Casting for a new program for divorced families. Casting for the bride

“Very nice, hello, Tsar,” - it turns out that this scene from the film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” has quite historical roots. For almost two centuries, Russian rulers had a tradition of choosing brides using “casting”.

For a bride - only Cinderella?

The tradition of choosing wives through parades came to Russia from Byzantium, only eight centuries later. Thus, the first Russian ruler to organize a “nationwide show” was Vasily III. The traditions of the Byzantine imperial court were brought to Russia by the ruler’s mother, Sophia Paleologus.

In Byzantium, ambassadors were sent to all surrounding areas. They were required to select candidates based on three main criteria: height, head and foot size. Health and beauty were the default. The first such review dates back to 788. According to legend, then, out of 13 candidates, the granddaughter of St. Philaret the Merciful, Maria of Amnia, was chosen as the wife of the ruler.

For Vasily III, about 1,500 girls were collected from various parts of the country in 1505 to choose one and only one.

Out of 1500, the boyars selected and brought 500 to Moscow, of which they chose 300, out of three hundred 200, after 100, finally - only ten, carefully examined by midwives; From these ten, Vasily chose a bride for himself and then married her.

The ruler's wife was the daughter of the okolnichy (court rank) Solomonia Saburova. TO Aramzin wrote that she was distinguished by “chastity, beauty, blooming health.”

The royal bride certainly had to be tall. The head must be proportionate to the body. In addition, the potential wife must have a suitable foot size. In no case should it exceed the sovereign's. According to legend, the latter was done not only for beauty, but also to show “who is boss in the house.”

Ivan the Terrible - messengers to all ends

Ivan IV decided to get married when he was barely 17 years old. He even asked the Metropolitan for permission to officially begin looking for a wife.

My first thought was to look for a bride in other kingdoms; but, having considered it more thoroughly, I put this thought aside. In infancy, deprived of parents and raised as an orphan, I may not agree in character with a foreigner, - said Ivan IV to the Metropolitan (N.M. Karamzin, “History of the Russian State”).

“Officials” and representatives of the church were sent to various parts of Russia to search for their future wife. They told me to look at almost all the girls. As historians write, the requirements for the bride’s parameters remained the same as those of Vasily III.

The difference was that the king nevertheless paid attention to the birth ("nobility") of his future wife. Girls from ordinary families were simply not considered. According to various sources, about 200 candidates were selected.

He chose young Anastasia, the daughter of the widow Zakharyina, whose husband, Roman Yuryevich, was a okolnichy (one of the highest boyar ranks), and her father-in-law was a boyar of (Tsar) John III. Their family descended from Andrei Kobyla, who came to us from Prussia in the 14th century, writes Karamzin.

However, such qualities as chastity, humility, and piety were also present in the wife.

Of the six wives (and one concubine), Ivan the Terrible, through a “nationwide” review, chose three: Marfa Sobakina, Anna Koltovskaya and Anastasia Zakharyina. One of them (Zakharyina) died during her husband’s lifetime.

From this marriage, Grozny left six children, among whom was the future ruler Fyodor Ioannovich. The second wife chosen in this way (and we remember that during the “casting” health was a prerequisite) died two weeks after the wedding “due to illness.” The third (Koltovskaya) was tonsured a nun.

Mikhail Romanov and the poisoned brides

The first Romanov on the Russian throne, his mother, nun Martha, decided to marry him when he was 19 years old. The idea of ​​a nationwide show was abandoned - it was limited to a crowd of boyars and nobles' daughters.

According to a long-standing custom, they called a crowd of girls - daughters of nobles and children of boyars; Mikhail liked Marya, the daughter of nobleman Ivan Khlopov, more than anyone else, writes Karamzin.

The girl and her parents were transported to the palace and began to prepare for the wedding. Mikhail himself became good friends with the bride’s father, which frightened his close associate Mikhail Saltykov. It was decided to eliminate the beloved, and along with her numerous relatives. But getting rid of him “openly” was risky - a tsar in love could even execute him for such a thing. As a result, they decided to “write off the girl for health reasons.” Here everything was decided by chance.

According to historians, the royal bride, who adored sweets, overeated heavily on delicacies, which caused indigestion. They called a doctor who advised me to eat less. Soon everything passed, but the Saltykovs had already informed the Tsar and his mother, nun Martha (on whose opinion the Tsar was very dependent) that the bride had health problems.

After that, Saltykov called another, junior doctor named Balsyr, who found jaundice in the patient, but not severe, and said that the disease was curable. They didn’t ask him for medicine and didn’t call him to see the patient again,” writes Karamzin.

The boyars insisted that they would have to get rid of Khlopova, since there was a risk of simply not getting a healthy heir to the throne.

For the second time, the ruler decided to look for a wife not through bridesmaids. The king's mother tried to marry him to Maria Dolgorukova, whose family extended from the Rurikovichs, was rich and noble. But suddenly, immediately after the wedding, the girl began to have health problems.

On September 19, the marriage took place, and the next day the young queen turned out to be sick. They said that it was spoiled by dashing people. A little over three months later, on January 6, 1625, she died, writes Kazamzin.

When choosing a third bride, Mikhail took into account two previous sad experiences. The candidacy of the future queen was not announced almost until the wedding. Only three days before the wedding, Evdokia Streshneva was brought into the palace. She was also chosen at the review, but not from the “traditional” hundreds of candidates, but from only sixty. It was Streshneva who became the mother of the future ruler Alexei Mikhailovich.

Alexei Mikhailovich's fiancee against daughters

The last Russian tsar, who did not have the title of emperor, held reviews twice. The first “casting” took place in 1647. For Alexei Mikhailovich, the boyars selected 200 girls, most of whom lived in Moscow. Only six of them were presented to the king: the rest of the candidates were considered “unfit” by those close to the ruler. As noted by N.I. Kostomarov, in fact, the girls were not suitable not for the king, but for his entourage. Well, the relatives of the beauties were not like-minded with the “jury”.

As a result, the tsar chose the landowner's daughter, Euphemia Vsevolozhskaya. It suited everyone except the Tsar’s tutor, Boris Morozov. According to historians, it was he who persuaded the girls who were dressing the potential bride to tie her hair tighter.

When she was dressed in royal clothes for the first time, the women tied her hair so tightly that when she appeared before the king, she fainted. This was attributed to falling sickness. The bride’s father fell into disgrace because, as he was accused, he hid his daughter’s illness, writes N.I. Kostomarov (“Russian history in the biographies of its main figures”).

The objectionable lady was eliminated. Now Morozov needed to become related to the tsar. For this, as Kostomarov writes, it was decided to marry the tsar himself to one of the daughters of the nobleman Miloslavsky, and to marry the second one himself.

The Tsar gazed at one of them in the Assumption Cathedral while she was praying. Following this, the king ordered her and her sister to be called to the royal sisters, he appeared there himself and, having taken a closer look, named her his bride. On January 16, 1648, Alexey Mikhailovich married Maria Ilyinishna Miloslavskaya, writes Kostomarov.

She died in 1669 after giving birth to 13 children. The king decided to marry a second time, and choose a wife using the same review. But now he did not trust the choice to the boyars, deciding to see everyone himself. Since December 1669, more and more girls were brought to the palace. As historians write, the sovereign did not pay attention to the birth and intelligence of his future wife, selecting them according to two criteria: beauty and fertility. This had completely objective reasons. At that time, the only one who could inherit the throne was his sickly son, Ivan. A healthy boy was needed.

At the beginning of February 1670, the tsar liked Natalya Naryshkina most of all, but the tsar continued to look at the girls, hoping to find even more beautiful ones. In April, apparently, he hesitated between Naryshkina and Avdotya Belyaeva. The king's choice settled on Naryshkina; but for some reason the wedding was postponed. Since Alexei Mikhailovich already had adult daughters almost the same age as Natalya, they developed a dislike for their future stepmother. On January 22, 1671, Alexei Mikhailovich still married Natalya, writes Kostomarov.

The royal castings did not end there, but they were not carried out on such a scale.

Information has appeared on the STS Media website about the recruitment of participants to undergo preliminary casting for a new show designed to save good relationships in the family.

It is known that filming of a new reality show about saving relationships will take place on a desert island.

If you were once a happy couple, but your relationship reached a dead end and you got divorced, but you have to look for new supports in life and rebuild your relationship with your ex-spouse, because you have a child together, then an island in the ocean is the best place to dot all the i's. This is what the creators of the new reality show decided, which will film STS.

The TV channel is looking for divorced spouses who are ready to become a team again and compete with other couples for a cash prize of more than 10 million rubles. Unforgettable adventures and extreme challenges await you on an exotic island. Where he is is kept secret. Overcoming personal feuds, correcting mistakes and, perhaps, giving the family unit a second chance - all this is possible in the new reality show.

You are suitable for participation in reality if you meet the specified requirements of the producers: you and your ex-spouse are from 25 to 45 years old, you have one or two children, you were officially married, you are officially divorced for at least six months, you live on the territory of the Russian Federation or in neighboring countries and you have the opportunity to travel abroad.

At the same time, participants should not be shy of cameras and not afraid of filming on TV, be active and love adventure. In addition, participants must be healthy and physically active, feel the strength and energy to fight and win. Participants in the new show, the name of which is still unknown, will have to be prepared to spend a month and a half on an exotic island together.

After your application has been submitted, you may receive a call from the casting department who will ask you about your marital experience and ask a few questions. However, not everyone who submits an application will receive a call from the casting department. After a telephone conversation, you may be called to the first stage of in-person casting: there you will meet with producers and psychologists who will want to get to know you better. After the first qualifying round, the casting department will call you and tell you whether you made it to the next, final round. If you pass the final selection, you will have the opportunity to become the winner of a new reality show, win a prize of more than 10 million rubles and be proud of the personal achievements that will definitely happen during filming.

Castings take place in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other cities Russia. In order for your application to be considered, you must submit it on time. The closing date for applications is July 6, 2017. To fill out an application for casting in a new reality, fill out a detailed form on the official STS page , where there are questions about your weight and height, hobbies and work, relationships and much more. Read the casting details there.

A reality show on the STS channel especially for divorced couples who have not lost hope of restoring their relationship.

Air date: on Saturdays at 11:30.

About the reality show Allies

"Allies"– this is the first Russian adaptation of the format Extra Mile Israeli company Studio Glam , which has produced 23 original shows in 28 countries. The reality about divorced couples has already been seen by Israeli and Danish viewers, and the project is also being prepared for launch in Canada, China, Chile, Spain, Greece and other countries.

Since the end of June, casting for participation in a new reality show has been taking place in several large cities of Russia. The selection was made among former spouses who had been officially divorced for at least six months. A couple no older than 45 years old was supposed to have one or two children, for whom they could join forces and compete for the main prize - 10 million rubles, which, according to the terms of the competition, should be received by the children of the winning heroes.

Filming of the new STS project about ex-spouses took place in Sri Lanka. Participants lived in a luxurious villa with three large bedrooms, a lounge area and a kitchen; They were monitored by 14 cameras for almost three months. Over the course of 12 weeks, 8 couples faced 25 different psychological and physical tests, the most difficult of which was to withstand each other.

The former spouses went through insect-eating competitions, experienced an unexpected visit from their mother-in-law, and even experienced an “age” test: in one of the episodes, the participants were aged 40 years with the help of a complex 5-hour make-up. Every day, a team of 120 members of the film crew, which also included local specialists, worked with the characters.

At the end of each episode, couples who lost in the competitions were nominated for elimination. Their fate was decided by the rest of the participants. And only the two most persistent duets competed for a large cash prize in the finals.

“This is the best month and a half of my life! I never thought that my ex and I would be able to communicate again, but for the sake of our son’s future, we did it. After the project, we plan to maintain the friendly relations that we managed to restore during the project,” shared the participants of the “Allies” show.

Participants in the reality show Allies

The couple had been married for 9 years, divorced for 4 months; I have a 9-year-old daughter, Masha. Before Anna met the lead singer of the punk rock group “SMEH” Sergei, she had her own rap group, popular in Ryazan. Sergei took the girl to Moscow, the guys got married and became parents, but if Anna had to forget about creativity, the guy continued to actively study music. Constant quarrels led to divorce, but the ex-spouses decided to participate in the project for the sake of their daughter Masha.

The couple had been married for 7 years, divorced for 5.5 years; I have a 10-year-old son, Daniil. Stanislav and Anna met when they were twenty years old. The guy was a successful football player, which attracted the girl. After his injuries, he had to retire from the sport, which became the main reason for their disagreements. When the young people separated, their common son Daniil remained with his father, who dreams of not only raising his son to be a football star, but also bringing his mother back.

The couple had been married for 8 years and divorced for 6 years; They have a 12-year-old daughter, Maria, and a 4-year-old daughter, Alena. Georgy and Tatyana lived together for 22 years, during which they experienced love, betrayal and even started new families. Georgy has always been a freedom-loving guy, regularly getting tired of scenes of Tanya’s jealousy. The birth of his first daughter Masha and the stamp in his passport did not reduce the number of his infidelities. Their life took a different direction when Tatyana, tired of her husband’s endless outings, took herself a lover. When the couple divorced, Georgy married a girl from the Internet and had a child with her. This marriage “in revenge” turned out to be unsuccessful, Tatyana’s romance also ended in nothing.

The couple had been married for 3 years, divorced for 3 months; I have a 2-year-old son, Dima. Igor met Kira on the Internet; the first date was preceded by a long conversation on social networks. Kira was captivated by the care and calm nature of her boyfriend, but the idyll came to an end when her mother-in-law intervened: she did not want to register the native of Yeisk in an apartment in the capital even after the birth of her grandson. The relationship with her mother-in-law ended in a fight, and with Ivan - in divorce, since Kira could not accept the fact that her husband never stood up for her.

The couple had been married for 6 years, divorced for 1 year; I have a 6-year-old son, Misha. Vika met Pavel 9 years ago on the beach and it turned out to be “the one” who was able to break through the “armor” of a stern investigator who was used to controlling everything. After six months of marriage, the 18-year-old girl became pregnant. Having become a mother, Vika could not cope with her new status and Pavel’s love for parties and get-togethers with friends. After some time, the girl took a lover, which her despotic husband, of course, could not forgive her for.

The couple had been married for 15 years and divorced for 9 months; have a 12-year-old daughter, Alice. According to Svetlana, the host of weddings and celebrations, she molded her husband from what she had. Problems in the family arose when the girl realized that she was repeating the path of her mother, who was forced to drag her drunken father home from the yard. The decision to break up with Dmitry, who has a hereditary penchant for drinking and no other interests, was well-considered, but the man still hopes to return Svetlana.

The couple had been married for 5 years, divorced for 1.5 years; I have a 3-year-old son, Ivan. Marina spent her entire life under the wing of her rich dad, and when she received an apartment for her 20th birthday, she decided to move in with her teacher Sergei. The young people lived in perfect harmony until Marina’s father cut off her cash flow and found out about her daughter’s pregnancy. The girl was faced with a harsh reality when she realized that she could no longer count on fashionable items: Sergei taught for a meager salary, and in order to satisfy the demands of his capricious wife, he had to get another job. In the last six months of marriage, Marina began to cheat, and tired Sergei lost interest in his wife. As a result, the couple decided to separate.

The couple had been married for 6 years and divorced for 3 years; They have a 7-year-old son, Ilya, and a 2-year-old daughter, Alisa. When Alexey proposed to Regina, he had only one condition: “All your life you will not have any right of speech, no opinion, you will obey unquestioningly.” After his marriage, Alexey carried Regina in his arms for a whole year, especially when he learned that she was expecting their first child. But after a few months he began to cheat, leaving at night: the man justified this by saying that his wife did not have sex with him often enough. He “compensated” for his infidelities with expensive gifts, but at some point Regina got tired of putting up with it and filed for divorce. Two weeks after the separation, the girl found out that she was pregnant, but did not change her decision to leave her husband.

In the fifth episode of the show “Allies,” which aired on September 15, 2018, the remaining four pairs of participants were joined by five more new couples: Yulia and Ivan, Anton and Anastasia, Olga and Alexander, Olga and Andrey, Yulia and Elgudzha.

About the hosts of the reality show Allies

The hosts of the new reality show on the STS channel, actors Agniya Ditkovskite and Alexey Chadov lived together for about ten years, but in 2015 the lovers broke up. Until recently, the actors continued to be legally married. Officially, Ditkovskite and Chadov divorced only in July 2016. Despite the separation, the couple maintained good relations for the sake of their common son Fedora. Former spouses even spend vacations together.

“Our project is a cautionary tale, both for me and for those who will watch it. First of all, because it reminds us of the main task of parents - to learn to negotiate, relax and work together. For example, Alexey and I became allies even before this reality. And all this for the sake of our son Fedor,” commented Agnia Ditkovskite.

According to Agnia, their couple can be called allies: “I’ll even say more, our relationship is now stronger than ever, and all this thanks to hard work and self-improvement. We feel comfortable together, and Fedor grows in love from all sides. This is the main task of parents - to be able to negotiate, learn to relax together and work together.”

“Allies” became the first reality show in the actress’s career, so while preparing for filming, she turned to a coach for help. As Agnia admits, she has never put so much effort into any project: “It turned out that filming in the sun is much more difficult than in the cold. And the “reality” genre assumes that you are constantly in the frame with the participants.” The actress arrived on the island with her son and nanny, and later the child was looked after by her ex-husband, actor Alexey Chadov, who flew to support his ex-wife and tell the show’s characters about his experience.

“In fact, I really understand the participants: Agnia and I went through all this ourselves. We had a journey together that lasted 10 years, and during this time we separated and came together, and at some point we realized that we were destroying each other. After the divorce, it took me two years to think about everything and learn to manage my emotions. But now we are in the status of allies, because we can communicate openly, be friends, and most importantly, move on and continue our common cause - raising our son. I sincerely wish the heroes of the project to quickly get through this difficult, but very important and necessary period, in order to ultimately come to the same mutual understanding,” explained Alexey Chadov.

Reality show Allies. Final

Three pairs of allies reached the final of the “Allies” show, which STS viewers saw on November 10, 2018: Hera And Tanya(blue team), Anton And Nastya(olive team), Lesha And Regina(Gray team). However, the Olive team did not reach the super final, dropping out in the second competition. In total, the project organizers prepared three difficult tests for the finalists

After almost six hours of standing on the poles, the victory in the “Allies” show was won by Gera and Tanya, who won 10 million rubles for their two children. The money, according to the terms of the show, was transferred to the children’s account, and the parents could not touch this amount until their heirs came of age.

After the show, Gera and Tanya realized that their divorce was a mistake, and the family was reunited. Just like the family of Lesha and Regina. Kira and Vanya got married, the yellow team got together and began to live together, the Kukushkins were planning a wedding, but Pavel Volynets briefly got along with his ex-wife, after which he met with another participant in the project - Julia Dzhelia.

Creators of the reality show Allies

Producers: Daria Legoni Fialko, Ksenia Bugrimova, Anton Goreslavsky, Fatima Gappoeva
Stage director: Dmitry Vasiliev
Director of photography: Denis Eryshev
Presenters: Alexey Chadov, Agniya Ditkovskite

Real people with real stories are wanted!
If you have a child, but you are divorced and sometimes thoughts come to you to reunite for the sake of the child, to give your family another opportunity for happiness - this project is for you!
We are looking for bright and courageous participants for a new program on the federal channel!
We offer you an interesting adventure - compete with other couples for a prize of more than 10 million rubles on an exotic island and improve your relationship.

To participate in the program you will need to pass an audition.

We are strictly looking for divorced couples with 1-2 children under 10 years old!
Both parents must participate in the filming.
The marriage had to be official.
The couple must be officially divorced for at least six months.
Parents' age is 25-45 years.
Place of residence - any region of Russia and neighboring countries.
The date of filming was August 2017, the duration was one and a half months.
Filming will take place on an exotic island.


Types were not specifiedThe employer accepts applications only through the application button

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