What categories of fitness for military service exist in Russia. Categories of suitability Categories of suitability for the army

Persons subject to military conscription, according to the law, must be healthy - there are a number of criteria for determining the condition of a conscript, thanks to which the medical commission makes a verdict on whether the young man is suitable for service or not, and in which troops it is better for him to serve. The categories of suitability for military service, which are determined by state law, appear in the relevant Resolution regarding military medical examination.

Detailed explanation of all health categories

Which of these health categories a potential recruit should be classified into is determined by a number of professional doctors at the military registration and enlistment office as part of the medical commission. In 2019, the law provides for division into 5 main categories. We will look at what these categories mean next:

Category A

Designation A indicates that there are no restrictions on service for a young man in the army, i.e. the conscript is healthy. However, there are 2 subcategories for this type:

    A2 . He is healthy, but there are restrictions on the workload, additional selection is necessary for such a conscript, the young man underwent serious treatment. Such a conscript is sent to serve in the army in any general and special forces.

Persons for whom the medical commission has established category A, as a rule, are sent to prestigious branches of the military (submarines, airborne forces, marines, navy, etc.).

Category B

The category implies that a conscript whose state of health does not allow him to serve in any branch of the military. Young people to whom doctors assign this category experience health problems, but this does not affect their service. This type is divided into four subcategories:

    B1 . Young people are fit to serve in special forces, airborne forces, can become marines, join the airborne troops, and also go to defend the Motherland as border guards.

    B2. Conscripts with this category can be sent to the fleet (including submarine), as driver-mechanics of armored vehicles, tractors, etc.

    B3 . Future soldiers can be assigned as drivers and crew of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, and missile launchers. It is also possible to get into the internal divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, guard and chemical units. Such conscripts can be sent to fuel and lubricants depots, as well as to air defense forces.

    B4 . Young people with this subcategory can be sent to guard especially important facilities (for example, in the missile forces). They also fall into radio engineering units and communications troops, other units and branches of the Armed Forces, and other formations and structures.

A conscript with this type is considered limitedly fit for service. Such persons have serious illnesses that allow the young man to avoid military conscription in peacetime. Such conscripts are provided with a military ID, which exempts them from service - however, the young man is listed in the reserves, which is mandatory during the introduction of martial law (the so-called recruitment of units of the 2nd stage). In this case, the conscript’s educational qualifications will correspond as closely as possible to the specialty acquired in peacetime.

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stands for Military Specialty. This is a designation of the military profession, in the form of numbers and letters.

Since in peacetime a conscript assigned to this category for health reasons is not threatened with service, many quite healthy young people who do not want to repay their debt to their homeland are tempted to avoid serving this particular type of service. To do this, they consult with lawyers and strive to undergo an independent examination, which is designed to identify a serious illness - some, years before conscription, draw up a medical history so that, after reading it, the doctors at the military registration and enlistment office are left with the feeling that the young man is seriously ill. Moreover, some young people actually succeed in this.

In addition to health exemptions, there is a whole. You will find it on our website.

This is partly explained by the fact that, unfortunately, since 2009, an increasing number of young people have been diagnosed with diseases for which the law prohibits conscription into the army. However, a serious illness can only be identified with a comprehensive study, which sometimes requires more than one month. In this case, not only the degree of development of the disease is taken into account, but also medical documents that detail the course of the disease, the frequency of visiting a doctor at the place of residence, the duration of treatment, etc. It is important to understand that such documents must confirm that the disease has not been cured.

The category is deciphered in such a way that the young man is temporarily not subject to conscription. The law provides for a deferment of 6 to 12 months for such persons (it is believed that during this period the conscript can undergo a course of treatment to help get rid of the disease). After this, you should be re-examined at a medical examination, where doctors at the military registration and enlistment office will once again examine the conscript and render a verdict on the category of suitability - on the basis of this, the next decision is made.

Category D is issued to persons who have experienced trauma (fractures, concussions) or suffer from other ailments incompatible at the time of conscription: dystrophy, excessive obesity, etc. However, it is understood that there is hope for recovery, and for this the military registration and enlistment office gives a maximum period at 12 months. Doctors have the right to give a young person a deferment more than once, and in some cases the latter is awarded category B.

Alas, in our native Fatherland, no one canceled seasonal plans for conscription. In this regard, military registration and enlistment offices often turn a blind eye to many diseases, sending sick young people to serve in the army (the most common violation is assigning category “G” instead of “B”). The conscript must know his rights; in such cases, it is definitely worth going to court, which can overturn the decisions of the medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office. The court's decision will be based on the so-called. – for those who seek to avoid joining the army for health reasons, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with this document in more detail.

Category D

This category implies a complete inability to serve in the army. Moreover, a person with category D is not even subject to conscription. Such people are entitled to a military ID, which indicates complete disrepair. In this case, the passport must contain the appropriate stamp.

Persons assigned category D have very serious pathologies and diseases - for example, a significant disruption in the functioning of various body systems (advanced glaucoma, for example), the absence of some internal or external organs, repeated strokes, HIV.

Which category is suitable for contract service?

It is worth saying that the law also provides for the definition of army categories for those who want to connect their lives with the army even after serving in the Armed Forces. In this case, we are talking about categories A and B. Only these categories of conscripts provide the possibility of further service in the Armed Forces in the future. Moreover, if a conscript aspires to join the elite branch of the Russian military after the army, he must be completely healthy - and this is exclusively category A. If you have it, you can serve in the airborne forces, in the submarine fleet, or become, for example, a marine.

Restrictions for subsequent profession depending on the category of military service

It is necessary to understand that if there are categories V/D, problems may arise for a number of young people in subsequent employment. It is definitely unlikely that you will be able to get a job in any law enforcement agency (FSB, police (MVD), FSIN, etc.) - this is explained by the fact that to work in these departments you must serve in the army. However, it is quite possible to work in other government institutions with such categories (say, in the office) - factories, factories, large enterprises, etc.

There is still a myth circulating among people that people who have been assigned fitness categories B or D are not able to obtain a driver’s license. This is only partly true - those who have significant impairments in musculoskeletal functions, problems with the sensory organs, mental illnesses, etc., cannot have a driver’s license. However, other, no less significant impairments in the functioning of the body (for example, heart disease) -vascular system) are not always taken into account by the medical board. However, for persons with a V/D fitness type, when obtaining a license, there may be some restrictions for a number of driving categories. They may also be prohibited from engaging in certain types of work in a given field (say, a taxi driver or a bus driver).

Any military ID contains a special column where you can find out the category of fitness. If a young man’s health does not allow him to serve in the army, the fitness category V/G will be indicated in the column. At the same time, the disease that caused it is not reflected here.

Almost always, the categories of military service that are set in this document cannot be changed. The law, on the one hand, provides for challenging the contents of this column through the court if the young man managed to improve his health after some time, and the military registration and enlistment office prevents the conscript from changing the fitness level.

regulates all aspects of the relationship between young men of military age and the state. It indicates on what grounds it is possible to assign one or another category.

On the other hand, the commissariat is also understandable. For example, some persons who have category B on their military ID (exemption from military service) upon expiration of the conscription period suddenly decide to work in some law enforcement agency (for which category A1 must be on their military ID). In this regard, the reasoning of the military registration and enlistment office is clear - he turned away from military service, and then suddenly decided to get a job, for example, in the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the military registration and enlistment office reasonably believes that such persons should not work in law enforcement agencies.

The suitability category simultaneously reflects two points. Firstly, it indicates the result of passing the medical examination (page 13 of the military ID), and secondly, thanks to the category, it is possible to determine whether the young man served at all. It is to reflect such information that page 2 is highlighted in the document. The commonly used meaning of the suitability group is usually indicated in the form of Cyrillic letters, although in some situations there is also a decoding. The category marked on the military ID must be exclusively one of the possible ones. For unambiguous verification when filling out a document, it will be necessary to identify the correspondence between the decoding of the category and its symbolic designation.

How to change your eligibility category for military service

Of course, such a possibility is provided for by law.

The holder of a military ID can himself initiate a review of the conclusion of the medical commission that made the initial verdict on the fitness of the conscript.

The first thing that is required is to fill out a written application, which will reflect the request to carry out another examination by the medical board. The rationale for this will be positive changes in health. This document will need to be sent to the military commissariat where you are registered. By law, after receiving your application, the military registration and enlistment office must assemble a medical commission that will re-examine you, taking into account the relevant medical documents you submitted. After this, the experts will make a new decision, on the basis of which they will confirm the category previously set on the military ID or change it to a new one.

If there is an improvement in the health of the applicant, doctors must upgrade the old category. And with a greater degree of probability the new one will be A/B.

If the military registration and enlistment office, represented by doctors, a commissar or anyone else, refuses you to pass the above commission, or the medical commission, with obvious improvements in health and a corresponding medical diagnosis, did not consider it necessary to change the category, you have every right to appeal the decision of the commissariat through the court.

Military service is associated not only with the defense of the homeland, but also with increased physical activity, which is why certain requirements have been established for the health of military personnel.

After all, defenders of the fatherland must not only shoot accurately, but also move quickly, and also master hand-to-hand combat techniques, which presupposes sufficient training and good health.

However, in view of the fact that military service involves many varieties of military professions, a scale of suitability for service has been developed at the legislative level in order to attract citizens to defend their homeland due to their physical capabilities.

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In accordance with the law, every citizen of the Russian Federation, and foreign citizens too, have the right to enroll in military service. At the same time, taking into account that there are quite a lot of military professions, as well as branches of the military, and applicants have different levels of physical fitness and health status system developed, which implies determining the state of readiness of the future soldier to perform duties.

That is, in essence, suitability category are a scale that determines the readiness and ability of an individual for military service, taking into account his state of health, existing knowledge and level of physical fitness. For example, the category of limited fitness includes applicants who, due to health conditions, cannot be drafted into the army in peacetime, but in case of an emergency they can be called upon to serve in a civilian specialty.

According to the standards defined in Part 2 of Article 5.1 of Federal Law No. 53, the following fitness categories for military service:

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Government Decree No. 565, assignments have also been developed for each category, assigned after examination in accordance with the approved list of diseases and which are taken into account when sending conscripts to certain branches of the military or when appointing them to a particular position.

In particular, the stipulated Resolution No. 565 contains a list of major diseases, covering diseases of internal organs, problems with the musculoskeletal system, and the psychological level of perception of reality, not to mention the presence of viral infections or genetic abnormalities.

Also within the specified norm a scale of basic physical indicators is given in terms of requirements for service in certain troops. In particular, weight and height are indicated, as well as permissible deviations in hearing and vision, not to mention previous injuries and diseases that may affect the future soldier’s ability to perform certain functions already during the performance of his immediate duties.

Moreover, in most cases, upon receiving the specified category, future military personnel can quite deservedly count on serving in elite troops, such as the landing force and the marine corps.

At the same time, taking into account that in principle there are no ideally healthy people, this class is further divided into four subgroups, which make it possible to determine the ability of future soldiers to serve in various troops.

In particular, A1 is the highest score, which is assigned not only for health reasons, but also for external indicators, such as height and weight, given that height is as important for paratroopers as vision for tankers. For example, to qualify for the airborne troops, the height of the applicant must be no lower than 170 cm and no higher than 185 cm, while the weight must be within 90 kg, and not classified as obesity of the 2nd degree. Also, the future paratrooper must be able to distinguish whispered speech within 6 meters, and therefore have perfect hearing.

Second degree assigned if the future soldier is ideally healthy at the time of examination, but in accordance with medical documents, he previously suffered a serious illness or broken bones, but without further deterioration in his general health and contraindications to engaging in certain activities. With A2, a conscript can be involved in tank or missile forces, as well as serve on submarines, of course, subject to the weight and height indicators described above.

Upon receipt third degree This implies some deviations in the state of health, in particular in vision, which does not require special adjustments and treatment, which is inherent when the visual field is limited to 20 degrees. Conscripts classified in this category can be drafted into the internal troops, as well as serve in the chemical or missile forces.

AND fourth degree assigned for vision problems exceeding 20 degrees, but provided that other indicators of the soldier’s physical condition are normal, not to mention standard weight and height. At the same time, A4 implies that the conscript can be involved in any other troops, except those mentioned above, without any restrictions.

And given that almost all conscripts have health problems to one degree or another, the majority of employees end up in category B, distributed according to their assignment indicators.

So in particular, B1 assigned if a military personnel suffers from an allergy or other mild disease that is not characterized by a persistent loss of physical skills to perform certain actions. Therefore, employees classified as B1 can be enlisted in both assault brigades and border troops.

Category B2 also assumes minor deviations in the general state of health and does not lead to significant restrictions, because with a small percentage of vision loss, a future soldier can quite successfully be recognized in the surface fleet and tank crew, not to mention the national guard or engineering troops.

B3 already imposes some restrictions, which are expressed in the same degree of an allergic reaction, loss of vision or hearing, not to mention excess weight or previous injuries. If the specified category is established, the conscript will not be able to become a paratrooper or submariner, but he will be gladly enlisted in radio operators or escort brigades, as well as in the chemical or engineering troops.

B4, in fact, is practically the last chance to be drafted into the army, given that when establishing the specified category, significant deviations in the general physical condition of conscripts are observed. In particular, employees may be left with the consequences of previous injuries, poor vision or hearing, as well as excess weight or short stature. In such a situation, a conscript, as a rule, serves in the security units of radio installations, in the communications and radio engineering troops, or in units specializing in special structures.

As a rule, in the presence of such deviations, they are not involved in military service, but are sent to the reserve with the condition that during hostilities the citizen will be called upon to perform his duty along with all other employees in accordance with the military specialty, which is assigned according to his education at the time examination or skills.

That is, in fact, in peacetime, a conscript can repay his debt to his homeland by performing alternative service in the same hospital as an orderly or a volunteer among the elderly, not to mention working in a factory producing parts or other things necessary in everyday life. In wartime, a soldier with a similar fitness category may be called up to work in military factories.

Category G is assigned to a conscript by a medical commission if the future soldier at the time of the examination suffered a serious injury or illness and, accordingly, to restore health he needs a certain time, by means of a delay, for example, for six months.

That is, in essence, the agreed group is an interim decision, which, after the conscript’s recovery, will be changed to A, B or C, depending on the results of treatment and prognoses of future capacity.

This category assumes that a citizen unfit for military service under any circumstances and at any time, regardless of further treatment, emergency situations or other circumstances.

After all, for example, being disabled due to a mental disorder, a citizen is unlikely to ever be aware of the consequences of his actions or the need to use certain strategic steps.

Despite the fact that the prerogative in determining the fitness category is assigned to the medical commissions, conscripts also have the right, in particular, to appeal the decision in case of disagreement.

After all, receiving category D, for example, reflects not only the state of health, but in some cases can become an obstacle to employment in a prestigious job, given that employers rarely think about what illness caused the refusal to enlist.

That is why a person who does not agree with the decision of the commission is given the right to receive an examination report and a referral to re-pass the medical commission based on the submitted application.

The following video describes the classification of conscripts’ fitness for health reasons:

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Completing military service in the army is associated with various factors. And one of these is the distribution of all employees into different categories of fitness for military service in the Russian Federation in 2019.

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Some diseases do not give the right to serve, but you need to understand the classification of health indicators that give the right to a deferment, or complete exemption from military service.

General information

Before sending a recruit to the army, a special commission determines his state of health.

After all, some diseases or characteristics of the body do not give the right to serve only in some troops, while in another case the fighter may be completely fit.

Therefore, medical specialists evaluate the person’s condition as a whole, and make a verdict according to which the soldier either enters service or is sent home.

At the military registration and enlistment office at the medical commission, instead of the category of unfitness, they can establish another category that allows the person to be drafted. Such a decision can be challenged in court, especially if a previous examination established the presence of the disease.

What is it

People with poor health who will not be able to effectively master weapons and methods of defending their homeland do not enter the ranks of the military. The commission allows you to avoid health problems, even the most severe ones, including during service.

Each fitness category is clearly regulated; it contains a certain list of diseases, injuries and other medical problems that, if a conscript has, can serve as a reason for his non-involvement in the service.

Thus, a person who has absolutely no health problems is considered ideal; such conscripts are recommended for enlistment in the elite troops of the Russian Federation.

Those who have minor deviations from the norm also go to serve, but in other, less prestigious troops.

Schedule of illnesses

There are quite a lot of illnesses that give the right to a deferment and final exemption from military service.

They will not be accepted into the army if the conscript has problems with vision, hearing, skin or the digestive tract.

When there are injuries, poisoning or other short-term deterioration in health, the conscript is not released from service, but is given a deferment until the next conscription, counting on the person’s recovery; the same applies to officers.

At the next medical examination, he is checked again, and if his health is in order, then he is recommended for military service.

The complete list of diseases is called the disease schedule, and it is this that the military registration and enlistment office employees are guided by after the doctors’ verdict.

Diseases are presented in the form of articles, and each includes diseases of a certain group. If a conscript shows signs of illness from the classifier, then he is released from the army.

Photo: medical report upon dismissal from the Armed Forces

What regulations governs

The main document defining fitness categories is the Schedule of Diseases, approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and medical services. It contains 88 articles, which corresponds to about 2 thousand diseases in different manifestations.

The Schedule is presented in the form of a table, from which you can easily determine the eligibility category of a conscript in accordance with the identified disease or absence of health problems.

This document also contains requirements for the ratio of height and body weight. If, according to the formula from the Schedule, a conscript is underweight or overweight, then he will not be accepted for military service, given a temporary deferment with the hope of correcting the situation.

The rules for conscription and examination of a person are stipulated in Law 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service.”

Thus, it stipulates how military registration and medical support for a future conscript should be carried out, as well as how conscription is carried out.

Separately, information is given on methods for studying the health of a person who is planned to be registered as a military personnel and, of course, there is data on the registration of a deferment if suddenly the conscript does not meet the medical requirements.

What are the categories of fitness for military service?

To form a combat-ready army, all conscripts undergo a medical examination, at which they are classified into one of five categories - A, B, C, D or D.

Categories A and B indicate the presence of good health or minor problems that will not become an obstacle to military service. But the other three categories serve as a reason for granting a temporary deferment or deregistration.

After all, they show that a person has serious health problems, be it injuries, chronic diseases in the acute stage, incurable diseases, or simply a frail body that often gets sick.

Where can I find out

First of all, you can find out about the types of diseases and injuries that interfere with service directly at the military registration and enlistment office. You can check with your health care provider or any other employee for the most current version of the Sickness Schedule.

Such information is distributed on the Internet, and is even provided with useful comments on when illness can be considered a reason for canceling service or assigning a non-combatant position.

If a medical examination shows that a person has health problems that prevent normal service in the army, then the military commissar issues a so-called “white ticket”.

It is a military ID, where the head of the commission marks him as unfit for service. Later, this person is added to the list as unfit and is either drafted in the event of hostilities breaking out, or is not drafted at all.

What types are there (A, B, C, D, D and their interpretation)

They are not difficult to remember, especially since the suitability of a conscript is determined only by the first two categories, and the rest one way or another do not allow a person to enter military service.

Category Suitability
A A citizen can be drafted into the army with absolutely no restrictions on troops. This category stipulates the complete absence of health problems and even recommends the conscript to serve in elite units or under contract
B Conscription is possible, but with restrictions on types of troops. The recommendation for specific troops is determined by the number after the category:
  • B1 - indications for special forces units, marines, airborne forces, airborne assault troops and border guards;
  • B2 - submarines and ships, as well as drivers and crew members of tanks, self-propelled guns and engineering vehicles;
  • B3 - drivers of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, guard units, chemical and missile troops;
  • B4 - engineering troops, protection of missile systems, signalmen and radio technicians, other parts of the RF Armed Forces
IN The citizen is enlisted in the reserves and is exempt from conscription in peacetime. At the same time, he is issued a military ID with the appropriate mark
G A delay of up to a year is provided, during which the disease can be eliminated. The next commission will re-examine the category of suitability for military service.
D Complete exemption from military service. Conscription cannot be carried out either in peacetime or in wartime. A military ID with the appropriate mark is issued

Factors preventing conscription

One of the main reasons for delays may be full-time studies at a higher educational institution. In this case, the conscript is released from service for the entire period of training, but in case of expulsion, the deferment is lost and the person is called up for service.

Moreover, reinstatement in studies does not give a delay again and the summons can come even in the middle of the school year, after the start of the next conscription.

If a criminal case has been opened against a person, or he has an outstanding criminal record, he is also not conscripted until he is clean before the law.

But the most common reason for delaying or canceling conscription is precisely a health problem.

Restrictions on further professional activities

If a man does not complete military service, then it will be impossible for him to find employment in law enforcement agencies, military structures, and even security. It is these three professions that require military training.

Some illnesses will prevent you from getting a specific job in the future. These are problems with vision, hearing, neuromuscular system and psyche; employment with cardiovascular diseases will also be questionable.

Removal from military registration due to health reasons

When a medical examination reveals that a conscript has health problems and can be classified as category D, he is removed from the register. After this, he is still given a military ID, but with the mark “unfit”, and a corresponding entry is also made in his personal file.

In 2018, the list of diseases for which people are not allowed to serve for the good of the Fatherland is quite long. The most important reason for unfitness is serious dysfunction and severe congenital diseases.

Categories of suitability for military service

In 2018, there are five categories by which the commission determines the degree of suitability of a conscript.

  • fit;
  • suitable with minor restrictions;
  • has limited validity;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • no good.

In case of controversial issues, the citizen is prescribed an additional examination and, if necessary, treatment in a hospital.

After its completion, a second commission is appointed, where the final decision is made:

  • for military service;
  • call him up for alternative civil service;
  • grant a deferment;
  • carry out exemption from conscription;
  • enlist in reserve;
  • according to legal grounds, grant freedom from military service.

The law of the Russian Federation states that the conscription age for men lasts up to 27 years, after which they are not subject to service.

A citizen may also be declared unfit if there are significant dysfunctions due to peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, hernia, or psoriasis. Conscripts who lack limbs or fingers on their feet and hands, which impede movement, have flat feet and chronic kidney disease, cannot serve.

How is fitness for service determined?

Fitness for service is determined based on the results of a medical examination and additional examination. In order for the military registration and enlistment office to determine your health indicator most objectively, you must take with you to the medical examination all certificates, extracts and any other medical documents that indicate health problems. In addition, before the medical examination it is necessary to take blood and urine tests, undergo fluorography and an ECG. Without the results of these studies, assigning a suitability category will be considered illegal.

Reminder of the Help Service for Conscripts

According to the law, all tests for the military registration and enlistment office must be taken before the medical board and before the fitness category is assigned, and not after the draft board.

What are the categories of fitness for military service?

There are five categories of military eligibility:

  • - fit for military service.
  • – fit for service with minor restrictions.
  • “B” – limited fit for military service.
  • – temporarily unsuitable.
  • - not fit for military service.

Fitness category “B”: limited fit for military service

There is no need to undergo re-examination and confirm the diagnosis. However, if category “B” was placed during initial registration, then after the 18th birthday the young man will have to go through conscription events again and confirm this category, since the state of health may change over 1-2 years.

Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what “qualified for military service” means and how it differs from “fit for military service with minor restrictions.” Fit with minor restrictions (category “B”) means that the conscript has health problems, but will still serve in the army with a restriction on the choice of troops.

Expert opinion

Category of fitness for military service “B” is assigned to a conscript only if he has proven that his state of health is the basis for exemption from service, and conscription activities were carried out without violations. How to obtain fitness category “B”, read on the page «» .

Ekaterina Mikheeva, head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts

How to obtain fitness category “B”:

  1. Prepare for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office: collect documents confirming the diagnosis.
  2. Pass a medical examination. Tell the doctors about your complaints and show them your documents.
  3. Receive a referral for additional examination.
  4. Complete the prescribed tests and confirm the non-conscription diagnosis.
  5. At a meeting of the draft commission, you will receive the required fitness category.
  6. If the commission makes an unlawful decision, appeal it in court.

Do I need to undergo re-examination?

There is no need to undergo re-examination and confirm your fitness categories at the military registration and enlistment office. Conscripts with fitness category “B” are not accepted into the army even if they manage to cure their illness.

Previously, regulations indicated the need to undergo a medical re-examination procedure every three years, but Russian Government Decree No. 886 abolished this provision. Now the issuance of a military ID for health reasons is final. There is no need to reconfirm the diagnosis. The only opportunity to find yourself with fitness category “B” in the army is to undergo re-examination at your own request and enter contract service.

Diseases for which category “B” is required

The Schedule of Diseases contains a complete list of diseases for which conscripts have the right to be released from the army in fitness category “B”. Some of them can be found in Table 1.

Table 1. List of diseases classified as category “B”

Disease groups


Venereal diseases in the acute phase
Cured closed form of tuberculosis without destruction of lung tissue
Fungal diseases of internal organs (mycoses, candidiasis, etc.)


Postoperative conditions with impaired functionality
Malignant neoplasms
Conditions after radiation and cytostatic therapy
Benign tumors that cause disorders of body functions

Blood diseases

Pathological disorders that involve the immune system in the process and cause temporary disruption of body functions

Metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders

Minor dysfunction of the glands

Mental disorders

Mental disorders that are accompanied by prolonged or recurring painful sensations
Compensated personality disorders
Drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism and other forms of addiction
Mild mental retardation

Nervous system

Epilepsy with rare seizures
Inflammatory diseases and hereditary disorders of the central nervous system
Diseases of the vessels of the spinal cord and brain with moderate impairment of functionality
Spinal cord and brain injuries with some impairment of function

Organs of vision

Myopia more than 6 diopters, astigmatism, farsightedness more than 8 diopters, sharp decrease in visual acuity

Hearing aid

Chronic otitis media, polyps in the tympanic cavity, vestibular disorders, significant hearing loss

Circulatory system

Mild heart failure
Circulatory disorders
Hemorrhoids with acute phases, prolapse of nodes

Respiratory organs

Chronic runny nose, slight dysfunction of nasal breathing, mild to moderate bronchial asthma


Chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, urticaria, eczema)

Musculoskeletal system

Flat feet, acquired curvature of the limbs with dysfunction and pain

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