When Tyutchev wrote a summer evening. Fyodor Tyutchev, “Summer Evening” - analysis of the poem

Tyutchev has a large number of works about nature. He is often compared to Fet, who also has many works about various landscapes. But the works of these authors are completely different. Afanasy Fet tries to find an echo of his own experiences in nature, pass it through himself and feel unity. Tyutchev speaks about nature itself, its beauty and how it is transformed. He does not touch on any of his experiences and writes only about what he sees.

In the work “Summer Evening” there is both romanticism and various kinds of symbols. Tyutchev also makes of nature a living creature capable of thinking, breathing and feeling. In this work, such an ordinary event as a sunset can be seen from a completely different side. The poet tried to make something unimaginable out of a simple phenomenon, and he undoubtedly succeeded.

The sun, stars, sky and air are part of nature, but Tyutchev made them into independent heroes. Tyutchev arranged these heroes in a clear sequence. Thus, he created his own hierarchy of values.

In the last lines, the poet says that Mother Nature is a true worker, thanks to whom magic happens.

Analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Summer Evening”

Landscape lyrics Fedora Tyutcheva often compared with the works of the no less subtle and thoughtful poet Afanasy Fet. However, in the poems of these authors, devoted to the description of nature and the elevation of its beauty to the absolute, there is one significant difference. Afanasy Fet seems to let what he sees through himself, looking for consonance with his own feelings and emotional experiences in the landscapes so dear to his heart. At the same time, Fyodor Tyutchev, admiring the change of seasons or trying to capture elusive moments of the transformation of nature, completely abstracts from personal experiences, concentrating only on what he sees.

The poet’s famous work “Summer Evening” is written in a similar manner. created in 1866. Despite the fact that by this time Tyutchev had experienced a personal tragedy, having lost his lover and two children, there is not a single hint in the work of what is happening in the poet’s soul. He appears in the image of a contemplator who has already managed to realize that life is short, and you need to enjoy every moment of it, allotted by fate.

"Summer Evening"- a very romantic and sensual poem that reveals new facets of Tyutchev’s poetic talent as a lyricist. This work contains romanticism, amazing imagery, and symbols that are characteristic of the work of this poet. In addition, Tyutchev again resorts to his favorite technique of identifying nature with a living being that can think, breathe, feel and transform, creating an amazing illusion of the changeability of the surrounding world. The poet compares the sun with a red-hot ball, which is the headdress of the earth. It was he who “rolled off the head” before the onset of evening, which was engulfed in a “fire” suddenly swallowed up by a sea wave. The whimsical and somewhat pretentious style of presentation, characteristic of such a literary movement as romanticism, in this case tells the story of an ordinary decline, which, thanks to Tyutchev’s talent, turns into an unforgettable and colorful spectacle.

The poet also revives the first pale stars that appeared in the sky, believing that they “raised the firmament with their wet heads.” At the same time the air Tyutchev compares it with a heavenly river, which after sunset “flows more fully between heaven and earth,” giving a long-awaited feeling of freshness when “the chest breathes easier and more fully, freed from the heat.” Indeed, the coolness of a summer evening can be compared to a stream of water, which brings with it freshness and life-giving power, as if giving tired and heat-exhausted nature a long-awaited rest. At the same time, the poet emphasizes with what relief and gratitude the surrounding world accepts this priceless gift from heaven, which evokes “sweet awe” in all living things on earth. At the same time, Tyutchev compares nature with a beautiful but tired maiden, for whom the coolness of the evening is a source of new strength before another hot day, “as if spring waters touched her hot feet.”

In a poem "Summer Evening" there are several images that the author arranges in a clear sequence, creating his own hierarchy of values. At the same time, the sun, stars, sky and air are only part of nature, but thanks to the poet’s very sophisticated metaphors they turn into independent heroes of the work. However, in the final lines of the poem, Tyutchev emphasizes that the true sorceress and hard worker is Mother Nature, thanks to whom all these amazing metamorphoses occur, which so amazed the poet and inspired him to create this amazingly romantic work.

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "Summer Evening" 6th grade

Before we begin the analysis of the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev, it should be noted that there is a significant difference in the writing style of the above authors. Afanasy Fet passes through himself what he sees, looking for an echo of his own emotional experiences and sensations in the landscapes dear to his heart. At the same time, Fyodor Tyutchev, trying to capture moments of natural transformation or admiring the change of season, abstracts himself

from your own experiences, concentrating only on what you saw. The famous work that we will consider today is also designed in this manner.

This creation of a poetic genius was created in 1866. Tyutchev at that time managed to experience a personal tragedy. He lost his beloved, as well as two children, but the work lacks any hint of what was happening in the author’s soul at the time of writing. He appears as a contemplative who was able to realize the brevity of life and realized that each of its moments must be fully enjoyed.

We begin our analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Summer Evening” by noting: this is a very sensual and romantic poem that reveals new facets of Tyutchev’s talent as a lyricist. The work has amazing imagery, romanticism and symbols characteristic of the work of this poet. Tyutchev again resorts to his favorite technique and identifies nature and a living being. For him, the world around him thinks, breathes, feels and transforms, creating the illusion of changeability.

The poet compares the sun with an unusual hot ball - the headdress of the earth itself. She rolls it off the head before the evening comes. He was engulfed in a “fire”, swallowed up by the waves of the sea. The unusual style of presentation, which is characteristic of romanticism, tells the story of sunset in this poem.

Thanks to the author's talent, the described phenomenon becomes an unforgettable and colorful spectacle. The poet brings to life the pale stars that first appear in the sky, describing how they lifted the vault of heaven with their wet heads. Tyutchev compares the air to a river of heaven, which after sunset flows more fully between the earth and sky, giving a feeling of freshness, allowing you to breathe more fully and easier, freeing the world from the heat. So we analyzed the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev.

analysis of Tyutchev's poem summer evening 5th grade

“Summer Evening” is not just landscape lyrics. The poem makes an attempt to show not one specific picture, but the general essence of Russian autumn evenings; not just convey the impression, but comprehend it as a phenomenon of natural life. An attempt to find analogies to natural phenomena in the phenomena of life of a “reasonable being,” that is, man, speaks of the rapprochement and interpenetration in Tyutchev’s work of two worlds - man and nature, separated in the 18th century by the philosophy of the Enlightenment. The mysterious charm of autumn evenings becomes an occasion for reflection on human fate and the divine essence of suffering.

The poem is full of epithets that create a feeling of rich painting: “touching, mysterious charm”, “ominous brilliance”, “...languid, light rustling of crimson leaves”, // Misty and quiet azure // Above the sad orphaned earth... ”, “ intermittent , cold wind”, “the gentle smile of withering”. The “cold wind” that blows in from time to time appears before us “as a premonition of descending storms.” In general, the entire poem is an expanded metaphor: the feeling that evokes in the poet “the lightness of autumn evenings” is felt by him as a gentle smile of withering, which is compared with the “divine modesty of suffering” in a person.

The color palette of the poem is unusual: the “lightness” of the evenings is combined with an “ominous shine” and “variegation of trees”, “crimson” color of leaves, “foggy” azure. Bright colors seem to be covered with a blanket of thin fog. Nature is still alive, but one can already feel the approach of winter sleep: “... and on everything // That gentle smile of withering...”

The poem is written in iambic pentameter, all three stanzas have a cross rhyme. The rhyme of the poem is rich: azure - storms, withering - suffering, on everything - we call. In the first stanza, you should probably read: evenings - trees.

“Autumn Evening” in its beginning resembles the poem “There is in the original autumn...” (1857). Twenty-seven years separate these works, and we can see how the poet moved from generalized picturesqueness to capacious simplicity and laconicism.

Analysis of Fyodor Tyutchev’s poem “Summer Evening”

In many of his works, Fyodor Tyutchev admires how the seasons change in nature, and tries to capture the unique moments of each season.

The author gave one of these pearls of poetry to readers in 1866 - the poem “Summer Evening.” In fact, during this period, the poet’s soul suffered from the loss of his closest people, but this was not reflected in the poetic work.

Here the lyrical hero is a witness to the fact that human life is unpredictable, so we must appreciate every moment that falls to our share. It is this verse that introduces Tyutchev to us as a subtle lyricist, because “Summer Evening” is a rather sensual work, in which there is both romance and saturation with symbolic images.

Tyutchev also resorted to his favorite artistic technique of personification. His nature is a living entity that can breathe, transform, and has its own thoughts and feelings. The poet’s imagination depicts the Sun in comparison with the heated circle covering our earth.

The stars in the evening sky are also animated, because in the eyes of the poet the stars lift the entire sky, and the air space is a river of heaven. And all the coolness of the coming is a water flow that brings strength to nature, exhausted by the scorching heat.

The poetry “Summer Evening” is a vivid example of landscape lyricism of romanticism. The theme is to demonstrate how beautiful Mother Nature is, having similarities with humans.

The main idea is that a cool evening after the heat of the day is a true source of vitality needed for the upcoming hot day tomorrow.
The work consists of 4 four-line stanzas. The poetic meter is iambic tetrameter, cross rhyme, lines 1 and 3 are masculine rhyme, 2 and 4 are feminine.

He also sings and draws such images as the sun, the starry sky, fresh air, etc., as components of nature. There are such artistic techniques as personification (“the wave…swallowed”), comparison, the verse is rich in metaphors (for example, “the river of air”).

You can also see examples of inversion in the poem (example: “the spring waters touched”). This indirect word order adds pathos to the poem. The obsolete word “ee” (“her”) also expresses elation.

And all of Tyutchev’s works “Summer Evening” are a solemn hymn to Mother Nature and the summer heat.

Detailed analysis of the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev

Today we will analyze the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev. The landscape lyrics of this author are often compared with the works of the no less thoughtful and subtle romantic Afanasy Fet.

Similar in sound

Before we begin the analysis of the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev, it should be noted that there is a significant difference in the writing style of the above authors. Afanasy Fet passes through himself what he sees, looking for an echo of his own emotional experiences and sensations in the landscapes dear to his heart. At the same time, Fyodor Tyutchev, trying to capture moments of natural transformation or admiring the change of season, abstracts from his own experiences, concentrating only on what he sees. The famous work that we will consider today is also designed in this manner.

Fyodor Tyutchev, “Summer Evening” - analysis of the poem

This creation of a poetic genius was created in 1866. Tyutchev at that time managed to experience a personal tragedy. He lost his beloved, as well as two children, but the work lacks any hint of what was happening in the author’s soul at the time of writing. He appears as a contemplative who was able to realize the brevity of life and realized that each of its moments must be fully enjoyed. We begin our analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Summer Evening” by noting: this is a very sensual and romantic poem that reveals new facets of Tyutchev’s talent as a lyricist. The work has amazing imagery, romanticism and symbols characteristic of the work of this poet. Tyutchev again resorts to his favorite technique and identifies nature and a living being. For him, the world around him thinks, breathes, feels and transforms, creating the illusion of changeability.

The poet compares the sun with an unusual hot ball - the headdress of the earth itself. She rolls it off the head before the evening comes. He was engulfed in a “fire”, swallowed up by the waves of the sea. The unusual style of presentation, which is characteristic of romanticism, tells the story of sunset in this poem. Thanks to the author's talent, the described phenomenon becomes an unforgettable and colorful spectacle. The poet brings to life the pale stars that first appear in the sky, describing how they lifted the vault of heaven with their wet heads. Tyutchev compares the air to a river of heaven, which after sunset flows more fully between the earth and sky, giving a feeling of freshness, allowing you to breathe more fully and easier, freeing the world from the heat. So we analyzed the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev.

Listen to Tyutchev's poem Summer Evening

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Picture for the essay analysis of the poem Summer Evening

F.I. Tyutchev is one of the outstanding poets of the 19th century. He popularized such a trend in poetry as romanticism. With his poems, he is able to awaken in human hearts love for everything: for nature, for a beautiful girl, and even for life itself.

The poem “Summer Evening,” written in 1866, is the poet’s calling card. It is no coincidence that this particular work is taught by heart in schools and studied in universities. What's so special about it? Let's try to figure it out by analyzing its content.

The work consists of four quatrains. Written, like most of the author's poems, in iambic tetrameter. The rhyme is cross. Such a presentation sets the mood for a melodic, peaceful mood. The rhythm allows you to feel like you are in the place of the lyrical hero. Together with him, the reader enjoys a beautiful evening, looking at the sun setting over the horizon.

In the poem “Summer Evening” Tyutchev uses his favorite technique - personification. The poet, with the help of simple metaphors, revives nature, turning it into a living, beautiful creature.

The author puts a “hot ball” on the head of the earth. The stars “with their wet heads” raise the “vault of heaven.” “A sweet thrill runs through the veins of nature.” All these metaphors and epithets create a beautiful image - the image of a majestic and powerful Nature. She is everywhere and the lyrical hero of the work admires her. He can breathe easily and freely on such a wonderful evening.

The poet also shows his talent in non-trivial comparisons. For example, the ordinary air that the lyrical hero breathes turns into a mighty river that “flows between heaven and earth.” It is thanks to this river that “the chest breathes easier and more freely, freed from the heat.” One feels an unusual antithesis, because, in fact, the hero breathes freely under water.

Surprisingly, Tyutchev manages to revive nature without adding his own experiences at all. The hero of the poem is simply enjoying the evening, without thinking at all about what is happening in his life.

The reader does not feel the author’s drama at all in the poem. There is nothing in him except admiration for the world around him. Apparently, the poet understood that people are just a small part of a huge planet. Our problems are absolutely insignificant in the scale of the greatness and beauty of Nature. Therefore, sometimes you need not to complain about the injustice of life, but simply enjoy the beauty of a summer evening.

In the work “Summer Evening” there are several hero-symbols: the sun, sky, air and stars. Each of these elements is admired by the hero of the poem. The author also admires these objects in his other works.

In the last quatrain, praise is given to Mother Nature herself: “And a sweet thrill, like a stream, ran through nature’s veins.” The author understands that it is nature that is the creator of everything that delights him. Therefore, only she should be praised for the beauty of the evening.

In conclusion, I would like to say that F.I. Tyutchev is a wonderful romantic poet. With his lyrics he makes even the hardest heart flutter. His ability to breathe life into the inanimate surprises not only ordinary readers, but even professional literary critics.

After reading poems such as “Summer Evening,” you just want to abstract yourself from life’s problems and enjoy the beauty of Russian nature. After all, it is so difficult to see it behind the daily bustle of the city.

The peculiarity of the landscape lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev is the lack of connection between the description of nature and the state of mind.

The poem “Summer Evening,” written in 1866, is no exception. Despite the fact that at the time of writing the work the author was experiencing a personal drama, the poem is devoid of tragedy. F.I. Tyutchev lost his wife and children, but these unfortunate events were not reflected in his work.

The poet concentrates on describing visual images, conveying to the reader the subtle details of the landscape. Thus, the author shows the need to appreciate every fleeting moment of life and see beauty in everyday things. The work is filled with symbolism, lyricism and imagery.

The poem, which includes four four-line stanzas, is written in iambic tetrameter, the lines cross-rhyme. Moreover, in the first and third lines the rhyme is masculine, in the second and fourth – feminine.

The author uses a technique characteristic of his work - personification. Nature is presented as a living being, thinking and feeling. Even the pale stars came to life, “raising the vault of heaven with their wet heads.”

The work is based on a description of a summer sunset. In this case, the sun is represented by a hot ball, which, with the onset of twilight, the earth rolls over the horizon, like a headdress covering it.

The earth is only mentioned in the poem. The emphasis is on the sky, and thus the author demonstrates the desire to get off the ground and rush upward.

Cool currents of air are described as a heavenly river that, with sunset, “flows more fully between heaven and earth,” freeing us from the heat. At the same time, the author emphasizes with what trepidation nature accepted this gift.

All these artistic techniques make the poem rich and sensual. The use of indirect word order (“the key waters have touched”) also adds beauty to the work.

The text builds a kind of chain of natural phenomena that alternately replace each other. The sun gives way to bright stars in the dark sky, and the heat of the day gives way to the refreshing coolness of the night. Although the sun, sky, and stars are part of nature, in the poem they are presented as independent heroes of the work.

In the last lines, attention is paid to nature itself, which carries out the changes described above. She is compared to a beautiful maiden who draws vitality from the cool of the evening.

Analysis of the poem Summer Evening by Tyutchev

The work “Summer Evening” was created by Tyutchev in 1866. The poet created this poem in lyrical form, which is fully filled with feelings and romance.

A certain style and rhyme allows you not only to enjoy this poem, but also to be the hero of this verse. The sun sets and the reader has the opportunity to feel all the beauty of a wonderful evening. The author uniquely and inimitably gives life to nature, making it come to life.

Various metaphors and the most beautiful epithets give greatness and power to Nature. It is also worth paying attention to the author’s talent for using comparisons. In the poem, the hero breathes air, which, thanks to speech patterns, turns into a river. Considering this moment in the poem, you can understand that it is under water that the hero of the work breathes freely. A very peculiar and unique antithesis.

Reading the poem, it is not at all clear that the author recently suffered the most tragic moment in his life. The loss of children and wife is a very great grief, but this does not affect the work in any way. This is due to the fact that people, compared to great nature, are only a small part of it. There is no need to be discouraged, but just at this moment to admire the wonderful evening, the beauty of which the author conveys.

At the end of the poem, Tyutchev focuses on the fact that all the beauty that people see is the merit of nature alone and it is she who is the creator of everything beautiful on the planet.

It is worth noting that Tyutchev is one of the greatest poets; his works will melt even the stony hearts. The author is admired by even the most professional poets and writers. When you get acquainted with such a great poem, you have a desire to forget all problems and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Option #3

In the work of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, the theme of nature occupies a special place. In his works he shows her as a living being, giving her a face and a soul. The author prefers to depict its transitional states, such as the change of seasons, day and night. Therefore, nature is always in motion and constantly changes its image.
In the poem “Summer Evening,” the poet describes the colorful sunset of a hot summer. With the help of metaphors and epithets, it is told how first the earth rolls the sun off its head in the form of a hot ball, and then the flaming sunset, called by the author “fire,” is absorbed by a sea wave.

You get the impression that you are in a theater where the sun, the globe, the sea wave and the sky painted in bright colors act as characters in a mesmerizing spectacle. And in the next scene, the heroes become the luminous stars, which “with their wet heads” lift the vault of heaven.

Another character is the invisible air, which you can only feel as it fills with freshness after a hot day. The poet compares it to a river flowing between heaven and earth. The summer evening itself appears to us as a short time interval between the heat of the day and the coolness of the night. But in such a short time, many events occur in the sky. With the help of images, an ordinary sunset turns into a unique and colorful spectacle.

Nature in this romantic work appears as a living being, like a beautiful maiden tired after a hot day: a “sweet thrill” runs through her “veins”, and her “hot legs” are cooled by spring water.

F.I. Tyutchev in the poem “Summer Evening” not only admires the beauty of Russian nature, but also makes readers admire its unforgettable landscapes, its transformation, variability and splendor.

Analysis No. 4

The works of Fyodor Tyutchev are often compared with the poetry of the no less remarkable word artist Afanasy Fet. Both of them have an excellent command of the beauty of the Russian language, they know how to subtly and thoughtfully express their thoughts, putting them in the beautiful poetic form of landscape sketches.

And yet there is a difference, and a very significant one. Fet, describing the beauty of nature in his poems, expresses his own attitude to what he saw. Tyutchev also admires magnificent landscapes and beautiful views, but does not confuse them with his own feelings and experiences.

Tyutchev’s famous poem “Summer Evening” is no exception. The date of creation of the work is 1866. The poet here acts as an observer who knows how to appreciate every bright moment in this life, enjoys it, realizing that the time allotted to us by fate is fleeting.

The work is filled with romance, sensual images, symbolism, which is so characteristic of the work of F. Tyutchev. As in his previous works, the poet depicts nature as living, spiritual, capable of thinking, feeling, and changing. It would seem that one of the most ordinary natural phenomena is a sunset, but thanks to the pen of a talented poet, it turns into an amazing colorful spectacle. The author likens the sun to a hot ball, which the earth “rolled off its head” - as if it had taken off its fancy headdress. The evening was engulfed in “fire” - it was like some living creature that had embraced its captive in a tight embrace.

With one touch of pen to paper, Tyutchev brings to life cold and distant stars, flickering with a dim, lifeless light. In the eyes of the poet, stars are mighty giants capable of lifting the sky. The author compares the air to a celestial river, which after sunset fills with water and, flowing between “heaven and earth,” gives freshness, vitality and freedom from the heat of the day. Nature is resting, she is grateful to the life-giving stream for this priceless gift.

The final part of the poem is dedicated to the main character of this work - Mother Nature, who, according to the poet, is a true sorceress, an amazing creator of everything that is beautiful in this world. It was nature that inspired Tyutchev to create such a wonderful romantic work called “Summer Evening.”

Analysis of the verse Summer Evening by Tyutchev

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev more than once compared man and nature in his lyrical works. The poem “Summer Evening” was created according to the same principle. The poet was sincerely fascinated by how nature changes during each seasonal period, and easily captured these moments in his works. Somewhat earlier before writing “Summer Evening,” the lyricist lost his wife and children, but as you can see, personal trauma is not traced in the poem. He makes it clear that, unfortunately, our life is too short and unpredictable, so we need to try to enjoy every moment and appreciate every moment.

Thanks to this work, Tyutchev reveals himself as a very subtle personality, resorting to sensuality, as well as romanticism and richness of images.

Fyodor Ivanovich uses the device of personification in this poem. Like, for example, he equates nature and describes it as a living being that is able to breathe, can transform, has its own thoughts and mind. Tyutchev compares the sun with a certain circle or something like a headdress covering and enveloping the earth. Also, the stars in the evening sky become alive, as if lifting the heavens, and the entire air space forms a celestial river, while the evening coolness quenches the thirst of the next, sultry, hot days.

In the poetry of a summer evening, the main idea is that after a sultry, summer, hot day, a cool evening filled with freshness is so necessary and this is the real source of vitality. The poem includes iambic tetrameter and consists of four line, well-rhymed stanzas.

The work A Summer Evening is an example of how carefully thought out metaphors and consistent images can do their job. The sky, air, earth, sun and stars, as if they are no longer part of nature, but the real protagonists of the plot. The author compares Mother Nature with a girl who is young and pretty, but tired of the hustle and bustle of the day, finds salvation in the cool of the evening, and also nature here is like a hard worker, thanks to which she creates and creates everything beautiful.

The main theme of the work is that all living things are compared to humans. This is clearly manifested in the creation of such consistent images as fresh air, evening coolness, sun, starry skies and other components of nature.

Grade 5 literature briefly according to plan

Picture for the poem Summer Evening

Today we will analyze the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev. The landscape lyrics of this author are often compared with the works of the no less thoughtful and subtle romantic Afanasy Fet.

Similar in sound

Before we begin the analysis of the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev, it should be noted that there is a significant difference in the writing style of the above authors. Afanasy Fet passes through himself what he sees, looking for an echo of his own emotional experiences and sensations in the landscapes dear to his heart. At the same time, Fyodor Tyutchev, trying to capture moments of natural transformation or admiring the change of season, abstracts from his own experiences, concentrating only on what he sees. The famous work that we will consider today is also designed in this manner.

Fyodor Tyutchev, “Summer Evening” - analysis of the poem

This creation of a poetic genius was created in 1866. Tyutchev at that time managed to experience a personal tragedy. He lost his beloved, as well as two children, but the work lacks any hint of what was happening in the author’s soul at the time of writing. He appears as a contemplative who was able to realize the brevity of life and realized that each of its moments must be fully enjoyed. We begin our analysis of Tyutchev’s poem “Summer Evening” by noting: this is a very sensual and romantic poem that reveals new facets of Tyutchev’s talent as a lyricist. The work has amazing imagery, romanticism and symbols characteristic of the work of this poet. Tyutchev again resorts to his favorite technique and identifies nature and a living being. For him, the world around him thinks, breathes, feels and transforms, creating the illusion of changeability.


The poet compares the sun with an unusual hot ball - the headdress of the earth itself. She rolls it off the head before the evening comes. He was engulfed in a “fire”, swallowed up by the waves of the sea. The unusual style of presentation, which is characteristic of romanticism, tells the story of sunset in this poem. Thanks to the author's talent, the described phenomenon becomes an unforgettable and colorful spectacle. The poet brings to life the pale stars that first appear in the sky, describing how they lifted the vault of heaven with their wet heads. Tyutchev compares the air to a river of heaven, which after sunset flows more fully between the earth and sky, giving a feeling of freshness, allowing you to breathe more fully and easier, freeing the world from the heat. So we analyzed the poem “Summer Evening” by Tyutchev.

Great ones about poetry:

Poetry is like painting: some works will captivate you more if you look at them closely, and others if you move further away.

Small cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creaking of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is what has gone wrong.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is the most susceptible to the temptation to replace its own peculiar beauty with stolen splendors.

Humboldt V.

Poems are successful if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is usually believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion on a fence, like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not only in verses: it is poured out everywhere, it is all around us. Look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life emanate from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. The poet makes our thoughts sing within us, not our own. By telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He's a magician. By understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful poetry flows, there is no room for vanity.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in the Russian language. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. It is through feeling that art certainly emerges. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

-...Are your poems good, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! – Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
– Don’t write anymore! – the newcomer asked pleadingly.
- I promise and swear! - Ivan said solemnly...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from others only in that they write in their words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched over the edges of a few words. These words shine like stars, and because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Ancient poets, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. This is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times there is certainly hidden an entire Universe, filled with miracles - often dangerous for those who carelessly awaken the dozing lines.

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I gave one of my clumsy hippopotamuses this heavenly tail:...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea, and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive away the critics. They are just pathetic sippers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let poetry seem to him like an absurd moo, a chaotic pile-up of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from a boring mind, a glorious song sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing more than pure poetry that has rejected the word.

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