Summary of speech therapy classes on health. Notes of individual speech therapy classes with children with mental retardation; outline plan for speech therapy classes (preparatory group) on the topic

Sections: Primary school

When organizing corrective speech therapy classes with children suffering from mental retardation, it is always necessary to proceed from the child’s capabilities - the task must be accessible to the student, Always It is necessary to ensure that the tasks are moderately difficult and, by completing them, the student experiences joy both from overcoming the difficulty and from his success. The teacher’s attitude during the lesson should be extremely friendly; it is important to celebrate every, even small, achievement of the child. It is extremely important to treat inability, failure, and mistakes correctly, so that the child does not transfer the mistake noticed by the teacher, his inability to assess his abilities as a whole, but learns together with the teacher to analyze, understand what his difficulties are and what can help him achieve good results in the future. results. The goal and results should not be too distant in time from the beginning of the task. They must be significant for students, therefore, when organizing corrective action, additional stimulation is necessary.

At a time when a child cannot yet get a good grade in class, it is important to create a situation for achieving success in individual and group classes. For this purpose, you can use a system of conditional qualitative and quantitative assessment of the child’s achievements. The system of rewarding each correct answer with “tokens” - chips, stickers, stars, pictures, etc. has proven itself well.

Speech therapy work with children of primary school age suffering from mental retardation should take into account their psychological characteristics and is carried out in the following areas:

  • Development of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization;
  • Development of visual perception, analysis, visual memory;
  • Formation of spatial representations;
  • Development of auditory perception, attention, memory;
  • Correction of motor development disorders, especially disorders of fine and articulatory motor skills;
  • Correction of violations of sound pronunciation, distortions of the sound-syllable structure of the word;
  • Vocabulary enrichment;
  • Development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations.

Equipment: cards with text, crosswords, subject pictures, tape recorder, sheet of Whatman paper, paints, chalk drawing.

  • Correctional and educational:
  • Formation of mental activity skills based on text.
  • Activation of the dictionary.
  • Strengthening reading skills
  • Consolidating the ability to answer questions, developing dialogical speech
  • Correctional and developmental:
  • Improve phonemic processes;
  • Learn to arbitrarily change voice strength and intonation; pronounce words and phrases clearly with natural intonation.
  • Development of general and fine motor skills.
  • Development of creative abilities.
  • Correctional and educational:
  • Evoke an emotional mood for a fairy tale.
  • Cultivating a sense of empathy.


Organizational moment.

Come on, come on,
I'm very glad to see you.
With an interesting new fairy tale
I'll introduce you now

- I'm glad to meet you guys! Now I invite you to immerse yourself in the MAGIC OF NATURE. Close your eyes and imagine last summer. You are standing in a forest clearing, flowers are blooming all around, trees are rustling. They whisper the name of each of you. Try to hear the trees and flowers calling you.

(children close their eyes, music sounds)

Now open your eyes and tell me what did you hear?

(Psychological attitude. Children say their names.)

Report the topic of the lesson.

Imagine that we are walking along a forest path.

1. And suddenly, in front of us is a web that a forest spider has woven, and in order to get around it, we need to solve its riddle

2. So you guessed what the spider offered us.

Main part.

1. Listen to an amazing fairy tale about an unusual flower and try to remember words with sounds [ s, z, c].

An unusual flower grew in a forest clearing. The leaves, stem, and petals of the flower were blue.

My petals are white, and the middle is yellow,” Chamomile boasted.

And I can be pink, and red, and white. “I’m beautiful,” Rose arrogantly entered the conversation.

Cornflower rejoiced at the color of his flowers. And only the blue flower silently listened to the conversation.

“How ugly I am,” the flower thought sadly. When everyone fell asleep, he cried pitifully: he was so offended for himself.

“I want to be colorful,” the flower moaned, wiping away his tears.

And instantly a sorceress from the Kingdom of Colors appeared in front of him. Without thinking, she painted the blue flower in different colors. His wish came true: he became multi-colored.

When all the flowers woke up in the morning, they saw a beautiful flower. They had never seen such flowers anywhere. Multi-colored flower - this is the name given to the flowers of an unusual flower. The flowers were proud of their proximity to him.

2. Conversation based on a fairy tale.

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Name words with the sound [s] and determine the position of the sound in the word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd syllable, etc.)

Name words with the sound [z] and determine the position of the sound in the word.

Name words with the sound [ts] and determine the position of the sound..

3. Reading a fairy tale in a chain.

4. Selective reading.

What did the blue flower look like?

(find words in the text)

What did chamomile boast about?

What did the rose say about itself?

Why was the cornflower happy?

What was the blue flower sad about?

Who helped the blue flower become colorful?

What was the name of the new flower?

Physical exercise.

Now let’s get off the path and rest.

Exercise "Hot Coins"

Take a deep breath: slowly raise your straight arms to chest level, palms up.

Hold your breath: while holding your breath, concentrate on the middle of your palms (feel the sensation of a “hot coin” in the center of your palm)

Slow exhalation: while exhaling, draw geometric shapes (squares, circles, triangles) with both hands at the same time.

Working with cards.

Take a blue pencil and color in the words that have a sound in them. [With]. Determine the place of the sound in the word. Describe the sound. ( consonant, voiceless, hard)

Take a yellow pencil and color in the words that have sound in them. [z]at the beginning, in the middle, at the end). Describe the sound ( consonant, voiced, hard).

Take a red pencil and color in the words that have a sound in them. [ts]. Determine the place of the sound in the word ( at the beginning, in the middle, at the end). Describe the sound (consonant, voiceless, hard).

How are the sounds [s, z, c] similar? ( Because they are consonant and firm)

What differences are there in the characteristics of sounds, how do they differ? (Sound [s] is unvoiced, and the sound [z] is voiced.)

And the sound [ts]?(It is similar in characteristics to the sound [With]).

5. Work on intonation.

Repeat the words of the blue flower as sadly as possible.

“I want to be colorful,” the flower moaned, wiping away his tears.

6. Drawing.

Draw a blue flower and a multi-colored flower.

Tell us what they have in common and how they differ?

Guys, now imagine that you are a blue flower and say the phrase: "I love the sun. When it shines, I feel warm and cozy."

Now imagine that each of you is a colorful flower and say the same phrase. Is there a difference in intonation?


Self-massage of hands

Warming our hands

We need to warm our hands,
Grind harder.

"Making Fire"

We are like the ancient Indians
Getting a spark:
Twist the stick vigorously
And we'll get fire for ourselves.

"Saw" (boys)

We are sawing, we are sawing a log,
It's very thick.

“Putting on bracelets” (girls)

We put on bracelets
We twist, we twist, we promote.
Left-right, left-right,
On the other hand first.

Using your eyes, draw a flower with four petals (3 times clockwise, 3 times counterclockwise)

Work in notebooks:

What date is today? Month?

Write it down.

Assignment: write down the words in 3 columns.

Forest pink flowers

A rose flower has grown

Petals of an ugly sorceress

Boasted of the kingdom

Working with a crossword puzzle.

Game "Who's first?"

1. What color is the Multicolored Flower? ( multi-colored)

2. The name of a flower that can be called affectionately. ( Knapweed)

3. What is the name of the stem of any flower? ( Stem)

4. What is green in any flower? ( Leaves)

5. What is the name of the queen of flowers? (Rose)

6. When a flower withers, it falls to the ground. Call me kindly. ( Petals).

7. The name of the kingdom in which the sorceress lived. ( Multicolor)

8. New name for the blue flower. (Multi-colored)

9. What happened vertically? (Flower)

The children have cards, and there is a large crossword puzzle on the board.

After the children complete the 1st task, it is entered into the crossword puzzle on the board, etc. (who's ahead?).



And now we will draw a collective picture based on the fairy tale “The Little Flower”. What do you think is the mood of the flowers?


So we will draw joy.

Summing up the lesson.

What do you remember from our lesson today?

What have you learned?

Thank you guys, today you made me happy with your good work and good mood. And now I want to give you these flowers as a farewell gift.

(The speech therapist gives the children drawings or pictures of flowers.)
















1. Basic principles of speech therapy work

2. Children’s speech development is normal

3. Characteristics of speech of children with mental retardation

4. Features of speech therapy work with children suffering from mental retardation




Speech therapy stands among other special sciences: deaf pedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy, typhlopedagogy, education and training of children with motor disorders; it has a common methodological basis with them and a common special task: maximum overcoming of defects in children suffering from a disorder (in this case, speech) and preparing them for work.

The upbringing and education of children suffering from certain speech defects turns out to be especially important. Both the upbringing of such children and their re-education require the speech therapist to know the patterns of speech development, as well as the development of those processes that are closely related to speech.

It is on the basis of patterns (physiological and psychological) that special speech therapy methods are built.

1. Basic principles of speech therapy work

The system of speech therapy interventions can be formulated in the form of the following provisions.

1. Speech therapy work should be carried out taking into account the personality of the speech pathologist, both its negative aspects, which must be re-educated, and the positive ones, which must be used in the compensation process; in particular, taking into account the interdependence and connection of the activities of all analyzers, the involvement of healthy analyzers is used to compensate for the activity of defective ones.

2. Speech therapy involves the speech of a person as a whole: the speech therapist must create a dictionary, grammatical structure and the sound side of speech (motor alalia), even with the mildest speech disorder, when there are pronunciation defects of only some sound groups and individual sounds, he cannot limit his work only by creating the correct isolated sound, and from the point of view of pronunciation of this sound, rework the dictionary (not a bow, but a hand, not a scythe, but a cat. The speech therapist must not only achieve the correct pronunciation of soft and hard consonants or voiced and voiceless, but also distinguish between them , i.e., prepare the basis for correct written speech.

3. The focus of speech therapy work should always remain the most affected link of this disorder (the primarily impaired component of speech). So, for example, with dyslalia and dysarthria it will be sound pronunciation, with alalia - a dictionary, with stuttering - a calm, smooth flow of speech, etc.

4. Depending on the stages of speech development, the speech therapist must change his target methodological settings.

5. In a correctly constructed speech therapy process, the patterns and sequence of normal speech and general mental development must be taken into account.

6. The organization, form of work, and the material involved must correspond to the age of the speech therapist: when working with a schoolchild, it is advisable to quickly include program material and conduct classes in the form of school ones, and with a preschooler, use mainly game forms, but still build your work in the form of organized and planned classes.

7. The difficulties of speech therapy work and its timing will depend on the nature of each speech disorder and its degree. For example, the gradual development of sound pronunciation in dysarthria is associated with a gradual complication of the articulatory structures of the sounds of a given language and with a gradual transition from less affected movements to more affected ones.

8 All the work of a speech therapist should be imbued with psychotherapy, which is based on an understanding of the difficulties of a speech therapist, on the understanding that the majority of poorly speaking people have a hard time experiencing their speech insufficiency - the ridicule of others, failures in studies; many of them already doubt that they will be able to overcome their difficulties.

9. Education and re-education of speech occurs under the targeted influence of a speech therapist, largely based on imitation of the speech therapist, therefore the personality of the speech therapist and, in particular, his speech acquires very great importance. Painstaking, thoughtful work is possible only if the speech therapist sincerely loves his work and children.

A speech therapist must be able to observe subtly in order to know well those with whom he works, especially since in the process of work their speech level changes all the time, and in connection with this change, the difficulties and tasks of speech therapy work change accordingly. (So, when working with a motor speaker, at the first stage it is most difficult to overcome his speech negativism; at the second and third stages, difficulties in the field of vocabulary and grammatical structure increase and the danger of stuttering appears.)

The speech therapist must have a good knowledge of the main speech disorders and their course, must be familiar with the modern understanding of their mechanisms, must know the methods of initial teaching of literacy and mathematics, since it is he who has to begin teaching children with severe speech disorders (dysarthria, alalia, rhinolalia, etc. ).

Speech therapy classes are conducted with specially selected groups or individually.

The speech therapist’s speech should be a role model in all respects: in its tempo, diction, euphony, correctness of expression and pronunciation. Thus, a speech therapist cannot be either a stutterer or a tongue-tied person; he must be able to speak freely and expressively.

The work of a speech therapist should be well equipped with various aids. As aids in speech therapy work, there are toys, pictures (subject, plot, series of sequential pictures), board games (such as lotto, dominoes “Who is faster”), books (primers, reading books, fiction, textbooks for different grades), tables on the Russian language. The speech therapist uses all of these manuals depending on the immediate task that he sets for himself in connection with the nature of the disorder, the stage of work, the intelligence and general development of the student. In this regard, toys, pictures, texts must be specially selected and grouped.

2. Children’s speech development is normal

How to correctly assess the state of your baby’s speech? How and when should a child speak? In what cases should you worry, and in what cases should you just wait? How not to miss the moment when he may need your help or the help of specialists? These and other difficult questions are asked by those parents who care about how their baby will grow up.

Many parents believe that they should not interfere with the process of speech formation, that the child will grow up and “everything will improve on its own,” and he will learn to speak on his own. “Nobody taught us,” they say, “and there were no speech therapists, and nothing, they learned, and they will learn.” This is a wrong opinion! Under no circumstances should you leave things to chance; if you suspect something is wrong in your child’s speech development, it is better to play it safe and contact a specialist who will probably dispel your doubts and say that your baby is fine, or will give the necessary recommendations that will help correct the process of speech formation in time.

In order for you to be able to correctly assess the level of speech development of your baby, we suggest that you get acquainted with how a child’s speech development proceeds normally. The concept of a norm in this case is very conditional - there is no one, uniform age for all children when they begin to talk, much depends on the individuality of the child.

Speech is not an innate ability of a person; it is formed gradually, along with the development of the child and under the influence of the speech of adults. The social and speech environment surrounding the child is not only a condition, but also a source of speech development. Without a healthy language environment, full speech development is unthinkable.

There are known cases of the so-called “Mowgli’s children”, who, due to various circumstances, grew up outside the speech environment, outside human communication. When they were found, they had no speech and, moreover, such children were never able to master full speech even after returning to people, despite all the efforts of specialists, since the sensitive (most favorable) period for the development of speech had already passed.

Another example is that of deaf-mute parents, children with normal hearing do not speak for a long time (sometimes up to 5 years), their speech develops with peculiarities. These examples prove that for the timely and correct development of speech, full verbal communication is necessary. The more and more often a child communicates with others on a daily basis, the earlier and better he begins to speak.

For the normal formation of speech, a certain maturity of the cerebral cortex and the child’s sensory organs (hearing, vision, touch) is necessary; the psychophysical health of the child is of great importance. Frequent illnesses, infections, injuries, allergies, adenoids, otitis media, gastrointestinal diseases at an early age have a negative impact on the formation of speech - they weaken the child’s body and reduce his mental activity.

Speech begins to develop almost from the first days of life and goes through several stages of development.


for preschoolers with mental retardation.

Topic: "Home"



- Enrich your vocabulary on the topic “Home”; - Clarify and expand the understanding of the purpose and materials from which houses are built; - Consolidate knowledge about where animals, insects, fish live; - Improve the grammatical structure of speech; - Formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with various materials; - Help in the practical mastery of the preposition “in”; - Form complex words; - Improve the sound culture of speech (automate the sounds, develop the rhythmic structure of the word).

Correctional and developmental:

Develop coherent speech - Develop attention, thinking; be able to compare objects, highlighting distinctive features.

Correctional and educational: - Cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards the environment.


Progress of the lesson:

I.Organizational moment. Greetings. Introduction to the lesson. Speech therapist and child: We always speak beautifully, Boldly and leisurely, We speak clearly, clearly, Because we are not in a hurry. Speech therapist: Guess the riddle:

My relatives live there,

I won’t forget the way to him.

I can hardly breathe without him,

Speech therapist: What is a home? (House is a living space where we spend the night, relax, where we come from kindergarten, from work)

Here is a beautiful house,

We open the doors in it,

And we meet friends there

Let's get Chupa and Chupa - heroes of articulation gymnastics) II. Main part. Articulation gymnastics. Exercises “Hippopotamus”, “Swing”, “Cup”, “Needle”.

Speech therapist: Previously, houses were built from natural materials: wood, stone and clay (pictures). In order to build more and faster, they came up with slabs of concrete and brick (pictures) A ​​house made of brick (what kind of house?) - a brick house. from concrete - from plastic - from paper - from stone - from metal - from ice - from clay - from glass - from wood - Speech therapist: Name the parts of the house (walls, roof, doors, windows, balconies, chimney, steps) Speech therapist: If the house has many floors, what kind of house is it? (multi-storey) My house is high, and my house is (low). My house is light, and my house is (dark). My house is one-story, and my house is (multi-story). My house is big and my house is (small). My house is old, and my house is (new). My house is on the left of the road, and my house is on the (right) of the road. My house is on a wide street, and my house is on a (narrow) street.

Speech therapist: A home is needed not only by people, but by all living beings. Handout with animals and their homes. Game "Who Lives Where" Select a living creature and its home.

Speech therapist: It is very difficult for living beings without a home! Birds, animals, insects need housing... For nimble and fast forest ants There is food and shelter in a large anthill. The fox and badger live in dark holes, and the birds build cozy nests. Living creatures without a home are in trouble. And people without a home are absolutely nowhere!

Physical education minute. An exercise to develop coherent speech - a description of the object “My House” (a story based on a drawing).

III. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: “Away is good, home is better!” Home is a place where we feel good, we are expected and we are always welcome. I may feel good visiting, but home is better. No matter where I go, I will always return home. My native walls are waiting for me - They will help, protect. After all, at home they will always understand us, console us and forgive us!

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“Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson for preschoolers with mental retardation. Topic: "Home"


individual speech therapy session

for preschoolers with mental retardation.

Topic: "Home"

Target: improve the lexical structure of speech. average


Correctional and educational:
- Enrich your vocabulary on the topic “Home”;
- Clarify and expand the understanding of the purpose and materials from which houses are built;
- Consolidate knowledge about where animals, insects, fish live;
- Improve the grammatical structure of speech;
- Formation of relative adjectives with the meaning of correlation with various materials;
- Help in the practical mastery of the preposition “in”;
- Form complex words;
- Improve the sound culture of speech (automate the sounds, develop the rhythmic structure of the word).

Correctional and developmental:

Develop coherent speech
- Develop attention and thinking; be able to compare objects, highlighting distinctive features.

Correctional and educational:
- Cultivate a caring, caring attitude towards the environment.

Equipment: Handouts with animals and their homes, pictures depicting a person’s home, one-story and multi-story houses, pictures depicting building materials, a reference diagram for describing the house.

Progress of the lesson:

I.Organizational moment. Greetings. Introduction to the lesson.
Speech therapist and child:
We always speak beautifully
Boldly and leisurely
We speak clearly,
Because we're not in a hurry.

Speech therapist: Guess the riddle:

My relatives live there,

I strive for it always and everywhere,

I won’t forget the way to him.

I can hardly breathe without him,

My shelter, dear, warm... home. (The house opens)

Speech therapist: What is a home? (House is a living space where we spend the night, relax, where we come from kindergarten, from work)

Here is a beautiful house,

We open the doors in it,

And we meet friends there

Let's get Chupa and Chupa - heroes of articulation gymnastics)

II. Main part.
Articulation gymnastics.
Exercises “Hippopotamus”, “Swing”, “Cup”, “Needle”.

Speech therapist: Previously, houses were built from natural materials: wood, stone and clay
(pictures). To build more and faster, they came up with slabs of concrete and brick

Didactic game: “Name which house?”
Brick house (what house?) – brick house.
made of concrete - made of plastic - made of paper -
from stone - from metal - from ice -
made of clay - made of glass - made of wood –
Speech therapist: Name the parts of the house (walls, roof, doors, windows, balconies, chimney, steps)
Speech therapist: If a house has many floors, then what kind of house is it? (multi-story)

Game “Say the other way around” (with a ball)
My house is high and my house is (low).
My house is light, and my house is (dark).
My house is one-story, and my house is (multi-story).
My house is big and my house is (small).
My house is old, and my house is (new).
My house is on the left of the road, and my house is on the (right) of the road.
My house is on a wide street, and my house is on a (narrow) street.

Speech therapist: A home is needed not only by people, but by all living beings.
Handout with animals and their homes. Game "Who Lives Where"

Select a living creature and its home.

Speech therapist: It is very difficult for living beings without a home!
Birds, animals, insects need housing...
For nimble and fast forest ants
In a large anthill there is food and shelter.
The fox and badger live in dark holes,
And the birds build cozy nests.
Living creatures without a home are in trouble.
And people without a home are absolutely nowhere!

Physical education minute.

An exercise to develop coherent speech - a description of the object “My House” (a story based on a drawing).

III. Summary of the lesson.

Speech therapist: “Away is good, home is better!” Home is a place where we feel good, we are expected and we are always welcome.
May I have a good time visiting
But home is better.
No matter where I am -
I'll always come home.
My native walls are waiting for me -
They will help and protect.
After all, at home they will always understand us,
They will console and forgive!




Speech therapy orientation


1st class

Designed by:

first speech therapist teacher

Popova N.A.

1. Explanatory note

This Program is intended for speech therapy work in secondary schools with 1st grade students with disabilities (ZPR 7.2) who experience difficulties in mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

The work program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education for students with disabilities and was developed on the basis of an approximate basic educational program for primary general education and recommendations and developments of leading specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy A.V. Yastrebova, T.P. Bessonova, I.N. Sadovnikova, R.I. Lalaeva, G.V. Chirkina, I.V Prishchepova, L.G Paramonova, etc. An integral part of the educational and methodological set for the implementation of the work program is the speech therapy albums by the author T. I. Prokopyeva “On the correction of speech disorders and the prevention of writing disorders” and the manual “Methodological recommendations for speech therapy albums on overcoming speech disorders in 1st grade schoolchildren.” , Chuvash book publishing house, 2013. and manual by L.N. Efimenkova "Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students" - M.: National Book Center, 2015 + CDs.

Due to the fact that the teacher-speech therapist undergoes speech therapy diagnostics in the first two weeks of September and the last two weeks of May, 81 hours are allocated for studying the correctional course in the 1st grade, the work program for the 1st grade provides for training in the amount of 3 hours per week. The form of organization is subgroup classes.

This program is used at the final stage in the system of a single continuous process of speech therapy support for students with disabilities who need to organize special learning conditions taking into account special educational needs.

Purpose of the course— Overcoming oral speech disorders and preventing written speech disorders in order to successfully master the school curriculum.

The requirements of the New Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation of educational institutions presuppose the formation of universal educational activities (UAL). The formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive, communicative educational skills is reflected in the objectives of the program.



1. Formation of full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of a word based on the development of phonemic processes and skills in analysis and synthesis of the sound-letter and syllabic composition of a word.

2. Enrichment of vocabulary by clarifying existing words and accumulating new words in the process of developing the ability to actively use various methods of word formation.

3. Introduction to the active dictionary of educational words-terms: sound, letter, syllable, vowels, hard-soft consonants, voiceless-voiced consonants, etc.

4. Mastering the rules of spelling and the rules of writing sentences.

5. Formation of correct reading and writing skills.


1. Clarification of correctly pronounced sounds, production and automation of defectively pronounced sounds.

2. Development of phonemic processes, sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.

3. Formation of readiness to perceive certain spellings, the spelling of which is based on complete ideas about the sound composition of the word.

4. Development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech (processes of word formation and inflection).

5. Formation of skills in constructing a coherent statement.

6. Formation of temporal and spatial representations.

7. Development and improvement of psychological prerequisites for learning:

Stability of attention, ability to remember, ability to switch, cognitive activity, skills and techniques of self-control.

8. Formation of regulatory communication activities:

Formulation of your thoughts in oral and written speech;

Planning upcoming activities;

Monitoring the progress of your activities;


1. Formation of a sense of responsibility and self-confidence.

2. Formation of personal qualities: organization, good manners, mutual respect for each other.

The program is designed in accordance with:

"Law on Education"

Federal State Educational Standards of Second Generation Educational Education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 06.10.2009 No. 373);

The basic curriculum of a general education institution;

2. General characteristicscorrectionalcourse

The work program was developed on the basis of an approximate basic educational program for primary general education and recommendations and developments of leading specialists in the field of correctional pedagogy A.V. Yastrebova, T.P. Bessonova, I.N. Sadovnikova, R.I. Lalaeva, G.V. Chirkina, I.V Prishchepova, L.G Paramonova, etc.

The program is implemented through the educational and methodological manual of T.I. Prokopyeva, which includes: speech therapy albums and methodological recommendations for the speech therapy album on overcoming speech disorders in 1st grade students," - Chuvash Book Publishing House, 2013.

Characteristics of written speech of students with mental retardation

In children of this group, pronunciation and distinction of sounds are impaired to a greater or lesser extent; mastery of the system of morphemes is not fully achieved, and therefore, as noted by Filicheva T.B. and Tumanova T.V., “the skills of inflection and word formation are poorly acquired, vocabulary lags behind the norm in both quantitative and qualitative indicators; coherent speech suffers.”

The lack of formation of the sound side of speech is expressed in substitutions, omissions, distorted pronunciation, and unstable use of sounds in speech. There are difficulties in phonemic analysis and synthesis, and a violation of the syllabic structure of the word. The lack of formation of the grammatical structure of speech is manifested in the incorrect use of prepositional-case constructions. Children have not developed practical word formation skills: relative adjectives from nouns (carrot-carrot), diminutive form (bucket-bucket). And against this background, there is inaccurate knowledge and use of many words. The active dictionary does not have enough words denoting qualities, signs, actions, states of objects, and the selection of words with the same root is difficult. The active vocabulary is characterized by a predominance of nouns and verbs.”

They do not know the names of shades of colors well: “orange”, “gray”, “blue”. They poorly distinguish the shapes of objects: “round”, “oval”, “square”, “triangular”; they use little antonyms and synonyms.

Also, in children’s vocabulary there is an insufficient number of generalizing concepts, mainly vegetables, fruits, clothes, and dishes.

Insufficient development of phonemic processes inhibits the development of skills in sound analysis and synthesis, which are prerequisites for successful mastery of literacy.

In addition, children in this group have underdeveloped mental processes such as memory, attention, and volition. The processes of switching from one type of activity to another and self-control are poorly formed.

Methods and techniques used in teaching

visual demonstration

verbal (story, retelling, reading, conversation)

practical (exercises, simulation)

gaming (lexico-grammatical games)

Operating principles:


Systematic accounting of the structure of speech impairment


Differentiated learning approach


Step by step

Using a workaround

Activity approach

Much attention is paid to the development of fine motor skills: exercises with a ball, finger gymnastics

Forms of organizing correctional classes



Educational technologies

Problem-dialogical technology. (Melnikova E.L.)

Technology of a person-oriented approach (Leontyev A.A.)

Technology of development of phonemic processes (Tkachenko T.A.)

Corrective and developmental technologies for teaching the Russian language to junior schoolchildren (Misarenko G.G.).

3. Description of the place of the correctional course in the curriculum

In the curriculum, this course is an element of the “Correctional and Developmental Area” and is conducted outside of school hours in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Education for students with disabilities.

Due to the fact that the teacher-speech therapist undergoes speech therapy diagnostics in the first two weeks of September and the last two weeks of May, 81 hours are allocated for studying the correctional course in the 1st grade, the work program for the 1st grade provides for training in the amount of 3 hours per week. The form of organization is subgroup classes.

The teaching of the remedial course is connected with the teaching of the subject areas: Russian language and literary reading and is based on their content.

4. Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the correctional course

Personal results

The course is aimed at developing in students:

positive attitude towards school and educational activities;

ideas about the new social role of the student, the rules of school life (be responsible for classes: be ready for classes, take care of school supplies, etc.);

ethical standards of behavior (cooperation, mutual assistance) based on the interaction of students when performing joint tasks;

the need for cooperation with adults and peers through familiarization with the rules of behavior in the classroom (in order not to interfere with the successful work of comrades), the rules of working in pairs, with adults;

knowledge and compliance with the rules of working in a group, a friendly attitude towards peers, conflict-free behavior, the desire to listen to the opinions of classmates.

Meta-subject results. The course provides the formation of the following universal educational actions:


understand and accept the learning task formulated by the speech therapist teacher;

preserve the educational task of the lesson (reproduce it during the lesson at the request of the speech therapist teacher);

determine ways and means of achieving educational goals;

with the help of a speech therapist teacher, plan an educational task by establishing cause-and-effect sequences;

highlight the main thing in the educational material with the help of a teacher - speech therapist;

exercise control over the progress of one’s activities (from the ability to use samples to the ability to use special self-control techniques);

work at a certain pace;

apply knowledge in new situations.


navigate through textbooks;

understand and interpret conventional signs and symbols used in teaching aids to convey information (conventions, color highlighting);

find and highlight, under the guidance of the teacher, the necessary information from texts and illustrations;

with the help of a speech therapist teacher, analyze objects (words, phrases, sentences) highlighting distinctive features;

compare and classify objects (sounds, words) according to specified criteria;

group objects (sounds, words) based on essential features.


listen carefully and hear the speech therapist teacher, without switching to extraneous influences;

subordinate your actions to the instructions and comments of the speech therapist;

understand and accept the learning task posed in verbal form;

be fluent in verbal means of communication in order to clearly perceive, retain and concentrate on completing a learning task in accordance with the instructions received;

purposefully (in accordance with the task) carry out educational activities;

follow the rules of speech etiquette when communicating (appeal, request);

explain instructions and learning tasks using the necessary terminology;

turn to an adult or groupmate for clarification;

apply instructions when preparing speech statements in the course and results of educational work;

respond adequately to control and assessment by a speech therapist teacher.

express your thoughts orally (at the level of a sentence or small text);

master monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;

The training program includes 4 sections:

SECTION 1 - Improving the pronunciation side of speech

1.1 Development of conscious sound analysis and the skill of controlling the pronunciation of sounds found in children’s speech. Formation of the articulatory base.

2.2 Correction of pronunciation defects. Automation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, and sentences.

1.3 use of assigned sounds in all communication situations.

1.4 Formation of the ability to differentiate sounds by ear and in speech based on acoustic and articulatory features (voiced-voiceless, hard-soft, whistling-hissing, etc.).

1.5 Development of pronunciation skills for words with complex syllabic composition.

SECTION - 2 - Formation of language analysis and synthesis

1.1 Formation of ideas about the offer

Text. Offer. Differentiation of the concepts “word-sentence”, “text-sentence”. Intonation completeness of the sentence. Formation of the skill of determining the number and sequence of words in a sentence. Proposal outline. Capital letter in words. The concept of syllables. Dividing words into syllables. Syllable scheme of words. Differentiation of the concepts "sentence-text - word - syllable"

Words-objects, words-actions, words-signs.

Spreading a sentence by introducing attribute words. Making sentences from given words. Working with deformed sentences.

1.2 Formation of skills in sound-letter analysis and synthesis

Vowel sounds and letters

Clarification of ideas about speech sounds. Vowel sounds. Letters of vowel sounds A, O, U, I, Y, E. Stress. The semantic role of stress. Stressed and unstressed vowels. Rhythmic scheme of the word.

Vowels of the 1st and 2nd row. Vowel letters A-Ya, O-Yo, U-Yu, E-U, Y-I. Vowels as a way to indicate the hardness and softness of consonants in writing.

Sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words. Syllable analysis and synthesis of words. Characteristics of sound. Strengthening sound-letter connections. Formation of syllabic reading skills.

Consonants and letters

Consonant sounds. Distinguishing between consonants and vowels. Letters of consonants. Hard and soft consonants. Voiced and voiceless consonants.

Differentiation of paired consonant sounds. Letters B-P, V-F, G-K, D-T, Zh-Sh, Z-S. Differentiation of sounds similar in acoustic-articulatory characteristics. Letters CH-SH-Ts. Sound and letter Y. Letters I-Y-E.

SECTION 3 Development of lexical and grammatical means of language and the formation of coherent speech

3.1 Development of vocabulary

Updating and enriching vocabulary on the topics “Color”, “Geometric shapes”, “Orientation on a sheet of paper”, “Fruits, berries”, “Vegetables”, “Autumn”, “Trees”, “Mushrooms”, “Man”, “ Pets", "Poultry", "Winter", "Seasons and months of the year", "Time", "Wild animals", "Wintering birds", "Animals of warm and cold countries", "Clothing", "Hats" , “Shoes”, “Food”, “Dishes”, “Furniture”, “Spring”, “Migratory Birds”, “Flowers”, “Insects”.

Enrichment of vocabulary with different parts of speech. Generalizing concepts. Speech means reflecting temporal and visual-spatial relationships. Antonyms. Synonyms. Multiple meaning words. Proverbs. Sayings.

Enrichment of vocabulary in the process of developing the ability to actively use various methods of word formation. Formation of qualitative, relative, possessive adjectives. Comparative adjectives. Prefix and suffix ways of word formation.

3.2 Development of grammatical structure and coherent speech

Inflection of nouns in singular and plural. Case endings of nouns. Development of understanding of logical and grammatical figures of speech associated with case forms. Agreement of adjectives with nouns in gender and number. Agreement of nouns with verbs of the present and past tense. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Activation of simple and complex prepositions in speech. Studying prepositions: IN -FROM, ON-S, WITH, OVER, UNDER, FROM-UNDER, BEHIND, FROM_ZA, BETWEEN, BEFORE, THROUGH, AROUND. Preposition schemes. The graphic representation of the preposition is a triangle.

Practical mastery of the dialogical form of speech. Practical mastery of oral monologue statements in accordance with the educational task. Conscious reading of words, phrases, sentences.

Making sentences based on pictures. Compose complete answers to the question. Working with deformed sentences. Constructing sentences using supporting words. Spreading sentences by introducing adjectives and homogeneous members.

Retelling the text. Sequential retelling. Retelling descriptive text. Selective retelling

Writing a descriptive story. Compiling a narrative story based on events in a given sequence.

During correctional classes, work is carried out simultaneously on all components of the speech system.

Correction of sound pronunciation is carried out in individual lessons. Consolidating the given sounds at the stage of automating them in sentences in subgroup classes.

The work is carried out in Album No. 1 (designed for the 1st and 2nd quarters) and Album No. 2 (designed for the 3rd and 4th quarters)

Planned development resultsstudentscorrection course

As a result of correctional and developmental work, students will have the opportunity learn:

1. Correctly pronounce speech sounds and differentiate consonants by acoustic-articulatory similarity.

2. Distinguish between a word and a sentence, write down the scheme of the sentence. Follow the rules for writing sentences.

3. Distinguish and use in independent speech the terms “sound, letter, syllable, vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiceless, voiced.” Correlate the sounds with the corresponding sounds.

4. Know the signs of vowels and consonants. Describe consonant sounds.

5. Be able to perform sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words.

6. Have a sufficient vocabulary and developed grammatical structure of speech.

7. Know space-time concepts

8. Correctly use in writing ways to indicate the softness and hardness of consonant sounds.

9. Have a readiness to perceive certain spellings, the spelling of which is based on complete ideas about the sound composition of the word.

The result of correctional training in speech therapy classes is to overcome existing violations in the formation of the lexical-grammatical structure of speech, phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment and the prevention of poor performance in the Russian language.

Planning of correctional work is characterized by flexibility and cannot be strictly regulated due to the difficulty of predicting the possible effectiveness of correctional work with accuracy. The number of hours may vary depending on the severity of the speech disorder and the students’ mastery of the material. It is also possible to exclude and add topics being studied.

Control of program implementation

Monitoring: - initial diagnostics (technique by Fotekova T.A.);

Intermediate diagnostics (analysis of writing in class workbooks, attending reading lessons)

Final diagnostics (auditory dictation, T.A. Fotekova’s technique)

Initial and final diagnostics are carried out in individual speech therapy sessions according to the speech therapy examination protocol, on the basis of which the speech therapy presentation is filled out.

7. Educational and methodological support of the educational process

speech therapy album for the correction of writing and reading disorders in primary schoolchildren;

visual material (handouts, diagrams, posters,);

educational games:

Didactic game "Word Game" - for developing skills in sound-letter analysis of words, developing logical and figurative thinking, enriching vocabulary, developing attention, visual memory, - LLC Educational and Methodological Center "Rebus", 2013.

Didactic game "Three kittens, five kittens" (to enrich the vocabulary and develop the grammatical structure of speech (inflections) LLC Educational and Methodological Center "Rebus", 2015.

Didactic game "Logocards" (composing words from given syllables, sentences from given words, using prepositions in a sentence). - LLC Educational and Methodological Center "Rebus", 2015.

Didactic game "Kaleidoscope of Letters" for the prevention of dysgraphia and development of attention - LLC Educational and Methodological Center "Rebus", 2014.

Didactic game "Logodisks" - for automation of reading and writing skills, automation of sound pronunciation, formation of grammatical structure of speech, dictionary, phonemic analysis and synthesis, coherent speech, memory, attention. - LLC Educational and Methodological Center "Rebus", 2015.

Didactic game "Comrade soft sign". - series "Grammar games" - for practicing spelling skills of soft signs in nouns. - ANO Center for Education and Creative Development "Rebus". - 2014

Didactic game "Save the unstressed one." - series "Grammar games" - for practicing skills in selecting test words, expanding vocabulary, developing attention. - ANO Center for Education and Creative Development "Rebus". - 2014


1. Andreeva N.G. Speech therapy classes on the development of coherent speech of primary schoolchildren. Offer. Text. - Part-2 - M.: Vlados, 2008.

2. Andreeva N.G. Speech therapy classes on the development of coherent speech of primary schoolchildren. Offer. Text. - Ch - 3 - M.: Vlados, 2008.

3. Velichenkova O.A., Rusetskaya M.N. Speech therapy work to overcome reading and writing disorders in primary schoolchildren. - M., National Book Center, 2015.

4. Volina V.V. "Fun Grammar" - M.: Knowledge, 2005

5. Efimenkova, L. N. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students / L. N. Efimenkova. - M.: National Book Center, 2015.

6. Efimenkova, L. N. Organization and methods of correctional work of a speech therapist at a school speech center / L. N. Efimenkova. - M.: Education, 1991.

7. Zubareva, L. V. Development of verbal-logical thinking / L. V. Zubareva. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010.

8. Kozyreva, L. M. Secrets of adjectives and secrets of verbs / L. M. Kozyreva. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2004.

9. Kozyreva, L. M. How words are formed in the Russian language / L. M. Kozyreva. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 2004.

10. Kuzmina, E. V. Blank methods in the work of a speech therapist / E. V. Kuzmina. - M.: 2009.

11. Kukushin, V. S. Speech therapy at school / V. S. Kukushin. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing Center “MarT”, 2004.

12. Lapp, E. A. Modern speech therapy lesson / E. A. Lapp. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

13. Mazanova, E. V. Agrammatic form of dysgraphia / E. V. Mazanova. - M.: Aquarium, 2006.

15. Sadovnikova, I. N. Violations of written speech and their overcoming in primary schoolchildren / I. N. Sadovnikova. - M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center “VLADOS”, 1997.

16. Simanovsky, A. E. Development of creative thinking in children / A. E. Simanovsky. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1997.


with 1st grade students with disabilities (ZPR 7.2)



Purpose, objectives of the lesson




Familiarization with the office and the rules of behavior in it, with speech therapy albums and the rules of working in them; conversation about the importance of speech therapy classes

Development of color perception

Refine your knowledge of basic colors and shades; - teach agreement between nouns + adj.

Development of shape perception

Clarify knowledge about basic geometric shapes;

- teach how to compose phrases according to the scheme adj + adj. + noun

Develop auditory attention, visual perception;

Development of speech on the topic "Fruits and berries" Prepositions B-IZ

Activate and expand your vocabulary on the topic; - teach word formation of relative adjectives, with diminutive. suffix;

Introduce prepositions - B-IZ, with their patterns;

Practice the correct use of nouns. in V.P., P.P. - learn to make sentences based on pictures;

Development of spatial


Develop spatial perception and representation;

Learn to navigate on a sheet of paper and use speech means that reflect visual-spatial relationships; develop auditory attention, memory, thinking;

Antonym words

Expand your vocabulary of antonym words;

Learn to write simple sentences with conjunctions A;- develop visual attention, comparison operations;

Development of speech on the topic "Vegetables".

Prepositions NA - S - SO

Activate and enrich the vocabulary on the topic;

Teach word formation of relative adjectives, with diminutive. suffix;

Introduce the prepositions - NA - S - SO and their patterns; - practice the correct use of nouns. in R.p., V.p.; - learn to make sentences based on pictures and write down diagrams;

Text and sentence

Differentiate the concepts of “sentence” and “text”;

To form an idea of ​​a sentence as a unit of speech;

Learn to determine the boundaries of a sentence based on intonation; - develop language analysis skills;

Word and syllable

Differentiate the concepts “sentence”, “word”, “syllable”;

Learn to divide words into syllables, write down the syllabic pattern of a word;

Develop phonemic processes, skills of syllable analysis and word synthesis;

Development of speech on the topic "Autumn"

Learn to compose a story using pictures; - introduce the prepositions K - OT and their patterns;

Practice the correct use of nouns. in R.p., D.p.

Vowel sounds

Give the concept of vowel sounds based on the organs of articulation; - introduce the symbols of vowel sounds, the sound scheme of the word; - develop phonemic processes; - develop skills in sound analysis and word synthesis;


Give the concept of stress and show the semantic-distinguishing role of stress; - work on the rhythmic scheme of the word;

Development of speech on the topic "Trees"

Learn to write descriptive stories based on pictures;

Preposition OVER

Introduce the preposition - NAD- and its scheme; - repeat the studied prepositions;

Practice the correct use of nouns. in T.p.; learn to make sentences based on pictures and write down diagrams;

Sound and letter A

Develop skills in sound analysis (singling out sounds at the beginning, middle and end of a word) and syllabic analysis of words; - develop letter gnosis;


Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; introduce prepositions - UNDER, FROM UNDER and their schemes;

Practice the correct use of nouns. in R.p., T.p.; learn to make sentences based on pictures and write down diagrams

Sound and letter U

Teach clear pronunciation of sounds, correlation of sounds with letters and symbols;

Sound and letter O

teach clear pronunciation of sounds, correlation of sounds with letters and symbols;

Develop skills in sound and syllabic analysis of words; - develop letter gnosis

Speech development on the topic "Man"

prepositions - FOR, BECAUSE

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic;

Teach the use of speech means reflecting visual-spatial relationships;

Introduce prepositions - FOR, FROM BECAUSE of and their patterns; - practice the correct use of nouns. in R.p., V.p. - develop letter gnosis

Sound and letter Y

Teach clear pronunciation of sounds, correlation of sounds with letters and symbols; - develop skills in sound and syllabic analysis;

Strengthen the skill of using plural nouns;


Give the concept of consonant sounds based on the structure of the organs of articulation;

Differentiation of vowels and consonants: - develop phonemic perception, letter gnosis;

Speech development on the topic "Pets"

Prepositions - BETWEEN, THROUGH

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic;

Teach the formation of words denoting the name of the cubs;

Introduce prepositions - BETWEEN, THROUGH and their patterns; - practice the correct use of nouns. in T.p., V.p.

Consonants hard and soft

Introduce hard and soft consonants;

Learn to differentiate the hardness and softness of consonants by ear and based on the work of the organs of articulation; - develop phonemic hearing, syllabic reading skills;

Sound and letter I

Teach clear pronunciation of sounds, correlation of sounds with letters and symbols;

Develop skills in sound and syllabic analysis of words; - develop letter gnosis

Speech development on the topic "Poultry"

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic;

Teach word formation of possessive adjectives; - develop auditory and visual attention;

Sound and letter E

Teach clear pronunciation of sounds, correlation of sounds with letters and symbols;

Develop phonemic processes, - introduce spelling - capital letter in names;

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Introduce voiced and voiceless consonants; - learn to differentiate voiced and voiceless consonants by ear and with the help of tactile sensations;

Develop visual perception, phonemic hearing, syllabic reading skills;

Speech development on the topic "Wild Animals"

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic;

Teach word formation of possessive adjectives, composing simple, common sentences;

Develop the skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis, auditory and visual attention;

Vowels and consonants

- consolidate the signs of vowels and consonants; - develop the skill of sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words; - develop phonemic processes, syllabic reading skills;


Give the concept of words, objects, their graphic representation;

Learn to differentiate words denoting living and inanimate objects, pose questions to words-objects; - develop language analysis skills;

Words are actions

Give the concept of action words and their graphic representation;

Learn to ask appropriate questions to action words, differentiate action words and object words; - teach how to draw up a diagram of a simple sentence using graphic images of words; - develop language analysis skills;

Words are signs

Give the concept of words-features and their graphic representation; - learn to ask questions about feature words;

Learn to differentiate words denoting objects, actions, signs, to form phrases according to the scheme adj + noun. + noun - develop linguistic observation;

Simple common sentence

Consolidate knowledge about words, objects, actions, signs ;

- learn to compose simple common sentences, write down their diagram; - introduce the concept of “main words in a sentence”

Development of speech on the topic “Winter”,

Prepositions BEFORE, AROUND

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - teach how to compose a story using cards;

Introduce the prepositions BEFORE, AROUND and their patterns:

Practice the correct use of nouns. in R.p., T.p.

Competition for a prize

Santa Claus

- testing knowledge on studied topics

Development of speech on the topic "Seasons and months of the year"

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - form temporary representations;

Reinforce in speech the concepts of “seasons”, “months of the year”, “days of the week”, “parts of the day”


I and II rows

- introduce the formation of vowels of the second row;

Show differences in the sound of consonants when reading with vowels of the 1st and 2nd rows; -develop phonemic awareness


Consolidate knowledge about the sound composition of letters A-Z; - learn to indicate the hardness and softness of consonants in writing;

Learn to hear the splitting of iotized vowels in a word; -, skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis;

Vowel letters O-Yo

To consolidate knowledge about the sound composition of the letters O-Y; - learn to indicate the hardness and softness of consonants in writing;

Learn to hear the splitting of iotized vowels in a word; - develop phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills;

Development of speech on the topic “Wintering birds

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; Teach number coordination. + noun;

Develop the skill of syllabic synthesis of words and reading;


- To consolidate knowledge about the sound composition of the letters U-Yu; - learn to indicate the hardness and softness of consonants in writing;

Learn to hear the splitting of iotized vowels in a word; - develop phonemic perception, skills of sound analysis and synthesis, syllabic reading;


Consolidate knowledge about the sound composition of the letters Y-I; - learn to indicate the hardness and softness of consonants in writing;

Develop skills in sound-letter analysis and syllabic reading; - introduce the spelling of vowels after sibilants (zhi-shi)

Speech development on the topic "Zoo"

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; develop the skill of letter synthesis of words, visual attention; consolidate speech means expressing visual-spatial relationships;


Consolidate knowledge about the sound composition of the letters E-E; - learn to indicate the hardness and softness of consonants in writing;

Distinguish between letters mixed according to optical characteristics;

Develop phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills, visual attention;

Introduce the letter soft sign as a second way to indicate the softness of consonants;

Develop spelling skills for words with a soft sign; - Develop phonemic processes, auditory attention;

Development of speech on the topic "Dishes"

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - teach word formation noun-x using the suffix - NITs-, agreement of numbers. s + noun;

Develop skills in letter synthesis of words, dividing words into syllables;

Syllable analysis and word synthesis

Consolidate knowledge about syllables, the syllabic role of vowels;

Learn to differentiate words by the number of syllables, correlate words with the rhythmic pattern of the word;

- develop skills in syllabic analysis and word synthesis;


analysis and synthesis of words

- develop skills in sound-letter analysis and word synthesis;

- learn to characterize consonant sounds based on a plan diagram;

Development of speech on the topic "Food"

- activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic;

- develop skills in sound-letter synthesis of words, dividing words into syllables, composing sentences;

Give concepts about the strong position of a stressed vowel;

Letters B-P

Introduce the sounds B-B* - P-P* and the corresponding letters; isolated and in syllables;

Learn to characterize sounds and correlate them with symbols; - develop phonemic processes;

Differentiation of sounds (b-b*, p-p*)

Learn to differentiate sounds (b-b*, p-p*) in words, sentences, text;

Develop skills in sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, visual and auditory attention;

Speech development on the topic "Furniture"

- activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - teach word formation of relative adjectives;

- develop the skill of letter synthesis of words, dividing words into syllables, visual and auditory attention;

Sounds V-V* - F-F*

Letters V-F

introduce the sounds V-V* - F-F* and the corresponding letters;

Learn to differentiate sounds in isolation and in syllables; - learn to characterize sounds and correlate them with symbols; - develop phonemic processes;


Learn to differentiate sounds (v-v*, f-f*) in words, sentences, text;

Develop skills in sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words; - teach the didactic game “Cryptor”; - develop phonemic processes, visual and auditory attention;

Speech development on the topic "Clothing"


- activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - teach word formation of relative adjectives;

- teach how to independently complete a task according to instructions; - develop linguistic flair, skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis;

Sounds G-G* - K-K*

Letters G-K

Introduce the sounds G-G* - K-K* and the corresponding letters; - learn to differentiate sounds in isolation and in syllables;

Learn to characterize sounds and correlate them with symbols; - develop phonemic processes, skills of sound-letter analysis and synthesis;


sounds (g-g* - k-k*)

Learn to differentiate sounds

Develop skills in sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis of words; - develop the ability to compose sentences based on given words;

Letters D-T

Introduce the sounds D-D* - T-T* and the corresponding letters; - learn to differentiate sounds in isolation and in syllables;

Learn to characterize sounds and correlate them with symbols; develop phonemic awareness and sentence construction skills;


Sounds d-d* - t-t*

Learn to differentiate sounds (g-g* - k-k*)) in words, sentences, text;

Develop the ability to compose sentences based on given words;

Practice the grammatical design of sentences; - consolidate the rules for writing proper names;

Speech development on the topic "Shoes"

- activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - consolidate the skills of dividing words into syllables, writing a stressed vowel; - consolidate the studied prepositions;

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Letters Z - S

Introduce the sounds Z-Z* - S-S* and the corresponding letters; - learn to differentiate sounds in isolation and in syllables;

Learn to characterize sounds and correlate them with symbols; - develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words; reinforce the capitalization of proper names;


Learn to differentiate sounds (Z-Z* - S-S*) in words, sentences, text; develop the ability to compose sentences based on given words;

Develop the skill of copying and coordinating words in a sentence; - strengthen the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis;

Development of speech on the topic "Spring" "

- activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - teach writing a story based on a series of paintings;

Develop logical thinking, consolidate generalizing concepts;

Sounds Zh-Sh

Letters Ж-Ш

Introduce the sounds Zh-Sh and the corresponding letters; - learn to differentiate sounds in isolation and in syllables; - learn to characterize sounds and relate them to symbols; - develop phonemic processes;

Spelling of vowels after sibilants ZHI SHI

Learn to differentiate the sounds Ж-Ш in words, sentences, text; - consolidate knowledge of spelling norms;

Develop the ability to compose complete answers to questions based on the text; - develop spelling vigilance;

Speech development on the topic "Migratory birds"

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - develop skills in letter synthesis, dividing words into syllables; - learn to reproduce the rhythm of a word with emphasis on the stressed syllable;

Sounds ch*, sh*, ts.

LettersЧ, Ш, Ц.

introduce the sounds Ch*, Shch*, Ts and the corresponding letters; learn to differentiate sounds in isolation in syllables, words, sentences; - learn to characterize sounds and correlate them with symbols; - develop phonemic perception, syllable analysis skills;


vowels after sibilants CHA-SCHA CHU-SCHU

Strengthen your spelling knowledge;

Develop syllabic analysis and synthesis of words, spelling vigilance;

Develop self-control skills in writing;

Speech development on the topic "Insects"

Activate and enrich vocabulary on the topic; - consolidate skills in performing tasks according to instructions;

Develop self-control skills in writing, logical thinking, attention, memory.

Sound Y Letter Y

- Introduce the sound Y and the letter Y; - develop linguistic sense, logical thinking;

Letters U-I-Y

- Repeat the sound composition of the letters U-I-Y; - develop sound-letter analysis and synthesis of words;

Learn to distinguish the letters U-I-Y in writing based on their sound composition;

Competition "Smart Men and Women"

- Test children's knowledge on the topics studied;

Notes of individual speech therapy sessions with children of the preparatory group on production of the sound R, production and automation of the sound Ш using visual support.

The use of “visual support” contributes, first of all, to a faster and more effective positioning of the child in relation to the adult, relieving anxiety, and developing the ability to plan and build a chain their actions, increasing independence in classes for children with mental retardation.



compensating orientation

Subject: sound setting [P]



Correctional and developmental:

Development of thinking, attention


Health saving:

Equipment : cards depicting a particular task, picture material used to make sounds, appropriate electronic material (if necessary), mirror, probe substitutes, flannelgraph, easel, bells.

Progress of the lesson:

Articulation gymnastics



"Delicious jam"









Development of phonemic hearing

The speech therapist invites the child to play the bell if he hears the song [P] (in the future, you can use ready-made selections of individual sounds, syllables, words from the library).

Sound production [P] (mixed method)

By imitation in a sitting position (special pictures, a drawing of an adult on an easel, an electronic presentation consisting of several slides - photographs depicting the correct articulation of the evoked sound, its playful comparison with a non-speech sound) and mechanically in a lying position with using a probe substitute.

Development of fine motor skills

The child is invited to choose a game from the “Obedient Hands” zone (Su-Jok balls and finger massage rings, clothespins, cubes, strings, counting sticks, buttons, etc.)

Working on breathing

The speech therapist invites the child to play the game “Clock”.

I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart, arms lowered. Swinging your straight arms back and forth, say: “Tick-tock” (10 times - as you exhale).

Development of auditory attention, thinking and reaction speed

The speech therapist asks the child to do the opposite:

Shut your mouth → the child opens his mouth;

Open your mouth → the child closes his mouth;

Open your eyes → the child closes his eyes;

Close your eyes → the child opens his eyes;

Show your tongue → the child hides his tongue;

Hide your tongue → child shows tongue;

Raise your hands → the child lowers his hands;

Put your hands down → the child raises his hands.

Summary of an individual speech therapy session with a preparatory group childcompensating orientation

Subject: sound setting [P]



Formation of stable articles

Learning the ability to accurately and completely answer questions and correctly express one’s thoughts

Practice using spatial prepositions on, under, for, in

Correctional and developmental:

Development of articulatory motor skills

Developing the ability to take a smooth breath through the nose and a calm, long exhale

Development of phonemic hearing

Development of attention


Developing the ability to follow instructions and complete the job started

Developing the ability to regulate your behavior

Health saving:

Formation of correct posture

Increasing your child's self-esteem when completing difficult tasks

Equipment : cards depicting a particular task, picture material used to make sounds, appropriate electronic material (if necessary), flannelgraph, easel, mirror, probe substitutes, tambourine, pencils, “Obedient Pencil” folder, autumn leaves (pictures with Velcro) and a tree (an elongated brown triangle - a trunk, attached to a flannelgraph).

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment (preparation for class)

After the greeting, the child lays out cards with the image of a particular task (prepared in advance by the speech therapist) from the folder (for example, a picture with a picture of a tongue symbolizes articulatory gymnastics, with a picture of hands – finger play, etc.) and independently attaches them to the flannelgraph, thereby setting the sequence of tasks as desired. After completing each task, the child also independently puts the card back into the folder.

Articulation gymnastics(performed in front of a large mirror with an explanation of not only the technique of performing each exercise, but also the meaning, the meaning of each movement of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, so that the child does not just automatically perform all the exercises, but understands why he is doing each specific movement)



"Delicious jam"









Development of phonemic hearing

The speech therapist invites the child to play the tambourine if he hears the song [P] (in the future, you can use ready-made selections of individual sounds, syllables, words from the library).

Sound setting [P]

  • Setting the sound [P] from “Chatter” (make sure that the tongue does not go beyond the teeth) with a sharp exhalation on the tip of the tongue in a sitting position (or using a cosmetic stick, with which the speech therapist presses the tongue behind the upper teeth, and the child tries to exhale sharply tear it off at the tip of the tongue, or mechanically in a lying position using a probe substitute).

Development of grapho-motor skills

The child is asked to select (and explain his choice) from the “Obedient Pencil” folder a form with a specific task, for example: “Complete the drawing”, “Trace”, “Shade”, etc.

Working on breathing

The speech therapist invites the child to play the game “Trumpeter”.

I.p. - sitting on a chair, hands clenched and raised up. Exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound “f-f-f-f-f” (4-5 times as you exhale).

Game "Leaves are falling, falling"

The speech therapist lays out autumn leaves in different places in the office, paying attention to how they scattered from the strong wind, and asks them to name where each leaf is located. Having correctly named the location of the leaf, the child hangs it on a special tree.

Sample statements from a child:

- “One (yellow, orange) leaf flew (fell) onto (under) the table (chair, sofa, pillow, shelf, book, etc.)”;

- “One (yellow, orange) leaf flew behind the curtain (toy, door, etc.).”

II. Summing up the lesson

The child once again looks through all the pictures from the folder, saying them and realizing that he has completed all the tasks; Together with the speech therapist, he finds the task he likes, the one he wants to repeat next time, and the most difficult one, briefly outlining the further path of self-development. The speech therapist and the child say goodbye.

Summary of an individual speech therapy session with a preparatory group childcompensating orientation

Subject: sound setting [Ш]



Formation of stable articles

Learning the ability to accurately and completely answer questions and correctly express one’s thoughts

Learning to use words denoting the material from which objects are made (wood, glass, plastic, metal)

Correctional and developmental:

Development of articulatory and fine motor skills

Developing the ability to take a smooth breath through the nose and a calm, long exhale

Development of phonemic hearing

Development of attention

Development of tactile sensations


Developing the ability to follow instructions and complete the job started

Developing the ability to regulate your behavior

Health saving:

Formation of correct posture

Increasing your child's self-esteem when completing difficult tasks

Equipment : cards depicting a particular task, picture material used to make sounds, appropriate electronic material (if necessary), flannelgraph, easel, mirror, spatulas, card index of finger games “Fingers teach you to speak,” a bag with various items.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment (preparation for class)

After the greeting, the child lays out cards with the image of a particular task (prepared in advance by the speech therapist) from the folder (for example, a picture with a picture of a tongue symbolizes articulatory gymnastics, with a picture of hands – finger play, etc.) and independently attaches them to the flannelgraph, thereby setting the sequence of tasks as desired. After completing each task, the child also independently puts the card back into the folder.

Articulation gymnastics(performed in front of a large mirror with an explanation of not only the technique of performing each exercise, but also the meaning, the meaning of each movement of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, so that the child does not just automatically perform all the exercises, but understands why he is doing each specific movement)



"Delicious jam"







Development of phonemic hearing

The speech therapist invites the child to clap his hands if he hears the song [Ш] (in the future, you can use ready-made selections of individual sounds, syllables, words from the library).

Sound setting [Ш]

  • At each lesson, the speech therapist tries to explain to the child the articulatory-acoustic characteristics of the sound being evoked. Special pictures, a drawing of an adult on an easel, an electronic presentation consisting of several slides - photographs depicting the correct articulation of the evoked sound, its playful comparison with non-speech sound, can serve as a visual support;
  • Setting the sound [Ш] by imitation or mechanically using a spatula.

Development of fine motor skills

The speech therapist invites the child to complete the game from the card index “Fingers Learn to Speak” (15 cards with tasks).

Working on breathing

The speech therapist invites the child to play the game “Geese”.

I.p. - main stand. Slowly walking around the office. When you inhale, raise your arms to the side, when you exhale, lower them down with a long pronunciation: “U - y - y - y” (1-1.5 minutes - on exhalation).

Game "Wonderful bag"

The child examines and picks up selected objects made from different materials (5-7 objects). The speech therapist draws the child’s attention to his own tactile sensations. Next, all the items are put into a bag, and the child completes the speech therapist’s tasks:

Take out an object made of wood. How else can you say about this subject? What is he like? (Wooden), etc.

II. Summing up the lesson

The child once again looks through all the pictures from the folder, saying them and realizing that he has completed all the tasks; Together with the speech therapist, he finds the task he likes, the one he wants to repeat next time, and the most difficult one, briefly outlining the further path of self-development. The speech therapist and the child say goodbye.

Summary of an individual speech therapy session with a preparatory group childcompensating orientation

Subject: automation of sound [Ш] in syllables

Target: practicing the ability to pronounce the sound [Ш] in forward and backward syllables and with a combination of consonants



Formation of stable articles

Learning the ability to accurately and completely answer questions and correctly express one’s thoughts

Teaching the ability to use antonyms in active speech

Correctional and developmental:

Development of articulatory and fine motor skills

Developing the ability to take a smooth breath through the nose and a calm, long exhale

Development of attention


Developing the ability to follow instructions and complete the job started

Developing the ability to regulate your behavior

Health saving:

Formation of correct posture

Increasing your child's self-esteem when completing difficult tasks

Equipment : cards depicting a particular task, corresponding painting and electronic material (if necessary), flannelograph, easel, mirror, toy monkey, toy piano, pictures for the game “On the contrary”.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment (preparation for class)

After the greeting, the child lays out cards with the image of a particular task (prepared in advance by the speech therapist) from the folder (for example, a picture with a picture of a tongue symbolizes articulatory gymnastics, with a picture of hands – finger play, etc.) and independently attaches them to the flannelgraph, thereby setting the sequence of tasks as desired. After completing each task, the child also independently puts the card back into the folder.

Articulation gymnastics(performed in front of a large mirror with an explanation of not only the technique of performing each exercise, but also the meaning, the meaning of each movement of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, so that the child does not just automatically perform all the exercises, but understands why he is doing each specific movement)



"Delicious jam"







Development of phonemic awareness

The speech therapist asks the child to guess what common sound is in the following words: hat, bear, cat, mouse (→ [Ш]).

(the child answers, the speech therapist helps)

Game “Sound - you are my friend”

The speech therapist pronounces a line of the poem, the child says only the sound.

The geese came out into the meadows - Sh,

They hissed from above - Sh,

Repeat after the geese - Sh

And be careful not to yawn - Sh.

The speech therapist asks the child how do geese hiss? And then he suggests pronouncing the sound [Ш] first quietly, then loudly.

Automation of the sound [Ш] in syllables

The speech therapist asks the child to repeat the syllables after the monkey.

With joy: sha-sho-shu, sho-shu-shi, shu-shi-sha, shi-sha-sho;

With surprise: shta-shto-shtu-shty, ashp-oshp-ushp-ushp, amsh-omsh-umsh-umsh.

Game "Pianist"

The speech therapist invites the child to play the piano - repeat after the speech therapist the “melody” (rhythmic pattern) with the correct pronunciation of the following syllables:ash-osh-ush, osh-ush-ish, ush-ish-ash, ish-ash-osh.

Activation of interhemispheric interaction

The speech therapist invites the child to perform the “Ear-Nose” game from the folder “Health-saving techniques for working in speech therapy classes”: with your left hand, grab the tip of your nose, and with your right hand, grab the opposite ear; simultaneously release your ear and nose, clap your hands; then change the position of your hands “exactly the opposite.”

Voice accompaniment:

She sat on my nose, on my right ear -

A black fly is creeping in annoyingly.

Again on the nose, but on the left ear -

Shoo, fly away from me, Tsokotukha!

Working on breathing

The speech therapist invites the child to play the game “Porridge is Boiling.”

I.p. - sitting on a chair, one hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. Drawing in the stomach and drawing air into the chest - inhale, lowering the chest (exhaling air) and sticking out the stomach - exhale. As you exhale, pronounce the sound “Sh - sh - sh” (5-6 times).

Game "On the contrary"

The speech therapist invites the child to look at 3-4 pairs of pictures that depict the opposite characteristics of objects and objects, and then say what is depicted on them in the form of a complex sentence with the conjunction a. For example: A cyclist rides fast, but a caterpillar crawls slowly.

II. Summing up the lesson

The child once again looks through all the pictures from the folder, saying them and realizing that he has completed all the tasks; Together with the speech therapist, he finds the task he likes, the one he wants to repeat next time, and the most difficult one, briefly outlining the further path of self-development. The speech therapist and the child say goodbye.

Summary of an individual speech therapy session with a preparatory group childcompensating orientation

Subject: automation of sound [Ш] in words and sentences



Formation of stable articles

Learning the ability to accurately and completely answer questions and correctly express one’s thoughts

Teaching the ability to form nouns with a diminutive meaning

Correctional and developmental:

Development of articulatory and general motor skills

Development of attention

Activation of interhemispheric interaction


Developing the ability to follow instructions and complete the job started

Developing the ability to regulate your behavior

Health saving:

Formation of correct posture

Increasing your child's self-esteem when completing difficult tasks

Equipment : cards depicting a particular task, corresponding painting and electronic material (if necessary), flannelograph, easel, mirror, audio recording “The Hiss of a Snake,” painting material and a corresponding diagram with a blue circle for the game “Where does sound live?”

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment (preparation for class)

After the greeting, the child lays out cards with the image of a particular task (prepared in advance by the speech therapist) from the folder (for example, a picture with a picture of a tongue symbolizes articulatory gymnastics, with a picture of hands – finger play, etc.) and independently attaches them to the flannelgraph, thereby setting the sequence of tasks as desired. After completing each task, the child also independently puts the card back into the folder.

Articulation gymnastics(performed in front of a large mirror with an explanation of not only the technique of performing each exercise, but also the meaning, the meaning of each movement of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, so that the child does not just automatically perform all the exercises, but understands why he is doing each specific movement)



"Delicious jam"







Automation of isolated sound [Ш]

The speech therapist invites the child to hiss like a snake (based on an audio recording).

Clarification of the articulatory-acoustic characteristics of sound [Ш]

Special pictures, a drawing of an adult on an easel, or an electronic presentation consisting of several slides - photographs depicting the correct articulation of the sound already being practiced, its game comparison with non-speech sound, can serve as a visual support.

Development of phonemic analysis

Game “Where does sound live?”

The speech therapist invites the child to determine the place of the sound [Ш] in the following words: step, puck, fur coat, tire, car, target, silence, pea, yours, ours, finish, crumb.

Automation of sound [Ш] in words

Game “Name it kindly”(with ball)

Izba - hut

godmother -...

winter - …

trousers - …

aunt - …

uncle - …

hostess -...

Sun - …

bread - …

stone - …

spot - …

bottom -...

window - …

grandfather -...

Activation of interhemispheric interaction

“Fist-rib-palm.” The speech therapist shows the child three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other: a palm clenched into a fist, a palm with an edge, a straightened palm. The child performs movements together with an adult, then from memory for 8-10 repetitions of the motor program. The exercise is performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands.

Voice accompaniment:

The frog (fist) wants (rib) into the pond (palm),

The frog (fist) is bored (rib) here (palm).

Game "Finish the sentence"

The speech therapist asks the child to complete the sentences.

I love candy because...

I'm worried about my grandmother because...

I want to be friends with... because...

We love listening to fairy tales because...

II. Summing up the lesson

The child once again looks through all the pictures from the folder, saying them and realizing that he has completed all the tasks; Together with the speech therapist, he finds the task he likes, the one he wants to repeat next time, and the most difficult one, briefly outlining the further path of self-development. The speech therapist and the child say goodbye.

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