What regions is Asia divided into? Subregions of foreign Asia

Asia is one of the six parts of the world, occupying the largest area in the world (more than 43 million square kilometers). Two parts of the world - Europe and Asia - form the continent of Eurasia. More than 4 billion people live in the territory. The borders of Asia are considered to be the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east, and the Indian Sea and their marginal seas in the south. There is a conventional border between Europe and Asia, running in the west along the eastern slopes of the Urals, the Emba, Manych, Kuma rivers, the Caspian, Black, Azov seas, the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits. The border with Africa is the Suez Canal, with America - the Bering Strait. The main part of mainland Asia is located in the eastern and northern hemispheres of the Earth. This part of the world is divided into large areas, such as Northern, Eastern, Central, Central, Western and Southern Asia.

Asia is washed by three oceans: Arctic, Pacific, Indian, in the west - the inland seas of the Atlantic Ocean. Inland waters include the main rivers Yenisei, Angara, Ob, Irtysh, Lena, Yellow River, Yangtze, Amur, Mekong, Euphrates, Tigris, Ganges, Indus, Syr Darya and Amu Darya. Characterized by the presence of large areas of internal flow - the basins of the Aral and Caspian seas, Lake Balkhash, etc. There are also drainage areas on the Arabian Peninsula, the Iranian Plateau, and Central Asia. On the territory of Asia there is the largest freshwater lake on our planet - Baikal, as well as other large lakes - the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea, Van, Balkhash, Kukunor, Issyk-Kul, Poyanghu, etc.

The dismemberment of the coasts of Asia is relatively small; there are several large peninsulas: Arabian, Asia Minor, Korean, Hindustan, Chukotka, Taimyr, Kamchatka, etc. The islands belonging to Asia occupy an area of ​​more than two million square meters. km. These are Taiwan, Greater Sunda Islands, Sakhalin, Novosibirsk, Philippines, Japan, Sri Lanka, North Land.

The territory of Asia is located on four platforms: Indian, Arabian, Siberian, Chinese. Approximately 75% of the area of ​​this part of the world is occupied by mountain ranges and plateaus. The highest mountains are located in Central and Central Asia, in particular the highest peak in the whole world, Chomolungma, in the Himalayas. Large mountain systems - the Himalayas, Karakorum, Altai, Hindu Kush, Kunlun, Greater Caucasus, Sayan Mountains, Tien Shan. Asia is a contrasting region in terms of absolute altitudes. Thus, some of the deepest depressions in the world are the Dead Sea and Baikal, located in Asia. The most extensive plains in this part of the world are Turanian, West Siberian, Great Chinese, Mesopotamian, and Indo-Gangetic. Various minerals are mined in Asia, and there are large deposits of fuel and energy raw materials.

All types of climate are represented in Asia - from arctic in northern latitudes to equatorial in southern latitudes. Most of the territory is located in the continental climate zone, which is characterized by a strong decrease in temperature in winter and hot weather in summer. North of 40°N Snow cover is forming everywhere. In most of the territory, precipitation occurs in the warm season, only in the Middle and Near East - in winter. Natural areas are located by latitude. To the north lie tundra and forest-tundra, further to the south - taiga, mixed and deciduous forests, steppes and forest-steppes. Most of the Arabian Peninsula, the Iranian Plateau, and Central Asia are occupied by semi-deserts and deserts.

Currently, the territory of Asia is distributed among 54 states. Asian countries - Iraq, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Mongolia, Thailand, Japan, etc.

Asia is perhaps the most colorful and diverse part of the world. A stunning diversity of landscapes and natural and climatic conditions, diverse peoples, religions and cultures, different ways of life. Sometimes even neighboring Asian countries are very different from each other. What subregions are distinguished in foreign Asia? What states do they include and why are they special?

Geography of foreign Asia. Brief characteristics of the macroregion

Foreign Asia is the largest region of the planet, within which about 80% of the total population of the Earth lives. It is interesting that it retains the lead in the number of inhabitants in the world throughout the entire period of the existence of human civilization. The region is second only to Africa in area.

A detailed, component-by-component characteristic of foreign Asia will be discussed later. It is immediately worth noting that it was within this region that agriculture originated, and it was here that many important scientific discoveries and inventions were made.

The term “foreign Asia” itself became popular in Soviet times. Today it is actively used only in the countries of the post-Soviet space.

Asian countries vary greatly in area. There are giant states here (China and India), as well as very tiny countries (for example, Lebanon or Bahrain). The borders between Asian states often follow well-defined natural boundaries.

What subregions of foreign Asia are highlighted by modern geographers? Read about this in the next section of the article.

Subregions of foreign Asia: countries and features

As mentioned above, Asia is an extremely heterogeneous part of the world. Based on cultural, historical, and geographic characteristics, the following subregions of foreign Asia are distinguished: South-West, South, South-East, Central (or Central), and East Asia.

South-West Asia includes 20 states, these are:

  • Türkiye.
  • Armenia.
  • Georgia.
  • Azerbaijan.
  • Cyprus.
  • Saudi Arabia.
  • Israel.
  • Lebanon.
  • Jordan.
  • Palestine (territory of uncertain status).
  • Iraq.
  • Iran.
  • Kuwait.
  • Syria.
  • Qatar.
  • Bahrain.
  • Oman.
  • Yemen.
  • Afghanistan.

The economies of many of these countries depend on the production and export of oil and petroleum products to the world market. In some countries of South-West Asia, others are also quite well developed (for example, tourism in the UAE).

South Asia is a subregion consisting of only seven countries. This includes:

  • India.
  • Pakistan.
  • Nepal.
  • Butane.
  • Bangladesh.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Maldives.

The main specialization of most of these states is agriculture. Thus, Azerbaijan is a major supplier of cotton to the world market, Sri Lanka - tea, etc. Heavy industry and science are well developed in India.

Southeast Asia includes 11 countries such as:

  • Myanmar.
  • Laos.
  • Vietnam.
  • Thailand.
  • Cambodia.
  • Malaysia.
  • Brunei.
  • Indonesia.
  • Singapore.
  • Philippines.
  • East Timor.

It should be noted that the division of foreign Asia into these subregions is considered generally accepted in the domestic geographical literature. The demographic, religious and some other aspects (features) of these subregions will be discussed further.

Peculiarities of reproduction in different subregions of Asia

Foreign Asia has been and remains the main focus of the demographic explosion on our planet. Although the rate of natural growth here has noticeably decreased over the past two decades.

The largest natural population growth is characteristic of South-West Asia. Here its indicators are more than twice as high as the global average. Thus, in Iraq, one woman gives birth to an average of four children, in Yemen - five, and in Afghanistan - seven. Fertility rates have declined significantly in East Asia, particularly in China, where population policies have been successfully implemented in recent decades. Japan is completely close to zero natural growth.

Features of the religious composition of the population of foreign Asia

It was within Asia that all three world religions originated. These are Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. About 800 million people in foreign Asia profess Islam. In many countries in the region, this religion is dominant and enshrined at the state level. This is especially true for the states of South-West Asia. It is here, on the territory of Saudi Arabia, that the main shrine of all Muslims is located - the city of Mecca.

There are fewer Buddhists in foreign Asia than Muslims - about 550 million people. Christianity in the region is weakly and limitedly represented. There are only two states here where the majority of the population considers themselves Christians - Cyprus and the Philippines.

Various national and regional religions have spread very widely in Asia. These primarily include Confucianism, Hinduism, Shintoism, and Sikhism.

Conflicts and hot spots within overseas Asia

Unfortunately, the territory of foreign Asia is covered by a rather dense network of military conflicts and the so-called “Islamic State” (ISIS), the largest terrorist organization in the modern world, has been formed on the territory of Syria and Iraq. The scope of her criminal activities has long gone beyond not only the Arab world, but also the whole of Asia.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been going on for more than half a century. The problem of Kurdistan, an integral ethnic region that historically turned out to be “torn” between several modern states, also remains unresolved. The tiny island of Cyprus is, in fact, divided into two parts - Greek (recognized by the world community) and Turkish (not recognized by almost anyone).

Many other hot spots and potential dangers are scattered throughout the rest of overseas Asia. These are Kashmir, the island of Sri Lanka, East Timor, Southern Philippines, Taiwan and other territories. The situation on the border between North and South Korea remains alarming and tense.

In conclusion...

Now you know what subregions of foreign Asia exist. These are South-West, South, South-East, Central (Middle) and East Asia. The latter is the leader in both area and population in Asia. But in terms of the number of states, the subregion of South-West Asia leads.

When I remember my first trip to Asia, my imagination draws images of endless deserted expanses and no less deserted roads, dissolving beyond the horizon in the hot sun air. If you find it difficult to choose the direction of your movement on vacation, then you definitely need to read my story to the end. I'll tell you about what place this largest part of the world is better go.

Asia on the world map

Asia is located in northern hemisphere from the equator eastern- from the prime meridian. She is on the same continent as Europe, which is called Eurasia. The western "border" of Asia is Ural Mountains. Its southern border runs along the northern end Caspian Sea, and then - along the northern ridgeCaucasus goes to TOErchen Strait. In the east, the shores of Asia are washed by the Pacific Ocean, in the north - by the Arctic Ocean. The south of Asia opens into the Indian Ocean, the southwest into the Mediterranean and Red Sea.

Where is the best place to go in Asia?

Asia is so huge that you can find a region in it that will appeal to anyone, even the most capricious tourist. I suggest visiting the following regions of Asia:

Important. Planning a trip to Middle East, do not forget to check with the tour operator the route of your movement, accommodation and excursion objects: there are ongoing fighting.

Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of area (43.4 million km², including adjacent islands) and population (4.2 billion people or 60.5% of the total population of the Earth).

Geographical location

It is located in the eastern part of the Eurasian continent, in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, bordering Europe along the Bosporus and Dardanelles, Africa along the Suez Canal, and America along the Bering Strait. It is washed by the waters of the Pacific, Arctic and Indian oceans, and inland seas belonging to the Atlantic Ocean. The coastline is slightly indented; the following large peninsulas are distinguished: Hindustan, Arabian, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Taimyr.

Main geographical characteristics

3/4 of the Asian territory is occupied by mountains and plateaus (Himalayas, Pamirs, Tien Shan, Greater Caucasus, Altai, Sayans), the rest is occupied by plains (West Siberian, North Siberian, Kolyma, Great China, etc.). On the territory of Kamchatka, the islands of East Asia and the Malaysian coast there are a large number of active, active volcanoes. The highest point in Asia and the world is Chomolungma in the Himalayas (8848 m), the lowest is 400 meters below sea level (Dead Sea).

Asia can safely be called a part of the world where great waters flow. The basin of the Arctic Ocean includes the Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Irtysh, Lena, Indigirka, Kolyma, the Pacific Ocean - Anadyr, Amur, Yellow River, Yangtze, Mekong, the Indian Ocean - Brahmaputra, Ganges and Indus, the internal basin of the Caspian, Aral seas and lakes Balkhash - Amu Darya, Syr Darya, Kura. The largest sea-lake are the Caspian and Aral, tectonic lakes are Baikal, Issyk-Kul, Van, Rezaye, Lake Teletskoye, salt lakes are Balkhash, Kukunor, Tuz.

The territory of Asia lies in almost all climatic zones, the northern regions are the Arctic zone, the southern ones are the equatorial zone, the main part is influenced by a sharply continental climate, which is characterized by cold winters with low temperatures and hot, dry summers. Precipitation mainly falls in the summer, only in the Middle and Near East - in winter.

The distribution of natural zones is characterized by latitudinal zoning: northern regions - tundra, then taiga, zone of mixed forests and forest-steppe, zone of steppes with a fertile layer of black soil, zone of deserts and semi-deserts (Gobi, Taklamakan, Karakum, deserts of the Arabian Peninsula), which are separated by the Himalayas from the southern tropical and subtropical zone, Southeast Asia lies in the equatorial rain forest zone.

Asian countries

Asia is home to 48 sovereign states, 3 officially unrecognized republics (Waziristan, Nagorno-Karabakh, Shan State), 6 dependent territories (in the Indian and Pacific Oceans) - a total of 55 countries. Some countries are partially located in Asia (Russia, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Yemen, Egypt and Indonesia). The largest countries in Asia are Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, the smallest are the Comoros Islands, Singapore, Bahrain, and the Maldives.

Depending on the geographical location, cultural and regional characteristics, it is customary to divide Asia into Eastern, Western, Central, Southern and Southeast.

List of Asian countries

Major Asian countries:

(with detailed description)


Nature, plants and animals of Asia

The diversity of natural zones and climatic zones determines the diversity and uniqueness of both the flora and fauna of Asia; a huge number of very diverse landscapes allows a wide variety of representatives of the plant and animal kingdom to live here...

Northern Asia, located in the zone of the Arctic desert and tundra, is characterized by poor vegetation: mosses, lichens, dwarf birches. Further, the tundra gives way to taiga, where huge pines, spruces, larches, fir, and Siberian cedars grow. The taiga in the Amur region is followed by a zone of mixed forests (Korean cedar, white fir, Olgin larch, Sayan spruce, Mongolian oak, Manchurian walnut, greenbark and bearded maple), which is adjacent to broad-leaved forests (maple, linden, elm, ash, walnut) , in the south turning into steppes with fertile black soils.

In Central Asia, the steppes, where feather grass, chamomile, tokonog, wormwood, and various herbs grow, give way to semi-deserts and deserts; the vegetation here is poor and is represented by various salt-loving and sand-loving plants: wormwood, saxaul, tamarisk, juzgun, ephedra. The subtropical zone in the west of the Mediterranean climate zone is characterized by the growth of evergreen hard-leaved forests and shrubs (maquis, pistachios, olives, juniper, myrtle, cypress, oak, maple), and the Pacific coast - monsoon mixed forests (camphor laurel, myrtle, camellia, podocarpus, cunningamia, evergreen oak species, camphor laurel, Japanese pine, cypress, cryptomeria, thuja, bamboo, gardenia, magnolia, azalea). In the equatorial forest zone there are a large number of palm trees (about 300 species), tree ferns, bamboo, and pandanus. In addition to the laws of latitudinal zonation, the vegetation of mountainous regions is subject to the principles of altitudinal zonation. Coniferous and mixed forests grow at the foot of the mountains, and lush alpine meadows at the tops.

The fauna of Asia is rich and diverse. The territory of Western Asia has favorable conditions for living antelopes, roe deer, goats, foxes, as well as a huge number of rodents, inhabitants of the lowlands - wild boars, pheasants, geese, tigers and leopards. The northern regions, located mainly in Russia, in North-Eastern Siberia and the tundra, are inhabited by wolves, moose, bears, gophers, arctic foxes, deer, lynxes, and wolverines. The taiga is inhabited by ermine, arctic fox, squirrels, chipmunks, sable, ram, and white hare. In the arid regions of Central Asia live gophers, snakes, jerboas, birds of prey, in South Asia - elephants, buffalos, wild boars, lemurs, pangolins, wolves, leopards, snakes, peacocks, flamingos, in East Asia - moose, bears, Ussuri tigers and wolves, ibises, mandarin ducks, owls, antelopes, mountain sheep, giant salamanders that live on the islands, a variety of snakes and frogs, and a large number of birds.

Climatic conditions

Seasons, weather and climate of Asian countries

The peculiarities of climatic conditions in Asia are formed under the influence of such factors as the large extent of the Eurasian continent both from north to south and from west to east, a large number of mountain barriers and low-lying depressions that affect the amount of solar radiation and atmospheric air circulation...

Most of Asia is located in a sharply continental climate zone, the eastern part is influenced by the marine atmospheric masses of the Pacific Ocean, the north is subject to the invasion of Arctic air masses, tropical and equatorial air masses predominate in the south, their penetration into the interior of the continent is prevented by mountain ranges stretching from the west to the east. Precipitation is distributed unevenly: from 22,900 mm per year in the Indian town of Cherrapunji in 1861 (considered the wettest place on our planet), to 200-100 mm per year in the desert regions of Central and Central Asia.

Peoples of Asia: culture and traditions

In terms of population, Asia ranks first in the world, with 4.2 billion people living here, which is 60.5% of all humanity on the planet, and three times after Africa in terms of population growth. In Asian countries, the population is represented by representatives of all three races: Mongoloid, Caucasian and Negroid, the ethnic composition is diverse and diverse, several thousand peoples live here, speaking more than five hundred languages...

Among the language groups, the most common are:

  • Sino-Tibetan. Represented by the largest ethnic group in the world - the Han (Chinese, China's population is 1.4 billion people, every fifth person in the world is Chinese);
  • Indo-European. Settled throughout the Indian subcontinent, these are Hindustanis, Biharis, Marathas (India), Bengalis (India and Bangladesh), Punjabis (Pakistan);
  • Austronesian. They live in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines) - Javanese, Bisaya, Sunda;
  • Dravidian. These are the Telugu, Kannar and Malayali peoples (South India, Sri Lanka, some areas of Pakistan);
  • Austroasiatic. The largest representatives are Viet, Lao, Siamese (Indochina, Southern China):
  • Altai. Turkic peoples, divided into two isolated groups: in the west - Turks, Iranian Azerbaijanis, Afghan Uzbeks, in the east - the peoples of Western China (Uyghurs). Also included in this language group are the Manchus and Mongols of Northern China and Mongolia;
  • Semito-Hamitic. These are the Arabs of the western part of the continent (west of Iran and south of Turkey) and the Jews (Israel).

Also, nationalities such as the Japanese and Koreans are separated into a separate group called isolates, this is the name given to populations of people who, for various reasons, including geographic location, found themselves isolated from the outside world.

Asia is the largest part of the world. However, not everyone knows its exact location. Let us dwell in detail on where Asia is located.

Location and boundaries of Asia

Most of Asia is in the northern and eastern hemisphere. And its total area is 43.4 million km² with a population of 4.2 billion people. It has borders with Africa (connected by the Isthmus of Suez). Therefore, one part of Egypt is located in Asia. Asia is separated from North America by the Bering Strait. The border with Europe runs along the Emba River, the Caspian, Black and Marmara Seas, the Ural Mountains and the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits.

At the same time, the geopolitical border of this continent is slightly different from the natural one. Thus, it runs along the eastern borders of the Kurgan, Sverdlovsk and Arkhangelsk regions, Komi, Russia and Kazakhstan. Whereas in the Caucasus its geopolitical border coincides with the Russian-Georgian and Russian-Azerbaijani ones.

It is noteworthy that Asia is washed by four oceans at once - the Pacific, Indian, Arctic, as well as the Atlantic seas. This continent also has areas of internal drainage - Lake Balkhash, the basins of the Aral and Caspian seas and others.

Here are the coordinates of the extreme points of Asia:

  • South —103° 30′ E.
  • North - 104° 18′ E.
  • West - 26° 04′ E
  • East - 169° 40′ W

Features, climate and fossils of Asia

It is important to know that at the base of this continent lie several huge platforms:

  • Siberian;
  • Chinese;
  • Arabian;
  • Indian.

At the same time, ¾ of Asia is occupied by plateaus and mountains. While permafrost covers 10 million square meters. km. mainland, and in the east there are several active volcanoes.

The coast of Asia is poorly dissected. The following peninsulas can be distinguished:

  • Taimyr;
  • Korean;
  • Hindustan;
  • Austrian and others.

Surprisingly, Asia has almost all types of climates - from equatorial (southeast) to arctic (north). The eastern part of Asia is dominated by a monsoon climate, while the central and western parts are semi-desert.

Asia is rich in mineral resources. On its territory there are:

  • oil;
  • coal;
  • iron ore;
  • tungsten;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • mercury and others.

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