Mikhail Poplavsky: “I had a relationship with Ani Lorak, but then she got involved with a Turk. Mikhail Poplavsky Ukrainian singer Poplavsky

Place of birth. Education. Born into a simple peasant family in the village of Mechislavka.

After school, he graduated from the Gorlovka Vocational School with a degree in electric locomotive driver, and after the army, he graduated from the College of Culture in Alexandria in the Kirovograd region. In 1979 - Kyiv State Institute of Culture. In 1985 he defended his candidate's dissertation, and in 1990 - his doctoral dissertation at the Leningrad Academy of Culture.

Career. Before the army, he worked as an assistant driver of an electric locomotive at a mine in the city of Kirovsk.

After completing the “cultural education” he worked as the director of several rural houses of culture in the Kirovograd region.

In April 1993, by order of the Minister of Culture of Ukraine, he was appointed rector of the Kyiv State Institute of Culture (since 1997 - Kiev National University of Culture and Arts).

In 1997, M. Poplavsky, as he himself explains, created a team to develop the concept of “university image communication.” As part of the idea and based on the “stress theory”, he went on stage as a singer (with the song “Young Eagle”). The goal was to attract attention to the university, as well as create a non-standard image of the head of the university.

In November of the same year, the first creative evening of Mikhail Poplavsky took place at the Ukraine Palace - “With love to Ukraine”. In the same year, the rector was awarded the title of laureate of the national program “Person of the Year” in the category “Cultural and Arts Worker”.

President of the international charitable foundation "Talented Children of Ukraine". Author and producer of the children's television project "Krok do Zirok" (since 1998).

From 1993-2015 - Rector of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.

Political career. In 1998, he stood for election to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, electoral district No. 100 (Kirovograd region), took 2nd place, 15.5% (votes).

In 2002-2006 Mikhail Poplavsky was a people's deputy of Ukraine of the IV convocation (he won elections in one of the constituencies of the Kirovograd region). He served as deputy chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Culture and Spirituality.

In 2010, he was elected as a deputy of the Kyiv Regional Council in electoral district No. 63 (the city of Irpen).

In 2012, he ran for people's deputies in majoritarian constituency No. 91 (Kiev region) as a self-nominated candidate, but lost to representative Ruslan Solvar (gained 16.97%).

Since January 15, 2014 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 7th convocation, self-nominated in repeat elections in single-mandate constituency No. 194 (Cherkasy region).

On January 16, 2014, he voted for “dictatorial laws” - a package of anti-democratic laws that significantly limited the rights of citizens and freedom of speech. In this regard, he is prohibited by law from heading higher educational institutions in the future.

In the 2014 parliamentary elections he ran in majoritarian constituency No. 101 (Kirovograd region), receiving 31.45% of the vote. While a deputy, he joined the “Will of the People” deputy group.

June 9, 2019 at the congress Agrarian Party of Ukraine Mikhail Poplavskyheaded the electoral list of the Agrarian Party in the parliamentary elections. As a result, in the elections to the Verkhovna Rada, the Agrarian Party did not overcome the 5% threshold.

Music album. 2012 - “Being good to people.”

Own. Restaurant chain Kozak Hall, Batkivska Khata, Vareniki.

Regalia. Awarded the Order of "Mikhail Grushevsky" 4th degree (2000), "For Merit" 1st degree (2007). People's Artist of Ukraine (2008).

September 10, 2019
poplavskiy.com Audio, photo, video

Mikhail Mikhailovich Poplavsky(ukr. Mikhailo Mikhailovich Poplavsky; genus. November 28, 1949, p. Mechislavka, Ulyanovsk district, Kirovograd region) - rector of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (1993), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (1991), professor (1994), People's Artist of Ukraine (2008), People's Deputy of Ukraine of the IV and VII convocations.


Born on November 28, 1949 in the village of Mechislavka, Ulyanovsk district, Kirovograd region in a family of collective farmers.

  • 1967-1968 - student of vocational school, Gorlovka.
  • 1968 - electric locomotive driver at mine No. 6, Kirovskoye, Donetsk region.
  • Since 1968 - military service.
  • 1971-1973 - director of the Velikotroyanovsky rural cultural center.
  • 1973-1975 - Director of the Ulyanovsk District House of Culture, Kirovograd Region.
  • 1975-1979 - student, chairman of the trade union committee, KDIK.
  • 1979 - Deputy Director of the Republican House of Folk Art of the Ukrainian SSR.

He studied at the graduate school of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

  • Since 1985 - Art. teacher, associate professor, professor, head of department, dean of the faculty.
  • In 1990 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Leningrad Academy of Culture.
  • Since 1993 - Rector of the Kyiv State Institute of Culture.
  • Mikhail Mikhailovich Poplavsky was born in the village of Mechislavka, Kirovograd region, into a peasant family. He began his working career during his school years: he worked on a collective farm as an assistant combine operator, then as a mason in the construction of rural roads. After graduating from school, he entered Gorlovka Vocational and Technical School No. 109 (Donetsk region), which he graduated in 1968 with a degree in electric locomotive driver. After graduation, he worked as an electric locomotive driver at mine No. 6 in Kirovsk, Donetsk region.

1969 - service in the ranks of the armed forces of the USSR where he was awarded the medal "For Military Valor". After service, he graduated from the College of Culture in Alexandria.

1971 − 1973 - director of the rural House of Culture in Velikie Troyan; brought him to first place in the region.

1973 - Director of the Ulyanovsk District House of Culture, Kirovograd Region.

1975 - Entered the Kiev State Institute of Culture, which he graduated with honors in 1979. During his student years, he was elected head of the trade union committee of the Institute of Culture, commander of the united student construction teams of Kyiv in the Tyumen region.

1980 - Deputy Director of the Republican House of Folk Art of the Ukrainian SSR. 1985 - defended his candidate's dissertation at the Academy of Vocational Pedagogy at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, at that time he worked at the Kiev State Institute of Culture as a teacher, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, head of department, dean of the faculty. He was always a leader among student youth, had high authority and respect.

On February 8, 1991, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Leningrad Academy of Culture and became the first and only Doctor of Science in management and economics of the sociocultural sphere in Ukraine.

April 21, 1993 - By decree of the Minister of Culture of Ukraine I. N. Dzyuba, he was appointed rector of the Kyiv State Institute of Culture, becoming the youngest rector in Ukraine. Began radical reforms in the system of training personnel for the socio-cultural sphere.

April 21, 1994 - received the title of professor, was recommended by cultural and artistic figures for the post of Minister of Culture of Ukraine. the struggle of different groups for the position of minister began, as a result of which on January 5

1995 - M. Poplavsky was illegally removed from the post of rector of the Kyiv State Institute of Culture.

On October 20, 1995, after three trials, with strong support from students who picketed the Supreme Council and the Cabinet of Ministers, Mikhail Poplavsky returned to the post of rector of the institute.

1996 - by decision of the State Accreditation Commission of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

November 11, 1997 - By resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, KGIK was transformed into the Kiev State University of Culture and Arts. New departments are being opened: television, law, design, tourism management, hotel and restaurant business, ethnocultural studies, computer technology, sociology, and a modern material and technical base is equipped for their work.

Shattering established stereotypes, based on the “Theory of Stress”, M. Poplavsky appeared on stage as a performer with the image song “Young Eagle”. The main goal of this PR move was to cause shock and draw public attention to the university, creating a non-standard image of the head of a higher educational institution. In the same year, according to the results of an expert rating survey conducted by the International Personnel Academy, a member of the European Network of National Centers for Academic Recognition and Mobility, the Kiev State University of Culture and Arts was recognized as the best higher educational institution of education, culture and arts in Ukraine.

1998 - the rector, together with his team, developed and implemented the concept of radical reform of the university's activities. Initiated the analytical development of the “University of the 21st Century” model - one of the first experimental higher education projects that were supported at the state level.

February 1, 1999 - By Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 99/99, for a significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists for the field of culture, preservation and development of the cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people, the Kyiv State University of Culture and Arts was awarded the status of National.

1999 - brothers Mikhail Poplavsky, Stanislav Poplavsky and Vladimir Poplavsky founded the “Father's House” restaurant chain, which is located on the Kyiv-Odessa highway.

In June 2000, a joint project of the First National TV Channel UT-1 and the All-Ukrainian Foundation “Gifted Children of Ukraine”, a television children's competition “Step to the Stars”, was launched, the author of the idea, director, and general producer of which is Mikhail Poplavsky.

2002 - Mikhail Poplavsky ran for people's deputies in the 101st electoral district (Kirovograd region), and for the Kiev City Council in the Pechersky district (52 election districts) and received a double victory. He was a people's deputy of Ukraine of the IV convocation from May 14, 2002 to May 25, 2006.

He again ran for people's deputies in 2012 and won repeat elections in the 194th electoral district (Cherkasy region). Since January 15, 2014, he has been a people's deputy of Ukraine of the VII convocation.

Creative activity

Poplavsky is known as a music producer and singer. As a music producer, Poplavsky is the author of the program “Step to the Stars” (“Krok do Zirok”), president of the Gifted Children of Ukraine Foundation, general producer of the All-Ukrainian children's television competition “Step to the Stars”, general producer of the television project “Our Song” (since 2003) , President of the International Public Organization “Union of Ukrainians of the World” (since 2004).

Poplavsky's singing skills have an ambiguous assessment among musicians and amateurs. On the one hand, Poplavsky is the character of numerous jokes and anecdotes. There is also evidence that Poplavsky organizes KNUKiI students specifically for some of his programs. On the other hand, Poplavsky’s work is quite popular; Poplavsky’s concerts are well equipped technically and feature rich choreography.

The artist himself does not consider himself a professional singer: “I’m not a singer, but a rector who sometimes sings.”

In 2006, Poplavsky began a series of “farewell concerts” in different cities of Ukraine and announced his intention to end his singing career.

In August 2008, M. Poplavsky was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine; the artist himself commented on the assignment: “I am a man of the people, so this is natural.”

  • It is considered the embodiment of bad taste and kitsch in Ukrainian culture.
  • Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of Ukraine Anna German said in August 2010 that Poplavsky’s university is “ a hotbed of bad taste and naked girls... Bad taste may have a right to life, but not at the expense of the state budget. During the “Orange Power”, the Poplavsky University received the lion’s share of all the money generally allocated for culture (by the state). Poplavsky is a vivid example of the cultivation of bad taste at public expense.”.
  • He released vodka, on the label of which he placed an image of his mother.
Political activity
  • 1998 - ran for election to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, electoral district No. 100 (Kirovograd region), but took 2nd place with 15.5% (of votes).
  • 2002-2006 - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the IV convocation (electoral district No. 101, Kirovograd region, 48.44% of votes
  • * On June 12, 2002, he was elected to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Culture and Spirituality. During 2002-2005 he was a member of the parliamentary factions “United Ukraine” and “Labor Ukraine”.
  • 2004 - becomes president of the international public organization “Union of Ukrainians of the World.”
  • In December 2004, KNUKiI, at the initiative of Poplavsky, joined the actions of civil disobedience.
  • In January 2005, M. Poplavsky joined the ranks of the People's Agrarian Party (Litvina).
  • In 2006, he ran for the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation on the list of the Third Force party, but did not get into the Verkhovna Rada.
  1. 1993 Culture Manager
  2. 1996 Culture Manager (reissue)
  3. 1997 Rector
  4. 1997 ABC Public Relations
  5. 1999 Show business manager
  6. 2000 Human Resource Management
  7. 2000 Formula for success
  8. 2001 Show business: theory, history, practice
  9. 2003 Anthology of Ukrainian contemporary pop
  10. 2007 ABC of Public Relations
  11. 2007 20 principles of management
  12. 2007 How to become popular and rich
  13. 2007 Management Marketing
  14. 2007 Diary of a Genius
  15. 2008 To your table from Mikhail Poplavsky
  16. 2009 Rector (reissue)
  17. 2009 Leadership as a brand
  18. 2009 Image
  19. 2009 Taste
  20. 2009 Photo album
  21. 2009 Anthology of modern Ukrainian pop music (reissue)
  22. 2010 Hotel and restaurant service
  23. 2012 Hello native village
  24. 2012 Ukrainian cuisine from Mikhail Poplavsky
  1. “Blues of Erotic Thoughts” (Blues of Erotic Thoughts)
  2. “Vera plus Misha” (duet with Verka Serduchka)
  3. “My Dear Parents” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  4. “Hello, native village” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  5. “Nettle” (director Viktor Panfilov, cameraman Oleg Sagan)
  6. “Nettle-2”, remix by DJ Batt (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  7. “Mother’s Cherry” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  8. “Call me” (Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  9. “Farewell” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  10. “The snow is spinning” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  11. "Ukraine"
  12. “Hava nagila” (director Vladimir Yakimenko, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  13. "Young Eagle"
  14. “Junior Eagle-2” (director Viktor Priduvalov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  15. “You are my sunshine” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman A. Stepanov)
  16. “My Ukraine” (director Alan Badoev)
  17. “Love” (director Vladimir Yakimenko, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  18. “Scows full of mullet” (director Natalya Shevchuk)
  19. “You are my love” (director Vladimir Yakimenko, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  20. “In Memory of a Friend” (director Semyon Gorov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  21. “My Sin” animation on sand by K. Simonova
  22. “Bathhouse” (director S. Gorov, cameraman A. Stepanov)
  23. “My Varenichki” (director M. Papernik, cameraman V. Savitsky)
  24. “Batko” (director Semyon Gorov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  25. “Field, field” (director Semyon Gorov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  26. “Salo” (director M. Papernik, cameraman V. Savitsky)
  • Honored Artist of Ukraine (1997)
  • Laureate of the national program “Person of the Year” (1997, nomination “Cultural and Arts Worker”)
  • Winner of the all-Ukrainian popularity rating “Golden Fortune” (1998).
  • Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR (1984).
  • Certificate of Honor from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (10.2004).
  • Order of Merit, II class. (12/20/2004).
  • Order of M. Grushevsky IV century. “For the development of Ukraine” (2000).
  • Gold medal “For merits in education” of the All-Ukrainian ranking “Sofia of Kiev” (2001).
  • The newspaper “Osvita” recognized M. Poplavsky as the “Best Osvitian of the Year 2000” in the nomination “Remember the Temple.”
  • On December 9, 2000, Mikhail Poplavsky was awarded the “Hit to Rock” diploma as “Best producer of children's and youth music programs.”
  • On December 28, 2000, M. Poplavsky is a nominee of the regional rating program “Leader of the Kirovograd Region - 2000” in the nomination “Countryman of the Kirovograd Region - 2000”.
  • The Kiev City State Administration and the creative agency “Territory A” awarded M. Poplavsky “For his contribution to the development of modern Ukrainian song.”
  • The all-Ukrainian competition “Step to the Stars” was awarded the “Golden Pen” prize as the best television project for children and youth in 2000.
  • The annual creative event “City of Children” awarded M. Poplavsky the award “For the best children’s program on television for 2000.”
  • On June 8, 2001, the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts was recognized as the best educational institution in Ukraine, and its rector was awarded the gold medal “For Merit in Education” and the “Sofia of Kiev” statuette.

At the festival “Hit of the 20th Century” on December 10, 2001, Poplavsky was awarded a diploma for the song “Cherry trees are growing in my mother’s garden” (music by A. Gorchinsky lyrics by M. Lukov).

  • 2002 - for a high professional level and contribution to the development of education in Ukraine, creating the image of our state in the world, the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts received the Golden Art Olympus award in the category “Public Recognition” in the National Open Rating of Popularity and Quality.
  • 2007 - For significant personal contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development of the Ukrainian state, significant labor achievements, on August 23, President of Ukraine V. A. Yushchenko awarded M. M. Poplavsky the Order of Merit, 1st degree.

M. Poplavsky received the status of full holder of the Order of Merit (2000 r. 2001 r. 2007 r.)

  • August 23, 2008 - by decree of the President of Ukraine, M. Poplavsky was awarded the honorary title - People's Artist of Ukraine, as the general producer, chief director, author of the idea of ​​​​creating the All-Ukrainian children's television competition "Step to the Stars" ("Krok do Zirok").
  • On March 21, 2009, M. Poplavsky won the title “Person of the Year” in the nomination “Creator of the Year”, “Artist of the Year” (Mitec)
  1. Official portal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - People's Deputy of Ukraine IV Clique - Poplavsky Mikhailo Mikhailovich
  2. Official portal of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine - People's Deputy of Ukraine VII Clique - Poplavsky Mikhailo Mikhailovich
  3. http://www.bo.net.ua/forum/index.php?showtopic=3562&st=40
  4. Creativity. Mikhailo Poplavsky
  5. http://www.expres.ua/articles/2005/10/14/2191/
  6. Reporter:: Ukraine
  7. 1 2 3 “Towards the nationalist lobby...” “Segodnya” No. 186 (3610), August 27, 2010, p. 6
  8. Decree of the President of Ukraine dated 01.12.1997 No. 1323/97 “On awarding M. Poplavsky the honorary title “Merited Artist of Ukraine””
  9. Decree of the President of Ukraine 12/20/2004 No. 1501/2004 “On the designation of private enterprises by the sovereign cities of Ukraine, the establishment of organizations”
  10. Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 715/2007 dated August 20, 2007 “On awarding state awards of Ukraine to employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations on the occasion of Independence Day of Ukraine”

Partially used materials from the site http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

Mikhail Mikhailovich Poplavsky is a Ukrainian singer, rector of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts in 1993-2015, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, People's Artist of Ukraine, People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 4th, 7th and 8th convocations.

Mikhail Mikhailovich was born on November 28, 1949, into a family of peasants in the village of Mechislavka, Kirovograd region.


Mikhail’s wife is Lyudmila, with her they were raising their son Alexander, born in 1982.


After graduating from school, he entered a pedagogical technical school, and upon graduation received the education of an “electric locomotive driver.” After serving in the army, he entered the cultural school in the Kirovograd region. Then he received his education at the Kiev National Institute of Culture and Arts, from which he graduated with honors. Six years later, Mikhail Mikhailovich defended his candidate’s dissertation, and after another five, his doctoral dissertation at the Leningrad Academy of Culture, and after that he became a Doctor of Science in management and economics of the sociocultural sphere.

Career and business

Now the rector of the university has a stable income and manages his finances freely. When Mikhail was still at school, he was already working part-time, it was on a collective farm, where he helped a combine operator. His next job was in the construction industry, as a mason during the construction of rural roads.

Having received his first education at the Gorlovka Pedagogical Institute, he went to work in his specialty - as a machinist at a mine in the Donetsk region. From working professions he moves into the cultural sphere of activity. So, for three years Poplavsky was the director of the rural House of Culture in Velikie Troyan. The management was beneficial due to the fact that during his management the cultural center took first place in various competitions and festivals, and also received a number of awards and letters of gratitude.

After that, he held a new position; now he is appointed deputy director of the People's House of Creativity of the Ukrainian SSR.

While defending his PhD, he worked at the Institute of Culture in various positions, ranging from a simple teacher to the dean of one of the faculties. He is popular and respected among students. People often came to him for advice.

The year 1993 becomes important in the career of Mikhail Mikhailovich Poplavsky; according to the Decree of the Minister of Culture of Ukraine, Mikhail Poplavsky is appointed rector of this Kyiv Institute of Culture.

Mikhail Poplavsky

A year after receiving the new title of rector, Mikhail Poplavsky becomes a professor and is recommended for the post of Minister of Culture of Ukraine.

But during this period of time, different groups of the population wanted to compete for this chair, which contributed to the fact that Mikhail Poplavsky was removed from the post of rector of the above-mentioned institute.

While fighting for his position as rector, Poplavsky had to go through three difficult trials, after which he still managed to return this illegally taken position. Moreover, the support of several hundred students played a big role in this. Student youth literally picketed the Supreme Council and the Cabinet of Ministers defending the rights of their rector.

Poplavsky, in the spirit of an experimenter, assembles his team and with his song “Young Eagle” and clothing style literally creates the image style of the university, which stuck with him for many years. This “trick” attracted both investments and a flow of students, so that new departments and faculties began to be opened at the university, and soon the concept of the university was completely changing.

Poplavsky is not the only child in the family; he has two brothers Stanislav and Vladimir, and together they open a chain of restaurants called “Father’s House”. The location of the restaurant is on the road between Odessa and Kyiv.

Having had his fill of various cultural and creative life, Poplavsky decided to go into politics. And he immediately makes an attempt and nominates his candidacy for the Verkhovna Rada in the Kirovograd district. The first attempt turned out to be relatively successful because Poplavsky was able to take second place, and received the support of more than 15% of the votes. In 2002, Poplavsky decided to thoroughly gain a foothold in the field of politics. The artist’s growth in politics is rapidly gaining momentum, and he is running for election to people’s deputies in one of the constituencies of the Kyiv region. This time the confidence of voters is much greater than the first time, and he gains more than 48% of the vote. Running for local metropolitan elections from the Pechersky district, the rector of the university gains victory and becomes a people's deputy of the 4th convocation. He served in this term as people's deputy from 2002 to 2006.

In parallel with his position as a deputy, he holds the position of president of the public organization “Union of Ukrainians of the World.” Since 2005, he has joined the ranks of the Lytvyn Bloc. A year after this, Poplavsky decides to run for the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation from the Third Force party, but this time he failed to get into the Verkhovna Rada.

Mikhail Mikhailovich Poplavsky

Since 2010, he has been elected to the ranks of a deputy in the Kyiv regional council from the city of Irpen.

Mikhail Mikhailovich made his next attempt to stand for election in 2012, and here he also received victory in constituency No. 194 in the Cherkasy region. Two years later, it was decided to elect Mikhail Poplavsky to the People's Deputies of Ukraine of the 7th convocation. During early parliamentary elections in the same year, Mikhail Mikhailovich won one of the electoral districts in the Kirovograd region.

Since 2014, Mikhail Mikhailovich is already known as the People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the 8th convocation, and is also a representative of the “Will of the People” deputy group. In the same year, the people’s deputy votes for “dictatorial laws” and the entire package of anti-democratic laws, and they, in turn, greatly oppress the rights of citizens and freedom of speech. As a result of this, in response, he is limited by law, prohibiting him from heading any higher educational institutions.

Compromising evidence and rumors

A scandal erupted over the name of Mikhail Poplavsky, regarding the fact that he hid the mansion and he appropriated the plot, which was previously allocated for housing to students. While filling out his declaration, Mikhail Mikhailovich indicated one inconspicuous apartment on Poznyaki in the city of Kyiv, the area of ​​which is 75.8 square meters. As it was later found out, Mikhail Mikhailovich hid the presence of a huge country house in Bortnichi near Kiev, its area is more than 1000 square meters, there is a sauna and a private lake on the site. From the documents that were found during the investigation, it is known that the house is rented by the vice-rector of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts Natalya Gaysinyuk, and the house itself is registered to her 71-year-old father Anatoly Kapelyushny. But despite this, all residents of the area claim that the actual owner of this house is Mikhail Poplavsky, who quite often uploads photographs from this house to his pages on social networks.

The singing rector is going to introduce new specialties at his university, turning it into a small Ukrainian Hollywood

Mikhail Mikhailovich knows how to please, no matter what they say. And how does he manage to do this? He walks through his own university - all the students greet him with a smile. And if she speaks to someone, the happiness in the girl’s eyes just shines. Even the coffee in the student cafe at Poplavsky’s is not simple, but “Junior Eagle”. Mikhail Mikhailovich personally controls the quality of purchases so that the grains are the most, as they say, selected. And the price of a serving is ridiculous - one hryvnia. By the way, the rector himself often visits the student Internet cafe. He will sit at a table in the corner with a cup of aromatic coffee, chat with students and go up to his office. The singing rector’s desk is a creative mess: a lot of papers, five phones, several silver figurines, photographs of his mother, wife and son. Mikhail Poplavsky is not computer friendly. He keeps everything in his head. Therefore, four pictures from university security cameras are constantly displayed on the monitor, keeping a finger on the pulse, so to speak.

“I don’t give paid concerts. Poplavsky is priceless"

Well, Mikhail Mikhailovich, the next Eurovision will take place again without you. But they promised to participate…

I will say this - a teacher is always proud of his students.

Are you talking about Danilko?

Who else? Considering that Eurovision is not a competition for vocalists, but a show, I think Andrey will represent Ukraine quite worthy. I just didn’t want to “break” Europe. Although, I admit, the diaspora very actively invites me to tour with the hits “Salo”, “Varenicki”, “Borsch”.

Most importantly, don’t forget to take your backup dancers with you - gorgeous girls weighing over a hundred kilograms.

Oh, where would I be without them! This is my favorite ballet "Peach". Exclusive! There is definitely no other one like it in Europe. In the two hours that the show lasts, the audience goes crazy.

Is Poplavsky's show expensive?

When my team was thinking at what price to sell tickets for a concert at the Ukraina Palace (and there were a huge number of people willing), everyone came to the conclusion: I simply don’t have a price. Poplavsky is priceless! So I don’t give paid concerts.

You sing for the soul, that is.

You know, when the first full-scale PR project in Ukraine, “The Singing Rector,” was born, everyone at first thought that I was a singer. But I never strived for absolute vocals.

Well, did you sing as a child?

Everyone in our family sang - mother, father, brothers. And I'm the worst of all. But he played the drums masterfully. Seriously! On a drum kit when he led a rural cultural center. VIA, vocal and instrumental ensembles, were in fashion then. Ours was called "Meridian". And I started singing involuntarily.


Life forced me. At one of the meetings here, then still an institute of culture, in the evening, reflecting on the promotion of the university, my guys said: “Come on, Mikhail Mikhailovich, sing! Only when you go on stage will you attract maximum attention.” Me: “What are you doing? Given my status as rector, I’m not the same age.” In addition, my figure, frankly speaking, is far from the parameters of Alain Delon. Sort of like a little Winnie the Pooh.

Don't blame yourself.

No, of course I'm cute when I go on stage. In general, in the end I gave up. They said that if I want to turn the bag into a prestigious university, I need to experiment. The one who sees tomorrow wins. So I became an experimental platform for the then Kyiv Institute of Culture named after Alexander Korneychuk.

In general, they put their talent on the altar of art.

And you know, not everyone has yet realized that it was just a PR stunt! That in fact I sang not at the behest of my soul, but out of necessity. The Motherland said: it is necessary! And I, like an obedient soldier (at least in the past), answered: yes! Today you can treat me differently as a singer, but our university is popular. This is a fact.

“It was hard for me to get into the image of a “young eagle.” But it turned out that it was even more difficult to get out of it.”

I personally saw how the audience cried in the hall of the Ukraine Palace at your concert.

You know, I come out to the audience absolutely sincere, but people feel the falseness. You see, I have never suffered from excessive modesty. And I don’t advise you to do this. Modesty is the shortest path to obscurity and poverty. So, it was very difficult for me to enter into the image of a “young eagle”. But it turned out to be even more difficult to get out of it.

By the way, some gloated: they say that Poplavsky returned to the stage to earn some money and spent his money.

You can't wait for this! And don't hope…

They say that you have now become a farmer, and quite a big one at that.

From my father I inherited more than two hectares of land. And when businessmen came to our village who wanted to buy plots of land, the villagers turned to me to become the chairman of the union of land share owners.

Simply put, the chairman of the collective farm.

Something like this. So now I have 3,800 hectares of land. Well, until you make a lot of money from it. The market situation with grain and sugar beets is unstable…

Do you have gardens?

No. We grow mainly grain crops - wheat, sunflower, corn, peas. This month we will purchase American combines equipped with computers.

Do you visit the grounds often?

On Saturdays and Sundays - mandatory. I hold meetings with tractor drivers and go into the fields. I get pleasure from this! I’m from a village myself and I know what thankless peasant labor is. Who is left in the villages? Old people mostly. I wanted to take my mother to Kyiv. She spent one night with me in Poznyaki in an apartment located on the tenth floor and said: “Misha, I’m going to die or take me back.”

Do you really live in Poznyaki? Or do you have a penthouse there?

What are you talking about! I don’t even know those words. Ordinary apartment. Now, however, I’m renting a house near Kyiv. Small, with four rooms. I'm going to build my own (along the Odessa highway).

To be closer to your restaurant chain? How many of them do you already have?

Four. But they are not only mine. This is the business of the Poplavsky family. I just “protect” them as the eldest. (Laughs.) In fact, I am proud of my restaurants, because the service there is at the European level.

It's time to open in Kyiv, Mikhail Mikhailovich.

I agree, but only together with the FACTS newspaper. It’s difficult in the capital - rent is expensive, suitable premises cannot be found.

Your competitors are lucky. Otherwise, you would lure all their visitors with your cabbage plant.

You tried it - you know. By the way, cabbage is made according to my recipe. With pork ribs in a bread crust. Another signature dish of mine is okroshka, which is served in an ice bowl. And the sausage is homemade! We have a private farm - 500 pigs. We slaughter a young pig weighing up to 90 kilograms at four in the morning, and at seven the fresh meat is already delivered to all restaurants. I categorically forbade freezing meat. Not the same taste at all!

Is the vodka also made by you?

Mom used to make moonshine - 60 degrees - for the Batkivska Khata restaurant. She had this kind of business. I earned up to one and a half thousand hryvnia a month. I passed the product through a charcoal filter - pure Scotch whiskey! Now we are launching a small line - five types of vodka under the Kropiva brand. True, for my people in “Batkivsky Khati” I always have five liters of 60-degree moonshine “Kropiva” and five liters of “Medovukha”, which instantly hits the legs. Not for sale.

How much can you take on your breast?

I can afford 50-100 grams of my mother’s “Kropivi”. In small doses it is even very useful. Sometimes I drink cognac. Just not in large quantities. And a good snack. Have you tried our dumplings?

I haven't had to yet. What do they do with you?

We have 50 types of them! Dumplings are a whole national ideology! I am Ukrainian to the eighth generation. Although for some reason many people consider me a Jew. I agree - a Jew, but a Ukrainian. He said this to Dmitry Gordon in his program: “Dima, we are all Jews. In life" So, I think: if a Ukrainian has not eaten 50 types of dumplings in his life, he is not Ukrainian. And we use both nettle and rhubarb as fillings. Dumplings are my favorite dish since childhood. Grandma Nadya made them tiny especially for me, and my mother made them big, like pies. She had no time to bother. The farm is big, there are three of us guys, just have time to serve it. My parents’ first child died two weeks after birth, and the second girl also did not live long. I was third. The priests and I were baptized and passed through the window; they greeted my mother from the maternity hospital with towels. There was a whole ritual just so that I could survive.

“A man is the one who has money and everything else. And the male has only “everything else”

Were you weak?

Yes, buttuz! They fed us hominy, cabbage, lard (so yellow) and cherry compote. I had a terrible sweet tooth (though I still do), and my favorite treat was sucking candies - small round lollipops in a box. We had never heard of any diet back then. And now There should be a lot of good things.

Is it true that you sometimes cook your own borscht in a restaurant?

Otherwise! It is prepared according to my recipe. I even fired three chefs for not maintaining consistency. The ribs are cooked first, but the meat should not separate from the bones. Then the broth is infused for two hours, then we add the stewed vegetables and let it settle again. The main thing when serving it to the client is not to forget about sour cream. Relish! Homemade, fatty. After all, what do you give us, Ukrainians?

Yes, as for everyone - bread and circuses!

So we’ll give you something to eat, and we’ll deal with the spectacles…

For some, you don’t have to go far for this. Just to my university.

Please note: we are unique in our kind on the Ukrainian education market. Today everyone wants to become a star. Please! I'm a living example. Imitate your dad!

Is that what they call you at the university?

Still a dad. And they treat them with trepidation and respect. The main thing is that there is order in the family. Since the beginning of the academic year, we have introduced new specialties: clothing, interior, and landscape design. Future fashion designers are patronized by our famous couturier Mikhail Voronin, from whom I, by the way, make all my costumes. We are opening the Department of International Relations, Journalism, Advertising and Public Relations, the Institute of Translators and Computer Sciences. We train actors, directors of drama theatre, stage, film and television, and cameramen. In general, such a small Ukrainian Hollywood…

Where do you get the energy for all your projects?

For women!

So you're using us?

Why so immediately - I use it. I'm charging. You stimulate us. After all, every representative of the stronger sex wants to realize himself as a man. True, more than half of us are males.

Is there a difference?

Certainly! A man is the one who has money and everything else. And the male only has “everything else.” But in order to take possession of a woman, you must first charm her, give her gifts, court her…

What was the last gift you gave?

I thought they were diamonds.

I'm not such a rich person.

What do you treat yourself to?

I don’t even know that word. You know, Ani Lorak was once asked about her attitude towards Poplavsky. She replied: “Oh, he’s such a spoiler!”

Did you have a relationship?

There were, but then she got involved with a Turk. (Laughs.) I kept saying: “Carolina, aren’t there enough Ukrainians for you?” In general, I am rather a darling of fate. My parents took care of me from childhood, and from an early age I knew how to stand up for myself. I was already involved in business in the third grade.

It seems a bit early.

Just right! In the morning before school, I ran to the river, caught fish and sold two or three kilograms of crop to our local fortune teller. She paid me five rubles for them. In those days, that was a lot of money for a child! I remember saving up and buying shoes. With long noses and heels. And their pants are like a pipe. There was the first fashionista in the village! I continued my business until the tenth grade.

Have you asked a fortune teller about your destiny?

I'm not the mother. The fortune teller said that Misha, like a sparrow, would fly out of the nest. And through life, as if by steps, he will climb. I don't really believe in these fortune telling. And so I know what will happen.

So what?

And tomorrow will be a day again Our fate is in our hands. You can't expect someone to come and do it for you. This has been verified from my own experience.

Do you have enemies, Mikhail Mikhailovich?

I call them opponents. I have never bullied anyone in my life, I have not criticized anyone, I have not crossed anyone’s path. I walked through life with my visor open. Accept me as I am!

By the way, how long have you been back on stage?

And who said that I was leaving?! If my songs sound, it means someone needs it…



Professions Awards poplavskiy.com

Mikhail Mikhailovich Poplavsky(November 28, Mechislavka village, Ulyanovsk district, Kirovograd region) - rector of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (1993), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences (), professor (), People's Artist of Ukraine (2008).


1971 - 1973 - director of the rural House of Culture in Velikie Troyan; brought him to first place in the region.

In June 2000, a joint project of the First National TV Channel UT-1 and the All-Ukrainian Foundation “Gifted Children of Ukraine” launched a children's television competition “Step to the Stars”, the author of the idea, director, and general producer of which is Mikhail Poplavsky.

2002 - Mikhail Poplavsky runs for people's deputies in the 101st constituency in the Kirovograd region, and for the Kiev City Council in the Pechersky district (52 electoral districts) and receives a double victory.

Creative activity

Poplavsky is known as a music producer and singer. As a music producer, Poplavsky is the author of the program “Step to the Stars” (“Krok do Zirok”), president of the Gifted Children of Ukraine Foundation, general producer of the All-Ukrainian children's television competition “Step to the Stars”, general producer of the television project “Our Song” (since 2003) , President of the International Public Organization “Union of Ukrainians of the World” (since 2004).

Poplavsky's singing skills have an ambiguous assessment among musicians and amateurs. On the one hand, Poplavsky is the character of numerous jokes and anecdotes. There is also evidence that Poplavsky organizes KNUKiI students specifically for some of his programs. On the other hand, Poplavsky’s work is quite popular; Poplavsky’s concerts are well equipped technically and feature rich choreography.

The artist himself does not consider himself a professional singer: “I’m not a singer, but a rector who sometimes sings.” .

In 2006, Poplavsky began a series of “farewell concerts” in different cities of Ukraine and announced his intention to end his singing career.

In August 2008, M. Poplavsky was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine, the artist himself commented on the assignment: “I am a man of the people, so this is natural.”


Political activity

  • - ran in elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, electoral district No. 100 (Kirovograd region), but took 2nd place with 15.5% (of votes).
  • - - People's Deputy of Ukraine of the 4th convocation (electoral district No. 101, Kirovograd region, 48.44% of votes
  • * On June 12, 2002, he was elected to the position of Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on Culture and Spirituality. For years he was a member of the parliamentary factions “United Ukraine” and “Labor Ukraine”.
  • - becomes president of the international public organization “Union of Ukrainians of the World”.
  • In December, the city of KNUKiI, on the initiative of Poplavsky, joined the actions of civil disobedience.
  • In January, M. Poplavsky joined the ranks of the People's Agrarian Party (Litvina).
  • In the city he ran for the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation on the list of the Third Force party, but did not get into the Verkhovna Rada.


  1. 1993 Culture Manager
  2. 1996 Culture Manager (reissue)
  3. 1997 Rector
  4. 1997 ABC Public Relations
  5. 1999 Show business manager
  6. 2000 Human Resource Management
  7. 2000 Formula for success
  8. 2001 Show business: theory, history, practice
  9. 2003 Anthology of Ukrainian contemporary pop
  10. 2007 ABC of Public Relations
  11. 2007 20 principles of management
  12. 2007 How to become popular and rich
  13. 2007 Management Marketing
  14. 2007 Diary of a Genius
  15. 2008 To your table from Mikhail Poplavsky
  16. 2009 Rector (reissue)
  17. 2009 Leadership as a brand
  18. 2009 Image
  19. 2009 Taste
  20. 2009 Photo album
  21. 2009 Anthology of modern Ukrainian pop music (reissue)
  22. 2010 Hotel and restaurant service
  23. 2012 Hello native village
  24. 2012 Ukrainian cuisine from Mikhail Poplavsky


  1. “Blues of Erotic Thoughts” (Blues of Erotic Thoughts)
  2. “Vera plus Misha” (duet with Verka Serduchka)
  3. “My Dear Parents” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  4. “Hello, native village” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  5. “Nettle” (director Viktor Panfilov, cameraman Oleg Sagan)
  6. “Nettle-2”, remix by DJ Batt (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  7. “Mother’s Cherry” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  8. “Call me” (Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  9. “Farewell” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  10. “The snow is spinning” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  11. "Ukraine"
  12. “Hava nagila” (director Vladimir Yakimenko, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  13. “Young Eagle” (cameraman V. Pilunsky)
  14. “Junior Eagle 2” (director Viktor Priduvalov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  15. “You are my sunshine” (director Maxim Papernik, cameraman A. Stepanov)
  16. “My Ukraine” (director Alan Badoev)
  17. “Love” (director Vladimir Yakimenko, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  18. “Scows full of mullet” (director Natalya Shevchuk)
  19. “You are my love” (director Vladimir Yakimenko, cameraman Alexey Stepanov)
  20. “In Memory of a Friend” (director Semyon Gorov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  21. “My Sin” animation on sand by K. Simonova
  22. “Bathhouse” (director S. Gorov, cameraman A. Stepanov)
  23. “My Varenichki” (director M. Papernik, cameraman V. Savitsky)
  24. “Batko” (director Semyon Gorov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  25. “Field, field” (director Semyon Gorov, cameraman V. Shklyarevsky)
  26. “Salo” (director M. Papernik, cameraman V. Savitsky)


  • Laureate of the national program “Person of the Year” (1997, nomination “Cultural and Arts Worker”)
  • Winner of the all-Ukrainian popularity rating “Golden Fortune” (1998).
  • Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR (1984).
  • Certificate of Honor from the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (10.2004).
  • Order of Merit, II class. (12.2004).
  • Order of M. Grushevsky IV century. “For the development of Ukraine” (2000).
  • Gold medal “For merits in education” of the All-Ukrainian ranking “Sofia of Kiev” (2001).
  • The newspaper “Osvita” recognized M. Poplavsky as the “Best Osvitian of the Year 2000” in the nomination “Remember the Temple.”
  • In June 2000, a joint project of the First National TV Channel UT-1 and the All-Ukrainian Foundation “Gifted Children of Ukraine”, a television children's competition “Krok do Zirok”, was launched, the author of the idea, director, and general producer of which is Mikhail Poplavsky.
  • On December 9, 2000, Mikhail Poplavsky was awarded the “Hit to Rock” diploma as “Best producer of children's and youth music programs.”
  • On December 28, 2000, M. Poplavsky is a nominee of the regional rating program “Leader of the Kirovograd Region - 2000” in the nomination “Countryman of the Kirovograd Region - 2000”.
  • The Kiev City State Administration and the creative agency “Territory A” awarded M. Poplavsky “For his contribution to the development of modern Ukrainian song.”
  • The all-Ukrainian competition “Step to the Stars” was awarded the “Golden Pen” prize as the best television project for children and youth in 2000.
  • The annual creative event “City of Children” awarded M. Poplavsky the award “For the best children’s program on television for 2000.”
  • On June 8, 2001, the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts was recognized as the best educational institution in Ukraine, and its rector was awarded the gold medal “For Merit in Education” and the “Sofia of Kiev” statuette.

At the festival “Hit of the 20th Century” on December 10, 2001, Poplavsky was awarded a diploma for the song “Cherry trees are growing in my mother’s garden” (music by A. Gorchinsky lyrics by M. Lukov).

  • 2002 - for a high professional level and contribution to the development of education in Ukraine, creating the image of our state in the world, the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts received the Golden Art Olympus award in the category “Public Recognition” in the National Open Rating of Popularity and Quality.
  • 2007 - For significant personal contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development of the Ukrainian state, significant labor achievements, on August 23, President of Ukraine V. A. Yushchenko awarded M. M. Poplavsky the Order of Merit, 1st degree.

M. Poplavsky received the status of full holder of the Order of Merit (2000 r. 2001 r. 2007 r.)

  • August 23, 2008 - by decree of the President of Ukraine, M. Poplavsky was awarded the honorary title - People's Artist of Ukraine, as the general producer, chief director, author of the idea of ​​​​creating the All-Ukrainian children's television competition "Step to the Stars" ("Krok do Zirok").
  • On March 21, 2009, M. Poplavsky won the title “Person of the Year” in the nomination “Creator of the Year”, “Artist of the Year” (Mitec)

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