colquhoun protested against Edward's methods, and was recalled to the west with a message to the NKR and the Followers, so that they would not interfere with the newly-appointed "leader of the savages."
Mormon Joshua Graham remained with his student, first taking on the role of translator and then combat commander. Edward himself, not wanting to see the collapse of his “organization” due to tribal differences, founded Legion, accepting the title Caesar.
"From a rusty scrap I forged a huge, sharp sword."- Edward said about his army of conquered 86 tribes. He forced tattoos to be erased and inter-tribal marriages to take place - all in order to erase the individuality of each tribe.
In 2274, a Legion scout and former member of the Scythebraid tribe named Ulysses saw the old world wall - the Hoover Dam - in the Mojave Desert. But it was already occupied by the NKR, a faction from the east who wanted to recreate America according to its pre-war model.
Caesar led an army of his former savages against the NCR army, and the two powerful forces clashed in battle on the dam itself, in a battle for possession of the pearl of the wastelands. But luck smiled on the NKR - under the leadership Hanlon and his rangers, the best soldiers of the Legion were knocked out on the way, and the rest were destroyed in the pre-mined city of Boulder City.
After the defeat, Caesar made it clear to the Legion that failures, even at the highest levels, are not forgiven. He ordered his friend, first legate Joshua Graham, to be doused with tar, set on fire, and thrown into the Grand Canyon. They say he didn't even scream when he fell. And they also say that Graham was the most tenacious and evil son of a bitch in the entire Legion - and could not die. Caesar could not admit that Joshua could be alive - after all, this would put his authority at risk and would show that even the great Caesar could be wrong. Edward ordered that the name of the former legate not be spoken in order to erase him from history.
And soon... Joshua disappeared as if he had never existed. But in its place came a legend about another man - Burnt.

Despite the defeat, the Legion did not retreat. For 4 years now he has been accumulating forces on the shore farthest from the NKR, preparing for the second battle for the Hoover Dam.
And now I will tell you how to lead the Legion to victory.

A little Latin

Caesar's legion looks strange, not only because of its formation and appearance, but also because it uses Latin. Most legionnaires make mistakes in this language, apparently due to copying Caesar's speeches without thinking about their meaning.
A short excursion for those who are interested in knowing what certain words mean. And also here your humble servant will describe the Legion system itself (by rank).
Positions will be listed from first to last, in order of power.
Tovar/Plutocrat- future slave.
Slave- this, oddly enough, is an honorable position in the Legion. But slaves are obliged to do everything that the legionnaires order them. Disobedience is death.
Free man- people who have proven their usefulness for the Legion do not fall into slavery, but do not become legionnaires. By controlling almost all of Arizona, Caesar allows for the presence of "free people."
Scout- the one who scouts the territory (surprising, isn’t it?). Often the scouts are frumentarii (see below).
Recruit- a man who only recently became a legionnaire.
Warrior- rank higher than recruit, but lower than veteran.
Veteran- a legionnaire who had already fought for Caesar.
Dean- junior squad leader, commands one or more recruit counters (see below).
Vexilaria- standard bearers of the Legion. In the game, their position in the hierarchy is not specified.
Centurions- commanders of large detachments, usually veterans.

There are several more titles that are not included in the ranking system:
Frumentary- Caesar's agents, his secret police. Ambassadors, spies and saboteurs, often hold high positions in the society of "plutocrats" - the frumentaries include Vulpes Inculta, Picus, and Ulysses.
Cursor- a scout who serves as a messenger.
Praetorian- a man from the personal detachment of Caesar himself. Masters of close combat who are not afraid of death. The Praetorians are led by Lucius. To become the head of the Praetorians, you need to kill the one who is currently leading them, but out of respect, no one challenges Lucius.
Legate- there were two of them. First, Joshua Graham met his death (did he?) in the Grand Canyon due to military failure. The second is Legate Lanius, a former savage, “butcher”, as his name is translated. A very cruel and dangerous man, rude, but not a fool. Able to see weak points in the enemy army himself Very dangerous in battle.
Caesar- head of the Legion. So far there has only been one Caesar, Edward Sallow. If with him something will happen Legate Lanius will take his place. In the Legion, there is generally a whole system of succession to the throne.
Century- a detachment of 80 people (in Ancient Rome - 100).
Contruberium- 8 legionnaires per squad
Cohort- 6 centuries, or 480 warriors.

Being a Legion fighter

As a member of the Legion, every warrior must be able to handle cold steel and own unarmed combat techniques.
Legion professionals carry Thermal Spears and Chainsaws (in the first case), and Ballistic Fists (in the second).
Due to frequent travel and a once tribal system, many are skilled at making things from scrap materials (survival).
The legionnaire should know that Caesar does not forgive mistakes (except maybe once, and then if you are a Courier). Be prepared that by joining the Legion you will turn a lot of people against you, and not just the NKR (for example, Boone will really not like the fact that you preferred the ideals of Caesar to the ideals of the republic). Also be prepared for the fact that Caesar doesn't like the Brotherhood of Steel.
Terrorist attacks, sabotage, blackmail- this is how frumentaries act, and you will have to be one of them yourself. Chlorine bomb on the Strip? Easily. Monorail sabotage right at the NKR base, in Camp McCarran? It will be done. The officers from Camp Forlorn Hope deserve no mercy.? Ave, Caesar.
Or maybe this is not enough? Maybe it’s worth killing the NKR president himself? Let it be so, he will die according to the will of Caesar.

Legion Side Quests

Here I will describe the passage of side quests of the Legion; read about the main campaign below.

Howitzer- Lucius asks you to find a firing device for a howitzer in order to give the NKR troops a “surprise” during the second Battle of Hoover Dam. The device can be found from bombers (either by stealing it or by obtaining permission to take it). It is located in the building next to the house where the Adept lives, in one of the boxes.

Pointing finger- Frumentary Vulpes Inculta asks you to "settle" the problems between the Omerta thugs and the spy, Martina Gresbeck at the Vault 21 Hotel on the Strip. You can convince the thugs to leave Martina alone (if you are a friend of Omerta, or if you have Speech >50), or simply kill them. Martina will say that she does not work for the Legion, but Captain Ronald Curtis (aka Peak) encouraged her to take the task.

cruel heart- In Nipton you will meet Vulpes Inculta for the first time. He and his squad had just massacred an entire settlement. The Frumentary will ask you to describe what was done. You must go to Mojave Outpost and talk to Sergeant Kilborn.

Legion is my name- Dean Dead Sea in Nelson's barracks will give you the task of destroying the command staff of the Forlorn Hope camp. It is better to kill officers at night when they are sleeping. Upon completion, you will receive a personalized machete and reputation with the Legion.

Caesar's Grace- after achieving a high reputation with the Legion, a disguised frumentary may approach you at any time, who will inform you that Caesar rewards those who serve him faithfully. After this, boxes will appear near Cottonwood Cove where you can find useful equipment (updated over time).

Spymania- unlike the storyline for NKR, here you do not have to defuse the bomb on the monorail, but rather plant it. Corporal Curtis (aka Peak) will outline to you his plan for completing the mission: find parts for explosives, find someone to blame, and actually blow up the monorail.
Private Crenshaw will be the culprit - you just need to plant some things in his personal locker. After this, you mine the monorail, and after it leaves, it flies into the air. You report to Colonel Shu that Kreshno was the saboteur, presenting him with evidence. Peake remains as a spy in McCarran, continuing his subversive activities.

Main storyline

To Caesar what is Caesar's- you will receive the quest as soon as you “deal with” Benny after leaving Lucky-38. Vulpes Inculta (or Alerio, if Vulpes ordered you to live long) will approach you and give you the sign of Caesar - a thing that guarantees passage to the Fort, the residence of the conqueror of 86 tribes. There, Caesar will order you to destroy the Securitron bunker, which is located exactly under the Fort itself. The bunker may not be destroyed, but on the contrary. activate the mechanism inside. But Caesar will still think that you have completed his task - because, in his opinion, the tremors from the ground were a consequence of the explosion.
Next, Caesar will tell you that you can kill Benny (the man who tried to shoot you). You can kill him right in the tent, or crucify him, or challenge him to a fair fight in the arena (in this case you will receive a plus to your reputation with the Legion).
Afterwards, Caesar will order you to kill Mr. House. This should not be a problem - after all, the path to his residence is already open to you. You go up to the penthouse, open the wall opening using the terminal, and then take the elevator down to the bottom. I will leave the choice of House's fate to your discretion.
Next, you will need to infiltrate the bombers in order to force them to take Caesar’s side (or you can simply kill their leaders). At the end of their storyline, through a conversation with Pearl, you will convince her tribe to support you during the second Battle of Hoover Dam.
After this, Caesar will want to destroy the Brotherhood of Steel. If you have access to their bunker - good, if not - then this should not be a problem, the quest is quite simple. You will need to kill people who have key cards to activate the bunker's self-destruct mechanism (or steal them). As soon as you get everything, activate the corresponding function in the terminal and run.

Execution cannot be pardoned- Caesar is seriously ill, and you must cure him. You will need the help of Arcade Gannon (he will end up in slavery), or your own knowledge of medicine and luck. As well as several doctor's instruments (purchased at the clinic from the Followers of the Apocalypse) and parts of a working Auto-Doc (Vault 34). You can cure Caesar with high medicine skill or by relying on your luck (9). Or you can kill Caesar, but then you will have to justify yourself to the Legionnaires.

Arizno Assassin- your finest hour, time to kill President Kimball. Upon arrival at the Hoover Dam, you will be greeted by a disguised frumentarian who will bring you up to date. There are several ways to eliminate the president - bomb the rotorcraft, put explosives in the helmet of a private who will be awarded by the president, or kill him simply by bursting into the crowd. The choice is yours.

I came, I saw, I conquered- the final quest for the campaign. You will start right away in Legate Lania's camp, after a short dialogue he will order you to do the following:
1) Open access to the legion fighter dam
2) Deal with NKR snipers (optional)
3) Storm the dam.
At the end of the assault, you will come face to face with General Oliver. He can be persuaded to leave Mojave with maximum Speech skill (100), or fight him. It is guarded by heavily armed NKR rangers, and there are traps placed throughout the room; you must be careful. After the death of the general and leaving the location, Legate Lanius will express his respect to you, and this will end the game.

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