Paronyms visual - spectator. Test materials


2. A word that has several words is called

3. Words of the same part of speech that mean the same thing, but may differ from each other in shades of language and use in speech.
a) homonym b) synonym c) ambiguous d) antonym
4. Determine the lexical meaning of the word drizzle:
a) frost-like sediment that forms in foggy, frosty weather on tree branches, wires, etc.;
b) frosty patterns on glass;
c) very light rain.
5. Indicate which of the words are unambiguous:
a) duckweed b) iceberg; c) brochure; d) quarter e) land f) arena
6. Determine in which examples the highlighted words have a figurative meaning:
a) build a house; b) the clock is running, c) an easy chair; d) sharp knife e) kill time; f) difficult character;
7. Indicate a group of words that correctly contains synonyms for the word courage:
a) courage, brave, courage, fearlessness, pride;
b) courageous, courageous, courageous, fearless;
c) courage, bravery, courage, fearlessness;
d) courage, bravery, courage, fearlessness, pride.
8. Select pairs of antonyms:
a) brave - rude;
b) wisdom - stupid;
c) generous - stingy;
d) absent-mindedness - concentration; e) noble - vile;
f) responsive - hot-tempered.

The vocabulary of a language is
a) vocabulary b) phonetics c) graphics
2. A word that has one LZ is called
a) homonym b) unambiguous c) ambiguous d) antonym
3. Words of the same part of speech that have opposite lexical knowledge are.
a) homonyms b) synonyms c) polysemous d) antonyms
Determine the lexical meaning of the word winter:
a) seedlings, sowing of winter crops;
b) the first days of winter;
c) a blizzard, during which a downwind wind blows.
Indicate words that are ambiguous:
a) jury; b) silver; c) quarter; d) gray; e) nest; e) crossword.
Determine in which examples the highlighted words have a direct meaning:
a) Strong will; b) Streams are flowing; c) Bonfires are burning; d) Grain of wheat e) Golden ring
e) Icy gaze
Choose a group of words that contains the correct synonyms for the word cruel.
a) merciless, heartless, pitiless, weak-willed;
b) ruthlessness, heartlessness, ruthlessness, inhumanity;
c) weak-willed, inhuman, ruthless;
d) inhumanity, ruthlessness, weakness;
d) heartless, merciless, merciless, inhuman.
Specify pairs of antonyms:
a) gloomy - having fun;
b) giant - dwarf;
c) timid - brave;
d) cold - hot-tempered;
e) noble - meanness;
e) modest - cunning.
9. Copy the text, replacing repeated words with synonyms, inserting missing letters and placing punctuation marks where necessary.
R..bina is a small beautiful tree with openwork leaves1. The fruits of the r..bean are round, red, shiny. The river grows along forest edges and steep river banks4. You can see rowan trees near houses in their gardens.
* Complete tasks indicated by numbers.

Option 1.
1. In which word does the consonant sound become deafened during pronunciation?
1) ski 2) skirt 3) request 4) mail
2. In which word are all consonant sounds soft?
1) transfer 2) seventh 3) housing 4) evaluate

1) singing 2) bone 3) messenger 4) object

1) pamper 2) turn on 3) collected 4) provision
5. In which word is the letter denoting a soft consonant sound correctly highlighted?
1) Detective 2) partner 3) cream 4) Manager

1) to..intract, och..rovaniye, podr.sti 2) in..twisted, est..thread, iz..medication
3) art.lleria, l.genda, k..satelny 4) vent..gather, man..fir, burn..burn

1) be..tasty, neither..overthrow, and..cheat 2) sub..ect, two..tiered, with.ride
3) pr..sidium, pr..pal, pr..sit 4), super..famous, disinfection
8. In which sentence should we use SPECTATORY instead of the word VISUAL?
1) It is necessary to develop VISUAL memory from early childhood.
2) After the third bell, entry into the auditorium is prohibited.
3) The last Olympics set a record for VISUAL interest among the winter ones.
4) The OPTIC nerve contains about a million nerve fibers.
9. Which sentence contains synonyms?
1) The fire almost died out, then flared up again with gusts of wind.
2) Among many rock samples, one specimen stood out in particular.
H) The company is engaged in the purchase and sale of real estate.
4) The brave man, like the coward, is also afraid, but knows how to overcome his fear.
1) The drums began to crack and the infidels retreated.
2) Don't waste time on empty talk.
3) Life forces are in full swing in Stolz, and he uses them for useful activities.
4) Here fairy tales are almost indistinguishable from real life, and dreams are a continuation of reality.
11. Indicate the meaning of the word DECISIVELY in this sentence.
The desire for innovation, overcoming inert, moldy ideas is inherent in absolutely everyone who works with passion
in any field of knowledge.
1) boldly, adamantly 2) completely, completely 3) without exception 4) of course (in the meaning of the introductory word)

1) The names of many heroes of past wars have long since disappeared
2) The fare must be paid within one stop.
Z) Abroad, Zherkov met Dolokhov, who had been promoted to soldier, but did not consider it necessary to recognize him.
4) The most significant group of additional services that are extremely popular in mobile networks are
are messaging services.
13. From this sentence, write down the word(s) in which all consonant sounds are unvoiced.
In two or three weeks they traveled all around St. Petersburg.
14.From this sentence, write down the word(s) in which the vowel letter denotes two sounds.
Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day, quietly stopped the machine of life.

(1)0 we always only remember happiness. (2) And happiness is everywhere. (3) Maybe it’s this autumn garden behind the barn And it’s clean
air flowing through the window. (4) In the bottomless sky, a cloud rises with a light white edge and shines. (5) I’ve been following him for a long time... (6) We
We see little, we know, But happiness is given only to those who know. (7) The window is open. (8) A bird squeaked and sat on the windowsill. (9)And from
books I look away from my tired gaze for a moment. (Y) The day is getting dark, the sky is empty. (11) The hum of a threshing machine is heard on the threshing floor... (12) I see
I hear you are happy. (13) Everything is in me.
Read a fragment of a review based on the text of I.A.’s poem. Bunin "Evening".
The image of an evening landscape is a reason for thought for the lyrical hero of Bunin’s poem.
The poet widely uses syntactic means of expression____ (sentences 1, 2) shows the progress of development
hero,_______ (sentences 10, 11, 12) emphasizes the unity of nature and man. Integrity of thought is achieved when
help___and_________________(sentences 1, 2, 6, 12).
List of terms:
2.rhetorical appeal
4.transfer (enjambment) technique in versification, when
the sentence does not fit into the poetic line and
occupies part of the next line; transfer in verse
(sentences 5,8, 9) conveys the tension of experiences, observations, thoughts of the lyrical

5. parcellation
8.same words
9. syntactic parallelism
Test work grade 10 Preparing for the Unified State Exam
Option 2.
1. In which word does the consonant sound become voicing during pronunciation?
2. In which word are all consonants hard?
3) station 4) personal
3) tram 4) pike
3. In which word does the number of sounds and letters coincide?
4. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?
3) soldering iron 4) ladder
2) lighten 3) cakes 4) rings
5. In which word is the letter denoting a hard consonant sound correctly highlighted?
2) sweater 3) press 4) overcoat
6. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?
3), protect..protect, theoretical 4) d..plom, z..rnitsa, g..nial
7. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?
1) three..lingual, object..object, 2) sub..suggestive, over..refined, without..initiative
3) pr..calmly,, pr..glue 4) be..honest, neither..check, price..prices
8. In which sentence should I use INVENTIVE instead of the word INVENTIVE?
1) You won’t go anywhere with such an INVENTIVE guy.
2) Frolov was an INVENTIVE man, a real inventor.
H) AN INVENTIVE mind helped him out in many difficult situations.
4) The plant management appreciated his INVENTIVE talent.
9. Which sentence contains antonyms?
1) Store money not in glass jars, but in government banks.
2) The first drops of rain began to patter, and soon the downpour began.
3) Sad, and crying, and laughing, the streams of my poems ring...
4) On a good highway, the cavalry lagged behind the motorized infantry, but in wooded and swampy areas the cavalry could advance at a pace quite comparable to the motorized infantry.
10. Which of the following sentences contains a phraseological unit?
1) And then a night shadow fell on the field of the menacing battle.
2) Stolz often left St. Petersburg, and Oblomov again plunged head over heels into his loneliness and despondency.
3) From four o’clock Nevsky Prospekt is empty, but with the onset of dusk it comes to life again.
4) All the courtyard buildings of the northern peasant house were under one roof.
11. State the meaning of the word TRIVIAL in this sentence.
In my youth, the desire to fight established, trivial opinions sometimes gave my writings a quarrelsome, passionate, noisy character, from which I
I got rid of it only in my mature years.
2) devoid of originality, novelty 3) sharp 4) critical
12. Which sentence has no speech errors?
1) It’s hot today, I’ll wear something light.
2) Pictures of the Volga expanses are contrasted with the picture of Kalinov’s stuffy atmosphere. 3) Bent over, he crossed the threshold of a low
4) A company providing its services in the field of mobile communications must take a reasonable approach to approving tariffs.
From this sentence, write down the word(s) in which all the consonants are unvoiced.
Thirty years have passed, and he has not advanced a single step in any field.
From this sentence, write down the word(s) in which the vowel letter denotes two sounds.
He believed that visiting a public place is by no means an obligatory habit.
(1) It sounded over a clear river, / It rang in a darkened meadow, / It rolled over a silent grove, / It lit up on the other bank. (2) Far away, in the twilight, with bows / The river runs away to the west. /
(3) Having burned with golden borders, / The clouds scattered like smoke. (4) On the hillock it is sometimes damp, sometimes hot, / The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night, / But the lightning is already glowing brightly / Blue and green
Read the poem and complete task 15.
15. Read a fragment of a review based on the text of A.A.’s poem. Feta "Evening".
In sentence 1, which makes up the first stanza, the poet uses_____ means of expression,
creating an atmosphere of mystery, the effect of spontaneous life of nature.____(firstly
three lines), two of which are at the same time _____, make the picture of the evening visible, spiritual. Nature is endowed with a living soul - this is facilitated
(sentences 1, 2, 4). Different types of _____ (sentences 2, 3) leave a feeling of fluidity, changeability, subtle and constant changes in nature.

*29. Among the offers 1 - 5 Find an offer with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

*30. There are 9 offers - 14 find a compound with a subordinate clause. Write the number of this offer.

Ticket number 165

*]. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

    provision 2) stole 3) enviable 4) ports

*2. In which sentence should the word CLAY be used instead of the word CLAY?

    Often used for drilling vertical wells CLAY solutions.

    Before us stood a beautiful CLAY bowl.

    During the excavations they discovered CLAY figures of ancient warriors.

    The hostess slowly melted CLAY hearth

    This little pastry shop has the most delicious bargains.

    St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

    The issuance of loans reached two and a half billion rubles.

    My neighbor bought a kilogram of tomatoes.

After talking with friends...

    he had to stay late in the studio.

    he passed his stop.

    whom he had not seen for a long time, the meeting did not take place due to his lateness.

    excitement overwhelmed him.

*5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical (syntax) error.

    We are pleased that everything worked out for us.

    Upon returning to St. Petersburg, we immediately went to Vasilyevsky Island.

    Young people were keen and well versed in foreign literature.

    These projects will be given special attention.

- 11.

(1) ... (2) The name comes from the Latin words “succus” - juice and “lentus” - long. (3) These desert plants, exposed to strong heating by the sun's rays, often lack water, so any opportunity to replenish its reserves during periods of rare rains is used 100% by cacti. (4) The stem of succulent plants serves as a kind of “storehouse” for storing water, and the waxy coating and thickened skin slow down the evaporation process. (5) Cacti are the only source of life-giving moisture for many other desert inhabitants, and therefore they have to “escape” in every possible way from those who want to quench their thirst. (6) ... for this purpose there are sharp thorns, formed from the same tissues as the leaves, and they also contain vessels containing chlorophyll.

*6. Which of the following sentences should befirst in this text?

    There are so many unusual plants in the world!

    There are very few succulent plants in the world and they are not well studied.

    Cacti belong to the group of succulents.

    Succulent plants do not need moisture at all.

*7. What word should appear in sentence b in the place of the gap indicated by the ellipsis?

    Even better

  1. In other words,

    plants experience (sentence 3)

    every opportunity is used (sentence 3)

    the stem serves (sentence 4)

    they have to (sentence 5)

*9. Indicate the correct characteristics of sentence 3


    complex non-union


    complex with subordinating and non-conjunctive connections

*10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word BECAUSE from sentence 5

  1. pronoun

*11. What is the meaning of the word DISADVANTAGE in sentence 3?

  1. shortage

    negative trait

    12. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which is writtenone letter N?

Various projects for the transition to letter (2) sound writing developed by (1) Chinese linguists were not implemented (3) because society (4) saw in them a threat of a break with centuries-old culture.

    1,2,3,4 2) 3 3) 3,4 4) 2,3

    13. Which row is missing in all words?verifiable root vowel?

    Get medical treatment, civilian, mon. mania.

    Triumph, old-fashioned, warmer.

    Win...bend, loosen, p...sque.

    Consumer, area...kettle, or...shenie.


    S...simulate, super...intelligence, well...known.

    Un...protective, in...getting, too...too much.

    In...the youngster, the monkey...approaching.

    Pr...tolerate, privilege, pr...gain.

*15. In which row is the same letter missing?

    (They) whistle...t, hiding...t, (they) hear...t.


    Built, (he) struggles, sticks...l.

    Unobscured, despairing, rolling.



B. Hello

    Confirm G. Key...

    A, B, C 2) B 3) B, D 4) B, C, D

*17. In which sentence is NOT written with all the words?seamlessly ?

    He (not) will so shocked and scared of her by nothing (not) explainable departure.

    IN (not) deep stuck in a niche (not) painted rack.

    Regarding my fate, I will say that I often regret that (not) became botanist and scientist (Don't know thousands of plants and shrubs, trees and herbs.

    (Not) sorting it out roads and (not) hearing voices, the tourists continued to move forward.

*18. In which example are all highlighted words written?seamlessly ?

    (C) rights dilapidated counter, (c) top Narrow, high steps led to the floors.

    Antosha only showed up (to) tomorrow (to) evening.

    Usually chatty (without) silence, he is silent now yes (of) rare scolds the road.

    Then she went where (that) (to) right along the embankment.

*19. Provide the correct explanation for the punctuation in the sentence.

Once upon a time, a ship from Sidon loaded with various goods was caught in a strong storm (...) and its crew thought it best to go ashore.

*20. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

    Since time immemorial, in China and Japan it has been customary to eat with chopsticks.

    Despite the early hour we set off.

    People who have not been to the equator cannot imagine tropical winter rain.

    After breakfast, putting on another thin sweater over her thin sweater, she went down to the lobby.

*21. Give the correct explanation for the use of the colon in this sentence.

I believe that the poet was able to express a deep thought: everyone should live according to their conscience, without betraying themselves and the laws of morality.

    The second part of a complex non-union sentence reveals the reason for what is said in the first part.

    The second part of a complex non-union sentence explains and reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

*22. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

It should be noted (1) that (2) if the work was done in writing (3) then this passage (4) should be enclosed in quotation marks (5) by entering into the text of the essay (6) using one of the methods of citation.

    1,2, 3,5 2) 1,3, 5 3) 1, 2, 3,4, 5 4) 1,3, 5, 6

*23. Read the text.

Hair color and how long it lasts are determined by the amount of pigment it contains, which is a genetic characteristic of each person. Graying of hair occurs due to a lack of tyrosine, which is contained as a component in almost all proteins, and therefore early gray hair can occur in people who are addicted to diets that exclude protein-rich foods. But para-aminobenzoic acid will help prevent this process, which promotes the complete absorption of proteins and also participates in the formation of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to the cells.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveyshome information contained in the text?

    Para-aminobenzoic acid, which promotes the complete absorption of proteins, is involved in the formation of red blood cells, so it prevents the appearance of early gray hair.

    Hair color is a genetic feature of each person; gray hair can appear due to disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, with limited intake of vitamins, especially proteins, into the body.

    Hair color and how long it lasts are a genetic feature of each person; hair turns gray due to a lack of tyrosine, found in all proteins, but this process can be prevented with the help of para-aminobenzoic acid.

- 30.

(1) An official of the treasury chamber, a widower, elderly, married a young, beautiful daughter of a military commander. (2) He was silent and modest, and she knew her worth. (3) He was thin, tall, consumptive, wore iodine-colored glasses, spoke somewhat hoarsely, and if he wanted to say something louder, he would break into a fistula. (4) And she was small, well-built and strong, always well dressed, very attentive and efficient around the house, and had a keen eye. (5) He seemed as uninteresting in all respects as many provincial officials, but his first marriage was to a beauty - everyone just threw up their hands: why and why did such people marry him?

    And so the second beauty calmly hated his seven-year-old boy from the first, pretending that she did not notice him at all. (7) Then the father, out of fear of her, also pretended that he did not and never had a son. (8) And the boy, naturally lively and affectionate, began to be afraid to say a word in their presence, and there he completely hid, becoming as if non-existent in the house.

    Immediately after the wedding, he was transferred to sleep from his father's bedroom on a sofa in the living room, a small room near the dining room, decorated with blue velvet furniture. (10) But his sleep was restless; every night he knocked the sheet and blanket onto the floor. (11) And soon the beauty said to the maid:

(12) - This is a disgrace, he will wear out all the velvet on the sofa. (13) Lay it out for him, Nastya, on the floor, on that mattress that I told you to hide in the late lady’s large chest in the corridor.

    And the boy, in his complete loneliness in the whole world, began to live a completely independent life, completely isolated from the rest of the house - inaudible, imperceptible, the same day after day: humbly sitting in the corner of the living room, drawing houses on a slate board or reading in a whisper from the warehouses. He keeps looking out the windows at the same book with pictures, bought under his late mother... (15) He sleeps on the floor between the sofa and a tub with a palm tree. (16) He makes his own bed in the evening and diligently cleans it himself, rolls it up in the morning and takes it into the corridor into his mother’s chest. (17) All the rest of his goodness is hidden there.

(According to I. Bunin)

*24. Which statement CONTRADIES with the content of the text?

    Fear of his beautiful wife made the official forget about his son.

    The boy is alone in his home because he cannot forget his dead mother.

    You can live with your family and close people, but be deeply lonely because of their callousness.

    The beauty hated the boy because she did not want to take care of someone else's child. *25. Indicate the method of forming the word LOUDER (sentence 3).

*26. From the proposals9-10 write down all the pronouns.

*27. From sentence 11, write out a phrase with the connection CONNECTION.

*28. There are 7 offers - 10 find a simple one-part indefinite personal. Write the number of this offer.

*29. There are 9 offers - 13 find a sentence with a separate definition. Write the number of this offer.

*30. Among the proposals I - 7 Find a compound with a subordinate clause. Write the number of this offer.

Ticket No. 181

*/. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

1) arrive 2) expert 3) more beautiful, 4) air duct

*2. In which sentence should the word BEING be used instead of the word BEING?

    Art originated in the depths of everyday folk LIFE.

    Although their village had the status of a city, LIFE and morals were distinguished by rural simplicity.

    The original question of the theory of knowledge is the question of the relationship of thinking to LIFE.

    In a complex economic LIFE hotels have a lot of unwritten rules.

*3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical (morphological) error.

    This master became famous for his five hundred and sixty-four stories about nature.

    The corresponding agreement was signed today.

    Of the three hundred and eighty pages, the boy read only three hundred.

    On the horizon, under the bright sun, the golden domes of the monastery shimmered.

*4. Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Watching the life of this ancient city...

    it became a kind of symbol of the Renaissance.

    She stood at the window for a long time.

    The mystery of its attractiveness has not yet been solved.

    It’s a pity that I don’t have the gift of writing to describe its beauty.

*5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical (syntax) error.

    The skater skated to Ravel's music.

    The wrong choice of word is associated with ignorance of its basic lexical meaning.

    The journey on skis on drifting ice lasted seventy-six days.

    The boys stopped playing football because of the sudden rain.

Read the text and complete the tasks b - 11.

(1)... (2) All scientific works were then written mainly in this language, although it was not understandable to most peoples. (3) Over time, many Latin words, having undergone a number of changes, were included in the popular vocabulary of different languages. (4) This was especially evident in the Romance languages ​​that formed after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

    With the development of national languages ​​in European countries, Latin gave way to them in science. (6) ... Latin terminology is still extremely important today.

*6. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?

    The scientific style is used to convey scientific information and to communicate in the scientific field.

    Until the 18th century. Teaching at Russian universities was conducted mainly in Latin.

    Scientific works of antiquity and the Middle Ages were characterized by imagery.

4) Until the XV-XVI centuries. In many European countries, Latin was the generally accepted scientific language.

*7. Which of the following words or combinations of words should be in the blank in sentence b?

    Vice versa

    First of all

    Therefore, 4) However

*8. What words are the grammatical basis of one of the sentences in the text?

    scientific essays have been written (sentence 2)

    words were included (sentence 3)

181( 1)

    gave way (sentence 5)

    terminology has (sentence 6)

*9. Indicate the correct characteristic of sentence 2.

    simple complicated

    complex non-union



*10. Indicate the correct morphological characteristics of the word ALL from sentence 2.


  1. pronoun

*11. Indicate the meaning of the word LANGUAGE in sentence 2.

    organ of speech

    sign system

    speech style

*12. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in the place of which are writtentwo letters N?

On this glass (1) door there was written (2) about"U angel" and for clarity, drawn (3) crossed (4) wings.

    1,2,3,4 2)4 3)2,3,4 4)1,4

*13. In which row is it missing in all words?verifiable root vowel?

    Preaching!..d, formation, repentance.

    Usk...kat, thaw...pel, l..".xic.

    Pay, semiconductor, b...rod.

    Return, logical, take care.

*14. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

    Premeditated, h...ide, pr...warn.

    Pre...July, super., gra, collect.

    Gr...eaten,, objective.

    Depreciate, un...burnable, cleft...cleft.

*15. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

    The one who hoped, despaired, (they) blushed...t.

    Processed, pumped out, hidden.

    Decorate, move, throw.

    All-seeing, (they) roll..., assimilated...into.

*16. Which answer option contains all the words that contain the letter I?

    Freckled B. Despair

G. Taciturn

    A, D 2) A, B, D 3) B, D 4) B, C, D

*17. In which sentence is NOT written with all the words?separately ?

    (Necessary change the strength of your voice and tempo of speech during your speech so that it (not) was monotonous.

    There was a lot of life and truth in his sketches, but none of them (not) finished and this drawing seemed to me (not) delusional.

    He stayed for a minute (not) mobile, Bye (not) convinced that it was a mistake.

    He doesn't (not) by chance found himself on the river bank and looked into the distance nothing (not) expressing glance.

*18. In Kaka And in the example, all highlighted words are writtenhyphenated ?

    Exactly the same rocks discovered (in) my opinion in South Africa.

    (Firstly, these round stones as if (as if) developed holes.

    Somewhere the lights were shining, (apparently) these were firelights.

    mountain range as if (as) (with) go breaks into the sea.

*19. Provide the correct explanation for the punctuation in the sentence.

cacti - the only source of life-giving moisture for many other desert inhabitants (...) and therefore they have to “save themselves” in every possible way from those who want to quench their thirst.

    Complex sentence, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

    A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And no comma is needed.

    A simple sentence with homogeneous members, a comma is needed before the conjunction AND.

    Complex sentence, before the conjunction And there is no need for a comma.

*20. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

    However, everyone agrees that a foreign language can be learned at any age.

    I I recognized many words that had been known until then, but had not been experienced.

    He glanced at the priest standing at a distance, as if admiring his attire.

    She re-read the letter and carefully crossed out the last paragraph.

*21. Give the correct explanation for the use of the colon in this sentence.

Everything was bathed in the yolk of the sun: the roofs of the neighboring buildings, the balcony with sagging ropes loaded with wet laundry, yesterday’s bridge.

    The second part of a complex non-union sentence reveals and explains what is said in the first part.

    The first part of a complex non-union sentence contains the condition of what is said in the other.

    The generalizing word comes before the homogeneous members of the sentence.

    The second part of the complex non-union sentence is contrasted with the first.

*22. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

The fact (1) that this first (2) of the three days allotted to her (3) was leaving (4) she realized (5) only (6) when the purple lanterns were lit on the embankment.

    1, 2, 3,5 2) 1,2, 3,4, 6 3) 1,2, 3,4, 5, 6 4)1,4, 5

*23. Read the text.

Hair color and how long it lasts are determined by the amount of pigment it contains, which is a genetic characteristic of each person. Graying of hair occurs due to a lack of tyrosine, which is contained as a component in almost all proteins, and therefore early gray hair can occur in people who are addicted to diets that exclude protein-rich foods. But para-aminobenzoic acid will help prevent this process, which promotes the complete absorption of proteins and also participates in the formation of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to the cells.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveyshome information contained in the text?

    The amount of pigment that determines hair color and how long it lasts is a genetic feature of a person; graying occurs due to its deficiency.

    Hair color and how long it lasts are a genetic feature of each person; hair turns gray due to a lack of tyrosine, found in all proteins, but this process can be prevented with the help of para-aminobenzoic acid.

    Gray hair may appear prematurely due to a lack of tyrosine, the content of which is determined genetically and is not susceptible to any external influence.

    Para-aminobenzoic acid promotes the complete absorption of proteins and is involved in the formation of red blood cells, so it prevents the appearance of early gray hair.

Read the text and complete tasks 24 - 30.

(1) I don't like watching television. (2) But there were programs that I always watched: ice dancing. (3) Then I got tired of them and stopped watching - I stopped systematically, I watch only occasionally. (4) What I like most is when those who are considered weak or who have not yet entered the circle of “recognized” perform successfully. (5) The luck of beginners or the luck of the unlucky brings much more satisfaction than the luck of the successful.

(b) But that's not the point. (7) What fascinates me most is how a “skater” (as athletes on ice were called in the old days) corrects his mistakes while dancing. (8) He fell and gets up, quickly entering into a dance, and leads this dance as if the fall had never happened. (9) This is art, great art.

(10) But there are many more mistakes in life than on an ice field. (11) And you need to be able to get out of mistakes: correct them immediately and... beautifully. (12) Yes, exactly beautiful.

    When a person persists in his mistake or worries too much, thinks that life is over, “everything is lost,” this is annoying both for him and for those around him. (14) Those around you feel awkward not because of the mistake itself, but because of the inability of the person who made the mistake to correct it.

(15) Admitting your mistake to yourself (you don’t have to do it publicly: then it’s either embarrassing or showing off) is not always easy, you need experience. (16) You need experience in order to get back into work and continue it after making a mistake as soon as possible and as easily as possible. (17) And those around him do not need to force a person to admit a mistake, they need to encourage him to correct it; reacting the way spectators react at competitions, sometimes even rewarding those who fell and easily corrected their mistake with joyful applause at the first opportunity. (According to D.S. Likhachev)

*24. Which statement matches the content of the text?

    The ability to admit and correct mistakes is a kind of art.

    By persisting in his mistake, a person shows strength of character, although this is annoying both for him and for those around him.

    Admiration is caused by a person’s ability to admit a mistake both to himself and to everyone around him who forces him to make such an admission.

*25. Indicate how the word AGAIN is formed (sentence 8).

*26. From 8 proposals - 9 write down all the adverbs.

*27. From sentence 1, write down a phrase with the connection MANAGEMENT.

*28. There are 6 offers - 10 find a complex sentence that contains an incomplete sentence. Write the number of this offer.

*29. There are 13 offers - 17 find a sentence with a separate circumstance. Write the number of this offer.

*30. There are 8 offers - 13 find a compound with an explanatory clause. Write the number of this offer.

Ticket number 130

*1. In what wordwrong Is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound highlighted?

1) catalog 2) force 3) quarter 4) banty

*2. In which sentence should the word SPECTATOR be used instead of the word SPECTATOR?

    People who read a lot have a well-developed VISUAL memory.

    During the operation the surgeon injured VISUAL patient's nerve.

    Very important in the brain VISUAL region.

    The film received first place in VISUAL voting.

Formulate position of the author (storyteller). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the text you read. Explain why. Justify your answer based on the reader’s experience, knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Work written without reference to the text read (not based on this text) is not graded.

If the essay is a retelling or a complete rewrite of the original text without any comments, then such work is scored zero points.

Write your essay neatly and in legible handwriting.

Option 1

A1. In which word does the consonant sound become deafened during pronunciation?

1) ski

3) request

4) mail
A2. In which word are all consonants soft?

1) translate

2) seventh

4) evaluate

3) messenger

4) object

1) pamper

2) turn on

3) collected

4) provision
A5. In which word is the letter denoting a soft consonant sound correctly highlighted?

1) Detective

2) partner

4) Manager

1) contract, education, growth

2) in..twisted, rated..thread, from..leak

3) art..lleria, l..genda, k...satenal

4) ex..give, h..words, burn out

1) not..tasty, neither..throw away, and..chew

2) sub..ect, two..tier, with..ride

3) pr..sidium, pr..yatel, pr..sit

4) destroy, super..famous, disinfect..infection

^ In two or three weeks they traveled all around St. Petersburg.


^ Eternal silence, lazy crawling from day to day, quietly stopped the machine of life.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________
C1. Write a short discussion about the meaning from the study of phonetics.







Test 2. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling
Option 2

A1. In which word does the consonant sound become voicing during pronunciation?

1) walking

3) station

4) personal
A2. In which word are all consonants hard?

3) tram

4) pike
A3. Which word has the same number of sounds and letters?

1) luck

3) soldering iron

4) stairs
A4. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

2) make it easier

4) calls
A5. In which word is the letter denoting a hard consonant sound correctly highlighted?

2) sweater

3) press

4) overcoat
A6. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) touch..dream, g..ruchy, velvety

2) tr..llleybus, r..vestity, president..dent

3) mercy, protect, theoretical

4) d..plom, z..rnitsa, g..nial
A7. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) three..lingual, object..object,

2) pod..skat, over..refined, without..initiative

3) right..calmly,, right..glue

4) be..honest, nor..verify, price..prices
B1. From this sentence, write down the word(s) in which all the consonants are unvoiced.

^ Thirty years have passed, and he has not advanced a single step in any field.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________
B2. From this sentence, write down the word(s) in which the vowel letter denotes two sounds.

^ He believed that visiting a public place is by no means an obligatory habit.

Answer: ____________________________________________________________
C1. Write a short discussion about the importance of studying orthoepy.









Option 1

A1. In which sentence should we use SPECTATORY instead of the word SPECTATORY?

1) It is necessary to develop VISUAL memory from early childhood.

2) After the third bell, entry into the auditorium is prohibited.

3) The last Olympics set a record for VISUAL interest among the winter ones.

4) The OPTIC nerve contains about a million nerve fibers.
A2. Which sentence contains synonyms?

1) The fire almost died out, then flared up again with gusts of wind.

2) Among many rock samples, one specimen stood out in particular.

3) The company is engaged in the purchase and sale of real estate.

4) The brave man, like the coward, is also afraid, but knows how to overcome his fear.

1) The drums began to crack and the infidels retreated.

2) Don't waste time on empty talk.

3) Life forces are in full swing in Stolz, and he uses them for useful activities.

4) Here fairy tales are almost indistinguishable from real life, and dreams are a continuation of reality.
A4. Indicate the meaning of the word DECISIVELY in this sentence.

^ The desire to innovate, to overcome inert, moldy ideas is inherent in absolutely everyone who works passionately in any field of knowledge.

1) boldly, adamantly

2) completely, completely

3) without exception

4) of course (in the meaning of the introductory word)

1) inert

2) moldy

3) works

4) areas

1) The names of many heroes of past wars have long since sunk into summer.

2) The fare must be paid within one stop.

3) Abroad, Zherkov met Dolokhov, who had been promoted to soldier, but did not consider it necessary to recognize him.

4) The most significant group of additional services that are extremely popular in mobile networks are messaging services.

(1) We always only remember about happiness.

(2) And happiness is everywhere. (3) Maybe it is -

This autumn garden behind the barn

And clean air flowing through the window.
(4) In the bottomless sky with a light white edge

The cloud rises and shines. (5) For a long time

I'm watching him... (6) We see little, we know,

And happiness is given only to those who know.
(7) The window is open. (8) She squeaked and sat down

There's a bird on the windowsill. (9) And from books

I look away from my tired gaze for a moment.
(10) The day is getting dark, the sky is empty.

(11) The hum of a threshing machine is heard on the threshing floor...

(12) I see, I hear, I’m happy. (13) Everything is in me.
B1. Read a fragment of a review based on the text of I. A. Bunin’s poem “Evening”.

when transferring

The image of an evening landscape is a reason for reflection by the lyrical hero of Bunin’s poem. The poet widely uses syntactic means of expression. _______________ (sentences 1, 2) shows the development of thought. ________ (sentences 5, 8, 9) conveys the tension of the lyrical hero’s experiences, observations, and thoughts. _________________ (sentences 10, 11, 12) emphasizes the unity of nature and man. Integrity of thought is achieved with the help of _____ and _____ (sentences 1, 2, 6, 12).

List of terms:

1) repetitions

2) rhetorical appeal

3) hyperboles

4) transfer (enzhanbeman)

5) parcellation

b) antonyms

7) anaphora

8) cognates

9) syntactic parallelism


^ Test 3. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Speech culture.

Fine and expressive means of the Russian language
Option 2

A1. In which sentence should I use INVENTIONAL instead of the word INVENTIVE?

1) You won’t go anywhere with such an INVENTIVE guy.

2) Frolov was an INVENTIVE man, a real inventor.

3) AN INVENTIVE mind helped him out in many difficult situations.

4) The plant management appreciated his INVENTIVE talent.
A2. Which sentence contains antonyms?

1) Store money not in glass jars, but in government banks.

2) The first drops of rain began to patter, and soon the downpour began.

3) Sad, and crying, and laughing, the streams of my poems ring...

4) On a good highway, the cavalry lagged behind the motorized infantry, but in wooded and swampy areas the cavalry could advance at a pace quite comparable to the motorized infantry.
A3. Which of the following sentences contains a phraseological unit?

1) And then a night shadow fell on the field of the menacing battle.

2) Stolz often left St. Petersburg, and Oblomov again plunged head over heels into his loneliness and despondency.

3) From four o’clock Nevsky Prospekt is empty, but with the onset of dusk it comes to life.

4) All the courtyard buildings of the northern peasant house were under one roof.
A4. State the meaning of the word TRIVIAL in this sentence.

In my youth, the desire to fight established, trivial opinions sometimes gave my writings a quarrelsome, passionate, noisy character, which I got rid of only in my mature years.

1) outdated

2) devoid of originality, novelty

4) critical
A5. What word is used in this sentence (see task A4) in a figurative sense?

1) desire

2) scriptures

3) loud

4) mature
A6. Which sentence has no speech errors?

1) It’s hot today, I’ll wear something light.

2) Pictures of the Volga expanses are contrasted with the picture of Kalinov’s stuffy atmosphere.

3) Bent over, he crossed the threshold of the low house.

4) A company providing its services in the field of mobile communications must take a reasonable approach to approving tariffs.

(1) Sounded over a clear river,

^ It rang in a darkened meadow,

Rolled over the silent grove,

It lit up on the other side.
(2) Far away, in the twilight, with bows

The river runs to the west.

(3) Having burned with golden borders,

The clouds scattered like smoke.
(4) On the hill it is sometimes damp, sometimes hot,

The sighs of the day are in the breath of the night, -

But the lightning is already glowing brightly

Blue and green fire.
B1. Read a fragment of a review based on the text of A. A. Fet’s poem “Evening”.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the blanks with numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should appear in the blank space, write the number 0.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the order in which you wrote them down in the text of the review in the place of gaps after the word “Answer”, starting from the first cell. Write each number in a separate box. Numbers when transferring separate with commas. Place each comma in a separate box. Spaces are not used when writing answers.

In sentence 1, which makes up the first stanza, the poet uses _____ - means of expression that create an atmosphere of mystery, the effect of the spontaneous life of nature. ________ (in the first three lines), two of which are at the same time _______, make the picture of the evening visible, spiritual. Nature is endowed with a living soul - this is promoted (sentences 1, 2, 4). Different types of _____ (sentences 2, 3) leave a feeling of fluidity, changeability, subtle and constant changes in nature.

List of terms:

1) antonyms

2) personification

3) epithets

4) impersonal verbs

5) cognates

b) hyperboles

7) comparisons

8) anaphora

9) syntactic parallelism


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