It is impossible to foresee the boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction. Quotes about chemistry


Burning oil is like burning a stove with banknotes.

Science begins as soon as they begin to measure. Exact science unthinkable without measure.


Science is a common property, and therefore justice requires giving the greatest scientific glory not to the one who was the first to express a known truth, but to the one who managed to convince others of it, showed its reliability and made it applicable in science.

The legitimate degree of national pride, which constitutes love for the fatherland, must be deeply distinguished from arrogant self-adoration.

Everything comes only through work. Everything is due to human labor, this is the slogan of history.


Calm modesty of statements usually accompanies what is truly scientific, but where they scathingly and with judicial techniques try to silence any contradiction, there is no true science.

In total, more than four items made up my name, periodic law, the study of elasticity of gases, understanding solutions as associations and “Fundamentals of Chemistry”. This is my wealth. It was not taken from anyone, but produced by me.

All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.


A factory or plant in every community is the only thing that can make the Russian people rich, hardworking and educated.

Without clearly intensified hard work, there are no talents or geniuses.

What kind of chemist I am, I am a political economist. What is there “Fundamentals of Chemistry”, but “Sensible Tariff” is another matter.

Nationalism needs most of all to accept the principle of tolerance, that is, to renounce all arrogance, in which there is an obvious abyss of evil, and therefore in these types of matters it is most practical to patiently wait for the course of what is happening.

It is necessary with special persistence to end all remnants of the landowner relationship that still exists everywhere in the Urals in the form of peasants assigned to factories. The administration interferes with small enterprises, but the true development of industry is unthinkable without free competition between small and medium-sized manufacturers and large ones.

It is impossible not to touch faith. It is the basis of religion, and any religion in your day is a crude and primitive superstition. Superstition is confidence not based on knowledge.

(religion, superstition)

Highest Purpose politics is most clearly expressed in the development of conditions for human reproduction.


Science fights superstitions like light fights darkness.


Borders scientific knowledge and it is impossible to predict.

Wealth and capital are equal to labor, experience, frugality, they are equal to a moral principle, and not a purely economic one.

In my dream I clearly see a table where the elements are arranged as needed. I woke up, immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper and fell asleep again. Only in one place did an amendment become necessary later.

The fruits of my labors are, first of all, scientific fame, which constitutes pride - not just my personal, but also the general Russian one. Best time life and her main force took over teaching. Of the thousands of my students, many are now prominent figures everywhere, professors, administrators, and when I met them, I always heard that I believed the good seed in them, and was not simply serving a duty. My third service to the Motherland is the least visible, although it concerned me with youth until now. This is service to the best of our ability and ability for the benefit of the growth of Russian industry.

Chemistry is one of the most important areas of natural science, the science of substances, their structure and properties. Chemistry is very closely intertwined with biology and physics. You can find quotes about chemistry in our article.

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The chemist gives life to the medicine, but the doctor supports its first steps. — Furno

Chemists are the ones who truly understand the world. — Linus Pauling

Organic chemistry studies carbon compounds. Biochemistry studies carbon compounds that crawl.
Mike Adams

Life exists in the Universe only because the carbon atom has some unusual properties.
James Jeans

If silicon were a gas, I would be a major general.
American artist James Whistler

Everything that is scientific in chemistry is physics, and the rest is kitchen. – Lev Landau

Kita and Shelley - last poets who knew chemistry at the level of their time.
John Burdon Haldane

The entire teaching of chemistry consists of the teaching of the properties of elements - the goal and task is to transform one into another - this will happen next. – Dmitry Mendeleev

Anyone who understands nothing but chemistry does not understand it enough.
Georg Lichtenberg

A ton of whatever looks disgusting.
"Randy's Rule"

Chemistry is an area of ​​miracles, the happiness of humanity is hidden in it, greatest conquests of reason will be made precisely in this area.
Maxim Gorky

Most effective way elimination of toxic waste – revision of the classification of non-toxic waste.
“The second rule of environmental protection”

Oil is not a fuel; You can also drown with banknotes.
Dmitry Mendeleev

A Catholic woman has already been allowed to avoid pregnancy with the help of mathematics, but she is strictly forbidden to resort to chemistry or physics.
Henry Louis Mencken

Blonde is one of the most amazing achievements modern chemistry.

At the basis of every mutilated thought is a chemically mutilated molecule.

From now on, it will not be armies that will fight, but chemistry textbooks and laboratories, and armies will be needed only so that there will be someone to kill according to the laws of chemistry with laboratory shells.
Vasily Klyuchevsky

Not all chemical compounds harmful. Without hydrogen and oxygen, for example, it would be impossible to produce water, the main component of beer.
Dave Barry

To most people "weighted" implies clarity, but only to chemists it means cloudiness.
Polish proverb

A chemist without a nose risks getting into trouble.
Primo Levi

The shorter the life of a molecule, the more expensive it is to make.
Arthur Bloch

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Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev - born on January 27, 1834, in the city of Tobolsk. An outstanding Russian chemist, his most famous discovery is the periodic law chemical elements, according to which he compiled periodic table elements. Author basic research in chemistry, physics, metrology, meteorology, economics, fundamental works on aeronautics, agriculture, chemical technology, public education. Died on January 20, 1907, in the city of St. Petersburg.

The fruits of my labors are, first of all, scientific fame, which constitutes pride - not just my personal, but also the general Russian one. The best time of her life and her main strength was teaching. Of the thousands of my students, many are now prominent figures everywhere, professors, administrators, and when I met them, I always heard that I believed the good seed in them, and was not simply serving a duty. My third service to the Motherland is the least visible, although it has bothered me from a young age to this day. This is service to the best of our ability and ability for the benefit of the growth of Russian industry.

It is necessary with special persistence to end all remnants of the landowner relationship that still exists everywhere in the Urals in the form of peasants assigned to factories. The administration interferes with small enterprises, but the true development of industry is unthinkable without free competition between small and medium-sized manufacturers and large ones.

Science is a common property, and therefore justice requires giving the greatest scientific glory not to the one who was the first to express a known truth, but to the one who managed to convince others of it, showed its reliability and made it applicable in science

This connection between ancient superstitions and new teaching is the whole secret of interest in spiritualism. Would they write and talk so much about any other learned heteroglossia - the spirit, the nanny and, dear to many, the childhood of peoples, were not standing behind here.

In total, more than four subjects included my name, the periodic law, the study of the elasticity of gases, the understanding of solutions as an association and the “Fundamentals of Chemistry.” This is my wealth. It was not taken away from anyone, but produced by me.

Nationalism needs most of all to accept the principle of tolerance, that is, to renounce all arrogance, in which there is an obvious abyss of evil, and therefore in these types of matters it is most practical to patiently wait for the course of what is happening.

In my dream I clearly see a table where the elements are arranged as needed. I woke up, immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper and fell asleep again. Only in one place did an amendment become necessary later.

Calm modesty of statements usually accompanies what is truly scientific, but where they scathingly and with judicial techniques try to silence any contradiction, there is no true science.

It is impossible not to touch faith. It is the basis of religion, and any religion in your day is a crude and primitive superstition. Superstition is confidence not based on knowledge.

The legitimate degree of national pride, which constitutes love for the fatherland, must be deeply distinguished from arrogant self-adoration.

Capital is only that part of wealth that is devoted to industry and production, but not to speculation and resale.

A factory or plant in every community is the only thing that can make the Russian people rich, hardworking and educated.

Wealth and capital are equal to labor, experience, frugality, they are equal to a moral principle, and not a purely economic one.

What kind of chemist I am, I am a political economist. What is there “Fundamentals of Chemistry”, but “Sensible Tariff” is another matter.

The highest goal of politics is most clearly expressed in the development of conditions for human reproduction.

I’m surprised myself - what haven’t I done in my scientific life. And I think it was done well.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev - born on January 27, 1834, in the city of Tobolsk. An outstanding Russian chemist, his most famous discovery is the periodic law of chemical elements, in accordance with which he compiled the periodic system of elements. Author of fundamental studies in chemistry, physics, metrology, meteorology, economics, fundamental works on aeronautics, agriculture, chemical technology, and public education. Died on January 20, 1907, in the city of St. Petersburg.

  • Science fights superstitions like light fights darkness.
  • Burning oil is like burning a stove with banknotes.
  • Without clearly intensified hard work, there are no talents or geniuses.
  • All the pride of a teacher is in his students, in the growth of the seeds he sows.
  • Everything comes only through work. Everything is due to human labor, this is the slogan of history.
  • It is impossible to foresee the boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction.
  • Science begins as soon as they begin to measure. Exact science is unthinkable without measure.
  • I’m surprised at what I haven’t done in my scientific life. And I think it was done well.
  • The highest goal of politics is most clearly expressed in the development of conditions for human reproduction.
  • What kind of chemist I am, I am a political economist. What is there “Fundamentals of Chemistry”, but “Sensible Tariff” is another matter.
  • Wealth and capital are equal to labor, experience, frugality, they are equal to a moral principle, and not a purely economic one.
  • A factory or plant in every community is the only thing that can make the Russian people rich, hardworking and educated.
  • Capital is only that part of wealth that is devoted to industry and production, but not to speculation and resale.
  • The legitimate degree of national pride, which constitutes love for the fatherland, must be deeply distinguished from arrogant self-adoration.
  • It is impossible not to touch faith. It is the basis of religion, and any religion in your day is a crude and primitive superstition. Superstition is confidence not based on knowledge.
  • Calm modesty of statements usually accompanies what is truly scientific, but where they scathingly and with judicial techniques try to silence any contradiction, there is no true science.
  • In my dream I clearly see a table where the elements are arranged as needed. I woke up, immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper and fell asleep again. Only in one place did an amendment become necessary later.
  • Nationalism needs most of all to accept the principle of tolerance, that is, to renounce all arrogance, in which there is an obvious abyss of evil, and therefore in these types of matters it is most practical to patiently wait for the course of what is happening.
  • In total, more than four subjects included my name, the periodic law, the study of the elasticity of gases, the understanding of solutions as an association and the “Fundamentals of Chemistry.” This is my wealth. It was not taken away from anyone, but produced by me.
  • This connection between ancient superstitions and new teaching is the whole secret of interest in spiritualism. Would they write and talk so much about any other learned heteroglossia - the spirit, the nanny and, dear to many, the childhood of peoples, were not standing behind here.
  • Science is a common property, and therefore justice requires giving the greatest scientific glory not to the one who was the first to express a known truth, but to the one who managed to convince others of it, showed its reliability and made it applicable in science
  • It is necessary with special persistence to end all remnants of the landowner relationship that still exists everywhere in the Urals in the form of peasants assigned to factories. The administration interferes with small enterprises, but the true development of industry is unthinkable without free competition between small and medium-sized manufacturers and large ones.
  • The fruits of my labors are, first of all, scientific fame, which constitutes pride - not just my personal, but also the general Russian one. The best time of her life and her main strength was teaching. Of the thousands of my students, many are now prominent figures everywhere, professors, administrators, and when I met them, I always heard that I believed the good seed in them, and was not simply serving a duty. My third service to the Motherland is the least visible, although it has bothered me from a young age to this day. This is service to the best of our ability and ability for the benefit of the growth of Russian industry.

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