What qualities define a leader in society. How to develop leadership qualities? Moral readiness to take reasonable risks

To become a leader you must possess or develop a certain set of qualities and character traits. Leadership qualities influence the process of development and formation of a leader’s personality in different ways. But it is impossible to single out one or two qualities that have the main impact.

In the life of any leader, sooner or later situations arise when any of the leadership qualities presented below may be needed.

In addition, the leader is faced with diverse problems and tasks and to solve them, a wide range of leadership qualities is required, which will ultimately allow him to achieve the desired result.

Therefore, I propose a list that contains 21 points and will reveal the main leadership qualities, the development of which will allow you to become a real leader.

1. Be a Leader in Your Life - Knowing how to manage your life, motivate yourself, set goals for yourself and take actions to implement them - this is the first step to leadership. It is this leadership quality that will serve as the foundation for your future success.

2. Long-term vision - this leadership quality requires constant development and training. The more knowledge and experience you have, the better and more accurately you can imagine future events.

3. Openness – Leader development is ongoing. Every day he receives new information, communicates with people, makes decisions - openness is simply necessary for effective implementation. If we compare all leadership qualities, then openness is one of the most important.

4. Courage – This is perhaps the second most important leadership quality. The ability to control your fear and act in spite of fear is what the courage of a leader is. Everyone is afraid, but those who continue to move towards their goal achieve success.

5. Determination - the life of any person is limited. Therefore, leaders do not waste time on empty talk. If there is not enough information to make a decision, they will do everything to obtain it and continue to act.

6. Energy is one of the fundamental leadership qualities. The life of a leader requires enormous emotional and physical demands. And to withstand this, strong energy is simply necessary.

7. Positive outlook on things – Problems arise for everyone, always. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. Positivity helps a leader focus on finding a solution rather than finding someone to blame.

8. The ability to listen to others - no one can be an expert in all areas at once. And the leader understands this. The strength of a leader is the ability to find experts and organize them for the benefit of the common cause. This point can also be included in the most important leadership qualities.

9. Mindfulness and Critical Mindset – Leaders carefully collect facts and verify all information. Any business can be ruined by one small detail.

10. Confidence and calmness - composure helps a leader focus on finding a solution. It controls emotions and prevents them from influencing the decision-making process.

11. Flexibility and sensitivity - Our world is changing. And the speed of change is increasing every year. What worked 5 years ago is no longer effective today. For continuous growth, it is necessary to constantly make adjustments and develop leadership skills.

12. Result-oriented – Those who achieve greater results achieve greater success. It's not how you did it that matters, but what you achieve. And it is your results that will move you towards success.

13. The ability to admit your mistakes - Leaders make mistakes too. But they know how to admit it to other people. Which allows you to continue moving forward. If we take all leadership qualities, then this is in first place in terms of importance.

14. The ability to constantly learn - The variability of the world has led to the fact that knowledge becomes outdated at an amazing rate. Gaining new knowledge and skills will allow you to increase your competitiveness. New knowledge will help develop new leadership skills.

15. Correct self-esteem - The leader clearly understands what he can and cannot do. And he focuses his efforts on what he does best. This increases its efficiency, allowing you to achieve better results.

16 Passion for work – A leader loves what he does. This passion allows him to maintain interest in what he does, increases his efficiency and effectiveness. This point allows you to develop all other leadership qualities.

17. Knows how to light people up - A leader without associates is not a leader. By learning to motivate himself, a leader gains the ability to ignite the fire of desire and action in people, motivating them to achieve their goals and objectives. And thanks to this leadership quality, you can achieve a lot, a lot.

18. Charismatic – helps to attract the right people. Great achievements require an effective team. And the leader knows how to create it.

19. Focus - this leadership quality allows you to isolate the most important thing among things and focus all your attention on it.

20. Competence is the ability of a leader to articulate what is needed, plan what is needed, and do what is needed in a way that makes it clear to others that you know what to do and it is clear to them that they want to follow you. In terms of importance of leadership qualities, this is in second place.

21. Generosity - The measure of a leader's greatness is not the number of people who serve him, but the number of people he serves. Generosity requires putting other people first, not yourself. A leader knows how to share and receives even more in return.

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Possessing this quality is equally important for both the leader and his subordinates. If you are true to the idea, then the team will adopt a similar attitude. Then you are guaranteed effective cooperation.

2. Simplicity

Often, arrogant behavior and confused ideas conceal professional ignorance. However, high performance in completing tasks is achieved precisely thanks to clearly formulated decisions that are understandable to both the leader and his team.

3. Self-control

You can't manage people when you can't manage yourself. If a leader often loses his composure and starts shouting when communicating with subordinates, the team is unlikely to be united and cooperation productive.

4. Sense of tact

The ability to choose appropriate words and actions is the basis of relationships and leadership. Empathy, kindness, generosity and, most importantly, respect for the rights and opinions of others are the basis for developing tact.

5. Energy and enthusiasm

Inaction leads to failure. Even in the event of failure, a true leader must be able to encourage the team, instill faith in success and motivate employees to move forward.

6. Insight

A leader who clearly knows the actions of subordinates in various situations quickly makes the right decisions. He gives the necessary instructions, competently delegates responsibilities and is respected by the team.

7. Honesty and openness

Hypocrisy and bluff are easy to spot. A true leader must be honest, because he is the guarantor of trust for his subordinates. You should not remain silent about the company’s problems and form a false image of yourself. Sooner or later the truth will emerge - you can find yourself in a very delicate situation and lose your authority.

8. Fairness and impartiality

The ability to treat everyone equally is an important quality for someone who leads people. The degree or even admiration of colleagues is determined by the presence of it in the leader. Selecting favorites, encouraging incompetent team members only because of friendly relations with them are signs of professional failure that destroys the team.

9. Willingness to take responsibility

It’s better to do it and try again if it fails than not to do it at all. Inaction and shifting responsibility for decisions made are worse than taking the wrong step and admitting a mistake. However, taking responsibility does not mean neglecting the ideas of subordinates and doing all the work alone.

These qualities always go hand in hand: it’s not enough just to take the initiative, it’s also important to calculate the consequences. The success of the entire team depends on the leader, therefore, by showing initiative, he motivates others and sets an excellent example of how to work. With this approach, the company develops and reaches new heights. It is better to propose a crude idea and then refine it than to silently search for an ideal.

11. Reliability

This quality will not interfere with any person. It is important for the team to feel that the leader can be relied upon and turned to for help. The leader needs to be confident in his colleagues and know that his instructions are carried out in accordance with the requirements.

12. Perseverance and endurance

The ability to relentlessly pursue a goal and cope with difficulties on the way to the desired result distinguishes the good from the mediocre. Willpower, firmness and courage to stick to your chosen course help you achieve your goal. Endurance allows you to fight fatigue and discomfort.

13. Moral courage

This quality helps overcome the fear of failure and condemnation. Develop it in yourself in order to boldly face the unknown and steadfastly endure adversity in the professional field. By remaining calm in unexpected situations, you cope with panic and prevent it from spreading throughout the team.

14. Ability to look decent

Appearance for a leader is as important as character traits. Arrogance and ostentation - no, dignity and confidence - yes. The external image of the leader must correspond to the position held and form a positive opinion about him.

15. Awareness and attentiveness

A good manager must be aware of all the company's affairs. This allows you to quickly react in unusual situations and make the right decisions. Attentiveness helps you to be one step ahead, thereby setting the right tone for the entire team.

16. Sense of humor

Humor can save a situation that is getting out of control. Sometimes one joke is enough to defuse the situation.

17. Clarity of actions

People need to know what to expect from a team leader. If there is uncertainty and the purpose of his actions is blurred, then subordinates may become irritable, and the manager’s instructions will be perceived as whims.

18. Ability to set a good example

Be the person your subordinates want to look up to. Show how to work, personally set the bar that needs to be met. Show the qualities and skills that you want to see in your team.

19. Professionalism

Constantly improve your existing knowledge and skills to always remain in your field. Get up-to-date knowledge, apply it in practice, develop and improve your level.

20. Ability to share experience

It is important not only to have knowledge and have rich professional experience, but also to share this with the team. Explain to your subordinates techniques that are familiar to you, but new to them. Consult them, if possible help with both advice and deeds - they will thank you with quality work.

Everyone who aspires to take the place of leader in a team must have a number of leadership qualities. Exactly leadership qualities and define the role of a leader, explain why some become such and are ready to captivate and lead, while others are not accepted in this capacity and do not enjoy authority.

is a set of psychological qualities, skills and abilities to interact with a group that can ensure the successful implementation of leadership tasks and functions. It is impossible to single out one or two qualities that characterize a leader. There are many more of them. On the other hand, you can list qualities for quite a long time and interpret them as leadership qualities. And the longer the list becomes, the less practical use it has, and the easier it is to get confused.

This article will present the main leadership qualities, the development of which can make a real leader out of any person.

Personal qualities of a leader


To know yourself, to feel what is happening inside yourself, to be able to listen to your emotions and feelings, to your intuition, to clearly and clearly imagine what you want is an integral quality of a leader. This helps you navigate life and understand other people; it helps you not to miss your chance by recognizing the right opportunity. A true leader cannot be led astray from his intended path; he is difficult to manipulate, because he knows exactly what he wants.


This is one of the leadership qualities that many modern leaders have. For example, Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Corporation, which today controls more than 300 different companies around the world, is the image of a leader who is always ready to take risks. He often risked everything, both in business and in everyday life (take, for example, a trip around the world in a hot air balloon).

The reason why true leaders are not afraid to take risks and change your life, is the understanding that sometimes you have to pay a considerable price for not showing initiative. Therefore, people who strive to anticipate events are always ready to take risks.

Today there are many business owners and managers who strive to build a significant “business” without taking risks, but by working in the style of “the slower you go, the further you will go.” As John Kennedy said: “ There are costs and risks inherent in any action plan, but they are significantly less than the long-term costs and risks generated by comfortable inaction».


Tall and adequate level of self-esteem A leader, together with self-confidence, helps him take risks when necessary, and increases courage and determination in critical situations. Self-confidence allows a leader to expand the limits of his capabilities and gain new life experiences. This theory was substantiated in 1981 by B. Bass, who analyzed leading research in the field of leadership qualities and confirmed that the feeling self confidence, the leader is an order of magnitude higher than those who follow him.


A leader is the bearer of the norms and values ​​of an association of people, therefore his worldview and his actions must be consistent with universal human moral standards - honesty, justice, reliability, responsibility and consistency in actions and deeds.


For adequate orientation in the situation, the leader must have an active life position. This is necessary leadership quality, which allows the leader to always be in the thick of things, learn about everything first-hand and be more informed.


Initiative and active people do not wait for someone else to make them want to work. They know that only they have the responsibility to convince themselves to leave their usual comfort zone. And they make self-motivation a regular practice. This is what Theodore Roosevelt, one of the proactive and greatest people of the 20th century, endowed with a lot of leadership qualities, said: “ There is nothing outstanding or brilliant in my biography, except that I really did what I was convinced needed to be done... And when I had a clear opinion about the need to do something, I acted».

Managerial and organizational leadership skills


Ability to attract people ideas and thoughts, ideals, skills convince a person) and create a team of followers and like-minded people - a quality that determines the success of an individual becoming a leader. Setting shared goals and values ​​and monitoring followers' commitment to these goals are among the core leadership qualities.


This is one of the fundamental organizational qualities of a leader. It consists of the ability to distribute responsibilities among team members, the ability to inspire and motivate a group to perform tasks and functions, coordinate work, etc.


The person who leads the group simply must know where to go. Observation, vision of the prospects for the activities of his group, the prospects, the team that follows him is one of the most important organizational qualities of a leader.

Leaders cannot get so bogged down in minutiae and detail that they lose sight of what is truly important. The writer Alfred Montaper wrote: “ Most people see obstacles in front of them, only a few see goals, history celebrates the successes of the latter, while for the former the reward is oblivion».


Leaders are often participants in complex processes; they are in an “arena” where a large variety of various forces operate, which are sometimes beyond the boundaries of their knowledge and control. Therefore, an organizational leader must feel the situation, be able to quickly navigate it and make the only correct decision.


The reluctance of a leader to provide his like-minded person and follower with support in cases where it is very necessary and he is able to provide it, in most cases, deprives his followers and the status of a leader.

People respect a leader who never forgets their interests. If you focus on what you can give to your followers, rather than what you can get from them, they will respect and love you, and this will make your relationships lasting and stronger.

As one General Motors executive said: “ The fields of the most diverse industries are strewn with the bones of enterprises, the leadership qualities of whose leaders were thoroughly saturated with rot and moral decay, where they firmly believed that you only need to take, instead of giving... where they did not understand that the only asset of the company that cannot be quickly replacement - these are her people».

Remember! The ability to thank and reward qualities that help a leader successfully perform organizational and managerial functions.

Psychological and socialleadership qualities


Important quality of a leader is communication skills, the ability to quickly establish contacts with people and feel confident in a team. It is difficult to imagine a leader who is shy when communicating.


The leader coordinates relationships in the team, therefore, in assessing the actions and actions of other people, he must be fair, objective and unbiased.


A leader represents common interests, so the ability to defend them in external authorities and take full responsibility for corporate activities is an important quality of a leader.


This leadership quality is the basis for building followers' trust in the leader and willingness to follow him.

For some reason, many people think that the ability to be a leader is given to a person from birth, but in fact this is not the case. Leaders are those people who have developed the set of qualities necessary to be someone who is followed by many. If desired, each person will be able to develop leadership qualities. If you are also aspiring to become a leader, this article will help you. Let's look at 15 tips for developing leadership skills.

1. A true leader is able to manage himself, so he does not allow emotions to dictate what to do. If you want to develop leadership skills, then first of all, practice self-control. It will only be difficult at first, and then the ability to control your emotions will become a habit and become as natural an action as breathing.

2. An equally important quality for a leader is punctuality, so it is necessary to work on developing time management skills. The ability to properly manage your time will make you not only punctual, but also more effective, which is no less important for a leader.

3. Tell people only what you believe in - this is the best exercise for developing the skill of persuasion, a very important quality of every leader. You can only be convincing if you yourself are 100% convinced of what you are saying.

4. Develop the skill to complete all planned tasks on time. A leader is a person who is first in everything, and if you procrastinate and put off important things until tomorrow, you will not only achieve success nowhere.

5. A good leader is first and foremost a grateful person. And people become grateful when they learn to appreciate everything they receive. Develop this skill in yourself.

6. A leader who is able to lead people must first of all show interest in them. Interest is the antipode of indifference and indifference. The leader does not hesitate to show that he is interested in his team and needs the people who surround him.

7. It is important for a leader to be able to correctly define goals - because this is what will help direct his efforts and the energy of the team to achieve them. Work on the ability to set goals correctly, clearly define their time limits and see the end result.

8. A leader is not only a person who knows how to correctly define goals and direct the efforts of people towards their implementation. A leader is, first of all, a person who is the first to direct his energy towards achieving goals and leads people in this matter.

9. The most important quality that distinguishes all leaders is a sense of responsibility. Develop it in yourself, because a good leader understands his responsibility for goals, results, and, of course, for his team.

10. Leaders who are able to lead people are people who are “on fire” with their idea and charge everyone else with this enthusiasm. Therefore, it is important to develop passion in yourself, to look for internal sources to fuel your inspiration and enthusiasm.

11. Good leaders are always motivated people who clearly know what and when they want. But, besides this, they know how to motivate other people. To learn how to do this, it is important to be able to understand the desires and needs of other people.

12. It is very important for a leader to be able to trust people and, based on this, delegate. Believing in yourself generates faith in other people - your team. Learn to trust yourself and people, and they will show amazing results.

13. To become a leader, you must defeat negative thinking once and for all. A leader sees perspective, opportunity, and bright spots in everything. It is important for a leader to develop positive thinking.

14. An indispensable quality for a leader is persistence. In order to give good results, it is not at all necessary to have favorable conditions - this is not a decisive factor. But the person who did not stop, despite the presence of numerous obstacles, will definitely show great results.

15. A leader is always open to people and strives to convey his experience as much as possible. Therefore, learn to communicate and be open to people, to convey to them the most valuable thing you have - knowledge and experience.



American leadership expert John Maxwell, who helps maximize personal and leadership potential, identified 21 qualities required for a true leader.

The book 21 Essential Qualities of Leaders analyzes the qualities and character traits that all great leaders possess.

The 1st quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is to be as solid as a rock.

Character determines how a leader acts in difficult life situations; a crisis will not necessarily shape character, but will reveal and reveal it. A misfortune that befalls a leader is a turning point that forces a person to make a choice: either show character or compromise. Followers stop trusting leaders if they find out they have unstable personalities and never follow them again.

The 2nd quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is to become a charismatic leader.

To become a charismatic leader, you need to have charisma. However, many people think that charisma is given or not given to a person; if he is deprived of it, then it is not given to him. Charisma is the ability to attract people to you, it can be developed. To become a person who attracts others to you, you must: Love life, Give every person an A, Give people hope, Share yourself and your strengths.

The 3rd quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is dedication.

People do not follow leaders who lack commitment. This quality can manifest itself in a wide variety of actions: the amount of time you devote to work, the effort you expend to develop your abilities, and the personal sacrifices you make for your colleagues. True commitment to duty inspires and attracts others. It shows them that you have conviction. But they will believe in you only if you yourself believe in your business.

The 4th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to communicate

It is absolutely essential for an effective leader to develop top-notch communication skills. He is able to share his knowledge and ideas with others, as well as instill in others enthusiasm and a sense of urgency of any action. If a leader is unable to clearly convey an important idea to others and motivate them to action, then the fact that he has such an idea does not matter at all.

You can become a more effective communicator if you adhere to these four basic principles: Simplify your thoughts, See the individual, Show people the truth, Get a response.

The 5th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is competence.

Competence goes much further than words. It means a leader's ability to articulate what is needed, plan what is needed, and do what is needed in a way that makes it clear to others that you know what to do and it is clear to them that they want to follow you. If you want to truly develop this quality in yourself, you must do the following: Show your competence every day, Never stop improving all the time, Bring everything to a successful conclusion, Do more than is expected of you, Inspire others.

The 6th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is courage.

When it comes to difficult decisions in your life that challenge you, remember the following truths that define courage: Courage begins with the battle within you, Courage means doing the right thing, not just doing it smartly, The courage in a leader inspires his followers to be dedicated to your cause, your life expands in breadth and depth in proportion to your courage.

The 7th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is insight.

Insight represents the ability to find a solution to an existing problem. With the help of insight, it becomes possible to achieve several important goals: Identifying the roots of emerging problems, improving your ability to solve problems (If you are able to see the roots of the problem facing you, then, therefore, you are able to solve it), Evaluating available options in order to make a choice maximally effective, Multiplying their capabilities (leaders are the creators of their own “luck”, which is the result of their insight, which means the willingness to use their experience and follow their instincts).

The 8th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is focus.

Focus is essential to becoming an effective leader. Priorities and concentration are key. A leader who has priorities but lacks focus knows what needs to be done but never gets around to doing it. If the situation is the other way around - the leader has concentration, but does not have priorities, then he will mark time without moving forward. How should you focus your time and energy? Be guided in this matter by the following principles: Concentrate 70% of resources on your strengths, Concentrate 25% of resources on new things, Concentrate 5% of resources on your weaknesses.

The 9th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is generosity.

Nothing calls out to others louder and convinces them more than the generosity and magnanimity of a leader. A one-time manifestation of this quality cannot be called true generosity. It comes from the heart and permeates every aspect of a leader's life, touching closely his time, money, talents and possessions. Effective leaders who truly lead act primarily in the interests of other people, and not solely for their own goals. Cultivate generosity within yourself and cultivate it as an integral part of your life. To do this you need to: Be grateful for what you have, Put your people first, Don’t let the desire to possess control you, Treat money as a resource, Develop the habit of giving.

The 10th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is initiative.

Success is associated with specific actions. Successful people never stop moving. They make mistakes, but they never quit the game. What properties should leaders have in order for certain important events to happen according to their will and desire? Characteristics of an effective leader: Leaders know what they want, Leaders motivate themselves to action. (Initiative people do not wait for someone else to motivate them. They themselves know that they and only they have the responsibility to force themselves to leave the usual zone comfort.), Leaders are willing to take more risks, Leaders make more mistakes. If you lack initiative, the first step is to realize that the origins of the problem lie within you, and not in those around you.

The 11th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to listen.

A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to hear. As you consider how to use your time to listen to others, keep in mind that listening to people serves two purposes: to connect with them and to learn. For these reasons, you must keep not only your eyes open, but also your ears when faced with the following people: Your followers, Your clients, Your competitors, Your mentors (No leader is so advanced or experienced that he can afford to do without mentor). Don't limit yourself to just capturing the bare facts. Start listening not only to words, but also to feelings, hidden meanings and undercurrents.

The 12th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is passion.

Let's look at 4 important points about passion and what it can give you as a leader: Passion is the first step to achievement (Everyone whose life goes beyond the ordinary has some kind of great desire), Passion builds your willpower (If you If you want something badly enough, you can find the willpower to achieve it. The only way to have that kind of truly burning desire is to develop passion within yourself. Passion will change you (If you follow it). If you follow a path that is dictated by passion, and not by any other feelings or considerations, you will likely become a more dedicated and more productive person, and this will lead to an increase in your ability to influence others), Passion makes the impossible possible (People are designed this way). that whenever something ignites their soul, the word “impossible” disappears for them. The fire in the heart elevates literally everything in your life).

The 13th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is a positive attitude.

A successful person is one who knows how to build a strong foundation from the bricks that are thrown at him. If you truly want to become an effective leader, then you simply need a positive attitude. Not only does it determine your own level of satisfaction as an individual, but it also has a significant impact on the way other people interact with you. To better understand what it means to be positive and how to become one, think about the following things: Your attitude is your own choice, Your attitude determines your actions, Your people are the mirror of your attitude, Maintaining a good attitude is easier than regaining a lost one.

The 14th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to solve problems.

No matter what field a leader operates in, he will face challenges. They are inevitable for three reasons. First, we live in a world of ever-increasing complexity and diversity. Secondly, we interact with people, and with very different people. And thirdly, we are not able to control all the situations with which we have to deal. Leaders who are good problem solvers exhibit the following 5 characteristics: They anticipate problems, They accept the truth as it comes, They see the big picture, They get things done in order, They stay focused on the main goal when they find themselves in a downturn.

The 15th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is learning to get along with people.

The ability to work with people and develop relationships with them is absolutely essential to being an effective leader. People really want to be around people they think highly of and enjoy doing business with. What can a person who is a leader do to strengthen and cultivate good relationships with people: You need to have the head of a leader - to understand people, You need to have the heart of a leader - to love people, You need to extend the hand of a leader to people - to help them.

The 16th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to bear responsibility.

Major success requires you to take responsibility... Ultimately, the only quality that is inherent in all successful people is the ability and willingness to take responsibility. Good leaders never adopt a victim mentality. They realize the following: they themselves are responsible for who they are and what place they occupy in life, and not their parents, spouses, children, the government, superiors or co-workers. Characteristics of people who have a sense of responsibility: They know how to get things done, They are always ready to go further than necessary, They are driven forward by the desire for excellence, They achieve results regardless of the situation.

The 17th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is confidence.

Insecure leaders are dangerous - to themselves, to the followers they lead, and to the organizations they lead, because leadership exacerbates personal shortcomings. Any negative baggage that carries you through life becomes even heavier when you try to lead others. Insecure leaders have several characteristics in common: They do not make others feel confident and secure. They take more from people than give, They constantly limit the capabilities of the best of their people, They constantly limit the capabilities of their organization.

The 18th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is self-discipline.

Self-discipline holds the power to achieve your goals. Without self-discipline it is impossible to achieve success. A leader will be able to develop the talent inherent in him to the maximum only with self-discipline. It is this that allows a leader to reach the highest achievements and is the key to long-term leadership. If you want to be one of those leaders whose asset is self-discipline, adhere to the following line of behavior: Set priorities for yourself and never forget about them, Make a disciplined lifestyle your goal, Don’t give in to possible self-justifications, Don’t think about rewards, Until the job is done, Stay focused on results.

The 19th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is willingness to serve others.

Willingness to serve is not related to social position, position held, or skill level. It is associated with a psychological attitude. You've undoubtedly met people whose job title is supposed to serve others, but their attitude towards this is purely negative - for example, a rude government employee. What does it mean to embody the quality of being willing to serve others? A leader who is truly committed to serving others: Puts others ahead of himself in his list of priorities. Has the self-confidence to serve others. Serves others on his own initiative, Does not focus on his position, Serves for reasons of love.

The 20th quality of a leader according to John Maxwell is the ability to self-learn.

Leaders always face the danger of being satisfied with the results achieved. After all, if a leader already has influence and respect, why should he continue to pursue his own growth? The answer is simple: The degree of your growth determines who you are. Who you are determines who you attract to you; Who you attract determines the measure of your organization's success; If you want your organization to continue to grow, you must maintain the ability to learn. Five guiding principles that are sure to help you maintain and develop a mindset of constant readiness to learn: Heal the disease of complacency, Overcome your success, Vow not to walk in straight lines and not to cut corners. Give up your pride (Readiness to learn requires us courage to admit that we don’t know everything, which is why we may not look very beautiful), Never pay twice for the same mistake.

John Maxwell's 21st quality of leadership - Long-term vision

A long-term vision is literally everything for a leader. It is absolutely necessary. Why? Because it leads the leader, colors the goal in bright colors: A long-term vision comes from within, A long-term vision comes from your past, A long-term vision of a leader satisfies the needs of other people, A long-term vision helps you concentrate all your resources.

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