Literary composition for May 9 at school. Scenario of literary and musical composition for Victory Day

1st presenter:

Every year on May 9 we turn to the fact that every family will be sacred forever. The Great Patriotic War... It affected every family. And we will always remember the terrible price paid for victory: millions of human lives, and there is nothing more valuable in the world than human life.

2nd presenter:

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of war, we honor the memory of fallen heroes, and we bow to the living. Although more than half a century has passed since Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations. That is why we have gathered here today.

1st reader- To those who went into battle for their homeland, survived and won.

2nd reader- To those who froze in the trenches on cold nights.

3rd reader- To those who sank at river crossings.

4th reader- To those who have sunk for centuries nameless in fascist captivity.

5th reader- Dedicated to everyone who went into immortality, survived and won...

1st presenter: The last minutes of peaceful life passed.

1st reader:

June...The sunset was approaching evening.

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And the sonorous laughter of the guys was heard,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

2nd reader:

June. We didn't know then

Walking from school evenings,

What's between peace and war

Just five minutes left!

Attention! Attention! Moscow speaks! Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without a declaration of war, German troops attacked our country!

On stage, a young man and a girl freeze standing and holding hands, then read poetry)

When will I see you again

Your trembling eyelashes...

When will I see you again

Your sad eyes...

Why are you silent, say a word,

The war tells us to be separated.

Why are you silent, say a word.

Trains go into flames.

Why did you call me beloved?

That long-awaited bright night?

Why did you call me beloved?

Now my path cannot be changed!

Love must be indivisible.

She, like starlight, is immortal...

Love must be indivisible

War cannot divide love!

I'm leaving to come back...

Look, the sky is already on fire.

I'm leaving to return

A sword is raised above our happiness.

I believe the meeting will be repeated.

I'll be with you, wherever you are...

I believe the meeting will happen again,

How thousands of happy meetings!

(The song “Dark Night” plays in the recording. Against the background of music, they move in different directions.)

2nd presenter:

Such young, completely foolish graduates met yesterday's German invaders and stood up to defend their homeland. The only thing they were surprised by was that they had suddenly become adults since the beginning of the war. Of the 1941 graduates, only 7% remained alive by the end of the war.

1st presenter:

War does not have a woman's face. But where the men cried, the woman did not cry. Women stood up throughout our vast country: in a factory workshop, in a rye field, at a child’s cradle, at the operating table... and the front did not waver.

3rd reader:

We know, like no one else in the world,

Wars are despair and darkness.

More and more women and children

Then we worked in the rear.

2nd presenter:

Fulfillment of production tasks was then the law. Just as at the front, the order was unquestioning, so in the rear it was obligatory to fulfill its norm: the rear worked for the front, the rear worked for Victory.

4th reader:

Palms with abrasions and cracks

Long accustomed to work,

And I carry it on a woman’s shoulders

People cannot measure it.

1st presenter:

The soldiers fought for peace. In the respites between battles, in cramped dugouts and cold trenches, they wrote letters home. Letters were sent without envelopes, folded into a triangle.

The song “Zemlyanka” (K. Listov, A. Surkov) is played. Three boys depict fighters at a campsite near a “bonfire” who write “letters.”

1 child:

Dear mom!

Don't remember me in tears,

Leave your worries and worries.

The path is not close, the native land is far away,

But I will return to the familiar threshold!

2nd child:

My love is still with you

The Motherland is with you, you are not alone, dear.

You are visible to me when I go into battle,

Defending your great happiness.

And I will respond to concern with heroism,

I'm far away, but I'll be back.

And you, dear, will come out to meet me.

(The boys fold the letters into triangles, get up and leave)

2nd presenter:

The war lasted 4 terrible years - 1418 days and nights. On May 9, 1945, Berlin, the last stronghold of fascism, fell. The entire sky exploded with fireworks of the long-awaited victory.

8th reader:

On the ninth day of jubilant May,

When silence fell on the ground,

The news rushed from edge to edge:

The world has won! The war is over!

In the name of the Fatherland -

In the name of the living -

In the name of the future -

1st presenter:

More than 20 million Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War. A minute of silence is announced. Let us honor the memory of the fallen.

2nd presenter:

The path to victory was long and difficult. A low bow to the soldiers who fulfilled their duty to the Motherland with honor. To those who returned home and to those who fell on the battlefields. Many years have passed, but people remember this significant date and celebrate it solemnly.

5th child

For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

6th child

Get up early this morning

Go out into the city and take a look:

How veterans walk

With orders on his chest.

7th child

Our grandfathers remember

About the old days

Worn in honor of Victory

Military orders!

Song "Great Grandfather"

1st presenter:

We, the young generation of Russia, will always remember the heroic exploits of our people during the Great Patriotic War. The names of the heroes who gave their lives for our future will forever remain in our hearts.

2nd presenter:

We will never forget those who, without sparing their lives, won freedom and happiness for future generations. We promise to study hard in order to be worthy of our great Motherland, our heroic people.

1st reader.

The Victory Banner is scarlet - a symbol of friendship and happiness of people!

2nd reader.

The scarlet Victory Banner means peace for the planet of people!

3rd reader.

Happy wonderful spring holiday!

Happy Victory Day!

The song “Victory Day” is performed

“We must not forget this date...”

Purpose of the event: To develop historical literacy and a sense of patriotism among the younger generation, to develop a sense of belonging to the historical events that took place during the war.


1. Show the scale of the tragedy of the Great Patriotic War and the greatness of the feat of the Soviet people.

2. Convey the idea of ​​the need for continuity of generations.

Compiled by an elementary school teacher

first qualification category MBOU Stolbischenskaya secondary school

Gorchakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Leading . Dear guys! Dear veterans!

Today we will mentally return to the past of our Motherland, to the year 1941. A peaceful Sunday summer day. .June 22...And suddenly terrible news came from the loudspeaker . Levitan's voice. Ved . Without declaring war, fascist troops attacked our Motherland. The Great Patriotic War began. The threat of loss of independence and freedom loomed over the country. Rallies and meetings were held at factories and factories. And everyone vowed as one to stand up for their native country. 1.The longest day of the yearWith its cloudless weatherHe gave us a common misfortuneFor everyone, for all 4 years!1. Song “Get up, huge country...” Ved. One of the first battles took place at the border Brest Fortress. Its defenders fought an unequal battle for about a month and inflicted great damage on the Nazis. 2. Reflection at the Brest Fortress.I knew that it was possible to burn out a brick,It's not steel.I knew that I might not save it,And there will be rubble and battle.I knew that it was possible to tearDrive a land mine point-blank.When the brick cannot be taken apart -So the masonry was baked.But here he was melting in fire,It flowed like glass.I'm afraid to touch him,So that your fingers don't get burned.And yet a wall is a wallShe has grown into the sand.What about those soldiers during the war?Couldn't you move it here?(A. Smolnikov)Ved . The army was forced to retreat in the first months of the war. Hitler attached exceptional importance to the capture of Moscow. He believed that as soon as his troops entered Moscow, the Soviet people would be conquered. The Nazis called their capture plan “Typhoon.” But these plans were not destined to come true. 3.The Motherland sent its best sons and daughters to the front. Thousands of people voluntarily joined the army, partisan detachments, and people's militia. 2. Song "March of the Slavyanka". 4. Instead of men who went to the front, old men, women, and children stood at the machines in factories. They made weapons. Collective farms supplied the army with food. Hundreds of thousands of people became heroes of the home front.5. It was already deep autumn. But as always, on November 7, 1941, there was a parade on Red Square. And immediately from the parade our troops went to the front. And here is the first victory near Moscow!6.Capital.Here every house stands like a pillbox and stretches in the darkness,Anti-aircraft guns from the roof to the sky,Like the spiers on the Kremlin,As a sign that at this hour we are dearerWith the Kremlin is my Land,
And they even seem closer
Houses around the Kremlin.White crosses on the windowsThey flash in a hurry,You, Moscow, will put up the same cross,On all enemies!Ved . Our soldiers fought heroically with the enemy near Smolensk. The most glorious participants of the Smolensk battle - 4 divisions - were the first to receive the title of Guards . 7. "Courage"We know what's on the scales todayAnd what is happening now.The hour of courage has struck on our watchAnd courage will not leave us.It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,It's not bitter to be homeless,And we will save you, Russian speech,Great Russian word.We will bring you free and cleanAnd we will give it to our grandchildren and save us from captivity,Forever!(A. Akhmatova)8.Brilliant victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. Then the summer of 1943 - the Battle of Kursk. And again victory! But the enemy is still strong. And many of our people, soldiers, and civilians have died. Many have lost their family, loved ones, and friends.3. Song "In the fields beyond the sleepy Vistula..." 9. Every day of the Great Patriotic War at the front and in the rear is a feat of boundless courage and fortitude of the Soviet people, loyalty to the Motherland. Everything for the front! Everything for Victory!10.What kind of conversations might there be?That everyone suffered, everyone fought?He froze in the trenches, he climbed mountains,He fell to the dew with his burnt mouth.Malnourished - and waist-deep in snowLack of sleep - and chest-deep in water,Minutes without worrying about yourself,He trusted the high star.And he went out in battle to more than one border, dispelling the thick darkness on the earth.What can compare with this truth?He saved you...So bow to him!(V. Subbotin)He walked towards victory, out of breath,I didn't think about myself on the way,So that it would be like this:Take a look and don’t look away.(S. Orlov)Ved . And now this long-awaited day has come. People waited 1418 days for this holiday. The war continued for so many days and nights. 12. Before our Motherland, we will be considered glory.All who have their own bloodHe became related to her.There was a great war going on,There was a bloody war for 1418 days!13. The war marked us with a special mark.In life there is no and never wasNothing more difficult!Metina's special one - the highest breakdown - 1418 days!14. She rewarded us with front-line cooperation.There was no stronger and dearer community,Under fire, under bullets, courage was tempered - 1418 days!Ved . From the memoirs of Marshal of the Soviet Union K. Rokosovsky. "Victory! This is the greatest happiness for a soldier - the knowledge that you helped your people defeat the enemy, defend the freedom of the Motherland, and return peace to it. The consciousness that you have fulfilled your soldier’s duty, a difficult and beautiful duty, higher than which there is nothing on earth! The Great Patriotic War was a national war. And the victory over the enemy was also a national victory. The army and the people celebrated it as one friendly family. And this made our soldier’s happiness even more complete, even greater...” 15. There is no family in our country that has not experienced the pain of loss. The Motherland remembers the names of its sons and daughters.16.Remember! Through the centuries, through the years -Remember! About those who will never come again.Remember! Don't cry!Hold back the moans in your throat, the bitter moans.Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!Eternally worthy!Ved. We will honor those who will never return with a minute of silence. . MINUTE OF SILENCE 17. I don’t know when this will beIn the land of white-legged birchesVictory on May 9People will celebrate without tears.The ancient marches will riseArmy pipes of the country,And the marshal will go to the army,Not having seen this war.18.And I can’t even think of itWhat kind of fireworks will strike there,What tales will they tell?And what songs they will sing.But we know for certainWe happened to know in our family,What happened on May 9th in the morning in 1945.19. Homeland is harsh and sweetRemembers all the fierce battles,Groves grow over the graves,Nightingales glorify life through the groves.They live with her, loving, suffering, rejoicingFalling and rising up.A rainbow triumphs over the storm,And life triumphs over death!4. Song “Birch Dreams” 20.On the ninth day of jubilant MayWhen silence fell on the ground,The news rushed from edge to edge,The world has won! The war is over!The lights were no longer dimmed anywhereIn the smoky cities of Europe.Victory was bought at the price of blood,May the globe always remember this!

5 .Song “Victory Day” 21. Let the sun drownThe whole earth is in rays,Let the peaceful stars shine above her!Let you breathe deeper, calmer, freer!May there always be sunshine!May there always be heaven! May there always be mother!May there always be PEACE!22. “I have never seen a war...” I've never seen warAnd I can’t imagine her horror,But the fact that our world wants silence,Today I understand very clearly.Thank you that we didn't have toImagine and recognize such torment.It was all your share:Anxiety, cold, hunger and separation.Thank you for the bright light of the sun,For the joy of life in every moment of ours,For the trills of the nightingale, and for the dawn,And beyond the fields of blooming daisies.Yes! The terrible hour is behind us.We only learned about the war from books.Thank you! We love you very much!Bows to you from girls and boys!6.Song “Childhood” Ved. May this day The sun shines brighter for you, Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet! We wish you health, happiness, light, All that is called good!


Literary and musical composition.


Dear friends! We were born and raised in peacetime. We have never heard the howl of sirens announcing a military alarm, we have not seen houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we do not know what unheated housing and meager military rations are.

It’s hard for us to believe that ending a human life is as easy as a morning nap. We can judge about trenches and trenches only from films and the stories of front-line soldiers.

For us, war is history. We dedicate this evening to the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

The waltz “In the City Garden” sounds.

On stage, girls and boys dance a waltz.

1st girl.

Oh, the wind is so warm.

1st young man.

So the golden childhood flew by.

Goodbye school! Goodbye teachers, classmates!

What awaits us ahead? One unknown.

2nd girl.

Why the unknown?

I am a doctor, you are a mathematics teacher.

2nd young man.

All. Certificate in pocket, things in suitcase.

Tomorrow I'll take the train, and goodbye to those native places.

3rd girl.

Will you at least write?

2nd young man.

I'll write when I arrive.

3rd young man.

How great!!! There are so many roads ahead, so many things to do...

A pre-war waltz sounds and a photographer appears.


Attention! Attention! I'm filming!

Young woman.

Historical moment.

The music starts again.

The lights go out.

The announcer reports on the sudden attack of Nazi Germany on the USSR.

Alexandrov’s song “Holy War” is playing.

Boys leave girls behind when they go to war.

Young woman:

Oh, war, what have you done, you vile one:

Our yards have become quiet,

Our boys raised their heads -

They have matured for the time being

They barely appeared on the road

And they left, following the soldier - the soldier...

Goodbye boys!


Try to go back.

No, don't hide, be tall,

Spare no bullets or grenades

And don't spare yourself

And yet

Try to go back.

young man:

Oh, war, what have you done, vile one?

Instead of weddings there are separations and smoke.

Our girls' dresses are white

They gave it to their sisters.

Boots - well, where can you get away from them?

Yes, green wings...

Don't give a damn about the gossipers, girls.

We'll settle the score with them later.

Let them chatter that you have nothing to believe in,

Why are you going to war at random...

Goodbye girls!

Girls, try to go back.

Girls perform the song "Ogonyok" to the words of M. Isakovsky


Violating peaceful life, suddenly, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our country on June 22, 1941.

Sad willows leaned towards the pond,
The moon floats over the river
There, at the border, I stood on duty
At night the fighter is young.
Black shadows grew in the fog,
The cloud in the sky is dark,
The first shell exploded in the distance -
Thus began the war.

Staging. Children are placed throughout the hall (signalman, nurse, sailor, pilot, machine gunner).

Signalman (puts on headphones):
Hello, Jupiter!? I am Diamond!
I can hardly hear you at all...
We occupied the village with a fight,
What about you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages the wounded):
Why are you roaring like a bear?
It's just a matter of patience.
And your wound is so light,
That it will heal for sure.

Sailor (looks through binoculars):
There's a plane on the horizon
Full speed ahead, forward!
Get ready for battle, crew!
Leave it alone! Our fighter!

Pilots above the map:
The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.
The flight to the target is seven minutes.

The battle order is clear,
The enemy will not leave us.

Machine gunner:
So I climbed into the attic.
Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.
We clean the house behind the house,
We will find the enemy everywhere.


The tank will pass on tracks

The gun barrel is in front,

It's dangerous, enemy, don't come near!

The tank is protected by strong armor

And he can face the fight!


Soldier at enemy heights

Was wounded early this morning.

A brave military doctor will save,

He will bandage the wounds!

A doctor removes a soldier from his wounds

Two small fragments

And he will say: “Don’t be discouraged!

Live long, brother!"

Song: Airplanes come first, and then girls

The participants in the performance return to their seats.


Let's remember the years of war.

Let's remember the frontline songs,

Those that they themselves composed,

Going into mortal combat,

What the artists performed

Right on the front line.


About the accordion, under the talyanka

Sang, brothers, again and again

About the handkerchief, about the dugout

And, of course, about love.


Gramophones and accordions,

You never have a deadline.

Let's remember, brothers, a little

Songs of those war years.

Episode "At a Rest"

Presenter. There were also moments of rest at the front.

You could sit by the fire and sing your favorite song.

The accordion player took the accordion, and in the light of the fire it sounded

a sincere song about home, about loved ones and relatives.

One of the young men takes an accordion and sings "In the dugout." (Music by K. Listov. Lyrics by A. Surkov).

Phonogram of explosions and shooting. Loud at first, then quieter and quieter. Finally, the sound of the forest and the singing of birds are heard. The fighters enter the area. The melody “In the forest near the front” sounds. The fighters are located in the clearing: some are rolling cigarettes, some are writing a letter.

1 fighter:

Eh, brothers! That's good!

2nd fighter:

Yes! It wouldn't hurt to have a snack now.

1 fighter:

You can live without food for a day,

More is possible, but sometimes

In a one-minute war

Can't live without a joke

Jokes of the most unwise.

3rd fighter:(tells a soldier's story).

Here we had a case. Sometimes we had a gramophone playing in the trenches. And the whole company listened to the music. And even the Nazis heard something from our melodies.

We especially loved the song “Katyusha”. And the Nazis were extremely fond of this plastic art. They applauded every time. And sometimes they even sang along with their hoarse voices. And then one day we hear a voice over their loudspeaker: “Hey, Rus, put on Katyusha.” We haven’t heard for a long time, we miss you...” Hearing this, we began to laugh. They brought a gramophone. And they put on “Katyusha”. We played this record three times. But everything was not enough for them. They clapped their hands and shouted “More!” We placed it for the fourth time. But then one of our guys says: “But we, brothers, are not doing business. By doing this we create a complacent mood for ourselves. And we cheer the fascists who are burning our villages and cities. And they kill our brothers, wives, children.”

And then we realized our mistake. They took this record down to hell and didn’t play it again. And a few days later, our respected cannon, also called “Katyusha,” arrived at the front. And she made the Nazis forget all other motives ( The fighters laugh, the soundtrack is birdsong).

Song "Katyusha"

2nd soldier.

And I’ll tell you how I once went for a “tongue.”

Here I am sitting, that means brothers,

Under cover of darkness,

I hear: rustling, I see, brothers

The German is climbing...

1st soldier.

2nd soldier.

Well, the last thing I do is
Hidden among the pines,

White snow, and all in white.

I'm waiting for the bandit...

1st soldier.

2nd soldier.

Well, he crawls through the forest,
I just see, brothers,
That fascist has a lot of weight,

How bad is he...

1st soldier.

N at And you?

2nd soldier.

Well, I'm a fly by weight,
How will you get into trouble?

Oh, I think you are a wreck,

How to deal with him?

1st soldier.

2nd soldier.

Well, he's getting closer and closer...
I just see, brothers,

He lies with his belly on the ski,

The snow is deep...

1st soldier.

2nd soldier.

Then it dawned on me!
I took it sideways in one leap
And on the Fritz, on the big man He sat on horseback right away.

“Halt,” I shout, “or I’ll shoot!”

The damn soul is on its way!”

And I put it to the back of your head

Your cherished “pe-pe-sha”.

1st soldier.

2nd soldier.

Where to go?

Submit to me, scoundrel,

And he took me, brothers,

Like a good stallion.

Oh, what a laugh this morning!

From the forest downhill

So I drove in as a prisoner

To your guards battalion.

Soldier writes a letter

Wait for me and I will return

Just wait a lot.

Wait when they make you sad

Yellow rains;

Wait for the snow to blow;

Wait for it to be hot.

Wait when others are not waiting,

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

No letters will arrive.

Wait until you get bored

To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will return

Don't be sorry for the good

To everyone who knows by heart,

It's time to forget.

Let the son and mother believe

That there is no me.

Let friends get tired of waiting

They'll sit by the fire

Drink bitter wine

In honor of the soul...

Wait - and with them at the same time

Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I'll be back

All deaths are out of spite. -

Whoever didn't wait for me, let him

He will say: “Lucky.”

Those who were not waiting for them cannot understand,

Like in the middle of fire

By your expectation

You saved me.

How I survived - we will know

Just you and me.

You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.

The presenter takes a cap with soldiers' letters from the dugout.

If you want to know about the war
And about the victorious spring of May,
Ask the soldier's mother
Read her son's letters.

1st letter:
Years froze on the pages.
He will always be twenty-two.
"Mom, I'm healthy and alive..."
And the next morning the last battle. Passing a cap with letters to each other
2. My dear family!
Night. The candle flame is flickering.
This is not the first time I remember
How do you sleep on a warm stove.
In our little old hut,
That is lost in the deep forests,
I remember a field and a river,
I remember you again and again.
3. Forgive me for the letter,
Hurrying, breaking away, carelessly
I write like a boy's diary
And as a navigator - a magazine.
Here it begins again... Do you hear?
Rushing at third speed
Metal filled with fire...

4. Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello, my beloved son!

I'm writing from the front line,

Tomorrow morning back into battle

We will drive out the fascists,

Take care, son, mother!

Forget sadness and sadness -

I will return victorious!

I will finally hug you.

Goodbye. Your father.

5. I saw my comrades die. And today the battalion commander told a story about how one general died, he died while facing west. I love life, I want to live, but the front is such a thing that you live and live - and suddenly a bullet or a shrapnel puts an end to the end of your life. But if I am destined to die, I would like to die like this general: in battle and facing west.

6. My black-eyed Mila! I’m sending you a cornflower... Imagine: there’s a battle going on, shells are exploding, there are craters all around and a flower is growing right here...

At this time, young men come out from different scenes and speak on behalf of those who did not return from the war.

1st young man.

I was killed near Rzhev,

He was killed near Moscow.

Where are you warriors, where are you,

Who is left alive?

2nd young man.

In cities of millions,

In villages, at home, in the family,

In military garrisons,

Not on our land?

3rd young man.

Oh, is it our own, is it someone else’s,

All in flowers or snow...

I bequeath to you to live,

What more can I do!

4th young man.

From unknown to famous,

Which the years are not free to defeat,

There are 20 million of you unforgotten,

Those killed who did not return from the war.

5th young man.

No, you didn’t disappear in total smoke,

Where the path to the top was not straight.

Wives also dream of you as young

Mothers dream of boys

Third. A soldier's cap, a stack of letters, and a glass of vodka covered with a piece of black bread are illuminated on a stool.

They buried him in the globe,

And he was just a soldier,

In total, friends, a simple soldier,

No titles or awards.

The earth is like a mausoleum to him -

For a million centuries,

And the milky ways are gathering dust

Around him from the sides.

The clouds sleep on the red slopes,

Blizzards are sweeping,

Heavy thunder roars,

The winds are taking off.

The battle ended a long time ago...

By the hands of all friends

The guy is placed in the globe,

It's like being in a mausoleum.

The song “Cranes” is performed (Words by R. Gamzatov. Translation by N. Grebnev. Music by Y. Frenkel).

During the song, boys and girls appear with burning candles in their hands. A report from the Soviet Information Bureau about the end of the war is heard.

The silence is still indistinct,

There are still cartridges in the chambers,

And out of habit, the foreman

He runs, bending down, towards the battalion.

And, shocked by the silence,

The soldier who opened the doors to the world,

Doesn't believe in the day he

For four long years I believed.

Victory Day Song phonogram

First presenter. May is and will be in our minds the neighborhood of Spring and Victory, Spring and Labor, Spring and Peace.

Second presenter. Listen: it is the May wind itself that is speaking to you now.

Third presenter. Turn around after the cloud sliding above the earth, remember those who could have lived, but did not live to see today's May.

First presenter. Think about those who will celebrate May without us - after us.

Second presenter. It is for them that we must preserve the holiday of Spring and Victory.

Third presenter. It is for them that we must save our Earth. So that he would always fly over her, slyly cooling the open faces of children and driving before him the weightless cloud of our memory, the May wind.

First presenter. Wind of Victory.

Second presenter. Wind of the World.

Third presenter. Wind of Love.

First presenter .

There are fewer of us every year,

Passed through lead, fire and smoke.

I bless both men and women

Plant gardens, raise grandchildren.

No, not so that one day again

The earth groaned, burning alive,

And so that war is a damned word

It was only found in dictionaries.

The song “Once upon a time there was a war” plays The participants in the performance place burning candles one at a time on the edge of the stage and leave.

Literary and musical composition

(The song “Once upon a time…” plays)

(2 boys and 2 girls come out)

1st: Human memory is strictly

2nd: Counts the days like soldiers in the ranks

3rd: The world knows that the path was not easy

4th: For this solemn day

1st: Victory comes to us again and again,

2nd: Beautiful and young, like in forty-five,

3rd: Comes in the splendor of old orders

4th: On the jacket of an experienced soldier.

1st: Washed by tears - not by rain,

2nd: Sparkling not with fire, but with the happiness of life,

3rd: Victory comes to us on a spring day,

4th: So that you never forget about

All together: What a feat was accomplished by the Fatherland!

Presenter 1 :

Good afternoon, dear guys, teachers and guests! On May 9, our country celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day!

Presenter 2:

Today's literary and musical composition is dedicated to this significant date.

Presenter 1:

The last peaceful day of 1941 was Saturday. After an ordinary week of work, millions of Soviet people went on vacation...

Presenter 2:

The silence of the coming night, warm and fragrant like summer, in many cities and villages was broken by the happy voices of young people celebrating their entry into adulthood...

And suddenly, in one second, in one instant, everything ended...

(Mozart "Requiem")

(Sounds like "Holy War")

Student 1:

Are children born for death, Motherland?

Did you want our death, Motherland?

The flame hit the sky - do you remember, Motherland?

She said quietly: “Get up to help...” - Motherland?

Student 2:

War...There is no more severe word.

War... there is no sadder word.

War...There is no more sacred word

In the melancholy and glory of these years,

And on our lips there is something else

It can’t be yet... and no...

Student 3:

Think about it! How scary it is - one people kills another!

A man kills a man.

He is sophisticated in torture, invents weapons, humiliates - and is humiliated.

For what? By what right?

Presenter 1:

At dawn on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began. For 4 long years until May 9, 1945, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the liberation of the Motherland from fascism. They did this for the sake of future generations, for our sake. Let's tell everyone about this just war so that they remember.

Presenter 2: On the first day of the war they were 17–20 years old. Of every hundred children of this age who went to the front, 97 did not return. 97 out of a hundred! This is war!

Presenter 1:

War means 1,725 ​​destroyed and burned cities and towns, over 70 thousand villages in our country. War means 32 thousand blown up plants and factories, 65 thousand kilometers of railway tracks.

Presenter 2:

War is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, it is the 900 days of the siege of Leningrad, it is the oath of Panfilov’s men: “Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!”

Presenter 1:

War is a victory over Stalingrad won by fire and blood, it is a feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, it is the storming of Berlin, it is the memory of the hearts of the entire people.

Presenter 2:

War means 20 hours at the machine a day. This is a crop grown on soil salty from sweat. These are bloody calluses on the palms of girls and boys like us.

Presenter 1:

No, neither we nor our children should forget about this.

To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

Presenter 2:

I know that the sun will not splash into empty eye sockets!

I know: the song will not open heavy graves!

But on behalf of the heart

But on behalf of life I repeat:

Eternal glory! Eternal glory to the heroes!

(A minute of silence is announced)


(Montage of poems)


There were stories of soldiers everywhere,

Mighty ones, you walked everywhere

Through the thunder of war, adversity and loss,

Without bowing your head before death.


You saved your homeland in battle,

We overcame all obstacles.

Thank you from all over the world,

Thank you for everything, soldiers.


And in good time, happy hour,

The hour of peaceful dawn

In your name, in your name.

We celebrate Victory!


How did you enter the cities?

Children ran towards you.

Thank you forever

We are all living in the world.


We remember everyone by name,

And we are happy to hug everyone!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Thank you, soldiers!


There is no more honest victory than your victory,

There are no more expensive or better victories in the world.

There is no more valuable merit, there is no wiser covenant,

Than the one you gave to your descendants forever.


Let your courage be an example to us

May victory become our eternal flame.

You were a pioneer in ancient times,

We will carry your courage like a flag.


We would like to wish you health,

And cheerfulness in our difficult age of change.

Let your grandchildren give you what they can give you,

And they will receive the wisdom of life in return.


May this holiday be wonderful for you,

Day of youth, peace, goodness, beauty,

Let the eyes of veterans glow with happiness,

May your dreams come true!

Presenter 1:

The Soviet people paid a heavy price for Victory in the most terrible war in the entire history of the world.

Presenter 2.

Our people know well the value of peace and peaceful life.

Peace is a morning full of light and hope.

Presenter 1:

The world is blooming gardens and earing fields.

Presenter 2:

The world is a school bell, it is a school with sunshine in its windows.

Presenter 1:

It's good to wake up and know that you have a wonderful day ahead, that nothing threatens you, and that all your dreams will come true. It's good to be happy!

(Readers come out)

Let the cities sleep more peacefully.

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,

Not a single one is making a machine gun.

Let our forests ring out

And may the years pass peacefully,

Let there never be war!

Presenter 2:

Today at our celebration there is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War Vitaly Nikolaevich Perepelitsin!


Presenter 1:

Dear Vitaly Nikolaevich! We congratulate you on Victory Day! We bow to the greatness of the feat of all the soldiers who defended our Motherland.

Presenter 2:

Dear Vitaly Nikolaevich! We will ask you to tell us about the difficult days of the war, about your combat youth, about how this great victory was given to the Russian people!

Scenario of a school-wide event dedicated to Victory Day in the Second World War.

Author: Kholkuzieva Raisa Fedorovna, teacher of Russian language and literature.
Place of work: MBOU "Comprehensive school No. 100", Kemerovo

Literary and musical composition “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”

Scenario of a school-wide event dedicated to Victory Day in the Second World War. The basis is “Requiem” by R. Rozhdestvensky. Recordings of songs are used in the process.
Target: instilling in students a sense of patriotism and citizenship, increasing interest in the heroic past of the Motherland, veterans who won Victory on the fronts of the Second World War.
Tasks: instill love and respect for one’s Motherland and people; the ability to express gratitude to WWII veterans.

Progress of the event

The song “Buchenwald Alarm” sounds, music: V. Muradeli, lyrics. A. Soboleva.
Song “Buchenwald Alarm”, music: V. Muradeli, lyrics. A. Soboleva.

Presenter 1: The war has passed, the suffering has passed, but the pain calls out to people:
Let's, people, never forget about this. (A. Tvardovsky)
1st reader:
We are entering life along the school path
And we understand, we remember to the end
That this path was paved by Abdulov
And he shielded Abyzov from the lead.
2nd reader:
We dream, we study, we build in the vastness of a peaceful land,
Because hero fighters saved the planet from fire.
(There was a war... - projection of postcards depicting the war)

Presenter 1: About two million people fought on all fronts in different regiments and divisions. Several divisions and regiments were sent to the front from Kuzbass. These are the 486th artillery regiment, the 133rd, 376th, 383rd, 237th and 22nd regiments of the volunteer guards division.

Presenter-2: The first of our fellow countrymen to take part in the battles with Hitler's hordes were soldiers and officers of the 681st regiment of the 133rd division. Thousands of Kuzbass residents were awarded many high awards, and two hundred and forty of our oldest fellow countrymen became heroes of the Soviet Union.
3rd reader:
In the history of Kuzbass,
In the history of the native fatherland
Guys of my generation
They wrote a memorable word in blood.
Moscow is alive in their young hearts.
They stormed the Reichstag victoriously.
Presenter 1: These are the words of Mikhail Nebogaty, our fellow countryman. This year he would have turned 95 years old. “He was at the front for all four years, many miles from his home.” And as a poet he was “Born” in the war. The words belong to him: “The never-aging, eternal beauty of our native land.”
4th reader:
Death is powerless.
Bloody stroke of a bullet
I didn’t cross out the names of the heroes.
There is a guard of honor at their graves
My whole country is standing today.

Presenter 2: No, do not forget the pain and bitterness of loss caused by the war.
The Motherland lost twenty million of its best sons and daughters in the Great Patriotic War.
5th reader:
Thanks to them - the heroes who fell in battle,
Thanks to those who are still in service!
("Requiem" by D. Kabalevsky sounds)
5th reader:
If lightning splashes brightly in the clouds
And the huge sky will be deafened by thunder,
If all the people of the globe shout,
None of the dead will even flinch.
I know: The sun will not splash into empty eye sockets!
I know: The song of heavy graves will not open!
But on behalf of the heart, on behalf of life
I repeat: Eternal glory to the heroes!
And immortal hymns, farewell hymns
They float majestically over the sleepless planet.
Against the background of R. Gamzatov’s song “Cranes” (translation by N. Grebnev, music by Y. Frenkel) there is a projection of postcards. (Or video clip of the song)

6th reader:
Let not all heroes be those who died - eternal glory to the fallen!
Eternal glory!
Presenter 1: Let's remember everyone by name, let's remember with our grief.
6th reader:
Vera Voloshina, Yuri Dvuzhilny, Pavel Sarygin, Vasily Mryazev, Ivan Volkov, Alexander Epanchin, Mikhail Abyzov, Lidiya Popova, Ivan Abdulov, Sergey Yakimov, Gennady Krasilnikov, Vladimir Myzo, Sergey Palchikov, Fakhrutdin Zagidulin, Vasily Sidelnikov, Mikhail Barabanov, Vasily Barabanov , Ivan Barabanov, Alexander Gizzatulin, Vladimir Rublevsky, Pavel Petrov, Pavel Shinkorenko, Vanya Ivanov.

Presenter 2: And how can one not remember the poetic lines:
I am a blood son of the people...
Named Ivan
Of the oldest kind
Workers and peasants.
And returned freedom
Dozens of different countries
Son of the Russian people
Named Ivan.
6th reader:
It's not the dead who need this!
We need this alive!
Let's remember proudly and directly
Those killed in the struggle...
There is a great right:
Wish and dare!
Became eternal glory
Instant death!
7th reader:
This is what we say, the dead.
We say this from there, from the darkness.
Open your eyes.
Listen! Until the end.
This is what we say, the dead,
We are knocking on your hearts...
8th reader:
Don't be scared!
One day we will disturb you in your sleep.
We will carry our voices over the fields in silence.
8th reader:
We forgot what flowers smell like
How the poplars rustle.
We have forgotten the earth too.
What has it become, the earth?
How are the birds?
Are they singing on earth without us?
How the river brightens
And the clouds fly above us without us.
We forgot the grass.
We forgot the trees a long time ago.
We are not allowed to walk on the ground.
9th reader:
Only the worst
Even worse than death:
To know that birds sing on earth without us!
That the river brightens
And the clouds are flying above us,
Life goes on without us.
And the day begins again.
10th reader:
Did you bequeath to us to die,
Life promised, love promised, Motherland.
Are children born for death?
Flames hit the sky!
Do you remember, Motherland?
She said quietly: “Get up to help...”
(“Holy War.” Words by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by A. Alexandrov).
1st reader:
Nobody asked you for fame,
Everyone simply had a choice:
Me or the Motherland.
The best and dearest thing is the Motherland.
Your grief is our grief, Motherland.
Your truth is our truth, Motherland.
Your glory is our glory, Motherland!
2nd reader:
The crimson banner splashed
The crimson stars were burning,
A blind blizzard covered
Sunset crimson with blood,
And the tread of divisions was heard,
The exact gait of a soldier!
3rd reader:
Towards the peals of roaring thunder
We rose into battle lightly and sternly.
On our banners is inscribed the word;
Victory! Victory!
4th reader:
In the name of the Fatherland - victory!
In the name of the living - victory!
In the name of the future - victory!
We must crush the war.
And there was no higher pride
And there was no greater valor -
After all, besides the desire to survive,
There is still the courage to live!
(The song “Victory Day” is played. Lyrics by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov, footage of the Victory Day celebration is shown on the screen.)

(Against the background of the projection of the painting “At the Grave.”)
5th reader:
Black stone, black stone,
Why are you silent, black stone?
Is this what you wanted?
Have you ever dreamed of
Become a tombstone for the grave of a Russian soldier?
Presenter: (against the background of the projection of the stele).

In the city of Kemerovo, the northern part of Vesennaya Street on the Tom embankment is crowned with a stele - a monument in honor of the Kuzbass soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, at the foot of which the Eternal Flame of Glory burns. Here, according to tradition, the solemn celebration of Victory Day takes place.
All readers say in unison:
“No one is forgotten! Nothing is forgotten!
These words contain a feeling of deep respect for our people’s heroic past, and civic responsibility to the present and future. Years pass, eyewitnesses of events pass away, but people who accomplished feats live forever.
6th reader:
Let them go, let the years hurry
In the snow powder,
In the warm blue of May -
Don't forget, people, never
Living and dead
Warriors of Russia! (M. Nebogatov)
7th reader:
Oh, why are you, red sun,
You keep leaving without saying goodbye?
Oh, why from the joyless war,
Son, aren't you coming back?
I will help you out of trouble,
I’ll fly like a quick eagle...
Answer me, my little blood!
Small, the only one...
White light is not nice.
I got sick.
Come back my hope!
My grain
My Zoryushka,
My dear, where are you?
I can't find the path
To cry over the grave.
I don’t want anything - just my dear son.
(The song “Sunny Circle” plays. Lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky.)
8th reader:
This song is about sunshine
This song is about a young planet,
Which has everything ahead!
8th reader:
In the name of the sun, in the name of the Motherland
We take an oath.
In the name of life we ​​swear to the fallen heroes:
What the fathers didn't finish singing
All readers say in unison:
We'll finish our singing!
9th reader:
What the fathers did not build
All readers say in unison:
We will build it!
10th reader:
Through the centuries, through the years - remember!
Remember about those who will never come again.
Don't cry!
Hold back your moans in your throat,
Bitter groans of Memory.

1st reader:
Remember your song when sending it into flight!
About those who will never sing again - remember!
Tell your children about them so they will remember them!
Tell your children’s children about them so that they remember them too!

2nd reader:
People of the Earth!
Kill the war
Curse the war
People of the Earth!
Carry your dream through the years
And fill it with life!
But about those who will never come again -
I conjure -
All readers say in unison:
3rd reader:
So let all ordinary people see
We are faithful to the cause of peace.
And they are judged according to the affairs of their native country,
Do the Russians want war? (The song “Do the Russians want war?” sounds by E. Yevtushenko, music by E. Kolmanovsky).

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