Peterson workbook in dow. Scenario of an educational situation in the technology of the activity approach L

The brochure presents the “Steps” preschool training program in mathematics for children 3-6 years old (“Playing Game” for children 3-4 years old and “One is a step, two is a step...” for children 5-6 years old), which is an initial part of a continuous mathematics course for preschoolers, primary and secondary schools of the educational system “School 2000...”. Lesson planning is provided, taking into account the possibility of working in this program with preschoolers of various levels of training. The main goal of the “Steps” program is to develop in children, during the didactic game, thinking, creative forces and activity abilities, general educational skills and personality traits that ensure effective learning at school. The program is methodically supported by the courses “Playing Game” and “One is a step, two is a step...” by L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova and N.P. Kholina, who have been tested in wide teaching practice with positive results since 1992.

Explanatory note.
The program for mathematical development of preschoolers “Steps” is the initial link of a continuous course of mathematics for preschoolers, primary and secondary school students of the educational program “School 2000...”. The main goal of the “School 2000...” program is the comprehensive development of the child, the formation of his abilities for self-change and self-development, a picture of the world and moral qualities that create conditions for successful entry into culture and the creative life of society, self-determination and self-realization of the individual. This goal is realized in accordance with the stages of cognition and age-related characteristics of children’s development in the system of lifelong education.

Goals and objectives of preschool preparation of children.
At the stage of preschool preparation, the educational process is organized based on the main characteristics of the first pre-conceptual stage of cognition (the stage of objective actions) and the age periodization of the psychological development of children by D.B. Elkonina. In the preschool period, the child’s primary awareness of the external influences of the surrounding world occurs, therefore its development is associated with the formation of cognitive processes and abilities for basic mental operations based on objective actions during play types of communication. It means. that in addition to the development of attention, memory, and speech traditional for preschool training, children must develop mental operations:
analysis of the properties of the objects or phenomena under study;
comparison of properties of objects;
generalization, that is, identifying common properties of objects in a group;
distribution of objects into groups according to the selected property;
classification according to the selected property;
synthesis based on the selected structure;

I. Explanatory note
1.Goals and objectives of preschool training of children in the “Steps” program
2. Organization of the cognitive process
3.Organization of the educational process
4.Management of preservation and support of children’s health
1. The program of the “Playing Game” course for children 3-4 years old and 4-5 years old
2. Course program “One is a step, two is a step...” for children 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old
III. Methodological support
IV. Approximate planning of educational material
1. Thematic planning for the “Igrachka” course for children 3-4 years old and 4-5 years old
2. Thematic planning for the course “One is a step, two is a step...” for children 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old (64 lessons)
3. Thematic planning for the course “One is a step, two is a step...” for children 5-6 years old and 6-7 years old (86 lessons).

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Preschool training program for children 3-6 years old “Steps”, Peterson L.G., 2007 -, fast and free download.

  • Playing step to school, Practical mathematics course for preschoolers, Methodological recommendations, Part 3, Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.E., 2011

Additional materials for this manual for organizing individual work with children are contained in notebooks with a printed base “Igralochka”, part 1, by the same authors.
The educational and methodological manual "Igralochka" part 1 is focused on the development of children's thinking, creative abilities, their cognitive activity and interest in mathematics.
The continuation for children 4-5 years old is the educational and methodological manual "Igralochka" part 2, for children 5-7 years old the educational and methodological manual...

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The educational and methodological manual "Igralochka" part 1 for the development of mathematical concepts of children 3-4 years old is a continuation of the educational and methodological manual "Igralochka" part 1 for children 3-4 years old and the next link in the continuous mathematics course "School 2000...". Contains a brief description of the concept, program and conduct of classes with children in accordance with the new requirements for organizing classes according to the didactic system of the activity method "School 2000..." (Russian Federation Presidential Prize in the field of education for 2002).

Playing game (L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova)

The introduction of a state educational standard opens up the opportunity to competently and creatively use various educational programs. Our kindergarten implements the “Igralochka” program by L.G. Peterson E.E. Kochemasova.
Many years of experience show that for effective teaching of children it is important to form in them a cognitive interest, a desire and habit of thinking, and a desire to learn something new. It is important to teach them to communicate with peers and adults, to engage in joint gaming and socially useful activities, etc. That's why main tasks of mathematical development of preschoolers in the “Igralochka” program are:
1) the formation of learning motivation, focused on satisfying cognitive interests, the joy of creativity;
2) increasing the amount of attention and memory;
3) formation of methods of mental action (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy);
4) development of variable thinking, imagination, creative abilities;
5) development of speech, the ability to give reasons for one’s statements, and build simple conclusions;
6) developing the ability to purposefully master volitional efforts, establish correct relationships with peers and adults, and see oneself through the eyes of others;
7) the formation of general educational skills (the ability to think and plan one’s actions, make decisions in accordance with given rules, check the results of one’s actions, etc.).
The solution to these problems fully corresponds to the achievement of targets at the stage of completion of preschool education, outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, namely:

  • the child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, design, etc.;
  • the child actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games;
  • is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize with failures and rejoice in the successes of others, adequately expresses his feelings, including a sense of self-confidence, tries to resolve conflicts;
  • the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various types of activities, and above all in play;
  • the child masters different forms and types of play, distinguishes between conventional and real situations, and knows how to obey different rules and social norms.

In the process of familiarizing children with different areas of mathematical reality: quantity and counting, measurement and comparison of quantities, spatial and temporal orientations. A new building is not given to children ready-made; they comprehend it through independent analysis, comparison, and identification of essential features. Thus, mathematics enters children’s lives as a “discovery” of regular connections and relationships in the world around them. Therefore, classes are essentially a system of didactic games, during which children explore problem situations, identify significant signs and relationships, compete, and make “discoveries.” During these games, personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child and between children and their communication in pairs and groups takes place. Children do not notice that learning is going on - they move around the room, work with toys, pictures, balls, LEGO cubes... The entire system of organizing classes is perceived by the child as a natural continuation of his play activity.
The saturation of the educational material with game tasks determined the name of the manual - “Igralochka”.
The level of specially organized situations that children live through gradually changes: from actions with specific objects they move on to actions with graphic models of the objects under study, they gain experience in symbolically recording and expressing observed properties and patterns in speech, and the degree of independence of children increases. Therefore, the parts of the course are called differently: for younger preschoolers (parts 1 and 2) they are called “Igralochka,” and for older preschoolers (parts 3 and 4) they are called “Igralochka - a step to school.”

The brochure presents the "Steps" preschool training program in mathematics for children 3-6 years old ("Playing Game" for children 3-4 years old and "One - a step, two - a step..." for children 5-6 years old), which is the initial link of a continuous mathematics course for preschoolers, primary and secondary schools of the educational system "School 2000...". Lesson planning is provided, taking into account the possibility of working in this program with preschoolers of various levels of training.
The main goal of the “Steps” program is to develop in children, during the didactic game, thinking, creative forces and activity abilities, general educational skills and personality traits that ensure effective learning at school.
The program is methodologically supported by the courses “Player” and “One is a step, two is a step...” by the authors L. G. Peterson, E. E. Kochemasova and N. P. Kholina, which have been tested in wide pedagogical practice with positive results since 1992 year.

In kindergarten, one of the areas of work is teaching counting skills. Often educators use the manual by L. G. Peterson “”. Training using this method can begin from 3 years old to seven. The content of the educational program becomes more complex depending on age. This manual includes practical recommendations and demonstration material.

  • studying the properties of objects and numbers;
  • patterns;
  • numbers;
  • quantities;
  • spatiotemporal representations.

Children in kindergarten

At a younger age, they study only numbers, and at an older age they study simple arithmetic operations with them. All classes should be conducted taking into account the child’s leading activity in the preschool period - play. But lessons should be conducted regularly so that the knowledge gained is systematized.

For children 4-5 years old

This part of the manual is not aimed at memorizing and memorizing, but at developing in children the ability to independently draw conclusions, reason and prove their point of view. There is no need to force him to study mathematics; teachers should try to motivate him.

Important! The book should not be given in full at once: you need to cut off the pages as you complete tasks and put them in a separate folder. And at the end of the school year it can be given to the student’s parents.

This tutorial covers the following topics:

  • "Repetition";
  • "Earlier, later";
  • “Height comparison”;
  • "Number and figure 4";
  • "Square";
  • "Cube";
  • "Up, Down";
  • “Width comparison”;
  • "Number and figure 5";
  • "Oval";
  • "Inside, outside";
  • “In front, behind, between”;
  • "Pair";
  • "Rectangle";
  • "Number series";
  • "Rhythm";
  • "Number and figure 6";
  • "Ordinal counting";
  • "Comparison by length";
  • "Number and figure 7";
  • “Numbers and figures 1-7”;
  • "Comparison by thickness";
  • "Higher, lower";
  • "Plan";
  • "Number and figure 8";
  • "Cylinder";
  • "Cone";
  • "Prism and Pyramid".

Important! After studying all the topics, the second part of “The Game” contains tasks for repeating all the material.

Each section offers several exercises for practicing and consolidating:

  • comparison;
  • complete the figures;
  • connect the dots;
  • find an extra item and explain why;
  • paint over the required number or suitable figure;
  • passing the labyrinth;
  • drawing up proposals.

Exercises have a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills and speech development. All topics are illustrated, because when working with preschoolers you need to use visual material. It is important that the teacher does not give children ready-made answers, but helps them find the answer to the questions on their own. At the age of 4-5 years, teachers develop an interest in studying mathematics.

Boy doing math

For the average group 5-6 years old

In Peterson's book, Mathematics for Preschoolers, middle grades begin introducing children to simple arithmetic and expanding upon their existing knowledge. In this manual for the middle group, the following sections are studied in detail:

  • properties of objects;
  • comparison;
  • addition;
  • work on spatial representations of ON, OVER, UNDER;
  • work on the concepts of “right”, “left”;
  • subtraction;
  • work on the concepts of “between”, “in the middle”, “inside”, “outside”;
  • one-many;
  • study of figures and numbers.

In the middle group, more time is allocated to the study of each topic, because these are the first steps for children to go to school.

Important! Classes should not be too long. It is necessary to arrange physical minutes and a change of activity.

Preschoolers are offered to perform the following types of exercises:

  • search for identical features and differences;
  • search for similar shapes and paint over them;
  • searching for extra items;
  • working with tables.

The child must give a detailed answer to almost every exercise. Thus, it happens. Several lessons are allocated for the study of each topic, because the material becomes more complex. Therefore, the use of Peterson's mathematics manual for children 5-6 years old allows for an integrated approach to learning.

For preschoolers 6-7 years old

In the preparatory group, most of the classes are devoted to practicing arithmetic operations. New topics include the following:

  • area measurement;
  • length measurement;
  • mass measurement;
  • watch.

Didactic games

Peterson’s book “Preparing for School for 6-7 Years” offers handouts so that preschoolers can apply knowledge in practice and better master the knowledge they have acquired.

The advantage of this technique is that it is not a mathematics textbook for kindergarten, but a workbook. And you can study with notebooks “One is a step, two is a step...” at home. The tasks are appropriate for the child’s age and become more difficult gradually. It is advisable to conduct lessons in a playful way so that children do not lose interest in learning a new subject for them.

Peterson preschool education: how to conduct classes

The learning process in this manual should be built taking into account the following methodological principles:

  • Creating a favorable psychological environment is one of the main principles in training. A comfortable environment has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the child.
  • Activity approach - a preschooler learns about the world not by receiving ready-made answers, but as a result of independent search. An adult is more of an observer.
  • Individual approach - the teacher creates situations in which each child in the group feels like part of the team.
  • Integrity - the learning process is not limited to kindergarten. One of the teacher’s tasks is to convey to parents the importance of continuing the educational process during other activities.
  • Variability - the use of tasks with multiple answer options.
  • Creative approach - here it is important not only to encourage the child’s creative activity, but also to work together with adults.
  • Continuity.

There are 3 types of situations in the lesson:

  • “discovery” of new knowledge;
  • training;
  • final.

A feature of the first type of classes is the implementation of educational goals with the study of new mathematical topics. Children are given the opportunity to reason and find the answer on their own. At the beginning of classes, the teacher introduces a new topic and talks about its significance. Next, he creates a difficult situation, which results in the “discovery” of new knowledge.

To do this, the teacher invites the student to perform an action using new knowledge. Thanks to this, the adult brings the preschooler to the realization that he is not yet ready to perform new skills. Solving practical exercises on a new topic and consolidating it. In this lesson, the main goal of the teacher in this type of lesson is to involve the child in the educational process.

Didactic material

The teacher, by asking leading questions, encourages the child to choose a way to solve a difficult situation. As a result of the successful application of new knowledge in practice, it is imperative to praise the child. At the end, the teacher pronounces the solution algorithm without going beyond the game method.

He then creates different situations to use the new skill. Or organize a small self-test. When summing up the results, the teacher talks about the conditions due to which the result was achieved.

A training type lesson can be carried out in a playful way. The purpose of such lessons is to consolidate the acquired knowledge. But it does not take place in the form of standard memorization. The child independently finds difficulties that prevent him from mastering a new topic and coping with them. When summing up the results, the teacher should pay attention to what helped him emerge victorious.

Important! Final classes are conducted with the participation of two teachers. One of them organizes the educational process, and the second records the results obtained. The purpose of such lessons is to systematize the acquired knowledge and check how much the child has learned it.

The importance of books in preparing for school

The importance of classes according to Peterson can hardly be overestimated if they were carried out taking into account all the recommendations. Its advantage is that it is suitable for individual work with children. It is easier for the teacher to make long-term planning so that mathematics teaching is effective.

Mathematics lesson at preschool educational institution

When using this technique, preschoolers do not lose interest in learning. This is due to the fact that game methods are used in classes and fairy-tale characters are introduced. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of teaching this way. Children are taught to think independently and look for solutions.

Also, the use of Peterson's book contributes to the development of creative thinking. Although many people miss this component when studying mathematics. The selected tasks will allow teachers to explain even complex tasks to the child as clearly as possible. As a result of classes using this educational method, children learn to cope with tasks independently. And an adult can only suggest a direction in solving a problem.

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