Is it possible to enroll in the military after 11. Military schools and cadet corps of Russia

The younger generation, like fledgling chicks, is ready to leave their native land. But to live independently, to get a job with a salary sufficient for a normal life, you need education - technical, humanitarian, medical, and so on. Among the areas of modern education, military colleges and technical schools after the 9th grade occupy a special place.

Honorable duty to serve the Motherland

It is well known that in our country, acquiring a military profession is always a very commendable and respectful decision. Our time is no exception. On all sides there are either enemies, or seemingly friends, but they are trying to take away part of the natural or human wealth. And also global terrorism, which today builds a nest in almost every country. The unrest in the world increases the likely need for military power.

No matter how sad it may sound, the military educational institutions of our country do not lose their fame and regularly attract an increasing number of applicants. Graduating from such a military institution means guaranteeing yourself a job immediately with a decent salary, which is almost impossible to get in other areas of education. Military college after 9th grade is a good option for a future path.

Structure of military education

Military education in our country has a complex structure and is divided (in a simplified sense) by branch of service, by age of students and by level of training.

Regarding age (military education is the only one where the state officially allows en masse education almost from infancy), here, depending on the number of years (up to 9 grades and immediately after graduation), there are Suvorov schools and Cadet corps. They differ significantly, although they are in the same field of military education. But in general, this is the same military college after 9th grade.

First of all, you need to decide what the pros and cons of military education are, since it is so popular, unlike many other areas of study.

Positive aspects of receiving military education

Military education provides a courageous, difficult profession. Graduated from military college after 9th grade guarantees the difficulties of service. And now the Russian state is trying to at least partially compensate for this burden. That is why it guarantees future military personnel:

  1. Financial stability throughout life (starting from education). Throughout all stages, a monetary allowance is provided: scholarship - salary - pension. And all the time the payments are higher than the average salary of ordinary civilian Russians.
  2. Future soldiers will not suffer from malnutrition. Already during training, the state takes on future military personnel for full support,
  3. Strict daily routine.
  4. Budgetary (i.e. free) education and advanced training.
  5. Strict discipline, which everyone dislikes during training and is beneficial for the rest of their lives.

Simply put, teenagers only need to break through the tough reception regime, and then live like Christ in the bosom. But this is only at first glance.

The negative side of military life

Military life, including the time of training, is a difficult time in which no one guarantees salvation from illness, injury and, as an extreme case, death. What are some other negative aspects of choosing a military specialty:

  1. A lot of stress, both physical and nervous.
  2. Constant danger (both in hot spots and simply when handling weapons).
  3. Permanent military assignments for a long period of time.
  4. Responsibility for people. Moreover, the higher the rank, the more subordinates. And it is quite possible that the day will come when the officer will have to send them to their deaths.

Suvorov schools

Suvorov Military Schools (a modern military college after the 9th grade) were formed during the war in 1943 for the upbringing and education of the sons of fallen front-line soldiers. During the second half of the twentieth century, their network was reformed several times, but has survived until our time.

Currently, the Suvorov Military Schools (SVU) are an original project - their graduates have a special education. The position of the Suvorov schools has improved significantly. If in the first years of the twenty-first century the number of IEDs decreased by approximately half compared to the Soviet era, then currently there are plans to increase them. And young people are actively going to Suvorov schools. The admission method is designed so that the applicant studies close to home.

The VCU curriculum is implemented in accordance with the level of secondary school disciplines, which provides graduates with the opportunity to be enrolled in a university.

In addition to land schools, there is also a naval school. The Nakhimov Naval School in St. Petersburg (with several branches) is currently the only one in Russia. The educational institution trains specialists with secondary education and is not fundamentally different from the Suvorov School, of course, with the exception of maritime specifics.

Cadet Corps

The cadet corps is a secondary educational institution that also teaches a block of military disciplines, which presupposes students' preference for a certain type of military service.

Currently, a cadet is primarily a high school student. The average duration of study is 3 years. But there are educational institutions where the period of study is significantly longer and can be 6 years. Most children are enrolled after 9th grade. However, there are institutions that accept children younger than 5th grade.

Cadet corps these days provide not only an excellent education, but also benefits for admission to other military institutions.

General and miscellaneous

There are common features and differences between the Suvorov (Nakhimov) schools and cadet corps. It is worth mentioning in general that currently in Russia cadet corps, Suvorov and Nakhimov schools are considered secondary military education, which accepts applicants of different ages. In contrast, there are institutions upon completion of which a diploma of higher professional education is issued (military command school, academies, institutes).

But there are other differences. Suvorov schools are located in the sphere of influence of the Ministry of Defense, and cadet corps - the Ministry of Education, so the latter have only a military component, but not military education. Pupils of the Suvorov schools receive privileges when enrolling in any military schools, while pupils of the cadet corps are admitted on a general basis, only between some universities and schools there are agreements on benefits. In practice, if you want to be a military man, then it is better to apply to the Suvorov Military School, and when you only need to improve discipline and improve the level of education, go to the cadet corps.

Girls in schools

Since ancient times, the professional military sphere, with rare exceptions, has been considered exclusively a male occupation. Until the twenty-first century, only males studied in the network of military educational institutions in Russia. But the general trend of expanding the influence of women has affected here too. Military colleges appeared after the 9th grade for girls or separate classes.

Usually these are specialized institutions for girls with full support and completion of a secondary education program and military disciplines. The pupils develop patriotism and love for their homeland. In big cities they participate in patriotic holidays. In a number of institutions, attention to dancing, drawing, and singing is removed.

In military colleges, in addition to the usual specialties such as nurses and radio operators, some girls have a future as a military officer.

Admission to school

Going to a military school after finishing 9th grade would be a good choice, because this is how young men are prepared for entering a university and their character is strengthened. Admission to schools takes place on a competitive basis. Young men under twenty-two years of age who have not served in military service are enrolled. But the competition has exceptions, and mutual ones. Cannot be accepted:

  • persons who have been convicted or are currently under investigation;
  • not having the required level of education, as confirmed by exams in school subjects;
  • not having an appropriate level of health, as confirmed by a medical commission.

Outside the competition, applicants whose parents died, children of military personnel who serve in a conflict zone, as well as children of military personnel who died while performing official functions may be accepted.

In addition to the application and certificate of education, you need three photographs, an autobiography, a reference from your previous place of study or work, a copy of your birth certificate, a copy of your passport, a certificate from school about your academic performance and medical documents.

Moscow military schools

When entering a military school after completing 9th grade, it is necessary to take into account what field of military art the applicant chooses. There is a good choice now. In the capital, for example, there are several military schools. Among the military colleges after the 9th grade in Moscow, one can highlight the Moscow Military Music School. The age of applicants is not older than 16 years. In addition to the general requirements, the applicant must have proper musical training and be able to play one of the wind or percussion instruments. A young man applying for admission to this school must have good physical fitness and also know a foreign language.

Among Moscow military colleges, after the 9th grade, the Moscow Suvorov School shows a good level. It is subordinate to the ground forces of the Russian Defense Ministry and recruits only boys. The institution's students receive a very high level of education and participate in military parades on special occasions in the country.

Military schools in St. Petersburg

There are also a number of schools in St. Petersburg. Military colleges after 9th grade in St. Petersburg can be represented by the Cadet Corps of the Railway Troops. It stands out for its excellent performance and rich history. Enrollment is based on competition. The requirements are standard. As in other schools, during the competition, applicants have the opportunity to move into a dormitory and eat for free.

The Military Space Cadet Corps enrolls young men who have completed 9 years of secondary school. Among the requirements for admission, knowledge of the English language is noted. All other requirements are typical. In addition to the usual sports tests, applicants need to pass tests in the Russian language and mathematics.

Military Medical College after 9th grade of the Military Medical Academy is one of the few military schools of this type. The college prepares good mid-level specialists. Entrance tests and requirements for applicants are typical.

Military schools in other cities

There are also enough good schools in other cities of Russia. For example, a military college in Novosibirsk after 9th grade is the “Siberian Cadet Corps”. This is the first officially registered cadet corps in Russia, the basis of which is based on both old Russian teaching traditions and modern pedagogical methods.

Another form of education - colleges with a military department after the 9th grade - has appeared in our time throughout the country. They exist both in the European part of Russia, and in Siberia and the Far East.

Maritime schools

Among naval colleges after the 9th grade, the Nakhimov School especially stands out. Applicants are required to successfully complete school, be in good health and learn English. The list of introductory documents is typical.

Candidates taking entrance exams are required to come to the school on special call. After arrival, all applicants take physical tests and undergo a medical examination. Exams are held within the framework of completed school disciplines. Those who are not accepted can return home.

After studying in a three-year program, graduates are provided with work.

Military education among young people is becoming more and more popular every year. This is also due to the changed status of military personnel and to changes in state policy regarding material support for the military. In this regard, many young people are looking for information about military schools that accept applicants after the 11th grade. Previously, there were more than 40 similar schools in Russia. But after the process of disbandment and restructuring, the situation with military schools in our country has changed radically. Some educational institutions retained the status of colleges. Currently, there are 7 such educational institutions in Russia. Below is a list of them.

List of military schools that you can enroll in after 11th grade

Popular materials

  • Moscow Higher Military Command School
  • Kazan Higher Military Command School
  • Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov
  • Moscow Higher School of Air Defense Radioelectronics (branch)
  • Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov
  • Black Sea Higher Naval School named after Nakhimov
  • Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School named after Marshal of Engineering Troops A. I. Proshlyakov

Other military schools, which were entered after finishing 11th grade, were transformed and became either independent military institutes or became part of larger military educational institutions. Below is a list of 9 reorganized military schools indicating their current name:

List of military educational institutions that previously had the status of schools, but are currently restructured:

St. Petersburg Higher Military Topographical Command School named after Army General A. I. Antonov - currently a faculty of the Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky

Balashov Military Aviation Institute (branch) - the former Balashov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A. A. Novikov - currently the 4th Aviation Faculty of the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute

Far Eastern Military Institute named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky - former Far Eastern Higher Combined Arms Command School named after Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky

Volsk Higher Military School of Logistics named after Lenin Komsomol - currently a branch of the Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A. V. Khrulev

Kurgan Border Institute of the FSB of Russia, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Institute of the Federal Border Service, formerly Kurgan Military Aviation Technical School, formerly Kurgan Higher Military-Political Aviation School

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School (NVVKU) is currently the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (Novosibirsk branch).

Syzran Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (military institute) - currently a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin" in Syzran

Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation Red Banner School of Navigators - currently Chelyabinsk Military Aviation Institute of Navigators

At this point in time, everything related to military forces and defense is quite prestigious. People in uniform can count on decent wages, benefits and allowances, provision of living space, and so on. In addition, the labor process itself is quite interesting in many ways. Several years ago, only boys were accepted for military training. But since 2013, such educational institutions began to recruit girls. Not all schools and academies, of course, have made this amendment, but this is why our article was written, to find out which ones.

What is a military school

At this time, in the current education system, it is possible to obtain both a secondary specialized education and a much-needed higher education in our time. Including in the military direction. The first is carried out by schools (Suvorov) and cadet corps. The second are institutes, academies, military command schools. All these institutions produce various specialists in their field: pilots, naval forces, engineers, command staff. The choice of a specific school depends on the intended profession.

Pros of military schools

In addition to promising specialized education, military schools can do no less for girls than for boys. Special disciplines, teaching methods, increased attention to bearing and self-organization will help young people and girls to feel in advance the features of their future profession, learn how to properly manage their time, develop willpower and the right attitude towards necessity and responsibilities. Not all life circumstances are capable of achieving such an effect in character development. Military schools for girls are a rather harsh school of life, but often it is simply necessary.

What is taught in military schools

Any educational institution must provide its students with both specialized knowledge and skills, and the basic ones necessary for a productive life in modern society. It is quite obvious that military schools for girls are useful not only for training in military craft. The emphasis is on it, but ladies should also study other areas of the cultural and scientific life of society. These include the same standard subjects: Russian language and literature, mathematics of various levels, physics, chemistry, social studies and other subjects. They are taught equally in all educational institutions of any specialization. The emphasis will be on the knowledge necessary for the future profession. Accordingly, military engineers will study the exact sciences in depth, while command personnel will study psychology, social studies and other humanitarian disciplines. Any military man must be fluent in the legal basis of his work. Military schools for girls also require more rigorous physical training. This point is very important for future service.

Military school for girls: list (based on 9 classes)

First, let's look at the list of secondary specialized education schools. Military schools after 9th grade for girls:

  • Ekaterinburg Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School in Moscow;
  • Suvorov School in Minsk;
  • Ulyanovsk School (SVU);
  • Suvorov School in Tver;
  • Suvorov School of the North Caucasus;
  • Kazan Suvorov School;
  • Suvorov School of St. Petersburg;
  • Military Space Cadet Corps;
  • Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics;
  • Rocket and Artillery Cadet Corps;
  • Military Music School in Moscow;
  • Cadet Corps (railway troops);
  • Nakhimov Naval School;
  • Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps;
  • Military technical cadet corps.

However, getting into military schools after 9th grade is very difficult for girls. Some SVUs, as well as cadet corps, recruit students based on geographic considerations. In others, there is still an opinion that there is no place for a lady in military affairs, and therefore, during the competition for places, they choose young men. But still, a good half of the list is quite loyal to female students.

Schools based on 11 classes

Military schools for girls after 11th grade provide the opportunity to receive higher professional education in this field. The rating list of these educational institutions is headed by the Military Academy of Communications, named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny. This academy is located in the city of St. Petersburg. Postal and actual address: 194064, St. Petersburg, Tikhoretsky Avenue, building 3. There is also a branch in the city of Krasnodar, address: 350035, Krasnodar, Krasina Street, building 4. Training is provided in the following areas:

  • Faculty of Information Communication Technologies and Special Communication Systems;
  • Faculty of "Application and operation of automated systems for special purposes."

The form in which students study is full-time at the academy on a budget basis. The duration of training is 5 years. After graduation, students receive a diploma indicating higher professional education of the state standard. Graduates are awarded the rank of lieutenant, as well as the qualification "engineer".

The next educational institution in the rating list “Military schools for girls after 11th grade” is the Military Space Academy, named after A.F. Mozhaisky. The educational institution provides training in more than forty military specialties. The qualification fully meets the requirements for officer training. Among the girls there is a fairly high competition for a place - seven people. Last year only 30 girls were enrolled. However, the educational institution is considered one of the best in the country, and therefore it is really worth trying to enroll.

In third place is the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov in St. Petersburg. Girls who see their future as a military doctor will find a place for themselves in this educational institution.

Fourth place in the ranking is occupied by the Airborne Command School in Ryazan, named after Army General V.F. Margelova. This military school for girls includes a specialization in “the use of airborne forces communications units.”

The Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after Peter the Great ranks fifth in the ranking. The Academy opened its doors to girls in 2015. Since then, she has a fairly wide list of specialties for the fairer sex.

Military specialties for girls

Not all areas of military schools involve the education of girls. But still there are more than enough specialties to choose from. Among them are military cartography and special-purpose meteorology, taught at universities in the East Kazakhstan region, general medicine, medical and preventive medicine, pharmacy and dentistry (this can be studied at the Military Medical Academy). Various technologies of communication, radio engineering, and information security are studied at the Academy of Communications. Aircraft designs, control of ballistic missile systems, radio-electronic systems, ground-based space infrastructure, collection and processing of information, information support for analytical and computer technology, topographic and geodetic support and cartography, missile and space defense systems, automated command and control systems - such a wide range of faculties offers applicants to the Military Space Academy.

How to enter a military school

Like other higher educational institutions, military schools require results from the Unified State Exam. They vary depending on the chosen specialty. For the engineering specialty, exam results in mathematics, Russian language and a specialized one in physics are required. For cartographic areas - geography, mathematics and Russian language. For a medical profile, specialized chemistry and biology and general Russian are required. For management professions, results in the Russian language, mathematics, and also social studies are required. To enroll, you must submit documents to your chosen educational institution from July 1 to July 30. During this period, professional selection and compilation of a competitive list of applicants is carried out. Documents required include a certificate of secondary general education, primary vocational education, if there is a mark on completion of complete secondary education, and secondary vocational education. The next required document is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Only persons with Russian citizenship are allowed to study at such an institution. And of course, it is necessary to present the final Unified State Exam scores.

Professional selection

Military schools pay great attention to physical training. Without a positive test of strength endurance, it is almost impossible to enter. How can a girl enter a military school? The only way is to get the highest results on the Unified State Exam, and also not only pass the standards, but it is advisable to even exceed them. The competition in military academies is quite high, which means that girls need to try to keep up with the boys in their results.

Design nuances

Applicants are required to undergo a medical examination to determine their state of health and suitability for study. Next they will undergo a test for their psycho-emotional state. In addition, all candidates are granted access to information that constitutes a state secret. If the applicant has not reached the age of majority, parental consent to study at this educational institution must be submitted in writing.

Volsk School

The Volsk Military School for girls conducts professional selection and entrance exams from July 1 to July 20. First you need to submit an application to the military commissariat. The application is submitted in a special form at the place of residence. This action is valid until April 20th. Applicants must attach an autobiography, a reference, 6 photographs to their application, and also pass a medical examination. Candidates are assigned professional suitability groups. Enrollment is carried out with groups of 1st and 2nd degrees. Third degree candidates are admitted only if there is a shortage of students.

Suvorov School

The Suvorov Military School for girls establishes the same admission rules as the cadet corps. Student places are primarily distributed among orphans or from single-parent and large families, as well as from low-income families. Candidates must meet standards for health as well as psychological factors. The remaining places are distributed among other applicants based on academic performance.

Parents tend to send their children to cadet corps, primarily because of the strict discipline that reigns within the walls of such institutions. As a rule, children are admitted there after primary school, but now the procedure for admitting pupils has changed.

There are cadet schools that accept children from the first grade, and there are also institutions where teenagers study. Let's figure out in what cases you can be enrolled in cadet corps after 9th grade.

How to choose a cadet school

Before we provide lists of institutions, it is necessary to tell you how to choose the right military school or school for your child. There are a number of criteria by which educational institutions are assessed:

  1. The place where the establishment is located. Most often, parents look for a school that is as close to home as possible. This is correct, since the student will need to spend the weekend at home, and he simply will not have time to get to the other end of the country. In addition, some schools accept students only from the city or region where they are located.
  2. Age at which you can start training. If a boy or girl has already turned 16 (or they have completed their studies in the 9th grade), then not all cadet corps are ready to open doors for them.
  3. Requirements for applicants. It is important to find out in advance who has the best chance of enrolling in the chosen educational institution in order to “pull up” grades in basic subjects or physical fitness to the desired level.
  4. Deadlines for submitting documents, as a rule, admission of applicants begins earlier than in regular schools or colleges.

With this information, you can quickly find the most suitable cadet corps for your child.

By what criteria are candidates selected?

First of all, after 9th grade, applicants have their certificate checked. He should not have C grades; remember that there is almost always a lot of competition for admission to cadet corps. A limited number of cadets are accepted there, so only the best are chosen. In addition, good knowledge is needed to successfully study in a program that is usually more complex than in a simple secondary school.

Another important criterion is health. Most often, cadet corps set a requirement to comply with one of the groups:

  1. The first is resistance to colds, stress and overload of the nervous system. She must also have no physical disabilities.
  2. The second group implies moderate morbidity (no more than four times a year), a tendency to chronic illnesses, and minor pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Let's assume a slight excess or lack of weight.

For admission, you must undergo a comprehensive examination, which determines your health group.

If an applicant for admission has benefits, he needs to prepare documents that will confirm them. Otherwise, it is best to win as many certificates as possible for participating in competitions and olympiads while studying in 9th grade. Special merits in sports, studies or creativity will be a significant advantage over other applicants.

What tests must be passed?

Enrollment of students takes place on a competitive basis. They must pass several traditional exams. Their exact list may change at each school, but most often applicants are asked to take:

  1. An interview, which is also an oral examination, during which general knowledge is tested.
  2. Written exams in the main subjects - Russian language and mathematics.
  3. Knowledge of a foreign language, most often English. This test must be taken at an Air Force or Navy school.
  4. After 9th grade, it is mandatory to pass physical training standards: running 100 and 1000 meters, pull-ups.

The procedure for passing exams in colleges or schools differs from that accepted in other institutions. Grades are given on a ten-point scale. After passing three tests you need to get 20 points.

Documents for admission: what to prepare

If a child dreams of starting education after 9th grade, he will need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • an application from the applicant and his parents addressed to the head of the cadet school or college;
  • birth certificate and passport, as well as copies of these documents, notarized;
  • autobiography and portfolio;
  • an extract from the school register about indicators for basic physical standards;
  • characteristics from a secondary school psychologist;
  • certificate from a psychoneurological clinic;
  • vaccination card;
  • insurance policy and SNILS, their copies (certified);
  • certificate from a narcologist;
  • extract from the house register;
  • a certificate of the parents’ place of work and certified copies of their main pages of the passport;
  • documents for the provision of benefits during admission;
  • several photographs in 3 by 4 format (from four to six).

Correctly prepared documents give a great advantage when applying for admission, since it is with them that problems most often arise.

Benefits upon admission are most often used by children of military personnel, as well as those who do well in a comprehensive school, that is, they graduated from the 9th grade without C grades. Each educational institution creates its own list of preferential categories of applicants.

List of the best cadet schools in the country

If you want to send your child to a cadet school, you should think about it before he finishes 9th grade. In this case, there is a chance to enter one of the best cadet corps in the country:

  • Kronstadt Marine, located in St. Petersburg;
  • Omsk;
  • Railway Troops, located in St. Petersburg;
  • Cossack Aksai named after Efremov, located in the Rostov region;
  • Moscow musical (it is important to have primary education in this profile and talent);
  • Crimean Cossack, accepting students in Simferopol;
  • Moscow Cossack.

The largest number of successful military personnel have emerged from these institutions, and the level of training of the cadets allows them to easily enter higher educational institutions. However, it is worth noting that the competition for these cadet corps is as great as their rating.

List of colleges and cadet schools in Russia accepting students after 9th grade

Not long ago, the number of educational institutions for 9th grade graduates was replenished with several new names. Cadet corps today are open in the form of pre-university training faculties at several higher educational institutions. This system was approved by the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu. So, after 9th grade you can apply for admission to one of the educational institutions:

  1. Cadet sports school. It opened in St. Petersburg. Former schoolchildren who have completed 9th grade and have a sports rank in one of 18 disciplines, including swimming, athletics, shooting and wrestling, can enroll in it. They will have to pass an exam in Russian language, biology and mathematics.
  2. Also in St. Petersburg there is an IT school for cadets at the Academy of Communications. It also trains cadets with general education, but only those who have succeeded in the field of exact sciences: physics, mathematics, computer science.
  3. Engineering school at the Air Force Academy, located in Voronezh. To enter this institution, you must have good health and a certificate without unsatisfactory grades after completing 9 classes.

The following cadet corps are not pre-university faculties, but they also provide a good secondary education:

  1. One of these schools, named after Neklyuev, is located in Orenburg. Only young men over 15 years old (after 9th grade) who do not have bad habits are accepted there. To enroll, you will need to prepare a list of documents, including a reference from the school with an official seal, and also pass the general State Academic Examination in Russian language and mathematics.
  2. Nizhny Novgorod Corps named after Gurov, with a landing profile. If the applicant does not pass the competitive selection for this institution, he has the opportunity to remain in the educational school and study in the patriotic club “Paratrooper”. Candidates with the first health group are considered, since during training they will experience serious physical activity.
  3. Pupils in the Smolensk Corps named after Field Marshal Kutuzov can receive a diverse education. One of the main advantages of this school is the absence of paid services. The building received high marks from parents and students.

Applicants will definitely be able to apply to these institutions after 9th grade. If your child receives full school education this year, then you should take care of preparation in advance.

Suvorov School in Moscow

Residents of Moscow and the region have the opportunity to enroll in the Suvorov School, which is famous throughout the country for the quality of education. She prepares students in one of several areas:

  • linguistic;
  • sports;
  • natural science;
  • technical;
  • artistic and aesthetic.

After completing the 9th grade of education, young men who decide to serve in the military can enter a specialized educational institution.

This article provides an overview of the most popular military educational institutions after 9th grade.

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How to apply after 9th grade

Such institutions always enroll the most gifted young men who show good academic results and have fairly good physical fitness. To enroll, the applicant will have to provide parental consent in writing.

Additionally, you will need to present the following documents:

  • Application written by the applicant.
  • Autobiographical sketch.
  • Certificate from the hospital.
  • Identity card.
  • School certificate.
  • Characteristics from the educational institution.

A complete bank of documentation must be checked on the website of the relevant educational institution. Internal entrance exams are often held for applicants. You definitely need to prepare for such a turn.

Living conditions

An environment close to that is organized for the cadets. In such institutions, the daily schedule is always strictly observed. Get up at a specific time. The cadet is given approximately 10 minutes to get ready.

After this, the young men go to exercise, start eating and go to classes. After lunch, they are given time for self-study. During this period they have little personal time.
The state provides students with food, uniforms, and educational materials, as well as free education. Detailed information about living conditions must be obtained specifically from those institutions where the applicant plans to enroll.

Russian citizenship is the main condition for admission to the Suvorov Military School. Such establishments are open to boys and girls under 15 years of age. Different schools put forward their own specific requirements for the age category of applicants. However, the rules regarding age are the same for everyone. After 15 years, no one will be accepted into Suvorov.

There are the following reasons for withdrawal:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Endocrine system, blood poisoning, poor immune system.
  • A variety of skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and vitiligo.
  • Poor eyesight.
  • Digestive system disorders.
  • Disorders of the genitourinary system.

Each case must be considered separately and a specific decision must be made regarding it.

Nakhimov School

After the 9th grade, the Nakhimov School also trains future sailors. Shipboard practice is considered an integral element of training at this institution.

The Nakhimov School accepts boys and girls who have not yet turned 18 years old. They must meet certain selection criteria. Applicants enter this institution based on the results of an annual competitive selection. Documents from candidates are accepted daily during business hours.

Cadet Corps

Peter I founded the Cadet Corps on the territory of our country. The main criteria for selecting students for the cadet corps are good psychological or physical data. Good health is needed in order to endure heavy physical activity and a rigorous study schedule.

It should be noted that cadets are trained in closed institutions or boarding schools. Therefore, they are allowed to visit their relatives only on weekends. Strict discipline is considered the most significant factor in the educational process.

Also, all cadets wear a military uniform, learn to march, stand watch and are required to address their elders only by rank. The main advantage of such education is considered to be conditions that are as close as possible to real army life.

Military Music School

At the military music school, young men can receive secondary education. This institution accepts only boys under 16 years of age on the basis of general education, as well as preliminary musical training in a class at an ordinary children's music school. To enroll, you must be proficient in some kind of wind or percussion instrument. You also need to meet certain health and psychological requirements.

The duration of training is 3 years and 10 months. After graduating from college, children are given a national diploma of secondary specialized education. After this, graduates can undergo training at a military institute.

Specialized cadet corps in our country played a significant role in the issue of training a professional officer corps in Russia. These educational institutions have always instilled in young men love for their homeland, morality, character, will, physical fitness, perseverance and endurance.

Cadets were constantly distinguished by in-depth specialized knowledge, sufficient erudition, feelings of increased patriotism for their homeland, officer honor, valor and military camaraderie. Students have always actively participated in the cultural development of society.

In this cadet corps, educational programs have been established that imply professional training in the direction of the development of the Space Forces for subsequent admission to schools for higher education.

Military school for girls

Today, even for underage girls who want to devote their lives to serving in the armed forces, the opportunity to receive an appropriate education opens up. For this purpose, special military schools for girls are opening in the country.
In such institutions, graduates have a secondary education and after graduation can enter the military field.

It is prestigious to study at military institutions - on video:

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