You need to find time for yourself. Mission: Find time for yourself

Do you feel a hamster on a running wheel, who runs without a break? Do you feel like your life no longer belongs to you and is completely devoted to work, family and the metropolis? If you are so consumed by things that you cannot remember when you did anything for yourself, our article is for you! We present to you 8 simple tips:

Let’s say right away that our advice, to one degree or another, is suitable for both working women and young mothers staying at home with their baby. The main thing is to try to use the advice in relation to your situation.

So how do you find time for yourself?

You don't have to carry absolutely everything on yourself. If earlier a woman’s purpose was to raise children and take care of the house, now her responsibilities have expanded significantly. We not only fulfill family responsibilities, but also earn money, study, and someone else does additional social work.

The ability to delegate is universal, use it to find time for yourself!

If you are not on desert island, like Robinson Crusoe, it means there are people around you. If you are a boss, you have subordinates (the site “Beautiful and Successful” has already talked about this). If you are a wife, you have a husband and relatives. If you are a young mother, you have a nanny, kindergarten or development group.

Analyze your daily activities: repetitive, routine and highlight those that someone else besides you can do. Feel free to give them to others, ask for help. The freed up time is yours (and you don’t need to fill it with new things)!

Yes, we all know the story about Julius Caesar, who could do several things at once. But now his glory fades against the background of the driver minibus. In turn, the glory of a taxi driver fades against the background of a modern woman.

Ability to multitasking everyone has a different one. Ability to perceive information too (auditory or visual). But there are things you can definitely do together.

For example, riding in a car (bus, subway) and listening to an audiobook that you don’t have time to read in paper form. You can do household chores with a cosmetic mask on your face and hair. You've finished cleaning, washed your face and you're as fresh as a morning rose again! 😉 While your car is at the wash, leave your phone number to the staff and take a walk.

Finding enjoyable time for yourself while doing other things is quite possible. Learn to plan your routes correctly, so that you can combine useful things with small joys.

My aunt likes to repeat: “In our time there was no Internet, no modern washing machines, no abundance in stores. But I still managed to do everything! And I managed with two children without helpers (there were no grandmothers nearby), and the apartment was tidy, and dinner was always ready for my husband!”

And we were much luckier. We live in an age of smart technology and diapers instead of diapers! Surround yourself smart household robots, and they will let you find free time for yourself!

If you put laundry in the washing machine, plates in the dishwasher, and set the multicooker on a timer, you have three things going on at once and with virtually no input from you.

Do you have a car? Great! Do it in it autorun function. Then you won't have to waste 15 minutes of your life sitting in a cold car warming it up. You leisurely drink your morning coffee while listening to the news, and then get into a warm car to go straight to work.

When the column “let’s go to the theater”, “we’re flying to Goa”, “massage therapist” appears in your busy work schedule, you involuntarily begin adjust your schedule to these tasks. Give yourself pleasant things to do for the month ahead. And don’t just write, but actually plan (buy tickets, negotiate with people).

You will simply have nowhere to go when it’s time to relax! Agree that find time for yourself and your rest“here and now” is catastrophically difficult!

There are things that we can order without leaving home (from work). Online stores– this is a significant time saving. They will bring you everything, from clothes to food. Free shipping is becoming the norm for most stores.

While you click on products, you can chat with a friend! The store will come to you and you don’t need to carry huge bags, waste time and energy.

  • Leave work on time (if you have regular working hours, you have the right!).
  • Take breaks to concentrate better.
  • Go to bed on time. Remember that it is better to go to bed before midnight. At this time, sleep intensity is much greater and immunity is restored. You better get up earlier in the morning and do things that you didn’t have time to do in the evening.

To everyone who tries to take your personal time. No to chatty clients, no to boring consultants, no to colleagues dumping their work on you, no to TV advertising, no to everyone who sits on your neck!

You will never be able to find extra time for yourself if you do not protect it from encroachments.

When we are always in a whirlpool of affairs, we have there is no time to think. We are running to no one knows where and why.

As soon as you have a free minute, calmly and without rushing think about your desires and goals. Write them down. Don't lose yourself in this hectic world, there is only one life. Try to get rid of things that you don't need.

Without a doubt, the entire team of the women's site is successful women who know firsthand about the problem of saving time for your beloved! We are pleased to share with you our positive experience of learning how to find unoccupied time for yourself, your family and relaxation.

Thank you for being able to find a moment for us! 😉

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Unfortunately, after becoming a mother, many women forget that they are women! And they plunge headlong into motherhood. As a result, every day turns into Groundhog Day, despite the fact that the child brings a lot of joy and happiness. And in order to fully enjoy all the delights of motherhood, mom needs rest, yes, a woman needs a break even from the baby - this little bundle of happiness.

It is worth saying that it doesn’t matter whether a mother works or is “sitting” on maternity leave - she always needs rest. There are many reasons for this, and despite the fact that they are known to everyone, we will voice them again.

Why does mom need rest?

1. Childbirth and pregnancy are a lot of stress for a woman’s body, so it is very important.

What kind of rest does mom need?

By the word “rest,” each person means something different, but the main thing a mother needs during maternity leave is:

  • full 8 hours sleep
  • walks outside
  • communication with other people
  • sports
  • time for your hobby
  • the opportunity to spend some time without the child
  • reading, internet
  • time for self care.

It is very important that a woman with a child is supported by her husband. Daddy must respect mom's time, help her as much as possible and support her in everything. It’s very good if the husband has the opportunity to take a vacation after the birth of the child - in this case, he can help at night, bathe the baby, go for a walk with him and thereby save the mother’s energy after childbirth, making it easier for her to combine household chores and care child in the future.

By the way, even if the husband continues to work, he may well help his beloved wife so that she has time for herself. Dad's help is as follows:

Things that can wait

Understand that the mess in the house and dirty dishes will not go away, and there will always be time for this, but the baby does not sleep all day, so during quiet time Be sure to lie down next to the baby. Take advantage of every moment to relax.

Successful people work hard to achieve this very success. And the question arises, and where to get this is the time? After all, there are only 24 hours in a day.

That’s the thing, other people who have achieved success also have this same resource - they just manage it differently.

Found it on the net wonderful article on this subject, “How to learn to get up early.” Read and comment.

I noticed that, the earlier I get up, the better I feel and the more I accomplish.

At first it was very difficult to rearrange my daily routine - habit, as we know, is second nature. I'm used to going to bed when I want and getting up at 7-8 in the morning. On weekends, I naturally went to bed later and got up later.

One day I decided to try getting up every day at 5 am for a month and realized that it was healthier, healthier and more productive. Of course, it is very difficult to get up at 5 am if you don’t know how to do it correctly. Everything requires a competent strategy.

There are two main approaches to the issue of sleep. The first approach is to always fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

Proponents of the second approach believe that you need to listen to your body and go to bed and wake up when you want. They are sure that our body itself knows how much time it needs to sleep.

Through trial and error, I have come to the conclusion that both of these approaches are not 100% optimal for me. As we have said many times, the choice of approach depends on the goal. My goal is maximum productivity during the day, a feeling of harmony, balance and happiness.

If you try to go to bed at the same time, you will often have to go to bed even when you don’t want to. Each of our days is absolutely different from other days, which means our needs for sleep and rest are completely different. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to set yourself up to the fact that sleep should always last the same time. It seems to me that if you can’t fall asleep within the first 5 minutes, it’s too early to go to bed.

If you follow the second approach, that is, I sleep as much as I want, then you will almost certainly sleep from 8 to 10 hours, and this is an absolutely waste of precious time. Although, if in life there is no big goal, you can sleep 12-15 hours a day.

The less meaning there is in a person’s life, the more time he sleeps. This is obviously because real life occurs during wakefulness. If a person does not see the point in feeling alert and focused, then sleep takes on more meaning for him.

For myself, I found what I think is the optimal solution - to combine these two approaches: I go to bed only when I really want to and wake up 7 days a week at the same time. The body itself senses when it’s time to rest, and I wake up no later than 5 am.

In the evening I trust my body more than my mind, and in the morning everything happens the other way around - the mind takes precedence over the body. At night, the body disconnects from everything human and plunges into an animal unconscious state, so when the alarm clock rings at 5 am, I don’t listen to my body because I don’t trust it. But in the evening, when I am fully conscious and my body requires sleep, I treat it with respect and do what it asks. Sometimes I go to bed at 21:30, sometimes I work productively until 24:00, but on average I go to bed at 22:30. I usually fall asleep while reading a book - my eyes just close on their own.

I put the alarm clock away from the bed, then you have to get up to turn it off. Usually, in the first 5 minutes after sleep, there is a struggle inside me between the mind and the body, which wants to return back to an unconscious state of complete relaxation and bliss. Then the drowsiness passes and pride appears in your first victory of the new day. Very often, immediately after waking up, I read something positive and inspiring for 5-10 minutes - this allows me to stretch my mind, heart and soul.

Now I sleep about 1.5 hours less than I slept before, and I feel much better, more alert, alive and energetic. Assuming that working week on average it lasts 40 hours, then 1.5 hours every day is an additional 14 working weeks a year! On the other hand, if we assume that a person is awake 18 hours a day, we get an extra month per year! And if you take a 10-year perspective, it turns out to be almost a whole year of life!

Now draw your conclusions. He who is informed is armed. It's better to know than not to know. It's easy to do, but even easier not to do. This is our freedom - to do or not to do, to know or not to know.

P.S. I’ll get up at 5 am tomorrow and run down the street :)

We often encounter the phenomenon of lack of time and energy. You all probably know that if a woman feels tired and has Bad mood– then those around you will also be unhappy. The atmosphere in the house depends on it. How a woman feels internally is how her cohabitants will feel too. A tired woman is the result of an incorrect routine, prioritization and reluctance to receive help from loved ones. Why? And I will try to describe this in this article.

I myself sometimes feel tired, but I still always try to find time for myself. This main principle which women often miss. “I’d rather do this, that, and that first, and then I’ll take care of myself, if I have time” - this is a wrong opinion. Unfortunately, there are many who have their priorities wrong. If so, then she will not have the inspiration to do things, she will be in a bad mood and it turns out that even if she does something, she may not get any pleasure from fulfilling her duties at all.

“Laziness is a great indicator true desire do something" Unknown author

The first time after giving birth, I couldn’t cope with everything I planned for the day. Sometimes I didn’t have enough time for household chores. It depressed me. Order in the house is another component of a girl’s good mood. If everything is tidy at home, then everything in my head is also organized, and I am in a satisfied state. I think that every girl has noticed that if she is in a bad mood, she stands and somehow everything gets better on its own, and her soul becomes lighter.

Over time, I learned to cope with everything on my own and now, when our baby is still 2 months old, I have time to bake (sometimes even every day), cook, wash, iron, take care of the baby, take time for myself, and walk with my son. on the street and have also resumed writing articles - this is the main part of the work that I do in a day.

The main thing you need to pay attention to: if you suddenly don’t have time, If you don’t feel well or simply don’t have time, leave your household chores, you will return to this as soon as you come to your senses, pay attention to your main priorities. On at the moment for me it is: baby, me and my husband.

My husband and I noticed that our son is completely dependent on my internal state. If I’m nervous or just don’t feel well, then he’s worried too, starts being capricious and attracts attention to himself in every possible way. If I’m in a great mood, internally satisfied and calm, then he feels great accordingly.

Therefore, so that my beloved boys are in good mood- I'm trying recharge from within by devoting and enjoying what you love. For example, my favorite thing to do is bake. This is what inspires me. Delighting your loved ones with your culinary skills means being filled with happiness from within. I think every girl has her favorite thing, something in which she feels inspired. This is what she needs to take up from time to time in order to be in good shape, and not be discouraged and tired.

My husband also inspires me a lot. This is another principle to consider. Find that person who will inspire you practical advice, praise and approval, and sometimes even criticism or comments. This is what allows us to grow, and not wither away like a plant in a flower pot if it is not looked after.

You also need to be able to ask loved ones for help. If you don’t have time for something, or lack time, or you would simply like to have help - ask, ask and ask! Don’t be afraid that you’re annoying someone or waiting for them to figure it out themselves. We sometimes think a lot about one thing or another and often not what the other person actually thinks. A woman is all the more prone to weakness, and if she allows herself to be helped, she feels a huge supply of energy. Therefore, if you suddenly feel that you need support, ask and don’t be afraid of it.

“He who does not knock will not be opened” Unknown author

Don't let your affairs get to the point of being overwhelmed. Then it will be very difficult for you to clear everything out if you are busy every day. Believe me, if you little by little spend time every day for those things that tend to accumulate, it will be much easier for you to deal with it, and your mood will only improve.

How do I cope with baby care and responsibilities? Like many mothers who manage to do everything. Namely, as soon as the baby falls asleep, not a minute is wasted, I run to do things that need me. This has done me good, now I appreciate every minute I have during the day. And caring for the baby - from which I am charged with positivity, and doing planned things, from which I also enjoy.

Love what you do and then you won’t have problems internal contradiction, you will be satisfied with everything that surrounds you.

Psychology of relationships


22.01.14 14:07

Time flies quickly and unnoticed. We strive to be on time for everything, everywhere, especially for women. We run to the kitchen to prepare food, start putting on makeup and putting ourselves in order, then get the child ready for school, feed our husband, sort out important documents, and then rush to work, and so on every day.

At the end of the day, fatigue and self-resentment sets in. The day has passed and you still haven’t been able to find time for yourself? Then you just need to read this article to the end.

As ridiculous as it may sound, try to plan your day. Write down on a separate piece of paper the things that need to be done today. All matters should be arranged in order of importance and urgency. Start doing the things you don't like to do first. At the end of the day, do what you enjoy.

Train yourself to order

Women often spend a lot of time cleaning their apartment. Try to do it differently: don’t litter, put all items in their place, teach your children and husband to do this. In the morning, a woman who is in a hurry to go to work usually cannot find the necessary things the first time. It all starts with grumbling, quickly moving from one room to another, and then the mood spoils for the whole day.

Do what you love

Many women were taught that their place was in the kitchen. Their responsibilities also include washing clothes, cooking, and doing homework with the child. Most men think so, but remember that a woman also works in addition to all this, and, by the way, no less than men. Do something you enjoy doing. For example, knitting, reading books, watching TV series. Find time for yourself, even if it is in the evening or closer to night, but this time is simply necessary for you.

Distribute responsibilities correctly

Discuss this issue with your spouse; if the girl is not yet married, she should talk to her parents. Try to properly divide responsibilities in the family. If it is a husband, then he can also do homework with the child; if it is parents, they can also help in cleaning the rooms.

Don't remember working at home

If possible, avoid touching work when you are at home, and don't fiddle with paperwork worrying about what may or may not happen at work. It is also strongly recommended to return from work on time, do not stay there for any trifle.

Have a private evening

Give yourself one day a week when you just relax. Let it be evening time after work, but during this time you should not worry about food, the child's homework or unwashed dishes. This “private evening” should be exclusively your day.

Finding time for yourself is extremely important. This way, you will be able to renew your strength and will not be so tired at work. In addition, free time will make you feel like a full-fledged person who has not yet forgotten how to enjoy life. Use all the above recommendations for yourself to find “lost” time.

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