OGE in computer science what you need to know. Taking the exam

Course Description: I am glad to present you a unique intensive course to prepare for OGE in computer science. Each lesson provides basic knowledge for each task from the OGE.

Basic highlight The course is that all the techniques and nuances are explained in clear, human language. In video tutorials consciously Confused, dry terms are not used. Words such as conjunction, disjunction, truth table will no longer give you nightmares at night.

It is figurative conscious approach is taken as the basis for this course. Now both the poor student and the excellent student will be equally good at navigating OGE in computer science.

The course is real find and for computer science teachers. Two pedagogical novelties!(Supertechnika, Finger method). These techniques cannot be found in any manual.

After each lesson, you are given the opportunity to consolidate the material covered in practice using a unique online testing system. This system is a convenient personal account where you choose which task to train. You can see statistics about correctly and incorrectly solved problems. If the task is solved correctly, it lights up green; if incorrectly, it lights up red. This allows the student to control which tasks are already in perfect condition and which need to be improved. The teacher can give an independent test or a test using the student’s personal account, and the website will independently check all the tasks and display in the form of a chart the number of correctly and incorrectly solved tasks.

Psychology exam, dangerous traps, useful tips, modern techniques - all this without concealment, as honestly as possible, is presented in the video course on preparing for the OGE in computer science 2018!

Part two coming soon!

First part

Task No. Description Video link
1 Ability to evaluate quantitative parameters of information objects. The concept of units of measurement of information is introduced. A table is provided for the translation of various units of information between each other. 2 examples are analyzed qualitatively and in detail. Valuable advice was given.
2 Ability to determine the meaning of a logical expression.
Pedagogical novelty: Super technology. Watch the lesson and try to solve problems using an intuitive technique: “Super Technique”! The lesson shows how to solve problems in the classical way.
3 Ability to analyze formal descriptions of real objects and processes. Task 3 considered OGE in computer science. Reliable and practical solution methods are given.
4 Knowledge of file system for organizing data. Video tutorial with analysis of the fourth problem OGE in computer science. Knowledge is within you! The lesson shows how to reveal the knowledge that you already have!
5 Ability to present formulaic relationships graphically. In the lesson everything is laid out on the shelves. Enjoy!
6 The ability to execute an algorithm for a specific performer with a fixed set of commands. This video explains the solution to task 6 OGE in computer science. In a simple and visual form it shows how to easily and quickly cope with this cumbersome task.
7 Ability to encode and decode information. The main points of solving the 7th task are considered OGE in computer science. Let's take a point.
8 Ability to execute a linear algorithm written in an algorithmic language. One of the easiest tasks. It is necessary to decide!
9 Ability to execute a simple cyclic algorithm written in an algorithmic language.
Pedagogical novelty: Finger method! This method allows you to save energy and time on the exam! Plus, it's memorable!
10 Ability to execute a cyclic algorithm for processing an array of numbers, written in an algorithmic language. This video lesson is of particular interest to students. Colorful diagrams and a thorough analysis of each line of program code will not leave you indifferent. Complete these tasks and show this video to your friends!
11 Ability to analyze information presented in the form of diagrams. The video tells how to solve task 11 OGE in computer science modern, effective method.
12 Ability to search a ready-made database using a formulated condition. Three examples are analyzed. The video is suitable for the most unprepared viewers. Everything is shown on your fingers!
13 Knowledge of the discrete form of representation of numerical, text, graphic and audio information. This video reveals the essence of composing numbers in various number systems. Reliable methods are given for converting numbers from the decimal system to binary and vice versa. And also, from this video lesson you will learn why we work in the decimal system

Dmitry Kozheurov:


I was preparing for the OGE in computer science without tutors, but I attended electives at school. In addition, video tutorials on YouTube helped a lot.

Subscribe to "PU" intelegram . Only the most important things.

I was very nervous, of course, during the exam. When we started working on the computer to do tasks in Excel (and I was not good friends with them), I panicked. But when solving test problems, everything was calm.

Dmitry Losev:


I didn’t prepare for the computer science exam, I just worked on converting numbers from binary to decimal and vice versa.

In order to pass with a positive grade, you need to solve problems in Pascal - this is important. The exam is actually quite easy if you have any understanding of computer science.

Dmitry Voronin:


I prepared for the OGE in computer science every day, solved several options on the SdamOGE website (an excellent site, by the way, where you can prepare not only for computer science, but also for other subjects). In addition, I purchased collections of assignments by Sergei Krylov and Tatyana Churkina.

Computer Science was the first exam among the others, so I didn't know what to expect. At times I was even afraid, but most importantly, I was confident in myself. When you enter the audience, you need to overcome your fear of the unknown.

It is very important not to give up when something doesn’t work out, if you don’t understand how to solve some tasks. Don't be afraid to approach your comrades and ask them to explain something.

Alexander Zhukov:


The main state exam in computer science is one of the easiest exams. In order to write it well, you don’t need to put in much effort, but you shouldn’t relax too much either. At my school, teachers take exam preparation seriously, so I mostly studied the material in lessons or special courses.

In addition, I spent a lot of time on the website sdamgia.ru. There are many options for tasks in the OGE format and there is an opportunity to hone your skills by solving trial options. I would like to note that when passing an exam in computer science, logic is more important than knowledge. During the exam itself, I experienced a sea of ​​emotions, especially at the moment when the students were allowed into the office: fear, curiosity, panic.

Before you sit down to work, you should put all emotions and feelings aside and concentrate on the exam tasks. The most important thing is to read the assignments carefully; you need to re-read them several times so as not to miss the smallest details.

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State budgetary educational institution of secondary school No. 208 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.

The motivation for creating the site was the huge amount of information about the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, both in print media and on the Internet.

The purpose of this site is to help schoolchildren, computer science teachers, and parents understand the questions of what the OGE and Unified State Exam in computer science are.


OGE - Main State Exam in Informatics and ICT is an optional exam in 9th grade. This means that the student can independently decide whether he needs to take this discipline or not. If you are planning to connect your future life with the direction of information technology or have not yet decided on the choice of profession and want to continue your studies at the senior level of school in an information technology class, or maybe you are simply interested in the capabilities of modern computers and programming, then you should choose computer science and ICT for certification in 9th grade.

So, the exam has been chosen, and although it is not compulsory, like mathematics or the Russian language, preparation for it should be no less intense.

The 9th grade computer science and ICT exam is not classified as difficult, but here you will need a certain amount of specific knowledge that you will not get in everyday life: such as programming skills or working with logical algebra formulas. Sounds threatening, doesn't it? However, there is no need to be afraid; all tasks are solvable and easy to understand.

It’s worth immediately upsetting those who expect to see such tasks as: creating a presentation in Power Point, editing text in Word, drawing a picture in Paint - you won’t find all this in the OGE in computer science 2018. Many guys choose computer science in full confidence that exactly such tasks await them and are very surprised when they see real CMM OGE in ICT. This is due to the fact that schools often use somewhat outdated computer science training programs, where every year students go through topics such as: “computer design”, “peripheral equipment”, “what is the Internet”, etc.

All these topics, of course, are necessary for students, but it is worth remembering that computer science is a very dynamically developing science, and modern children often know more about the structure of a computer than adults. Therefore, it is high time to devote less time to these topics in the school course, and put the tasks of developing algorithmic thinking and programming skills in the foreground.

In progressive schools and specialized classes, these ideas are already being translated into reality, so children studying in such an environment know computer science and ICT much better than children from secondary schools. But this factor is absolutely not a reason to refuse to take the OGE in computer science 2018 in 9th grade. There are many ways to prepare for the exam, among which there is sure to be one that you like. So, let's list some of them.

Of course, a student who has chosen to take the OGE in computer science and ICT is familiar with a computer and the Internet, so many people know about special educational sites and portals. First of all, I would like to say about the open task bank of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI), where there are all kinds of tasks in computer science and ICT that can be included in the KIM OGE. But this is more likely for those who are at least a little ready for the exam and want to practice more. For those who still have no idea how to approach the OGE, there are other preparation options.

For example, video lessons on analyzing tasks. The only downside is that you cannot ask questions to the teacher and, as a rule, in such lessons they do not provide a set of tasks for training, they only explain the solution algorithm using a small number of examples, most often just one. Therefore, to practice the acquired skills, you need to independently look for similar tasks.

There are also a huge number of sites where you can find samples of solved tasks for each number of the exam KIM. As a rule, on these same sites you can find a huge number of tasks for training, as well as generators of variants of the OGE in computer science. This makes it possible to complete a large volume of tasks and be ready for the exam.


A huge number of books, manuals and simply collections of tasks can be found on the shelves of bookstores. As a rule, such collections contain not only examples of tasks, but also answers with solutions - an excellent way to practice and self-test. If you already have at least some kind of knowledge base, then all that remains is to buy a similar collection and work on the topics. If you don’t have any knowledge yet, then you need to look for additional opportunities to prepare for the OGE in computer science 2018.


Of course, the best way to prepare for the exam is live communication and constant consultations with teachers. You should definitely (even first of all) inform your school teacher that you have chosen his subject to take. The school organizes additional classes, and every student who wishes can attend them absolutely free.

So, preparation for the OGE in 9th grade in computer science is, of course, necessary, no matter how good your knowledge of the subject at school. The exam tasks may differ from the school curriculum. So be prepared for anything and do it on time.

The site is in a state of development, please send your suggestions and comments via the form

With respect, site administrator Anatoly Vasilievich Konyakhin - computer science teacher

What awaits at the end of the 2017-2018 school year? What changes can be made to the structure of the OGE? What are those preparing for who plan to continue their studies at school and those who decide to join a college or technical school? These questions are already worrying future ninth-graders and their parents. Continuing the topic of the Mandatory State Exam, we’ll talk about passing such a popular subject today as computer science and try to find answers to a number of pressing questions this year:

One of the most important issues today remains the number of mandatory exams for ninth-graders. Until 2014, children took 4 subjects:

  • compulsory: Russian language and mathematics;
  • 2 exams to choose from.

Due to numerous requests from children and parents, in 2014 it was allowed not to take additional subjects if the child does not plan to change educational institution. The result was a noticeable drop in academic performance. The rule worked - no exam, no need to study. Having received such disappointing results, the Ministry of Education and Science already in 2016 decided to increase the number of subjects taken.

In 2018, you should prepare yourself to pass 5 exams at once, 4 of which will be included in the block of compulsory ones, and students will be given the right to choose the 5th subject.

The discussion about what the compulsory subjects will be has not yet been completed. But computer science is not on this list, so only those graduates who really want to connect their lives with IT technologies and apply to the appropriate college instead of 10th grade will have to take it.

Where to go is an important question. Today in Russia there are quite a lot of educational institutions that provide specialized training in a variety of IT specialties based on 9 classes. Employees of different companies who have successfully found employment in their specialty indicated the following promising areas of training:

With good grades for 9th grade and high scores on the Unified State Exam, in particular in the subject “computer science”, in 2018 you can compete for places in the best educational institutions, such as:

  • College of Communications No. 54, whose graduates receive employment opportunities in international companies Siemens, Samsung and Huawei.
  • Moscow State College of Information Technologies, part of MSUTU.
  • College of Informatics and Programming under the Government of the Russian Federation, part of the Financial University.
  • MGUPI College, whose graduates easily find employment in various factories and enterprises of the defense complex.
  • College of Finance and Economics KESI (Moscow), which opens up the prospect of admission to MESI.

Going to college is a step towards your desired profession. You should not consider changing from school to college as an opportunity to bypass the Unified State Exam, because in the near future they plan to introduce uniform standards for applicants to universities, according to which passing the state exam. The exam will become mandatory for absolutely all applicants.

Changes in the 2018 OGE in computer science

Unlike the 2018 Unified State Exam, no global changes are expected in the Unified State Exam. Among the important innovations that were adopted last year, it is worth noting:

  1. 9th grade students will take computer science on a PC.
  2. The OGE grade affects the certificate score.
  3. To obtain a certificate, you must pass 4 out of 5 exams with a minimum passing score.
  4. Students who receive an “unsatisfactory” grade have the opportunity to retake the exam twice.
  5. In 2018, it will be possible to retake only 2 out of 5 subjects.

Although for many it seems that the OGE in computer science is one of the easiest subjects that can be taken when finishing 9th grade, in 2018 you should prepare thoroughly for the exam, because the tickets are designed in such a way as to test knowledge for the entire course with an emphasis on practical part.

Structure of the OGE 2018 in the subject “Informatics”

The OGE ticket in computer science, which 9th grade graduates will have to work with in 2018, consists of two parts:

  1. Theoretical block– 18 tasks for which it is enough to give a short answer in the form of a number, word or sequence.
  2. Practical part– 2 tasks, during which ninth-graders will need to create a directory, place a file in it with a certain extension, in which the results of the work will be saved.

For each correctly completed task, so-called “primary” points are awarded, which are converted into the usual grade as follows:

Thus, to obtain a certificate it is enough to score 5 primary points. But, to enter in practice, you need to achieve 15 out of a maximum possible 22 points (for TOP colleges, the passing threshold can be 18, which corresponds to a score of 5).
While solving the tasks of the theoretical block, students will have to:

  1. Perform encryption and decryption of information.
  2. Solve problems involving converting numbers between different number systems.
  3. Apply the logical operations of conjunction and disjunction.
  4. Solve problems involving calculating the amount of information.
  5. Analyze formalized tabular data and charts.
  6. Construct graphs based on the given data.
  7. Enter the full file name.
  8. Execute ready-made algorithms.
  9. Create an algorithm for solving assigned problems.
  10. Compose programs (you can use any programming language studied at school, including algorithmic).

For most students, the theoretical tasks did not seem difficult. If there are gaps in knowledge, it will not be difficult to make up for them on your own.

The situation is somewhat more complicated with the practical part, because here you will need to demonstrate real skills in working in Excel and the programming environment.

The spreadsheet task tests the ability to set formulas and use simple Excel functions, such as: “SUM”, “IF”, “SUMIF”, “MAX”, “MIN”.

The last 20 task is programming. As a rule, to solve a given problem, a confident knowledge of loop and branch operators is quite sufficient.

Preparation for the OGE in the subject "Informatics"

If your goal is to enroll in one of the best colleges in the country after 9th grade in 2018, where computer science is studied in depth, then you will have serious preparation for the Unified State Exam. Teachers recommend paying special attention to the following topics:

File size

Always read the question carefully and pay attention to the quantities in which the answer must be provided. Having familiarized yourself with the theory, which will not immediately seem complicated at all, solve all possible types of problems on:

  1. calculating the volume of monochrome and color images;
  2. finding the resolution of the picture using the given data;
  3. calculation of text file size;
  4. determining whether the allocated disk space is sufficient to solve the task.

In the last type of problem, be careful when rounding the resulting values.

Number systems

To successfully pass the OGE, it is enough to understand the translation system within the binary, octal, hexadecimal and decimal systems. By solving such problems, you will “get your teeth into” and recognize the numbers most often found in problems, which will make it much easier to complete tasks on the exam.


In addition to the simplest functions, it would be useful to have a good understanding of the use of the “AND” and “OR” operators, as well as once again repeat the features of the different types of links used in the table processor.

Remember, if the task does not say that the use of additional cells and hidden formulas is allowed, you should absolutely not do this. Look for opportunities to solve a problem using a minimum number of computational operations.


Regardless of whether you write a program in Idol, or prefer one of the higher-level programming languages, be sure to repeat:

  • syntax;
  • types of variables and their features;
  • rules for specifying mathematical operations;
  • input and output of data (from the screen or from a file);
  • branch operators;
  • loop statements;
  • features of working with strings.

Do you need a tutor? Each student can answer this question for himself. If your school teacher is always ready to answer any questions you have, and solving last year’s questions does not cause any particular difficulties, regular practice in completing various tasks from the OGE is enough. If knowledge is not enough, and pure theory, you cannot understand the essence of what is written in the textbook - look for a tutor. In this case, it is better to start preparing from the very beginning of the school year.

Sections of the article:

State process final certification involves the use of standardized tests to monitor the quality of students’ preparation and, in general, the entire educational process in secondary school.

To successfully pass the OGE in computer science 2018, preparation must begin at the beginning of the academic year, taking into account the innovations being adopted.

Structure of the 2018 OGE in computer science

The proposed set of tests is divided into 2 group categories:

  • Part 1 of the examination paper contains 18 tasks - 11 at a basic level of difficulty and 7 at an increased level of difficulty. The first six tasks with one correct answer out of four options (these are tasks of category A) and twelve tasks where the answer can be either a word, a number or an entire digital sequence (these are tasks of category B).
  • Part 2 contains 2 tasks of a high level of complexity - the graduate is offered two tests. But everyone needs the most detailed and detailed answer. Most likely, you will need a rather complex solution. In task numbers 19 and 20, you will need to write a program for two proposed tasks (these are tasks of category C).

After completing the tasks of Part 1, the examinee submits a form for recording answers and proceeds to completing the tasks of Part 2.

The duration of the exam is 150 minutes. Test developers advise completing tasks in categories A and B in 75 minutes, freeing up the remaining time for writing a programming task (category C).

Practical part

Previously, the student selects software and hardware and the appropriate language to complete the second part of the OGE.In accordance with the specified parameters, he is provided with a workplace equipped with a computer.To complete task 19, you will need a spreadsheet program. To complete task 20.1, it is recommended to use the performer’s learning environment “Robot”; the second version of task (20.2) involves writing the algorithm in the programming language being studied.

Options for acceptable languages ​​for writing a program:

  • Algorithmic language
  • Pascal
  • C++
  • Python

An excellent opportunity to practice the examination process, study possible types of tasks, and even repeat the curriculum - demo version of the OGE in computer science 2018 .

Additional information about the OGE 2018

When performing the first and second categories of tasks, the use of technical devices is not allowed: calculators, computer equipment, mobile phones. Reference books and books on computer science are also prohibited.

When starting practical part 2 (category C), the student receives a personal computer.

As for success indicators, to score “satisfactory” it is enough to score 5 points. The maximum number for correctly solving all 20 OGE questions is 22 points. Scale for converting OGE 2018 points into grades - Computer Science.

How to prepare for the 2018 OGE in computer science

There are several practice-tested methods.

Site articles:

  • <Умение оценивать количественные параметры информационных объектов>
  • <Умение определять значение логического выражения>
  • <Знание о файловой системе организации данных>
  • <Умение представлять формальную зависимость в графическом виде>
  • <Умение кодировать и декодировать информацию>
  • <Умение исполнить циклический алгоритм обработки массива чисел>
  • <Умение осуществлять поиск в готовой базе данных по сформулированному условию>
  • <Знание о дискретной форме представления числовой, текстовой, графической и звуковой информации>
  • <Умение определять скорость передачи информации>
  • <Знание о о organization of the information environment >
  • <Умение осуществлять поиск информации в Интернете>

Internet articles:

  • OGE - question 19 Recommendations for completing the task (

Book manuals you can look at OGE 2018 - computer science .

There is an opportunity to select many useful teaching methods so that preparation for the OGE in computer science 2018 can be successfully implemented. The list of leaders includes:


The abbreviation of the educational institution stands for “Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.” On your website ( fipi.ru) presents the latest selection of additional problems, exam demos and online computer science tests. All tasks were developed by FIPI specialists taking into account the latest achievements of information technology and scientific thought in this field. It is a subsidiary of Rosobrnauka and is designed to engage not only in educational, but also scientific activities. The organization's website has many sections on various topics.

Online tests

The online tests offered on educational sites on the Runet help deepen existing knowledge and practice the procedure for passing the OGE. The format of the tests is as close as possible to the format of the OGE 2018 in computer science. Some tests can be downloaded to your own computer, others are only available from the website.

YouTube video channels

Psychological secrets of successful exam preparation

Taking the exam

“Luck always smiles on those who have worked hard,” says an English proverb. I would like to add: “and to those who know how to show the results of their work.” In an exam, that's exactly what you do - demonstrate what you've learned. So do it calmly and confidently. Try to change your idea of ​​the exam - it’s not torture, not execution, but simply a test of your knowledge, especially since you know everything (or almost everything).

On the day of the exam

1. Pre-exam stress is often accompanied by a lack of appetite. But even if “a piece doesn’t fit into your throat,” you definitely need to eat at least a little. Otherwise, in a state of stress, a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels may occur and accompanying symptoms may occur - trembling, sweating, weakness, dizziness, headache, nausea... It won’t take long for you to faint.

2. You should not go to the exam with a full stomach. Breakfast should be light, containing foods rich in protein and carbohydrates. In the morning before the exam, it is best to eat yogurt, as well as cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, milk porridge or muesli, a sandwich with cheese or honey and drink tea with lemon and sugar. You shouldn’t “pick yourself up” with strong coffee. If your nerves are on edge, but you realize that your body needs food, eat 1 tsp. honey, 2 walnuts, 3 pieces of dried apricots and drink a glass of biokefir. 1-2 bananas, a handful of raisins and a fruit milkshake will also help maintain your strength.

3. Music is an extremely effective way to relieve pre-exam stress. . When getting ready for the exam, turn on recordings of a bravura march, czardas or energetic guitar flamenco, and you will be convinced that your fear and inner trembling will disappear. If you love classical music, Bach's preludes and fugues for organ, Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony, and all the orchestral works of Alexander Scriabin will help you. Bach's music, by the way, is very effective if intense intellectual work is to be done. Compositions by Bryan Adams, Tina Turner, Bon Jovi and Riccardo Foglia also set the mood for battle.

4. But what you should never do is take sedatives. The result could be disastrous. Lethargy and lethargy will not allow you to concentrate!
Before leaving the house, apply a few drops of lavender, basil or mint essential oil, which has calming properties, to your temples or wrists. You can also drop this oil on a handkerchief and then periodically inhale its aroma during the exam.

Techniques for dealing with fear

1 . Stop being afraid! Many people are well aware of the state of panic before exams: “I don’t know anything! I don’t remember anything!” Try to direct your thoughts in a different direction: “I worked long and purposefully, I did everything in my power, I still know something from all the material and quite well.”

2. Do breathing exercises. This is the fastest, easiest and most effective way to overcome feelings of stress and panic. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply. Exhalation should be 2-3 times longer than inhalation. As you inhale, imagine that you are sniffing your favorite scent through your nose. Exhale through slightly closed lips as if you want to blow out a candle flame or blow on a spoon of hot soup. 3-5 minutes after the start of breathing exercises, you can add self-hypnosis formulas to them:« I relax and calm down", synchronizing them with the rhythm of your breathing. At the same time, the words “ I" And " And"should be pronounced in inhale, and the words “ relaxing" And " I'm calming down" - on exhale.
You can also say to yourself:

    “I am calm and confident”

    “My memory works well. I remember everything"

    “I can prove that I worked hard and learned everything.”

Autotraining is an effective technique: the brain perfectly obeys such commands.

3. Learn to never think about failing an exam.. On the contrary, you need to mentally paint yourself a picture of a confident, clear answer, complete victory. We get what we think hard about, literally programming ourselves for the end result. And for this result to satisfy us, we need to think about the good, setting ourselves up for success: “I will succeed, at the right moment I will remember everything.”

4. Don't get caught up in other people's anxiety. As a rule, in front of the door of the auditorium in which the exam is taking place, there is a crowd of students shaking with fear, discussing how strict and picky this or that examiner is and from time to time saying: “Oh, I’m definitely going to fail today! Everything flew out of my head! I’m already shaking all over!” Do not crowd together with them, so as not to be “infected” by their fear. Experience your anxiety alone, step aside, wander along the corridor, look out the window.

5. Relieve tension. The simplest movements will help you get rid of painful discomfort. Make a few circular movements with your head, stretch your arms, and shrug your shoulders. If possible, box, throwing punches into an empty space and imagining that you are punching your fear.

In a stressful situation, it is useful to yawn. By yawning sweetly three to five times, you will not only reduce anxiety, but also activate your brain. To trigger the yawn reflex, you need to use your middle fingers to massage the muscles between your ear and cheek.

6. Do self-massage. A light massage of the back of the head distracts from obsessive fear and also helps to significantly increase intelligence. Massaging the tips of the little fingers, as well as performing yoga for the fingers, the so-called mudras, helps relieve emotional stress. This word refers to the joining of fingers in a certain combination.
Thus, the mudra of the Earth helps with stress, deterioration of psychophysical condition, increases self-esteem and self-confidence. To perform this, press the ring and thumb fingers of both hands tightly against each other with the pads, straighten the remaining fingers and spread them slightly apart. It is useful to do this gesture as often as possible and keep your fingers in this position for as long as possible.
If you are feeling very stressed, place your left hand on the table, palm down. With your right hand, for 3-5 minutes, in a clockwise circular motion, massage the point of intersection of the conventional lines of the thumb and index finger, while keeping the thumb as far as possible from the index finger. Then change your hand, but now make movements counterclockwise.

Source of the article “Passing the exam”: http://moeobrazovanie.ru/programma_antistress.html


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