Intention to have zealand. How to launch (express) intention? Errors triggering intent in activity

Unlike conscious access to the astral plane, sleep is precisely an uncontrolled state. In sleep, an ordinary person is completely centered in his vital sheath and is unable to observe it uninvolved, even from a mental position.

This is what is meant when it is said that in a dream a person is “not protected.” A person who finds himself in a dream initially lacks a critical attitude towards his emotional state; he is completely involved in it, like a piece of newspaper caught by the wind.

However, this is not what is important. If it all boiled down to the fact that in a dream a person experiences much stronger emotions than in reality, this could only be welcomed: he entered the astral plane - it was like going to the movies early. The important thing is that it is sometimes very difficult for him to disidentify with the negative states into which a person plunges during sleep, even upon awakening. Sometimes, for one reason or another, he may regard them as “psychic attacks.”

This is especially difficult for people who suffer from occult belief systems. Attaching great importance to the information coming through the “astral channel,” they are often completely unable to identify with the states caused by such information and fall into panic: “I was open, what a horror, I was open - they attacked, they infiltrated. Lord, what now there will be something to do..." Mysterious "they" appear, and along with "them" the inexhaustible depths of human fantasy reveal themselves.

There is, however, an opinion that you should always be open, not only in your sleep. Unfortunately, people for the most part find that it is easier to close themselves off, to “protect themselves” from what is happening to them than to open up to it, accept it, try to understand it. Therefore, a number of methods of protection against “attacks” in a dream have emerged. There are three main types of such protection, applied, respectively, before sleep, during sleep, and after sleep.

The goal of any “preventative” methods of protection before going to bed is whether it is visualization of the “magic circle” (“In order to protect yourself with the Circle of Fire, you will not need to move the furniture…”) or the usual self-hypnosis formula (“I am strong.. . I’m not afraid of anyone..."), - is to instill faith in a person: an attack will not happen, cannot happen.

The author believes that “preventative” protection is the worst possible protection. After all, the very fact that you used defense even before you were attacked indicates that you are AFRAID - you are afraid that you will be attacked. And this, in turn, suggests that you don’t even need to be attacked - you have already attacked yourself. Because the purpose of the attack is precisely to plunge a person into a state of fear. For a person who does not know how to be afraid (which not many people can do), fear is the most destructive of states.

Sometimes, in order to repel attacks, it is advised to develop the ability to be aware in sleep, that is, to learn to remain awake in the dream world, bringing here a center of active consciousness, separate from the “events” taking place here, and not just passively dissolved in them. Since such consciousness in the world of dreams is equivalent to entering the astral plane, protection in this case is no different from astral protection.

The main objection raised against the obsession with being aware of oneself in a dream is the following: before learning to “continue” to be awake in a dream, it is first necessary to learn to stay awake in reality.

Learning to stay awake in reality is much more difficult than learning to stay awake in a dream, since we are accustomed to mistaking our normal state for being awake as such. The boring situation of the “familiar” physical world depresses the waking function, while the unusual situation of realizing oneself in a dream, that is, realizing oneself are in some “other place,” exacerbates it to the limit. Therefore, of course, in order to find out what wakefulness is, it will be useful to become aware of yourself in a dream a couple of times.

K. Castaneda, for example, offers the following technique. When a person realizes that he is sleeping and dreaming, he should try (in a dream, of course) to bring his hands to his face and see them. Thus, a person acquires a body in a dream (the so-called “dream body”) and becomes fully conscious: now he is no longer just “having a dream,” but is actually in another world - the “dream world.”*

* See: Castaneda C. Tales of Power. N.Y. 1974.

We should not forget, however, that in reality we spend, after all, two-thirds of our lives, and in dreams only one-third. Often people plunge into experiments with sleep, with “astrals”, etc. only in order to have the full “moral right” (the work is being done!) to give oblivion and let the “this-worldly” world, in which most of their life activities take place, take its course.

Another disadvantage of this type of protection is that it cannot be used immediately. The development of a stable consciousness of oneself in a dream is a complex, long-term process, and therefore such awareness can be used as a defense only by a few people, professional psychonauts. Considering the above, it seems obvious that non-professionals should consider a dream as a journey to a wonderful country, and protect themselves from all possible pathogenic accidents in this country, if they happen, in reality.

Eliminating the results of a psychic attack that took place in a dream is, in principle, NOTHING different from eliminating the results of a psychic attack that took place in reality, since the structure and nature of the conditions caused by an attack in a dream are no different from the structure and nature of the conditions caused by an attack in reality : general weakness, negative emotional background, racing thoughts around the topic of one’s “defenselessness against the powerful forces of darkness,” as well as imagination, imagination and once again imagination – a lot of imagination.
The peculiarity of attacks in a dream is that, upon waking up, a person finds himself already in an extremely negative state. To combat it, a method called “displacement” is proposed. According to the traditional occult interpretation, this requires: 1) “breaking contact with hostile forces”, 2) “cleaning the atmosphere of the environment”, 3) “restoring the aura”.* In fact, these three stages correspond to working with the three “shells” mental, vital and energy. The task is to push negative mental information from the “deeper” shells to the more “superficial” ones.

* See: Dion Fortune. Op.cit., p.176.

Repression should begin with the memory of the dream, realizing that memory in this case serves as an instrument for the invasion of the past into the present. Nothing that you saw in your dream is NO LONGER at the moment. Realize this fact with all clarity. At the moment, you are simply in a certain negative state, and it is precisely the memories of what you saw and experienced that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of this state.

Next, you should calm your imagination, realizing that in this case it serves as a tool that projects your present state into the future, that is, prolonging this negative state. Recollection of the materials in this text can help calm the imagination.

Now, with the help of a mind freed from the slavery of memory and imagination, you can analyze what is causing your current negative emotional state. You will find that it was caused by the same memory and imagination!

Perhaps there is also a negative “energy” state left: although attacks in a dream are, as a rule, vital in nature, the general negative emotional state often “detonates” on the energy. In this case, three options are possible. If the ability to concentrate is sufficiently developed, you can use the usual concentration defense. You can dance the "Victory Dance", take a cold shower, do exercises, etc. Or you can take this opportunity to observe the subtle energy processes of increasing tone, influx of strength and other restorative sensations.

The advantages of "protection after sleep" are evidenced by the fact that the average person is unconscious during sleep and in any case is aware of the attack only upon awakening. You can only talk about an attack when you are aware of it. If some negative “event” took place in a dream, which you perceive not as an attack, but as a nightmare, this “event” cannot take over your imagination and thereby cause you harm. The imagination, which establishes a negative dominant in the psyche, is activated only at the moment of realizing that this was “not just a nightmare.”

Therefore, if at the moment of awakening or after it you decide for any reason that it was “not just a nightmare” but an attack, you should use protection as if the attack was not committed in a dream, but in reality. Remember once and for all: only the moment when the awareness of the attack occurs is significant. The attack did not take place until it was realized. Statements to the contrary are unproven in principle and come from those who seek to capture your imagination. Awareness is a necessary condition for any attack; awareness is a kind of “anti-defense”.

At the same time, it serves as a necessary condition for any protection. Awareness conditions both “defense” and “offense,” both of which are made possible solely through awareness. It creates conditions for both, observes both, or one or not at all. It may be involved in both, or in one or not at all. Awareness is the master of the inner world, a Master who is often unaware of his mastery. The mastery of awareness makes all defense meaningless. Awareness is precisely anti-defense.


Psychoenergetic protection against attacks in a dream

Since a dream represents the exit of a person’s subtle body from the physical into another, the astral world, where it is much more difficult for an untrained being to control himself, there is always a risk of being subjected to a psychic attack or an attempt at energy theft, and the thief in this case has higher chances than in ordinary life. Energy can be stolen both through an energy strike from dark forces (larvae, astral entities, night demons and “demons”, from which a person is separated by the shell of his physical body during daytime wakefulness), and through a soft connection to the subtle structures of the listed forces ( so-called soft vampirism).

Protection sometimes comes in dreams in the form of hints or advice given by one person, most often a sage or saint, to another who is in trouble or in danger. Thus, the life of Saint Ambrose of Optina describes a real case when the saint, by his appearance, saved a priest from death:

“Three times the monk appeared to the sleeping mother and persistently convinced her to get up and hurry to save her husband. The priest remained alive thanks to the holy elder. Imminent death was then upon the sleeping old man. Out of a feeling of vengeance and bitterness, his cook, instigated by an evil spirit, approached him with a knife. Only the sudden arrival of mother saved the priest from murder. Mother soon identified the mysterious monk, benefactor and savior of her husband, after accidentally seeing a photograph of Elder Ambrose in her sister’s house. In joy and spiritual awe, she began to kiss this card, apply it to her and her husband’s heads, talking about the monk as an angel sent from heaven to save from murder.”

Another case of protecting one person through the dream of another was described by priest Grigory Dyachenko at the end of the 19th century:

“The famous physiologist, professor at the University of Berlin Dubois-Reymond, giving his famous lectures on anthropology every three semesters, in which he. By the way, he sets out his theory of the limits of knowledge and considers it necessary to tell his listeners the following fact.

In a city in Pomerania, a doctor was treating a young woman for an internal disease that he could not pinpoint. He was a serious doctor, and the patient was his personal friend. However, the disease did not respond to his efforts, and the patient was slowly approaching death.

The doctor rummaged through all the medical literature, corresponded with many outstanding professors, convened consultations, did not leave the patient’s bedside for whole days, but neither he himself nor anyone else could do anything. Eight months passed like this. The doctor, exhausted and defeated, returned to his home one evening in the gloomiest mood: the patient was going to die today or tomorrow. After rummaging through some more books, the doctor went to bed.

In a dream, he sees that he is looking through a newly published brochure and comes across in it a description of a disease corresponding to the illness of his patient. Immediately he finds a recipe, which the author recommends as a very effective remedy. Amazed by the discovery, the doctor jumps up to write down a life-saving prescription, but then he wakes up, realizes that something happened to him in a dream, but cannot remember anything.

Then he falls asleep again and has the same dream again. This time he remembered the recipe well, as well as the paragraph and page, but in order not to forget, he jumped out of bed and hastily scribbled it all on the first piece of paper he found. Waking up in the morning, the doctor felt as if he had woken up from a nightmare. He got dressed and was about to go to his patient, but, glancing at the desk, he noticed some scribbles on one paper. He read them and remembered his dream.

Immediately going to the pharmacy, he ordered a mysterious medicine and came with it to his dying patient. After the first doses of the medicine, the patient began to come to life, and after a short time she completely recovered. About a year has passed. One day, a doctor receives a newly published brochure on medicine from his Berlin bookseller. Looking through this brochure, the doctor comes across a description of the very disease from which his patient suffered. Everything he reads here is so familiar to him, and yet he knows very well that he has never read it. He re-reads further and finds the same recipe that saved his patient from death last year. The doctor begins to remember, takes his book where he wrote down his dream, and compares: the same doses, pages, the same paragraph.

This incident caused a lot of noise at the time. Interested parties made precise inquiries: it turned out that both the entire brochure and, in particular, the description of the disease and the recipe first appeared exactly a year after the amazing dream; It also turned out that the author of the brochure, who lived in a completely different part of Germany, knew absolutely nothing about the Pomeranian doctor and his patient.”

Course of Esoteric Protection and Restoration.


To protect yourself from these unpleasant influences in a dream, you need to:

– pray intensively before going to bed so that the subtle body rises to the high astral spheres, inaccessible to dark entities;

– master the practice of spiritual dreaming and sleep control, so that a person enters sleep consciously and crosses the boundary between wakefulness and sleep without losing the feeling of lucid wakefulness. Anyone who masters this art will learn to be aware of himself in a dream and at the same time will be able to effectively repel attacks and control his own psychoenergetic state;

– if you realize in a dream that you are under attack that you cannot cope with, try to wake up. This is not always easy, since the dark force in such cases usually tries to forcibly keep us in the astral world, falling on us with its weight (usually on the head, neck and chest). Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to free yourself. Often in such cases, it helps to perform some action that is of a spiritual nature and associated with the transition from the internal, astral plane to the external, earthly one.

For example, a very effective way to help you wake up and thus get out from under the dangerous and difficult-to-bear pressure of dark forces is to try to cross yourself and read a prayer, first mental and then real. In this case, people, as a rule, feel strong pressure on their right hand, as if physically preventing them from bringing their hand to the bridge of their nose. This pressure must be gradually overcome by an effort of will;

– learn to control the volatile and plastic matter of sleep. You need to realize that in a dream you can do whatever you want to defeat your opponent, as long as your goal is high and your thoughts are pure. Create beautiful images, destroy ugly ones and create sculptures of your own spirit from astral matter, then you will be protected from negative influences;

– at the moment of awakening, try to remember: a) your dreams, ideas, images that came into your consciousness at night; b) the image of the Teacher, or the Highest Principle, to which you always strive.

This will help you better tune in to solving the tasks of the day, set the right emotional tone for your wakefulness and protect you from the astral trail that has been following you since the night.

Why does a person need awareness?
“I cannot make someone aware just by listening to me.” A. Pint.

Forgotten is the person who does not need to accumulate knowledge and cram encyclopedias, who simply knows because he is the All. Whole, not cut into parts, because he is God.

Our planet Earth, belongs to the third generation of Cosmic Entities, is located in 12-quality space, therefore, is subject to the influence of twelve Masters - qualities. Currently, nine Qualities are working and 18 Zones of new density have been created. Now we can imagine quality as a flow, divided into consciously identifiable elements and arrange them as the density of matter increases. Having come to Earth and, as it were, reflected, man gave his stream of modified upper energies, qualitatively corresponding to the original ones, but in a denser form. As if continuing downwards, the niche of quality, repeating the meaning of the idea, but rearranging the form and making the energy heavier (Jacob’s Ladder.)

Jacob's Ladder

A person who has descended into the human body at least once, gone through all the layers and has a set of all bodies, including all the material, acquires karma. Including the material of all layers, a person captures the entire set of qualities that he must master in his life experience, passing through all phases of the cycle all 12 qualities. This is his original karma, a natural necessity. He goes through all 12 phases of rays for each of the 12 qualities, united by zodiac signs or constellations of carriers of Pure Qualities. The speed of movement along the rays should be uniform, but a person, having free will, is capable of consciously accelerating this movement through his own labor. It all depends on the state of his soul: whether he strives for purity or hesitates for a long time in choosing between the attraction of animal programs and the call of the Spirit.
Most often, the quality that a person goes through coincides with his zodiac sign, in which the Sun is located relative to the Earth.

The process of passage usually lasts more than one life, and often takes place unconsciously. An individual works on the same quality from incarnation to incarnation until he is able to move on to the next one. The end of the passage of quality usually ends with leaving the physical body. It is important to understand to what extent people’s paths and their emanations are parodies of true qualities, how people changed them and drowned in them.
While a person perceives all situations encountered on the path unconsciously, that is, finds them random, he is not able to take the path of Truth himself. Not a single situation in life is accidental - we attract situations to ourselves with our emanations, our state. Coming to the physical plane, everyone is initially placed in those conditions in which it is easier for him to pass through the aspect of quality that he has not passed through. At any moment on our path, situations occur that we ourselves have attracted by the correspondence of energies, in which we can take the path of liberation or elevation, or fall even lower. Their forms are varied, but, in essence, they all belong to one of the 24 Zones of influence of qualities.
If a person “wakes up” and begins to consciously strive for speedy liberation from karmic knots, his path can be accelerated many times over, and more than one quality can be passed through in one life, up to the turning of the Wheel of Time. Having embarked on the path of returning to his original state, returning to the Father, he, as it were, starts his clock. This is often called the First Initiation. He is no longer subject to the usual flow of time for those around him, his consciousness is connected to a more general Whole - most likely to the level of his Birth Zone, where time moves slower relative to physical space, and faster on the physical plane. This is similar to the feeling of time in the highest states of a person, for example in meditation, when consciousness (subtle bodies) are included in the greater Whole, and the passing earthly hours seem to be minutes. At this time, the processes taking place in the human body slow down, prolonging youth. Therefore, people who have reached high states of consciousness grow old and die calmly, having completed their path.
A person who has taken the reverse path by qualities does not go through them sequentially, but in the order of ascending through the layers of consciousness, that is, he sequentially goes through the qualities that influence his subtle bodies: first astral, then tonic, mutable and further, spontaneously static and stably transcendental .
For each individual, the passage of a quality has its own coloring, a pattern unique to him, but there is something common that unites everyone who masters the same quality.
The task of any conscious human being is to go through the evolutionary path of development as quickly as possible, consciously freeing itself from karmic knots. For this purpose, a contextual field was created for each individual. To achieve the ultimate reality, ten basic illusions were created one from another. The illusory world was created to help us understand what we are not. For hundreds of lifetimes, a human being has tried to climb Jacob's ladder, but for most people the attempts are unsuccessful. Life happens to most people. Most often, living under the rule of animal instincts, we wander from life to life, from incarnation to incarnation, not seeing or hearing anything.

The lower the energies in which a person’s life passes, the shorter his time, and at a certain moment time “collapses” and death occurs. At this moment, a person comes into conflict with the Law and, accordingly, dies in order to start all over again in the next life. A low level of consciousness does not allow us to understand that we are marking time. Only a high level of awareness of the life process on the physical plane will help us with this.

Mindfulness is the experience of awakened consciousness. A separate aspect of the All is aware of itself. He literally becomes self-aware. Then he gradually begins to realize all the other aspects, and then, the fact that others do not exist - Everything is One.
Words cannot describe everything. In short, how I understood it: Before incarnation on the physical plane, each individual analyzes his previous life path, draws conclusions and plans the process of his further development, taking into account the correction of mistakes. In the process of preparing for the next incarnation, the time, place, future parents and those who will go through this quality with us are selected. It is logical to assume that a chain is being built, which in any case leads to the result of the passage of Quality through the phases on Earth. Why is this being done? The fact is that at the moment of birth we lose our memory. This happens due to a sharp transition of our consciousness into our mind. All information remains at the subconscious level (soul). And who hears her? Only a few, intuitively, and a few, consciously. The subconscious and mind always, according to the law of external intention, coordinate their actions. So it turns out that we come from unknown places and go to unknown places. All that matters: hear your soul - extract the program from the subconscious and go through all 12 qualities through 12 properties - rays, each quality. Consciously acquire a sensory experience planned before incarnation.
Only a new Co-Knowledge will give a person the right to hope that the GATES OF HEAVEN will not close unexpectedly in front of him, for the new Co-Knowledge is the already changed Co-Knowledge of the CO-CREATOR, who accepts all the CANONS of Eternity and understands that the basis of the evolution of man and Space is eternal improvement !

The New Co-Knowledge is a completely different idea of ​​the role of man in the evolution of the Prime Creator, which means, in the Matrix of the Great Cosmos, and from this stems a completely different attitude of man towards the Manifested Plan, or towards life, already as a providence, the meaning of which is not Mammon, not life in vain, but the constant internal struggle for SELF-purification, without which a person cannot can live!
“The work of self-awareness leads to an increase in the vibrational frequency of your consciousness. Those who do not work to raise the vibration of their consciousness remain in the old matrix and continue to receive the old experiences." A. Pint.

Currently, we must learn to understand the issues of our consciousness, the universe, illusions, ultimate reality and reality with truth. On the basis of which you can consciously create your ultimate reality and learn to manage it. What is necessary to gain the experience of Being and happy evolution on the physical plane here and now.
You live each new day not to discover what it contains for you, but to create it. You create your reality every minute, probably without even knowing it.

We must remember: Consciousness is everything, and it gives rise to your experience. Group consciousness is very powerful and creates consequences of indescribable beauty or vileness.
The choice is always yours.
Consciousness—that is, what you are actually aware of—is the basis of all truth, and therefore of all spirituality.

Once again about External Intention.

Intention is the penetrating force that gives us the ability to perceive. We are not aware through perception, but rather we perceive as a result of the pressure and interference of intention.
There is an immeasurable, indescribable force in the universe called intention. Absolutely everything that exists in the universe is connected to intention by a connecting link. People of knowledge (magicians) were engaged in trying to understand and use the connecting link. They especially cared about cleansing him from the influence of the everyday worries of ordinary life.
All that a person does on the path of knowledge is to convince himself of the presence of power hidden in his very being. Knowledge (magic) is a state of awareness, it is the ability to perceive something that is inaccessible to ordinary perception.
The ability to conserve energy will make it possible to master some of the energy fields that are inaccessible to you now. Once we master this power, it itself will begin to activate energy fields that are available to us, but not at our disposal. In this case, we begin to perceive something different, but not as imaginary, but as real and concrete. There is more to the world than we can see. We begin to know without words.
Natural knowledge of intention is available to everyone, but control of it belongs only to those who have explored it.
Part of learning to master awareness is practical knowledge. The goal of the training is to put the connecting link in order. To revive this link, an unshakable, fierce determination is required - a special state of mind called unbending intention.
Depending on the state and energy, a person is in one of the states of consciousness. States of consciousness were called differently, but the process of unfolding space in time by consciousness is the same. This is the Law. This is necessary for a person to acquire the ability to consciously choose the scenario of his life and implement it to gain sensory experience on the physical plane.
The subconscious mind remembers everything. Everything that was decided to be experienced in the physical body before incarnation. It instantly tunes in to the familiar option that flashed through its thoughts. The option that corresponds to the energy of thought and expectation is chosen. Thoughts and expectations are the driving force behind changing options. The option itself is chosen by intention. A desire, like a thought, flashes through the consciousness and is transformed into an intention. Intention is the driving force that transfers the subject to the sector with the corresponding scenario. The mind, in the role of a passive observer, does not control the situation. If the mind realizes that the situation is under control, it takes everything for granted and forms a desire. The material realization of desire has inertia.
It is not the desire that is realized, but the intention. Desire in itself does not give anything. The stronger it is, the more active the opposition. Desire is aimed at a goal. Intention for the process of achieving this goal. Intention is realized in action. Intention does not judge whether a goal is achievable or not. The decision has been made, all that remains is to act. You do not reason or desire, but simply have and act.
Tuning into the target sector works most effectively when all aspirations are directed towards one specific goal, and not towards several unrelated ones. External intention selects the life line on which the desired is realized and makes the transition to this line. It simply takes its toll dispassionately and unconditionally. External intention is a thing born in improvisation, like an insight. The subconscious mind includes external intention through impulse. This can be a conscious positive state. For example: joy, love, sincere gratitude.
Control of external intention is possible only with complete freedom. Managing intentions involves acquiring the ability to consciously choose the scenario of your life depending on the aspirations of the soul.
The nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms:
1. Desire.
2. Inner intention.
3. External intention.
Inner intention aims to influence the world around us on the same life line. It only affects human behavior. It makes sense to choose an outer intention. In this case, you choose your own destiny. If your radiation parameters match your choice, then you will get what you want. Choice is your determination to have and act. Reaction energy is spent on action. Desire and action are united in intention. When solving a problem, take action. Don't think, don't complicate, don't compare. The problem will be resolved.
Internal intention is directed towards the goal directly. External intention is aimed at the process of self-realization of the goal. No doubts, discussions or haste. External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inexorably moves the goal towards realization. We cannot receive or do anything without intention, and there is no intention without faith. We could not take a single step if we did not believe that it was possible. In this case there must be not just faith, but knowledge. Knowledge eliminates doubt.

Knowledge without words, faith without doubt, action without hesitation. The inner intention merges with the outer when the conscious mind merges with the subconscious.

If the soul and mind agree on what is desired, external intention gives the green light for self-realization of the goal. To realize a goal on the physical plane, it takes time, which means patience, concentration and endurance. For inert realization to unwind, certain neural chains must be formed, the state of thoughts and consciousness must change. Each cell of the body must accept the parameters of their radiation. A state of unbending confidence appears. The choice has been made.
It is important to know that the coordination of consciousness and subconscious leads to a result, but whether it is desired or not does not matter to them. More often than not, the soul and mind are united in their rejection of anything.
In reality, what we fear is highly likely to come true. In this case, events develop in accordance with expectations, fears and ideas. Expectations and fears acquired by the soul and mind in real life are realized instantly. In order for this not to happen, you need to firmly know what you want, and not avoid it. Give up negativity. Complaints, requests, grievances, doubts and lamentations. They are useless and no one needs them. They simply lead to stagnation and loss of energy. At the same time, joy, unconditional love, sincere gratitude are the radiation of creative energy.
Why do our desires sometimes not come true?
1. Excessive importance is attached to the event.
2. The inertia of implementation gives rise to vanity, impatience, and fear. Loss of confidence in the invisible. Lack of persistence in pursuit.
3. The desire of the mind to achieve everything at once. Several goals have been set that are not related to each other.
4. Simply and fundamentally, it is not the desire itself that leads to realization, but the attitude towards the desire.
Everything in this world is built on objective laws, and not on the desire to help someone. The laws of the Universe are absolutely dispassionate. To fulfill an external intention, you need to be: responsible, honest, gracious. In a conscious state, external intention does not contradict the will. The mind gives the subconscious freedom, and in return receives the consent of the subconscious. The unity of the mind and subconscious awakens external intention. The greatest of all powers of control over all human reality.

→ Part 3

The predominant development of internal intention in people and the loss of external intention is induced by pendulums, since they feed on the energy of internal intention. Control of external intention is possible only if there is complete freedom from pendulums. We can say that here the pendulums won the final victory in the fight against man.

So, we have found out that the nature of mental energy aimed at achieving a goal manifests itself in three forms: desire, internal intention and external. Desire is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about the goal as much as you like, desire it, but nothing will change. Internal intention is the concentration of attention on the process of one’s movement towards a goal. It already works, but it requires a lot of effort. External intention is the concentration of attention on how the goal itself is realized. External intention simply allows the goal to realize itself. This implies a firm conviction that an option for achieving the goal already exists, and all that remains is to choose this option. The goal is achieved with internal intention, and with external intention it is chosen.

Internal intention can be characterized by the formula: “I insist that...” External intention is subject to a completely different rule: “circumstances develop in such a way that...” or “it turns out that...” The difference is huge. In the first case, you actively influence the world so that it submits. In the second case, you take the position of an outside observer, everything turns out according to your will, but as if on its own. You don't change, you choose. Flying in a dream occurs precisely according to the formula “it turns out that I am flying,” and not “I insist on flying.”

Internal intention strives towards the goal directly, straight ahead. External intention is aimed at the process of independent goal realization. External intention is in no hurry to achieve the goal - it is already in your pocket. The fact that the goal will be achieved is not questioned or discussed at all. External intention inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately and inevitably moves the goal towards realization.

To distinguish where your internal intention works and where your external one, use approximately the following two-way comparisons: You are trying to achieve something from this world - the world itself gives you what you want; You are fighting for a place in the sun - the world itself opens its arms to you; You break into a locked door - the door itself swings open in front of you; You try to break through the wall - the wall itself opens up for you; You try to cause some events in your life - they come on their own. In general, with internal intent you try to move your implementation relative to the space of options, and with outer intent you try to move the space of options itself so that your implementation ends up where it needs to be. Do you understand the difference? The result is the same, but the ways to achieve it are completely different.

If your actions can be described by the second part of these comparisons, then you have captured the external intention. When you struggle, you try to push your realization through the space of options, and when you choose, the space itself comes to you. Of course, the space of options simply won't move on its own relative to your implementation. To do this, you must take certain actions. However, these actions lie outside the framework of familiar and generally accepted ideas. Throughout the book, I will give you examples of the differences in the approaches of internal and external intention. External intention is the cornerstone of Transurfing. It contains the key to the Overseer’s Riddle, namely, why you don’t need to fight this world, but simply choose what you want in it.

Nothing is impossible for external intention. You can fly in reality, or, say, walk on water if you have the external intention of Christ. Physical laws are not violated in any way. The fact is that physical laws work in one separate sector of material realization. The work of external intention is manifested in the movement of implementation through different sectors of the space of options. By yourself you cannot fly. To do this, you need to resist the gravity of the Earth, and this is the work of internal intention, requiring the expenditure of energy to overcome the force of gravity. Free flight, both in a dream and in reality, is not your movement, but the movement of sectors of space relative to you. It is not you yourself who fly through space, but it moves relative to you, in accordance with the choice of your external intention. Most likely, this is not said entirely correctly, but we will not delve into the theory of relativity. We can only guess how this actually happens.

In order to fly, you need to have unconditional faith that it can be done. Why did Christ say so categorically simply: “According to your faith be it done to you”? Because we cannot get or do anything without intention. And there is no intention without faith. We could not take a single step if we did not believe that it was possible. However, it will not be possible to convince the mind that in reality you can fly the same way as in a dream. At least in the normal state of consciousness. Some yogis in India manage to lift themselves off the floor during meditation. (I personally am not aware of other reliable manifestations of levitation.) Perhaps their intention is only enough to tune in to the movement of options in which the body hangs in the air. Taking into account the enormous capabilities of yogis in comparison with ordinary people, you can imagine how difficult it is to subordinate external intention to the will.

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