How to be more productive. transform your knowledge into practical skills

A list of techniques for effectively managing time, energy and attention.


After graduating from university, I received two great job offers, but I turned them down - because I had a plan. For a year, I was going to absorb all the productivity information I could get my hands on and blog about it every day.

Over the course of the year, I conducted countless experiments, interviewed many extremely productive people, and read a ton of books and studies on productivity. To wrap up this year, I've compiled a list of the biggest things I've learned. These are my favorite ways to hack time, energy, and attention to get more done every day. The article is long, but it is easy to scroll to the right place.

Time management

How to manage time more effectively

1. Allocate less time to important tasks. It seems counterintuitive, but practice shows that it helps. When you limit the time you spend on important tasks, you force yourself to expend more energy in less time and get those things done on time.

2. Forget about TV. The average person spends 13.6 years of their life watching TV, which could be better spent on more meaningful tasks.

3. Record your time wasting in a diary. When you track where your time is spent, you can see how much of it is being wasted, which can help you reclaim wasted time and think about how to spend it better in the first place.

4. Avoid activities that drain your time, energy, and attention. It's best to simply keep unproductive activities out of your life.

5. Remember that the best is the enemy of the good. Your home will never be perfectly clean - something will definitely be wrong. Know when to stop, especially in unproductive activities.

6. Set aside a day for technical tasks. Group all such tasks (laundry, shopping, cleaning, watering flowers, etc.) into one day, so that on the remaining days of the week you have more time for more promising tasks.

7. Don't work more than 35 hours a week. Research shows that under this condition we reach peak productivity and creativity. Yes, working late makes you more productive - but only in the short term.

8. Your letters should not be longer than five sentences, and it is best to mention this in the signature of the letter. I've gotten crazy fast with my email using this technique, and most people are all for it when you keep it short and to the point.

9. Turn on The Email Game app if you use Gmail. This is a free add-on that turns answering emails into a game.

10. Register on if your email is on Gmail, Yahoo or This app collects all your subscriptions into one convenient daily email.

11. Stop putting letters into folders. Searching for emails using keywords is much faster.

12. Learn to touch type. This way you will save a lot of time.

13. Track your computer time with the free RescueTime app. You'll be surprised how much time is wasted.

14. The larger proportion of your income you save, the better. If you don't pursue fashion and entertainment, you can shorten your working life by decades.

How to spend time doing the right things

15. Identify your most productive activities. Make a list of all the things you are responsible for at work and ask yourself: If you could only do three of these things all day, which ones would you choose? This is where you need to invest 80-90% of your time.

16. Shorten the duration of your activities so as not to feel resistance. This is a great way to learn new habits. “Can I meditate for 15 minutes? No, I feel resistance, I won’t. Okay, what if it's 10? Still a lot. What if it's five? Hmm, it seems easy. I think I can do it.” That's all.

17. Work on important but not urgent tasks. Every day, complete at least one important task that does not have to be completed right now - this way you will move forward in achieving your long-term goals, and not just closing current holes.

18. Use the Pomodoro method: focus on something for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes. It's incredibly effective.

19. Make a procrastination list: productive and meaningful things to do the next time you procrastinate. This will help you stay productive even when your brain is trying to escape from the tasks ahead.

20. Follow the “two-minute rule.” This rule from David Allen's system states that when a task takes less than two minutes, just do it instead of putting it on a list for later.

21. Plan your free time. This seems like a backwards principle, but actually structuring our free time makes us happier and more motivated.

22. Determine the next thing you will do based on four questions: where you are (office, home, cottage, etc.), how much time you have, how much energy you have, and what are your most productive activities.

23. Watch how you spend your time. Constantly check and reflect on how you spend your time, energy and attention throughout the day. To do this, I set notifications on my phone that sound every hour.

24. Schedule time when you completely disconnect from work. During this time, your brain is still thinking about work issues, but in the background while you are busy doing something else.

25. Spend more time planning. A minute of planning saves five minutes of implementation. If you just execute and don't plan, it's hard to work smarter.

26. Be aware of what people really mean when they say they don't have time. Usually it’s not that there is no time at all, but that the task doesn’t seem important enough to them.

27. Pause before sending important emails and messages. Give your brain time to form thoughts so your message can become more complete, valuable, and creative. The world will not collapse, and you will be able to convey your message more accurately.

Energy management

Body control techniques

28. Play sports. This is the best way to become more energetic, and it also helps fight diseases, improves your mood and improves sleep.

29. Eat better. Your food greatly affects your energy levels. The worse you eat, the faster you get tired, and the less energy you have for current affairs.

30. Stop drinking coffee out of habit. Caffeine loses its effect when you drink a lot of it daily, but it is very effective if you use it strategically (only when you need a boost of energy or need to focus).

31. Consume caffeine wisely. Drink slowly, drink water at the same time, and stay away from sugary energy drinks. When consuming caffeine, eat well, don't drink coffee on an empty stomach, and don't rush into a second serving of coffee or tea.

32. Don't drink caffeine less than four to six hours before bed. It reaches peak levels in the blood within an hour and is eliminated within four to six hours.

33. Drink more water. Water adds energy, speeds up metabolism, helps you think, suppresses appetite, helps your body eliminate toxins, reduces the risk of many diseases and even helps you save money.

34. Drink half a liter of water after waking up. Your body has just gone without fluid for eight hours and is clearly dehydrated.

35. Keep a diary of what you eat. People who keep such a diary usually do not overeat - and eat, on average, almost a third less.

36. Get enough sleep - even more than you need. Sleep enhances concentration, attention, decision-making skills, creativity, social skills and overall health, and reduces mood swings, stress, anger and impulsivity. By the way, there is no difference in socioeconomic status between larks and owls.

37. Don't drink late at night. Drinking alcohol before bed impairs sleep quality and reduces energy the next day.

38. Set the air conditioner to 21–22ºC. At this temperature we are most productive.

39. Set the air conditioner to 18.5ºC at night. Most studies recommend turning your bedroom into a cave at night, where it's cool, dark and quiet.

40. Learn to nap during the day. If your energy is low during the day, take a nap. It strengthens memory, attention, curbs burnout and enhances creativity.

41. Constantly reflect on your energy levels and act accordingly. This way you can recharge your energy in time when there is little energy, and take on bigger, more daring things when there is more energy. Soon you will start to notice certain trends.

42. Find your biological peak by tracking your energy levels throughout the week.

43. Smile. It boosts immunity, helps you cope with stress and see the bigger picture, makes people more trustworthy and just feels good.

44. Paint your office the right colors. Blue stimulates the mind, yellow stimulates emotions, red stimulates the body, and green instills a sense of balance.

45. Before going to bed, try to look less at colors in the blue part of the spectrum. Too much time on your phone, tablet, or computer is bad for your sleep.

46. ​​Try to be in natural light. It helps you fall asleep, reduces stress, and increases energy and focus.

47. Download F.lux - this program shifts the computer's colors to the red end of the spectrum when the sun goes down, which encourages the body to produce more melatonin and improves sleep.

Brain Control Techniques

48. Constantly introduce new habits to change your life. This is how changes last for a long time.

49. Learn to reduce stress: exercise, read, listen to music, spend time with friends and family, get a massage, walk in nature, meditate, engage in a creative hobby.

50. Take breaks often. This stimulates the flow of new ideas, allows you to think about your work and become more productive in general.

51. Start small. To become more productive, you need to make very small changes one at a time. The smaller they are, the more likely they are to happen.

52. Notice when you are too hard on yourself. According to coach David Allen, 80% of what we tell ourselves is negative. Track the moments when this negativity overflows to make life more enjoyable.

53. Make friends with your office colleagues. This increases job satisfaction by 50%, significantly increases work engagement and increases the chances of career growth by 40%.

54. Think about who you have interacted with over the past few months. Which encounters brought you the most energy, motivation, happiness and drive? Meet these people again.

55. Lower your expectations. Strange advice? But it makes you more confident, allows you to relax, have more fun and not worry about proving something to others.

56. Understand that no one cares. When you realize that most people don't care about your success, money, clothes, house or car, you will realize that you are freer than you previously thought. You can take more risks because your life is not cast in granite and follow what you consider to be your passion.

57. Eat mindfully. Keep track of when your brain begins to feel the approach of satiety - this way you will not overeat, and this takes a lot of energy.

58. Visualize. My favorite example: imagine that you have just received instructions to leave town tomorrow for an entire month. What exactly should you do before leaving? Do it right now.

59. Don’t run away from conflict, look for it. We are most productive when we experience moderate levels of conflict and stress.

60. Download the Coffitivity app. The ambient noise of a coffee shop has been proven to boost productivity and creativity, and Coffitivity simulates that sound on the computer.

61. Every day, remember three things for which you are grateful. This trains your brain to look for positivity rather than negativity in the world, making you more energetic, happier and more effective.

62. Write down a great experience every day. This way your brain relives it and energizes you.

63. Exhale periodically. You don't have to take productivity too seriously. And most likely, by relaxing, you will become more productive.

Attention management

How to become more attentive

64. Meditate. Meditation is the art of constantly returning attention to one object. It also calms the mind, increases blood flow to the brain, brings the feeling of “flow” closer, and helps fight procrastination.

65. Stop multitasking. It has a terrible impact on productivity, increases the number of errors, has a bad effect on memory and adds stress.

66. Write down everything that is running through your head - what you need to do, what you are waiting for, other ideas and obligations that are pressing on you. This will give you more mental space to think about more important and enjoyable things.

67. Make a list of everything you're expecting so you don't miss anything and so you can worry less about the people and things you need to keep track of.

68. Create a ritual of recording thoughts. Turn everything off, set a timer for 15 minutes, and get into bed with a notepad and pen. Write down everything that's bothering you to clear out those mental blockages.

69. Eat something that strengthens your concentration. My favorite: blueberries, green tea, avocado, lettuce and kale, fatty fish, water, dark chocolate, flaxseeds, nuts.

70. Return to your starting point. When you finish something, clean up after yourself so it's easier to start next time. For example, after cooking, clean the kitchen or prepare sports equipment for tomorrow in advance.

71. Learn to slow down. It's easy to go on autopilot and jump from one distraction to another. Slow down and do things mindfully to manage your attention and be more productive.

72. When you need to do something, completely disconnect from the Internet. 47% of time spent online is spent on procrastination.

73. Resist temptation by practicing the reaction in your head in advance. For example, imagine in advance how you will stop yourself from going to McDonald's on the way home.

74. Use your smartphone less. It distracts you much more than it seems, prevents you from communicating with people, and at the same time, immersion in it is an almost meaningless activity. For three months I used my smartphone for only an hour a day and since then I have not been drawn to it.

75. Between 8 pm and 8 am, put your smartphone in airplane mode. This ritual helps you feel more meaningful, falls asleep faster, and encourages you to focus on more promising tasks both before and after sleep.

76. Do things that are challenging enough for your skill level to allow you to work in a state of flow.

77. Do less. When your attention, energy, and time are divided among fewer things, you'll be more committed to each one and accomplish much more.

78. Look at pictures of baby animals. This enhances cognitive and motor performance because it narrows the focus of attention.

How to focus on what matters most

79. At the beginning of the day, identify three results that you want to achieve (namely results, not actions). This will force yourself to prioritize.

80. Focus not on doing more, but on doing the right thing. Find tasks that match your interests so you understand why you want to do them.

81. Develop a growth mindset. The main quality that distinguishes successful people from unsuccessful ones is that the former do not believe that their intelligence and skills are set once and for all.

82. Connect with your future self. People often perceive their current selves and their future selves as completely different people. Create a future memory, send a message to your future self, or simply imagine the kind of person you will become.

83. Make a mindless to-do list. Bring together tasks like laundry or cleaning and do them back to back while listening to something meaningful (an audiobook, a TED talk, etc.).

84. Ask yourself for advice.

85. Make your goals smarter: specific, measurable, realistic and time-based. This will make them easier to identify and achieve.

86. Stop tracking the process of moving towards the goal. This usually reduces the chances of achieving them. How can this be? View your actions as evidence that you are committed to this goal and remind yourself why you are pursuing it in the first place.

87. Set not traditional goals, but intermediate ones. Interim goals are goals you need to achieve on the way to a larger goal: for example, don't set a goal to win a boxing championship, but set a goal to never get knocked out during a match.

88. Stop wandering aimlessly on the Internet. It’s better to just relax, slow down and think about what you really need to achieve.

89. Turn off pointless email notifications. They take a little time, but a lot of attention - every time you get a notification, it takes your attention away from the task at hand.

90. Take an email vacation. When you need to sit and work closely on a project for a day or two, set an autoresponder in your mail and calmly get on with your current task.

91. Reply to emails in waves. Set times a day to respond to emails rather than answering them as they come.

92. When you have a personal meeting with someone, turn off your phone completely. You will show that you are ready to give the person 100% of your attention.

93. Identify your core habits. These are habits that change and build other habits in your life. A few examples: cooking, developing relationships with a partner or friends, waking up early.

94. Make bad habits costly: Agree with someone that you will pay each other fines when you indulge in bad habits. So you will think about the cost of habits, and not about the pleasure from them.

95. Reward yourself. New habits and behaviors are difficult, but rewarding yourself for them helps make them stick.

96. Anticipate what will prevent you from learning new habits.

97. Keep distractions at least 20 seconds away from you. This is enough distance to reduce their strength.

98. Listen actively. Focus completely on the words of the person you are talking to - this creates a deeper relationship, helps you judge people better, and avoid misunderstandings.

99. View life as a series of hot spots. Every day, your time, energy and attention are spent in seven areas: brain, body, emotions, career, finances, relationships and pleasure. Treat these hot spots like portfolio investments - making sure you don't invest too much in some and too little in others.

100. Always act with a specific goal in mind. When you constantly ask yourself why exactly you are doing this, your actions will be aligned with a purpose that actually makes sense.

Chris Bailey spent a year experimenting to improve his productivity. Here's a guide he put together based on his lessons for anyone who wants to become more effective. After graduating from university, I received two great job offers, but I turned them down - because I had a plan. For a year, I was going to absorb all the productivity information I could get my hands on and blog about it every day. Over the course of the year, I conducted countless experiments, interviewed many extremely productive people, and read a ton of books and studies on productivity. To wrap up this year, I've compiled a list of the top things I've learned this year. These are my favorite ways to hack time, energy, and attention to get more done every day. The article is long, but it's easy to scroll to the right place! Time management How to have more time

1. Spend less time on important tasks. It seems counterintuitive, but practice shows that it helps. When you limit the time you spend on important tasks, you force yourself to expend more energy in less time and get those things done on time.

2. Forget about TV. The average person spends 13.6 years of their life watching TV - which could be better spent on more meaningful tasks.

3. Record your time wasting in a diary. When you track where your time is spent, you can see how much of it is being wasted, which can help you reclaim wasted time and think about how to spend it better in the first place.

4. Avoid activities that drain your time, energy, and attention. It's best to simply keep unproductive activities out of your life.

5. Remember that the best is the enemy of the good. Your home will never be perfectly clean - something will definitely be wrong. Know when to stop, especially in less productive activities.

6. Set aside a day for technical tasks. Group all such tasks (laundry, shopping, cleaning, watering flowers, etc.) into one day so that the rest of the week you have more time to focus on more promising tasks.

7. Don't work more than 35 hours a week. Research shows that under this condition we reach peak productivity and creativity. Yes, working late makes you more productive - but only in the short term.

8. Your emails should not be longer than 5 sentences and it is best to mention this in your email signature. I've gotten crazy fast with my email using this technique, and most people are all for it when you keep it short and to the point.

9. Turn on The Email Game app if you use Gmail. This is a free add-on that turns answering emails into a game.

10. Sign up for Unroll if your email is on Gmail, Yahoo or This app collects all your subscriptions into one convenient daily email.

11. Stop putting letters into folders. Searching for emails using keywords is much faster.

12. Learn to touch type. This way you will save a lot of time. 13. Track your computer time with the free RescueTime app. You'll be surprised how much time is wasted.

14. The larger proportion of your income you save, the better. If you don't pursue fashion and entertainment, you can shorten your working life by decades. How to spend time doing the right things

15. Identify your most productive activities. Make a list of all the things you are responsible for at work and ask yourself: If you could only do three of these things all day, which ones would you choose? This is where you need to invest 80-90% of your time.

16. Keep your workouts short so you don't feel resistance. This is a great way to learn new habits. “Can I meditate for 15 minutes? No, I feel resistance, I won’t. OK, what if it's 10? Still a lot. What if it's five? Hmm, it seems easy. I think I can do it.” That's all.

17. Work on important but not urgent tasks. Every day, complete at least one important task that you can’t finish right now - this way you will move forward in achieving your long-term goals, and not just close current holes.

18. Use the Pomodoro technique: focus on something for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes. It's incredibly effective.

19. Make a procrastination list: productive and meaningful things to do the next time you procrastinate. This will help you stay productive even when your brain is trying to escape from the tasks ahead.

20. Follow the “two minute rule.” This rule from David Allen's system states that when a task takes less than 2 minutes, just do it instead of putting it on a list for later.

21. Plan your free time. This seems like a backwards principle, but actually structuring our free time makes us happier and more motivated.

22. Determine the next thing you will do based on four questions: where you are (office, home, cottage, etc.), how much time you have, how much energy you have, and what are your most productive activities.

23. Watch how you spend your time. Constantly check and reflect on how you spend your time (and energy and attention) throughout the day. To do this, I set notifications on my phone that sound every hour.

24. Schedule time when you completely disconnect from work. During this time, your brain is still thinking about work issues, but in the background while you are busy doing something else.

25. Spend more time planning. A minute of planning saves five minutes of implementation. If you just execute and don't plan, it's hard to work smarter.

26. Keep in mind what people really mean when they say “I don’t have time.” Usually it’s not that there is no time at all, but that the task doesn’t seem important enough to them.

27. Pause before sending important emails and messages. Give your brain time to form thoughts so your message can become more complete, valuable, and creative. The world will not collapse, and you will be able to convey your point more accurately. Energy management Body control techniques

28. Play sports. This is the best way to become more energetic, and it also helps fight diseases, improves your mood and improves sleep.

29. Eat better. Your food greatly affects your energy levels. The worse you eat, the faster you get tired, and the less energy you have for current affairs.

30. Stop drinking coffee out of habit. Caffeine loses its effect when you drink a lot of it daily, but it is very effective if you use it strategically (only when you need a boost of energy or need to focus).

31. Consume caffeine wisely. Drink more slowly, drink water at the same time, stay away from sugary energy drinks, eat well when consuming caffeine, don't drink coffee on an empty stomach, and don't rush into a second serving of coffee or tea.

32. Don't drink caffeine less than 4-6 hours before bed. It reaches peak levels in the blood within an hour and is eliminated within 4-6 hours.

33. Drink more water. Water adds energy, speeds up metabolism, helps you think, suppresses appetite, helps your body eliminate toxins, reduces the risk of many diseases and even helps you save money!

34. Drink half a liter of water after waking up. Your body has just gone without fluid for eight hours and is clearly dehydrated.

35. Keep a diary of what you eat. People who keep such a diary usually do not overeat - and eat, on average, almost a third less.

36. Get enough sleep - even more than you need. Sleep enhances concentration, attention, decision-making skills, creativity, social skills and overall health, and reduces mood swings, stress, anger and impulsivity. By the way, there is no difference in socioeconomic status between larks and owls.

37. Don't drink late at night. Drinking alcohol before bed impairs sleep quality and reduces energy the next day.

38. Set the air conditioner to 21–22ºC. At this temperature we are most productive.

39. Set the air conditioner to 18.5ºC overnight. Most studies recommend turning your bedroom into a cave at night, where it's cool, dark and quiet.

40. Learn to nap during the day. If your energy is low during the day, take a nap. It strengthens memory, attention, curbs burnout and enhances creativity.

41. Constantly be aware of your energy levels and act accordingly. This way you can recharge your energy in time when there is little energy, and take on bigger, more daring things when there is more energy. Soon you will start to notice certain trends. 42. Find your biological peak by tracking your energy levels throughout the week.

43. Smile! It boosts immunity, helps you cope with stress and see the bigger picture, makes people more trustworthy and just feels good.

44. Paint your office in the right colors. Blue stimulates the mind, yellow stimulates emotions, red stimulates the body, and green instills a sense of balance.

45. Before going to bed, try to look less at colors in the blue part of the spectrum. Looking at your phone, tablet or computer too much is bad for your sleep.

46. Try to be in natural light conditions. It helps you fall asleep, reduces stress, and increases energy and focus.

47. Download f.lux - this program shifts your computer's colors to the red end of the spectrum when the sun goes down, which encourages the body to create more melatonin and improves sleep. Brain Control Techniques

48. Introduce new habits to change your life automatically. This is how changes last for a long time.

49. Learn to reduce stress: exercise, read, listen to music, spend time with friends and family, get a massage, walk in nature, meditate, engage in creative hobbies.

50. Take frequent breaks. This gives you new ideas, allows you to think about your work and become more productive in general.

1. Control your destiny.

Instead of asking the question “Why me?”, challenge yourself as often as possible. Ask “Why not me?”! Try new things, things that will help you succeed. Fear of making a mistake and uncertainty are not your credo in life. Don't hesitate and don't waste your life waiting for the perfect moment to shine. You get this chance almost every day. So take advantage of it!

2. Know clearly what you want to achieve in life.

Plan and create a mental image of what you want to achieve. Create plans and lists. Believe me, this is not a waste of time. Many people have long been convinced of the benefits of planning and visualization and have reached unprecedented heights.

3. Constantly learn and develop.

Acquire new knowledge in various ways: lectures, conversations, meetings, seminars, Internet resources. Don't be limited by what you get from your schools. Look for yourself in new directions of art, literature, science and technology. Surely you will like something and it will be useful for your life.

4. Learn to communicate with people.

This is a very important factor that will help you establish contacts with important personalities and become an influential person in various environments. By improving your speaking skills, you take a step towards numerous acquaintances, meetings, and successful performances that will contribute to your success.

5. Don't turn your life into a series of chaotic events.

Have a life plan and constantly work towards its implementation. Do what most other people don't want to do, because successful people must constantly act, work and improve. Of course, sooner or later you will encounter a reluctance to do anything and a decrease in motivation, but this should not become an obstacle for you. You just need some rest (meditation, listening to music, walking). After this, you can return to your business again. Believe me, even the most successful person in the world is distracted from his responsibilities and plans in order to take a short break.

Laziness is a condition that limits a person’s actions and forces them to fall into a routine. It is no secret that millions of people suffer from this problem, but at some point almost everyone realizes that they need to change their behavior patterns and move forward. In this article, we will figure out what it takes to say goodbye to your usual routine and become a productive person, confident in your capabilities.

In most cases, a person manages to get rid of laziness quite quickly, but for a short time. Laziness returns to everyone sooner or later, but you need to learn to overcome it. To do this, you need to understand the reasons for this condition, which often come down to a similar list:

  • lack of initiative,
  • fear that nothing will work out,
  • doubts about achieving success,
  • inability to leave your comfort zone,
  • self-hatred
  • creating unnecessary problems.

To get rid of laziness, you need to eliminate all these reasons and overcome your own fears. They appeared in your mind as a result of failures in the past or due to lack of motivation, but this can and should be fought. Any condition must be processed and life lessons extracted from it. In any difficult situation, it is very important to find the core of the problem and realize it. Understand what needs to be done to avoid encountering similar difficulties in the future.

How can you overcome yourself and improve the efficiency of your own life?

Take action. Right now, make a list of things that need to be done. Then divide the plan into subparagraphs and carry out step by step what you wrote. Don't look for excuses to be lazy again, that time is already in the past. Set yourself up for success and be patient. Everything is in your hands.

Don't be afraid. If you still don’t succeed, you will still gain life experience. It is better to try what you are afraid of than to torment yourself all your life in the pangs of conscience. What if everything isn't so scary?

Enjoy completing tasks. Moving forward, thinking correctly and being productive are the most important components of a successful life. Do not complete tasks like a labor prisoner, let them only be for your joy.

If you really want to get rid of laziness, then this is the first step to success and the main guarantee that everything can work out for you. Realize right now that daily actions, even the most insignificant and petty ones, can lead you to something greater. Get infected with this thought and start doing now what you have long been thrown into a black box.

Changes are only for the better. Laziness must be destroyed at the earliest stages. If you find it difficult to cope with it yourself, find a teammate who will remind you of things and push you to progress. Although, it is probably much more pleasant to take the first steps yourself, because only you yourself can fully control your life.

In this publication, I have collected the best business advice from famous personalities who have achieved a lot. They know exactly how to become more productive. An excellent selection for those WHO VALUES THEIR TIME or wants to learn this useful habit.

After reading many books on success, I came to the conclusion that it is not enough to apply one recommendation at random in your life.

Success is always with those who think correctly and do a lot. Just reading is not enough, the main thing is to implement the whole theory, that is

transform your knowledge into practical skills.

I have collected the best business advice from famous personalities, following which you can significantly increase your productivity, and therefore improve the quality of your life.

Read, get inspired and apply!

Important thought: The key to time management is self-management.

  • Have you ever wished you had more time to get everything done?
  • Have you ever had days where you were busy but ended up spending them ineffectively?
  • Would you like to become very productive, feel confident that all the planned tasks are completed and even have some time left over?

Then read the current selection

10 practical tips on how to become more productive, supported by quotes from successful people.

3. Always remember that the key to time management is self-management.

"The bad news is that time flies. The good news is that you are the pilot and only you control your plane called life." - Michael Altshuler

4. Remember the 80/20 rule time management.

The main idea here comes down to the following: it is important to strive to ensure that 80% of the importance of what we do corresponds to 20% of our activity and effort.

"One person gets only a week's worth out of a year, while another person gets all of a week's worth." - Charles Richards

There are books on this topic:

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5. Use a good planner

It can be in electronic form or on paper. The purpose of such a planner is that you open it and see the full picture, all the tasks that are scheduled for completion.

Why is this necessary? When you can visually assess all your tasks, it is easier for you to control what has been completed and what has not yet been completed.

This really simplifies life and makes your daily routine more convenient. It’s impossible to keep everything in your head, but with a planner it’s much easier to do.

“I must control time, and not time control me.” - Golda Meir

In one of my publications, I will share tips on choosing a planner and tell you about the most successful options and tell you where you can buy them cheaply and in a large assortment.

One of my sources where I order personal

On the subscription page, also read what materials you will receive via mailing list.

6. Plan your time around meetings and commitments to other people.

Be sure to book time in your calendar for meetings, conventions, conferences, etc. that involve collaboration/interaction with other people.

"Until you learn to manage time, you will not be able to control it." - Peter Drucker

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