How to be punctual - wikiHow. Delays are often caused by traffic jams

You know this feeling when there is a very important meeting ahead, at which the future of almost the entire Universe is decided, the greatest and most important men gather in order to resolve an issue that worries you, and you are late! You rush through the city streets at the speed of a superhero on tranquilizers, but after assessing the time and the path ahead, you understand that you won’t make it all. And it makes you go even faster.

If you are late for a meeting, you suffer all the losses that fall to the share of incompetent people - shame, reproachful glances, unflattering statements, and sometimes the failure of the deal.

If you have never been in this situation, you are an alien, and I am shaking your Martian hand. For all other people this topic is familiar. But there are people who come to meetings just like that. And it is for them that we have gathered here today.

Where do legs come from?
Thanks to your superpower, you have learned to always be late, run fast, drive a car deftly and skillfully argue with leisurely passers-by blocking your rapid path. Sometimes it really helps, you're about to run your third marathon, but sometimes you just don't have enough time to prepare. Or you wake up late, and because of this you are late for work, or you don’t have time to get ready, which is why you are late for meetings, perhaps it takes a long time to get ready, so not all dates wait for the gentlemen. They just think: I didn’t come.

Being late becomes a habit, people get used to smoking, going to the theater on Sundays and being late. This is not a diagnosis, but just a bad habit. And like any other, you can get rid of it. Whether it is easy or difficult depends on how deeply it has taken root.

Also, the reason for constant lateness may be the need for stress. This happens to people who have a boring or monotonous life. In order to somehow get adrenaline, they are late everywhere.

Workshop for those who are late
Well, let's look for ways to deal with this habit.

1. What you will need to purchase is a diary. It will make your life easier and free up a lot of time. You need to write down all your affairs in it and specify the time. Every evening you plan your tomorrow. Don't go to bed until you have everything planned out. At first, of course, it will turn out clumsily, but that’s what training is for, to make mistakes and learn from them. If you go to work by nine, make a note in your diary: “arrive at work at 9:00.” Then you will plan the things you will do, also taking into account the time, what and when you will start and when you will finish. Be sure to take some rest. Since when you get to your diary, you can get carried away and plan only the work process, then at the end of the day you will feel wildly tired. This will help you blame the planner and not use it again. Try, experiment, and in a short amount of time you will master this subtle science of planning.

2. You need to learn how to manage time. To do this, you should minus it. Namely, you need to arrive at work at 9:00 (as it is written in your diary), the journey to work is 30 minutes. You subtract 30 minutes from 9 am. We have: you need to leave the house no later than 8:30. Further. Morning rituals (toilet, shower, makeup) take an hour. Subtract an hour from 8:30, we get: rise at 7:30. And so on. In order to stay on schedule, set an alarm on your phone first. At 7:30 he will wake you up, at 8:30 he will remind you to leave the house, at 13:00 about lunch. Soon, when you learn to sense time, the alarm clock will no longer be needed. By the way, when you add time, this technique does not work. If you want, check it out.

3. If this is not enough, make it a rule to do everything fifteen minutes earlier. Wake up fifteen minutes earlier, leave the house too, come to a meeting, in general, that’s it.

4. You should stop blaming circumstances and whitewash your loved one. Traffic congestion is, of course, to blame for your lateness, but this is not the first day you have been driving on this road, and you should know that there is always congestion at this time. Leave fifteen minutes early and spend it stuck in traffic. Listen to music or read a book during this time.

5. In the evening, lying in bed, analyze your day. Where you were late, and where you were on time, where you arrived earlier. Remember how you felt in all cases and praise yourself. There is no need to scold, only praise. You learn, and this is the first step towards success. And there are only two of them - take the first step, the second is already success. So, praise is your ally. If something doesn’t work out, just take note of it and correct the situation tomorrow.

We are training
There are interesting exercises that will help you understand and begin to appreciate the time of those people who are waiting for you.

You have a train ticket. You are going on vacation. The sea, the beach or the mountains, or whatever you like best, are waiting for you. But you have to catch the train, it won’t wait. Are you leaving on time? How are you going to avoid being late? And try to transfer these feelings and thoughts into your regular schedule. They will help train punctuality.

Time in the cold. You are standing in a light dress under the entrance to the New Year. You stand and wait for your girlfriend (friend) to come and open the door. You are cold, but she (he) still doesn’t go. How does it feel? And people who are always waiting for you feel the same. Appreciate their time. It is as important as you standing outside the door in winter.

These are the simple ways to deal with lateness on our menu today. If you take this seriously, then in a month or two you will be able to overcome this bad habit.

Punctuality matters. And the point is not only that when you arrive on time, it is good manners, but you can derive considerable benefit from your punctuality. Let's see.

One day I arrived at my social studies prep course early. And I was given the opportunity to buy centralized testing tests in this subject, since the teacher had a certain number of forms left. At that time, quite by chance, I had some money in my pocket and I bought 5 or 7 options with all the money. Subsequently, it turned out that the entrance exams to my university were based on this centralized testing. You understand that since I had already prepared for similar tests, I scored almost the maximum score in this subject. If I had been late that day, I would not have bought the tests and perhaps would not have been able to get into my specialty at a budget place. And if I had been late for enrollment, I would have been left without a budget place at all.

When we are late, we are in a hurry. And because of this, we can forget something important or get into a minor accident. All this results in even greater losses of time. Punctuality makes a business person look good, but slackness and constant tardiness can serve as an obstacle to moving up the career ladder.

Of course, everything needs moderation. I had a funny incident when I arrived for an exam at the traffic police (traffic police) 40 minutes ahead of time. Considering that we were not allowed inside, and I dressed quite lightly for the month of February, I thought that I would completely freeze there. I had to knock on someone else's car to get warm. But that's not what we're talking about now. I am almost never late and am ready to teach anyone punctuality.


First of all, you should plan your day in advance. At the same time, you should not put meetings and events immediately one after another. You need to understand that there must be a certain backlash between them. You should have enough time to rest after the next task. You should also have enough time for unexpected tasks. No matter what anyone says, we can always roughly estimate how much time it takes to get to work, go to the store, or do a general cleaning of the house. But in fact, it usually takes much more time than it might seem to us at first glance. So don't forget about free time between tasks.


Many of those who are constantly late tend to put things off until the very last moment. As a result, if something goes wrong for them, they are seriously late. If you know that you are not so punctual, and tomorrow is an important meeting, then prepare your clothes in advance, print all the necessary documents for the meeting the day before. Don't schedule too many things at the same time. Focus on what really matters.


Relatively speaking, something can go wrong on your way home from work. For example, a light traffic jam on some section of the road or right before leaving the house, you can knock over a mug of coffee on your white shirt. You may simply need an additional 10-15 minutes at any time. In this sense, it is good to go to an event a little earlier than is really necessary. In this case, you are unlikely to be late, and even if you are late, it will be for a symbolic two minutes.

In the end, it all depends on the importance of the event. If you have a train or plane ticket, then it probably makes sense to leave much earlier. In any case, no one will be waiting for you. Considering that trips often involve several transfers, I strongly advise against planning back-to-back. I had an experience when, due to the lack of preparation of other people, I was very late for a flight. The pleasure is dubious and fraught with scandal.


When my relatives invite me to go for a walk to the shopping center for an hour, I know for sure that it will last three hours, if not more. You need to be critical of your time. The road there and back, being in place, fascinating communication with people, and before you know it, four hours seemed to have never happened. Once I needed to borrow less than 200 thousand rubles from Sberbank. I spent about two hours on this, although it’s impossible to say for sure that the operation was in any way complicated. At the cash register they give out no more than 100 thousand in cash without ordering, and when withdrawing the rest of the money from the account through a card and ATM, I was faced with a similar limit of 50 thousand rubles. As a result, I had to stand in line again to withdraw the remaining 38 thousand rubles from the card, and I withdrew the amount in three passes. Although in other banks a similar procedure (withdrawal of 200 thousand rubles) sometimes took place in 5 minutes.


Practice shows that during the day they try to unsettle us to one degree or another. These could be colleagues with their own requests or something else that was not included in the plans. In order not to be late for anything, you just need to be aware that if you agree to some request, then you are sacrificing something from your plans. You simply cancel something planned or postpone it to another day.

A diary is good for planning things. If you don't have a sense of time, then try to communicate with someone who has a sense of time and who is punctual and will rush you on. Finally, set alarms and timers on your smartphone. In the end, whether you will be punctual or a slob depends entirely on you and your desire.

Hello, our dear readers! Irina and Igor are in touch again. How often are you late? Do you know how long the journey will take you? How much time do you need to go to the store? The answers to all these questions determine whether punctuality is inherent in you or whether this is a new word in your vocabulary.

Meanwhile, punctuality plays one of the most important roles in building a career. Today in our article we want to talk about how to become punctual.

Types of people according to punctuality

To begin with, let's decide what type of punctuality person you consider yourself to be:

  • "Uncollectedness". If all your friends and acquaintances have long been accustomed to the fact that being half an hour late is a common thing for you, then you can safely be classified as a disorganized person. In case you are late, you already have about a couple of hundred different excuses ready. And if your friends and relatives have long been accustomed to this arrangement of affairs, and simply come to the meeting a little later, then this does not bring anything good for your business relationship
  • "Harmony". Even if such people are late, there is always a logical explanation for this. In addition, people in this category are always able to adequately assess the time they have available, estimate travel time and leave themselves a few more minutes for unforeseen circumstances. And also, such people, as a rule, know how to find time for rest, and if something does not fit into their schedule due to force majeure circumstances, they will not waste precious rest time on this task, but will simply postpone things to the next day
  • "Accuracy". Such people plan their day to the smallest detail, all steps, tasks and meetings are placed in a diary, and every minute counts. For such people, being late is a sign of bad taste, because waiting time can be spent on more worthwhile things. As a rule, such people, in their attempts to do as much as possible, completely forget about rest time or time aimed only at themselves. Meanwhile, this is very important, since every person needs recovery time

Why do you need to be punctual?

Why is it so important to be punctual? The first thing I want to mention when answering this question is respect.

By being punctual, you let the person know that you respect him, his time and his desires. It doesn’t matter at all what you have planned: a business meeting or a date. There is an opinion that being a little late gives importance to a business person, but in reality it is nothing more than a manifestation of disrespect for other people's needs.

In addition, in a business environment, punctuality means the following:

  • A person is collected, he does not get scattered about unnecessary trifles, but knows how to clearly plan
  • A punctual person is characterized by foresight, especially if he allows a little more time for a particular meeting, anticipating force majeure circumstances
  • A person is rational, he values ​​his own and other people’s time, and does not intend to waste it
  • Such a person is not afraid to entrust the completion of any task, since his punctuality will not allow him to delay the completion time

For career growth, this is one of the most important qualities that you should develop if you do not have it.

If you understand that you still need to work on your punctuality, then our advice will come in handy for you.

Here are the areas you need to work in:

  • . Determine in the evening what tasks you need to do the next day. It is better if you make a plan for the whole week, gradually making only small adjustments with the transfer of individual tasks. This approach saves you a lot of time, because you don’t have to think about what to do next
  • If it is difficult for you to immediately estimate how long this or that action will take you, then get yourself a time diary where you will note how much time it took you to complete this or that task. Gradually you will learn to evaluate your time capabilities
  • When writing down the time of a meeting, subtract five minutes from it. Strive to arrive at the time you indicated in your diary, so you will have five minutes left for all unforeseen circumstances. The same advice can be applied to waking up. If you want to get up at 7.00, set the alarm clock for 5 minutes, leave them for your “morning workout”
  • As for the morning, think through your wardrobe in advance in the evening. This rule can save a lot of your time getting ready in the morning. The same rule may apply to the route of movement.
  • There are ten minutes left before the exit, and you decide to “climb” into social media. networks to “kill” this time. But now half an hour has passed, and you are trying to get ready headlong so as not to be late. Make yourself a rule: it’s better to leave ten minutes early than waste it on “time wasters”
  • Ask your friends to move your watch forward 10 or 15 minutes without you noticing. Then, focusing on your watch, you will stop being late for this time

All these tips are not so difficult to implement, the main thing is that you have the motivation to implement them.

Time management techniques can also help you “make friends” over time, which you can learn through the following video courses:

  • “The Master of Time – highly productive time management according to the system of Evgeniy Popov”
  • “Time management, or how to increase your efficiency”

What about your punctuality? How do you feel about other people being late? Share with us in the comments. See you soon!

Best regards, Irina and Igor

It's no secret that people spend most of their lives at work. Punctuality is the most important rule of success. They treat such a person much better, more trustingly and openly, because they know that they can safely rely on him. However, this is not an innate quality at all, it is a character trait that needs to be developed independently.

How to learn to plan. How to become punctual.

How punctuality will help:

  • will free you from lack of composure and frivolity;
  • peace of mind due to the correct planned time;
  • responsibility in words and actions;

Let's look at tips that will help with this. It is not necessary to implement all recommendations immediately. Try one or more first, and you will see how the work will be a joy for you.

The main thing is to correctly draw up a schedule for the coming day; it will not take much time, however, it will bring great benefits. Quite often laziness is the cause of unpunctuality. It is very unpleasant when you are constantly late due to the fact that the daily schedule is incorrect.

Every morning, make a list of tasks that need to be done today, so not a single detail will be lost and everything will be completed on time. You can make a to-do list, highlighting it in different colors, so the priority tasks will be immediately visible. Don’t try to do several things at the same time, believe me, this will not lead to good. As a result, you will not have time to do anything, but will only waste time.

Buy a watch

Often, distracted by some unimportant activities, you lose track of the minutes. Therefore, it would be most advisable to purchase a watch. You should put them on your hand, place them on your desktop, hang them in every room, this will make it easier to control your time and not waste it.

A fairly popular piece of advice given to unpunctual people is to move the clocks forward 10–15 minutes. But this action will only help those who will count on this additional time.


You need to clear your workspace. Remove unnecessary and unnecessary items that will distract. There should be order and everything should be in its place so as not to waste time looking for the necessary things.
It is very useful to analyze your day and identify “time wasters”.

Self-motivation is a very important point. You need to understand that unfulfilled promises and constant delays will affect mutual understanding with colleagues and loved ones. By convincing himself that this will not happen again, the person will be motivated to become more punctual.

Of course, almost no one manages to organize their time in one day. Therefore, it is very important not to get upset and be positive.

Positive emotions will help in work and in life. Try, try and everything will certainly work out.

https://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Zeitmanagement1-1024x868.jpghttps://site/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Zeitmanagement1-150x150.jpg 2017-04-28T19:35:00+07:00 PsyPage Activity Life problems, life at work., Attitude to what is happening, time planning, Positive attitude, productivity, punctuality, self-motivation, workIt's no secret that people spend most of their lives at work. Punctuality is the most important rule of success. They treat such a person much better, more trustingly and openly, because they know that they can safely rely on him. However, this is not at all an innate quality, it is a character trait that...PsyPage

Strict execution of instructions, systematicity, extreme accuracy, strict adherence to certain rules and conditions. This definition is given in Ushakov’s explanatory dictionary. Most of us inextricably associate punctuality with time, or rather, with being late.

If you are constantly late, it shows that you are undisciplined, frivolous, irresponsible and unreliable. To some, lack of punctuality may seem like a sign arrogant behavior.

Also, when a person is late, it seems that he is not able to set priorities correctly, that he does not know how to appreciate the importance of events and people in his life, and therefore himself.

If a person obviously knows the place and time of the meeting and shows up late, then we can assume that he treats you frivolously and disrespectfully. What if it's a business meeting? What kind of business, what kind of business relationship can you build with such a person?! After all, what does punctual mean: punctuality is not only about arriving on time, but also the ability to complete certain work on time, fulfill one’s obligations (submit a report on time, complete an order on time, provide services, etc.). Lack of punctuality leads to loss of business reputation and negatively affects a person's image. Lack of punctuality leads to loss of time, money and respect from people (partners, colleagues, friends and acquaintances).

What does punctuality mean?

He values ​​his time and knows how to distribute it rationally, therefore he is the master of his life.

Shows that you respect anyone, whether they are entering into a business agreement with you or just going out to lunch with you. Some people, deciding to demonstrate their importance and significance, are deliberately late for a meeting. But by doing so, they only show disrespect, and that the people who are forced to wait for them mean nothing to them.

Punctuality is an important step towards gaining people's trust. You can always rely on a punctual person.

Punctuality is evidence of foresight, composure, and adaptability to circumstances (sometimes important meetings and negotiations may be unforeseen, and the presence of reserve time for such circumstances indicates experience and adaptability).

If you don't know how to stop being late, here are a few rules that will answer your question – “?”, and will help you always arrive on time everywhere:

  • The first thing to do is to understand how beneficial it is to be punctual, how inaccuracy and lack of punctuality interferes with your personal life or at work.
  • Learn to plan, organize your life schedule (read “ Working time planning"). Plan, it will take very little time, but it will save a lot more. Organization is the core of punctuality.
  • Lack of punctuality can be a cause of laziness. The article will help you understand the reasons for laziness - “ How to fight laziness».
  • When traveling, develop a route in advance, especially to places that are unfamiliar to you (applies to big cities). Don't forget about traffic jams.
  • Strive to arrive (to work, to a business meeting, to any event) a little earlier than scheduled. It's better than being late.
  • Keep track of time, this will help you become punctual. If you are late again, analyze your day. Think about where the time went, what activities distracted you from important matters (maybe you spent a long time twirling in front of the mirror while preening yourself, decided to surf the Internet for a couple of minutes, and ended up staying too long, or it’s your favorite TV series that’s to blame...) “Outside activities” are not contribute to the development of punctuality! Identify the most important things and do them first. If there is not enough time for non-essential tasks and you do not have time, this will be the least of the losses.
  • Quite common advice to people who don't know how to become punctual is a proposal to move the clock hands forward 10-15 minutes. Like, this will solve all the problems with being late. No, it won't! This is self-deception; you will still remember the transferred minutes and take them into account. Moreover, the reason for lack of punctuality is much broader than the lack of these ten minutes.
  • Self-motivation is another way to meet deadlines, be it a meeting or completing any duties. Think how punctuality may affect your reputation or affect your career growth. If your colleagues make fun of you because of your lack of punctuality, your management is dissatisfied with you, your family and friends reproach you for this - how nice it would be to become punctual?!
  • Never make excuses (except in exceptional cases) to someone who was kept waiting (it’s better to apologize and admit that you are to blame). Stop complaining about traffic jams and blaming third parties, in this way you are only convincing yourself that delays are inevitable. Nothing can justify your being late. By convincing yourself that being late is not acceptable, you will become a more punctual person.

You may feel that accuracy and punctuality are unattainable. But no, following the rules described above will help you get rid of the habit of always being late everywhere. And you will become the punctual employee, partner, friend and family member you always wanted to be, and the way others want you to be.

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