Napoleon on the Elbe (Pushkin) - The evening dawn was burning out in the abyss...

At a depth, the searchlight beam seemed like a huge bright blue tunnel, drilled into dense, impenetrable darkness. Its far end sparkled dazzlingly, like molten metal.
The zoologist rushed along the tunnel, trying to stay away from it. A faint blue glow fell on his face. In the tunnel, as if on a transparent glass-silver screen, the silhouettes of fish suddenly appeared, wriggling. They frolicked, as if intoxicated by streams of extraordinary light, or hung motionless for a long time, as if enchanted, suddenly disappearing, as if melting.
The zoologist thought he saw a star-studded area around him. black sky, slightly lighter at the top. Multi-colored stars, pale blue, yellow-green, bright red, flew in all directions, now flashing, now extinguishing, now twisting into sparkling rings, now straightening out into blinking garlands. In everything: in the spotlight, and in shining points and lines, the zoologist recognized or guessed animals known to him - random prey of deep-sea nets, as well as rare guests of marine zoological stations. However, most often he was stumped, observing for the first time strange creatures, unknown to anyone. (149 words)

(By A. Adamov)

The bush through which Akimov was making his way was retreating. The shore rose up again, and open forests began: spruce, pine, birch.
Seeing the dugout below, Akimov headed towards it. Surrounded on the left and right by yellow thickets of sedge, it nestled near the water itself.
He opened the door and was greeted by the smell of smoked fish and the delicate aroma of mown hay. Above the table there was a dried fish hanging on ropes stretched from corner to corner, and a cast iron stove stood on an iron stove. On the shelf there is food: a jar of salt, a piece of boiled meat, a piece of rye bread. Everything indicated that there had been people here recently.
He hurried back, standing under the spruce tree, and, covered with its fluffy branches, began to wait tensely. The wind whistled, swaying the trees, the trunks crunched under its pressure, and the waves splashed against the shore with a restless noise. No other sounds were heard.
It became completely dark, and the wind noticeably died down, but the sky cleared of clouds, and the stars, shining brightly in the sky, could help him find his way. (149 words)

(By G. Markov)

The evening dawn was burning out, and twilight, thickening more and more, fell to the ground. It was necessary to quickly get to the edge of the forest and find the road to the house. I wandered through the forest for half an hour and finally reached the edge, but I did not find a path familiar to me.
Meanwhile, gray-white wisps of fog, expanding and clinging to the bushes, slowly spread across the ground. Depressions filled with water, heaps of fallen brushwood that came across here and there, a tree trunk lying across a narrow stream - everything prevented me from moving forward. Soon nothing became visible: no path, no thickets.
Suddenly, the silver crescent of the month peeked out from behind the clouds and, settling like a proprietor in the sky, illuminated the entire surrounding area. Distant objects began to be distinguished: a field with not yet mown wheat, a thicket on the right, a small river on the left. Soon the whole sky cleared. Bright star-lanterns seemed to direct their rays to the ground. Soon I reached home. (135 words)

For 7th grade.


Dictation No. 1

No matter how hard you listen, you won’t hear a single extraneous sound. Neither seagulls cry, nor ships passing by break the silence. Even the wind, which had been shaking the treetops all day, died down. Only the noise of the surf, without stopping for a minute. A smooth surface spreads to the right and left, and there is no end or edge to it. The waves, overtaking one another, quickly roll onto the shore and just as quickly run away.

It is impossible not to admire this majestic panorama. The saffron crescent moon peeked out from behind the clouds and illuminated sea ​​surface. The light of silver stars ignites millions of sparks that flash and then go out. How beautiful it is all around, how mysterious! It is this mystery that attracts and fascinates.

More than once I wondered what the charm of the sea was, and could not find the answer. Whoever doesn’t write about the sea doesn’t sing about it! more than one artist took up a brush to convey originality sea ​​elements. Many poets and composers tried to comprehend the secrets of the sea, but not a single genius penetrated them to the end. Is there anything more majestic and beautiful in the world than this moving, breathing, sparkling mass?! (160 words)

Dictation No. 2.

At the beginning of summer I spent several days alone, undisturbed by anyone or anything. Due to the river flooding, I had to postpone my departure.

The ancient house was surrounded by a huge neglected garden. For many hours I watched the trees blossom, the flowers grow. There were so many colours, sounds and smells all around!

Wherever you look, acacia trees are fragrant, and honeysuckle bushes are pleasing to the eye. It is impossible not to admire the delicate daffodils, it is impossible not to admire the fluttering chocolate butterflies and dragonflies with lavender wings. Bird trills never stop for a minute; grasshoppers and cicadas also chirp, attracting attention. Trees rush upward, stretching towards the sun, giving warmth. No matter how closely you look, you won’t see a cloud or a cloud in the bright blue sky.

Wherever fate has taken me! But no matter where I was, no matter what beauties I admired, the charm of that unforgettable summer has not been erased from my memory to this day. (133 words)

Dictation No. 3

Despite the fact that the sun was hot during the day, it somehow immediately became fresh and windy. The hills and hills blown by the wind take on a pale lilac hue. The bluish-scarlet sunset, burning out somehow reluctantly, is cold and dim. There are no purple or orange colors. No matter how hard you look, you won’t see anything catchy or pleasing to the eye.

The piercing wind, which did not subside for a minute throughout the evening, did not leave a single passenger on the deck. More than once I left the cabin, but did not dare to approach the ship.

Where have I been, what seas have I sailed! But this late hour it was impossible not to shudder when looking at the dark blue ice water having no end or edge.

Twilight, thickening more and more, absorbs the last colors. The night with a dull pale moon floating in the clouds is as cold as yesterday. (123 words)

Coordinating Conjunctions

Dictation No. 1

Somehow autumn came too quickly. How the forest has changed, which until recently was filled with the sounds and colors of summer! Neither the flowers become colorful, nor the grass turns green. The birch tree rustles with its golden leaves, the maple tree is also about to turn crimson. Only the spruce trees remain green and delight the eye with their lush crowns.

Not only trees, but also birds feel the tread of autumn. Flocks of birds rise up, and their farewell cries are heard far around. Either wild geese they cackle, calling to each other on the way, or the cranes coo about something. And you can’t tell: it’s either a farewell cry or a calling cry.

But how nice it is all around! The sun is not exactly warm, but bright, and the days, although windy, are still warm. Autumn gains strength, coming into its own, then pauses, slowing down.

The autumn air is cool, but so fresh! And, breathing it in, you are no longer so much sad about summer as you are happy about autumn. (145 words)


Dictation No. 1

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like summer. Tea was served in the living room, which looked out with wide open windows onto the garden, which had not yet been cleared of fallen leaves.

The room was lined with polished antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to the openwork capes and the snow-white homespun tablecloth, embroidered with fancy patterns, the room looked festively solemn. The gilded and silvered dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table stood a flower-shaped jug, reflecting the sun's rays. Low but elegant glasses made of cut crystal were placed around him.

For an hour the conversation did not stop. They talked mainly about the trip, which, despite fears, ended successfully. At the end of the tea party, one of those present, amused, suggested examining the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to recent rains. (106 words)

Dictation No. 2

Due to the fact that the village I mistakenly entered was located away from the central road, it was extremely difficult to find any passing transport here. It rained for a week and it was impossible to get out. I had already begun to repent of the undertaking I had undertaken, when suddenly chance came to my aid.

At dawn, a carriage rushed past the inn, raising a bizarre cloud of quickly dissipating dust, to the station, which brought to the train the manager of the estate, which was located not far from the places where I was heading. The owner of the inn, who looked out of the wide-open window, told me about this. When the carriage was returning back, I rushed to meet him, and the coachman, despite the small detour that he had to make due to the fact that the river was overflowing, agreed to give me a ride.

Throughout the entire journey, I was filled with amazing feelings inspired by the sensations of fast driving and beauty. surrounding nature. First we drove along a meandering river, along which there were rapids everywhere, then along a field spreading on both sides of the road. At the end of the trip, we crossed a recently planted deciduous forest, where a manor house built in the shape of an ancient medieval castle was located.

It's been a long time, my friend, since I've ridden in a stroller! (165 words)

Dictation No. 3

For several hours, the ship, without slowing down for a minute, sails to the southwest. The southern night, which came somehow suddenly, absorbed the bright colors of the sunset and painted everything around in dark blue. The sky shone with dense purple clouds, leaving not the slightest gap. No matter how closely you look, you won’t notice a single star. The month is also not visible. Nothing disturbs the silence, only restless waves splash against the side, rolling one upon another.

Around midnight, an orange, sad crescent appeared over the endless plain of the sea, dispelling the impenetrable darkness. Immediately a narrow, but sparkling and iridescent saffron path lay on the water. An unexpectedly blowing wind rippled her with small ripples and drove her away. Despite the monthly light, which brightened up the darkness a little, everything around is still deserted and dull. (113 words)

Basic spellings: spelling participles, adverbs, derived prepositions.

Final dictations.

Dictation No. 1

The evening dawn is fading. The sky, covered here and there with clouds, is colored with crimson, orange, and bright yellow colors. The air infused with herbs is clear and fresh. Through the wide open windows you can see a garden with trees swaying in the wind and flower beds in the form regular polygons. In the distance you can see meadows overgrown with uncut grass.

The rays of the setting sun penetrate through thin woven curtains, illuminate gilded and silver-plated dishes, and paint the light gray walls and whitewashed ceiling in soft tones. Last sunbeam, slowly sliding along the parquet floor, freezes and somehow reluctantly goes out. An unbroken silence reigns everywhere. No matter how hard you listen, you won’t hear a sound.

Suddenly, a cloud appears from over the horizon and covers half the sky within a few minutes. The darkness is quickly gathering. Suddenly the sky lights up with zigzag lightning, followed by a thunderclap. The first drops fall to the ground, and immediately a falling rain falls with a uniform noise. Streams of water lash the leaves, bend thin trees, and bend flowers to the ground. The thunder rolling from somewhere far away does not stop for a minute. A damp wind rushes in through the window. The trembling, fluttering lightning still sparkles, as if trying to look into the room. (164 words)

Dictation No. 2

Due to the fact that the newly built mud hut to which I was making my way was located on the very shore of the sea, for a long time I had to wander along untrodden mountain paths. The panorama that opened before my eyes was truly magnificent.

The sea splashing below, the waves beating with furious force against the coastal rocks, the star-studded dome of the sky, the mountains piled one on top of the other in the form giant pyramids- everything was majestic and solemn. Everywhere you look, the mysterious cover of night lies over everything.

Having overcome a steep climb, I approached the hewn palisade, opened the iron-bound gate and, walking along a path overgrown with unmown grass, looked inside the room.

In the middle of the room there was an unpainted table, on the edge of which someone’s light was barely glowing. kerosene lamp. The bench, made from poorly planed boards, perched in a corner, curtained by a homespun curtain that had not been pulled down all the way. A wooden shelf filled with pottery, a wicker basket perched on the side, several coarsely chopped logs - that’s all that I could see in the darkness, slightly scattered by the light of the burning lamp. (150 words)

Exam paper for 7th grade

Throughout September there were lingering rains, not stopping for a day, like autumn. Thick chalk clouds hung low over the ground. No matter how hard you look, you won’t see the slightest clearing in the sky. Everything around was somehow dull and nondescript: the fields had been harvested, the grass had been mown, the trees, which had recently been colored with burgundy, crimson, and orange colors, had shed their leaves. Leaves that had not been removed by anyone covered the alleys and paths and covered the painted benches, wet from the rain. The garden was empty, only the crows walked importantly along the paths, cawing and occasionally flapping their wings. The wind, filled with dampness, pierced through.

On these bleak, bad days, the house was especially cozy. A hot stove warmed the walls, the windows curtained with bright yellow curtains, and the recently whitewashed ceiling. To the left of the stove lay birch logs, and a sweetish, slightly intoxicating smell emanated from them.

The table was set for tea. In the middle stood a gilded samovar, faceted glasses in silver cup holders stood on snow-white napkins, a small but elegant glass vase like a flower was filled to the brim with apple jam. Everything was ready to receive guests. (160 words)

(Based on materials from the newspaper “Russian Language” No. 2 (122), January 1998 - supplements to the newspaper “First of September”)

The evening dawn burned out in the abyss,
Silence hovered over the gloomy Elbe,
Running quietly through the pale clouds
Misty Moon;
Already in the west, gray-haired, dressed in darkness,
With the plain blue waters The sky merged.
Alone in the darkness of the night over a wild rock
Napoleon was sitting.
The mind of the destroyer was filled with dark thoughts,
He forged a new chain in Europe's dreams
And, raising his gloomy gaze to the distant shores,
Whispered fiercely:

“Everything around me fell into a dead sleep,

Oh, soon, foaming under the steering wheels,
A submissive wave will rush me along,
And the silence of the sleeping waters will be interrupted?..
Worry, night, over the Elbe rocks!
Hide darker behind the clouds, moon!

Fearless squads are waiting for me there.
Already converged, already closed in formation!
The world lies in chains before me!
I will come to you through the black abysses
And I will burst out again with a disastrous thunderstorm!

And a fight will break out! for the Gallic eagles,
With a sword in hand, victory will fly,
The bloody current in the valleys will boil,
And I will throw down thrones to dust with thunder
And I will crush Europe’s wondrous shield!..

But everything around me fell into a dead sleep,
The abyss of stormy waves lay in the fog,
Not a frail boat will float out to sea,
No smooth beast will howl over the grave -
I’m here alone, full of rebellious thoughts...

Oh happiness! evil seducer
And you, like a sweet dream, disappeared from view,
Among the storms, my secret keeper
And a faithful nurturer with youthful days!
Has it long been an invisible path
You led me to the throne
And hid it with an insolent hand
Crowned with laurel brow!
How long have peoples trembled
They timidly brought me tribute to freedom,
I bow to the banners of honor;
Thunder smoked all around me,
And glory shines above your head
She rushed, covering me with her wing?..
But a menacing cloud hung over Moscow,
And the thunder struck!..
Fullness of the young Tsar! you moved the militia,
And death followed the bloody banners,
The mighty fall responded,
And peace on earth and joy in heaven,
And for me - shame and imprisonment!
And my ringing shield is shattered,
A helmet does not shine on the battlefield;
In the coastal grass the sword is forgotten
And fades in the fog.
And everything is quiet all around. In the silence of the nights
In vain do I imagine the howl of death,
And the sound of shining swords,
And the fallen ardent groaning -
Only the splashing waves are heard by greedy ears;
The familiar click has fallen silent from the battles,
The thunder of bloody enmity is extinguished,
And the torch of vengeance went out.
But the hour is near! the fatal moment is coming!
The boat is already flying, where the formidable throne is hidden;
There is thick darkness all around,
And, sparkling with the gaze of death,
The pale mutiny sits on the deck.
Be afraid, O Gaul! Europe! vengeance, vengeance!
Cry - your scourge has risen - and everything will fall to dust,
Everything will bend, and then, in general destruction,
I will sit as a king on the tombs!”

Silenced. There were dark shadows in the sky,
And the month, leaving the dark canopy of distant clouds,
Trembling weak light poured out to the west;
The eastern star played in the ocean,
And the rook, running in the fog, matured
Under the arch of the Elbe's formidable rocks.
And Gaul, O predator, overshadowed you;
The legitimate kings fled in trepidation.
But can you see? The day goes out, instantly the darkness hides
The face of the burning dawn
Silence stretches over the gray abyss,
The vault of the sky is darkened, a thunderstorm hangs in the darkness,
Everything is silent... tremble! destruction is upon you,
And your lot is still hidden!

Pushkin, 1815

The poem was written shortly after news of the escape appeared in Russian newspapers Napoleon from the island of Elba and its entry into Paris.

Midnight Tsar Young- Alexander I.

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