Paradigm meaning. Political Science: Dictionary-Reference Book

The term “paradigm” was first introduced by the positivist G. Bergman, who received universal recognition and fame after this publication was published. In the scientific and philosophical works of T. Kuhn this word was used quite often. The author decided to present even to the public and public his own view of how scientific revolutions are gradually replacing the usual paradigms, while acting as a kind of primary and, to some extent, even conceptual and theoretical schemes. They can dominate science in some historical period. What meaning does this word carry? A special concept, which for the most part characterizes the totality of a number of scientific beliefs, as well as several methods and values ​​that have been accepted as the norm in society.

Paradigm in psychology

It is very important to identify several approaches that characterize the concept of a psychological view and the “paradigm” itself. This term is usually applied to science about psychology, as well as about a number of patterns that characterize its manifestation in general, and on its basis, relatively three general approaches have been formed, which acted as an answer to the question, “how does psychology explain the meaning of a given remin?” Let's start with the first approach, in which the paradigm is called natural science, that is, the pre-paradigm field of knowledge. The only problem here will be that, from a scientific point of view, the paradigm has not yet been able to take shape properly. The second approach includes the term multi-paradigm science and this happened because several key paradigms were formed in it simultaneously, starting with psychoanalytic and ending with humanistic. According to the third approach in psychology, a paradigm is called a non-paradigmatic science and this happens because the definition is very rarely used in this field of activity.

About natural science and humanities paradigms

The scientist Dilthey said that psychology should definitely be divided into several separate sections, starting with explanatory, which is most characterized and inclined towards various methods of the exact sciences, also into descriptive and understanding. This view of things can safely be called relevant today, and a number of numerous methods and methods that allow us to understand the human psyche continue to be very actively discussed. New theories and hypotheses are put forward, some of which are confidently and unshakably confirmed by the arguments, while others remain at the development stage. As soon as psychologists become interested in mathematical methods and processes of describing mental aspects, they strive for clear formulations and claims already arise among humanists. The fact is that the human psyche is very complex and it is impossible to formulate all this in words. This situation is also observed in psychology itself.

Term in sociology

Numerous opponents of the scientistic approach often cite psychoanalysis as general evidence. Thus, the famous Kizhi were built in some magical way without a single nail, and this psychological direction does not have a single mathematical sign or precise definition. Discussions between each side continue to this day and they never tire of presenting various arguments and facts that act as direct evidence that this is actually true. If we consider this term from the point of view of sociology, then it is definitely worth knowing that with regard to this concept of “paradigm” in science, a very ambiguous situation is emerging, which was similar to the one described above.

Sociology has a number of special fundamental theories, thanks to which it can be safely considered in the same way as psychology, and in the future can be safely correlated with multi-paradigm science, that is, attributed to a scientific discipline that has several paradigms. Assessing its current state, sociologist Osipov noted a number of very important schemes that are based on the popular theories of Marx, Weber and Durkheim.


In foreign literature you can find the answer to the question, what is a paradigm? Sociological literature with its own terms is presented for public consideration and judgment. Different authors interpret the word “paradigm” differently. For example. E. Giddens considers it exclusively as paradigmatic scientific theories that were previously put forward by Weber, Marx, Comte and Durkheim. Along with this, we can safely consider and continue to conduct an active dialogue about the fact that in sociology this term is also considered from the point of view of the classical concept and from the point of view of the modern one. Most foreign sociologists say that eras change and each of them has its own characteristics and it is impossible to explain these social processes using the so-called theoretical construction of the judgments of scientists of the last century.

We can safely say that the picture of social reality that he created constitutes a special idea of ​​society, and it acts as a so-called sociological paradigm. You can argue for a long time and put forward a number of theories that will help you understand what can be called a paradigm. Only one thing is clear: in different sciences the meaning of this word will change differently and the word is unlikely to ever go out of common use. Scientists will argue and prove, but most importantly, the word will remain, which has already been strengthened not only in psychology, but also in sociology. It is not known what other theories will be put forward by modern scientists, but active discussions and clarification continue to be held as to what is worth putting into this concept and what is not. Time flies quickly, but “paradigm” remains as the main characteristic and fundamental term.

In parallel with the paradigm, there is also a syntagma - for an oak tree, a syntagmatic group is those words with which it has common (or opposite) characteristics. For example, table, hare are also masculine nouns.

Some examples

  • Rhetoric . Here the paradigm is an example taken from mythology or history. For example, “Waterloo” or “Augean Stables”. Here the concept of archetype is synonymous with paradigm.
  • Programming . A programming paradigm is a set of ideas and concepts that a programmer uses when writing code. For example, object-oriented programming is one of the programming paradigms. Depends on the programming language, the task and the programmer himself.
  • Sociology . Here, a paradigm is a system of the most general initial and important justifications for a fairly recognized sociological theory, which determines its approach to setting and solving problems. For example, the game theory paradigm, in which there is a non-zero-sum game, zero-sum game, etc...
  • Political science . Dictionaries give too cumbersome a definition, so for greater clarity it is better to explain it this way - a paradigm is those principles, words, terms, and methods that describe a certain social phenomenon and its development. For example, the paradigm of democracy is universal suffrage, and the paradigm of communism is the dictatorship of the proletariat, and reptilians belong to the conspiracy theory paradigm.

That is, in the most general terms, a paradigm is “in one bottle” a short vocabulary, a channel of movement and a norm of behavior of a certain phenomenon. Naturally, such an interpretation is also lame, like all other “general theories of everything.” But maybe you can come up with this formulation?

0 Our advanced age sometimes " throws up"We have a lot of different terms, the meaning of which we cannot always clearly explain. An example would be such outdated, but now again gaining popularity, words as “courage” and “opportunity”, as well as a rather rare word, “biryuk” or sometimes the expression “kamo gryadeshi” that pops up in conversation. Be sure to add our resource site to your bookmarks to always be aware of the most interesting and informative news. Today we will talk about a rather rare, but at the same time actively used word. Paradigm", which means you can find out a little below. Moreover, such a term sounds very beautiful, and shows your intelligence, and arouses admiration among girls.
So let's continue what does Paradigm mean?? This term was borrowed from the Greek language "παράδειγμα", and is translated into Russian as "sample", "example", "model".

Paradigm- this is a system of certain views within which a particular theory will be considered

Synonym Paradigm: sample, diagram, model.

Paradigm- is a system of means, methods, values ​​and technical skills accepted among scientists, and is used within the specific framework of an established scientific tradition

Paradigm- this is a special theory expressed in a system of concepts reflecting the most important features of reality

As you probably already realized, this concept is not one of the simplest, and clearly talks about something global, " sublime" and associated with a certain doctrine, teaching, concept of the world or theory about something.

It turns out that all our numerous Paradigms(models) make our further development possible, at some stage. We try our best to place our view of the world into a narrow one" Procrustean bed"the next model. For some time, we believe that we have managed to dot all the points" Y", but as time passes it turns out that we were in trouble again.

Our reality is much more complex than even the most powerful intellect can imagine, and to some extent this is wonderful, but at the same time sad. After all, we will never fully understand our surrounding reality, although now we know that we will always have something to strive for.

After reading this article, you learned meaning of Paradigm, and now you won’t find yourself in a difficult situation when you discover this word again.

If the ancient Greeks had known the modern meaning of the words they invented, they would have been very surprised. When an Athenian orator used a parable or a fable to convince the public, it was called a paradigm. What this means in simple terms now depends on the specific scientific field.

What does the word "paradigm" mean?

The word is of Greek origin, where it meant “pattern, example, sample.” In Antiquity it was used mainly in rhetoric and meant type of proof when conducting a discussion or during public speaking by a speaker.

In modern times, the first science to master the ancient Greek term was linguistics. Back in 1900, a lexeme was considered a technical term from the field of grammar. Subsequently, it was picked up by other areas of knowledge and received new, multifaceted meanings.

In the modern sense, paradigm is generally recognized scientific achievements, which for a certain period of time are a model for solving and finding problems for a community of practitioners.

It defines:

  • What should be examined and investigated;
  • What issues need to be studied within a particular problem;
  • How should these questions be structured?
  • What predictions need to be made within the framework of the dominant theory in the discipline;
  • How to interpret the results of scientific research;
  • How to conduct an experiment and what equipment to use.

In this video, Andrey Kutsenko will tell you how the term “paradigm” was formed and its definition:

Meaning in linguistics

In relation to the science of language, this Greek word means the entire set of word forms with different grammatical contents belonging to one unit of speech.

In Russian paradigmatic the analysis is a list of case forms, for example:

  • Sun;
  • Sun;
  • to the sun;
  • Sun;
  • the sun;
  • Oh sun.

You will need to create a conjugation table for the verb.

Depending on the branch of linguistics, the meaning of the term “paradigm” varies:

  • Morphology: many forms of a word that correspond to certain grammatical categories. With any changes, a certain part of the word (root) remains the same;
  • Lexicology: a category of words that are opposed to another category according to a certain characteristic (meaning, pronunciation, spelling);
  • Word formation: many derivatives originating from one root;
  • Syntax: constructions of sentences and phrases that differ from each other. For example, the category of modality (assumption, wish, possibility).

Paradigms in sociology

In the social sciences, a paradigm is understood as a concept prevailing at a certain historical stage, which determines the mechanism for searching for problems and their solutions.

Depending on the specific sociological school, several basic concepts are distinguished:

  • Social facts. The position established in society does not depend on the will of its individual members;
  • Understanding. Every participant in the social process is guided in his actions by a certain logic;
  • Social behavior. A person acts on the basis of impulses inherent from birth;
  • Socio-historical determinism. The role of the individual in history is insignificant in comparison with the role of the collective;
  • Psychological determinism. The individual's instincts are in a constant struggle with stereotypes;
  • Naturalism. Mathematical methods should dominate research;
  • Interpretation. It is necessary to take the place of each individual to understand his actions;
  • Assessment. A scientist should prefer pure research to a critical look at a problem.

Paradigm in philosophy

In relation to philosophy, the set of basic concepts is as follows:

  1. Speculation. The view of the problem should have nothing to do with reality. Logical methods are not used. The role of philosophy is reduced to abstract reasoning about the fate of the world;
  2. Scientism. The logical method is basic for cognition. Every premise must be supported by rational arguments. Knowledge must be subject to critical reflection and classification;
  3. Analytics. The philosopher must study the exact meaning of the word, since problems arise from the incorrect designation of objects and phenomena;
  4. Antiscientism. The problematics of previous eras have no significance for the true essence of human existence;
  5. Aestheticos. Every philosopher is an artist and creator who proceeds rather from his intuition than from common sense;
  6. Practicality. Science must be the basis for changing the unjust system;
  7. Metaphysics. The subjects of study are matter, spirit and God;
  8. Religious philosophy. Study of spiritual methods and religion.

Concept of scientific revolution

As the outstanding American historian Thomas Samuel believed, scientific thought in its development passes through three stages:

  1. Everyday existence, when every phenomenon fits into the current picture of the world;
  2. Gradually, the array of “wrong” and inexplicable facts becomes so large that a crisis situation occurs;
  3. The previous stage lasts until a new knowledge system is developed, within which the old model will be only a special case.

During the transition from the 2nd to the 3rd stage, skepticism reigns in society. Thus, in 1900, physicist William Kelvin wrote that “there is nothing new in physics. All that remains is more or less accurate measurements.”

Examples of fundamental paradigm shifts are:

  • Transition from geocentric to heliocentric picture of the world (1543);
  • Approval of the principles of classical mechanics and departure from the ideas of Aristotle (1687);
  • Acceptance of Lavoisier's theory of chemical reactions (1783);
  • Establishment of genetics thanks to the research of Georg Mendel (1866);
  • Acceptance of quantum mechanics (1905);
  • Development of the theory of relativity (1920).

The picture of the world that dominates for some time in a certain field of knowledge is called a paradigm. What is this in simple words? The closest analogues are "method", "model", "concept" . When one basic method replaces another, we speak of a revolution.

Video about the meaning of the word “paradigm”

In this video, Gennady Malyshev will talk about what a paradigm is and how it affects our lives:

Other values:

  • A paradigm in rhetoric is an example taken from history or mythology and given for the purpose of comparison; parabola, fable.
  • A paradigm in the methodology of science is a set of values, methods, approaches, technical skills and tools adopted in the scientific community within the framework of an established scientific tradition in a certain period of time.
  • A paradigm in political science is a set of cognitive principles and techniques for displaying political reality that define the logic of the organization of knowledge, a model for the theoretical interpretation of a given group of social phenomena.

Also, paradigm can be absolute, scientific, state, personal (individual, subjective) and generally accepted:

  • Generally accepted paradigms include an exemplary method of decision-making, a model of the world or its parts (industries, areas of knowledge, spheres of life and activity), accepted by a large number of people. Examples: the beneficial paradigm of the constitutional course of Russia in 1993, the general programming paradigm.
  • A personal paradigm is an essential method of decision-making, a mental model of a particular person. The current statement is incorrect that “naturally, it will necessarily differ from the generally accepted one, since it takes into account the personal experience of the subject, and is also not complete - no one can know everything about everything.” The fact is that the generally accepted paradigm does not define “knowledge of everything,” but only the essential knowledge necessary to ensure the evolutionary activity of the individual in social reality and the acquisition of reason.

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