Are there pyramids on Venus? Giant pyramids on other planets

Venusian "Scorpio".

Photo: L.V. Xanfomality / "Astronomical Bulletin"

All these objects have “properties of living beings”

Soviet probes may have captured living creatures on Venus. They are visible in photographs taken on Venus in the 1980s by Soviet landing probes. In those years, several missions were sent to our neighbor in the solar system - devices " Venus-9" and " Venus-10" in 1975 and then " Venus-13" and " Venus-14" in 1982. Thanks to them, the first ever photographs of its surface, invisible from Earth due to the constant dense cloud cover in the planet’s atmosphere, were obtained, reports A television panorama was also obtained Venus using scanning photometric cameras of the optical-mechanical type.

There are moving objects on the planet, possibly having the properties of living beings, says the chief researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Honored Scientist Leonid Ksanfomality.

According to the scientist, on Venus“objects of appreciable size, from a decimeter to half a meter, were discovered appearing, changing or disappearing, the random appearance of whose images due to noise is difficult to explain.”

Why is there renewed interest in these historical documents today? The scientist explains this by the fact that “there is a vast flow of new results from studies of exoplanets of moderate mass, among which there should also be bodies with physical conditions close to those of Venus.” After all, since 1995, more than 500 planets have been discovered around other stars. The search for planets where life is possible is carried out on the basis of the postulate about normal physical conditions in the “life zone”, that is, pressure, temperature, possibly the composition of the atmosphere, similar to those on Earth. Although, according to Ksanfomality, the possibility of the existence of life under other conditions should not be completely excluded: for example, at relatively high temperatures.

The most interesting objects in the panoramas obtained with the help of our probes on March 1, 1982, for two hours and six minutes, were those that appeared and disappeared. That is, in some photographs they are there, but in others they are no longer there. Thus, a “scorpion” appeared and disappeared, its structure reminiscent of large terrestrial arachnids or insects, in the picture from “ Venus-13". As the scientist says, the “scorpion” appeared around the 90th minute from the moment the cameras were turned on, and after 26 minutes it disappeared, leaving a groove in the ground in its place.

Or - a certain “black flap” also first appeared in the first image near the cone for measuring the mechanical properties of the soil, and then disappeared. And also a “disk” that, for some unknown reason, changes its shape,

Xanfomality suggests that some "inhabitants" Venus could have “disappeared” due to the lander. They could be “blown away” or buried by the landing model, which made a loud noise, firing squibs, and launched the drilling rig. However, some of the “Venusians”, after being buried, independently (!) climbed to the surface. This is proven by photographs taken after 1.5 hours - it was after this time that the objects reappeared in their original place.

The scientist suggests that “morphological characteristics still suggest that some of the objects found have the properties of living beings.”

Two hundred and sixty-three million kilometers from Earth, a region of the solar system known as the Asteroid Belt. Until recently, this area of ​​space was considered uninhabited. However, the images taken by NASA's Dawn probe shocked earthly astronomers.

The photo clearly shows giant structures on the surface of Ceres. What it is? The object corresponds in all respects to a pyramid. But who could build it? How did such a structure appear on a dwarf planet?

Not so long ago, similar objects were discovered on another planet in the solar system - Mars. In the area called Sidonia by astronomers, there are about 25 pyramids. Based on these facts, scientists put forward a sensational hypothesis - in unimaginable antiquity, there lived a civilization in the solar system that flew into space and built pyramids on neighboring planets. Where was her homeland and what were these structures intended for?

The most famous and well-studied pyramids on Earth are Egyptian. According to the official version, they are 4.5 thousand years old. But Sergei Baideryakov, an expert in the field of military equipment control systems, conducted his own calculations. He claims that in fact the pyramids of Egypt are 8 thousand years older. He came to a sensational conclusion. It turned out that objects are influenced by the very place in which they are located. If a building is built in a geopathogenic zone, it ages much faster.

Sergei Baideryakov believes that it was no coincidence that the builders of the pyramids chose the Giza Valley. This is precisely the geomantic, favorable zone.

The creators of the ancient pyramids, according to Sergei Baideryakov, had not only knowledge of geology. They were well versed in astronomy. The Giza Valley Plan is a heliocentric map that records the exact positions of the planets relative to the Sun. But, again, not today, but in ancient times. The Giza Plateau captures our solar system. And this hypothesis is supported today by many Western and Russian scientists. The pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin are the planets Venus, Earth and Mars, respectively.

The hypothesis, which a couple of years ago was classified as science fiction, is receiving more and more scientific confirmation. The President of the Russian Physical Society, Vladimir Rodionov, like the entire global scientific community, is now closely following the latest news from NASA. In 2015, the American probe Dawn approached the dwarf planet Ceres. For the first time, photographs and video images of the surface of a celestial body were obtained. And the world saw the giant pyramid with its own eyes.

One hundred and fifty years ago, scientists classified Ceres as an asteroid. Only in 2006 did “planet hunters” prove that this was not an asteroid at all, but a dwarf planet. Huge glowing spots are the first thing that attracted the attention of scientists in photographs from the surface of Ceres. The diameter of the largest sunspot discovered is about nine kilometers. Astrophysicists and astronomers first suggested that it was a reflection of sunlight and salt. But how can we explain that mysterious formations begin to glow in the evening and go out by morning?

Ceres is located in the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. Many astronomers support the hypothesis that the Asteroid Belt was formed as a result of the death of the planet Phaeton. The celestial body exploded and scattered into many asteroid fragments.

Ceres was probably part of or a satellite of the lost planet. Maybe the pyramid discovered by the Rassvet probe was once created by the inhabitants of Phaeton? The pyramid has four sides. It reaches a height of 6 kilometers and a width of 18 kilometers. Moreover, the radius of the dwarf planet itself is only 445 kilometers.

How could a pyramid appear literally out of the blue? And was it really possible that only smaller copies of such alien giants were built on Earth?

Geonomy classifies Kailash as one of the highest mountain peaks of the Tibetan Plateau and the planet as a whole. Scientists have no doubt that this is a natural formation. Part of the Himalayan mountains. But those who have visited Kailash at least once claim that it has surprisingly much in common with the pyramid.

The best view of Kailash opens from the ancient Dirapuk Monastery. This is the northern slope of Kailash. The top of the mountain remains unconquered to this day. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergei Balalaev visited the Himalayas 16 times. During recent expeditions, he took with him special equipment, including a magnetometer. The vast area on top of Kailash is never covered with snow. Moreover, in winter, even during snowfall, air rises to the surface from the internal cavity of the mountain. Pictures taken from Earth orbit did not clarify the situation. Although they clearly show an elliptical spot in the western part of the peak. On one of the slopes he discovered a mysterious tunnel leading straight into Kailash.

The Droma La pass or “cemetery of karma”, according to many beliefs, allows you to cleanse yourself of sins, get rid of serious illnesses, and difficult life problems. People leave some of their clothes or at least a piece of their hair here. It may seem incredible, but modern quantum physics has provided an explanation for the ancient ritual.

A visit to the Drolma La pass is preceded by a nine-hour climb to Kailash. According to this hypothesis, during this time the biorhythms of man and Kailash are harmonized.

Ancient texts say that the Kailasa region is an 8-petalled lotus with a sacred pyramid mountain in the center. Surprisingly, photographs from the Earth's satellite confirmed that Kailash is indeed adjacent to eight mountain ridges, which form eight valleys.

Around Kailash, researchers discovered many other mysterious objects. One of them is the Stone Mirror of the Valley of Life and Death. This is a surprisingly symmetrical formation. It consists of two triangular pyramids connected by a concave bridge. The length of the Stone Mirror Valley is about three kilometers. Scientists cannot explain how such a symmetrical formation could arise in nature. As well as why in this part of the Himalayan mountains there are concentrated about 30 mountains with a clearly pyramidal shape.

Mount Iremel has the shape of a pyramid, and its edges are clearly oriented to the cardinal points. The peoples living in the Southern Urals have treated Mount Iremel as sacred for many centuries in a row. It was believed that here was the gateway to the afterlife. Traveler and documentary filmmaker Denis Myachenkov believes that the reason is that on the territory of modern Russia, the giant pyramid mountain has lost its clear outline with age.

On the slopes of Mount Iremel, expedition members discovered stones whose surface seemed to be artificially processed. And their edges turned out to be incredibly smooth. Similar finds were made during previous expeditions of Myachenkov’s group. In the Southern Urals they have already explored the Itsil and Zyuratkul mountains.

It is too early to draw conclusions. However, there is a version that the pyramids of the Southern Urals were built long before the Egyptian ones. Myachenkov found proof of this bold hypothesis by resorting to linguistics. It turned out that three hundred years ago the Belaya River was known as Ra. But after the general cartization, the old names were changed.

What secrets are hidden by the oldest mountains on Earth - the Ural Mountains? Could other peaks of the ridge really be pyramids?

There are giant pyramids on all continents of our planet. In the Himalayas, Kailash is considered sacred, in the Urals - Iremel, in Siberia - Belukha. North American Indians worship Mount Shasta in the Grand Canyon region. Did someone really give all these peaks the shape of pyramids?

The excavations of the pyramid complex in Bosnia and Herzegovina were led by archaeologist Semir Osmanagic. Before this, the scientist spent fifteen years exploring the pyramids of Central and South America. When Osmanagich returned to his homeland, he saw the familiar pyramidal silhouette here, in the Visoko Valley. But how did the archaeologist manage to recognize an ancient pyramid in these forested hills?

Could Mount Visocica be the oldest pyramid on Earth? Semir Osmanagic’s assumption was initially met with hostility by “armchair” archaeologists. This hypothesis is too divergent from the official version of the history of our civilization. There was simply no one to build pyramids on this territory of Europe.

However, the Institute of Geodesy of Bosnia and Herzegovina made a loud statement in favor of Osmanagic’s theory. Measurements were taken of the orientation of the faces of the hypothetical pyramid of the Sun along the cardinal directions. It turned out that the discrepancy between the face of the pyramid and the north is negligible - it is 0 degrees, 0 minutes and 12 seconds.

Having carefully studied the topographic and satellite map of the area, Semir Osmanagic came to the conclusion that the Pyramid of the Sun is not alone. The archaeologist is convinced that in Bosnia and Herzegovina, scientists will have to explore not just one megalithic structure, but an entire valley of pyramids.

Archaeologist Semir Osmanagic found that the pyramid he discovered in the Balkans still emits a powerful flow of energy today. During excavations of the tunnels of the Bosnian pyramids, archaeologists were surprised by the absence of remains of insects or rodents in them. Why did animals seem to avoid this place for thousands of years? Measuring instruments showed that megaliths produce two types of electromagnetic radiation - with a frequency of 28 kilohertz and 7.83 hertz. And in ancient times, radiation was enhanced by the action of quartz crystals. The electromagnetic field quickly moved through the tunnels of the pyramid.

According to one of the boldest hypotheses, the Earth's pyramids could be part of a space navigation system. After the pyramids were discovered on Mars and Ceres, this version no longer seems incredible. It is possible that one of the routes ran to the lost planet Phaeton.

The radiation frequency recorded inside the Bosnian pyramid, amounting to 7.83 hertz, is called the Schumann resonance in the scientific world. Standing electromagnetic waves of low and ultra-low frequencies are formed between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. Not only our planet resonates, but also all living things: rocks, animals, humans. The Bosnian pyramid, according to Osmanagic, was a powerful energy installation - a source of harmonizing energy. Moreover, measurements showed that as it approaches the ionosphere, the intensity of the radiation only increases. Contrary to the laws of physics known to us.

Scientists believe that so far only a space probe can reach other planets of the solar system, and even more so deep space. A person cannot see the pyramids of Ceres or Mars. And the point is not at all in the absence of ultra-high-speed flying spacecraft.

In space, the vital activity of the human body ceases. Proponents of this hypothesis argue that a living organism is literally tied to planet Earth. It, like a huge generator, determines with its spectrum the biorhythms of all warm-blooded animals. A frequency of 10-15 hertz makes the brain and all human organs work. Outside the boundaries of the earth's electromagnetic fields and the biorhythms of the planet, a person will not live long.

Modern astronauts fly around the Earth at a distance of 200-300 kilometers. There is no gravity, but the planet's magnetic fields act. At the same time, the astronaut cannot even see the entire Earth, but only part of it.

The landing of American astronaut Neil Armstrong on the surface of the Moon remained a counter-argument to this hypothesis for a long time. However, a detailed study of the famous video today has given rise to a strong opinion that it was staged filming. The most amazing thing is that the Americans claimed that the priceless film of the supposedly historic flight was unexpectedly lost. And today it is impossible to examine the recording using the latest technologies.

The sacred texts of Ancient India say that we are far from alone in the Universe. Powerful personalities control planets, galaxies, universes. And they constantly visit our planet. Moreover, in ancient times people met these visitors precisely near the pyramid mountains.

In the east, practices have been widespread for several millennia, during which a person assumes the lotus position. It is believed that in this state the mind calms down and all processes in the human body are normalized. The body rejuvenates! The effectiveness of the practice made it popular in the West. And her secret turned out to be simple. The lotus position is still the same pyramid. In this position, all human energy centers are strengthened.

The outstanding Russian physicist Mikhail Lobanovsky was one of the first to declare that the shape of an object determines its properties. He became the founder of geometric physics or physics of bodies.

Based on Lobanovsky's theory, modern scientists have come to the conclusion that any pyramid can serve as an excellent radio beacon of a certain range. It is capable of transmitting information over vast distances.

The date revealed directly indicates that someone during the Stone Age already had heliocentric ideas about the solar system, was able to measure extremely accurately the heliocentric parameters of the three planets and develop an architectural design for the Giza complex! All this is strong evidence in favor of the fact that 12.5 thousand years ago there were representatives of a highly developed civilization on Earth.

The works of Plato, Plutarch and other ancient thinkers say that civilization was brought to Earth by the gods, who came down from the sky.

Ancient Egyptian legends and myths tell that the beginning of their history goes back to a fantastic time, when the gods lived on earth with people. They were the gods Osiris, Set and the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. Osiris and Isis formed a married couple and became the first rulers of Egypt. Isis gave birth to one son Horus (Horus), who after the death of Osiris became the first pharaoh. According to legend, a race of gods ruled Egypt for many millennia. This time in myths was called the "Golden Age". In the chronology of the dynasties of kings, the Egyptians included not only all the pharaohs of the historical period (lasting about 3000 years), but also, for good reason, mentioned a fantastic era in which Egypt was ruled by gods and demigods, the last of them being the god Horus. For example, according to the chronology of the Egyptian priest Maneto, the total age of Egypt was 30 thousand years. The Egyptians claimed that the gods built the pyramids at Giza during the Golden Age. This idea was later adopted by the Greeks, who believed that Hermes (aka the god Thoth) built the pyramids. Subsequently, when Egypt was ruled by human kings, each pharaoh who ascended the throne was given the high name of Hora, personifying the divine heritage of power. The pharaoh was considered a living image of the god Horus.

In several places in the most ancient religious Egyptian writings, called the Pyramid Texts (Pyramid Texts: lines 357, 929, 935, 1000-1, 1707), there is an interesting statement that the wife and sister of Osiris Isis (Sothis), as well as their son choir are descendants of the Morning Star, i.e. planet Venus. This can only be understood in such a way that either the gods Osiris, Isis, :, or their ancestors arrived from the planet Venus!

Venus- an extraordinary planet. Most of the celestial bodies of the solar system rotate in the direction from west to east, only Venus does not obey the general rule. The Earth's neighbor, whose surface is little known to us due to its very dense atmosphere, rotates in the opposite direction: an observer on Venus would see the rising Sun in the morning in the west, and the sunset in the east.

The legends of the peoples of the East are consistent with the above conclusion (the book "Cosmic Legends of the East", 1996). They say that people lived on Venus who were a whole step ahead of humanity on Earth. They appeared on Earth as teachers of young humanity and were remembered by earthlings in the form of gods who came from heaven, who at a certain time lived on Earth along with people during the era of the “Golden Age”.


In the light of the revealed data, it can be said that ancient legends and myths bore traces of real events.

The ancient gods must be aliens of a highly developed civilization from Venus.

Currently, Venus appears to be a planet with impossible conditions for any life. Then, within the memory of mankind, a catastrophe must occur on Venus that would destroy it. The famous Roman writer-encyclopedist Varro, who lived in 116-27 BC. e., reports that during the most ancient flood, the planet Venus changed its color, size and shape. Scientific facts about Venus can confirm this version. In particular, the presence of a paradoxically slow rotation of Venus around its own axis: in the opposite direction compared to other planets and with the duration of its day equal to 243 Earth days. Based on the evolutionary concept, such an anomalous phenomenon of cosmogony cannot be explained in any reasonable way. This means that Venus still experienced some kind of catastrophe in its history?

This scenario of events allows us to explain the mystery of why the greatest pyramid, the Pyramid of Cheops, is dedicated to Venus.

By checking the relationships between the volumes of the pyramids and the masses of the corresponding planets, we arrive at the following data. The ratio of the volumes of the pyramids of Menkaure and Khafre is 0.117, which is very close to the ratio of the masses of the planets Mars and Earth, equal to 0.11. The ratio of the volumes of the pyramids of Khufu and Khafre is 1.19, which contradicts the ratio of the masses of Venus and Earth, equal to 0.82. We come to the conclusion that as a result of the catastrophe, Venus should lose 32% of its mass, which looks very unrealistic in a very short time by astronomical standards.

Let us turn to other elements of the complex that have not yet been used in this hypothesis, to the satellite pyramids. Egyptologists believe that they were intended for the wives of the pharaohs; then Khufu had three wives, Khafre had one, and Menkaure had three wives. If they were really intended for the wives of the pharaohs, then this formulation of the question has logic. However, the exact number of wives of the pharaohs has not been established. The name of only one wife of Khufu, Henutsen, is known.

Pyramids-the companions of the tomb of Menkaure are completely different in style. If the eastern one is made in a classical style, then the other two are stepped, which is very strange. According to the assumption of a number of Egyptologists, only the eastern pyramid belonged to Menkaure’s wife; not a single scientist dared to give their purpose to the other two. No traces of burial were found at all in the western satellite pyramid. All this suggests that the pyramidal complex was built according to a plan in which the companion pyramids were initially assigned a different role than simply the tombs of the pharaohs' wives.

Following the space version, it is logical to assume that the small pyramids depicted the satellites of the corresponding planets: Earth, Mars, Venus. For the Earth there will be complete agreement with this version: near the tomb of Khafre there is one small pyramid, symbolizing the Moon. In this case Mars at that time had three satellites instead of the real two: Phobos and Deimos; Venus also had three satellites.

Polish explorer Egyptian pyramids V. Zamarovsky in his book “Their Majesties Pyramids”, noticed a strangeness in the location of small pyramids near the pyramid of Cheops “Also strange is the position of the satellite pyramids of Cheops, standing east of the main pyramid, although they were usually built to the south, as for the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin ".

If we consider the drawing of the geodetic plan of the pyramids from the conditional Center, then the satellite pyramids of Khafre and Menkaure are located to the left of the main pyramid, and the satellite pyramids of Khufu lie under the main pyramid(Fig. 3). In this figure, the position of small signs relative to the basic one characterizes the time relationship. Small signs standing to the left of the main one indicate the present tense; those under the main sign indicate the past tense.

In accordance with what has been said, the nature of the disaster can be interpreted in such a way that by the moment of time recorded by the pyramid plan, the satellite system had disintegrated. This is what led to a change in the color, shape and size of the “star” Venus, observed from Earth. At the same time, the mass of the Venus planetary-satellite system decreased by 32%. This mass was redistributed in the solar system. One satellite could turn into a new planet Mercury, another could lose its orbital angular momentum during a catastrophe and be absorbed by the Sun, and the third satellite, having received additional energy, could be thrown into a higher orbit, for example, into the orbit of the asteroid belt.

Rice. 3. The relative position of the satellite pyramids and their main pyramids from the Center: 1 - the pyramid of Menkaure; 2 - Khafra; 3 - Khufu

The collapse of the Venus satellite system led to the destruction of living conditions on the planet Venus. According to Varro, a catastrophe also occurred on Earth in the form of the Great Flood, which swept away the concrete results of this era; some memories remained in legends and myths. The cause of the flood must be sought after the collapse of the satellite system of Venus. The fall of one of the hypothetical satellites on the Sun (estimated to have a mass 2.5 times greater than the mass of the planet Mercury) should cause a powerful surge in solar activity, and the interaction of a barrage of solar wind with the Earth’s geomagnetic field gave rise to a “magnetic strike” that provoked a global earthquake on Earth which ended with a flood.

We come to the following conclusion, the astronomical plan of the pyramids reflected the time of the Great Flood on Earth, a phenomenon preceded by the catastrophe of Venus. Only this can explain the image of Venus on the plane, in the past tense. As for Mars, this planet suffered a catastrophe later. This is evidenced by the current absence of the third satellite of the “red planet”.

The information that the great Egyptian pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin also conceal astronomical knowledge was known back in the sixth century BC to the great Pythagoras. Helena Blavatsky also hinted at this in 1877 in her famous book “Isis Unveiled.” But thousands of years earlier, the legendary philosopher and scientist of antiquity, Hermes, nicknamed Trismegistus (Thrice Greatest), also referring to the pyramids of Egypt, expressed this knowledge with just one profound phrase, which forever went down in history: “As above, so below.” So what is “below” - on earth and what is “above” - in heaven? On the western bank of the Nile there are a chain of pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin, with their faces oriented to the four cardinal directions (Fig. 1). About seven hundred meters east of the Pyramid of Khafre is a giant sculpture of the Sphinx. It looks like a lion lying on its belly with its front paws extended forward. He has the head of a man with a symbolic beard (it is broken off), and on his head there is a wide cloth falling down. On the forehead there is an image of a cobra (it is also broken off). And all together, the pyramids and the Sphinx form a single architectural complex, in which very important astronomical knowledge about past and future historical eras is encrypted. But in order to read the information hidden in this complex, you need to find out what the pyramids and the Sphinx symbolize in the sky. I carried out this research work at a high intellectual level, without the use of computer programs, and described it in detail in the book “Secrets of the Great Pyramids.” This article and the next one are a summary of that story.

The pyramid of Cheops corresponds to the planet Venus, and the pyramid of Khafre corresponds to the planet Earth. The dimensions of the pyramids are approximately the same. The planets Venus and Earth are also approximately the same size. The pyramid of Mikerin corresponds to the planet Mars. In terms of dimensions, the pyramid is approximately half the size of the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre. Also, Mars is almost half the size of Venus and Earth. Since ancient times, Mars has been called and continues to be called in our time the “red planet” for its characteristic red shine. And this feature of Mars was reflected in the design of the Mykerinus pyramid: it used to be lined with red granite slabs! Now there is no cladding. It was also taken from two neighboring pyramids. All three planets belong to the same terrestrial group of planets. They are heavenly relatives, connected by a common origin and destiny. And it is clearly no coincidence that three pyramids bear the names of the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin. They are also closest relatives: Khafre is the son of Cheops, and Mikerin is his grandson! And the pyramids themselves, by their location, seem to confirm this: the first in the “line” is the pyramid of Cheops (father), behind it is the pyramid of Khafre (son), and the pyramid of Mikerin (grandson) closes the “line”.

Fig. 1. Connection of the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin, their small companions and the Sphinx with the Solar System. The Sphinx symbolizes the Sun in the constellation Leo. The pyramid of Cheops corresponds to the planet Venus, the pyramid of Khafre corresponds to the planet Earth, the pyramid of Mykerinus corresponds to the planet Mars, and the small satellites of the pyramids correspond to the satellites of the planets. The distance from the pyramids to the Sphinx corresponds in relative terms to the average distance from the planets to the Sun at the time when the pyramids were built! These distances are somewhat smaller than in our time.

Each of the three pyramids has companions - small pyramids (Fig. 1). They symbolize the satellites of the planets. Next to the Cheops pyramid there are three pyramids and there is still a foundation from the unpreserved fourth pyramid. This means that Venus, when the Cheops pyramid was built, could have had four satellites. The myths of Ancient Greece and Rome, carrying in an allegorical form the cosmic knowledge of past eras, seem to confirm this: Venus-Aphrodite had several child companions, among whom were Eros (Cupid), Hymen flying on snow-white wings, “adopted son” Adonis , having a very elongated (up to Pluto) orbit, and daughter Harmony. True, astronomers and interplanetary probes launched from Earth have not yet identified them. By the way, all the pyramids - satellites of the Cheops pyramid are located at twice the distance from it than the pyramids - satellites of the pyramids of Khafre and Mikerin (Fig. 1). This feature in the location of the satellites of the Cheops pyramid can have the following explanation: either the satellites of Venus are located at a much greater distance from it than the satellites of Earth and Mars from their planets. Either the size of the Cheops pyramid, and therefore the planet Venus, was originally larger than it is now. The planet Venus has a powerful atmosphere and therefore appears to an observer on Earth to be larger in diameter than it actually is. Venus is one of the “hot” planets. Gradually cooling down, it constantly decreases in size.

There is only one pyramid next to the Pyramid of Khafre. This means that the Earth has only one satellite. And we know that this is the Moon. But next to the pyramid of Mikerin there are already three pyramids. Mars has so far discovered two satellites: Phobos and Deimos. The third companion could be, according to myths, Virtuta, the goddess of military valor. However, there is no information about him yet.

What did the giant sculpture of the Sphinx symbolize in the sky in the form of a lion with a human face? Ancient astronomers and biblical writers represented the signs of the zodiac mainly in the form of figures of living beings. The constellation Leo, for example, was symbolically represented by the figure of a lion, and the constellation Aquarius - in the form of a man pouring water from vessels. We also continue to use the ancient zodiac signs. So it turns out that the Sphinx symbolizes the constellation Leo. But since it looks to the east, where the Sun rises on the days of the spring or autumn equinoxes, we can say it differently: the Sphinx symbolizes the Sun in the constellation Leo on the day of the spring or autumn equinoxes. Now we can rightfully draw the following conclusion: on earth, the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx reflect in plan a very important moment on the celestial sphere in the location of the planets Venus, Earth and Mars relative to the Sun in the past and possibly in the future (Fig. 1 and 2) . This gives us a chance not only to determine the eras when such an event occurred or will repeat in the future (we will talk about this in the next article), but also to calculate the distances from the Sun to the planets for the era when the pyramids were built.

Nowadays, the average distance from the Sun to Venus is 108 million km, to the Earth - 150 million km, to Mars - 228 million km. If we take the distance to the Earth as one, then the relative distance to Venus will be expressed as 0.72, and to Mars - as 1.52. These ratios are comparable to similar ratios calculated for pyramids (Fig. 1). The distance from the head of the Sphinx to the center of the base of the Cheops pyramid is 620 m, to the center of the base of the Khafre pyramid is 790 m, to the center of the base of the Mikerin pyramid is 1160 m. If we take the distance to the pyramid of Khafre (Earth) as one, then the distance to the pyramid of Cheops (Venus) will be expressed as 0.78, and for the pyramid of Mikerin (Mars) - 1.47. Now let’s compare the obtained ratios for planets and pyramids. As you can see, the difference is insignificant, but it still exists. What could this mean? This may indicate that at the time of the construction of the pyramids, the distances between Mars, Earth and Venus, as well as between them and the Sun, could be less than in our time. The conclusion may be this: during the time that has passed since the construction of the Great Pyramids, the planets of the Solar System could have moved away both from the Sun and from each other. This was possible only with the expansion of interplanetary space (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The location of the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin relative to each other and the Sphinx symbolizes the position of the planets Venus, Earth and Mars in the sky at a certain astronomical moment when the Sun was in the constellation Leo. The periods of revolution of the planets around the Sun in days shown in the figure correspond to our time.

So when were the Great Pyramids built? According to the legends that Helena Blavatsky spoke about in her books, this complex was created back in the days of Atlantis, before its destruction as a result of a global catastrophe (the global flood) caused by the fall of a celestial body. The pharaohs of Egypt were only engaged in the restoration of ancient structures damaged by this disaster. Around the same time, the biblical patriarch Abraham, together with his son Ishmael, restored the destroyed Kaaba temple in Mecca. But if during the time of Atlantis the solar system was expanding, then what position is it in in our era? Modern calculations have shown that the period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun (year) tends to decrease. This fact can serve as a strong argument in favor of the fact that the Earth, and therefore other planets, are getting closer to the Sun. And this may be one of the evidence of the already ongoing process of compression of the volume of the solar system and the inevitable “end of the world”, which the biblical prophets warned about. As we get closer to the Sun, the climate on Earth will become warmer, which will lead to the formation of the “greenhouse effect”. Symptoms of this effect become more noticeable every year. The ice caps at the poles and the glaciers on the mountain tops will melt (they are already melting!). The level of ocean and groundwater will rise significantly (it is already rising!). In the next few decades, water will flood many islands and lowlands of continents, which will force tens of millions of people to look for other places to build cities, including under water and above water. Or create them on giant platforms floating across the seas and oceans. A lot of water will go into the atmosphere. Powerful hurricanes, floods and deluges, torrential rains and severe thunderstorms will accompany earthlings throughout the entire Age of Aquarius (1990 - 4150). We are all already witnesses to these natural phenomena, tragic in their consequences, growing every year.

On Mars, as it approaches the Sun and the matter of interplanetary space becomes denser, water, atmosphere and vegetation will appear. This will create conditions for the resettlement of some earthlings to the “red planet.” The need for this may arise in the foreseeable future due to the progressive deterioration of natural conditions on Earth. It is not surprising that the American, Russian and Chinese national space agencies have already announced their intentions to organize space expeditions to Mars in the next two decades, despite the enormous costs and great risk.

The compression of the volume of the Solar system and the compaction of matter in interplanetary space will be accompanied by the gradual growth of the solar corona, consisting of clouds of gas, cosmic dust and particles. Ultimately, all this will lead to the transformation of our yellow star into a red supergiant. What about the Earth? In the twenty-first century, humanity will reach the highest level in the development of its technogenic civilization, create “time machines” for traveling to the past and future, and will come into direct contact with an extraterrestrial civilization from a planet well known to ancient earthly civilizations. The Sumerians, who created the first state formations in the south of Mesopotamia (the south of modern Iraq) after the Flood, called this planet Nibiru (Intermediate) because part of its orbit passes “in the gap” between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Where the asteroid belt is located. Another name for the planet is Daya. Sometimes they meant Phaeton and even Nemesis - the goddess of fair retribution. The planet Nibiru has a very elongated orbit with a period of revolution around the Sun of about 3600 years. The planet's previous arrival took place around 1500 BC. Her visit was accompanied by numerous cataclysms that shook the Sun and our planet for two hundred years and destroyed many peoples and states of the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa. These events were reflected in the Old Testament in the ten plagues of Egypt, in the description of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. The next arrival of Nibiru will take place at the end of our twenty-first century, but spaceships from this planet are already plowing the terrestrial and lunar skies. And this visit of the heavenly wanderer will also cause great changes on Earth. Nibiru is a very energy-intensive, physically transformed planet, black as Halley's comet. It is a base for highly developed extraterrestrial civilizations. The Sumerians called it the planet of the gods. The main one was named Anu. He was considered the lord of heaven and temples were erected in his honor. The Sumerians considered the aliens who flew from Nibiru to be the sons of the god Anu and called them Anuns or Anunnaki. Over the next centuries of the Age of Aquarius (1990 - 4150), the advanced peoples will begin to rapidly grow in spiritual nature, and those who are lagging behind will begin to experience its decline. After the Age of Aquarius, this process will continue under conditions of catastrophic changes on Earth and in space and will end with the Judgment of God. It was this knowledge that was described in detail in encrypted form in the Revelation (Apocalypse) of St. John the Theologian, in the description in the Gospels of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Golgotha. The decoding of these biblical texts is published in my books, but their brief content will be presented on this Internet page in subsequent articles.

Why will our yellow Sun eventually turn into a red supergiant? It's all about the properties of space and time, their relationship! As space expands and becomes more rarefied, time slows down. Like a pyramid with the top up! When space is stabilized (neither expansion nor contraction), time is also stable. But when space is compressed and densified, the passage of time and all physical processes accelerate. Like a pyramid with the top down! All this fully applies to the Sun and the Solar System. As the solar system expanded and interplanetary space increased, time flowed slower. This period in the evolution of the solar system was like a young, growing human organism. Times of youth, energy, creative aspirations! "Golden Age" of humanity! Then equilibrium came to the Solar System (no expansion, no contraction). This period can be compared to a mature person who has reached the peak of his physical and mental development. Behind are birth and growth, and ahead are aging and death. This is already the “silver age” of humanity! And then began the era of compression of the solar system, compaction of matter in interplanetary space and acceleration of the passage of time. Thus the “Copper Age” of mankind passed and the “Iron Age” began, the shortest and worst of all the previous “ages”. This is the “age” we now live in. The space of the solar system will continue to shrink, and time will continue to move forward with acceleration. The apparent size of the Sun will increase noticeably until it turns into a red supergiant.

Time is already flowing faster than one hundred or two hundred years ago! And the Sun is already noticeably increasing its size. In just ten years (1978 - 1987), the diameter of the star increased by one hundred kilometers! These trends will continue for the next twenty thousand years until the Judgment of God, which will take place in the astronomical era of Aries - the Lamb (21430 - 23590 AD). As we see, the time allotted by the Lord is quite enough for each person, during this and subsequent lives, to transform his body, save his soul and gain eternal life. “He who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son” (Rev. 21 – 7). The Apostle Peter drew the attention of Christians to the peculiarity of this period in the evolution of mankind in his Second Council Epistle: “The Lord is not slack in fulfilling his promise, as some consider slackness; but he is patient with us, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” “And consider the patience of our Lord to be salvation...” However, a lot here will depend on the person himself. If in our time, and even more so in subsequent times, in new incarnations, he does not strive for spiritual perfection, for harmony of soul and body, but focuses on material values, then he will miss the moment and will be doomed. Everything is in full accordance with the Revelation (Apocalypse) of St. John the Theologian.

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