Irreversible nature. Sentences containing the word “irreversible” What does the expression irreversible mean?

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Sentences containing "irreversible"

We found 50 sentences containing the word "irreversible". Also see synonyms for irreversible.
Meaning of the word

  • Thus, in Russia it became even more clear irreversible the process of formation of capitalist relations.
  • Obviously the world is becoming more and more complex and this irreversible process.
  • The commission's general findings stated that many prisoners of war arrived at the camps with diseases that irreversible character.
  • Further events take irreversible character.
  • The whole thing is heading towards this, and this process irreversible.
  • Autocracy is strengthening, which under Peter I acquires irreversible character.
  • During the war years the disease became painful, irreversible character.
  • The crisis of power has acquired irreversible character, the tsarist government was losing proper control over the growing menacing events.
  • To allow the cause of the disease and the disease itself to be accepted irreversible character.
  • Could the Germans have turned? irreversible progress of the war?
  • Moskowitz, on the contrary, is presented to some extent even insultingly: “ Irreversible programmer, assassin."
  • But the collapse of the army has already taken place irreversible character.
  • He is alien to the idea that any philosophical system is capable of being responsible for radical and irreversible gap in the history of thought.
  • First bye irreversible and clearly fixed.
  • From that moment on, events took on irreversible character.
  • Events took irreversible nature, saving their lives, the ruler’s companions abandoned her.
  • But the main thing, dear Greta, is that I am already on this path with both feet and am preparing to take the first irreversible step.
  • On the contrary, ignorance makes a person indifferent to the world, and indifference grows slowly, but irreversibly like a cancerous tumor.
  • Unfortunately, if all this was really so, what happened could irreversibly change Jack's attitude towards me.
  • How quickly and irreversibly everything has changed to the opposite, mundane-practical, useful-useless!
  • This also includes the past of historical events, because time irreversibly.
  • Zhenya shook her head, driving away the memories and again plunging into the sticky fear of emptiness and anticipation of something irreversibly th.
  • Bulgakov's main interest always remained the person living in irreversibly changing world.
  • She felt that irreversibly is changing.
  • There are so many families collapsing around, sometimes irreversibly.
  • Is it any wonder that I remembered this in the very first year of the present and irreversibly th self-exile, in the Belleville quarter?
  • The human psyche is distorted in most cases irreversibly.
  • But Bulgakov’s main interest always remained a person living in the world, irreversibly changing before our eyes.
  • On the afternoon of February 27, it became clear to the authorities: an uprising irreversibly.
  • From irreversibly th The curvature of his spine was saved by a high school student who was professionally involved in sports.
  • He always lived in it and irreversibly The Son of God, and this always directed Him to Heaven, to where other and distant Worlds were revealed to Him.
  • Beria's position could strengthen quickly and irreversibly.
  • She understood too well that with her husband's departure into politics, their lives irreversibly will change.
  • The point is that matters of the heart could irreversibly change the fate of a woman, although they did not at all influence the fate of a man.
  • And at the same time it changed for me irreversibly.
  • Under the monotonous humming sound of wheels, our fate changed irreversibly, the foundations of everyday life were broken.
  • After this, the ideological situation changed irreversibly, as well as the strategic balance of power.
  • We need new people who will understand what happened irreversibly, and somehow adapt to new conditions.
  • In a transparent post-industrial world, the nature of success irreversibly is changing.
  • During the months you spent in prison, the world around you has changed irreversibly.
  • And this pursuit for the company turned into a fun race for enormous wealth, more than once irreversibly changing the company in many aspects.
  • How everything broke, collapsed, was built and irreversibly changed.
  • The Russian state is now centralized and irreversibly involved in the fight.
  • I still believe that loans-for-shares auctions created a political basis for irreversibly th defeat of the communists in the 1996 elections.
  • Russia is starting for real and irreversibly win.
  • Having returned from graduate school to Ufa, I instantly and irreversibly rotted in a local swamp.
  • By that time, I myself was clearly aware that there was something irreversibly distinguishes me from others.
  • Nothing irreversibly th no, people just need to be on the side irreversibly sti.
  • My father's decision was irreversibly, and no one seemed to be able to resist it.
  • The latter suffered almost irreversibly.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

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Residents of a house on Lomonosov Street in Stavropol sounded the alarm about dying trees of valuable species. We contacted the editors of the Stavropol Provincial Gazette.

The Peking store on Lomonosov Street is a famous place in the city center. Trees are planted in front of the trade facility. An activist at house No. 2 on Lomonosov Street, Nelly Pavlovna Kharitonova, believes that the trees belong to the scarlet variety. This is a very beautiful tree that is common in North America, the Mediterranean, Southeast and East Asia. Some types of scarlet grass are quite cold-resistant, so they can exist in the climatic conditions of some Russian regions. The scarlet tree is also called the Judas tree, because according to one legend, a repentant biblical character took his own life on this tree.

It is clear that the scarlet-haired women on Lomonosov Street have been looked after: they have had their hair cut. But it looks like the trees are dying or have died. There are no leaves on the branches anymore. There are already four such trunks and branches without leaves. And it is clear that the disease has affected other neighboring trees. What happened to them, why are they dying?

The area where the damaged trees stand is a paid parking lot. Nelly Pavlovna suggests that when they laid asphalt in the parking lot, too small islands of earth were left around the trees - less than a meter by meter. This living space is obviously not enough for trees, so they suffer and die.

Perhaps there are other reasons for trees dying. Nelly Kharitonova, for example, saw how street cleaners poured rubbish swept from the sidewalks to the roots of trees. Perhaps this litter also contained something harmful to tree plantations. Some kind of chemicals that are sprinkled on city streets in winter to melt the ice.

“SGV” conveyed the concerns of the residents of Lomonosov Street to the city authorities, asked to understand the reasons for the death of the trees, to give a comment. And then came the answer signed by the acting. First Deputy Head of the Stavropol City Administration Denis Alpatov. The letter states that specialists from the municipal unitary enterprise Gorzelenstroy, having examined the green spaces, identified the presence of four dead trees (purple tree).

According to Gorzelenstroevites, several negative factors led to the drying out of trees: damage caused by stem pests, diseases of the tree plantations themselves and their aging (high physiological age), as well as an unfavorable soil environment.

“The consequences of the impact of these factors are irreversible and require a decision to remove dead trees,” concludes the acting director. First Deputy Head of the Administration of Stavropol. That is, the scarlet ones, unfortunately, died, they can no longer be saved, but can only be cut down.

And the response of the city authorities does not say anything about why the specialists did not pay attention to the diseased trees earlier, when they were still alive, and did not take action.


Photo by Viktor Nesterenko

There are three types of lies: simply
lies, damned lies and statistics.
B. Disraeli

What are irreversible processes and how are they related to the movement of heat? Why is a dynamic description (a description based on the laws of dynamics) not applicable for a system with a large number of particles? What is the statistical description? How does a statistical description explain the nature of irreversible processes?


Michelangelo da Caravaggio. Shulera (Card Players)
Playing cards is subject to probabilistic laws, but if players cheat, the outcome can be predetermined.

IRREVERSIBLE CHARACTER OF THERMODYNAMIC PROCESSES. The previous paragraph talked about the qualitative difference between the processes of heat movement and mechanical movements: heat transfer processes always proceed in one direction - from a hot body to a cold one. This unidirectional movement is called irreversible movement. The irreversibility of processes means that processes that are reversed in time are not observed in nature. Many mechanical processes are reversible. If you film the movement of an electric train or the oscillations of a pendulum, and then scroll the film in the opposite direction, you will see a completely normal movement.

True, even for mechanical processes the reversibility is not entirely complete. If the oscillations of the pendulum are filmed for a long time, then when the film moves in reverse, you will notice that the amplitude of the oscillations continuously increases, which is not observed in nature. And if you scroll in the opposite direction the process of a skier’s descent, you will immediately see an unrealistic process.

Remembering your physics course, you will easily understand that in irreversible mechanical processes, mechanical energy is not conserved and turns into heat. It can be concluded (and this can be strictly proven) that all mechanical irreversible processes are associated with the conversion of mechanical energy into heat. Another example of an irreversible process is the expansion of gas into space. By opening a compressed gas cylinder, you release the gas to the outside. The reverse process, in which gas spontaneously compresses and fills a balloon, is not observed in nature.

Many processes in nature, in particular thermodynamic ones, are irreversible, that is, reverse processes are not observed in nature.

HEAT AS A RESULT OF THE MOTION OF MANY MICROPARTICLES. From your physics course, you know that heat is associated with the movement of atoms and molecules in a substance, and the absolute temperature of a body is proportional to the average kinetic energy of the particles that make up the substance.

But the movement of particles obeys mechanical laws. Consequently, by studying the mechanical movement of the particles that make up matter, one can understand the reason for the irreversibility of thermodynamic processes.

However, insurmountable difficulties arise along this path. Remember chemistry, the concept of 1 mole, the number of particles in 1 mole of gas and the volume occupied by the gas in the amount of substance 1 mole. A typical three-liter jar contains approximately 10 23 gas molecules. This is a huge number! Writing so many equations, much less solving them, is an unrealistic task. But, most importantly, for practical purposes this is not necessary. All parameters measured by our instruments are expressed through certain average values ​​characterizing the motion of the particle. To calculate the average values ​​of a large number of objects that make up a system, a special branch of mathematics was developed - mathematical statistics.

A dynamic description based on Newton's laws is not applicable for a macroscopic system consisting of a large number of particles. To explain the qualitative features (in particular, irreversibility) of thermodynamic processes, it is necessary to move on to a statistical description.

FUNDAMENTALS OF STATISTICAL DESCRIPTION. Statistical description is based on the concepts probability And average values parameters characterizing the objects that make up the system. Instead of tracking the movement of each molecule, i.e., determining its coordinates and speeds at each moment of time, the probability is determined that the molecule, during its movement, falls into some region of space and has a speed that has a value in a given interval.

Knowledge of such probabilities allows, according to certain mathematical rules, to calculate the average values ​​of macroscopic characteristics (temperature, pressure, etc.) of a macroscopic system.

Statistical methods for describing a system with a large number of particles are based on the concept of “probability” and calculations based on knowledge of the probabilities of the average values ​​of various quantities characterizing the system.

STATISTICAL NATURE OF IRREVERSIBILITY OF THERMODYNAMIC PROCESSES. It was statistical methods, and not a dynamic description, that made it possible to clarify the nature of the irreversibility of thermodynamic processes. We will explain this using a particular example - the expansion of gas into emptiness. Suppose that a closed vessel is divided by a partition into two halves, one of which contains gas, and the other contains vacuum. Obviously, if you open the partition, the gas will fill the entire vessel. This is an irreversible process; the reverse process is not observed in nature (Fig. 71).

Rice. 71. Processes in a vessel with gas: observable (a) and unobservable (b)

To explain irreversibility, let us calculate the probability that with the chaotic movement of molecules throughout the vessel, they will all at some point gather in one (to be specific, in the left) half of the vessel. To do this, we will mentally increase the number of molecules in the gas, starting with one molecule.

For one molecule everything is obvious. Since during chaotic movement it can end up in either the left or right half of the vessel, the probability of ending up in the left half is 1/2. For two molecules it is somewhat more complicated. There are four possible options for placing molecules in the halves of the vessel (Fig. 72).

Rice. 72. Methods of placing two molecules in a vessel with gas

And only one option interests us. According to the rule for calculating probability, the probability that two molecules in chaotic motion will end up in the left half of the vessel is 1/4. We suggest that those wishing to do further calculations independently. For three molecules, if you calculate correctly, you should get 1/8, and for N molecules, you should get 1/2 N.

At large N, the value of 1/2 N turns out to be very small, i.e., the probability of molecules getting into one half of the vessel becomes extremely small. Let's assume that you can photograph molecules wandering around a vessel, taking pictures at random times. Then, on average, in only one of 2 N images you will see that they are in the left half of the vessel. Already with N = 50, on average you have to take 10 15 (a thousand trillion!) pictures to get one in which all the molecules are collected in one half of the vessel. Even if you use a high-speed movie camera, it will take you tens of billions of years! But in a real macroscopic volume there are not 50, but about 1023 molecules. The probability of 1/2 50 is so small that these values ​​​​cannot even be compared with something real. These calculations allow us to conclude that irreversibility is due to the fact that reverse processes are unlikely.

We began the paragraph with Disraeli's statement, but we used statistics to explain the phenomenon of irreversibility of thermodynamic processes. But statistics are often used in such a way that, wittingly or unwittingly, they mislead or simply deceive those to whom they are addressed. Read the joke about statistics and then the paragraph below.

When you read that every second label removed from a bottle of “something-cola” brings winnings, including a car (50% chance of winning), you should think about it. Most likely, you will win something like a plastic cup with the company logo, the cost of which is the same as the price of the bottle. The probability of winning a car, if different from zero, is extremely small. When you are offered to invest money in a company, claiming that statistics indicate a return on investment of 50%, remember the basics of economics and think about where the money comes from.

The irreversibility of thermodynamic processes is explained by the fact that processes opposite to real ones are extremely unlikely and therefore are not observed in nature.

All major bodily ailments and all human misfortunes in general are associated with cucumbers, as statistics clearly indicate.

  1. Almost all people suffering from chronic diseases ate cucumbers.
  2. 99.9% of all people who died from cancer ate cucumbers.
  3. 100% of all soldiers ate cucumbers.
  4. 99.7% of all victims of car and plane accidents consumed cucumbers in the two weeks preceding the fatal accident.
  5. 99.1% of all juvenile delinquents come from families where cucumbers were regularly consumed.

Even more convincing is the result obtained by a renowned team of medical scientists: guinea pigs that were force-fed 20 pounds of cucumbers a day for a month lost all appetite!

The only way to avoid the harmful effects of cucumbers is to change your diet. Eat, for example, swamp orchid soup. As follows from statistical data, no one has ever died from it.

(With abbreviations and minor changes from the book “Physicists Are Joking.”)

  • Why is the dynamic description inapplicable for a system consisting of a large number of particles?
  • How can we use probability to explain the irreversibility of the process of gas diffusion?

Regulars of one of the Internet forums, deeply concerned about the fate of the Motherland, come to the conclusion that the collapse of Russia and the degradation of its population have become irreversible. Then they decide “instead of this ridiculous Rus', which faces every stone everywhere,” to recreate the great Scythia, a mighty invincible power.

And their seemingly crazy plan begins to come true at fantastic speed...

Manufacturing quality control and repair technology for composite structures

V. V. Vorobey Technical literature Absent

The training manual examines issues of quality control in the manufacture of products or structural elements and shows the possibility of repairing structures if existing defects are not irreversible. Developments of technological processes are presented that make it possible to control the quality of not only the manufacture of the structure, but also its repair.

The book is intended for specialists in the field of design and production of composite products, teachers, students and graduate students of technical universities.

Tulsky – Tokarev

Andrey Konstantinov Modern detectives Absent

Cultural-historical concept of non-contradiction of scientific and religious truths

Natalya Rassadina Journalism: other Absent

The Universe, wrote G. Leibniz, is an ocean, so that the slightest movement in it resonates at the most distant distance. In the endless “web” of relationships and connections is the life of the world. The development of the world is an irreversible, definite, directed and natural change in material and ideal objects, leading to the emergence of a new quality.

The development of the world is based not on random events, but on events arising from the very essence of the object and from the type of its interaction with the surrounding world. The interaction of opposites is a contradiction, which is the deepest source, basis and final cause of the emergence, self-movement and development of objects.

In the constant struggle of opposing forces, old and new, humanity moves forward. The socio-historical process is the development of society along the path of progress, towards a reasonable and fair future, it is the evolutionary ascent of human consciousness.

A special place in elucidating the problem of historical progress belongs to Hegel. He views history as a single and natural process in which each era, being unique, is at the same time a necessary step in the overall development of mankind.

History is a single global process, the general, single criterion of which is the concept of freedom. Hegel emphasized that the development of society is progressive in nature due to the fact that it reveals progress in the consciousness of freedom. The world history of mankind is a necessary process of the natural progressive movement of mankind from some forms of its social organization to others, more perfect.

The development of the world proceeds from simple to complex, becoming more complex, creating levels of a higher order.

Tulsky - Tokarev. Part 2

Andrey Konstantinov Modern detectives Tulsky – Tokarev

From an early age, Arthur Tulsky hung around with punks, and was raised by a thief nicknamed Warsaw. Tulsky was subconsciously ready to forge authority in a criminal environment. Artem Tokarev grew up with his father, who worked in the criminal investigation department, and dreamed of becoming an opera singer. But life mixed up all the plans... Artem earned a criminal record in a random fight and deprived himself of the opportunity to get into the authorities.

Arthur, having learned from his own experience the value of thieves' romance, went to serve in the criminal investigation department. Their destinies are intertwined, despite differences in character and upbringing. And when the shadow of a serial killer appears in their lives, they decide to find him... The consequences will be irreversible...

Ping Pong

Valery Khazin Horror and Mystery Missing No data

If you read the play until the fifteenth page, you won’t be able to put it down. An ambitious young table tennis coach, nicknamed Tops, wanting to win the sympathy of the young players of the national team, comes up with a “detective game”, which, according to his plan, should keep his young players occupied during a month of training camp.

However, the GAME gradually gets out of control and subjugates the players, acquiring an unexpected and dramatic character. The blissful and cozy world of teenage athletes explodes. The "hunt for the treasure" turns into something much more serious. How far are adults ready to go in their desire to manipulate children and build their lives according to their scenarios? What is the price of social success? How far are teenagers willing to go in their contradictory quest to resist the adult world and at the same time join it as soon as possible? In the fast and irreversible twists and turns, it begins to seem that it is not the heroes who are colliding in search of the “magic racket”, but it itself decides the destinies of the heroes.

The GAME involves its participants in a series of betrayals and crimes and leads to an unpredictable outcome.

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