Irkutsk National Research Technical University budget. Irkutsk State Technical University

INRTU is the largest higher education institution, which is the center of education, science and culture of Eastern Siberia. The university trains architects, geodesic engineers, mining geophysicists and geologists, specialists in the field of construction, information security, heat and power engineering, mechanical engineering, oil and gas engineering and a number of other technical and humanitarian specialties.

Irkutsk National Research Technical University was founded in 1930 (at that time - the Siberian Mining Institute).

The university employs more than a thousand teachers, many of whom have Doctor of Science and Candidate of Science degrees, many are People's Artists of the Russian Federation, Honored Workers of Science and Technology, Education and Culture of the Russian Federation, academicians and corresponding members of various academies of sciences.

INRTU includes 9 institutes:

  • Baikal BRICS Institute,
  • Institute of Aviation Engineering and Transport,
  • Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design,
  • Institute of High Technologies,
  • Institute of Correspondence and Evening Education,
  • Institute of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication,
  • Institute of Subsoil Use,
  • Institute of Economics, Management and Law,
  • Institute of Energy.

INRTU has 17 dormitories, a sanatorium-preventorium for 100 people and a sports and recreation camp “Polytechnic”. The university has an excellent sports base: a large games hall, small gyms, a boxing, wrestling, weight lifting hall, a specialized athletic hall, and a ski lodge. In 2008, after reconstruction, a fifth-generation artificial turf stadium was opened.

The university supports academic exchange programs and various internships.

INRTU's foreign partners are many universities in Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, the Republic of Korea, France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Japan and other countries.

The university also maintains partnerships with industrial enterprises and businesses, thanks to which university graduates are in demand in the labor market. During their studies, students undergo practical training at enterprises (including paid ones).

The university operates a center for cultural and educational work, which provides students with the opportunity to become members of numerous creative groups: the folk ensemble “Kalina”, the choreographic studio “Shagi”, the plastic dance studio “Art-Graphic”, the design studio “Pyramid” and others .

The university also opens:

  • Center for Educational Work,
  • Center for Health-Saving Technologies,
  • Museum of History of IRNTU,
  • Mineralogical Museum,
  • Veterans Council,
  • Volunteer Center "Give Good"
  • Headquarters of IRNTU student teams.

More details Collapse

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Irkutsk National Research Technical University (abbreviation IRNTU) is one of the largest technical universities in Russia. Founded in 1930. Located in. Acting rector- AfanasievAlexander Diomidovich.

IRNITU: encyclopedic reference

In the 1990s, the university organized new faculties in the humanities and in 1993 received the status of a technical university. ISTU has become the largest university in Eastern Siberia, with more than 15 thousand students studying. In addition to citizens of the Russian Federation, students from 18 countries study there.

INRTU has more than 100 departments, 11 faculties: transport systems; geology, geoinformatics and geoecology; cybernetics; mountain; technology and computerization of mechanical engineering; chemical and metallurgical; energy; construction and mountains farms; architectural; Oriental; international.

Irkutsk Historical and local history dictionary. - Irkutsk: Sib. book, 2011


  1. Siberian Mining Institute (1930 - 1931)
  2. Mining and metallurgical plant for non-ferrous metals, gold and platinum (1931)
  3. Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Training Plant (1932)
  4. Siberian Mining Institute Vostokzoloto (1932 - 1933)
  5. East Siberian Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold (1934 - 1935)
  6. East Siberian Mining Institute of the NKTP USSR named after. A. P. Serebrovsky (1935 - 1937)
  7. Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute (1938 - 1960)
  8. Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute (IPI) (1960 - 1992)
  9. Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU) (1993 - 2010)
  10. National Research University "ISTU" (1993-2015)
  11. Irkutsk National Research Technical University (IRNTU) - since 2015.

General information

INRTU takes 1st place among regional universities in Russia according to the independent rating “Business Russia” for 2008. According to the results of a survey of 300 largest companies in Russia, INRTU took 11th place among all universities in the country and first place among universities in Siberia and the Far East. According to 2006 data, 33,560 students study at the university, including 24,557 students studying on a commercial basis, 11,003 on a budget basis. In June 2010, the university joined the “Association of Leading Universities” of Russia.

INRTU provides training in 10 profiles, 34 directions and 86 specialties in all forms of basic education, consists of 4 institutes, 18 faculties, a branch in the city and 21 representative offices on the territory and beyond. In 2005, a representative office of the university was opened in Mongolia. The university develops specialties in technical and technological profiles, construction and architecture, economics and management, transport and communications, energy, power engineering and electrical engineering, computer science, nanotechnology, culture and art, humanities and a number of other profiles. Educational programs of secondary vocational education are being implemented.

More than 3,000 employees work at the university on a permanent basis, including 1,102 teachers. 165 people have a Doctor of Science degree, and 562 people have a Candidate of Science degree. The volume of research and development work in 2006 reached more than 250 million rubles.

In 2000, a technology park was created at INRTU, which today includes educational, research and production centers, university service departments, IT structures, regional innovation structures, a business incubator and 16 knowledge-intensive business enterprises.

In 2010, INRTU became the winner of the second competitive selection of university development programs, for which the category “National Research University” was established.

University campus

On the university campus there are 10 main academic buildings, 12 dormitories, residential buildings for teachers, a clinic, a sanatorium, a sports complex, shops, cafes, canteens, and a technology park.

INRTU structure

(as of 2015)


  1. Institute of Physics and Technology
  2. Institute of Architecture and Construction
  3. Institute of Aviation Engineering and Transport
  4. Institute of Subsoil Use
  5. Institute of Economics, Management and Law
  6. Energy Institute
  7. Institute of Cybernetics named after. E.I.Popova
  8. Institute of Fine Arts and Social Sciences and Humanities
  9. Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Technology named after. S. B. Leonova
  10. Institute of Food Engineering and Biotechnology


International (preparatory)

Applied linguistics

Branch of ISTU (Usolye-Sibirskoye, Mendeleev St., 65)

Physical culture and sports


Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

Faculty of Postgraduate Studies

Representative offices of INRTU

(as of 2015)




670009 Rep. Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, st. Khorinskaya, 1 building. address. 670002, R.B. Ulan-Ude, st. Oktyabrskaya, 21-16

Representative office of INRTU in the city.

665390 Irkutsk region, Zima, st. Traktovaya, 2, secondary school No. 26, tel. (8-395-54)-3-62-39

Representative office of INRTU in Lensk

678144 R. S. (Ya), Lensk, st. Nyuyskaya, 14, tel. (8-41137 code), home address: 678144, R.S. (I), Lensk, st. Sosnovaya, 6

Representative office of INRTU in Mirny

678170 Rep. Sakha (Yakutia), Mirny, Leningradsky Prospekt, 9A, tel. (8-41136)

Representative office of INRTU in the city.

665106 Irk. Region, Nizhneudinsk, st. Oktyabrskaya, 1-N, tel. (8-39557)-7-00-82

Representative office of INRTU in Taishet

666904 Irkutsk region, Bodaibo, st. Uritskogo, 51 building. address: 666904 Bodaibo, st. Roses Luxemburg, 8-24

Representative office of INRTU in the city.

665653 Irkutsk region, Zheleznogorsk, 6th quarter, 14A, tel. (8-395-66)-3-52-45

Representative office of INRTU in Kyakhta

671840 Republic of Buryatia, Kyakhta, st. Lenina, 48, tel. (8-30142)-92-5-89

Representative office of INRTU in the city.

665430 Irkutsk region, Cheremkhovo, st. Kuibysheva, 18, tel. 40-54-95, 40-54-96

Representative office of INRTU in Blagoveshchensk

Irkutsk State Technical University

"National Research Irkutsk State Technical University"
Original title

Irkutsk State Technical University

International name

Irkutsk State Technical University

Former names

Siberian Mining Institute,
East Siberian Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold,
East Siberian Mining Institute of the NKTP USSR,
Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute,
Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute


Knowledge - for yourself, achievements - for the Fatherland!

Year founded

National Research University


35700 (as of 2008)


Coordinates: 52°15′46″ n. w. 104°15′43″ E. d. /  52.262778° s. w. 104.261944° E. d.(G) (O) (I)52.262778 , 104.261944

National Research Irkutsk State Technical University (full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Irkutsk State Technical University", unofficial name - Polytech)- one of the largest technical universities in Russia, founded in 1930. ISTU ranks 1st among regional universities in Russia according to the independent rating “Business Russia” for 2008. According to the results of a survey of 300 largest companies in Russia, ISTU took 11th place among all universities in the country and first place among universities in Siberia and the Far East. According to 2006 data, 33,560 students study at the university, including 24,557 students on a commercial basis, 11,003 on a budget basis. In June 2010, the university joined the “Association of Leading Universities” of Russia.

NI ISTU provides training in 10 profiles, 34 directions and 86 specialties in all forms of basic education, consists of 4 institutes, 18 faculties, a branch in the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye and 21 representative offices in the Irkutsk region and beyond. In 2005, a representative office of the university was opened in Mongolia. The university develops specialties in technical and technological profiles, construction and architecture, economics and management, transport and communications, energy, power engineering and electrical engineering, computer science, nanotechnology, culture and art, humanities and a number of other profiles. Educational programs of secondary vocational education are being implemented.

More than 3,000 employees work at the university on a permanent basis, including 1,102 teachers. 165 people have a Doctor of Science degree, and 562 people have a Candidate of Science degree. The volume of R&D in 2006 reached more than 250 million rubles.

In 2000, a technology park was created at ISTU, which today includes educational, research and production centers, university service departments, IT structures, regional innovation structures, a business incubator and 16 knowledge-intensive business enterprises.

In 2010, ISTU became the winner of the second competitive selection of university development programs, for which the category “National Research University” was established.

University campus

On the university campus there are 10 main academic buildings, 12 dormitories, residential buildings for teachers, a clinic, a sanatorium, a sports complex, shops, cafes, canteens, and a technology park.



At the school in 1888, mechanical workshops with a steam engine, water supply, electricity and modern machine tools were opened for practical classes with students. The ultimate goal of the progymnasium and industrial school was to graduate specialists in technical disciplines with a high general educational level.

In 1893, another specialized secondary educational institution was opened - the Irkutsk Mining School, the main task of which was to train foreman-installers for the needs of the mining business and especially for the gold industry. The duration of training was determined at 4 years.

In 1918, the school was transformed into a secondary mining and technical school, and in 1920 - into the Irkutsk Polytechnic College. But soon the technical school was reorganized into the Irkutsk Polytechnic Practical Institute (Irpolprin).

Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, all educational institutions were temporarily transferred to the support of the local budget. In August 1923, Irpolprin was reorganized into the East Siberian Polytechnic of regional significance.

Subsequently, the polytechnic became the basis for the opening of the Siberian Mining Institute in Irkutsk.

Mining Institute

In March 1929, Irkutsk became the center of the Siberian gold mining industry - the board of the Soyuzzoloto joint-stock company was transferred here from Moscow, and a scientific and technical center for gold and platinum was created here. The Mining Institute is located in one of the best buildings in the city on the street. Lenina, 3. S. V. Sergeev, head of the geological exploration department of the board of Soyuzzoloto, was appointed its first director, and Professor G. V. Klyuchansky was appointed deputy for educational and scientific work.

At the same time, a workers' faculty (rabfak) was opened. He provided pre-university education, and his significance in those years was enormous. In addition, for managers of enterprises in Siberia and the Far East who do not have higher education, the institute organized accelerated training in the form of advanced training courses.

Mining and Metallurgical Institute

The priority tasks in 1945 were: scientific developments for the military industry, all-round assistance to the front, maintaining the student population, accepting new recruits, and timely graduation of specialists. These tasks had to be carried out under extremely difficult conditions.

Two educational buildings with some equipment and transport had to be vacated for the military (cartridge) plant No. 540, and the plant workers were allocated a significant number of places in dormitories. Another part of the equipment was transferred to the Vostsibugol trust. The necessary equipment and teaching aids were transferred to support the specialized evacuated universities - Leningrad and Dnepropetrovsk; many material assets were mothballed in warehouses.

In the first year of the war, the mining and metallurgical institute changed several premises (law school, agricultural institute), until in 1942 it received the building of the pedagogical institute on the street. Transport, 3.

With moving from one room to another, part of the collection of the mineralogical museum was lost (out of 15 thousand samples, only 3.5 remained by 1947), library books, and the equipment of laboratories and offices became unusable. The material base was created almost anew.

Classes were held in three shifts - from morning to midnight. The reading room of the library had only 70 work places, the physical education room - only 25. Only 700 students were provided with dormitories, and the bulk of the dormitories were barracks that were subject to demolition, because all their depreciation periods had long expired. Only at the end of 1951 did construction begin on a 446-bed hostel. The construction of the new educational building of the institute was constantly postponed.

In April 1955, the USSR Minister of Higher Education V.P. Elyutin approved the task for designing the institute, and in 1956 large-scale construction began, the likes of which the city had never seen before: a student campus was created. On a huge site, an institute, dormitories, residential buildings, and a factory-kitchen were simultaneously erected.

Polytechnic Institute

On March 19, 1960, the Mining and Metallurgical Institute began to be called the Polytechnic Institute. This name reflected the emerging versatility of the university, its connection with the developing economy of the country, especially the East Siberian region, which by this time had turned into a continuous construction site. At the same time, Angarsk, Bratsk, Shelekhov, Bratsk hydroelectric power station, industrial petrochemical complexes and other facilities were built. In this regard, there is an urgent need for specialists for many sectors of the national economy.

Technical University

The new status of the university was confirmed by Resolution No. 6 of November 30, 1994 and license No. 16 G-082 dated March 6, 1994 of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, and later by a certificate of attestation of an educational institution (1997), state accreditation (1998), giving the right to conduct educational activities in the field of secondary, higher, postgraduate, professional additional education.

Flag of NI ISTU

National Research Technical University

On May 20, 2010, by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 461, ISTU was awarded the status of “National Research University” and a scientific development program was approved in the following priority areas:

  • Highly efficient subsoil use technologies
  • Knowledge-intensive, highly efficient technologies for the production of machinery and equipment
  • High-tech life support systems for urbanized and sparsely populated areas
  • Industry of nanosystems and nanomaterials

Names of Irkutsk Technical University

  • Siberian Mining Institute -
  • Mining and metallurgical plant of non-ferrous metals, gold and platinum
  • Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Training Plant
  • Siberian Mining Institute Vostokzoloto -
  • East Siberian Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold -
  • East Siberian Mining Institute of the NKTP USSR named after. A. P. Serebrovsky -
  • Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute T -
  • Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute (IPI) -
  • Irkutsk State Technical University (ISTU) since 1993

Structure of NI ISTU


  1. Institute of Architecture and Construction
  2. Institute of Aviation Engineering and Transport
  3. Institute of Fine Arts and Social Sciences of ISTU
  4. Institute of Economics, Management and Law ISTU

Main faculties

  1. Faculty of Energy (EF)
  2. Faculty of Cybernetics (FC)
  3. Chemical and metallurgical faculty (KhMF)
  4. Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FPL)

Faculties of additional education

  • Correspondence and evening faculty
  • International (preparatory) faculty
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
  • Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education
    • Geological Exploration College
    • Mechanical Engineering College
    • Usolsky Chemical-Technological College
"Irkutsk National Research Technical University"
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
International name Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Former names Siberian Mining Institute,
East Siberian Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold,
East Siberian Mining Institute of the NKTP USSR,
Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute,
Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute,
Irkutsk State Technical University
Motto Knowledge - for yourself, achievements - for the Fatherland!
Year founded
Rector Kornyakov Mikhail Viktorovich
Students 35700 (as of 2008)
Doctors 165
Teachers 1102
Location Irkutsk, Russia Russia
Legal address 664074, Irkutsk, Lermontova, 83

Irkutsk National Research Technical University(IrNTU) - higher education institution in Irkutsk. Founded in 1930.

In 2010, INRTU became the winner of the second competitive selection of university development programs, for which the category “National research university” was established.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 2

    ✪ Dormitory No. 7

    ✪ How not to get lost in IRNTU



Due to the difficult economic situation in the country, all educational institutions were temporarily transferred to the support of the local budget. In August 1923, Irpolprin was reorganized into the East Siberian Polytechnic of regional significance.

Subsequently, the polytechnic became the basis for the opening of the Siberian Mining Institute in Irkutsk.

In March 1929, Irkutsk became the center of the Siberian gold mining industry - the board of the Soyuzzoloto joint-stock company was transferred here from Moscow, and a scientific and technical center for gold and platinum was created here. The Mining Institute is located in one of the best buildings in the city on the street. Lenina, 3. S. V. Sergeev, head of the geological exploration department of the board of Soyuzzoloto, was appointed its first director, and Professor G. V. Klyuchansky was appointed deputy for educational and scientific work.

At the same time, a workers' faculty (rabfak) was opened. He provided pre-university education, and his significance in those years was enormous. In addition, for managers of enterprises in Siberia and the Far East who do not have higher education, the institute organized accelerated training in the form of advanced training courses.

The priority tasks in 1945 were: scientific developments for the military industry, all possible assistance to the front, maintaining the student population, accepting new recruits, and timely graduation of specialists. These tasks had to be carried out under extremely difficult conditions.

Since March 19, 1960, the Mining and Metallurgical Institute began to be called the Polytechnic Institute. This name reflected the emerging versatility of the university, its connection with the developing economy of the country, especially the East Siberian region, which by this time had turned into a continuous construction site. At the same time, Angarsk, Bratsk, Shelekhov, Bratsk hydroelectric power station, industrial petrochemical complexes and other facilities were built. In this regard, there is an urgent need for specialists for many sectors of the national economy.

The new status of the university was confirmed by Resolution No. 6 of November 30, 1994 and license No. 16 G-082 dated March 6, 1994 of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia, and later by a certificate of attestation of an educational institution (1997), state accreditation (1998), giving the right to conduct educational activities in the field of secondary, higher, postgraduate, professional additional education.

On May 20, 2010, ISTU was awarded the status of “National research university” and a scientific development program was approved in the following priority areas:

  • Highly efficient subsoil use technologies
  • Knowledge-intensive, highly efficient technologies for the production of machinery and equipment
  • High-tech life support systems for urbanized and sparsely populated areas
  • Industry of nanosystems and nanomaterials

Names of Irkutsk Technical University

  • Siberian Mining Institute -
  • Mining and metallurgical plant of non-ferrous metals, gold and platinum
  • Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Training Plant
  • Siberian Mining Institute Vostokzoloto -
  • East Siberian Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold -
  • East Siberian Mining Institute of the NKTP USSR named after. A. P. Serebrovsky -
  • Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute T -
  • Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute (IPI) -
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Chemical Technology named after. S. B. Leonova (IMiHT)
  • Institute of Subsoil Use (IN)
  • Institute of Food Engineering and Biotechnology (IPI)
  • Institute of Economics, Management and Law (IEUP)
  • Institute of Energy (IE)
  • Physico-Technical Institute (PTI)
  • Main faculties
  1. Faculty of Applied Linguistics (FPL)
Faculties of additional education
  • Correspondence and evening faculty
  • International (preparatory) faculty
  • Faculty of Postgraduate Studies
  • Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education
    • Geological Exploration College
    • Mechanical Engineering College
    • Usolsky Chemical-Technological College
Research and educational centers and institutions within the university
  • Center for Fundamental Research INRTU
  • Baikal Nanotechnology Center
  • Scientific library with 1,192,870 storage units located on an area of ​​3000 m²
  • Museum of History of IRNTU
  • Museum of Mineralogy - the largest mineralogical museum beyond the Urals
  • Museum of Military Glory
  • Museum of the History of Computing
  • TV channel TV-23 for broadcasting educational programs and training future television specialists


  • Branch of INRTU in Usolye-Sibirskoye
  1. Faculty of Technology
  2. Correspondence and evening faculty

International activities

To integrate into the international educational, scientific, cultural and information space, INRTU was the first of the universities in the Siberian Federal District to create on its base the Eurasian Open University (EUROU), uniting scientific, educational, innovative, cultural and other organizations in Russia, Europe and Asia. Within the framework of the European Educational Institution the following works:

  • Siberian-German Faculty of Engineering for master's training of students with Russian and German diplomas
  • International (preparatory) faculty - preparatory faculty, licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  • Tempus-Tacis projects to create bachelor-master study programs with international accreditation
  • Regional center for the recognition of foreign educational documents
  • Lectureship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Korean Educational and Cultural Center

Irkutsk (Irkutsk region), campus - one of the largest universities in Eastern Siberia is located at this address. Applicants from all over the world come here to study there. Irkutsk Polytechnic University is one big family in which students not only receive a profession, but also actively participate in the life of the university.

A little history

In 1930, the Siberian Mining Institute opened in the city of Irkutsk, which began training specialists for the gold mining industry. After 8 years its name changes. And it becomes a mining and metallurgical one, and after another 22 years - a polytechnic one. Initially, the university structure had only 2 faculties. Gradually, new areas of training were opened: construction, chemical technology, geological exploration, mechanical engineering and mechanical faculties. The training of professional engineers began.

In the 70s, the institute graduated specialists in 39 different fields. At the same time, a campus was built with a huge main building, stadium and dormitories. At the end of the 20th century, the university organized faculties of humanities, thanks to which the institution began to be called a university. The university became the largest in Eastern Siberia, with about 15 thousand students studying within its walls. The university we know now has changed somewhat. Now the university bears the proud name “National Research Irkutsk Technical University”.

Aircraft engineering and transport

Together with the country's leading industrial companies, students of the institute are searching for answers to pressing questions of the functioning of the Russian transport system. National Research Irkutsk State. The technical university prepares modern specialists whose qualifications meet all the needs of modern society. Students are trained in product design and modeling, and also participate in youth design associations.

Architecture and construction

Students at the institute study architecture and design, as well as urban construction and economics. Creative people will definitely find a place in the department of drawing, painting and sculpture. The institute includes 11 areas of training within the institute. Architecture students study in educational and research centers and research laboratories. The Institute has all the necessary modern design classrooms and multimedia rooms.

Fine arts and social and humanitarian disciplines

National Research Irkutsk State Technical University is a place not only for techies. Arts students study advertising and journalism, history and philosophy, design and painting, as well as psychology and sociology. They regularly participate in creative competitions between educational institutions, take winning places, and also realize themselves in all the main events of the university.


The National Research Institute trains qualified personnel in the field of information technology. Graduates become programmers, system administrators, and analysts. The guys study in modern computer classes, and gain their experience in leading companies in the Irkutsk region.

Metallurgy and chemical technology

The university trains highly professional specialists. Students study automation of production processes, chemical technologies, and non-ferrous metallurgy. The guys actively participate in student life. The team has repeatedly represented Irkutsk National Research Technical University at scientific festivals, consistently holding first places in competitions.

Subsoil use

Students study mining, engineering surveying, geology and oil and gas engineering. Under the strict guidance of teachers, they are developing technologies for forecasting, searching and assessing mineral resources. The children study the physical and mechanical characteristics of rocks. They are working to improve well construction technologies and increase the efficiency of equipment operation.

Food Engineering and Biotechnology

National Research Irkutsk Technical University offers special training at the Institute of Food Engineering and Biological Technologies. Students study biotechnology, bioinformatics, organic chemistry, and various food technologies. Like other institutes, the university has research laboratories that keep up with the times. The most active students unite in scientific creative teams. They participate in conferences devoted to the problems of biotechnology.

Economics, management and law

National Research Irkutsk Technical University trains future economists. Students study state and civil law disciplines, world economics, management, and criminal law. Graduates of the institute become managers in the field of mechanics and industrial enterprises. Students are also engaged in innovative and scientific discoveries, and actively participate in organizing exhibitions and events.


Energy is an important component of human economic activity. Workers in this field are involved in the transformation, distribution and use of energy resources. The Institute directs scientific research in the field of electrical power engineering, thermal power engineering and other related disciplines. After graduation, students of the institute work in the largest energy enterprises in the region.

Physics and technology

National Research Irkutsk State Technical University explores fundamental and applied aspects of the field of nanotechnology with the help of the Institute of Physics and Technology. Students study quantum and laser physics, radio electronics and conduct research in the field of telecommunication systems.

Other forms of training

Irkutsk National Research Technical University can offer applicants various forms of training. Faculties provide the opportunity to undergo training for various categories of students. Part-time education is provided for working youth, and the international quota provides an opportunity for foreign students to study. The Faculty of Applied Linguistics teaches foreign languages. You can become a translator while studying your main specialty. Faculty of Physics Culture and Sports organizes sporting events and teaches physical education. The university's pre-university training system, which includes the Mechanical Engineering College and the Geological Exploration College, offers great opportunities for learning. National Research Irkutsk Technical University has a branch in the city of Usolye-Sibirskoye.


The campus where the university is located is a whole world, a common home for all students. Currently, it houses 17 dormitories for out-of-town students, which have all the conditions for a comfortable stay. The most active kids living on campus participate in sports and creative events, publish their own newspaper, and organize holidays. A competition for the best hostel is held annually. The infrastructure of the town is very developed: here you will find a canteen, shops, pharmacies, restaurants and cafes, sports grounds, and stadiums. In total, about 4 thousand students of different faculties and specialties live on campus, of which 900 are foreigners.

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