Fipi solve vpr biology 5. Development of material for preparing for vpr biology (grade 5)

Test work in BIOLOGY 5th GRADE

Instructions for performing the work

You are given 45 minutes to complete the biology work. The work includes 8 tasks. Write your answers to the assignments in the answer fields in the text of the work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it. If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded. We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks. We wish you success!

Look at the image and complete tasks 1-5

    1. Show with arrows and label the stem, leaf, inflorescence, and cherry fruit in the picture.

    1. In which of these organs does breathing occur throughout the summer?

    1. The list below names the organs of the plant. All of them, with the exception of one, perform the function of vegetative propagation. Write down the part of the plant that “falls out” from the general row and performs a different function. Explain your choice.

Shoot, fruit, stem, leaf.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________

    In mid-summer, cherries produce juicy fruits with one large seed. Find in the list below and write down the name of this process.

Breathing, reproduction, nutrition, growth, fruiting.

Answer: ______________________________

Beginning of the form

3. Look at the photograph of a cherry tree leaf. Select the characteristics that correspond to its structure according to the following plan: leaf type, leaf veining, leaf shape, leaf type in terms of the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part, edge shape. Use a ruler when doing the work.

A. Sheet type

1) petiolate

2) sedentary

B. Leaf venation

1) parallel

2) arcuate

3) fingered

4) feathery

IN. Leaf shape

1) pinnately lobed

2) pinnately divided

3) pinnately dissected

4) solid

G. Sheet type by the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

1) ovoid

2) oval

3) obovate

4) lanceolate

5) oblong

6) back-lanceolate

D. Leaf edge

1) whole edge

2) wavy

3) serrated

4) doubly serrated

5) bladed

Enter the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters in the table.


End of form

4. Garden cherries are rich in vitamins and other organic and mineral substances. Therefore, jam is made from it (A) and added to the marinade (B). Write down the plant organs used in each case.

A. ___________________________________ B. ___________________________________

5. The student examined a cherry leaf under a microscope and made the following drawing. What did he mark as number 3 in the picture of the cell?

Answer: ______________________________

6. Why does the splinter go out in a test tube with seeds? Explain this process.


7. Using the table “Some characteristics of leaf blades of flowering plants,” answer the following questions.


Some characteristics of leaf blades of flowering plants


Leaf surface area, cm 2

Number of stomata in 1 cm 2

top side of sheet

underside of the sheet



14 100

22 600


4 000

28 100


29 400


5 100

16 100

Which of the following plants is characterized by the largest leaf blade?

Answer: _______________________________

Which plants have more than 20,000 blades on the underside of their leaves?


Which plant evaporates the most water?

Answer: ________________________________

7.2 Below are photographs of the plants listed in the table. Label each photo with the name of the corresponding plant.



7.3 . These plants are used to produce textiles and food. Under each of the photographs below, label the corresponding plant that is used to make them.




8. Read the text and complete the tasks.

(1) Weasel is a predatory animal, 16-18 cm in size, has a thin, flexible and extremely strong body. (2) The distribution area occupies almost the entire territory of our country, with the exception of some islands in the northern seas. (3) Winter fur is pure white, low, but thick and silky. In summer, the top of the animal’s body is brown and the bottom is white; the fur is short, sparse and coarse. (4) The timing of mating and mating is variable and inconsistent, depending, first of all, on weather conditions and the abundance of food. (5) The number of young animals in the brood depends on the number of mouse-like rodents; most often there are from 4 to 7. (6) The animal’s diet consists of small rodents - mice and voles.

8.1. Which sentences of the text describe the signs on the basis of which it can be concluded that the weasel belongs to the group of predatory animals? Write down the numbers of the selected offers.

Answer: ______________________________

8.2. Make a description of the hare according to the following plan

A) Compared to weasels: larger/smaller

Answer: ______________________________

B) Body cover:

Answer: ______________________________

Q) What does a hare eat? (Give at least two examples.)

Answer: ______________________________

All-Russian testing of the VPR in biology in grade 5 was once again held on April 26, 2018. Participation of 5th graders in VPR in biology in 2018 is voluntary.

To prepare for the VPR 2019, the 2018 options are suitable.

Options for VPR in biology grade 5 with answers 2018

The structure of the test version of the VPR in biology

The test version consists of 10 tasks that differ in content and tested requirements.

Tasks 1–4, 6, 7, 9 are based on images of specific objects, statistical tables and require analysis of images and statistical data, characterization of objects according to the proposed plan, classification and/or systematization of objects according to a certain criterion, application of biological knowledge in solving practical problems.

In task 5, you need to restore the sequence of stages in performing certain actions, for example, planting a plant.

Task 8 tests the ability to distribute plants and animals among natural areas.

Task 10 tests the connection between the biology course and the choice of future professions.

System for assessing the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

A complete correct answer to task 1 is worth 5 points: part 1.1
and 1.3 – 2 points (in accordance with the criteria), part 1.2 – 1 point.

The correct answer to each of tasks 2 and 4 is worth 1 point.
A complete correct answer to task 3 is worth 2 points, 1 point
is given if one mistake is made.

The correct answer to task 5 is scored 2 points, 1 point is given,
if two digits are swapped in the answer.

The complete correct answer to task 6 is worth 6 points: part 6.1
is worth 2 points according to the criteria: part 6.2 is worth 2 points
2 points, 1 point is given if two drawings are labeled incorrectly; part 6.3
is estimated at 2 points, 1 point is given if one drawing in the answer is incorrectly labeled.

A complete correct answer to task 7 is scored 4 points: part 7.1 is scored 2 points, 1 point is given if one mistake is made; part 7.2 –2 points in accordance with the criteria.

The correct answer to task 8 is worth 2 points, 1 point is given if one mistake is made.

The correct answer to task 9 is worth 2 points in accordance with the criteria.

A complete correct answer to task 10 is worth 3 points in accordance with the criteria.

The maximum primary score of the VPR in biology (grade 5) is 28.

Test work in BIOLOGY 5th GRADE

Look at the image and complete tasks 1-5

      Show with arrows and label the stem, leaf, inflorescence, and cherry fruit in the picture.

      In which of these organs does breathing occur throughout the summer?

      The list below names the organs of the plant. All of them, with the exception of one, perform the function of vegetative propagation. Write down the part of the plant that “falls out” from the general row and performs a different function. Explain your choice.

Shoot, fruit, stem, leaf.

Answer: ________________________________________________________________

    In mid-summer, cherries produce juicy fruits with one large seed. Find in the list below and write down the name of this process.

Breathing, reproduction, nutrition, growth, fruiting.

Answer: ______________________________

Beginning of the form

3. Look at the photograph of a cherry tree leaf. Select the characteristics that correspond to its structure according to the following plan: leaf type, leaf veining, leaf shape, leaf type in terms of the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part, edge shape. Use a ruler when doing the work.

A.Sheet type

1) petiolate

2) sedentary

B.Leaf venation

1) parallel

2) arcuate

3) fingered

4) feathery

IN.Leaf shape

1) pinnately lobed

2) pinnately divided

3) pinnately dissected

4) solid

G.Sheet type by the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

D.Leaf edge

1) whole edge

2) wavy

3) serrated

4) doubly serrated

5) bladed

Enter the numbers of the selected answers under the corresponding letters in the table.

End of form

4. Garden cherries are rich in vitamins and other organic and mineral substances. Therefore, jam is made from it (A) and added to the marinade (B). Write down the plant organs used in each case.

A. ___________________________________ B. ___________________________________

5. The student examined a cherry leaf under a microscope and made the following drawing. What did he mark as number 3 in the picture of the cell?

Answer: ______________________________

6. Why does the splinter go out in a test tube with seeds? Explain this process.


7. Using the table “Some characteristics of leaf blades of flowering plants,” answer the following questions.


Some characteristics of leaf blades of flowering plants

Leaf surface area, cm 2

Number of stomata in 1 cm 2

top side of sheet

underside of the sheet


Which of the following plants is characterized by the largest leaf blade?

Answer: _______________________________

Which plants have more than 20,000 blades on the underside of their leaves?


Which plant evaporates the most water?

Answer: ________________________________

7.2 Below are photographs of the plants indicated in the table. Label each photo with the name of the corresponding plant.

A ______________________




7.3. These plants are used to produce textiles and food. Under each of the photographs below, label the corresponding plant that is used to make them.




8. Read the text and complete the tasks.

(1) Weasel is a predatory animal, 16-18 cm in size, has a thin, flexible and extremely strong body. (2) The distribution area occupies almost the entire territory of our country, with the exception of some islands in the northern seas. (3) Winter fur is pure white, low, but thick and silky. In summer, the top of the animal’s body is brown and the bottom is white; the fur is short, sparse and coarse. (4) The timing of mating and mating is variable and inconsistent, depending, first of all, on weather conditions and the abundance of food. (5) The number of young animals in the brood depends on the number of mouse-like rodents; most often there are from 4 to 7. (6) The animal’s diet consists of small rodents - mice and voles.

8.1. Which sentences of the text describe the signs on the basis of which it can be concluded that the weasel belongs to the group of predatory animals? Write down the numbers of the selected offers.

Answer: ______________________________

8.2. Make a description of the hare according to the following plan

A) Compared to weasels: larger/smaller

Answer: ______________________________

B) Body cover:

Answer: ______________________________

Q) What does a hare eat? (Give at least two examples.)

Answer: ______________________________

Biology 5th grade preparation for VPR 2017 (All-Russian test work)

Developed by: Goryunova Yana Gennadievna

teacher of chemistry, biology

Task 1

  • 1.1. Show with arrows and label 1 stem, leaf, inflorescence, and black currant fruit in the figure.

Inflorescence - This a shoot of a plant that bears flowers and does not bear leaves.

Stem- the axial part of the plant shoot, it conducts nutrients and carries leaves to the light.

Sheet- in botany, an external organ of a plant whose main function is photosynthesis.

Fetus- part of a plant that develops from a flower (usually the ovary) as a result of pollination and contains seeds.



  • Photosynthesis is the process of formation of organic matter from carbon dioxide and water in the light with the participation of photosynthetic pigments (chlorophyll in plants).

1.2. In which of these organs does photosynthesis occur throughout the summer?

  • 1.3.

Shoot, fruit, seed, flower

  • In plants, there are two types of reproduction - asexual and sexual.
  • Asexual reproduction- This is reproduction that occurs without the participation of germ cells and the sexual process. In asexual reproduction, there are two methods: vegetative reproduction and reproduction by spores.
  • Vegetative propagation - this is the separation of body parts from the mother plant and the development of independent (daughter) organisms from it. Only participates in it one parent , while sexual reproduction always involves two parent organisms : female and male.
  • Reproduction by spores occurs due to the development of special, specialized cells in the body - dispute . Such reproduction is characteristic of algae, bryophytes and fern-like plants. Spores are individual small cells. They contain a nucleus, cytopasm, are covered with a dense membrane and are able to withstand unfavorable conditions for a long time. Once in favorable environmental conditions, the spores germinate and form new (daughter) plants.

  • Sexual reproduction- this is reproduction, in which the fusion of female (♀) and male (♂) reproductive cells occurs, which gives rise to daughter organisms that are qualitatively different from the parent ones; in this case, two parent organisms participate in reproduction.
  • The process of fusion of male and female reproductive cells is called fertilization .

Reproduction of angiosperms


1.3. The list below names the organs of the plant. All of them, with the exception of one, perform the function of sexual reproduction. Write down the part of the plant that “falls out” from the general row and performs a different function. Explain your choice.

Escape , fruit, seed, flower

Explanation: fruit, seed and flowers - generative organs (organs of sexual reproduction)

Task 2

  • Currants have young shoots with leaves in early spring. Find and write down the name of this process in the list below.

Breathing, reproduction, nutrition, growth, fruiting.

Plant growth


Task 3

  • Describe the currant leaf according to the following plan: type of leaf, type of leaf according to the ratio of length, width, location of the widest part. Use a ruler and pencil when completing the task.

A. Sheet type

1) petiolate

2) sedentary

Sheet type


  • B. Leaf venation

Types of leaf venation - arcuate, parallel, reticulate (or pinnate), palmate.

  • B. Type of sheet according to the ratio of length, width and location of the widest part

4 task

  • Blackcurrant is rich in vitamins and other organic and mineral substances. Therefore, jam is made from it (A), tea is prepared (B). Write down the plant organs used in each case.

B. Leaves and fruits

Task 5

  • The student examined a currant leaf under a microscope and made the following drawing. What in the picture of the cell did he mark with the letter A?


Task 6

  • Insert the missing words from the proposed list into the text “Plant respiration”.

Plant respiration

The process of plant respiration occurs continuously. During this process, the plant organism consumes __(A) and releases __(B). This gaseous substance is removed from the surface of the leaf through special formations - __(B), located in the skin.

List of words:

  • Water
  • petiole
  • Oxygen
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Stomata
  • Shell

Plant respiration

The process of plant respiration occurs continuously. During this process, the plant body consumes _ 4 _(A), and allocates _ 3 _(B). This gaseous substance is removed from the surface of the sheet through special formations - _ 5 _(B), located in the skin.

Task 7

  • 7.1. Using the “Seed Composition” table, answer the questions.

The seeds of which plant contain the most mineral salts?

What plant seeds contain more than 10% water?

Which plant seeds contain the most proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

  • 7.2. Below are photographs of the plants listed in the table. Label each photo with the name of the corresponding plant.


  • 7.3. These plants produce textiles and food. Under each of the photographs below, label the corresponding plants that are used to make them.


Task 8

  • Read the text and complete the tasks.

  • 8.1. Which sentences of the text describe the signs on the basis of which it can be concluded that the common fox belongs to the group mammals animals? Write down the numbers of the selected offers.

  • 8.2. Make a description of the gray wolf according to the following plan
  • A) in comparison with a fox: larger/smaller:
  • Answer: _____________
  • B) body cover:
  • Answer:_______________
  • Answer:_______________

  • A) in comparison with a fox: larger/smaller:
  • Answer: larger
  • B) body cover:
  • Answer: the fur is thick and long, the color is gray-brown
  • Q) What does a wolf eat? (give at least two examples).
  • Answer: deer, elk, wild boar.

Thank you for your attention!

All-Russian test papers are ordinary final papers in which everything you have mastered in each subject is tested. Therefore, if you studied conscientiously during the school year, then no special preparation is required for them. However, in order to successfully complete the work, you need to repeat all the educational material you have completed over the past year, remember what you have learned, and also practice completing tasks.

VPR. Biology. 5th grade. Workbook. (with answers)

Description of the textbook

4 Biology as a science. Methods for studying living organisms
Biology as a science. Methods for studying living organisms
You know that the name of the science “biology” is derived from two Greek words “bios” and “logos”. Write how each of the given words is translated and define the term “biology” using their translation.
QTBeT. Bios - life; logos - science, study. Life science, or science,
studying living organisms_
How do you understand the word “biosphere”? Answer
Bio - life; sphere - shell. The shell of life, or the shell of living organisms
Read the text and complete the tasks.
Biological Sciences
The history of biology is usually traced back to the ancient scientists Aristotle, Theophrastus and Galen. They studied mainly the plants and animals that surrounded people, and also paid great attention to the study of the life and health of man himself. Therefore, the first biological sciences were botany (the science of plants), zoology (the science of animals) and medicine (the science of human health). Educated people of antiquity drew their ideas about the world from their own observations, stories of travelers and a small number of handwritten books.
Five or six centuries ago, knowledge about nature began to rapidly accumulate thanks to the invention of printing, interest in experiments with plants and animals, and travel to distant countries. At that time, scientists A. Vesalius and W. Harvey worked, laying the foundations of modern anatomy (the science of human structure) and physiology (the science that studies the vital functions of organisms).
Later, scientists C. Linnaeus and J. Buffon did a great job of organizing the names of animals and plants. This is how another biological science was born - systematics. Thanks to its development, now every living organism known to science has its own “passport”, which indicates its species name, habitat and other features.
When the microscope was invented, cytology appeared - the science of cells, histology - the science of the tissues of a living organism, microbiology - the science of living organisms invisible to the naked eye (single-celled animals, plants, fungi and bacteria). Observing these “dwarfs” became a fascinating activity not only for scientists, but also for many enlightened people of that time.
2.1. Why do you think medicine was one of the first biological sciences?
Man was the first to study himself. And I began to study what is most important - health and how to treat diseases
5 Biology as a science. Methods for studying living organisms
2.3. What, according to the author of the text, was the history of five or six centuries ago?
influenced the rapid development of bio-
6thanks to*the invention of*book printing"*interest^*to*experiments with*plants*and*animals*"as well as"travel*to-distant"countries
2.2. Look at the photographs. Which one depicts an organism that zoology studies?
2.4. Make a list of biological sciences that are mentioned in the text.
Botany, zoology, medicine, anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, cytology, histology, microbiology,
2.5. Arrange the biological sciences listed in the list according to the time of their emergence, starting with the one that arose earlier than the rest.
1) microbiology 3) anatomy
2) botany 4) taxonomy
Write down the resulting sequence of numbers in your answer.

VPR. Biology. 5th grade.

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