Where road maps lead: a teacher’s opinion. "road map"

Modern Russian schools today require history teachers with new teaching approaches, capable of offering new methods of teaching history that would form an active, independent and proactive position of students in learning. In today's ever-changing education, history teachers are required - professionals. It is difficult for a modern history student to achieve this result. For a history teacher today, it is not enough just to master a system of knowledge in order to be a successful history teacher - a professional in his field. The changes taking place in education make the problem of the formation and development of a professionally trained successful history teacher urgent. Adaptation to the constantly changing conditions of pedagogical activity becomes the most important prerequisite for the successful work of a history teacher. History shows that the development of professionalism as a history teacher is a long process and requires systematic work. At the very beginning and throughout his professional career, a teacher has to improve himself, introduce his own teaching methodology and solve educational problems related to the development of students’ personalities through the educational subject “history”. Klyuchevsky V.O. wrote: “... each of us must be at least a little historian in order to be a conscious and conscientious citizen.”

Historical originality of professional training of history teachers in Russia.
The first Russian literates, scribes, and translators were trained in schools that were opened at churches since the reign of Vladimir I and Yaroslav the Wise, and later at monasteries. Literacy in Rus' in the 11th - 12th centuries. was distributed mainly in cities. “Literacy masters” appear in cities, children and adults studied with them. The teachers were monks and clerks.

The origin of historical and methodological thought dates back to the period of the appearance in Russia of collections containing historical information. These are “Azbukovniki” of the 15th-17th centuries. and “Synopsis” (“Review”) - a textbook that appeared in Kyiv in 1674. “Synopsis” and “Azbukovniki” adapted the presentation of material to the interests of readers, but were not textbooks (Semagina. 1990). Organized professional training of a history teacher should be considered from the end of the 18th century, based on the fact that education as a system in the Russian state begins to emerge precisely at this time (Kucheruk I., Zinger N., Zinger V., 2014 p. 39).

A special place in the transformations of Russia in the 18th century. occupied by the reform of 1786 to create public schools. In accordance with the Charter of Public Schools of 1786, a class-lesson teaching system was introduced in schools, the use of blackboards and chalk, Russian historical maps, and textbooks began (Erik. 1960). Consequently, teachers include new methods of teaching history in their professional training.

Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the features of preparing a successful history teacher
1.1. Historical originality of professional training of history teachers in Russia
1.2. The essence and functions of the category “Professiogram”. "Professional Portrait" and "Road Map"
1.3. The pedagogical image of a modern history teacher and the conditions for its creation
Chapter II. Development of a “Road Map” for a history teacher in modern domestic education
2.1. Theoretical foundations for constructing a history teacher's roadmap paradigm
2.2. Roadmap as a component of teacher professional self-development
2.3. Methodology for designing a history teacher's road map
Bibliographic list.

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He shared the attitude of the teaching community towards “road maps” in education with the Slovo portal Vladimir Andreevich Popkov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History and Philosophy, Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

- In your opinion, why are “road maps” needed in education?

- Let's start with the term "road map". A roadmap is nothing more than a plan. A detailed plan that states what needs to be done and how. We didn’t have the term “road map,” but in the Soviet Union everything was planned. There was the first five-year plan, then the second, third, etc. Plans are often not implemented, as happened with the road map adopted in 2003 to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

- Then it turns out: you shouldn’t plan?

- It’s worth it, but really plan! Everyone plans what they want, not what is actually achievable. For example, M.S. Gorbachev planned that by the year 2000, every Soviet family should have its own apartment. But today not every family has it. The RF Government Order No. 2620-R “road map” states that in 2015 there will be no queue for kindergartens. In my opinion, there are and will be queues, because now we have an increase in the birth rate (at least according to official data). In a very short time these children will need places in nurseries and kindergartens.

I'm very skeptical of road maps. Here is the “road map” No. 2620-R dated December 30, 2012. There are a lot of empty spaces, or “milk,” in it. In the “road map” No. 2620-R of 72 pages, “milk” is probably more than 40%, if not more! From here, draw a conclusion about how significant this document is.

- That is, the “road maps” will not affect education in the country?

- They will. But only negatively. Why? If we take higher education as an example, they will lead to a significant reduction in teaching staff (the numbers are given in the document). This time. Secondly, the numbers of student reductions are given, although they are smaller than the reduction of teachers. That is, the workload on teachers by 2018 will be comparatively greater than it was in 2012 or early 2013.

- Is the main goal of roadmaps to reduce personnel?

- Downsizing is not an end in itself. But it is planned until 2017 (specific numbers are given in the document itself). The check has not yet been carried out, but there are indicators. There are indicators for everything, everything is planned, you understand?! How could it be planned that the coverage of additional education in 2013 will be 59%, in 2014 - 62%, in 2015 - 65%, and as a result, at least 70% of children aged 5 to 18 years will receive additional education services? Moreover, only half of the children are on a budgetary basis; the rest will have to pay. The same is true with rising wages. It is planned that the wages of 100% of additional education teachers by 2018 will be equal to the average wage in the subject’s economy. I don't believe it. When they talk about high average salaries for teachers in the regions, it is never indicated what workload of the teacher this salary corresponds to (1.5 rates, 2 rates). That is, there is only one conclusion - teachers may receive more, but they will also have to work many times more.

It was assumed that university teachers released during the reduction would work in schools. Do you think they will be able to rebuild?

- Seriously, a university teacher not only cannot, but also does not have the right to teach at school. In order for a university teacher to have the right to teach at school, he must have the appropriate certificate. Moscow State University has such a faculty of teacher education. And I work there part-time. There are 2 courses: teacher - this is for secondary education, and teacher of higher education. A university teacher, in addition to a diploma that he has defended a candidate's or doctoral dissertation, is a professor, must also have a diploma of a higher school teacher. It's the same at school. There must be education: a person must become familiar with the methodology, didactics, and so on. Therefore, a teacher simply cannot come to school, he has no right. And no one, in general, thought about where these people should go to work. Teachers will look for jobs themselves. I think that if they are still of working age, not pensioners, then they will be able to find a job. But the overwhelming number of teachers of retirement age will be forced to retire. Let’s assume that a young man entered graduate school at the age of 23, then worked as a teacher at the department for 15 years. In fact, apart from the fact that he knows how to teach something, and quite well, he does not know how to do anything. He will have to rebuild. We do not have an appropriate service for retraining such people (except for those demobilized from the army). This is a very big problem.

- What other shortcomings of this law?

- Decile coefficient! I give this example, which I took arbitrarily. Let's say that the average score per subject in the top 10% of schools was 84 in the 2009-2010 school year. This is a very good result. This is an excellent estimate, even with some excess. I took this value, you can successfully take another. And in 10% of schools with the worst results - 42. Then the decile coefficient will be equal to 2. Let's now take the next year (2010-2011): the average score is 80 and 40, respectively. The decile coefficient will again be equal to 2. What conclusion can be drawn? Academic performance remained at the same level. But if we look at the average score: the best were 84, but now they are 80, which means their performance has worsened. 4 points is a significant value. Now let's compare the lower score: it was 42, now it's lower. It also got worse. 2 points is not hundredths of a point, as is sometimes believed, and not tenths. That is, what is the conclusion? That academic performance is generally deteriorating, but the decile coefficient remains the same. And in the 2011-2012 academic year, 76 and 38, respectively. The decile coefficient will still be equal to 2. That is, the decile coefficient remains constant, both when academic performance deteriorates and when academic performance improves. Everything is stable. Therefore, the coefficient is not indicative! Any numbers can be taken as an example. You can take it from the reports and calculate it. This is the same as the average temperature in general for any city clinical hospital, including the morgue. Let’s say the hospital is an infectious diseases hospital, the temperatures there can be very high, but when we add up these numbers, taking into account the morgue, then at best it will be 36.2. Average numbers are usually not very informative.

- Then how to monitor progress?

- I cannot offer an ideal value that characterizes academic performance. But I think that it is necessary to separately characterize the percentage of excellent grades, the percentage of good grades, the percentage of satisfactory grades and the percentage of those who did not pass the Unified State Exam. This set will be indicative. It will be more objective than this decile coefficient. Well, you can’t reduce everything to one decile coefficient. Nothing will change, except that in schools and in all other organizations related to education, they will have to do an extra mathematical operation: counting. And they are already loaded with all sorts of bureaucratic paperwork.

- What do you think needs to be done to make education laws more viable?

- First of all, get rid of anonymity. A lot of things in our education sector are conducted anonymously. We do not know who the authors of the recently adopted law on education are, we can only guess that these are people mainly from the Ministry of Education and the Higher School of Economics. The project was discussed for more than three years, but despite this, it was adopted in an indigestible form. But there was an alternative draft law that was proposed by the Communist Party faction. It was not created by an anonymous group. The head of this team of authors was corresponding member of RAO O.N. Smolin. Or this action plan No. 2620-R, it was practically not discussed anywhere at all. Anonymity is bad; it is necessary to inform the media that a draft of this or that law and a list of its authors have been published on the website of the Ministry of Education, that the discussion of the draft of this law ends on such and such a date, with a request to send your comments. In a democratic society, it is necessary to conduct serious discussions of draft laws, and not discussions in specially selected groups. Each team must invite experts who have their own point of view on the issue under discussion.

- Can you give a long-term forecast for the development of the situation with the introduction of “road maps”?

- I have been working in higher education for about 50 years, since I left the department at the age of 23. And I can say that these are terrible times. “Road maps” were proposed in Russian education back in 2008, by a team of authors from the Higher School of Economics under the leadership of Y. Kuzminov, I. Frumin, with the participation of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund - “Russian education 2020: an education model for a knowledge-based economy ", Publishing house of the State University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, 2008. Then the authors proposed to discuss this work in the broadest possible way. The following year, my colleague, Valentin Danilovich Zhirnov, and I published the brochure “Russian Education – 2020”: a “road map” to nowhere.” Since 2008, this roadmap has not led to a noticeable improvement in education. It can be assumed that “road map” No. 2620-R will also not lead to serious changes in Russian education.


Daria Krupenko





primary classes

Soboleva Tatiana Nikolaevna

for the 2015-2016 academic year


    General information about the teacher

    Goals, objectives, expected results of self-education.

    Directions and content of activities

    1. Improvement of qualifications and teaching skills

      Working to improve the quality of education.

      Scientific and methodological work

      Generalization and dissemination of experience in teaching activities

      Improving professionally significant personal qualities of a teacher


Full name Soboleva Tatyana Nikolaevna

Education - higher

Teaching experience - 22 years old

In this position - 6 year

In this organization - 3 years

Extracurricular activities – 2 hours

Homeschooling – No

Social teacher - until January 2016.

Additional education - head of the "Assorted" club (until January 2016)


The purpose of self-education:

Improving teaching methods of basic subjects,

increasing the level of student learning, the level of pedagogical

teacher's skill


    to form the ability for creative self-development, for creative activity;

    introduce innovative pedagogical technologies into the educational process;

    provide programming of their activities, creative reflection, generation of ideas, and embodiment of the creative plan.

    continue to work on improving the scientific and theoretical level in the field of theory and methods of teaching basic subjects;

    study the psychological and age characteristics of schoolchildren.

Expected result of self-education:

    improving the quality of teaching basic subjects, increasing the effectiveness of participation in olympiads;

    development and conduct of open lessons, master classes, generalization.

    reports, speeches at meetings of the Moscow Region, participation in competitions and conferences with self-generalization of experience;

    creation and promotion of a personal website on the Internet, updating its main sections, posting author’s teaching materials on it.


Section 1. Advanced training and teaching skills



Study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature on basic subjects

I plan to study and analyze scientific and methodological literature.

Literature studied: about new technologies for teaching lessons.

Work on the methodological topic of self-education.

I plan to develop a series of tests in basic subjects.

Work on developing tests continued.

Participation in seminars, webinars, video conferences, GMO work, RMC, etc.

I plan to take an active part in GMO seminars and webinars.

Webinar participant:

1.“Not quite ordinary lessons. Electronic forms of textbooks for ORKSE lessons”, Drofa Publishing House, 10/20/2015, 2 hours

2. “Learning to work with the manual “Preparing for the All-Russian test work. Mathematics. Workbook 4"

Publishing house Enlightenment,

11/11/2015, 2 hours

3. “We are designing a Russian language lesson in 1st grade. UMK "Perspective". Publishing house Enlightenment, 09/24/2015, 2 hours

4. “Text: working with information in the aspect of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of Educational Education” Information educational portal Drofa, 16.02. 2016, 2 hours

5. “EFF as a tool for developing meta-subject skills” Information educational portal Drofa, 17.09. 2015, 2 hours

6. “Dialogue in the lesson of secular ethics” Information educational portal Bustard, 13.11. 2015, 2 hours

7. “Electronic forms of textbooks in primary schools are a new tool for implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” Information educational portal Drofa, 20.08. 2015, 2 hours

8. “Possibilities of workbooks for the educational complex of ORKSE for achieving personal meta-subject and subject results” Information educational portal Bustard, 20.08. 2015, 2 hours

9. “Teaching the course “Teaching literacy” in conditions of bilingualism - author Goretsky, educational complex “School of Russia”” Publishing House Prosveshchenie, 10.20.15, 2 hours

10. “Formation of regulatory control systems using the means of the course “The World around us”, educational complex “School of Russia”” Publishing house Prosveshcheniye, January 28, 2016, 2 hours

11. “We form basic skills. Reading literacy: results and assessments, problems, solutions.” Publishing house Enlightenment, 10/20/2015, 2 hours

Participated in the competition of professional skills of class teachers of general education institutions in the city of Nizhnevartovsk “Class Teacher - 2016”.

Qualifying stage.

Course preparation.

I plan to take advanced training courses.

Didn't pass

Activities within the school methodological association.

I plan to take an active part and speak at the Moscow Region on current topics.

She was an active participant in all MO meetings.

Improving work with modern pedagogical


I plan to improve the project method and health-saving technologies.

She implemented the pedagogical project “Network interaction as a factor in the development of children’s teams and the personal growth of students” with the Patriot Center for Children and Youth Technical Creativity.


I plan to pass certification in 2016-2017.

Confirmation of suitability for the position held (February 2015)

Section 2.Working to improve the quality of education

Direction and content of activities



Organization of differentiated work with students with different levels of intellectual abilities and cognitive activity.

I plan to develop cards for differentiated work with students with different levels of intellectual abilities and cognitive activity.

Developed and tested: cards for individual work on the Russian language, mathematics, and the world around us.

Organization of work with gifted children and participation with them in scientific and practical conferences, competitions, olympiads in the subject.

I plan to prepare children for a scientific and practical conference, and actively participate in competitions and olympiads in subjects.

They took an active part in international and all-Russian competitions.

1. All-Russian meta-subject competition “Decide” - total - 20 hours.

Syroeshkina Lyubov

Kurbanova Khadija

Groo Ekaterina

3rd degree diploma,

1 Rasulzhanova Sayora

2 Abduljalilova Buriyat

3 Amirova Patimat

4 Ishakova Aisha

5 Kaykolesov Alexander

6 Alybaeva Aidana

7 Jalalov Mubin

8 Ibragimova Diana

9 Abubakarova Elisa

10 Nevezhina Ksenia - certificate of commendation,

1 Yuri Chentaritsky

2 Khasmetova Eliza

3 Pozdeeva Sofia

4 Rasulzhanov Khasanboy

5 Usmanov Marat

6 Kulmametyev Danil

7 Shayakhmetova Alina

Certificate of participation.

2. International game-competition “Helianthus” - 10 hours.

1st place - Ksenia Nevezhina, Yuri Chentaritsky, Patimat Amirova.

Sayora Rasulzhanova, Sofia Pozdeeva, Elisa Abubakarov, Alexander Kaikalesov, Vsevolod Tarasov, Aisha Iskhakova, Ekaterina Groo.

3. Russian language competition “Cyrillic” - Alexander Kaikalesov - 47th place in Russia, Lyubov Syroeshkina - 60th place, Ekaterina Groo - 80th place, Sayora Rasulzhanova - 80th place, Sofia Pozdeeva - 87th place... - participants

4. International gaming competition “Golden Fleece” - 8 hours. Sofia Pozdeeva 11th place in school, Eliza Khasmetova - 12th place, Hasan Rasulzhanov - 13th place, Alina Shayakhmetova - 14th place, Patimat Amirova - 15th place, Elisa Abubakarova, Alexander Kaikalesov - 16th -17th place, Tarasov Vsevolod -19th place

5.International game-competition “Russian bear cub - linguistics for everyone” - 15 hours.

6.International gaming competition in literature “Pegasus” - 5 hours. Pozdeeva Sofia - 7-8th place in school, Syroeshkina Lyubov - 9th place, Chentaritsky Yuri - 10th place, Groo Ekaterina - 12-13th place, Amirova Patimat - 14th place.

City competition “Become more noticeable on the road” in the category “Brightest class” 12 hours participation.

School level

“Autumn Fair” - the whole class. 2nd place.

“New Year’s Toy Competition” - 2 people. Syroeshkina Lyubov, Otdelnova Ekaterina.

"New Year's Office Competition" - 2nd place

Poetry competition about the native land - 2nd place

Drawing competition for Cosmonautics Day – 12 people

Waste paper collection – 24kg (9 people)

Conducting a gaming master class for school activists.

Organization of extracurricular activities in the subject

I plan to develop and organize the work of a circle for extracurricular activities

Developed programs for extracurricular activities:

- “The World of Logic.”

- “I am a citizen of Russia.”

- “Talk about proper nutrition.”

- “Folk creativity and folk word.”

Developed the program for additional education “Assorted”

Section 3.Scientific and methodological work

Direction and content of activities



Acquaintance with new forms, methods and techniques of teaching.

I plan to get acquainted with innovative technologies for teaching lessons.

I have become familiar with and use the following innovative technologies:

ICT - technologies, technology of design and research activities (A.I. Savenkov),

Technology of problem-based learning (A. Disterweg), - collective method of learning (V.K. Dyachenko),

Technology of productive reading,

Gaming technologies, health-saving technologies,

Technology for the development of critical thinking.

Implementation of a competency-based approach to subject teaching as part of the implementation of federal state educational standards.

I plan to develop a series of lessons on the world around us in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Developed and taught lessons on the world around us.

Conducting open lessons and master classes as part of work to improve methodological skills.

I plan to hold

Measures to prevent neglect.

Conducted school-wide educational activities:

Event dedicated to Children's Rights Day “My Rights”.

An event about the rules of behavior at school and on the street.

Conducted an integrated lesson (mathematics + orienteering)

Primary and High School Teacher's Roadmap

(Full name)__________________________________________,

working according to the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC in Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 16

Type and direction of activity


about the implementation

    Study of the regulatory framework of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary and senior schools

Study the Concept of spiritual and moral development and personality education of a Russian citizen

In the teacher’s work program for the subject and the program of extracurricular activities

plan work on the education and socialization of students in primary or high school

Study the educational program of the basic school in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Introduce the content of the materials studied (section “”) to colleagues at a meeting of the methodological association

Third week

Speech at a meeting of the Moscow Region

2.Increasing professional competence in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of primary and high school

Training in advanced training courses at the State Center for Educational Education

During the 2013-2014 academic year

Presentation of what was studied at a meeting of the Moscow Region, creative group

Attending lessons and master classes for primary and 5th grade teachers who have experience working in the Federal State Educational Standard

During the school year

Familiarization with technology, ICT support, methods, techniques of work according to the Federal State Educational Standards of primary and secondary schools

3.Development of teacher programs

Development of the draft Work Program for the basic school for teachers__________

Teacher's work program

Development of a draft work program for a high school teacher_____

April 2014

Teacher's work program

Development of an extracurricular activity program

May 2014

Extracurricular activities program

Development of a program for the formation of UUD

May 2014

UUD Formation Program

4.Assessing the quality of the results of educational activities

Development of test and measurement materials

During the school year

Development and implementation of calendar and thematic planning in the subject_____ for __5__grade

During the school year

Calendar and thematic planning

Participation in the school’s experimental activities to introduce the Federal State Educational Standard

During the school year

5. Innovation activities

Presentation of innovative experience (open lessons, master classes, publications, participation in professional competitions, project development, etc.)

During the school year

Materials for summarizing teaching experience

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