College of Emergency Situations after 9th grade. What is required for admission

Every boy dreams of being an EMERCOM officer, since this profession in his mind is the personification of courage, valor and bravery. However, when asked how to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations after 9th grade, adults recommend that their offspring think several times and only after that make a final decision. Today you can enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations after 9th grade, but in this case we are talking about secondary specialized education. To get a higher position, after graduating from college it is recommended to enter a university, and there is a real opportunity to take advantage of preferential conditions for admission. Having completed his studies at the university, the student already receives a higher education, and in the department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations he is welcome everywhere. However, it is too early to talk about this; first you need to successfully complete 9th grade and successfully pass all entrance exams. You need to approach the realization of your dream gradually, act logically, and not spontaneously.

The first thing you need to do is find out all the possible options where you have a real chance of enrolling in the Ministry of Emergency Situations after 9th grade. There are plenty of such educational institutions on the territory of the Russian Federation, although they are not available in every city. Therefore, it is possible that after admission, a freshman will have to temporarily leave his father’s house and live in a dormitory. This is what the modern education system offers to all interested and ambitious applicants. The Ural Institute of State Fire Service invites graduates of 9th grade to the only specialty in the direction of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - Fire Safety. This is a good start, especially since such a profession is currently especially in demand in the labor market. In addition, in Yekaterinburg there is a specialized college, which also trains valuable personnel in a given direction. It’s worth noting right away that only full-time education is offered.

If an applicant has already finally decided to become an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the future, then he must tighten up his studies and pay special attention to his physical preparation. It is these indicators that can be decisive in entrance exams and will contribute to the fate of the future freshman. In fact, nothing new awaits the applicant, but he will have to pass the classical entrance exams. To do this, you need to pick up a certificate of incomplete secondary education and additionally prepare a package of entrance documents. Only after this can the former ninth-grader count on being allowed to take the entrance exams. To find out what documents are required, it is recommended to look at the website of the chosen educational institution and carefully study the information valuable to applicants. Such information already discards half of the questions.

The list of entrance exams can also be studied on the World Wide Web, but most often these are mathematics, Russian language, physics, and physical training. The applicant must have a decent secondary education certificate and be in excellent physical shape. In addition, an important indicator is the assessment of the mental state of the former student. The work ahead is physically and emotionally difficult, so you need to have nerves of steel and be psychologically stable. Separately, it is worth noting that the applicant must be healthy for medical reasons, otherwise he will not be admitted. Even if illnesses do not interfere with leading an active lifestyle and studying well, this is a contraindication for further admission to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. So parents should think about this from childhood, who their offspring will become in the future. Health in this matter is of great importance.

Since working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations is prestigious and honorable, the competition for admission reaches 6 people for 1 place. The competition is tough, and only the best enter the first year. Therefore, if a student is a poor student or has problems in certain subjects, he must improve them in a timely manner. Otherwise, his chances of successful admission are reduced to almost a minimum. Very often, parents decide to hire a tutor in the 9th grade in those subjects that are included in the list of entrance exams. This is the right decision, and such financial waste will definitely pay off in the future. The main thing is that the student treats the issue of admission with special vigilance and seriousness, then everything is in his hands. Particular attention should be paid to physical training, and for this to do more sports, it is advisable to be a member of some sports section.

After receiving secondary specialized education, the chances of entering a university increase, and such graduates can immediately be enrolled in the 2nd or 3rd year on preferential terms. This is a good start to a bright and heroic future. Separately, it is worth noting that the presence of certificates, gratitude and other marks about an active lifestyle is only welcome, so they must be provided upon admission after 9th grade to a school or college of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In order to choose the right educational institution, it is necessary to study in advance the existing specialties, conditions for admission, conditions for preferential admission, the number of budget places, and the cost of training. All that remains is to add that everyone has a chance.

Rescuers – this is what people call the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees. This work is one of the most difficult and dangerous. It requires employees to have excellent physical fitness and endurance, immediate reactions, and the ability to make decisions quickly. Taking this into account, rescuers undergo serious training and selection.

You can enroll in a university to become a service employee after completing 11th grade. Those who want to start learning the basics of the profession earlier, after 9th grade have the opportunity to enter specialized institutions.

There are only three of these in the Russian Federation today:

  • Fire and Rescue College (Moscow);
  • Fire and Rescue College (St. Petersburg);
  • cadet corps at the Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

All of these institutions accept graduates who have completed 9th grade into their ranks, and it is obvious that the competition is very high.

Of course, you can get an education in the specialties “Diver”, “Firefighter”, “Emergency Protection” in other colleges operating in the regions of Russia, but they are not specialized. Taking this into account, you should be extremely careful when preparing for and passing entrance exams.

Graduates of the listed colleges can find employment in departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and in structures involved in the prevention of fires and various accidents. In addition, they can take part in disaster relief efforts. College graduates liable for military service can undergo compulsory military service in various units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Features of training and specialties

All of the listed colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have a good material and technical base, gyms and playgrounds. These educational institutions have created favorable conditions for acquiring in-depth knowledge and skills in chosen specialties.

Applicants can choose the following areas of study:

  • fire safety;
  • protection in emergency situations;
  • vehicle maintenance and repair;
  • firefighter;
  • diver.

Training can be provided both on a budgetary and on a contract (paid) basis. Students on a budget can receive state or social scholarships. The duration of study at the College of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for graduates of 9th grade ranges from two years six months to three years and ten months.

Colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations may provide accommodation opportunities for nonresident students: educational institutions provide sleeping, shower and living rooms. Living conditions should be clarified with college administrations.
After studying at the colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies at specialized universities or begin working in accordance with the acquired specialties.

Work in these specialties involves performing challenging and interesting tasks that stimulate a person’s personal and professional growth.

At the same time, it is important that the material support of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has noticeably improved in recent years.

What is required for admission

To enter the College of the Ministry of Emergency Situations after finishing 9th grade, you need to collect a certain package of documents.

This package includes:

  • college application;
  • a copy of an identity document (birth certificate or civil passport);
  • copy of school certificate;
  • six color photos 3x4;
  • medical certificate in the prescribed form.

If a graduate enters the College of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for targeted admission, he must provide a referral from the enterprise along with the listed documents. In addition, if any benefits are available, the graduate must provide copies of relevant supporting documents.

Both boys and girls can apply for admission to the Ministry of Emergency Situations College on equal terms.

Documents are accepted in various forms: in person, using electronic services or postal services.

List of exams and standards

All applicants upon admission to the EMERCOM College must pass two tests: written psychological tests and physical exams (shuttle run, one-kilometer run, pull-ups, standing long jump).

Physical fitness testing is carried out due to the fact that the subsequent work of graduates will mainly be associated with heavy physical activity. For boys and girls, the standards may be slightly different. Passing each of the standards implies the accrual of certain points, the total amount of which will indicate the professional suitability or unsuitability of applicants.

Subsequent selection is carried out based on the results of the OGE. Thus, the selection takes place according to the number of points scored by 9th grade graduates in subjects that are specialized in accordance with the chosen specialization (biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and others).

Some colleges may have additional entrance tests. For example, at St. Petersburg College, applicants take an additional written exam in mathematics.

When choosing an educational institution, forward-thinking applicants focus on the labor market. If in some educational institutions the employment of graduates is a pedagogical problem, then in technical fire and rescue college No. 57 every graduate counts. Just imagine: the college graduated five thousand specialists, most of whom work within the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Determined like commanders

Already during their studies, college students wear the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. After graduation, graduates have completed secondary specialized education, practice in departments of the Moscow Ministry of Emergency Situations, priority admission to departmental higher educational institutions of the State Emergency Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the AGZ of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and the civil MADI and the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after. THEM. Gubkin, as well as the opportunity to find a job in the structure of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in Moscow. Having taken a step towards entering college once, children will not be left behind in life in the future. Just look at the statistics: about 70% of graduates work in the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, the rest continue their full-time studies at universities or connect their lives with work in other law enforcement agencies. Former college students, for example, serve in the ranks of the FSB, FSO and the Ministry of Defense.

Double birthday

This year, Technical Fire and Rescue College No. 57 named after Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk celebrates its 15th anniversary. “One of the initiators of the creation of the college was Leonid Korotchik, who at that time headed the capital departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations,” says college director Alexander Manaenkov. At the same time as the college, the Second Moscow Cadet Corps (MCC) also celebrates its 15th birthday. By the way, the cadet corps was annexed to the college in 2014. Now this is a unique educational institution that unites students and cadets. In the structure of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations there are quite a lot of educational institutions that graduate officers, but there are very few mid-level educational institutions - only in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

"Reservation" of students

College education is free, but the competition is quite high - 8 people per place, and in the cadet corps - 24 people. But it’s worth fighting for a place in the sun: graduates are in demand as young professionals. Practice begins already in the first year, the educational program is not overloaded with theory. Currently, the college has six training sites in different districts of the capital. The direction “Protection in Emergency Situations” is in great demand: this year the first graduation of certified specialists with the qualification of rescue technician will take place. The head of the Moscow Fire and Rescue Center, Anatoly Preobrazhensky, personally came to a meeting with students to invite them to further work in this unit of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the city of Moscow.

On Nagatinsky Proezd, specialists in the maintenance and repair of vehicles are being trained; on Nagornaya, IT specialists are being trained, in demand at the Crisis Management Center. One of the most important areas of training is the firefighter profession. The practice of student firefighters takes place in fire departments, and during the year they undergo training at the training ground of the Moscow FPS Training Center.

“The head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow, Alexander Eliseev, pays great attention to the development of the college. Glavk allows us to work on modern equipment. In the last four years alone, we have been given two fire trucks, and a third is on the way for Firefighter Day,” notes Alexander Manaenkov. The college’s training grounds are equipped with simulators “Zaval”, “Well”, simulating road accidents, and many, many others. “We try to ensure that graduates leave college not just with diplomas, but are ready for service,” says the college director.

Cult of sport

Students can be seen on the sports ground in front of the college throughout the day. Some play football, while others practice firefighting techniques as part of the curriculum. It must be said that even female students, of whom, by the way, there are many, have to run around in combat. “They understand that they will not be given any favors, so in many ways they have better results than the guys,” the teacher teaching the life safety course told me. The college has 22 areas of additional education - sections and clubs. For example, choral classes are conducted by a member of the musical group “Cascade” from the Airborne Forces ensemble “Blue Berets”, a participant in military operations. But in this educational institution there is a real cult of sports. There are also many student champions who take prizes at all-Russian competitions; there is even a European vice-champion in kickboxing.

First acquaintance

Recruitment to the college is carried out on the basis of grades 9 and 11, for the cadet corps - from grades 5 to 11. At open days you can get acquainted with the teaching staff, educational facilities, rules for admission to the college and students undergoing training. One thing is certain: they are different from other college students. Even when entering the building of an educational institution, you can be taken aback for a second - instead of “Hello,” you are greeted with a ringing “I wish you good health.”

Text: Elena Bukolova


Working for the Ministry of Emergency Situations attracts many people. Firstly, being a rescuer is very prestigious, and secondly, full state support guarantees a stable future. But how to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Where should I contact? What is needed for this? And how difficult is it to master this profession?

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

A rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a hero who is always the first to come to the rescue. However, only a few are born with such power - the rest are nurtured by experienced mentors. Therefore, answering the first question, let’s say that without the necessary preparation it is simply impossible to get into the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

But where can you find someone who can teach you the necessary skills? Well, everything is quite simple here - you need to get specialized education. The Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations or any other similar educational institution can provide it. Fortunately, in our country there are seven large institutions involved in training EMERCOM fighters. At the same time, they will gladly accept both men and women into their ranks. The main thing is that applicants are prepared for severe tests and successfully pass the entrance exams.

The best educational institutions in the country

If you are thinking about how to join the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then you need to know where rescuers are trained. Therefore, let's give a small list of educational institutions that are capable of equipping a person with the skills of a precession Ministry of Emergency Situations.

So, this is where the best rescuers of our country are trained:

  1. Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. At the moment this is one of the most prestigious educational institutions. It is within its walls that students receive the most recent and relevant knowledge aimed at protecting people.
  2. Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Despite the fact that this institution is one step lower than its predecessor, its graduates can still safely count on leading positions as rescuers.
  3. State Institute of Fire Service in Ivanovo. A good choice for those who doubt that they will pass the rigorous selection process for the academy. This is where you can get both higher and secondary technical education.
  4. Institute of State Fire Service in St. Petersburg. Not everyone can afford to get an education in the capital of Russia. Therefore, there is an excellent alternative for them, which is in no way inferior to Moscow universities.
  5. Voronezh Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Perhaps this is one of the best educational institutions providing secondary technical education.
  6. Moscow Fire College. The youngest and so far the only full-fledged college of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia.

Specializations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

At the moment, the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations involves many highly focused specializations. In addition to rescuers and firefighters, the service needs professional doctors, engineers, miners, psychologists and lawyers.

Therefore, everyone who wants to join the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations must decide what role they want to perform in the future. And only after that choose the narrow specialization in which he will study at the university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

How to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations (university) and what exams should be taken upon admission?

Like any other educational institution, when entering the Ministry of Emergency Situations university, you must pass exams. Compulsory subjects are Russian language, mathematics and physics. In addition, the list of entrance exams may vary depending on the characteristics of the educational institution, as well as the specialization chosen by the student.

For example, a fire safety engineer will have to complete written assignments in Russian, mathematics and physics. But EMERCOM candidates with a legal background need to write an essay, as well as demonstrate their knowledge of social studies and the history of Russia.

In addition, a rescuer from the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a person with excellent physical fitness. Therefore, in addition to generally accepted exams, applicants will also have to pass strength standards. Moreover, this rule applies to both men and women, regardless of the specific direction chosen.

How to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations without having to undergo specialized education?

Few people know that a university or academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not the only way to get a job in this department. To be more precise, it is quite possible to bypass specialized education by obtaining a law or medical degree.

Thus, quite often law school graduates are hired as civil service officers. That is, you will have to become an expert in working with appeals from victims or employees of the Department of Administrative Work. You can also try your luck and try to get a position as a chief specialist in the legal department. However, there is one big disadvantage - there are no guarantees that you will be able to get a job in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, even after successfully graduating from law school. Indeed, today many fire-technical educational institutions have their own department of jurisprudence.

The work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is inextricably linked with human casualties. Therefore, in the ranks of rescuers there are always those who have a medical education. Consequently, those who graduated from a medical institute or college can safely apply for a position in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The main disadvantage is the length of training, and therefore this option is suitable only for those who have finally decided to link their fate with doctoral practice.

Preliminary check of all rescuers

All employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are strong people in body and spirit. Otherwise, they will not be able to perform their duties properly. Therefore, before accepting a new candidate into the ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, he is carefully checked according to two indicators.

  • Physical condition. Initially, everyone who wants to become a rescuer undergoes a strict medical commission. It will show whether a person can withstand the physical exertion that awaits him ahead. In addition, if a person has serious health problems, he will be denied an attempt to become an Emergencies Ministry.
  • Psychological toughness. Good health alone is not enough to enter the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The future fighter must withstand emotional pressure and stress so as not to let his team down in the future. The psychological strength of candidates is checked through an interview and a number of special tests.

Therefore, before submitting an application to the HR department, check your physical and emotional state. This way, you will have time to work on yourself and correct current problems, if possible.

Special requirements for employment in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

What else do you need to know about how to apply to the Ministry of Emergency Situations? First of all, it is necessary to remember the criteria that guide HR departments. And although there are few of them, they are all strictly regulated by Russian legislation. Therefore, all candidates for the position of lifeguard are required to:

  1. Be of legal age, but their age should not exceed 40 years. (An exception is for persons wishing to enroll in a technical school or university. In this case, the threshold is reduced to 17 years).
  2. Have excellent physical and psychological preparation.
  3. Be citizens of the Russian Federation.

Work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations for girls and women

For obvious reasons, girls are not included in the emergency response team. And yet, the role of the fair half of humanity can hardly be overestimated, because they are often responsible for coordinating all rescue operations. With that in mind, let's look at other positions that are more likely to hire women.

  • The emergency dispatcher is the eyes and ears of the entire rescue team. It is he who is the first to respond to a call about a disaster and makes those key decisions, thanks to which a team of EMERCOM fighters goes to the scene.
  • The psychologist is another important representative of rescuers. This specialist always accompanies his team and, if necessary, helps victims recover from the resulting emotional shock.
  • Also, women are hired as field doctors without a shadow of a doubt, since in this case the existing skills are more important, rather than the physical component.

In addition to all of the above, girls can count on a position as a civil service officer, laboratory assistant, forensic scientist or photographer.

Moscow Government College

Based on 9th and 11th grades. All forms of training

15 faculties, 70 programs. State diploma

British College of Banking and Finance in Moscow

Business education after grades 8–11. British diploma.

Daytime and evening programs. Moscow center.

Secondary vocational education in Moscow

All colleges and technical schools in Moscow after 9th grade, including colleges at Moscow universities. Specialties for 2018 are added by official representatives and moderators of our project.

Reviews and ratings of Moscow colleges
Technical colleges of Moscow: subtleties of training

Technical and polytechnic colleges and technical schools in Moscow. Specialties after 9th grade, subtleties of choice. Addresses of the best technical educational institutions in Moscow.

Construction colleges in Moscow: how to apply and who they teach

Review of construction colleges, technical schools and schools in Moscow. The most popular construction specialties. Subtleties of admission and training. List and contacts of the best construction colleges in Moscow.

Moscow colleges, technical schools and schools of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Today this seems surprising - but until 1990, under the USSR, a separate rescue service did not exist at all, much less schools, technical schools and colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. However, taking into account the positive experience of many foreign countries (in particular, the American “9119raquo;) and the memory of the then recent earthquake in the Armenian Spitak that shook the entire country in the late 1980s, a similar service was created on the basis of the Chief Fire Department in Russia. The initially planned small detachment of about 500 people formed the RKS (Russian Rescue Corps), which only by 1994 became a ministry that united under its leadership the best professionals who received the appropriate equipment and equipment.

As of mid-2014, the Ministry of Emergency Situations had more than 7,000 employees, and the training of specialists was carried out at a professional level in the relevant educational institutions.

Considering the narrowness of specialization and the relative youth of this area associated with the elimination of the consequences of various emergency situations, in all of Russia there are still only 7 educational institutions that train specialists in this profile. Specialties at the secondary education level can be obtained in five of them - three of which are located in Moscow - the Moscow Fire Service Academy (including secondary vocational education), the Fire College and the Second Cadet Corps, which also belongs to the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation.

Moscow city, st. Marksistskaya, building 3, building 5, 3rd floor (Business center "Tagansky")

198095, St. Petersburg, st. Baltiyskaya, 35

129366, Moscow, Boris Galushkin street, building 4

Thus, the choice of colleges, technical schools and schools for obtaining secondary vocational education in this area in Moscow is small (especially taking into account the restrictions imposed on the social status of children admitted to the latter). Therefore, the most important thing for a future fire safety specialist should be the willingness to devote himself to this dangerous, but extremely necessary profession. For the rest, one should rather focus on the desire to continue receiving further education in this structure - since the issues of providing housing and food (especially for nonresidents) in this structure were initially completely resolved by the state.

Frequently Asked Questions

Colleges, technical schools, schools

The information presented on the site is also published in the corresponding directory of the “Education” series. In it you will find a complete list of state secondary specialized educational institutions in Moscow and the Moscow region with descriptions of specialties and contacts, as well as a lot of useful information for applicants.

Technical Fire and Rescue College named after Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk

GBPOU TPSK im. V.M. Maksimchuk

Moscow, Svetly proezd, 2 a


Director - Alexander Mitrofanovich Manaenkov

GBPOU Technical Fire and Rescue College named after Hero of the Russian Federation V.M. Maksimchuk- an educational institution that combines in its structure a TWO-STAGE education system, the purpose of which is to create the necessary conditions for obtaining:

Primary vocational education (PPE) along with secondary (complete) general education

Secondary vocational education (SVE)

The college carries out social partnership with government agencies and emergency response services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Cooperation agreements have been concluded with the Agencies for the provision of civil protection measures of the Northern Administrative District and the Southern Administrative District of Moscow, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow, and the MTC of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow.

College graduates, depending on the profession or specialty received, are employed:

Firefighters, State Fire Inspectorate inspectors, guard chiefs at the fire departments of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow;

Computer operators and automated control system technicians in the Emergency Monitoring and Forecasting Centers, the Crisis Management Center of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for the city of Moscow, the Force Management Center;

Auto mechanics and technicians for the maintenance and repair of special equipment in the specialized fire and rescue squad of the Civil Protection Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the city of Moscow;

To the search and rescue teams of the Civil Protection Agency of administrative districts.


Qualification: Technician. duration of study: based on 9 classes - 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, physical training


Qualification: Technician - rescuer. Duration of training: based on 9 classes – 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, mathematics, physical training


Qualification: Technician. Duration of training: based on 9 classes – 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, mathematics


Qualification: Information systems technician, specialization: monitoring and forecasting of emergency situations. Duration of training: based on 9 classes – 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, mathematics, computer science


Qualification: Technician. Duration of training: based on 9 classes – 3 years 10 months. Entrance exams: Russian language, mathematics, computer science

Qualification: Firefighter. Duration of training: based on 9 classes – 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: physical training

Qualification: Car repair mechanic. Duration of training: based on 9 classes – 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: no


Qualification: Hardware and software adjuster. Duration of training: based on 9 classes – 2 years 5 months. Entrance exams: no/

Spoken English

Operator of electronic computers

Car repair mechanic

Basics of emergency rescue operations

Participation in the training of volunteer fire brigades (VFD)

Fire Safety Technician

Circles and sections: OF, Boxing, Fire and rescue sports, Military-patriotic association "Cadet", Football, Athletics, "Firefighters", Young firefighter, Amateur performances, Kho, Basketball, Volleyball, Volunteer movement, Hand-to-hand combat, Music group "Orange" , Arm Wrestling, Sambo Wrestling, Inspiration Club, Arts and Crafts Club

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