Ivan Turgenev. Bezhin meadow

I went to the right, through the bushes. Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; It seemed that, along with the evening vapors, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from above. I came across some kind of unmarked, overgrown path; I walked along it, carefully looking ahead. Everything around quickly turned black and fell silent - only the quails squawked occasionally. A small night bird, silently and low rushing on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and fearfully dived to the side.

...near the river, which in this place stood as a motionless, dark mirror, under the very steep hill, two lights burned and smoked next to each other with a red flame. People swarmed around them, shadows wavered, sometimes the front half of a small curly head was brightly illuminated... I was mistaken in mistaking the people sitting around those lights for herd workers. These were simply peasant children from neighboring villages who guarded the herd.

Find words in the text that can be added to the illustration. Suddenly the tramp of a galloping horse was heard; She stopped abruptly right next to the fire, and, clutching the mane, Pavlusha quickly jumped off her. Both dogs also jumped into the circle of light and immediately sat down, sticking out their red tongues.

Pavel approached the fire with a full cauldron in his hand. “What, guys,” he began, after a pause, “things are wrong.” - And what? - Kostya asked hastily. - I heard Vasya’s voice. Everyone shuddered. - What are you, what are you? - Kostya stammered. - By God. As soon as I began to bend down to the water, I suddenly heard someone calling me in Vasya’s voice and as if from under the water: “Pavlusha, oh Pavlusha!” I'm listening; and he again calls: “Pavlusha, come here.” I walked away. However, he scooped up some water. - Oh, Lord! oh, Lord! - the boys said, crossing themselves. “After all, it was the merman who called you, Pavel,” added Fedya... “And we were just talking about him, about Vasya.” “Oh, this is a bad omen,” Ilyusha said deliberately. - Well, nothing, let go! - Pavel said decisively and sat down again, - you cannot escape your fate. Does the author confirm or deny this proverb?

7. The hunter came to Bezhin Meadow: a) by accident b) came specifically to hunt c) the boys called him at night 8. The boys had dogs: a) five b) two c) three. 9. One of the dogs’ name is: a) Chernysh b) Bug c) Fluff 10. The boys talked about: a) the water b) the witch c) the brownie 11. Pavel talks about: a) about the meeting with the goblin b) about the solar eclipse c) about earthquake

The night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud. It seemed that, along with the evening couples, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from above. I came across some kind of unmarked, overgrown path. I walked along it, carefully looking ahead. Everything around quickly turned black and died down, only the quails screamed occasionally. A small night bird, silently and low rushing on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and fearfully dived to the side. I went out to the edge of the bushes and wandered across the field. I was already having difficulty distinguishing distant objects. The field was vaguely white around. Behind him, approaching with every moment, gloomy darkness rose in huge clouds. My steps echoed dully in the frozen air. The pale sky began to turn blue again, but it was already the blue of night. The stars flickered and moved on it.

What I had taken for a grove turned out to be a dark and round mound. “Where am I?” - I said out loud, stopped and looked questioningly at my yellow-piebald dog Dianka.

But the smartest of the four-legged creatures only wagged her tail, blinked her tired eyes sadly and did not give me any practical advice.

I felt ashamed of her, and I desperately rushed forward, as if I had suddenly guessed where I should go, rounded the hillock and found myself in a shallow, plowed-out ravine all around. A strange feeling immediately took possession of me. This hollow had the appearance of an almost regular cauldron with gentle sides. At the bottom there were several large, white stones sticking out, and it was so mute and dull in it, the sky hung so flat, so sadly above it, that my heart sank. Some animal squeaked weakly and pitifully between the stones.

I hurried to get back onto the hill. Until now, I still had not lost hope of finding my way home. But now I am finally convinced that I am completely lost. No longer trying to recognize the surrounding places, which were almost completely drowned in darkness, I walked straight, following the stars - at random... I walked like this for about half an hour, moving my legs with difficulty. It seemed like I had never been in such empty places in my life. No light flickered anywhere, no sound was heard. One gentle hill gave way to another, fields stretched endlessly after fields. The bushes seemed to suddenly rise out of the ground right in front of my nose. I kept walking and was about to lie down somewhere until the morning, when suddenly I found myself over a terrible abyss.

I quickly pulled back my raised leg and through the darkness of the night I saw a huge plain far below me. A wide river flowed around it. leaving me in a semicircle. The steel reflections of the water, occasionally and dimly flickering, indicated its flow. The hill I was on descended almost vertically. Its huge outlines separated, turning black, from the bluish airy void. Right below me, near the river, under the very steep hill, two lights burned and smoked with a red flame. People swarmed around them, shadows wavered, and sometimes the front half of a small curly head was brightly illuminated...

I finally found out where I had gone. This meadow is famous in our neighborhoods under the name Bezhin meadow....

here is the text:
I climbed the hill and saw places unknown to me. I
He stopped in bewilderment and looked around. Meanwhile, the night was approaching and
grew like a thundercloud. It seemed, together with the evening couples from above
It was dark.
I came across a path that was overgrown
grass. Some low bushes grew widely in front of me. Me
Unpleasant, immovable dampness gripped me.
I went out to the edge of the bushes and
wandered across the field between? (didn’t understand the words). Having rounded the hillock, I found myself in
A SMALL GULL. It was difficult to distinguish distant objects. Deaf
My steps were heard in the silence of the night. In the blue sky they flashed and
the stars began to move.

1) words whose morphemic analysis corresponds to the schemes *verb:
prefix, root, 2 suffixes, ending, suffix
*noun: root, suffix, ending
*adjective: prefix, root, suffix, ending

2) write down two verbs with alternating. at the root (graphically explain their choice)

3) two verbs with an unstressed vowel in the root, verified by stress

4) two words with a spelling in the prefix (explain its choice)

5) two perfect verbs
two imperfective verbs

6) a word in which there are more letters than sounds

7) a word in which there are fewer letters than sounds

8) make a diagram of the first sentence

help me find BSP Steppe.

Meanwhile, before the eyes of those traveling, a wide, endless plain, intercepted by a chain of hills, stretched out. Crowded and peeking out from behind each other, these hills merge into a hill that stretches to the right of the road to the very horizon and disappears into the purple distance. You drive and drive and you can’t figure out where it begins and where it ends... The sun had already peeked out from behind the city and quietly, without any fuss, it began its work. First, far ahead, where the sky meets the earth, near the mounds and the windmill, which from a distance looks like a little man waving his arms, a wide bright yellow stripe crawled along the ground. A minute later, the same stripe appeared a little closer, crawled to the right and enveloped the hills. And suddenly the whole steppe threw off the morning penumbra, smiled and sparkled with dew.

what is the topic of the text

In the electrical appliance store, the Chandelier was highly respected.
“She just needs to get to her ceiling,” said the table lamps. -Then the world will immediately become brighter.

And for a long time, already taking their place on the work tables, table lamps
remembered their famous countrywoman, who now, wow! -became
big luminary. Meanwhile, the chandelier spent days and nights in the restaurant.
She settled down quite well, in the very center of the ceiling, and, blinded
with its own brilliance, burned through as much in an evening as a tabletop
the lamps would last a lifetime. But this did not make the world any brighter.

Soon a path led to the right, onto a rather steep hill.

We followed it and after half an hour we found ourselves in a pine forest. Flowering cocen. It was worth it
hit a pine branch with a stick, when immediately a thick yellow cloud surrounded us.
Golden pollen slowly settled in the calm.

Just this morning, forced to live within four walls,
separated from each other by no more than five meters, we suddenly became tipsy from
all this: from flowers, from the sun, smelling of resin and pine needles, from luxurious
possessions that suddenly came to us for no reason. He was still holding me back
backpack, and Rosa then ran forward and shouted from there that there were lilies of the valley, then
went deeper into the forest and returned, frightened by a bird that had fluttered out from under the very

Meanwhile, ahead, through the trees, water sparkled and soon
led to a large lake. The lake was, one might say, without shores. It was thick
lush grass of a forest clearing, and suddenly water began to flow at the level of the same grass. How
as if a puddle had been filled with rain. I thought that the grass also continued under water
and it flooded recently and not for long. But through the yellowish water one could see
a dense sandy bottom that went deeper and deeper, making the lake water blacker.

1.Write all one-part sentences and their type.
2.Write all introductory and plug-in constructions.

At my feet stretched a narrow valley; directly opposite, a dense aspen tree rose like a steep wall. I stopped in bewilderment, looked around... “Hey! - I thought, “Yes, I ended up in the wrong place at all: I took it too far to the right,” and, marveling at my mistake, I quickly went down the hill. I was immediately overcome by an unpleasant, motionless dampness, as if I had entered a cellar; the thick tall grass at the bottom of the valley, all wet, turned white like an even tablecloth; it was somehow creepy to walk on it. I quickly climbed out to the other side and walked, turning left, along the aspen tree. Bats were already flying over its sleeping tops, mysteriously circling and trembling in the vaguely clear sky; A belated hawk flew briskly and straight overhead, hurrying to its nest. “As soon as I get to that corner,” I thought to myself, “there will be a road right here, but I gave a detour a mile away!”

I finally reached the corner of the forest, but there was no road there: some unmown, low bushes spread wide in front of me, and behind them, far, far away, a deserted field could be seen. I stopped again. “What kind of parable?.. But where am I?” I began to remember how and where I went during the day... “Eh! Yes, these are Parakhin bushes! - I finally exclaimed, “exactly!” this must be the Sindeevskaya Grove... How did I come here? So far?.. Strange”! Now we need to take the right again.”

I went to the right, through the bushes. Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; It seemed that, along with the evening vapors, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from above. I came across some kind of unmarked, overgrown path; I walked along it, carefully looking ahead. Everything around quickly turned black and fell silent - only the quails squawked occasionally. A small night bird, silently and low rushing on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and fearfully dived to the side. I went out to the edge of the bushes and wandered across the field. I was already having difficulty distinguishing distant objects; the field was vaguely white around; behind him, approaching with every moment, gloomy darkness rose in huge clouds. My steps echoed dully in the frozen air. The pale sky began to turn blue again - but it was already the blue of night. The stars flickered and moved on it.

What I had taken for a grove turned out to be a dark and round mound. “Where am I?” - I repeated again out loud, stopped for the third time and looked questioningly at my English yellow-piebald dog Dianka, decidedly the smartest of all four-legged creatures. But the smartest of the four-legged creatures only wagged her tail, blinked her tired eyes sadly and did not give me any practical advice. I felt ashamed of her, and I desperately rushed forward, as if I had suddenly guessed where I should go, rounded the hillock and found myself in a shallow, plowed-out ravine all around. A strange feeling immediately took possession of me. This hollow had the appearance of an almost regular cauldron with gentle sides; At the bottom of it, several large, white stones stood upright - it seemed that they had crawled there for a secret meeting - and it was so mute and dull in it, the sky hung so flat, so sadly above it, that my heart sank. Some animal squeaked weakly and pitifully between the stones. I hurried to get back onto the hill. Until now I still had not lost hope of finding my way home; but then I finally became convinced that I was completely lost, and, no longer trying at all to recognize the surrounding places, which were almost completely drowned in darkness, I walked straight ahead, following the stars - at random... I walked like this for about half an hour, with difficulty moving my legs. It seemed like I had never been in such empty places in my life: no lights flickered anywhere, no sound was heard. One gentle hill gave way to another, fields stretched endlessly after fields, bushes seemed to suddenly rise out of the ground right in front of my nose.

It was a beautiful July day, one of those days that only happen when the weather has settled for a long time. From early morning the sky is clear; The morning dawn does not burn with fire: it spreads with a gentle blush. The sun - not fiery, not hot, as during a sultry drought, not dull purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - floats up peacefully under a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and sinks into its purple fog. The upper, thin edge of the stretched cloud will sparkle with snakes; their shine is like the shine of forged silver... But then the playing rays poured out again, and the mighty luminary rose merrily and majestic, as if taking off. Around noon there usually appear many round high clouds, golden-gray, with delicate white edges. Like islands scattered along an endlessly overflowing river, flowing around them with deeply transparent branches of even blue, they hardly move from their place; further, towards the horizon, they move, crowd together, the blue between them is no longer visible; but they themselves are as azure as the sky: they are all thoroughly imbued with light and warmth. The color of the sky, light, pale lilac, does not change throughout the day and is the same all around; It doesn’t get dark anywhere, the thunderstorm doesn’t thicken; unless here and there bluish stripes stretch from top to bottom: then barely noticeable rain is falling. By evening these clouds disappear; the last of them, blackish and vague, like smoke, lie in pink clouds opposite the setting sun; at the place where it set as calmly as it calmly rose into the sky, a scarlet glow stands for a short time over the darkened earth, and, quietly blinking, like a carefully carried candle, the evening star glows on it. On days like these, the colors are all softened; light, but not bright; everything bears the stamp of some touching meekness. On such days, the heat is sometimes very strong, sometimes even “soaring” along the slopes of the fields; but the wind disperses, pushes apart the accumulated heat, and the vortex-gyres - an undoubted sign of constant weather - walk in tall white pillars along the roads through the arable land. The dry and clean air smells of wormwood, compressed rye, and buckwheat; even an hour before night you do not feel damp. The farmer wishes for similar weather for harvesting grain...

On just such a day I was once hunting for black grouse in Chernsky district, Tula province. I found and shot quite a lot of game; the filled bag mercilessly cut my shoulder; but the evening dawn was already fading, and in the air, still bright, although no longer illuminated by the rays of the setting sun, cold shadows began to thicken and spread when I finally decided to return to my home. With quick steps I walked through a long “square” of bushes, climbed a hill and, instead of the expected familiar plain with an oak forest to the right and a low white church in the distance, I saw completely different places unknown to me. At my feet stretched a narrow valley; directly opposite, a dense aspen tree rose like a steep wall. I stopped in bewilderment, looked around... “Hey! - I thought, “Yes, I ended up in the wrong place at all: I took it too far to the right,” and, marveling at my mistake, I quickly went down the hill. I was immediately overcome by an unpleasant, motionless dampness, as if I had entered a cellar; the thick tall grass at the bottom of the valley, all wet, turned white like an even tablecloth; it was somehow creepy to walk on it. I quickly climbed out to the other side and walked, turning left, along the aspen tree. Bats were already flying over its sleeping tops, mysteriously circling and trembling in the vaguely clear sky; A belated hawk flew briskly and straight overhead, hurrying to its nest. “As soon as I get to that corner,” I thought to myself, “there will be a road right here, but I gave a detour a mile away!”

I finally reached the corner of the forest, but there was no road there: some unmown, low bushes spread wide in front of me, and behind them, far, far away, a deserted field could be seen. I stopped again. “What kind of parable?.. But where am I?” I began to remember how and where I went during the day... “Eh! Yes, these are Parakhin bushes! - I finally exclaimed, “exactly!” this must be the Sindeevskaya Grove... How did I come here? So far?.. Strange”! Now we need to take the right again.”

I went to the right, through the bushes. Meanwhile, the night was approaching and growing like a thundercloud; It seemed that, along with the evening vapors, darkness was rising from everywhere and even pouring from above. I came across some kind of unmarked, overgrown path; I walked along it, carefully looking ahead. Everything around quickly turned black and fell silent - only the quails squawked occasionally. A small night bird, silently and low rushing on its soft wings, almost stumbled upon me and fearfully dived to the side. I went out to the edge of the bushes and wandered across the field. I was already having difficulty distinguishing distant objects; the field was vaguely white around; behind him, approaching with every moment, gloomy darkness rose in huge clouds. My steps echoed dully in the frozen air. The pale sky began to turn blue again - but it was already the blue of night. The stars flickered and moved on it.

What I had taken for a grove turned out to be a dark and round mound. “Where am I?” - I repeated again out loud, stopped for the third time and looked questioningly at my English yellow-piebald dog Dianka, decidedly the smartest of all four-legged creatures. But the smartest of the four-legged creatures only wagged her tail, blinked her tired eyes sadly and did not give me any practical advice. I felt ashamed of her, and I desperately rushed forward, as if I had suddenly guessed where I should go, rounded the hillock and found myself in a shallow, plowed-out ravine all around. A strange feeling immediately took possession of me. This hollow had the appearance of an almost regular cauldron with gentle sides; At the bottom of it, several large, white stones stood upright - it seemed that they had crawled there for a secret meeting - and it was so mute and dull in it, the sky hung so flat, so sadly above it, that my heart sank. Some animal squeaked weakly and pitifully between the stones. I hurried to get back onto the hill. Until now I still had not lost hope of finding my way home; but then I finally became convinced that I was completely lost, and, no longer trying at all to recognize the surrounding places, which were almost completely drowned in darkness, I walked straight ahead, following the stars - at random... I walked like this for about half an hour, with difficulty moving my legs. It seemed like I had never been in such empty places in my life: no lights flickered anywhere, no sound was heard. One gentle hill gave way to another, fields stretched endlessly after fields, bushes seemed to suddenly rise out of the ground right in front of my nose. I kept walking and was about to lie down somewhere until the morning, when suddenly I found myself over a terrible abyss.

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