Minimum period of academic leave for a student. How to take academic leave at a university: reasons and example of an application

Due to difficult life circumstances, full-time and part-time students may interrupt their studies and then return to it. An academic break or vacation is permitted on the basis of Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. The document indicates the nuances of provision and possible reasons for refusal.

Academic leave is a period of interruption of studies granted to a student at a university or secondary vocational institution in exceptional cases.

According to the Law “On Education” No., students are required to fully master the curriculum in their chosen specialty and comply with the rules of the educational institution. It is allowed to skip a training course for extenuating circumstances with documentary evidence of the reason.

The right of an academician can be used by students receiving secondary education, university students (full-time and part-time), including master's degrees. Rest for valid reasons is possible for graduate students, students, assistants, cadets, adjuncts, and residents.

During forced leave, student status is maintained. But the citizen does not attend classes and does not take exams. He is not expelled, maintaining the conditions for receiving education - with payment or on a budgetary basis.

Order No. of the Ministry of Education establishes the procedure and nuances of the procedure. Only persons with a long period of study can obtain an academic degree.

Important! If a student studies for 1 year, there is no point in interrupting his studies.

When and for what reason can you take an “academ”

You can take a leave of absence during the semester or after the final exams for the semester. In the first case, after resuming training, the student goes through the program again. The reasons for granting “time off” are specified in the order of the Ministry of Education and Science No.

For family reasons

Family circumstances that provide grounds for stopping attending classes for a certain period include:

  • death of a family member;
  • long-term illness of the child, mother or father for whom the student will care;
  • financial difficulties of the family, creating obstacles to paying tuition fees;
  • other circumstances relating to the family.

The objectivity of the reasons is established by the rector of the educational institution or another authorized person. A person must write an application addressed to the rector and attach supporting documents to it:

The management of the educational institution may offer the student to replace the academic course with a correspondence course. Consent or refusal is an individual choice.

Note! It is easier for students from other cities to get a deferment from studying.

For pregnancy

Students, like working women, have the right to maternity leave and child care leave. In this case, funds for the newborn will be accrued based on the amount of the scholarship.

When the pregnancy period is difficult and interferes with the educational process, it makes sense to get some rest. Female students visit the antenatal clinic to receive a certificate in form 095/у and submit it to the dean’s office of the educational institution. There a referral is issued for a medical examination.

Certificate form 095/у

To confirm a serious pregnancy, girls will have to re-visit the antenatal clinic and provide specialists with:

  • referral from a university, college or other educational institution;
  • extract from the hospital card;
  • a certificate drawn up in form 095/у;
  • student ID and record book.

The conclusion of the medical examination and the application for leave are submitted to the dean's office.

Note! Academic leave is the best option for part-time students, since they do not receive standard maternity leave.

For medical reasons

If it is necessary to interrupt studies for medical reasons, the student provides:

A package of medical papers is drawn up before the start of the session. They are accompanied by certificates stating that the person has not attended classes for more than 30 days due to a long-term illness.

Features of consideration of the application

An application for leave for medical reasons is considered in the following cases:

  • the need for serious surgical intervention;
  • long-term rehabilitation after injury;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • complications after pathologies requiring long-term recovery.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish a list of diseases, therefore the management of the educational institution grants a deferment from training at its discretion.

Note! If health has deteriorated due to studies, the student can transfer to another faculty based on these documents.

Due to the difficult financial situation

Financial problems are the basis on which an academic leave of absence is possible for a student studying at a university or college. The student must submit:

  • a certificate of the family’s financial situation;
  • papers confirming parents' registration with the employment service;
  • documents from social authorities;
  • statement.

The rector or authorized employees of the educational institution consider the request within 10 days and make a final decision.

Due to conscription for military service

Military service is compulsory for men in good health. Since the call is urgent, the student has the right to academic. The basis will be a conclusion from the military registration and enlistment office, a summons to the army or a statement. After completing his service, a citizen can resume his studies from the moment of conscription.

Sample story for the army

Note! Academic leave in this case is suitable for part-time students - full-time students receive a deferment.

Other reasons

Representatives of the educational institution admit other reasons:

  • natural disaster or fire;
  • simultaneous study within the walls of another university;
  • business trip for work matters;
  • internship abroad;
  • temporary relocation to another city;
  • death of a close relative.

Note! The rector's office or dean's office will need to provide a conclusion from the supervisory service, certificates from another educational institution, and copies of orders from the place of employment.

How to take sabbatical leave at university

Academic leave can be taken from a university on the basis of documents confirming the conditions for interrupting studies. The student writes an application addressed to the rector and attaches a package of papers to it, depending on the reason. Based on these documents, a vacation order is issued.

Where to go?

The applicant submits documents to the rector’s office or dean’s office of the place of study.

Required package of documents

The type and number of papers is determined by the reason for registration of the academy. Most often included:

Advice! If you are pregnant, you should take maternity leave. The educational institution will pay the students an allowance. If there is an academic, no funds are paid.

Sample certificate

You can consider a certificate for academic leave using the example of the reason for a break due to illness. The document is issued after a medical commission and is called “Protocol of the Clinical Expert Commission.” Drawed up on a unified form, which indicates:

Important! The form must have the doctor’s personal stamp and the mark of the medical institution.

Design rules

There are no legislative differences between the registration of an academic at a university or a college. The procedure is carried out if there are compelling reasons, as established by Order of the Ministry of Education No. A break can be taken by students whose study period ranges from 2 to 5 years. If the duration of the study program is no more than a year, you do not need to take a vacation.

Drawing up an application

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes that an application is necessary. There are no unified requirements for the document, so the student writes it in free form.

The student must indicate his affiliation with the group and faculty, and tell whom he is addressing. The main part contains a detailed statement of reasons and a list of attached documents.


The application in which a person exercises his right to academic leave contains the following information:

Note! The initial period is 12 months. If this is not enough, the rest can be extended.


After submitting the application and documents to the dean's office, a resolution is imposed on them. The management of the educational institution or an authorized person reviews the papers within 10 days. If the decision is positive or negative, an order is drawn up in the form approved by the Charter of the university or college. The order contains the basis for suspending studies, the period, and conditions.

Sample order for granting academic leave

How many times can you take vacation and for how long?

Initially, academic leave from an educational institution is granted for 12 months. It can be extended up to 2 years. In paragraph 3 of Order No. it is noted that the number of breaks is not limited and is not tied to a specific reason.

The total period depends on the circumstances. To solve temporary difficulties, 6 months to 1 year is enough for students. Girls caring for a child take a total of 6 years of leave.

When can a request be refused?

The validity of the reasons for taking a break is determined by management. In case of serious illness, expecting a child, or the need to serve in the army, there are practically no refusals. The reasons for the death of a close relative, work trips or study in another institution are in doubt.

Termination of academic leave

The law establishes the right of students to leave academic leave early. The conditions for admission to classes are determined by clause 7 of Order No. For example, a person who took a break for 1 year has resolved his issues and wants to continue his studies. It will be restored, but only if the debts in academic subjects are covered. Persons returning after 6 months can take accelerated training in the missed course.

Note! A student’s withdrawal from academic leave is carried out on the basis of a personal application and an order from the rector.

Questions and answers

Students planning to take an academic year have questions about obtaining and renewing it.

Do they give academic leave in graduate school?

Studying in graduate school is part of the educational process. Postgraduate students have the same right to a break as other students.

Is it possible to get an academic leave if you have academic debt?

The administration refuses to grant leave in most cases. However, debt is not grounds for denial when a student is injured. The condition for granting a break will be passing the “tails” or transferring to a lower course.

Is a student provided with a dormitory during an academic leave?

The Order of the Ministry of Education and Science contains a reference to Art. 39 Federal Law No. It says that a place in a dormitory is retained if the organization has an appropriate housing stock. In practice, there are few places available, so the student is evicted.

Do the Commerce departments charge tuition during a gap year?

There is no charge for this period. This procedure applies when paying for training by a legal entity or individual.

Is the scholarship paid during academic leave?

Issues regarding the payment of scholarships are regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Education, which states that state and social scholarships are not paid during academic leave if a person:

  • has debts;
  • received a "satisfactory" mark during the session.

Being in the academy does not lead to the formation of debts in subjects, nor is it a reason for the termination of scholarship payments.

Will the money paid for tuition be returned if the student takes an academic leave?

The regulations of the educational institution state that funds are transferred against future revenues. The university has the right to demand an additional payment from the student if the tuition fee has increased during the period of his leave.

Academic leave during study is possible only for valid reasons. If a student does not submit an application upon leaving, management has the right to expel him.

Among the many rights provided by federal laws, there is the right to grant a student academic leave. Some students heard about this specific type of leave, but during all the years of study they never took advantage of it, while others, on the contrary, desperately needed it, but due to ignorance of their rights did not realize this opportunity. This necessitates the need to familiarize yourself with what academic leave is, what its purpose is, and who needs it.

From the moment they enroll at university until they graduate, young people experience one of the most important phases of their lives. Student life- This is a kind of transition from childhood to adulthood, which prepares adolescents for responsibility and responsibilities. During their studies, students not only receive the knowledge necessary for their future profession, but also enrich their inner world and become part of a society in which they need to be able to make adult and responsible decisions. In addition, they acquire rights and opportunities previously unavailable to them.

Among the many rights provided by federal laws, there is the right to grant a student academic leave. Some students heard about this specific type of leave, but during all the years of study they never took advantage of it, while others, on the contrary, desperately needed it, but due to ignorance of their rights did not realize this opportunity. This necessitates the need to become familiar with what academic leave is, what its purpose is, and who needs it.

What is a sabbatical leave?

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Postgraduate Education" academic leave- this is a special type of leave, which, if necessary, students studying at higher and secondary vocational educational institutions have the right to take. In other words, if unforeseen circumstances arise, a student can suspend the learning process for a certain period without harm to himself.

Thus, every student of any college, technical school or university can exercise their right to academic leave. However, you need to understand that you cannot simply take advantage of all the benefits of academic leave without a good reason: there is a provision according to which those who wish to take advantage of this right must have objective and proven (!) circumstances of an emergency nature.

Duration of academic leave determined solely depending on the individual reasons of the student. In some cases, a break from study can last up to 2 years.

Circumstances for granting academic leave

The law clearly defines the reasons that may serve as the basis for exercising a student’s right to academic leave:

  • First of all, it can be used by students who have certain medical conditions. In this case, in order to apply for academic leave, you must submit a medical certificate signed by the clinical expert commission. Please note that only a medical document confirming the presence of a serious illness that prevents the organization of a normal educational process can serve as a compelling argument for interrupting the educational process.
  • Temporarily interrupt your studies Possible for family reasons. If a student needs to take a direct part in solving serious problems in the family (for example, he is caring for elderly relatives or a newborn child), he can apply for academic leave. The main thing is that this need can be supported by documentary evidence.
  • Disasters, natural disasters and their consequences are also considered exceptional situations. In this case, we are not talking about a large-scale tragedy, but about the occurrence of force majeure circumstances in the life of a student, which in some way affects his life. The existence of such circumstances must also be documented.
  • Other exceptional circumstances that have documentary evidence.

Grounds and procedure for granting academic leave

The exercise of students' right to receive academic leave is regulated by the current Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2013 No. 455.

Please note that this order does not contain provisions that would provide for the refusal of granting leave to a student. Therefore, theoretically, a request for academic leave can be submitted even if you simply feel an urgent need for rest. Another thing is that such a request will most likely not be granted.

To receive an academic leave, a student must submit an appropriate written application, which will indicate the reasons and duration of it, as well as attach documentary evidence (if any) of the circumstances that have arisen. The decision to grant academic leave is made by the management of the educational organization within ten days from the date of submission of the application.

It is worth noting that students who received this leave for medical reasons, in accordance with Government Decree No. 1206 of November 3, 1994, are paid monthly compensation payments. At the same time, persons authorized to make a decision on granting academic leave can, at their own discretion, increase the amount of payments (and they, by default, are purely symbolic - only 50 rubles per month).

How to get out of academic leave correctly?

In order to come back from academic leave It’s not enough to just show up to class. You must first write a corresponding application and obtain permission to study. It is important to understand that until your application for leave from academic leave reaches the rector/director’s desk, you will not be considered to have left your academic leave. This means that already 15 days after the end of your academic leave, the management of the educational organization will have every reason to expel you from the educational institution.

By the way, the law provides for the possibility of early withdrawal from the academy. In this case, the application must indicate the reasons for the early termination of academic leave. If your studies were interrupted due to medical reasons, in order to resume the educational process you will need to obtain a conclusion from a medical expert commission confirming that you can begin studying.

Anything can happen in life, and no one is immune from unpleasant life circumstances. However, they should not become a reason to refuse higher education. For the most serious cases, there is such a cool thing as academic leave.

In what cases and for what reasons can you take academic leave, for how long, how many times and what documents are needed to take academic leave - this is an incomplete list of questions that we will try to clarify in our article.

Academic leave at the institute: reasons to take and justification

First you need to define this phenomenon:

Academic leave is a temporary break from study, agreed upon and approved by the university management. It can be obtained by any student with compelling reasons.

On what grounds can I take academic leave? This could be a serious illness, military service or pregnancy.

By the way, the right to use this service is granted at the legislative level. It is confirmed by clause 12, part 1, article 34 of the Law “On Education of the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012.

Here are the main reasons to take a sabbatical:

  • medical conditions (for example, hiatal hernia),
  • family circumstances that may be an obstacle to learning (for example, caring for a disabled person),
  • military conscription.

Let's take a closer look at situations when you can take academic leave.

Medical indications

If you do not know whether it is possible to take an academic leave in your case, remember: you must have a conclusion from a medical commission for health reasons and the inability to continue your studies due to this.

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The most popular reason for students (or rather, female students) to take academic leave from university is pregnancy.

Family circumstances

Is it possible to take academic leave on a part-time or full-time basis at a college or institute, in a master's program or just before graduating, if you have to care for a disabled relative? Yes, since this case is a family circumstance.

Other family circumstances include:

  • pregnancy,
  • childbirth,
  • child care up to 3 years old,
  • having a disabled parent or other family member over 3 years of age who needs constant care,
  • difficult financial situation, which does not allow paying for education.

Military conscription

Urgent conscription into the army is not carried out at the will of the student. And military service is a mandatory condition for all able-bodied men of the state. Therefore, the student has every right to take academic leave.

But the case when a student can take an academic leave is more suitable for part-time students, since full-time students receive a legal deferment from military service until they complete their studies or are expelled.

However, if you really don’t want to go, but there is no reason for academics. there is no leave, any man should know how to get a deferment from the army in another way.

Procedure and terms for granting academic leave

How many times can you take academic leave? According to Order No. 455, you can take an unlimited number of academic leaves (by decision of the management of the institute or other educational institution). So when asked whether it is possible to take a second vacation immediately after the first, you can safely answer: “Yes!”

But regarding how many years a student can take an academic leave, there is a reservation: any of the leaves taken should not exceed 2 years. At the same time, paying students are not required to pay for their studies during this time.

Be careful! Many institutions have an important rule when it is possible to take academic leave at the university: the student must not have any academic debts.

True, this is not regulated by law in any way. So there may be options here. For example, they may not provide the vacation itself, but offer as an alternative:

  • transfer to the course below,
  • obtaining an academic degree vacation only after passing the “tails” before or after leaving school, etc.

What do you need to take a sabbatical?

How to take academic leave for family reasons, health or other important reasons? It is necessary to collect a certain package of documents. For this you will need:

  1. Application for academic leave written by the student (indicating the reasons).
  2. Documents confirming the occurrence of difficult life circumstances listed above (summons, doctor’s certificate, etc.).

These documents must be taken to the rector’s office, where the documents and application will be reviewed within ten days. After this period, either a refusal with reasons or an order granting the requested leave will be granted.

More information about academic leave due to pregnancy

Is it possible to take academic leave if expelled? Yes, if at the time of expulsion you find out that you are pregnant! This is a pretty good reason for taking leave both at school, at a music school, and at work (although here it will be called maternity leave, not academic leave).

But to receive it, the expectant mother must perform certain actions, and promptly:

  • provide the dean's office with a certificate of pregnancy and a certificate in form 095/U, which will provide grounds for sending the pregnant woman to a second medical expert commission;
  • at the clinic at the place of residence or study, provide the following package of documents: student ID and grade book, certificate in form 095/U, extract from the medical card on registration for pregnancy;
  • pass the appointed expert commission;
  • submit the decision received by the commission to the university administration and write an application for academic leave.

Maternity leave is the only case when academic leave, if necessary, can be extended to 6 (!) years. The reason for this will be the need to care for the child.

In general, the process of obtaining documents for granting academic leave for medical reasons is the same, with only some features in the preparation of certificates (here the certificate must be issued in form 027/U).

Read more about academic leave for family reasons

It is necessary to understand that family circumstances are not an absolute basis for granting academic leave. All this is at the discretion of the rector or a special employee of the educational institution authorized by the rector.

The most important thing is to provide paper evidence of the seriousness of the reasons. For example, a medical certificate of a complex illness of a child or parents, a referral for urgent treatment of someone from the family.

If the reason is a difficult financial situation, then the student must provide certificates from the social security service, written in the names of the parents paying for the education. The certificate must indicate the reason - temporary insolvency.

Academic leave in 1st year

It is not indicated anywhere from which course the case for granting academic leave may arise. So if compelling reasons arise during the first year of study, the student has all the same rights as older students.

So, we have found out how to take academic leave at the institute in graduate school, for family reasons, part-time and full-time. But we would really like to see that there are never difficult circumstances in your life that could force you to stop or delay your studies. In any case, remember: there is always a student assistance service near you that will not stand aside!

Studying at a higher educational institution, technical school, or college is a fairly lengthy process and can take from three to 7 years.

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While studying at the university, various situations can occur in the lives of students: the birth of children, marriage, illness, unforeseen circumstances, in connection with which the concept of academic leave was introduced.

Its meaning is that every student can stop his studies for a while by decision of the heads of the educational institution, without losing his student status.

This type of leave is provided for both full-time and part-time students.

Who can take it?

Academic leave is required by law to every student of any educational institution (university, college, technical school) of any form of study (both full-time and part-time).

The basis of study does not matter either: leave is granted both to those who study on a budget basis and to those who study on a paid basis.

At the same time, the student is still considered a student of the educational institution, but he can no longer attend classes, take exams and tests.

Reasons for providing

There are several reasons why university students may take a leave of absence:

  • Medical indications. In this case, the main reason is the student’s health. This also includes maternity leave. If a student needs to take academic leave for medical reasons, he should prepare an application and provide an opinion from a clinical expert commission of a government institution.
  • The occurrence of exceptional circumstances. Such circumstances for a student may include illness or loss of a close relative, or family circumstances. This also includes natural disasters, the loss of a breadwinner for a family, a difficult financial situation, the need to leave the country in order to receive additional education or practice, or conscription into the army. Recently, this reason has become more common. While serving in the army, you can rest assured that you will retain your educational position.

Delivery deadlines

The period for which academic leave is granted is 12 calendar months. If leave is granted for military service, it is equal to two years.

University leave may be granted several times. Moreover, if a student studies on a contractual basis, he is exempt from paying tuition for this period. But if after restoration the price for studies is increased, then payment will be charged at the new rates.

Usually, to receive an academic leave, the educational institution asks the student to pay all debts so that in the future he can be reinstated for the next course without any problems.

It also does not matter which course the student decided to temporarily withdraw from: it can be either the first or the last course.

Design features

The decision on the possibility of granting leave is made by the heads of the educational institution.

The basis for making a positive decision is the student’s application for leave and relevant documents (depending on the reason).

When granting academic leave for medical reasons, the following is required:

  • student statement;
  • the conclusion of the clinical expert commission on the state of health (with the stamp and seal of the organization, registration number and signature of the doctor who issued the document) is issued for a period of one year;
  • medical certificates in form 095/U - about temporary disability for a period of 10 days or a certificate in form 027/U for a period of one month.

When granting academic leave for pregnancy and child care, you need:

  • statement;
  • certificate of pregnancy and general health - based on this document, a document will be issued in order to undergo a clinical expert commission;
  • conclusion of the clinical expert commission.

When granting leave in connection with military service:

  • statement;
  • a summons from the military registration and enlistment office about the intention to perform military service.

When granting academic leave for family reasons:

  • statement;
  • a document confirming the need to receive academic leave for family reasons (death certificate of a relative, invitation to practice in another country, certificate stating that a seriously ill relative needs care, etc.).

When granting leave for study/practice abroad:

  • statement;
  • an invitation from another university to undertake an internship or study, a decision of the educational council.

When granting leave due to the inability to pay for the educational process:

  • statement;
  • certificates of income of the student and family members and certificate of family composition.

If you want to convince the administration of an educational institution of the purity of your intentions, then it is better to provide a comprehensive package of documents for each item.

The heads of the educational institution also have the right to refuse to receive academic leave if they consider the circumstances to be disrespectful, or there are doubts about the documents provided.

A sample application can be downloaded here:

Financial features

When receiving academic leave, the student does not pay for the period of study. After restoration, tuition fees will be charged at the new rates of the educational institution.

If a student has paid extra money by paying a year in advance, he transfers this money through an application to management to pay for further education. This money is returned in rare cases.

Also, the provision of leave does not serve as a basis for refusing to pay scholarships to the student (social, etc.).

If the leave was granted for medical reasons, the student retains the right to receive monthly compensation payments. They are equal to 50% of the minimum wage.

Educational institutions also have the right to provide payments to students at their own expense.

Decisions regarding the provision of payments are made by the educational institution on average within ten days from the period the student provides all relevant documents.

During academic leave, students are not provided with a place in the dormitory.


Exit from academic leave is provided both upon completion of the academic leave period and ahead of schedule.

In order to leave in advance, the student must write a written statement to the management.

After its consideration, an order is issued, and only after this the student can be admitted to the educational process.

The management is also provided with a document from a medical institution, which indicates the possible continuation of the educational process without harm to health (if the leave was taken for medical reasons).

The same procedure precedes the extension of academic leave.

If the academic leave has already ended, and the student has not written an application for its extension and has not returned to study, the educational institution has every reason to expel the student from the educational institution.

Obtaining higher or secondary vocational education involves not only the acquisition of new knowledge, but also strict adherence to established requirements - attending lectures and elective classes, preparing for certification at the end of the semester, etc. That is, a respectable student is usually busy from morning to evening, 7 days a week.

The onset of some life circumstances requires a constant presence in a completely different place and over a fairly long period of time.

In accordance with Russian legislation, every student can use.

The need for registration may be hidden in medical recommendations, in conscription into the ranks of the Russian army, in natural disasters, etc.

The procedure for granting leave is established in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455, which entered into force in 2013.

Features of such release from the learning process

Paragraph 1 of Order No. 455 states that during academic leave student can contact undergoing training:

  • in a school, technical school, college or any other secondary vocational institution;
  • at an institute, university, etc.

Academic leave is a period of time during which a student is exempt from studying, as well as taking tests and exams at a secondary or higher educational institution.

Among main reasons highlight:

Current rules state that a student budget department An academic can apply for it only once during their studies, and those receiving knowledge on a paid basis can apply an unlimited number of times, but for no more than 24 months.

During this period, the student does not make payments, and if he has already paid before learning that he cannot do without academic leave, then the amount must be returned or credited to future academic semesters.

During the entire period of absence, the student may not attend classes or take exams. It is allowed to start studying no earlier than the academic term has expired or in accordance with a statement written to the head of the educational institution.

The student is allowed to make up for lost time with the help of individual training plan.

Vacation registration involves the issuance of a certificate containing information about the disciplines attended. This document is required for enrollment in a similar educational institution in another city.

Accruals are not made during academic leave. Accommodation in student dormitories is also not permitted. You can apply for registration from the 1st year, but the presence of debts can play a negative role.

Is it possible to apply without a valid reason?

Granting academic leave requires compelling reasons.

Therefore, it is not permissible to issue it without compelling reasons.

Health problems, pregnancy, family difficulties may allow the provision of this type of exemption from the educational process

In a statement addressed to the rector, the student must state the reason for his request, and attach as confirmation relevant document:

  • if leave is taken to care for him;
  • the conclusion of the medical commission, if we are talking about the need for long-term treatment - medical certificate 095 sets out the disease itself, and 027 contains information about its severity, as well as information about the required removal from physical exercise;
  • a certificate confirming the serious illness of a relative, if the academician will be dedicated to caring for him.

Only after all the necessary documents have been submitted to the educational institution and approved, the rector will sign an order indicating the start and end date of the vacation, as well as its reason.

Official reasons

There must be valid reasons for taking a gap year. They can be different - pregnancy, caring for a baby or a seriously ill relative, etc.

Medical indications

Russian legislation does not provide for a strictly established list of diseases that are grounds for granting leave to a student. If conscription into the army can result in only two options - “pass” or “unfit”, then registration of an academy or refusal to do so depends on the individual characteristics of the situation.

The most popular reason is the identification of a disease that requires long-term treatment.

Among the most common diseases for registration can be distinguished:

Family circumstances

The occurrence of certain family circumstances also requires an academic leave. To implement your plans, you will need to provide the rector’s office with relevant documents confirming the circumstances.

For example it could be health certificate or referral of a close relative for surgery.

Confirmation of temporary family insolvency, which does not allow paying for the next study period, can be a certificate from the social service (if the student has not yet reached 23 years of age, then the certificate must indicate the level of income of his parents, who make payments for studies).

If it is not possible to provide documentation indicating the occurrence of certain family circumstances, the rector’s office may provide the student with the right to exemption from studies in accordance with personal discretion.

Financial difficulties

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 455, dated June 13, 2013, states that the provision of academic leave to a student who is unable to continue mastering the educational course due to medical recommendations, family and other circumstances is carried out no more than 2 years.

Documents, confirming the occurrence of exceptional circumstances and the need to formalize an academic break in education, can serve as:

Granting academic leave is not possible if there are grounds for the student’s expulsion.

Financial difficulties that arise may serve as a reason for granting a break from study, and the supporting document may be a certificate of the family’s financial condition, official registration at the employment center as a person, a document from the social service, etc.

Academic leave is granted by the rector or other official who has the right to sign. The basis serves as the application submitted by the student and the documents attached to it. The management of the educational institution must make a decision within 10 days from the receipt of documents indicating the need to take a break from study.

To learn how to apply for academic leave, watch the following video:

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