Preparation for the Olympics. Olympiad tasks in algebra (grade 5) on the topic: School Olympiad in mathematics

Cat Matroskin is the most charming and audience-favorite character in the animated trilogy about Prostokvashino, filmed in 1978 - 1984:

However, the charm of the cat Matroskin was achieved by means purely external to Uspensky’s text and is the merit of the artist N. Erykalov and the actor O. Tabakov, who voiced this role. To verify this, it is enough to compare the famous image with an earlier version - in the cartoon "Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat" (1975-1976).

The cat Matroskin of the first animated version does not have even a fraction of the charm of the cat Matroskin that we all know. This is a creature with an unpleasant and somewhat evil expression on its face, which quite accurately expresses its character.

If we ignore the charm of the cartoon image, then what is Matroskin the cat? This is the type of bourgeois who has been criticized many times in Soviet art - the bearer of petty-bourgeois psychology.

He is obsessed with the idea of ​​starting a farm and buying a cow. For this he is ready to sell his friend Sharik:
“Come on, Sharik, we’ll sell you” (7:06).

For Matroskin, the priority is money, not work. Having found a treasure with friends, he dreams: “Now we’ll buy a cow. And we don’t have to work in the garden. We can buy everything at the market” (7:36).

His material interests clearly prevail over spiritual ones. Uncle Fyodor and Sharik decide to subscribe to magazines (Murzilka and a magazine about hunting, respectively), but Matroskin declares that he will not subscribe to anything, but will “save” (6:17).

Matroskin's attitude towards others is undisguisedly selfish. About the little jackdaw: “Oh, we’re feeding him in vain. Let him do some good” (9:41).

He declares to Sharik: “There is no income from you. There are only expenses” (25:06). And he invites Uncle Fyodor to make Sharik a sled dog so that he can carry milk to the market and cultivate the garden.

With his fixation on money, Matroskin practically drives Sharik to suicide. Sharik prefers to drown rather than return home without a gun, “for which money was paid,” but the beaver saves the dog (“Holidays in Prostokvashino”).

Matroskin constantly talks about money. For example, when Uncle Fyodor’s parents send Sharik a photo gun as a gift, Matroskin remarks that it “probably costs a lot of money.” Uncle Fyodor advises Sharik to photograph animals and send them to magazines - Matroskin adds: “That’s right. Where they pay more” (32:47).

But this phrase by Matroskin, which has become popular, is a direct mockery of the tradesman at the idea of ​​communist labor - joint work for the common good:
“Because working together for my benefit, it unites” (47:40).

Matroskin's mercantilism is not condemned in the cartoon; on the contrary, the cat is presented by its creators as a positive character. This is how Uncle Fyodor's mother and father evaluate Matroskin - due to their status as parents, they are authoritative persons for the child viewer.

Mom: “He has a cat, which you need to grow and grow into. He is behind him, like behind a stone wall.”
Dad: “Yes, if I had a cat like that, I might never get married” (26:20)

Thus, the creators of the trilogy about Prostokvashino, in the image of a charming petty-bourgeois individualist, managed to legitimize in Soviet culture the petty-bourgeois psychology destructive for Soviet society, and to impose it on the younger generation as a role model.

5.2. Replace the letters A, B, C, D with numbers so that the correct equation is AAAA + BBB + CC + D = Answer = 2014.

5.3. From six rectangles 7x1, 6x1, 5x1, 4x1, 3x1, 2x1 and a square 1x1, make a rectangle with each side greater than 1. Solution. From a 6x1 rectangle and a 1x1 square, create a 7x1 rectangle. Similarly, we will add 7x1 rectangles from pairs of rectangles 5x1, 2x1 and 4x1, 3x1. From the four resulting 7x1 rectangles, a 7x4 rectangle is added.

5.4. At 9.00 Yura left the house and walked along a straight road at a speed of 6 km/h. After a while, he turned around and went home at the same speed. In Jura there were two kilometers left to the house. At what distance from the house did he turn around? Explain how the answer was found.

Answer. At a distance of 10 km. Solution. In 3 hours, from 9.00 to 12.00, Yura walked 18 km. If he walks another two kilometers, he will get home. That is = 20 km. - this is the path to the turnaround point and back. This means that he turned around at a distance of 20:2 = 10 km from home.

5.5. Cat Matroskin figured that he could lay the floor of a square room with square tiles, and he would not need to cut any of them. He first laid the tiles around the edges of the room, which took him 84 tiles. How many tiles does he need to have to cover the entire floor?

Answer Solution. On the border, not counting the corner ones, there are = 80 tiles. This means that there are 20 tiles on each side, not counting the corner ones, and together with the corner ones - 22 tiles. Therefore the total number of tiles is 484.

School stage of the Mathematics Olympiad

    Solve the equation (6,099,948 – 756: ((30 +x) : 336) 201) : 407,025 = 12

    Three tourists decided to eat together. One of them gave two rolls, another three rolls, and the third - 10 rubles. How much of this money should the first tourist take and how much should the second tourist take?

    The sum of six consecutive even numbers is 3,018. Find these numbers

    The length of the rectangular parallelepiped is 250 mm, width – 120 mm, height – 40 mm. It was cut into cubic centimeters and placed in one row close to each other. How long (in meters) is the row?

    In the expression 4 + 32: 8 + 4 3, arrange the brackets so that you get the largest possible number, the smallest number possible.

    Find all three-digit numbers that are 12 times the sum of their digits


    x = 12

    5 * 3 = 15 (r.) - the cost of buns for three.

15: 5 = 3 (r.) - the cost of one bun.

1 * 2 = 6 (r.) - the cost of two rolls.

6 - 5 = 1 (r.) - must be given to the first tourist.

3 - 3 = 9 (r.) - the cost of three rolls.

9 - 5 = 4 (r.) - must be given to the second tourist.

Answer: 1 ruble should be taken by the first tourist and 4 rubles by the second

    498 + 500 + 502 + 504 + 506 + 508

    12 meters

    Largest number (4 + 32: 8 + 4) * 3 = 36. Smallest number (4 + 32): [(8 + 4) * 3] = 1

    If a, b and c are the digits of a three-digit number, then it can be written as
    100a+10v+s. The sum of the numbers is a+b+c. Let's equalize the sum of digits and the number:
    12(a+b+c) =100a+10b+c;
    88a and 11c are divisible by 11, which means their difference (2c) is also divisible by 11. 2 is not divisible by 11, so b must be divisible by 11. But b is a number, of all the numbers only 0 is divisible by 11, b = 0. We get
    a and c are numbers, which means a=1, c=8 (if a>1, then c>10).
    We got the number 108.

Mathematics Olympiad. 5th grade

    Determine what number ends in the difference 43 43 - 17 17 .

    The product of four consecutive numbers is 7920. Find these numbers.

    Some part fell out of the book. The first page of the dropped piece is numbered 387, and the last page number consists of the same numbers, but written in a different order. How many leaves fell out of the book?

    The sum of two numbers is 80, and their difference is 3. Find these numbers.

    Decipher the rebus: BOOK + BOOK + BOOK = SCIENCE

    You are allowed to perform two operations on an existing number: multiply it by 2 or add 2 to it. For what minimum number of actions can you get the number 100 from the number 1?


    You should look for a pattern for the last digit of the natural power of a number ending with the number 3. The sequence of these numbers is 3, 9, 7, 1, 3, 9, 7, 1... Fourth, eighth, twelfth, etc. The number 1 takes up space. This means 43 40 ends with the number 1, and 43 43 - number 7, then similarly 17 16 ends with the number 1, and 17 17 - the number 7. Since both numbers 43 and 17 end with the same number 7, their difference ends in zero.

    7920 = 2*2*2*2*3*3*5*11 = 8*9*10*11

    (738 – 386):2 = 176 sheets

    41.5 and 38.5

    28375 + 28375 + 28375 = 85125.

    1+2*2*2*2*2+2*2. In 7 actions.

Mathematics Olympiad. 5th grade

    The sum of the digits of a two-digit number is 12. If you multiply the tens digit by 2 and the ones digit by 3 and add both products, the result is 29. Find this number.

    What is the largest number that can be written in four units?

    Two travelers approached the river at the same time. There was a boat tied to the shore, in which only one person could cross. The travelers did not know how to swim, but each of them managed to cross the river. How could this happen?

    Cut a rectangle, 9 cm long and 4 cm wide, into two equal parts, from which you can make a square.

    The boy and the pig weigh as much as 5 boxes. The piglet weighs as much as 4 cats; 2 cats and a pig weigh as much as 3 boxes. How many cats can balance a boy?

    Draw four straight lines through 6 points so that there are three points on each straight line.


    11 11

    The travelers approached the river from different banks.

    M + P = 5R

P = 4K

2K + P = 3Y. From levels 2 and 3 we get: 2K + 4K = 3Y. I = 2K

Substitute into equation 1: M + 4K = 10K, M = 6K. Answer. 6 cats

Mathematics Olympiad. 5th grade

  1. How many different ways can the word "Point" be read in this diagram? (start with "t" and go down to "a")

    From an eight-liter bucket filled with milk, you need to pour 4 liters using a 3-liter and 5-liter can. How to do this?

    The car's meter showed 12,921. Two hours later, a number appeared on the meter again that read the same in both directions. At what speed was the car traveling?

    Aunt Pear sells zucchini. She sells three zucchini for $5, 4 zucchini for $6, 5 zucchini for $7. Aunt Grusha does not sell zucchini in any other quantity. Yesterday she sold 100 zucchini and received 160 USD for them. How many sales did Aunt Pear make yesterday?

    How to divide a circle with three straight lines into 4, 5, 6, 7 parts?


Oh Oh



A A A A A Answer. 16 ways

3) (13,031 - 12,921) : 2 = 55 km/h

4) Let x sales have 3 cabs for 5 USD, sales have 4 cabs for 6 USD,zsales – 5 cabs for 7 USD

3x + 4y + 5z = 100

5x + 6y + 7z = 160

    15x + 20y + 25z = 500

15x + 18y + 21z= 480. Hence 2y + 4z= 20 or y + 2z= 10 ory = 10 – 2 z

    9x + 12y + 15z = 300

10x + 12y + 14z= 320. Hence x –z= 20 orx = 20 + z

So x + y +z = 20 + z + 10 - 2 z + z= 30. Answer. 30

Mathematics Olympiad. 5th grade

1. Three apples, four pears and one peach cost 40 rubles. One apple, four pears and a peach cost 32 rubles. How much do one apple, one pear and one peach cost if a peach costs the same as two apples?

2. Decipher the rebus:





3. A mother kangaroo jumps 3 meters in 1 second, and her little son jumps 1 meter in half a second. They simultaneously started from the pool to the eucalyptus tree in a straight line. How many seconds will the mother wait for her son under the tree if the distance from the pool to the tree is 240 meters?

4. In the number 3,728,954,106, cross out three digits so that the remaining digits in the same order form the smallest seven-digit number.

5. Four students - Vitya, Petya, Yura and Sergei - took four first places at the Mathematical Olympiad. When asked what places they took, the following answers were given:

a) Petya – second, Vitya – third;

b) Sergey – second, Petya – first;

c) Yura – second, Vitya – fourth.

Indicate who took what place if only one part of each answer is correct. Justify your answer.



40 – 32 = 8 (rub.) – two apples or one peach cost;

8:2 = 4 (rubles) – one apple costs;

4+8 = 12 (rub.) – one apple and a peach cost;

32 – 12 = 20 (rubles) – cost four pears;

20:4 = 5 (rubles) – the pear costs.

Answer: 4 rubles, 8 rubles, 5 rubles.


342 457 + 342 457 = 684 914.


Step 1: 240:3 = 80 (s) – mother Kangaroo was jumping;

Step 2: in 1 second the son jumps 2 meters;

Step 3: 80×2 = 160 (m) – the little kangaroo will gallop in 80 seconds:

Step 4: 240-160 = 80 (m) – it remains for the baby kangaroo to gallop when the mother was already under the eucalyptus;

Step 5: 80:2 = 40 (s).

Answer. 40 seconds.

    Answer: 2,854,106.

    Answer: I – Petya, II – Yura, III – Vitya, IV – Sergey.

Mathematics Olympiad. 5th grade

    All triangles shown in the figure have equal sides. The radius of each circle is 2 cm. The circles touch each other and the sides of the square. What is the perimeter of the “star” drawn with a thick line?

    In this example, different numbers are encrypted with different letters. Determine which equality is encrypted:ANSWER + VERY = SIMPLE

    How to arrange seven diamonds into four identical boxes so that the weight of all boxes is the same, if the weight of the diamonds is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. grams. Justify your answer.

    During physical education class, the boys lined up. Then a girl stood between each two boys. In total there were 25 children in the line. How many boys were standing in the line?

    Cat Matroskin figured that he could lay the floor of a square room with square tiles, and he would not need to cut any of them. He first laid the tiles around the edges of the room, which took him 84 tiles. How many tiles does he need to have to cover the entire floor?


    Solution. The side of each triangle is 2+2+2+2=8cm, then the perimeter is 8*8=64 cm. Answer: 64 cm

    Encrypted equality: 34214 + 35170 = 69384.

    The weight of one share of diamonds is 7 g. Answer: 7 + (1 + 6) + (2 + 5) + (3 + 4).

    Let's remove the rightmost boy. Then there will be an equal number of boys and girls

that is, 12 each. This means that there were 12 + 1 = 13 boys in the line.

    Answer. 484.

On the border, not counting the corner ones, there are 84 – 4 = 80 tiles. This means that there are 20 tiles on each side, not counting the corner ones, and together with the corner ones there are 22 tiles. That's why

the total number of tiles is 484.

Mathematics Olympiad. 5th grade

1. The numbers given are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Arrange them so that their sum on each side of the triangle is 20.

2. How to arrange weights weighing 1, 2, ..., 9 g into three boxes so that the first has two weights, the second has three, the third has four, and the total weight of the weights in the boxes is the same?

3. The boy always tells the truth on even numbers, but on odd numbers he always lies. Once, for three November days in a row, he was asked: “What is your name?” On the first day he answered: “Andrey”, on the second: “Boris”, on the third: “Viktor”. What is the boy's name? Explain how you reasoned.

4. The mouse, mouse and cheese together weigh 180g. The mouse weighs 100g more than the mouse and the cheese combined. Cheese weighs three times less than a mouse. How much does each of them weigh? The answer must be confirmed by calculations.

5. There are 24 sticks. The length of the first stick is 1 cm, the second is 2 cm, ..., twenty

the fourth – 24 cm (the length of each subsequent stick is 1 cm greater than the length of the previous one). How can you make three different squares using all these sticks? You cannot break sticks; each stick must fit into only one square.


    For example: 9 + 6; 8 + 5 + 2; 7 + 4 + 3 + 1.

    The total weight of the weights is 45, so in each box the total weight

a weight equals 15 g.


Solution. Since the boy gave three different answers, he lied at least twice. That's why

two of the three days when the boy was asked questions fell on odd numbers. Since the even and odd days of the month alternate, these had to be the first and third days. Therefore, the second day fell on an even number. On this day the boy told his real name.

    Mouse – 140g, cheese – 10g, little mouse – 30g.

Solution. From the condition it follows that double the weight of the mouse is 180 + 100 = 280g.

Therefore, the weight of the mouse is 140g. Then the mouse and cheese together weigh 180 – 140 = 40g. And the weight

cheese, according to the condition, is equal to a quarter of this weight.

    Let's divide the sticks into three groups: from 1 to 8, from 9 to 16, from 17 to 24. In each

group we will connect the first stick to the last, the second - to the penultimate, the third - to the third from the end, we will also connect the remaining two sticks. In each group we will receive four identical sticks, from which we will form a square. The sides of the resulting squares are: 9, 25, 41.

Correspondence round of the Mathematics Olympiad.

Those wishing to participate must bring the solution to these tasks on a double sheet of paper 10/14/2014 (Tuesday)

5.1. During physical education class, the boys lined up. Then a girl stood between each two boys. In total there were 25 children in the line. How many boys were standing in the line?

5.2. Replace the letters A,B,C,D with numbers so that the correct equation is AAAA + BBB + CC + D = 2014.

5.3. From six rectangles 7x1, 6x1, 5x1, 4x1, 3x1, 2x1 and a square 1x1, make a rectangle with each side greater than 1.

5.4. At 9:00 Yura left the house and walked along a straight road at a speed of 6 km/h. After some time, he turned around and went home at the same speed. At 12:00 Yura had 2 kilometers left to go home. At what distance from the house did he turn around? Explain how the answer was found.

5.5. Cat Matroskin figured that he could lay the floor of a square room with square tiles, and he would not need to cut any of them. He first laid the tiles around the edges of the room, which took him 84 tiles. How many tiles does he need to have to cover the entire floor?

Feel free to comment!

In mathematics



1. 10 bushes are planted on a straight line so that the distance between any neighboring bushes is the same. Find this distance if the distance between the outer bushes is 90 cm.

2. In the entry 1 ☼ 2 ☼ 3 ☼ 4 ☼ 5 = 100, replace “☼” with action signs and arrange the parentheses so that the correct equality is obtained.

3. The boy always tells the truth on even numbers, but on odd numbers he always lies. Once, for three October days in a row, he was asked: “What is your name?” On the first day he answered: “Andrey”, on the second: “Boris”, on the third: “Viktor”. What is the boy's name? Explain how you reasoned.

4. At 9.00 Yura left the house and walked along a straight road at speed

6 km/h. After a while, he turned around and went home at the same speed. At 12.00 Yura had two kilometers left to go home. At what distance from the house did he turn around? Explain how the answer was found.

5. Matroskin the Cat figured that he could lay the floor of a square room with square tiles, and he wouldn’t need to cut any of them. He first laid the tiles around the edges of the room, which took him 84 tiles. How many tiles does he need to have to cover the entire floor?

Answers, directions, solutions.

1. Answer . 10 dm.

Solution. Since 10 bushes are planted, there will be 9 spaces between them. Therefore, the distance between neighboring bushes will be 90: 9 = 10 dm.

2. Answer . 1 · (2 ​​+ 3) · 4 · 5 = 100.

3. Answer . Boris.

Solution. Since the boy gave three different answers, he lied twice. Therefore, two out of three days when the boy was asked questions fell on odd numbers. Since the even and odd days of the month alternate, these had to be the first and third days. Therefore, the second day fell on an even number. On this day the boy told his real name.

4. Answer. At a distance of 10 km.

Solution. In 3 hours, from 9.00 to 12.00, Yura walked 18 km. If he walks another two kilometers, he will get home. That is, 18 + 2 = 20 km. – this is the path to the turnaround point and back. So he turned around at a distance

20:2 = 10 km from home.

5. Answer. 484.

Solution. On the border, not counting the corner ones, there are 84 – 4 = 80 tiles. This means that there are 20 tiles on each side, not counting the corner ones, and including the corner ones - 22 tiles. Therefore the total number of tiles is 22 · 22 = 484.

School stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

In mathematics



1. The Jumping Dragonfly slept half the time of every day of the red summer, danced for a third of the time of every day, and sang for a sixth of the time. She decided to devote the rest of her time to preparing for winter. How many hours a day did Dragonfly prepare for winter?

2. The aliens informed the inhabitants of the Earth that in their star system there are three planets A, B, C. They live on the second planet. Further, the transmission of the message deteriorated due to interference, but two more messages were received, which, as scientists established, were both false:

a) A is not the third planet from the star;

b) B – second planet.

Which planets from the star are A, B, C?

3. The mouse, mouse and cheese together weigh 180g. The mouse weighs 100g more than the mouse and the cheese combined. Cheese weighs three times less than a mouse. How much does each of them weigh? The answer must be confirmed by calculations.

4. How to cut a square into seven triangles, among which there are six identical ones?

5. There are 24 sticks. The length of the first stick is 1 cm, the second is 2 cm, ..., the twenty-fourth is 24 cm (the length of each subsequent stick is 1 cm longer than the length of the previous one). How can you make three different squares using all these sticks? You cannot break sticks; each stick must fit into only one square.

Answers, directions, solutions.

(another solution may be suggested)

1. Answer . 0 hours. There's no time left.

Solution. There are 24 hours in a day, of which Dragonfly slept 24: 2 = 12 hours, danced 24: 3 = 8 hours, sang 24: 4 = 6 hours. In total she spent on these matters

12+ 8 + 6 = 24 hours. Therefore, there is no time left to prepare for winter.

2. Answer . B is the first planet, C is the second planet, A is the third planet.

Solution. Since the second and third messages are false, then A is the third planet, and B is not the second, so B is the first planet from the star. Then B will be the second planet on which aliens live.

3. Answer. Mouse – 140g, cheese – 10g, little mouse – 30g.

Solution. It follows from the condition that double the weight of the mouse is 180 + 100 = 280g. Therefore, the weight of the mouse is 140g. Then the mouse and cheese together weigh 180 – 140 = 40g. And the weight of the cheese, according to the condition, is equal to a quarter of this weight.

4. Solution. Two ways to do this are shown in the figure. There are other ways.


Solution. Let's divide the sticks into three groups: from 1 to 8, from 9 to 16, from 17 to 24. In each group we will connect the first stick to the last, the second to the penultimate, the third to the third from the end, and the remaining two sticks will also be connected. In each group we will receive four identical sticks, from which we will form a square. The sides of the resulting squares are: 9, 25, 41.

Comment. There are other ways to add three squares.

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