What are human actions? list. Vice and driving force

Behavior, any actions of people are necessarily determined by the internal conviction, idea, belief of the individual. And, for the most part, a person’s bad and good, evil and good actions should be in the nature of their usefulness (pragmatism) for himself, i.e. a person performs certain actions with some practical purpose, even if it is not realized, based on his beliefs, outlook on life - life values ​​and priorities.

If we accept the premise that people choose beliefs based on their pragmatic adaptability, how can we explain the following apparently unhelpful actions and behaviors?

1. Bad things people do that cause physical harm to an individual, such as drug use, alcohol or smoking, as well as psychological harm – frequent computer games, “hanging out” on social networks...
2. Evil actions, for which society punishes, for example, committing criminal offenses.
3. Good deeds of people- self-sacrifice for the sake of another, for example saving a child from a burning building.
4. Good deeds of a person- selfless help to one's neighbor, for example, material donation to the needy, the sick... etc.
What is the practical benefit of these human actions? According to the theory of pragmatism, people should not do these things, but they do them. Maybe there's something wrong with the theory?

Despite these examples, the theory is still correct. Our mistake is that we do not see the real benefits of these actions. Identifying rewards can help us understand why people continue to behave the way they do.

Let's take a closer look at each of these examples.
Actions that cause us harm (such as using drugs, alcohol) do not contradict the theory, because pain appears much later, after pleasure. People who abuse alcohol or drugs may seek immediate rewards and ignore delayed consequences. The immediate reward for many drugs is called a “high.”

Some people are addicted to stimulation and love the feeling of endorphins being released into their brain. Such people are looking for adventure: some like to ride roller coasters, others like to drive fast in a car, bungee jumping or skydiving.

The problem is that the high is temporary, lasting only a few minutes or hours. Eventually drug addicts will go into withdrawal and alcoholics will end up with hangovers, but despite the painful days they know they have ahead of them, many people choose to take a few minutes of pleasure. They may think that the pain will pass this time, or they may simply ignore it due to a strong desire for pleasure.

If the benefit of substance abuse is a temporary pleasure, then what can be the benefit of criminal activity? Excitation? The pleasure of intimidation? Financial acquisitions?

All of the above and more. The most striking thing about the reasoning of criminals is that they tell themselves about the crime they have committed. Most criminals believe that they have done nothing wrong. By this we do not mean that they insisted on their innocence - almost everyone in prison claims to be innocent. What we mean is that even those who privately confessed to committing a crime denied that they had done anything wrong, even though it was illegal. Many of the convicted criminals gave naive, innocent explanations for breaking the law.

They say, “Everyone steals, I was just unlucky to get caught.” “She deserved to be beaten because she’s such a bitch”; “These rich people in huge houses... they have all the money, and I have nothing. I have the right to break in and take whatever I can"; “I made the world happy by killing the scumbag”; “I was hiding my friend’s product because I was just trying to help him”; “I robbed the store because I needed money”; “I hit a man because he was annoying me. I had the right...

This is a human trait. Many people find it very difficult to feel bad about themselves. Self-concept requires them to see themselves in the best light. They could have committed several monstrous acts, but they will find one way or another justification for themselves. For example, some serial rapists believe that they are messengers of God who must punish women for their immoral behavior. In their eyes, their actions were not only not sinful, but even good and legal: they fulfilled God's will, ridding the world of vicious women. It seems that if you try, people can rationalize any of their actions.

The practical benefit for many lawbreakers is not money, arousal, or expression of frustration. They also derive positive feelings from their own perverted rationalizations.

The ultimate consequence of their criminal act is imprisonment, and they don't like that. But punishment does not change their behavior; amazingly, they do not connect punishment with crime. When prisoners in prison were asked: “How did you end up here?” Few answered: “Because I broke the law.” Instead, most responded with, “Because HE got me involved, you son of a bitch!” or “The cops found drugs in my car when they pulled me over for speeding,” or “That bitch screamed so loud when I hit her that the neighbors called.” to the cops."

When asked, “What could you do in the future to avoid incarceration?” Instead of saying things like, “I shouldn’t rob stores, distribute drugs, and beat my wife,” they responded, “I should get rid of Him!”, “Don’t drive when you have drugs in your car,” “Get an old one.” a lady who doesn't yell so much."

This proves the point regarding punishment. For punishment to be effective, it is not enough that it is strong. It is much more important that the person being punished sees the connection between his action and this punishment. Most lawbreakers do not see this connection. Because of their distorted thinking, they cannot see anything that they have done wrong, so there is no reason to stop their criminal behavior.

Finally, there are the third and fourth contradictions to pragmatism, and they seem to be the most revealing. What is the reward for those heroes and heroines who sacrifice their lives for others? Or those who sacrifice their property?

In some cases it may be as simple as the admiration of humanity. “Isn’t Michael a wonderful person?” - a very powerful reinforcement if you are Mikhail. If only a few people can observe a person's self-sacrifice, it seems to him that all of humanity is applauding. Or, perhaps, a subconscious desire to “write yourself down in the Book of Life in Heaven,” like good deeds write off sins...

How many young men imagine the admiring look of their girlfriend when they imagine loading a machine gun? The fact that their girlfriend is unlikely to think, “He's such a big, strong, wonderful hero,” but rather, “I don't want to marry an idiot who loads machine guns,” has nothing to do with this fantasy.

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Class hour

on the topic: "Our actions"

After-school teacher

Keramova Zaifat Magomedshafievna

Every action you take affects other people;

don't forget that there is a person next to you.

Subject: "Our actions"

Target: developing the ability of students to analyze their actions.


1. Learn to evaluate your actions and actions.

2.Develop the ability to predict the consequences of actions and adjust your behavior.

3.Give an opportunity to look at yourself from the outside through situational examples.

4. Cultivate the desire to do good deeds and good deeds.

5. Consolidation

A) Game “Good - bad”

A good deed brings benefit and joy to people. The bad one upsets and brings trouble. We have to answer for a bad deed, bear responsibility.

An exercise in the ability to distinguish good deeds from bad ones.

I will name bad and good deeds, and you write down only good deeds.

Every action is first discussed and evaluated. Children explain their opinions.

He tore his blouse, speaks politely, defended the weak, offended a friend, helped a child get dressed, quarreled with his mother, gave up his seat on a public transport to an elderly person, kicked a puppy, destroyed a bird's nest, helped put away the dishes.

Remember what action of yours do you consider very important (are you proud of it)?

Let's listen to these words and try not to do anything that we might regret later.

B) Discussion of life situations.

One day Dima accidentally broke a pot of his mother’s favorite violets. Mom was very upset. Neither Dima nor Anya immediately told the truth, but shifted the blame onto the kitten. The kitten was punished. Dima suffered all day, and in the evening he confessed everything to his mother. To Dima’s surprise, his mother did not scold him, but, on the contrary, praised him for telling the truth. And she said: “Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie.”

Guys, what would you do in Dima’s place?

A good deed is when you do something that does not harm you or others.

- Guys, maybe refusing to do something can be an action?

There is a popular wisdom that says: “If you sow an action, you will reap a habit.”

And we will talk about habits at the next class hour.

6. Summary of the class hour.

Sooner or later, a person thinks about which path he is following: along the path of “good” and “light” or along the path of “evil” and “darkness”. A kind person has good words and good deeds. Can both good and evil coexist in one person? No! It can't! Just as it is impossible to have sweet and bitter water in one jug at the same time. “Each pitcher pours out what it contains ”, says the proverb. If the heart is filled with goodness, then goodness will flow out, and vice versa.

At the end of our lesson, I would like to wish and advise you to accustom yourself to good deeds.

What is a good deed?

They, these actions, are different. In different conditions, a lot depends on them. For example, you gave up your seat on the bus to your grandmother. Or they let someone else in the queue instead of you. A good deed? Good.

What if, for example, a soldier, saving his comrades in war, threw himself on a grenade? Undoubtedly, this act cannot be called simply “good, kind.” He will be called heroic. But at the same time he is good. Even though it sounds stupid.

What if we imagine a world where no one does such things? For example, the same grandmother is traveling on the same bus - but you did not give up your seat to her. And she had a heart attack from fatigue. And the person whom you did not miss in turn was late for an important meeting, lost faith in life and committed suicide. Or he became an alcoholic and lived out his years on the street, homeless and useless to anyone...What happens? Good deeds - for a reason, I did them, I praised myself - who I am. they say it’s good - and I forgot. Sometimes someone's life depends on them. Even though these actions seem small and insignificant.

So what is this - a good deed? Probably, in scientific language it would sound like this: “A good deed is a certain sequence of actions of one individual, leading to the most rapid and beneficial satisfaction of the needs of another individual.” But, as can be seen from the previous examples, everything is not so simple. Although we took exceptional cases that usually do not happen, this is the case.

There is such an interpretation: a good deed is an act that makes EVERYONE feel good. Not only to you or the person to whom it is directed, but to any person. That is, in essence, such an act is impossible. Why? Let's take the queue example again: a person was late for a meeting and got a position, but because of this, another person could not get it, became depressed and hanged himself.

So, good actions are by definition selfish? No. After all, a heroic deed is also good, no matter what you call it. And it will always be like this. And if you do good deeds often, the balance of happiness and joy in the world will change for the better. And the more good deeds you do, the more other people do them, looking at you. Do, people, do good deeds - and they will come back to you!

Every person in his life every day performs a number of different actions. But do you know what actions are? This question seems quite simple, but if you think about it, few people know the definition of the concept “action”. It is everyday, in one day you may well mention it several times and hear it even more times, but you will never think about what exactly was meant. That is why you should carefully study this article. From it you will learn not only what actions are, but also what types and characteristics they have, which include a number of components. Naturally, in real life this information will not be too useful for you. After all, everyone knows that actions are actions that a person performs. However, to expand your horizons, you should still get into this topic.

What is an action?

So, first of all, you need to understand what actions are. It would seem that the question is very simple and banal; many people will laugh when they hear it. But if they think for a minute, they will realize that they cannot give an exact answer. Yes, actions are the actions of a person, but in this case, how do actions differ from actions? The answer, by the way, is quite simple. After all, an act is a conscious and only conscious action that a person performs of his own free will. Thus, the act is the embodiment of the realization of an act of free will. Actions are very closely related to a person’s character. After all, they are a reflection of a person’s character traits in the real world. Very often, psychologists define them as a person’s assertion of himself as a specific individual. As you can see, actions are a very important thing about which it is worth knowing more details. For example, what types of actions are there, what characteristics they have, and so on.

Types of actions

A person's actions cannot be attributed to one level, because they are very different. There are several types of behavior that you should pay attention to in order to understand this issue.

The very first type is a reflex. Many people may think that a reflex does not apply to an action because it is not conscious, but they would be wrong. Indeed, a reflex is not a conscious action, it is an unconscious reaction to an external stimulus, but the message to action comes from within. That is, if the sun is shining in your face, you reflexively raise your hand to close your eyes, and if any object flies at you, you reflexively step aside. This is a basic level of behavior that describes only basic instincts. But reflexes are still actions, since at the most banal level they describe certain aspects of a person’s character. If we take the example of the same flying object, different people may have different reflexes: someone will try to catch the object, someone will try to dodge it, someone will kick it, and so on.

The next type of action is instinct. This is an emotional and purposeful action, which is distinguished by the fact that a person performs it consciously, but at the same time is not aware of the results that he will receive as a result. A person eats because instinct tells him to do so - he does not need to remind himself every time that he needs to have lunch so as not to die of hunger.

The most common type of action is conscious action. In this case, a person not only consciously commits a certain act - he also knows what the consequences of this action will be, and also strives to obtain a specific result. It is precisely such actions that reveal to a greater extent the character of the person committing them.

As you can see, a person’s actions can be divided into several different types, which will characterize this or that person in their own way. What else can you tell about actions? For example, you can look at what characteristics they have, that is, what components can be identified in their actions.


The first feature of actions is a motive, that is, something that motivates a person to perform a particular action. Every committed action has its own motive. Even reflexes have it, although it is subconscious. Unmotivated actions are a deviation from the norm, and if a person commits them, then he needs the help of a psychologist or even a psychiatrist. However, motive is far from the only component that every committed act has.


The purpose of an action is what a person wants to get by performing this or that action. At first glance, the concepts of motive and purpose may seem similar, but in reality they are very different from each other. A motive is what is the initial reason for performing an action, while a goal is the final result towards which the person performing the action moves. It is goals that can determine whether actions are good or bad. For example, this can be done by looking at whether the interests of the person performing the action coincide with the interests of the people around him. If interests coincide, then the action may be good, but if this does not happen, then the action will definitely be bad and selfish. Naturally, there is no categoricalness here, so interests often partially coincide. Accordingly, there are not only good and bad deeds, but in any case every person knows this.

Conversion Item

It is the subject of transformation that distinguishes an act from an action. An act, the essence of which is to transform one’s own personality or the personality of another person, differs from an action that can be directed in absolutely any direction under any circumstances.


An act is never done just like that - to accomplish it a person needs certain means. And if you don’t see these funds, it doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The means can be very varied, verbal or practical. Examples of actions that use practical means are numerous. This could be going to the store, playing football, or cleaning the apartment. An act that uses verbal means is a little more complex. It does not include action as such and is based only on speech. However, this does not mean that any statement cannot be an action: a motivational speech or a call to save stray animals is already an action that characterizes a person from one side or another.


There is no point in talking a lot about the process, that is, directly performing the act itself, but it cannot be ignored. Moreover, the process of committing an act can vary greatly. For example, the actions of children usually have a fairly simple and uncomplicated process, but with age it gradually becomes more complex, involving preliminary thinking, planning, options for the development of events, and so on. However, as in all cases, it all comes down to taking the action and getting the result.


Since we are talking about the result of an action, we need to dwell on this concept and analyze it in a little more detail. As with ordinary action, in most cases, after completing the process of action, a certain result will be visible. However, actions and deeds differ from each other in that the action includes consciousness. Accordingly, as already mentioned in the paragraph describing the subject of transformation, the result is not only what happened as a result of completing the process of the act, but also personal changes in the person performing it, in another person, as well as interpersonal changes. Simply put, taking an action only gives the actual result. While committing an act also carries with it moral consequences.


Well, the last point that is worth talking about is the assessment of the action. This is the highest level of human consciousness when performing an action. As mentioned earlier, an action can be reflexive, instinctive and, finally, conscious. The latter includes the understanding that there will be some result in the end, as well as movement towards a certain goal. But there is an even higher level - the assessment of the action, that is, the analysis of what happened, what factors were involved, what consequences emerged, and how it affected people and the environment as a whole. However, to fully evaluate an action, you need to know all its components, starting with the motive and ending with the final result. Only then will you be able to evaluate the action objectively and draw appropriate conclusions regarding it.

Well, now you know what an act is, how it differs from an ordinary action, what its types are, what its features and components are, how good actions differ from bad ones, and so on. This information is not vital, you can easily exist without it, but still it may turn out to be useful, informative and more than interesting for you.

By choice.

Deed- a personal form of behavior in which an independent choice of goals and methods of behavior is made, often contrary to generally accepted rules.

Deed- a conscious action, assessed as an act of moral self-determination of a person, in which he asserts himself as an individual - in his relationship to another person, to himself, to a group or society, to nature as a whole. A personal form of behavior in which an independent choice of goals and methods of behavior is made, often contrary to generally accepted rules. Action is the basic unit of social behavior. It reveals and shapes a person’s personality. The implementation of an action is preceded by an internal plan of action, where a consciously developed intention is presented and there is a forecast of the expected result and its consequences. The action can be expressed:

  1. action or inaction;
  2. position expressed in words;
  3. an attitude towards something, formalized in the form of a gesture, a look, a tone of speech, a semantic subtext;
  4. action aimed at overcoming physical obstacles and searching for truth.

When assessing an action, one must take into account the system of social norms accepted in a given society. The moral meaning of the action is important for the action; the action itself should be considered as a way of carrying out the action in a specific situation. Actions are included in the system of moral relations of society, and through them - in the system of all social relations. The following components can be distinguished in an act: - the motive of the act (what guides it), - the goals of the act (they may coincide, partially coincide or contradict the interests of other people), - the subject of transformation (the person himself or the personality of another person; this is what distinguishes an act from an action) , - means (verbal, practical, visual; direct, indirect, etc.), - process (the act itself), - result (intra- or interpersonal changes; what the result will be can only be assumed), - assessment ( In order to evaluate an action, it is necessary to know its motives).

The most important attributes Act- are Result And Efficiency. Set or chains of pairs Deed - Result form Case

The required Result through tasks determines Actions.

Idioms: - “The task is not to work from morning to evening, the task is to get results” - “The secret of non-poverty is this: your work should bring real results, and these results should belong to you”

An action not aimed at a Result is essentially an unconscious Action - Entertainment or Stimulation, Pause, Rest. A feature of such actions is low efficiency.


  • Bakhtin, M. M. Towards a philosophy of action
  • Peshkov, I. V. M. M. Bakhtin: from the philosophy of action to the rhetoric of action. - M.: Labyrinth, 1996. - 176 pp. - ISBN 5-87604-106-8
  • Guseinov, A. A. Law and action (Aristotle, I. Kant, M. M. Bakhtin) // Ethical thought. - Vol. 2. - M.: IF RAS, 2001.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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