Local history museum "Merry Thorns". Merry Terns

A branch of the Krivoy Rog City Museum of History and Local Lore has been operating in Vesyoly Terny since 1970. The city museum appeared on the map of the city of Krivoy Rog ten years earlier. The branch's storage facility contains five thousand exhibits. They reflect the chronicle of the settlement from ancient times to the present day.

Vesyye Terny traces its history back to the village of the same name, which was once located on the territory of a Cossack winter camp of the 17th century. In 1956, Vesyolye Terny became an urban-type settlement. And now this is the historical district of Krivoy Rog on the left bank of the Saksagan. Carefully collected objects tell the story of the heyday of the settlement of Vesely Terny at the end of the 19th century: there was a developed infrastructure and more than 600 people lived here. The development of trade relations and small industries led to the fact that by the beginning of the twentieth century there were already 1,400 inhabitants. After the October Revolution, the Veselye Terny state farm was organized in the village. In the museum you can also look into the pages of deeper antiquity: the troops of Bohdan Khmelnytsky were stationed here after the Battle of Zhelti Vody. Nowadays, the Ternovsky branch hosts exhibitions of fine art, as well as events dedicated to important historical events.

The section discusses history Krivoy Rog before the revolutionary events 1917 year - fall Russian Empire. It should be noted that the history of this period is insufficiently studied. The surviving materials about this time are incomplete and fragmentary, and some are even very contradictory. The most important stages of the region's development are divided into separate subsections. Historical chronicle of events

The Ingul palanka was created - an administrative-territorial unit of the Liberties of the Zaporozhye Lower Army during the New Sich. The territory of modern Krivoy Rog was part of this palanka.


Retired Cossack foreman Grigory Shram settled in the area of ​​modern Vesely Ternov. He founded a large winter camp: he moved his family from Kyiv and invited many of his relatives and friends to live. Later, the winter hut grew into a village called Grigorievskie Terny (since 1775 - Vesyolye Terny).


The Second Army under the command of General-in-Chief P.I. Panina left an outpost at the mouth of the Saksagan River, which was held by the Cossacks of Colonel Skidan.


After the end of the Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774) and the signing of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Peace Treaty, Russia liberated the vast steppe territory between the Dnieper and the Southern Bug from Turkish-Tatar rule. New lands were annexed to Novorossiya. To connect the provincial center - the city of Kremenchug with the troops located near the fortresses of Kinburn and Ochakov, in February 1775 the government decided to establish postal stations with the help of the Zaporozhye Kosh. The Krivoy Rog tract was marked as one of the 10 points of the future postal route. In order to carry out preparatory work, the clerk Feodosius Kudlik was sent to Krivoy Rog and Vodyanaia.

On April 27 (old style), the Kizikermen postal route was opened (the name comes from the Turkish fortress of Kizikermen - now it is the city of Berislav, Kherson region). On this tract, at the confluence of the Saksagan River with the Ingulets River, a postal station called “Krivoy Rog” began to function (from the name of the tract, not the village). At the station, for the first time, 5 Cossacks from different Zaporozhye kurens settled in dugouts. They had 10 horses. A little later, not far from the postal station, a village was formed - the state settlement of Krivoy Rog.


May-June. The first land surveying began on the territory of Krivoy Rog. From the plan of Ensign Beer it is clear that 21 thousand acres of land were allocated for the settlement of Krivoy Rog (22.9 thousand hectares - a huge territory!). Major Chernov (3 thousand dessiatines), Captain Buchinsky (6 thousand dessiatines), Mrs. Kumburlyaeva (6 thousand dessiatines), regimental captain Makukha (3 thousand dessiatines) and ensign Beer himself (3 thousand dessiatines) received lands nearby.

November 19. By decree of the Novorossiysk provincial chancellery, sergeant Vasily Moiseev, who was dismissed from service, was allocated land in the Ingulets district on the right bank of the Ingulets river. Moiseev founded the village of Moiseevka (now flooded by the waters of the Karachunovsky reservoir).


Merry Terns arose in the 17th century as a Cossack winter hut. The settlement of Vesyolye Terny was the center of the Veseloternovskaya volost of the Verkhnedneprovsky district of the Yekaterinoslav province. As of 1886, there were 129 household households, where 613 people lived. In the village there was St. Michael's Church, a school, a shop, a fair, and a distillery.

At the beginning of the 20th century, more than 1,400 people lived in Vesyoly Terny, there was an Orthodox church, a pharmacy, and a fair. In 1900, the trade turnover of the village, together with the village of Novopavlovka adjacent to the southwest, reached 188 thousand rubles.

During the Soviet period, the state farm “Vesyolye Terny” operated.

Since 1956, it has received the status of an urban-type settlement.

On May 23, 1969, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR No. 176 “On the formation of districts in individual cities of the Ukrainian SSR,” a new district of the city was formed. According to this decree, in the city of Krivoy Rog, at the expense of part of the territory of the Zhovtnevy district, the Ternovsky district was formed. Merry Terns were included in the Krivoy Rog strip and entered the newly formed region.

History of the name

There is a legend about the rest of the army of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Vesyoli Terny after the victory at Zheltye Vody. Here, in a ravine overgrown with thorns, stood a winter hut with a tavern. That’s why the Cossacks called these Terns cheerful. According to another version, the Thorns became cheerful thanks to the large number of nightingales in the thorn thickets.


Residential area of ​​the private sector in the eastern part of the Ternovsky district of Krivoy Rog, located on the left bank of the Saksagan River. In the southwest it borders with Novopavlovka, in the northwest with the Pervomaisky quarry of SevGOK, in the east, across the Saksagan River, with the village of Shevchenkovskoye (formerly Ordzhonikidze).


On the territory of Vesyoly Ternov there is the Ternovsky branch of the Krivoy Rog Museum of History and Local Lore, there is a school, a kindergarten, and an interschool training and production plant of the Ternovsky district. In the square of the 40th anniversary of the Victory there is a mass grave of Soviet soldiers, in which, along with other 345 soldiers, Hero of the Soviet Union Ilya Ukho is buried. In Vesyolye Terny there is the Church of the Archangel Michael, next to it is the “Vesyolye Terny” cemetery, which is closed for burials.


  • st. Alexey Solomenny (formerly Krasnoznamennaya street);
  • Kashirskaya St.;
  • st. Miroshnichenko.


  • Dolzhansky, Yuri Moiseevich - Hero of the Soviet Union (1943);
  • Novikov, Vasily Sergeevich - Hero of the Soviet Union (1944).

See also


  • Merry Terns // Encyclopedia of Krivoy Rog. In 2 volumes. T. 1. A – K: [Ukrainian ] / comp. V. F. Bukhtiyarov. - Krivoy Rog: Yavva, 2005. - 704 p. : ill., portrait
  • Melnik A. A., Balabanov S. V. Historical encyclopedia of Krivoy Rog / Krivoy Rog: Publishing House, 2007. / T. 1. - 604 p.
  • Volosts and the most important villages of European Russia. According to survey data carried out by statistical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on behalf of the Statistical Council. Publication of the Central Statistical Committee. Issue III. Little Russian and South-Western provinces / Compiled by senior editor V.V. Zverinsky - St. Petersburg, 1885. (Russian doref.)

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An excerpt characterizing the Merry Terns

My heart suddenly ached bitterly and painfully... This means that at all times there were bright and strong people who courageously but hopelessly fought for the happiness and future of humanity! And they all, as a rule, died... What was the reason for such cruel injustice?.. What was the reason for such repeated deaths?
- Tell me, Sever, why do the purest and strongest always die?.. I know that I have already asked you this question... But I still cannot understand, do people really not see how beautiful and joyful she would be life, would they listen to at least one of those who fought so ardently for them?! Are you really right, and the Earth is so blind that it’s too early to root for it?!.. Is it too early to fight?..
Shaking his head sadly, Sever smiled affectionately.
– You yourself know the answer to this question, Isidora... But you won’t give up, even if such a cruel truth scares you? You are a Warrior and you will remain one. Otherwise, you would have betrayed yourself, and the meaning of life would have been lost forever to you. We are what we ARE. And no matter how hard we try to change, our core (or our foundation) will still remain the same as our ESSENCE truly is. After all, if a person is still “blind”, he still has hope of regaining his sight one day, right? Or if his brain is still asleep, he may still wake up someday. But if a person is essentially “rotten”, then no matter how good he tries to be, his rotten soul still creeps out one fine day... and kills any attempt he makes to look better. But if a Man is truly honest and brave, neither the fear of pain nor the most evil threats will break him, since his soul, his ESSENCE, will forever remain as brave and as pure, no matter how mercilessly and cruelly he suffers. But his whole trouble and weakness is that since this Man is truly Pure, he cannot see betrayal and meanness even before it becomes obvious, and when it is not too late to do anything... He cannot do this provide for, since these low feelings are completely absent in him. Therefore, the brightest and bravest people on Earth will always die, Isidora. And this will continue until EVERY earthly person sees the light and understands that life is not given for nothing, that we must fight for beauty, and that the Earth will not become better until he fills it with his goodness and decorates it with his work, no matter how small or insignificant it may be.

But as I already told you, Isidora, you will have to wait for this for a very long time, because for now a person thinks only about his personal well-being, without even thinking about why he came to Earth, why he was born on it... For every LIFE , no matter how insignificant it may seem, comes to Earth for a specific purpose. For the most part - to make our common HOME better and happier, more powerful and wiser.
“Do you think the average person will ever be interested in the common good?” After all, many people completely lack this concept. How to teach them, North?..
– This cannot be taught, Isidora. People must have a need for Light, a need for Good. They themselves must want change. For what is given by force, a person instinctively tries to quickly reject, without even trying to understand anything. But we digress, Isidora. Do you want me to continue the story of Radomir and Magdalena?
I nodded affirmatively, deeply regretting in my heart that I couldn’t have a conversation with him so simply and calmly, without worrying about the last minutes of my crippled life allotted to me by fate and without thinking with horror about the misfortune looming over Anna...
– The Bible writes a lot about John the Baptist. Was he truly with Radomir and the Knights of the Temple? His image is so amazingly good that it sometimes made one doubt whether John was the real figure? Can you answer, North?
North smiled warmly, apparently remembering something very pleasant and dear to him...
– John was wise and kind, like a big warm sun... He was a father to everyone who walked with him, their teacher and friend... He was valued, obeyed and loved. But he was never the young and amazingly handsome young man that artists usually painted him as. John at that time was already an elderly sorcerer, but still very strong and persistent. Gray-haired and tall, he looked more like a mighty epic warrior than an amazingly handsome and gentle young man. He wore very long hair, as did everyone else who was with Radomir.


Merry Terns arose in the 17th century as a Cossack winter hut. The settlement of Vesyolye Terny was the center of the Veseloternovskaya volost of the Verkhnedneprovsky district of the Yekaterinoslav province. As of 1886, there were 129 household households, where 613 people lived. In the village there was St. Michael's Church, a school, a shop, a fair, and a distillery.

At the beginning of the 20th century, more than 1,400 people lived in Vesyoly Terny, there was an Orthodox church, a pharmacy, and a fair. In 1900, the trade turnover of the village, together with the village of Novopavlovka adjacent to the southwest, reached 188 thousand rubles.

During the Soviet period, the state farm “Vesyolye Terny” operated.

Since 1956, it has received the status of an urban-type settlement.

On May 23, 1969, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR No. 176 “On the formation of districts in individual cities of the Ukrainian SSR,” a new district of the city was formed. According to this decree, in the city of Krivoy Rog, at the expense of part of the territory of the Zhovtnevy district, the Ternovsky district was formed. Merry Terns were included in the Krivoy Rog strip and entered the newly formed region.

History of the name

There is a legend about the rest of the army of Bogdan Khmelnitsky in Vesyoli Terny after the victory at Zheltye Vody. Here, in a ravine overgrown with thorns, stood a winter hut with a tavern. That’s why the Cossacks called these Terns cheerful. According to another version, the Thorns became cheerful thanks to the large number of nightingales in the thorn thickets.


Residential area of ​​the private sector in the eastern part of the Ternovsky district of Krivoy Rog, located on the left bank of the Saksagan River. In the southwest it borders with Novopavlovka, in the northwest with the Pervomaisky quarry of SevGOK, in the east, across the Saksagan River, with the village of Shevchenkovskoye (formerly Ordzhonikidze).


On the territory of Vesyoly Ternov there is the Ternovsky branch of the Krivoy Rog Museum of History and Local Lore, there is a school, a kindergarten, and an interschool training and production plant of the Ternovsky district. In the square of the 40th anniversary of the Victory there is a mass grave of Soviet soldiers, in which, along with other 345 soldiers, Hero of the Soviet Union Ilya Ukho is buried. In Vesyolye Terny there is the Church of the Archangel Michael, next to it is the “Vesyolye Terny” cemetery, which is closed for burials.


  • st. Alexey Solomenny (formerly Krasnoznamennaya street);
  • Kashirskaya St.;
  • st. Miroshnichenko.


  • Dolzhansky, Yuri Moiseevich - Hero of the Soviet Union (1943);
  • Novikov, Vasily Sergeevich - Hero of the Soviet Union (1944).

See also


  • Merry Terns // Encyclopedia of Krivoy Rog. In 2 volumes. T. 1. A – K: [Ukrainian ] / comp. V. F. Bukhtiyarov. - Krivoy Rog: Yavva, 2005. - 704 p. : ill., portrait
  • Melnik A. A., Balabanov S. V. Historical encyclopedia of Krivoy Rog / Krivoy Rog: Publishing House, 2007. / T. 1. - 604 p.
  • Volosts and the most important villages of European Russia. According to survey data carried out by statistical institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, on behalf of the Statistical Council. Publication of the Central Statistical Committee. Issue III. Little Russian and South-Western provinces / Compiled by senior editor V.V. Zverinsky - St. Petersburg, 1885. (Russian doref.)

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An excerpt characterizing the Merry Terns

“Bring the carriage,” he said. He got into the carriage next to the adjutant on duty and drove to the suburbs.
- “Moscow deserte. Quel evenemeDt invraisemblable!” [“Moscow is empty. What an incredible event!”] he said to himself.
He did not go to the city, but stopped at an inn in the Dorogomilovsky suburb.
Le coup de theater avait rate. [The end of the theatrical performance failed.]

Russian troops passed through Moscow from two o'clock in the morning until two o'clock in the afternoon, carrying with them the last residents and wounded who were leaving.
The biggest crush during the movement of troops occurred on the Kamenny, Moskvoretsky and Yauzsky bridges.
While, bifurcated around the Kremlin, the troops crowded onto the Moskvoretsky and Kamenny bridges, a huge number of soldiers, taking advantage of the stop and crowded conditions, returned from the bridges and stealthily and silently snuck past St. Basil's and under the Borovitsky Gate back up the hill to Red Square, on which, by some instinct, they felt that they could easily take someone else’s property. The same crowd of people, as if for cheap goods, filled Gostiny Dvor in all its passages and passages. But there were no tenderly sugary, enticing voices of the hotel palace, there were no peddlers and a motley female crowd of buyers - only the uniforms and greatcoats of soldiers without guns, silently leaving with burdens and entering the ranks without burdens. Merchants and peasants (there were few of them), as if lost, walked among the soldiers, unlocked and locked their shops, and themselves and the fellows carried their goods somewhere. Drummers stood on the square near Gostiny Dvor and beat the collection. But the sound of the drum forced the robber soldiers not, as before, to run to the call, but, on the contrary, forced them to run further away from the drum. Between the soldiers, along the benches and aisles, people in gray caftans and with shaved heads could be seen. Two officers, one in a scarf over his uniform, on a thin dark gray horse, the other in an overcoat, on foot, stood at the corner of Ilyinka and talked about something. The third officer galloped up to them.
“The general ordered everyone to be expelled now at any cost.” What the hell, it’s like nothing else! Half the people fled.
“Where are you going?.. Where are you going?” he shouted at three infantry soldiers who, without guns, having picked up the skirts of their greatcoats, slipped past him into the ranks. - Stop, rascals!
- Yes, please collect them! - answered another officer. – You can’t collect them; we have to go quickly so that the last ones don’t leave, that’s all!
- How to go? they stood there, huddled on the bridge and didn’t move. Or put a chain so that the last ones don’t run away?
- Yes, go there! Get them out! - the senior officer shouted.
The officer in the scarf got off his horse, called the drummer and went with him under the arches. Several soldiers began to run in a crowd. The merchant, with red pimples on his cheeks near his nose, with a calmly unshakable expression of calculation on his well-fed face, hastily and dapperly, waving his arms, approached the officer.
“Your honor,” he said, “do me a favor and protect me.” It’s not a small matter for us, it’s our pleasure! Please, I’ll take out the cloth now, at least two pieces for a noble man, with our pleasure! Because we feel, well, this is just robbery! You're welcome! Perhaps they would have posted a guard, or at least given a lock...
Several merchants crowded around the officer.
- Eh! it's a waste of time to lie! - said one of them, thin, with a stern face. “When you take off your head, you don’t cry over your hair.” Take whatever you like! “And he waved his hand with an energetic gesture and turned sideways to the officer.
“It’s good for you, Ivan Sidorich, to speak,” the first merchant spoke angrily. - You are welcome, your honor.
- What can I say! – the thin man shouted. “I have a hundred thousand goods in three shops here.” Can you save it when the army has left? Eh, people, God’s power cannot be broken with one’s hands!
“Please, your honor,” said the first merchant, bowing. The officer stood in bewilderment, and indecision was visible on his face.
- What do I care! - he suddenly shouted and walked with quick steps forward along the row. In one open shop, blows and curses were heard, and while the officer was approaching it, a man in a gray overcoat and with a shaved head jumped out of the door.
This man, bending over, rushed past the merchants and the officer. The officer attacked the soldiers who were in the shop. But at that time, terrible screams of a huge crowd were heard on the Moskvoretsky Bridge, and the officer ran out onto the square.

The history of this unique place on the map of the Ternovsky region is inextricably linked with the Ukrainian Cossacks, and subsequent development with rich iron ore deposits and generous black soils. Today 4,200 people live here. In Vesely Terny they take care of their legendary centuries-old history, preserve and enhance patriotic, spiritual and labor traditions, and also simply love their small homeland.

Vesyye Terny celebrated its anniversary on a special holiday - October 14. The crowded event was accompanied by Cossack symbols, and creative groups and Terniv residents themselves brightly showed off their folk talents. City Mayor Yuriy Vilkul, People's Deputy of Ukraine Konstantin Pavlov, Chairman of the Ternovsky District Council Vitaly Solod, representatives of the management of PJSC SevGOK, and other honored guests warmly congratulated the residents of Vesely Ternov on their 255th anniversary.

In the Ternovsky district, issues of further development of infrastructure and further improvement of residential areas are being systematically resolved. Social partnership between local authorities and the city-forming enterprise, SevGOK, is effective. In particular, from 2013 to the present, outdated outdoor lighting fixtures have been replaced with modern ones. The volume of road repairs is growing every year. If in 2015 13 thousand tons of asphalt were laid on the roads of the region, then just from the beginning of this year this figure is already 21 thousand tons. Repairs were made on the roads of Korolenko, Matrosov, Kashirskaya and other streets. Weather permitting, repairs will continue.

There are wonderful people in Vesely Terny. I constantly feel their concern and love for their small homeland in my deputy work,” noted MP Konstantin Pavlov at the festival.

At receptions, citizens turned to me asking for help with repairing elevators and installing lighting. I managed to secure the allocation of additional resources for the city in the amount of 4 million UAH. In the Ternovsky and Pokrovsky districts, these funds will be used for major repairs and replacement of several elevators in residential buildings. In addition, in the Ternovsky district, by the end of this year, outdoor lighting will be restored, and in some cases rebuilt, on a number of streets, in particular in Vesely Terny, the people’s deputy said.

Memorable moments of the anniversary celebration were the awards given to residents of Vesely Ternov in a number of nominations, including “Best Street,” which was the street. Rovenskaya, “Patron of arts promoting the development of the housing estate” - General Director of PJSC “SevGOK” Pavel Timoshenko and Honorary Citizen of Krivoy Rog Nikolay Zemlyanoy.

In the nomination “Talented Child”, student of KOSH 3 40 Marina Pritula was awarded, and “The oldest resident of Vesely Ternov” was Tatyana Kokhanova, who was born in May 1918. Konstantin Pavlov also presented gifts to the Kucheryavenkov and Gulakov families - old residents of the area and a young family with a newly born child, as well as mother of many children, Nina Kichula.

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