A flagship university. The meaning of Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, BSE M f Reshetnev

Reshetnev Mikhail Fedorovich – General Director and Chief Designer of the Design Bureau of Applied Mechanics of the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences.

Born on November 10, 1924 in the village of Barmashevo, Odessa district, Odessa province (now part of the Zhovtnevy district, Nikolaev region, Ukraine). From the family of an employee.

Since 1929, the family lived in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. He graduated from high school there in 1939. Since 1940 he studied at the Moscow State Aviation Institute.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he worked on the construction of defensive fortifications. In the fall of 1941, he and the institute were evacuated to Alma-Ata. In 1942 he was drafted into the Red Army. He completed courses at the Serpukhov Military School of Aviation Mechanics. He served as an aircraft mechanic in the 26th Reserve Fighter Aviation Regiment. Discharged with the rank of technical service sergeant in 1946.

He returned to the Moscow Aviation Institute and successfully graduated from it in 1950. Since 1950, he worked in the first Soviet space design organization - in the special design bureau No. 1 of the Ministry of Defense Industry under the leadership of S.P. Korolev (city of Kaliningrad, Moscow region). Sent there as an engineer in the design department, in 1951 he was already appointed senior engineer. Design talent, excellent knowledge and the highest dedication quickly promoted the young engineer to the ranks of the closest associates of Chief Designer S.P. Queen. Since 1957 M.F. Reshetnev is the leading designer of the R-11 product (medium-range missile with a nuclear warhead). Since 1958 - Deputy Chief Designer of OKB-1. Member of the CPSU(b) since 1951.

In 1959, a government decision was made to create several centers for the creation of space technology at a distance from each other. In June 1959, such a center was created under the name of the branch of the Special Design Bureau No. 1 in the city of Krasnoyarsk-26 (now the city of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory), M.F. was appointed its head and chief designer. Reshetnev. He led this space center of the country until the last day of his life.

In October 1961, the branch was transformed into Special Space Bureau No. 10. Since 1962, the enterprise, created from scratch, began creating a light-class launch vehicle project based on the R-14 combat ballistic missile. As a result, the universal launch vehicle Cosmos-1 was created. In August 1964, with its help, the first OKB-10 satellites “Cosmos-38”, “Cosmos-39”, “Cosmos-40”, also developed at OKB-10, were launched into orbit.

Since 1967 - General Director and Chief Designer of the Design Bureau of Applied Mechanics of the USSR Ministry of General Mechanical Engineering, transformed from OKB-10. In 1970, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Reshetnev Design Bureau was freed from work on launch vehicles and completely focused on creating information satellite systems for communications, television broadcasting, navigation, geodesy, monitoring, and reconnaissance. Among the satellites created under his leadership, the most significant phenomena were the satellite communication and broadcasting systems Strela-1 (1964), Molniya-1+ (1967), Strela-1M (1969), Strela-2 (1970) ), "Molniya-2" (1971), "Molniya-3" (1974), communications satellite "Raduga" (1975), direct television broadcasting satellite "Ekran" (1976), geostationary communications satellite "Horizon" (1978), " Radio (1981), geostationary relay satellite Potok (1982), Molniya-1T (1983), Strela-3 (1985), geostationary communications satellite Luch (1985), Raduga-1 (1989), “Gonets-D1” (1992), geostationary communications satellite “Express” (1994). Orbital constellations of satellite navigation systems “Cyclone” (1967), “Cicada” (1976), “Nadezhda” (1982), “GLONASS” (1982), “Gals” (1994) were created and operated in space for many years. A special place is occupied by satellite systems for studying the Earth - geodetic and scientific research satellites "Vertical Space Probe" (1967), "Sphere" (1968), "Ionospheric Station" - also known as "Cosmos-381" (1970), "Geo-IK" "(1981), "Standard" (1989).

Created by the space company M.F. Reshetnev’s satellites accounted for about 60% of all satellites in the USSR and Russia (an absolute record that has not been surpassed to this day by any of the space industry enterprises in the world). They have earned the reputation of being one of the most reliable spacecraft - the number of their accidents has always been negligible.

For outstanding services in the creation of special-purpose products, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (“closed”) of October 11, 1974 Reshetnev Mikhail Fedorovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle Gold Medal.

In 1978, the Applied Mechanics Design Bureau again experienced another reorganization, becoming the Scientific and Production Association of Applied Mechanics. He himself remained its general director and chief designer. In addition to creating spacecraft, NPO Applied Mechanics conducted fundamental research on the problems of heat transfer, ballistics, mechanics of rigid body motion, mechanics of composite materials, and the theory of complex systems. Over time, another promising direction emerged in the work of Reshetnev’s company, which over time became the most important - the creation of complex space information systems.

He did a lot for the development of scientific education in Krasnoyarsk, being a teacher at the Krasnoyarsk State Polytechnic Institute since 1967, and head of the Department of Mechanics and Control Processes at the Krasnoyarsk State University since 1989.

Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1976). Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984). Doctor of Technical Sciences (1967). Professor (1975). Member of the Bureau of the Department of Energy, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1991-1996). Member of the Bureau of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on problems of traffic control and navigation (1993-1996).

Lenin Prize (1980). State Prize of the Russian Federation (1996).

Awarded 3 Orders of Lenin (07/26/1966, 04/26/1971, 10/11/1974), Order of the Red Banner of Labor (06/17/1961), "Badge of Honor" (04/20/1956), Russian Order "For Services to the Fatherland" 3rd degree (11/11/1994), medals, including “For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” (1945), “For valiant labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” (1946).

He died on November 26, 1996 in the city of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. He was buried in the city cemetery of Zheleznogorsk.

Monument to M.F. Reshetnev opened in Zheleznogorsk (2004). Memorial plaques are installed on the house where he lived and on the facade of the administrative building of the NPO Applied Mechanics. The NPO of Applied Mechanics (Zheleznogorsk), the Siberian State Aerospace University (Krasnoyarsk), Lyceum No. 102, a street and square in Zheleznogorsk, a KrasAir airliner, and a small planet (2000) are named after the Hero. Since 1997, scientific conferences “Reshetnev Readings” have been held annually in Krasnoyarsk and Zheleznogorsk. In Zheleznogorsk there is a museum of M.F. Reshetnyova.

Date of death January 26(1996-01-26 ) (71 years old) Place of death Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk region),
Russian Federation
Citizenship USSR USSR→Russia Russia Occupation Designer of space systems of the USSR and Russia Awards and prizes

M. F. Reshetnev owns more than two hundred scientific works and inventions. Under his leadership or with his direct participation, about thirty types of space complexes and systems were developed. The number of satellites created by the company he headed, launched into orbit from 1996 to 1996, is more than one thousand units. Made a significant contribution to the development of Russian satellite communications and satellite navigation systems. He had a significant influence on the creation of the Siberian scientific school, uniting around himself talented scientists, engineers, and developers of rocket and space technology.

Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. From December to December 1984, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1984, full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


Birth, early years

M. F. Reshetnev was born in the village of Barmashovo, Zhovtnevsky district, Nikolaev region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR.

It ended with the joint venture declaring his intention to fly himself, as he said, “to the Yenisei” and there to finally decide everything on the spot. There remained a small hope that there, “on the Yenisei,” Reshetnev, citing overload with missile affairs, poor performance of the plant, difficult relations with the local leadership, would not want to take on a new task.<…>In the summer of 1960, Korolev and Nina Ivanovna had already visited the Yenisei. The city did not yet have such a finished appearance as I saw it eight years later, but it surprised even Korolev, who had seen a lot. He spent several days in this real “atomic city”. Having the opportunity to see with his own eyes the living and working conditions of the staff of branch No. 2, Korolev was finally convinced of the correctness of his decision in choosing the place and time to create a new organization and was convinced that he had not made a mistake in appointing its leader. Young Reshetnev, of course, complained about little things, but at the same time he did not whine and remained optimistic.

Personal life

Wife - Lyudmila Georgievna, daughter - Tamara Mikhailovna, grandson - Mikhail Yurievich. According to close people, he was a faithful husband, an attentive father, and a caring grandfather. After the death of M. F. Reshetnev they moved to Moscow. My grandson graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute.

Mikhail Fedorovich tried to support anyone. He helped with housing, sent people for treatment, and rescued even hopeless people. Once I spent a whole month searching for a person who had disappeared in the taiga - I ordered a helicopter and negotiated with the military. Another time, he did everything to bring a deceased colleague from a distant area and organize a decent funeral. It cannot be said that he was kind: he turned out to be extremely fair. For the job, but anything happened - the launch was disrupted, and the satellite was lost in the sky, he could have been punished very severely. However, he did not waste time on trifles, he stood up for his enterprise and his employees. And even more so - he never broke into shouting or rudeness.

A man of strong convictions and straightforward character, Mikhail Fedorovich was at the same time extremely responsive to people and very obliging not only at work, but also in personal relationships. I never wasted words. And he demanded the same from his subordinates and friends. This is probably why the staff of his enterprise, and I have been there many times, are somehow particularly united. Here you can always feel a special spirit of creativity, determination, goodwill, and warmth in relationships.


Earth science satellite systems

Geodetic and scientific research: "Vertical space probe" (1967); "Sphere" (1968); “Ionospheric Station” - aka “Cosmos-381” (1970); "Geo-IK" (1981); "Standard" (1989).

A detailed description of each of the systems developed with the participation of Academician M. F. Reshetnev would take quite a bit of time, and they (and Mikhail Fedorovich, and the enterprise that he created, and the satellites) undoubtedly deserve it. Let's sum it up with just one quote:


  • By the decision of the City Council of People's Deputies dated July 6, 1984, he was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of Krasnoyarsk-26”.
  • One of the most accurate reviews belongs to Colonel General Vladimir Leontyevich Ivanov (commander of the Russian Military Space Forces from 1992 to 1997):
What has always admired me is Mikhail Fedorovich’s ability to work without noise, as they say, “without fanfare” - for results. After all, for many decades in the country, according to the established strict order, it was not customary to speak in the open press about the creators of rocket and space technology. Therefore, in astronautics, some received solemn TASS reports, enthusiastic articles, universal fame and loud glory, while others received the next, increasingly complex tasks. The team headed by Reshetnev was just among these others.
  • In 2000, the International Center for Minor Planet Research at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge (USA) approved the proposal of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory to name minor planet No. 7046 Reshetnev (1977 QG2), discovered by N. S. Chernykh, after him.

The names of Mikhail Fedorovich are:


  • Hero of Socialist Labor ().
  • Laureate of the Lenin Prize () and the State Prize of the Russian Federation ().
  • He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (), three Orders of Lenin (, ,), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor () and the Badge of Honor (), the Gold Medal. S.P. Korolev API of the USSR (he transferred the monetary prize attached to it to the Peace Fund), other medals.
  • In 1998, Mikhail Fedorovich was posthumously awarded a medal and diploma from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) for his outstanding contribution to the development of satellite telecommunications.


  • Designing reliable communication satellites/ V. G. Afanasyev, V. I. Verkhoturov, V. Ya. Zaslavsky and others; Ed. M. F. Reshetnyova. - Tomsk: MGP "RASKO", 1994. - 221 p. - ISBN 5-88276-025-7
  • Spacecraft power supply systems/ B. P. Soustin, V. I. Ivanchura, A. I. Chernyshev, Sh. N. Islyaev; Rep. ed. M. F. Reshetnev; Ross. AN, Sib. department, Krasnoyar. scientific center, dept. ultradisperse physics. materials. - Novosibirsk: Science; Sib. ed. firm, 1994. - 317 p. -

(09/10/1924, Barmashovo village, Odessa region - 01/26/1996, Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory; buried in the city cemetery of Zheleznogorsk), scientist, chief designer, founder of a school in the field of special mechanical engineering and the creation of space communications, navigation, geodetic systems used in the interests of the national economy and defense of the country, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1967), Professor (1975), Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1985), laureate of the Lenin Prize of the USSR (1980), State Prize of Russia (1995), Hero of Socialist Labor (1974 ). Participant of the Great Patriotic War.

Graduated from Moscow Aviation Institute named after. S. Ordzhonikidze (1950). Worked: at OKB-1 under the leadership of S.P. Queen (1950-1959); at NPO Applied Mechanics, Krasnoyarsk-26 (1959-1996): engineer, lead designer, deputy chief designer, chief designer, general designer and general director of NPO Applied Mechanics. The Molniya, Raduga, Horizon, Luch, Ekran, Gals, and Express satellites created under his scientific and technical leadership provide noise-free 24-hour communications and television; "GEO-IK" and solve the problem of constructing high-precision geodetic networks for determining the shape, size of the Earth and its gravitational field; series of satellites "Cicada", GLONASS and others are designed to provide navigation and target designation. In his works, the mechanics of motion of a rigid body relative to the center of mass with attached elastic elements was further developed, a passive magnetic-gravitational orientation system was created, and the mechanics of composite materials was studied. Under his leadership, a material and technical base for new technology was created in Siberia with unique laboratories for the research and development of complex systems and structures. Coordinated the activities of many academic institutions, industry research institutes, design bureaus of industrial enterprises and universities of Russia in the field of rocket and space technology. Contributed to the development of international cooperation in the field of astronautics. He taught at the Siberian Aerospace University (SibSAU), headed the Department of Spacecraft (1972). President of the Siberian branch of RIA (1962-1966). Author of more than 200 special works and 40 inventions. Editor-in-Chief of the interdisciplinary collection “Technology” (1990-1996). In 1996, the bureau of the Russian Cosmonautics Federation established a medal named after. Academician M.F. Reshetneva. NPO Applied Mechanics, a street and square in the city of Zheleznogorsk, small planet No. 70461977 QG2 bears his name. Every year since 1997, the scientific and technical conference “Reshetnev Readings” has been held in Krasnoyarsk. The administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has established an annual scholarship for students of secondary and higher educational institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory named after him. A memorial was erected at his grave in Zheleznogorsk; on the NPO PM administration building there is a memorial plaque with a bronze bas-relief. In 2004, on the day of the 45th anniversary of the enterprise in Zheleznogorsk, a bronze monument was opened in memory of it. Honorary citizen of the city of Zheleznogorsk.

Awarded: three Orders of Lenin (1966, 1971, 1974), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1961), the Order of the Badge of Honor (1956) and medals, as well as the Gold Medal. S.P. Queen of the USSR Academy of Sciences, medals of the Cosmonautics Federation.

This is a big event in the Volgograd scientific community. The prospects for further cooperation with the leadership of the Volgograd Technical University were discussed by the famous Russian public figure, test cosmonaut Sergei Zhukov. He is currently co-leader of the Aeronet working group of the National Technology Initiative. This association regulates and develops the field of unmanned automatic aerial vehicles, and also provides assistance in obtaining financial support to industry representatives.

As part of a scientific conference at the flagship university of the region, Sergei Zhukov shared his experience, results and priority areas in the work of the Aeronet Analytical Center. According to him, the time has come to make dreams come true. The same dreams that science fiction writers and designers spoke and wrote about back in the days of the Soviet Union.

Aeronet is a successful example of public-private partnership. During its work, the association provided technological and financial support to 80 Russian projects. Cooperation between the flagship university of the Volgograd region and the Aeronet association will give the technical university the necessary opportunities to create and promote various projects.

A project session was held at the “Center for Project Activities of Volga State Technical University”, at which scientists from the technical university and representatives of the region’s industry presented their projects. Among them are “Aeronet” - “Piston”, “5-D Printing Technology”, “Metal Powders”, “Combat Controlled Drone”, “Neural Network Classifier of Aerial Images”.

November 10, 1924 - January 26, 1996

M. F. Reshetnev owns more than 200 scientific works and inventions. Under his leadership or with his direct participation, about 30 types of space complexes and systems were developed. The number of satellites created by the enterprise he headed, launched into orbit from 1959 to 1996, is more than 1000 units. Made a significant contribution to the development of Russian satellite communications and satellite navigation systems. He had a significant influence on the creation of the Siberian scientific school, uniting around himself talented scientists, engineers, and developers of rocket and space technology.

Deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. From December 1976 to December 1984, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1984, full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


Birth, early years

M. F. Reshetnev was born in the village of Barmashovo, Snegirevsky district, Odessa region, Ukrainian SSR (now assigned to the Zhovtnevy district, Nikolaev region, Ukraine).

In 1929, the family moved to the city of Dnepropetrovsk; Mikhail graduated from high school there at the age of 15. In 1939, he applied for admission to the Moscow Aviation Institute, but was not accepted due to his age.


In 1940 he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. At the age of 17, he volunteered (according to other sources, he was drafted) into the Red Army. Participant (1942-1945) of the Great Patriotic War: after completing courses at the Serpukhov Military School of Aviation Mechanics, he served in the 26th Reserve Fighter Regiment with the rank of technical service sergeant. He completed his studies after the war, graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute in 1950 with honors. He completed his pre-graduation internship at NII-88, under the guidance of Mikhail Klavdievich Tikhonravov; He defended his thesis on missiles. From 1950 to 1959 he worked at the Korolev OKB-1 as an engineer, leading designer, and deputy chief designer.

Heyday, mature years

Since 1959, M. F. Reshetnev, being the deputy of the Chief Designer of OKB-1, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, at the same time became the chief designer of the enterprise, post office box 80 - the head of the “eastern” branch of OKB-1 (since October 1961, called OKB-10), located in the city of Krasnoyarsk-26 (now the city of Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory). Since November 1962, the young design team accepted from OKB-586, headed by Mikhail Kuzmich Yangel, a project to create a light-class launch vehicle. M. F. Reshetnev was 39 years old when the enterprise he led completed the development of the universal Cosmos launch vehicle based on the R-14 combat ballistic missile. In August 1964, with its help, the first OKB-10 satellites were launched into orbit.

The personality of Mikhail Fedorovich is vividly characterized by the memoirs of Boris Evseevich Chertok about the history of the transfer of the Molniya satellite family to Krasnoyarsk-26:

In 1967, OKB-10 ceased to be a branch, and was called Design Bureau of Applied Mechanics (KB PM), and M. F. Reshetnev became the general designer of an independent design bureau, the main topic of which in all subsequent years would be the creation of information satellite systems (communications, television broadcasting, navigation , geodesy) for both military and civilian purposes. From 1977 to the day of death - General Designer and General Director of NPO Applied Mechanics, which included the Mechanical Plant and Design Bureau PM.

Personal life

Not much is known about the family of Mikhail Fedorovich Reshetnev.

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