Methods for developing intuition. How to develop intuition

The ability to anticipate any events, called intuition, is inherent in almost all people to varying degrees, but is more clearly expressed among female representatives. There are people who trust their intuition and make their plans for the future based on their inner feelings. But there are also people who are wary of intuition, do not trust it, and often find themselves in a losing situation.

Most often, intuition comes along with accumulated life experience. After being exposed to various life situations, a person develops a “feeling” over time. An inner feeling tells a person what to do in the current situation and where to look for a way out of it. But research shows that intuition, like any other natural human ability, can be developed. For many people, intuition is present as a background phenomenon. A person hears this voice of reason within himself, but doubts and does not trust it too much. And the first step towards developing intuition is to believe in its existence, to learn to trust your inner feeling.

Getting information

Intuition is formed in the human brain based on the information stored in it. He is responsible for intuition, as well as creativity and innovation. right hemisphere. It is believed that the brain remembers every second of a person’s life, all events down to the smallest detail, as well as all other information that comes from the outside world. Therefore, to develop intuition, you need to read more and increase your level of education. The greater the volume of the most diverse information that enters the brain, the more accurate its intuitive abilities will be, based on a greater amount of knowledge and facts.


It is very important to learn listen to your inner voice. Therefore, it is necessary to collect statistics on how accurate the first thought that arose after receiving news of an upcoming task or problem. The first opinion about a new person you just saw, with whom you will communicate or collaborate in the future, is also interesting. So that you can analyze all this, and also evaluate how accurate your conclusions were, you should keep a record of your first impressions.

Moreover, intuition can be expressed not only by thoughts, it can simply be an internal sensation when your legs, for example, in the most inexplicable way do not want to go in the direction you planned. You should also write down how accurate your inner feelings were. Thanks to such records, you can assess the degree of your ability to intuition, and analysis of the records will contribute to its development.


One of the methods that helps a person concentrate and look into his inner world is the “Tree” exercise. It will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Sit in a secluded place and imagine that you are a tree whose roots cling tenaciously to the ground. Its roots are the channels through which fatigue, irritation and all the negativity accumulated during the day flow from your body into the ground. And through your arms-tree branches connected to your body-trunk, warm sunlight or cool moonlight flows and fills you, depending on the time of day. So, by clearing your consciousness of all negative and informational garbage, you give freedom to your intuition. The inner voice will sound much stronger if it is not burdened with emotional stress or unnecessary thoughts.

Tests for developing intuition

To develop and train this amazing ability of the human mind, many different tests and exercises have been invented. By doing at least some of them daily, you will definitely feel that your inner voice will sound much stronger, and you will increasingly rely on it and trust it. One such test is guessing. You can guess absolutely everything. For example, who will you see first when leaving home, or which bus number will arrive at the stop first. It is important to feel the answer to this question within yourself, to use your subconscious. Overcoming the 50% barrier of correct guessing is considered a very good result and already indicates a good level of intuition development.

Another interesting test that helps develop intuition, but requires a little more time, is guessing cards with numbers. On identical cards you write several numbers or numbers, and then try to guess what number will be on the card you pulled out. This test is also available in computer form, when a computer program selects a number from a given set. It also counts the number of correct answers, which allows a person to pay even more attention to his intuition.

Intuitive traffic light

This is one of the most effective exercises for developing intuition. But the result is achieved only with regular implementation. A traffic light is drawn on a piece of paper and hung on the wall. You sit comfortably opposite and mentally imagine each color, assigning it its own meaning:

  • Green – the action is allowed, there are no obstacles.
  • Yellow - pay attention, stop and think about everything.
  • Red – danger, obstacle ahead.

Breathing deeply and calmly, try to turn on all the colors of the traffic light at once; if this works, you can move on to the next stage. Ask yourself questions to which you know a positive answer, while imagining the traffic light turning green. Then ask questions whose answer is in doubt, mentally turning on the yellow light. A yellow light may appear together with green or red, indicating that the answer is closer to one of them. After this, ask questions to which the answer will be sharply negative, imagining a red traffic light.

By doing this exercise every day, after enough training, you can move on to practical exercises. For example, when you are in a store and about to buy something, imagine what kind of traffic light it is associated with. If you succeed, then you are on the right track and can already rely on your intuition.


In dreams you can often find clues and answers to questions that have been tormenting a person for a long time in reality. It is a well-known fact that Mendeleev saw his famous Periodic Table of Elements in a dream. When a person sleeps, his emotions and thoughts turn off, making room for processes associated with intuition. Therefore, if you ask yourself a question that interests you before going to bed, you can get the answer to it in a dream. But this answer, most likely, will not be direct, but symbolic, which will not be easy to understand.

Would you like to have a comrade, a close friend, who would provide you with everything you need, suggest absolutely correct decisions, open up brilliant opportunities, tell you how to use them, come to the rescue whenever you need him?

You may not know that we already have such a satellite - this is our intuition. Knowing how to develop intuition and hidden abilities, you can learn to make only the right decisions and use them to fulfill your desires.

Trust the opinions of great people

Almost 100% of artists, politicians, influential financiers and government officials would not be at the top they reached if they did not have such abilities. Mozart called his inspiration an inner voice, Socrates convinced that he obeys only the voice coming from within.

This list includes Marconi, Edison, Marie Curie, Henry Ford, and many people who directly linked their successes only with intuition. CNN founder Ted Turner believed that intuition and insight always work together. McDonald's owner Ray Cross became a multimillionaire after he "felt in his spine" that a few hamburger stands would bring him huge profits.

Source of information for intuition - how to get an answer from it

Our brain does not contain all the wisdom of the world, it only contains our life experience and knowledge acquired during this life. Intuition receives its clues through the subconscious from the universal super-field of information, where there is absolutely everything: what was, is, and will ever be. You can get an answer to any question from there if you train these abilities according to a certain algorithm proposed by John Kehoe:
  1. Identify for yourself a problem that needs a solution.
  2. Persistently collect all the facts and any information available to you on the issue that interests you. Even if they are contradictory and incomparable with each other.
  3. Move on to the process of maturing the answer - relax, walk, travel. Let your subconscious work for you, and it works best when left alone.

This method was used by Steven Spielberg, Dmitry Mendeleev, and Albert Einstein. You don’t need to constantly think about how to get the right decision, it will come by itself.

This process is somewhat similar to the process of preparing athletes for a responsible competition. They know very well that to win you need to be collected, not tense, otherwise mistakes cannot be avoided. To use intuition and let it work, you need to be in a relaxed state.

Daily exercises to awaken your intuition

In order to learn to listen to your intuition, you need to do simple exercises every day. It is best to do this before bed, during the period of light napping. It is at this time that it is easiest for us to listen to the quiet voice of the subconscious. A few minutes are enough to complete them.
  1. Try to create with your thoughts the joyful confidence that you have a subconscious mind, such a powerful super-helper. It will definitely find the right answers and suggest the necessary solutions.
  2. Formulate the problem you need to solve, the question. Don’t try to strain yourself to imagine possible answers. Repeat confidently in the present tense: “My subconscious mind tells me...”. To enhance the effect, you must repeat this exercise at least ten times.
  3. Tell yourself that you are confident that you will get the right answer. Energy vibrations of confidence will attract the correct answer just as metal is attracted to a magnet.
This method can be used whenever there is a need for a wise adviser. Here it is important to endure the period of maturation of the answer, without thinking about it day and night.

How to know if your intuition worked

The ability to hear an answer from intuition requires regular training, just like the ability to develop a certain muscle group while working out in the gym. There is no need to be disappointed if at first nothing works out, the skill will definitely come. The answers may well be:
  • In the form of a sudden thought that is not related in meaning to the situation or to your previous thoughts;
  • In the form of a quiet voice that sounds from within and tells you where to go, who to call, what to do;
  • A plot I dreamed about at night.
It is in the latter way that insights most often come to those who have been working on a problem for a long time. The insulin formula, the periodic table, the shape of a sewing machine needle - these discoveries were dreamed of by their inventors. For Steven Spielberg, the plots of his masterpieces come while he is having breakfast.

The main thing is to maintain absolute faith that you can hear the hint of intuition, turn to it, believe that it exists. To learn to listen to it, you need to be attentive to the processes occurring inside your consciousness, and practice receiving answers more often. Only then will you be able to determine your, and only your, path to receiving outside help.

Development of clairvoyance

By practicing more often on how to develop intuition and hidden abilities, you can reach the next level of their development and try yourself in such subtle matter as clairvoyance. Of course, not everyone, but many would like to know their future at least in the most important areas of human life. Clairvoyance, just like an ear for music, cannot be equally developed in absolutely everyone.

There are people who understand that they have a special sense of upcoming events. They are the ones who first need to improve their ability to know the future. But just like musical abilities, clairvoyance can be developed in anyone who plans to devote their time to it. If you are able to mentally imagine the simplest geometric figure, then you have the rudiments of clairvoyance.

This phenomenon can be explained as simply as the ability to listen to your intuition in order to receive intuitive clues. In the space of the universal super-field of information, there are all options for what was, is and will be. If the subconscious of an individual has the ability to connect to this field, then he receives such an ability as clairvoyance. Errors in forecasts are explained by the fact that perhaps the clairvoyant saw an option that was not destined to come true for a particular person.

This ability is expressed in receiving, using extrasensory means, and deciphering visible (visual) information in the form of images. Just as when using intuition, you put logic aside and let pictures and mental images into your consciousness. The same mechanism is involved here, the same part of the brain that directs the human imagination is responsible for the ability to dream.

Exercises to develop clairvoyance:

  • Getting rid of the fear of knowing the future. If a person is afraid to know upcoming events, this can become a real obstacle. You need to let go of this fear by repeating an affirmative affirmation: “By developing these abilities, I find peace and true satisfaction.”
  • Visualization exercises are very important for developing such abilities. Here is one of them: you need to imagine how seven multi-colored balls fly into the sky one after another. Their movement must be traced from beginning to end.
  • Looking at a photograph. You need to start with an image of a familiar person; look at his photograph carefully, but at the same time relaxed, not intently. Then you need to imagine it with your eyes closed. Seeing this image in front of you, ask a question about him, about his life. The question should have a one-word answer “yes” or “no”. You can practice this exercise for 20-30 minutes throughout the week. Having met this person, you need to ask him about what has happened to him recently and compare his answer with the information you have received.
  • End-to-end vision. This exercise will take about an hour. You need to sit in front of some plane at arm's length, and look at a specific point on this plane just above eye level. This is the projection of “your third eye”. Then look at the plane as if abstractly, not intently. And for the last 20 minutes you need to try to see this point from the other side of the plane, as if you were looking through it. You need to practice end-to-end vision every day.
  • How to learn to see the aura. At the first stage, you need to look at the back of your eyelids for 10 minutes in a relaxed state, with your eyes closed. The best time to perform this exercise is after waking up and before falling asleep. After 7-10 days, the turn of the second stage begins. With half-closed eyelids, in a state of relaxation, you need to look at some object in the twilight. After some time, your eyes will begin to discern an aura around this object. By constantly practicing, you can achieve the fact that you will see the aura of people and distinguish its colors.
By constantly working on self-improvement, you can develop your clairvoyance abilities, learn to receive answers to the most important questions through intuition, and find a way out of the most confusing situations.

Amazing stories about how one moment brought a person closer to success or saved a life are amazing. The unusual and spontaneous decisions made by people in a particular situation were based on a mysterious inner feeling. No one could really explain what this sensation was. “At one moment I felt something terrible and did not get on the minibus,” say those who managed to avoid the accident.

Outstanding people often attribute their luck to their ability to be in the right place at the right time. They seem to feel where to go, what to choose, etc.

Scientists simply call this phenomenon of “luck” intuition. Moreover, they believe that intuition is the result of the work of the brain, and every person has the power to develop it.

How to develop intuition - 7 simple ways?

From the point of view of science and psychology, intuition is the opposite of reflection. From this we can conclude that in order to develop intuition, you need to learn to relax and not concentrate on exciting problems. The following exercises will help you with this:

  1. Write down everything that worries you on separate sheets of paper. That is, one sheet - one problem. On other cards, indicate solutions to existing problems in the same way. Turn over and shuffle the cards in each group. Take cards from each deck one by one, relying on your intuition. Funny and ridiculous results will amuse you and distract your attention.

    Sit down, turn on soulful music, pick up pebbles or other objects and count them out loud. Try to focus on the process itself.

  2. When communicating with a person, listen to his mood, track his emotions, embarrassment and insincerity. This method perfectly develops the subconscious and the ability to feel “here and now.”
  3. Keep a journal dedicated to glimpses of your sixth sense. Record the prompts from your inner voice and their results. For example, in the morning you felt that it was better to walk than to crowd into a stuffy bus. Trusting your intuition, you chose to take a walk. What happened in the end? Are you satisfied with your choice?
  4. Take one day, preferably a day off, and live it following fleeting sensations. At first you will doubt and feel uncomfortable, but then you will understand that the first stage of developing intuition has already been completed. Don't be afraid, what if this day turns out to be the best day of your life?
  5. Intuition develops faster in those who are in harmony with themselves and the world around them. Think about what kind of person you are, what you want, how others treat you, etc. You must have a clear understanding of yourself and your relationships with loved ones, colleagues and friends.
  6. When making decisions, try to ask yourself questions in an affirmative and specific form. For example, instead of asking: “Should I go to a meeting or not?”, you need to ask: “Should I go to a meeting?”
  7. As you know, the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible for processing non-verbal information, the ability to fantasize and daydream. Therefore, to strengthen intuition, it is this that should be developed. There are many exercises for this purpose, such as practicing writing with your left hand.

Trust your intuition, but don't forget your reason. How did you learn to understand people and develop your inner sense in the form of intuition?

Before you start speaking, it is very important to check your motivation. Because there is no point in starting something and then giving it up after a couple of days. Learn hear your intuition The issue is serious and requires significant investments of energy and effort. And I immediately have a question for you. I don’t want you to waste your time, start and quit. I want you to approach the issue consciously development of intuition.

1. _______________________
2. _______________________
3. _______________________
4. _______________________
5. _______________________

Please indicate as many reasons as possible. The stronger these reasons, the more likely you are to succeed. After all, you must admit that a person finds resources for everything (time, money, energy, strength) if motivation is high. If motivation is weak or absent, subconscious resistance to action arises and you have to force yourself. If you have to force yourself, know that this is the beginning of the end. You won't last long with discipline. Sooner or later you will jump off. The subconscious is stronger than the conscious. But creating internal motivation in yourself, why you need to do something, is another matter.

Right now, if you haven't written yet, sit down and think about what you need hear intuition?

And now I will give you tips on how to develop and hear your intuition:

Rule 1: Intuition never explains why something should be done.

Logic always explains why it is worth doing one way or another. Logic operates with facts, experience, it always relies on something and always proves.
It should be done this way because…….

Intuition - this is the ability to feel answers from space. Intuition simply knows because it took this information from space. She doesn't know the answer to why. She just knows. She has no evidence, no explanation. She has nothing more than a simple answer.

This is precisely why it very often loses to logic. Logic is superior because it grounds actions.

Rule 2: The more you trust and rely on your intuition, the better it works.

Once you have made the decision to trust your intuition, you begin to focus on receiving intuitive answers. Where there is attention, there is energy. And of course, the answers come. Intuition is like your faithful worker. The more tasks you give it and the more you believe in it, the better it works for you.

Losers say “I’ll try.” They always have a fallback option: listen to logic. And of course, by doing this they show distrust. Intuition says: “Why should I try if he will listen to logic anyway.”

Trust your intuition 100% and it will be your allies forever.

Rule 3: Practice meditation

Meditation helps you calm your brain.
I have this association: thousands of thoughts rushing through my head at the “speed of light.” And everyone wants you to hear exactly her. They are like those little dogs that bark loudly in vain, only in order to feel their importance. And thanks to such speeds and such a number of thoughts, noise arises in the head. Because of this noise, you cannot hear your real thoughts. You can't hear intuition. She is drowned out by the noise of unruly thoughts.

Meditation. Meditation removes unnecessary and alien thoughts. The number of thoughts in your head decreases significantly, and their speed also fades. When there is order in your head, you are much more likely to hear your intuition.

This gives rise to the following rule:

Rule 4: The calmer you are, the better you hear your intuition.

When you want to understand the answer to your question, you first need to calm down. Enter a state of harmony. This is very easy to do thanks to deep breaths and exhalations. Do this many times. Try this right now and you will see the result. (Now try to breathe quickly. Do you notice how the speed of your thoughts increases when you breathe faster?)

Never make decisions in a state of excitement and inspiration.
Also, never make decisions.

It is best to make decisions in a state of peace and calm.

Rule 5: Intuition speaks with feelings, images, not words

Don’t expect your intuition to give you an answer with words like “do this and that.”
Answers from intuition come in the form of feelings or in the form of images.

For example, when you ask yourself, should I do this, and a feeling of joy and confidence arises, then my intuition says “yes.” If you feel “something is wrong,” “it’s not clear,” “it’s all strange somehow,” a feeling of anger, rejection, aggression, then your intuition says “no.” An ambivalent feeling is the answer “no”.

Often answers come in the form of association images. The person himself cannot always understand what these associations mean. Again, pay attention to your feelings. What do these associations cause? What feelings?

Ask your intuition several times. Let her give you some associations.

Rule 6: Be alone with yourself

When you are alone with yourself, then you hear yourself. Other people, especially those you trust, greatly influence you and your ability to make decisions. Often they instill their decisions in you, and you make these decisions as your own. Women (especially beloved women) very easily inspire their desires and decisions in a man. And because men have a weakness for women, they are unable to resist.

Ideally, when you completely leave the space of other people. When making a decision in the office alone, you are influenced by the atmosphere of the office. Moreover, other people in the building who are interested in a certain decision on a mental level also influence you.
It’s better to retire to a park, forest, nature, restaurant, or some place where there are no interested people.

Follow these tips. Trust your intuition and it will become your allies.


What is intuition? This concept has different meanings for many. Some argue that intuition is our guardian angel, while others are sure that intuitive thinking is a gift that only a few receive from birth. Be that as it may, intuition is our inner voice, which is constantly in touch with us, but, for some reason, we often do not hear it or do not trust it.

Is it possible to develop intuition?

You can develop intuitive thinking. But this requires a lot of effort and a certain amount of time. Every person has intuition, but some people have it well developed, while others do not. If you develop intuitive thinking, you will be able to quickly make the right decisions, learn in advance about upcoming events and the consequences of certain actions, begin to see the reasons for various circumstances, and so on. In other words, with well-developed intuition, you will be able to receive almost any information you are interested in regarding a person or situation.

Exercises to develop intuition

There are many different techniques for developing intuitive thinking. We offer you five exercises that you can do almost anytime and anywhere.

The first exercise will teach you to sense the feelings and needs of another person. The essence of the task is to imagine yourself in the place of any person. And even better - for a while, experience the same thing that the person you choose experiences. For example, if you see someone accidentally drop all their things, papers and documents, and in a hurry, in front of everyone, collects what they have dropped, try to participate in their feeling of awkwardness and confusion, or better yet, come up and help them collect everything. Better yet, deliberately drop, for example, a large pile of papers yourself, and find yourself in the same shoes. This exercise will help you understand other people's feelings and emotions.

The second exercise is to develop intuition. To develop your inner voice, you need to cope with the feeling of fear. As a rule, fear blocks almost everything, including intuition. The important thing is not to overcome fear, but to succumb to it. This is the only way to get closer to your goal and learn to think intuitively. If you feel fear, then surrender to it completely and walk this path from beginning to end. After this, step by step you will better understand your inner world.

Third exercise. When talking to a person (directly, on the phone or online), try to recognize their emotions. How his mood changes, what he feels at the moment. What about in a minute? This exercise will help you better understand people and even, to some extent, teach you how to read minds.

Fourth exercise. Learn not to give negative assessments to situations and people and generally try to think in a positive way. For example, if you mentally say to yourself: “I will never succeed,” then immediately try to change this judgment to something like this: “What should I do to make everything work out.” This will force your thinking to work rather than stand still. In this case, the subconscious will help you find a way out of a difficult situation and make the right decision.

Fifth exercise. To develop intuition, you need to spend more time alone, in a quiet, pleasant and calm environment. This will help you hear your inner voice and understand your own sensations and feelings.

These simple exercises will only help you develop your intuition if you practice constantly. There may not be quick results, but if you show persistence and patience, you can achieve success. We wish you good luck in training your intuition and do not forget to click and

25.02.2014 10:48

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