Why are people not allowed to go to the moon? Why don't they fly to the moon? Reasons for stopping flights

Landing 12 astronauts on the Moon remains the greatest achievement of the American aerospace agency NASA. During these landings, astronauts collected samples of lunar soil, took video and photographs of the satellite, conducted experiments on its surface, planted flags, and then returned home. But in the end, none of the Apollo missions carried out over many weeks resulted in humanity being able to gain a permanent foothold on the Earth’s satellite. And now, more than 45 years since the last manned landing on the lunar surface - as part of the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972 - America finally has enough reasons to return to this gray ball that looks like Swiss cheese. .

Scientists and entrepreneurs from around the world believe that a habitable base on the Moon could be an ideal springboard for space missions into deep space. It could be used as a space refueling station, incredible space telescopes could be built there, and the base could also be used as a training ground for humanity to colonize Mars. The work carried out on the lunar base will make it possible to solve many scientific mysteries related to the nature of the origin of the Earth and its satellite. Ultimately, the Moon may one day turn into a separate economic hub, perhaps associated with the same area of ​​space tourism.

“A permanent research station on the Moon would be the next logical step in conquering the solar system. And we are almost ready to do it without killing anyone,” he shared in a conversation with Business Insider.

“Then, really, we have to come up with and develop a bunch of other things before we can go even further.”

Most astronauts and astronautics experts, the publication writes, agree that the greatest difficulties that have kept humanity from continuing to explore the Moon for more than the last four decades have turned out to be outrageously very banal.

The main reason standing in the way of any space program, especially when it comes to manned missions, has always been related to the issue of cost. The budget signed by US President Donald Trump in March 2017 allocated about $19.5 billion to the NASA aerospace agency, with the prospect of increasing funds to $19.9 billion in 2019. In both cases, this turned out to be significantly less than what the agency was allocated in the past.

For the average person, this amount may seem astronomical. But it’s worth taking a look at what ambitious goals the American space agency has set for itself - the James Webb Space Telescope, the development of a new Space Launch System launch vehicle, missions to explore the Sun, Jupiter, Mars, the asteroid belt, the Kuiper belt, and the edge Solar system - and this amount begins to look simply ridiculous. Especially against the backdrop of the US military budget, which on average is allocated about $600 billion annually. One of the projects within this budget, for example, is the modernization of the American nuclear arsenal. According to experts, at least $1.7 trillion will be spent on its implementation over 30 years.

“NASA received the most money in 1965. At that time, the agency accounted for 4 percent of the federal budget. For the last 40 years, the country has allocated less than 1 percent of its budget to the space industry, while for the last 15 years this figure was 0.4 percent,” said Apollo 7 astronaut Walter Cunningham in 2015.

The list of tasks included in the budget adopted by Trump includes the reincarnation of the program to return man to the Moon, as well as a manned mission to fly around Mars. But given the ever-inflating projected cost of their implementation, as well as NASA's constant delays associated with the development of the SLS launch vehicle, the allocated money may not be enough for any of these tasks. Even if the United States withdraws financial support for the International Space Station project earlier than originally planned.

A 2005 NASA report outlined the estimated cost of returning humans to the Moon. To do this, the United States would have to spend about $104 billion over 13 years (133 billion today when taking inflation into account). The same Apollo program, by today's standards, cost American taxpayers approximately $120 billion.

“Manned space missions are the most expensive undertaking. They are very difficult to implement, making it incredibly difficult to gain political support for them. And without confident government support, they will remain just empty talk,” Cunningham said.

“NASA’s budget is too small for us to seriously begin discussing all the things raised today,” Cunningham concluded then.

Change of power

Trump has set the goal of returning Americans to “circumlunar space” by 2023. That is, approximately by the end of his presidency, if, of course, he is re-elected for a second term. Thus we come to the second big problem - the possibility of “political sabotage”.

“Will you really believe everything that the president promises to fulfill by the end of his second term in office, when even the first has not yet passed? This is just talk,” Hadfield commented to Business Insider.

The process of developing, creating and testing a spacecraft capable of delivering people to another planet can easily exceed two presidential terms. However, there is still a certain amount of predictability here: an important factor will be the willingness of the new government to follow the priorities set by the previous leader of the country.

“I would like to see the next president support a budget that would allow us to accomplish the space missions that we have asked for support for. Whatever these missions are,” wrote astronaut Scott Kelly, answering questions from Reddit users in 2016 before Trump took office as the new US president.

As it turned out later, neither the new president nor the US Congress began to adhere to the plans and tasks established by previous leaders. However, this was not the first time for the United States.

For example, in 2004, the Bush administration tasked NASA with developing a new program to replace the aging Space Shuttle program. In addition, the agency was tasked with figuring out how to return to the Moon. This is how the Constellation program emerged, within which it was planned to land astronauts on the Moon using the new Ares heavy-duty launch vehicle, as well as the Orion spacecraft.

Over five years, NASA spent $59 billion on the development, creation and testing of equipment for the program. After Barack Obama assumed the presidency, the new government that came with him prepared a report in which it was argued that the US space agency was unable to correctly estimate the cost of the Constellation program. As a result, Obama closed the program and signed a new one aimed at developing a new launch vehicle, the Space Launch System (SLS).

Having come to power, Trump did not abandon the SLS program, but he changed his main priorities. Instead of the asteroid landing proposed by Obama and his administration, Trump wanted to return a man to the Moon, as well as pursue missions related to the exploration of Mars.

This particular change in the direction of NASA’s activities did not remain without consequences. The United States lost about $20 billion on this, as well as years of wasted and wasted time.

“I'm very disappointed with the slow pace of trying to do anything else. Regarding the future, I have no hopes. I’ll just watch what happens next,” commented American Apollo 8 astronaut James Arthur Lovell in an interview with Business Insider in 2017.

Buzz Aldrin (the second man to walk on the surface of the Moon) expressed hope back in 2015 that the decision to return to the Moon would be made on Capitol Hill.

“America's leadership and consistency in doing things that no other nation can do inspires the world. We demonstrated this 45 years ago. I don’t believe we’ll stop there,” Aldrin said in prepared remarks.

The real driving force behind the government's desire to return to the moon is the will of the American people, who voted for this government and helped shape policy priorities. However, as for the exploration of the Moon, Business Insider notes, public interest in this topic has always been, if not indifferent, then not as bright as it might seem.

Even at the height of the Apollo program, after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin set foot on the lunar surface, only 53 percent of Americans thought the program was worth the cost. In most other cases, interest in the Apollo program among the American population always remained well below 50 percent.

Today, 55 percent of Americans think NASA should make returning to the moon a priority, but only a quarter of those people think it should be the space agency's top priority, according to June polls. At the same time, 44 percent of the population believe that sending astronauts to the Moon is a generally pointless task and is not worth doing.

Support for a human mission to Mars is surprisingly higher, with 63 percent saying NASA should make it a priority. 91 percent of people consider it important to continue and expand programs to monitor and repel space threats (asteroids, meteorites, etc.).

Difficulties beyond politics

Political disputes over NASA's space missions and the agency's budget are not the only reason why people have not yet returned to the Moon. Our satellite is a veritable death trap, 4.5 billion years old. She should not be underestimated. She will not forgive any weakness. She will simply kill anyone who dares to approach her unprepared.

Its surface is covered with craters and razor-sharp rocks, making landing difficult. Before the historic landing, the US government spent billions of dollars developing, launching and delivering spacecraft to the Moon so they could map its surface well enough to help space mission planners determine the safest place to land Apollo 11.

“There is no doubt that if we are going to go even further, especially if we are talking about going beyond the Moon, then we will need new spacecraft and rockets. In terms of capabilities, we are now rather closer to the pre-automobile era,” said Hoffman.

Many astronauts would like to visit the Moon. And this only plays into the hands of people like Jeff Bezos, who has recently begun to actively advertise in Washington his plan to build the first lunar base using the New Glenn rocket being developed by his company Blue Origin. In April of this year, he stated that his company “is going to take all heavy industry off the Earth, leaving only light industry on it.”

Musk has also been talking for a long time about how the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket) launch vehicle currently under development by SpaceX will make flights to the Moon regular and affordable for many. And according to the same “many”, SpaceX will be able to get to the Moon even before NASA and Blue Origin.

“My dream is that one day the Moon will be part of the Earth's economic sphere, like geostationary and low-Earth orbit are now,” Hoffman said.

“Geostationary orbit space is part of our daily economy. One day, I think the Moon will also become such a part. And it’s worth working and making efforts for.”

Other astronauts also have no doubt that humanity will return to the Moon and begin the exploration of Mars. It's only a matter of time.

“I think eventually people will go back to the Moon and then start going to Mars. Most likely, this will not happen in my lifetime. But I hope that these attempts will be successful,” said Arthur Lovell.

One version of why people stopped going to the Moon, which is becoming increasingly popular, is that there is another civilization on the Moon.

There is plenty of evidence of this, most of which was seen not by ordinary observers, but by scientists themselves.

The most common phenomena are considered to be mysterious flares on the Moon, to which scientists attribute a clearly non-natural origin. Such flares have been observed in telescopes since the sixties. In addition to the flashes, strange shadows were recorded many times moving across the surface of the planet at tremendous speed. One such video was even shown on television.

Footage obtained during the flight of Apollo 14 around the Moon. The images in which strange devices were photographed standing in craters of enormous size are considered incredible. These devices leave behind smooth cuts on the walls of the crater. In addition to them, strange mechanisms were filmed, like scoops next to a pile of cobblestones. In addition to the devices, strange huge boulders were also discovered that move on their own across the surface of the Moon, leaving behind a trail of movement.

The creators of the documentary film, released in 2004, “Moon. Another reality”, which provides a lot of evidence of the existence of an extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon. It will tell you about what astronauts and lunar rovers actually encountered when landing on a supposedly dead planet, why the lunar exploration program was ended ahead of time and people no longer study the Moon. And also, the film presents real photographs and videos that prove the existence of something unusual on the Moon.

People and scientists increasingly believe that NASA is hiding some secret from us related to the Moon, and that in fact it is not such a dead and lifeless planet as many are accustomed to believe.

Why haven't the Americans been to the moon?

Last night, my mind, weakened by illness, tried to comprehend the next portion of book material. I came across a book by Arthur C. Clarke, a collection of short stories. It was she who gave me strange thoughts about traveling to other planets. And then Ostap got carried away!

So, let's be patient and have some nuggets of facts. Let us pay attention to important dates for us, one way or another related to the topic of discussion:

Man's first journey into space.
April 12, 1961 Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich (Vostok-1, 01:48) and eight years later:

Landing of the Soviet automatic spacecraft "Luna-9".
February 3, 1966 Autonomous crew (Luna 9)

Soft landing of Americans on the Moon.
July 16-20, 1969. N. Armstrong, M. Collins, E. Aldrin (Apollo 11)

At 5.40 on July 21, Armstrong opened the hatch and descended to the surface of the Moon, and at 6.14 astronaut E. Aldrin descended to the Moon. They stayed on the surface of the Moon for 2 hours 31 minutes 40 seconds, collected 22 kg of lunar soil samples, planted the US national flag, arranged instruments and removed the cover from the landing stage sign, which was written: “Here a man from planet Earth first set foot on the Moon. July 1969. We come in peace on behalf of all mankind.” The last flight to the Moon with the landing of astronauts (the sixth landing) was carried out by Apollo 17 - the crew of Y. Cernan, R. Evans, H. Schmitt (1972), the crews of the last three Apollos used a lunar self-propelled vehicle to move on the Moon Rover apparatus. On the Rover, the astronauts traveled 90 kilometers on the Moon. The Rover filmed the astronauts taking off from the Moon. The device was left on the Moon for astronomical and other observations.

A total of 33 astronauts took part in the Apollo program. Later, within three years, according to information from the United States, eleven of them died in car and plane accidents! Journalists spoke about this as follows: “What kind of amazing epidemic struck our astronauts: maybe somewhere they blurted out too much, did not keep their agreement about the secrecy of the flights?”

This is where the epic of revelations of the Apollo flights began, as a program that in reality took place not on the Moon, but in the desert regions of California with the help of skilled Hollywood craftsmen. The American director of the film “Capricorn-1” (the plot is a hoax of a flight to Mars) is known to have admitted that he wanted to “send” his heroes to the Moon, but he was advised not to do this, and instead he chose the Martian plot. It is believed that the advice was given so that the places of the genuine “landing” would not be exposed: in Hollywood pavilions and in the deserts of California on imitations of the lunar surface on Earth.

Comment from pilot-cosmonaut Georgy Grechko:

Personally, when watching video footage from the surface of the Moon back then, back in 1969, I was particularly surprised and suspicious when American astronauts installed the US national flag on the surface of the Moon, which... floated as if in the wind, although the Moon has no atmosphere and there is no wind. can't. The flag rinsed as if it were on the surface of the Earth. When I watched these shots on TV, I thought: “Well, it turns out there is an atmosphere on the Moon, or did the astronauts bring a gas cylinder with them for this trick?”

As a specialist, I was also puzzled by the fact that astronauts walk on the Moon in inflated spacesuits. But such a spacesuit in the lunar void would be rigid, and in a vacuum it would be impossible not only to work, but also to walk.

The lower part of the spacesuits - the boots - turned out to be dusty and smeared. But there is no water on the lunar surface. This means that there should be no dust or dirt in zero gravity. Where did she suddenly come from at the astronaut landing site? The clear imprint of Neil Armstrong's boot on the lunar soil is impressive, as if he was walking on a wet surface. But again, there is no water on the Moon!

The astronaut plants the US flag as if in a pre-prepared nest on the ground, because in the video there is not a single search movement that people usually perform when sticking a pole into the ground. The platform on which the astronauts operate has a micro-grained surface structure, more likely to correspond to a sandy desert, which does not exist on the Moon.

The surface of the Moon does not have a very flat horizon, as shown in official NASA photographs and videos.

Astronauts move on self-propelled lunar vehicles "Rover" on the surface of the Moon, but the impression is that they are driving on wet earthly rock, since the wheels throw it back only a meter and a half and upwards by half a meter or a meter, while in airless space above the surface of the Moon, with less gravity and with the dryness of its soil, the wheels should throw the soil at least five to six meters up and back from the cart, and some of the fine particles should generally settle extremely slowly on the surface of the Moon, leaving behind the lunar rover a huge dusty cloud. But we don’t see this in the filming of the Rover trip.

There are also problems with astronauts walking on the surface of the Moon. They move slowly, like slow-motion video on Earth. What is this: instant acclimatization to the gravity of the Moon? Or bad direction of video frames on Earth? Moreover, all theorists unanimously argued that when walking on the Moon, astronauts would soar up two or more meters when jumping. But for some reason they didn’t even try to jump.

Now everyone already knows about the radiation belts of celestial bodies, including the Earth, Moon, Mars, Sun, planets and satellites of planets in the Solar System. Two radiation belts have been discovered near the Earth: one at a distance of 1.5 Earth radii, the second at a distance of 3.5 Earth radii (inner - proton, outer - electron), and while the flights were and were taking place below the border of the radiation belts, there were few worries, but already the flight of vehicles with astronauts through these radiation belts and flight in space through streams of cosmic and galactic rays requires the most careful protection of astronauts from radiation damage, the power of which can exceed 1000 roentgens.

Physicists claim that to protect against such radiation, a lead barrier 80 cm thick or a layer of water 1 m thick is needed. But, as you know, Soviet cosmonauts would have to fly to the Moon in slippers and tracksuits, while American astronauts flew, however, in spacesuits, but without any lead or water barriers.

Looking at the astronauts walking on the Moon, one of the physicists wrote: “While they are walking on the Moon and while we see them there, they would have received a radiation dose of 400-500 roentgens, that is, lethal, and therefore would remain lifeless for Moon!

What surface did American astronauts actually walk and ride on during the Apollo program?

In 1954, at the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, I had the opportunity to conduct an interesting experiment. At a distance of three meters from the radioactive emitter, two cages with mice were installed, one of them received radiation constantly, and the second with breaks of 2 hours. Every two hours the radiation was blocked by a lead brick. Within two weeks, mice that received constant radiation died, but those that received it intermittently lived for more than a year!

Our globe, rotating around its axis, saves earthly civilization from damage by solar radiation. How much more fleeting would human life be if daylight on our planet were constant! Therefore, the problem of a lunar expedition is, first of all, the creation of biologically reliable protection against radiation. Unfortunately, modern life support systems for cosmonauts and astronauts are far from meeting these requirements. And this casts doubt on the very possibility of successfully overcoming the Earth’s radiation belts and reaching other celestial bodies with the help of modern manned technology without a mortal risk to human life.

The great space discoverer S.P. Korolev was very worried about this, and never tired of repeating: “Our main motto is to take care of people! May God give us the strength and ability to always achieve this!” He was aware of the problem of radiation danger, but in the United States they decided to prove to everyone that space was safe, and sent astronauts along the most radiation-dangerous trajectories to the Moon in rubberized spacesuits, that is, practically without any radiation protection. This is where the question comes from: “How did astronauts manage to fly through the radiation belts of the Earth, Sun and Moon without harming their health and without risking their lives?”

This is perhaps one of the biggest secrets of the Apollo program.

Today they also express the opinion that “the physiologically acceptable passage of time for a living organism extends only 1 thousand kilometers from the surface of the Earth,” and then the organism dies!

Now let's try to analyze the data that we collected at the very beginning of our discussion. It took American scientists and astronauts only eight years after the first manned space flight to develop and implement the Apollo program and land a man on the Earth’s natural satellite, the Moon. Three years of active study of the Moon by Americans and, as a result, tens of kilometers of studied lunar soil and dozens of people who took part in the program.

We continue our reasoning. The lunar program ended more than thirty years ago; no one else has visited the Moon, unless for unknown reasons this information was classified. Why, despite the enormous technical achievements in the scientific field compared to the sixties and seventies, was neither the Americans nor the Russians organized a second expedition to the Moon?

You can give a lot of arguments, calculations and hypotheses. You can simply have your own opinion, not particularly substantiated and not questioned. But the fact that they started talking about it at all is alarming. After independently comprehending the fact that no one has flown to the Moon for more than thirty years, and it seems that no one is going to, despite general statements about building lunar bases there in the seventies, I came to a certain conclusion for myself, but to state this openly and respond to I don’t want the question posed by the topic. Since I have read a lot of literature, I will be happy to answer your questions if necessary. I would like to know your opinion.

Moon. Another reality

Documentary film: http://rutube.ru/tracks/253603.html

23.10.2015 20.06.2018 - admin

Currently, there is a huge amount of facts that indicate that a significant part of the photographic and film documents delivered to Earth by the American Apollo spacecraft are fake! What led the researchers to such a conclusion?

First of all, a careful study of photographs taken by US astronauts allegedly on the lunar surface. There are obvious inconsistencies and flaws in these images. And there are too many such punctures.

So much so that the American magazine Fortune Times, N94, published an article by a certain David Percy in the late 90s. In it, the author expressed great doubt about the fact that the American lunar program actually took place in reality!

And David Percy is not alone in his claims. For example, the scientist and inventor Rene, author of the book “NASA Deceived America,” also expressed doubts about the reliability of the fact of astronauts landing on the Moon.

Of course, you can write anything. But NASA's photographic documents, at least some of them, do give researchers a strange feeling. Thus, Rene draws attention, for example, to the fact that for some reason no stars are visible in most NASA program photographs from the lunar surface, but in Soviet photographs taken in space there is no shortage of stars. This is truly more than amazing!

Further, the author of the best-selling book “NASA Deceived America” points out that all documentary photographs of the Moon taken as part of the Apollo program have specific, although not very noticeable, crosses in the image, due to the peculiarities of the ship’s equipment.

Therefore, all photographs of the lunar expedition should have crosses. However, in many lunar photographs they are either absent altogether or appear to be located in such a way that there are very compelling doubts that the photographs were taken by Apollo equipment on the lunar surface.

Some of the photographs allegedly taken on the Moon are presented in various NASA publications with corrections, erasures, and obvious discrepancies in details. So, in some places the retouching is quite clearly visible. Moreover, seemingly the same photographs, which were provided at different times, unfortunately look different, which leads one to suspect photomontage.

Rene also points out a number of other oddities. As he rightly notes, the jet streams shooting from the nozzle of the module descending to the surface of the Moon should have completely scattered (given the low gravity) all the dust within a radius of hundreds of meters.

In airless conditions, this dust should fly away in a whirlwind to a considerable distance from the landing site of the descent module. However, in the corresponding photographs - “in spite of nature, in defiance of the elements,” as well as common sense - we watch in admiration as the astronauts cheerfully jump from the landing vehicle into the dust, unaffected by any influence. And then he tramples along it in the immediate vicinity of the module, leaving those same historical traces everywhere.

The already mentioned David Percy, in turn, does not lag behind Rene. An expert in the field of photo and television image analysis, he argues that the few images provided by NASA (while the secret archives of this agency store many hundreds of thousands of frames that no one has yet seen) reveal a large number of dubious aspects.

To confirm his words, Percy cites an official panoramic photograph allegedly taken on the Moon. This photograph covers some area of ​​the lunar surface. And everything would be fine, but the image shows two pieces of lunar rock that are simply located on the surface of the Moon not far from each other.

But anyone who looks closely enough at this photo will immediately be struck by the fact that the shadow of each of these stones is not directed parallel to the neighboring one, but forms an angle of approximately 30 degrees! It is clear that if the lunar surface is illuminated by the Sun, then such an effect simply cannot exist.

Well, the photograph depicting two American astronauts on the surface of the Moon does not fit into any picture at all. One of them stands motionless, the other, bending over, moves towards the first. The distance between the astronauts at the time of the photo was about six to seven meters. Yes, but shadows?

The shadow of a standing astronaut is almost equal in length to his height. But the shadow of the one walking is three times longer than the shadow of the first. And the angle between them is visible very clearly. It is at least 20 degrees. Of course, the Sun, being 150 million kilometers away, cannot possibly be responsible for such a shadow!

David Percy proceeded from the assumption that all such photographic documents were created by NASA specialists in secret pavilions on our planet, and not at all on the lunar surface. (We’ll touch on the “why” question later).

However, as it seems to Percy, under any placement of the light source (whether in a pavilion or an open area), it is impossible to simultaneously synthesize the above-mentioned sizes of shadows and their apparent direction!

We emphasize - under no circumstances! Because to implement such chiaroscuro, astronauts would have to, at a minimum, “exchange” shadows with each other. Only in this case would the studio shooting hypothesis, which Percy loved so much, work.

As for the above-mentioned oddity - the absence of stars in photographs, the “whistleblowers” ​​explain this by saying that, you see, faking star scatterings in photographs is such a task beyond the capabilities of modern technology that when analysts study such photographs, it is, they say, , will immediately catch your eye! Is this really an argument?

Why did Percy think NASA needed this kind of falsification in the first place? And Percy, and Rene, and some other researchers are trying to explain everything by the fact that in order to maintain their international authority at the highest level, American politicians and scientists developed a falsification program on orders from above.

It existed as a fallback option in case there was a threat to US prestige. In such a situation, there should be no restrictions: such a goal must be achieved at any cost!

That is, according to the then American authorities, flights to the Moon could not fail to take place. At that time, this was the most important political issue for America.

Can we agree with Percy and Renee's point of view?

Yes, doubts arise about the authenticity of some NASA photographic materials, and very well-founded ones. But no less doubts arise when analyzing the point of view of the authors of the book about NASA, which deceived America and the whole world. Both René and Percy have many inconsistencies.

First of all, David Percy, an “expert” in the field of analysis of photographic and film documents, analyzing, for example, a photograph taken during the Apollo 17 expedition, which depicts an astronaut walking on the lunar surface, notes the discrepancy between the position of the solar disk and the length of the shadow , discarded by a person. But after carefully examining this photo, you can note that here everything is in order with the shadow. Because the astronaut does not walk on a flat surface, but climbs up a slope.

This does not mean that Percy is wrong in all cases. The fact of the matter is that he noticed the overwhelming number of inconsistencies quite reasonably! And you can disagree with him only in some small details.

As you know, the total cost of the Apollo program was almost thirty billion dollars. But the breakthroughs in science and technology that this program generated have paid for all the costs many times over. So there is no need to constantly justify the costs of the lunar expeditions of the seventies. There is no need for this, since they have already justified themselves more than enough.

In all the clearly fabricated photographic documents, the too primitive level of falsification is puzzling. You have to be truly hopeless laymen to believe, at the time of making a relatively small number of photographic fakes, which are intended for detailed study by scientists around the world, that such things will be swallowed up without a murmur!

Meanwhile, there is plenty of evidence of the CIA's direct involvement in the lunar program. And very high-class professionals and analysts work there.

And we can say with good reason that if it were necessary to produce a certain number of plausible fakes, then such primitive punctures simply would not take place. But only, of course, if the goal was precisely to hide the fact of falsification from researchers and the public.

Complete misinformation regarding what astronauts actually observed on the surface of the Moon is what all these facts point to!

This is evidenced by a number of other oddities. Those two or three hundred American scientists who carried out the lunar program have sunk into oblivion. They are impossible to find. They don't give interviews. It is impossible to find out their names.

Most archives are inaccessible, while others are considered hopelessly lost. A huge amount of material about flights to the Moon was destroyed. And what remained was subjected to the most severe censorship and, as we showed above, gross falsification.

Finally, let us understand the most important fact - real flights to the Moon were stopped more than 40 years ago. What could all this mean?

Most likely, American astronauts, having reached the Moon then, in the seventies, encountered something that could be of decisive importance for humanity. And large-scale measures were required to prevent any dissemination of information.

Being very intelligent people, the developers of the lunar program did the only thing possible - they deliberately distorted and falsified photographic materials intended for the public. So that at one point it becomes clear to analysts that something extraordinary is happening on the Moon, something that cannot be reported directly.

“Falsified” photographic materials are a sign of attracting attention, a sign of trouble addressed to the analysts of the future!

To understand in more detail the question of why the Americans stopped flying to the Moon, we need to touch a little on the history of lunar exploration. The lunar race for the two superpowers became another war for supremacy in the world.

Of course, one can assume that the Russians have lost interest in the territory they are already developing, but the Americans cannot be understood. The reason for the high cost of the program is far-fetched, since by that time the bulk of the money on creating launch pads and rockets had already been spent. The astronauts were trained. The cost of one launch to the Moon was no more than one military bomber. Why now, when technology has come so far, are flights not resuming? Apparently it's something more significant.

Lunar anomalies

Both Russians and Americans knew about the strange anomalies present on the moon. Dozens of astronomers around the world have stated that strange things are happening on the Moon. Bright flashes of different colors, lengths and directions appear periodically. Mysterious shadows move across the surface. From time to time, strange luminous points of enormous size emerge from the Moon into its orbit, fly around part of the Moon’s orbit in seconds along a chord, and land on the Moon.

Another professor at the Pulkovo Observatory, N.A. Kozyrev, reported in 1958 that for two hours he observed through a telescope how a huge red cloud over the Alphonse crater covered its central part. What it was, he could not explain.

In 1965, an entire scientific society of highly qualified specialists was created in the USA specifically for the study of lunar phenomena. Over the years of active study of the Moon, a huge mass of inexplicable phenomena have been recorded.

In this regard, in 1968, a whole document called “Chronological Catalog of Messages about Lunar Events” appeared. It contained 579 inexplicable phenomena, among which were: luminous objects, colored trenches lengthening at a speed of 6 km per hour, giant domes changing color, geometric shapes, disappearing craters, etc.

Neither the Russians nor the Americans wanted to lose the lunar race, so no one paid attention to such trifles. We decided to fly, and then see with our own eyes what or who is on the Moon. So why did Americans eventually stop going to the moon?

First messages from the Moon

When the Americans first flew to the Moon for the purpose of landing, millions of radio amateurs around the world watched the broadcasts of the astronauts' communication with Houston. It was then that the first suspicions arose that the astronauts were not telling something. And it was true. Radio amateurs from Switzerland and Australia managed to catch the astronauts' conversations on other frequencies immediately after their landing on the moon. They talked about strange things.

Only 10 years later, one of the creators of radio equipment for the lunar program, Maurice Chatelain, admitted that he was present at that communication session and personally heard Neil Armstrong reporting three strange objects that landed near Apollo.

Both NASA and the astronauts themselves refused to officially comment on this transfer. However, later the commander of Apollo 11 said that they saw something on the Moon, but could not tell it because of a non-disclosure agreement.

When the lunar race was called off, NASA admitted that at least 25 astronauts had witnessed UFOs during their missions.

There is evidence recorded from Earth observatories that Apollo 12 was accompanied by two UFOs, blinking with lights. One was in front of the shuttle, the other was behind.

In general, all the facts indicate that the Americans knew very well that there was something unusual on the Moon, and it seems that one of the goals of the expedition was to find out what it was. As proof of this version, one can cite a photograph taken with a telescope 10 years before the flight to the Moon by astronomer Jesse Wilson. It depicts a chain of 34 bright objects stretching towards the Moon. Then scientists could not answer what it was, so future astronauts will have to find out.

Strange objects on the Moon

Subsequent Apollo expeditions discovered a lot of interesting things. These include strange objects above the Moon, which they managed to photograph, and mysterious traces on the surface, as it seemed to the astronauts, left by some kind of vehicle, and giant boulders that roll out of the craters by themselves. This includes something similar to cars near the landing site of the module, as well as canyons lined with large stone blocks, pits with right angles that exclude crater formation.

There are plenty of such oddities on the Moon. All these inexplicable phenomena suggest that there has ever been or even still is intelligent life on the Moon. After all, we do not know what is under its surface, and what kind of strange objects are moving above it.

On March 21, 1996, NASA states that there are serious reasons to believe that alien artificial structures and objects are present on the Moon. When asked why NASA hid this from the public for so long, the following answer was received.

20 years ago it was difficult to predict how people would react to the message that someone was or is still on the moon. In addition, there were other reasons not related to NASA.

However, even after such a statement, the classification of secrecy did not disappear. Yes, every citizen got the opportunity to look at the mysterious photographs, only to make a request he needs to know the photo number, and as you understand, there is nowhere to find it. And there are millions of photographs stored in the archive, and a request for each one is not cheap.

As a result, it turns out that there is an opportunity to find out the truth, but you won’t be able to take advantage of it. And even if you manage to get something, you don’t know if it’s original. Many photographs were retouched and the most interesting things were removed from them. The employees of NASA photo laboratories themselves admitted this, claiming that before publication, everything “unnecessary” was removed from the photo by order of their superiors.

Why are they hiding the truth from the public? Many people ask this question. The answer is simple. The discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence promises contact and the opportunity to obtain strategically important information about technology, weapons and energy resources. Only now, it seems, the calculations of the two leading superpowers turned out to be wrong. For some reason, humanity has not returned to the surface of our constant companion, the Moon, for 30 years.

The end of the American lunar program was interestingly commented on by its “brain” - Wernher von Braun.

There are extraterrestrial forces on the Moon that are much more powerful than we can imagine, but I am not at liberty to talk about the details.

In one of his personal conversations with a friend, Neil Armstrong shared with him no less interesting information.

I can’t go into details, but I’ll just say that their ships are significantly superior to ours in both size and technology. They made us understand that the place was occupied. After that, we were silent about flights to the Moon for 20 years.

In the light of such statements, it becomes clearly understandable why the Americans stopped flying to the moon. The photos discussed in this material are shown in the photo archive of the site where you can view them.

Photos from open sources

Why did the leadership of the USA and the USSR, after the first successful conquests of the Moon at the end of the last century, suddenly, for no apparent reason, lose all interest in this space object?

Moreover, both superpowers at that moment suddenly froze all their billion-dollar programs for the development of the Earth’s natural satellite, explaining to ordinary people that this was too expensive. However, at the beginning of this century, the United States, which seems to have been closest to exploring the Moon, for some reason took up Mars, Pluto, and is even thinking about how to catch asteroids in order to extract valuable minerals... But it’s not the Moon that interests them... (website)

Who doesn't let earthlings go to the Moon?

Today, the general public has become aware of the negotiations between Armstrong and Aldrin with the Earth back in 1969, when Apollo 11 landed astronauts on the surface of the Moon. In general, apparently, the space explorers were literally stunned by what they saw, so for some time they could not even transmit anything. And then they explained the forced pause on the air like this: yes, there are other spaceships standing in a row and watching us, and we can’t film anything, because they disabled our cameras.

Recently, the idea has been persistently pushed that the Americans were not on the Moon at all, and all their satellite reports were filmed in Hollywood pavilions. However, one gets the impression that NASA itself is spreading such rumors, which to some extent justify the US cooling towards lunar space programs. After all, this is much better than admitting that aliens are not allowing you to go to the moon.

Who lives in the house called Luna?

The fact that the Moon is inhabited has been known since ancient times. The first such mention of “lunar inhabitants” dates back to 1064. A little later, the French astronomer Louville and the famous Galileo observed strange flares on the satellite, as if of artificial origin. Astronomers of that time recorded changes in craters on the Moon, movements of luminous objects on its surface, some strange flashes like spaceship takeoffs...

Photos from open sources

Richard Hoagland, a former NASA employee, made a sensational statement in 2007 that he had seen photographs (taken by American Apollo astronauts) of a lunar city under a huge transparent dome (the Sea of ​​Crisis area). Under this dome you can easily distinguish houses, bridges, towers and other buildings. Photographs of approximately the same lunar cities even earlier, in 1979, were found in the space agency library by engineers Vito Saccheri and Lester Hughes. In these photographs, scientists were especially struck by the pyramids, made like the Egyptian ones, as well as various aircraft, both standing on the take-off pads and hovering above the surface of the Moon.

Moon - spaceship

Today, scientists are no longer discussing whether the Moon is inhabited or not, but what this Earth satellite actually is.

Photos from open sources

One version: The Moon is a raw material base for aliens, where they extract the minerals they need. But there are not many supporters of this theory. Second version: The Moon is a research laboratory for studying the Earth, and of artificial origin. The fact is that studies of samples of lunar rock have shown that the satellite is older than the Earth itself, and much, say, a couple of billion years. It is possible that the Moon is simply a huge moon that travels in space, and has been studying our planet for several millennia. As archaeological excavations show, approximately eleven to thirteen thousand years ago the Earth did not have any satellite (symbolic images on the walls of Calassassia in Bolivia indicate a fairly accurate date for the appearance of the Moon in our sky).

In addition, scientists are surprised by the very low density of the Moon, which suggests that the Earth's satellite is hollow. Today it has been precisely established that under the visible surface of the Moon there is a metal shell approximately seventy kilometers thick.

The moon is busy - let's fly further, for example, to Mars. And who said that Mars is not also occupied by aliens? And why do we need to go into deep space, say some sober-minded scientists, with our still primitive technologies and with our poverty and lack of consciousness? Indeed, hundreds of millions of people in the world still die of hunger, billions of dollars are spent not to feed, but to destroy the excess population of the planet. And the Earth itself is still a mystery for us. And we are in deep space...

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