Techniques for developing willpower. How to cultivate willpower in yourself to lose weight? Are the desires of our body so important?

According to researchers, willpower is a factor that has not just a huge, but a key influence on how our lives turn out, on our health and even on our tendency to commit crimes. It is especially surprising that neither the degree of development of intelligence nor the environment compares in its influence with willpower - scientists even conducted a special experiment in which they compared more and less successful brothers and sisters and found that it was willpower - and not a more favorable environment , the help of relatives or genetics - allowed some of them to achieve impressive results.

The same idea is supported by the famous “marshmallow” experiment, begun in the 1960s: four-year-old children were asked to make a choice and either eat a marshmallow or wait 15 minutes and get a second treat. The scientists continued to observe the children who took part in the experiment and found that those children who were able to show will and resist momentary temptation demonstrated much more outstanding success in their studies and careers as adults, had better health and were less likely to get divorced. spouses.

Despite the fact that many of us consider willpower to be an innate trait, psychologists argue that it can - and should - be developed and “pumped”, just as we train muscles during sports training. ELLE found out how to cultivate willpower.

Find time to meditate

It would seem, how is meditation related to willpower? It turns out that it’s also connected: scientists say that by devoting just 10 minutes daily to this popular practice, within a couple of days you will find that you are less likely to be distracted, your concentration has improved, and your energy has noticeably increased.

Watch your posture

The influence of posture on self-discipline and willpower has been proven by scientists who, as part of an experiment, asked participants to carefully monitor themselves for two weeks, keep their back straight and not slouch. To the surprise of the researchers, this simple action helped the participants significantly strengthen their willpower, which was confirmed by special tests. Make straight posture a priority: set reminders in your phone to keep your back straight, don’t allow yourself to slouch - psychologists say that this simple habit will allow you to powerfully “pump up” your strong-willed “muscle”.

Keep a food diary

Or a diary of your financial expenses. Or better yet, both: Excel tables and numerous mobile applications to help you. The whole point is that we live according to the laws of the system: as soon as we start working on one element, all the others immediately become like it; By organizing your diet and finances, you can quietly develop willpower, learn to wake up on time, stop being late and missing work deadlines.

Watch your speech

Set goals wisely

When chalking up another failed project or failed diet to a lack of willpower, ask yourself the question: how realistic is your plan? Is the goal specifically formulated, and have you allocated enough time and resources to achieve it? Or maybe you, trying to be like the legendary Caesar, decided to take on ten projects at the same time? Sometimes we doom ourselves to failure in advance by choosing impossible tasks, and then we blame ourselves for lack of will - while the true reason is hidden in illiterate planning.

Make fitness a priority

It's no secret that physical activity makes us stronger, more energetic and more disciplined - people who exercise regularly have problems with willpower much less often. In order not to give up during the first, most difficult weeks and to make sports a habit, seek help from a professional trainer, and ideally pay for his services for a couple of months in advance - this will make it easier for you to resist the temptation to quit classes.

Pay attention to your surroundings

The ability to demonstrate willpower - like the habit of being lazy and giving in to momentary temptations - is a contagious thing. If there are energetic, disciplined “batteries” among your friends, try to spend as much time as possible with them, adopting their ability to cope with difficulties and concentrate on the goal. And, on the contrary, limit communication with those who like to lazily go with the flow - you can nullify all attempts to strengthen willpower by becoming infected with their mood.

Willpower is rarely an innate quality, but it can be cultivated, grown and strengthened. To do this, you just need to use one of four methods, although you don’t have to limit yourself to them.

What is will?

A person is always in one of only two possible states. He is either happy or trying to become so. A person who is happy with everything, as a rule, does not think about possible problems. Happy people not only do not watch the clock, but in general they see little. People usually begin to think only when they fall into a state of frustration, that is, they feel the discrepancy between reality and desires. Negative energy (for some reason it is also called negative, although there is nothing bad in the developed photographic film) energy overwhelms the entire being of the unfortunate person, he suffers and becomes demoralized. These destructive consequences can only be overcome by exertion of will. External sources will not help, although, when in trouble, many seek solace in alcoholic beverages and other artificial distractions. What is this, will? This concept needs to be defined. Will is the soul's ability to survive under any circumstances.

Counteracting factors

It will be easier for the modern reader to understand further reasoning if we introduce some technological analogies and associations. If we consider the subconscious as a huge hard drive storing volumes of data, then we can imagine that it contains every moment of a person’s biography. Based on this data, beliefs and behavioral patterns are formed. What the results will be depends on the program used to process the initial information. Lack of willpower indicates long-term programming of the subconscious through negative notifications.

“Only those who know they can win can win. And those who do not overcome their fear every day have not learned the main lesson of life" (Ralph Waldo Emerson, American writer).

Failures at work, the collapse of relationships, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diet, dismissal, divorce, rejection of family values, delusions - these are the main killers of will. Every person, having experienced stress, weakens both physically and spiritually, which is manifested in a partial loss of the ability to control their emotions. He loses willpower with every bad experience in his life.

“In the absence of willpower, all virtues and talents are completely useless” (Aleister Crowley, English poet)

Developing willpower is the most important process necessary to move towards a goal despite setbacks. This is the only way to do something worthy. It is the foundation of success and the ability to strive for greatness.

Here are four simple actions to build willpower:

1. Distraction

There is a well-known phenomenon called “marshmallow”. Researchers conducted an experiment to determine the reaction of children to forced abstinence from something tasty, in this case, marshmallows. It turned out that strong-willed children used simple distractions to keep themselves from temptation. They sang and played some games until the time ran out. As a reward for their patience, these children received a double serving of marshmallows.

Willpower weakens with every thought of even a small, but momentary pleasure. The main prize goes to the most patient.

2. Sober assessment of possible consequences

There are two approaches to success and failure. Some psychologists agree that by thinking about possible negative consequences, a person actually strengthens his willpower. Others argue that the greatest motivation comes from the positive outcome of actions.

Fortunately, both are right. You just need to know when to use which approach. When you are in a bad mood, without fully understanding the final goal, it is better to think about how wonderful the consequences are expected in case of success. If things are going well enough, and the likelihood of a successful outcome is high, you can, on the contrary, focus on the possible consequences of collapse. Thoughts generally tend to move from one pole to the other, and there is no need to interfere with this.

3. Overcoming fears

Some young people, having graduated from higher education, are very wary of looking for their first job. They sometimes don’t even dare to think about it. So, the longer they delay submitting their resume, the less will they have left.

You must learn to resolutely overcome fear and leave your comfort zone. This, of course, is not always easy, but if you convince yourself that there is no other way out, then everything will work out.

Willpower is a resource that must be used when there are no other external factors that can inspire self-confidence.

4. Reminding yourself of your willpower

The mind requires motivation. Why do you need to do this or that unpleasant work or perform this or that act that requires significant effort? The moment this question arises, it’s time to remember the goal and the main prize awaiting the winner. Here's a simple equation that describes this process:

Willpower = Motivation + Reward - Effort

If more effort is required than the total level of motivation and reward, then willpower will decrease. It may even reach the zero point, after which it would be logical to abandon the idea.

It is believed that simple actions like brushing your teeth or even getting a good night's sleep can help strengthen your willpower.

Here's what you can do: make a list of the most unpleasant and avoidable tasks, then choose the easiest ones and do them. This will instantly lift your spirits. It is best to constantly remind yourself of your willpower through small victories over your own laziness.

Like any other skill, willpower requires constant training. The list can be constantly expanded, including new items that mean things that were previously unpleasant to do. It’s just like replenishing your wardrobe, only the acquisitions are much more useful and valuable. The development of willpower occurs gradually, and leads from microscopic achievements to the largest victories.

How to develop willpower and why it is so important to do this - you will find answers to all these questions in this article. There are many definitions for willpower. My definition is the following. Willpower is a measure of an individual’s ability to translate into reality his intentions, dictated by considerations of reasonable planning, despite momentary impulses (desires, habits, weaknesses, emotions, fears, etc.).

For the task developing willpower ideally suited are those methods that, in their main purpose, serve completely different purposes, but indirectly contribute to the development of the above-mentioned quality.

This may seem like a complicated, cumbersome definition, but in fact, if you look at specific examples, it becomes clear what I'm talking about.


Why is willpower needed?

But before, I ate meat for breakfast, lunch and dinner and could not imagine a different order of things.

I am not a passionate animal advocate or a fanatical preacher of a healthy lifestyle. I don’t eat meat because it’s easy for me to do; it’s not difficult for me to deny myself this pleasure, for the sake of healthy eating principles and just for the sake of experimentation. Because I trained myself to say no to my body and say yes to my mind.

The pleasure of eating meat is not a significant criterion for me to eat it if I am pursuing some long-term goals. It’s easy for me to refuse the pleasure that alcohol brings, I can get up early and do exercises, no matter how much I like it. This is not a big difficulty for me, my body listens to me.

Are our body's desires really that important?

Some of you who are now reading this article may think that denying yourself some pleasure every day is incredibly difficult. This is wrong. In order to refute this belief, I described my experience.

Now, to many of you, the small pleasures of the body may seem significant and big. You may think that you can't live without your habits. I assure you, this is an illusion.
As a child, I thought that driving a car and at the same time navigating the city was very difficult. Now I can easily drive a car and know where to go and where to turn.

Once you educate your body, all its desires will no longer be so significant and important. Do not think that I am preaching some kind of monastic lifestyle, calling for getting rid of attachment to the body and becoming a pure spirit. This is impossible. I just want you to become masters of your body, not slaves to it.

This is great happiness and freedom, I assure you.


Willpower is like a muscle; to develop it, you need to exercise it regularly. Every time you act contrary to your momentary desires, this muscle grows and strengthens. Once you stop doing this, the muscle becomes flabby and weak.

Start small

This is the motto of my site - “start small.” If you go to the gym for the first time, then you will not lift a heavy barbell, because in this case you will strain yourself and give up this sport.

It's better to start with light exercises. The muscles should slowly get used to the load if you haven’t stressed them much before. You don’t need to strive to achieve everything at once. Start with something easy.

The following tips will help you move in the right direction.

Do not try to immediately implement all the recommendations that you will see below! It is very difficult for an unprepared person to do this. Therefore, adequately assess your own capabilities.

Implement these principles in your life gradually, starting with one thing. For example, introduce morning exercises into your daily routine, for starters. Try to meditate every day, at least for 10 minutes. Then move on to try the other tips when you're ready.

Organize your daily routine

Start getting up early

You don't need to sleep until you stop. Try to get up at the same time every day. Your day begins with waking up, if you follow the lead of your body and continue to sleep, then the will muscle is not set in motion and does not warm up.

If you start to feel lazy when you wake up, then throughout the day it is much more difficult to force yourself to do something.

But if you make an effort and force yourself to get up, even if your body desperately resists, you are using your will, stretching this “muscle” at the very beginning of the day. This will make any activity you do on this day easier and more productive. Physical activity is much easier if you have stretched all your muscles in the morning. The same thing happens with willpower. We need to tone this muscle.

The sleep-wake schedule is not only an element of discipline, it is very beneficial for health.

Plan your affairs and follow the plan

Train yourself to follow the plan. Set yourself daily, weekly, monthly or open-ended goals and meet them. For example: write a 3,000 word article on self-development today, finish reading this book to the end, read one book a month, wash the dishes after every meal, clean out your hard drive monthly, etc.

So that you are not tempted to come up with a reason not to do something, then make it a rule that the thing must be done anyway and the plan must not be violated.
For example, if you plan to jog three times a week, you can distribute the activities throughout the days as convenient for you, the only requirement is that the plan must be completed by the end of the week.

If you have never run today, and today is already Sunday, you will have to run three times that day.

Don't put it off until later

If you don’t have any objective reasons for not doing what you promised yourself to do, do it. Even if you are lazy and don’t want to, still keep your promise, learn to step over your “I don’t want to.” Develop your will muscle.

It's better to do something while you can now. Who knows what will happen next? We don't know how to look into the future. What if there will be a lot of things to do, and then we won’t have time to do anything at all? If you do everything on time, life becomes much more comfortable and the burden of unfinished business does not put pressure on the psyche. I know this from myself.

Play sports

Sport perfectly disciplines and develops willpower, because physical exercise is a constant overcoming of laziness and body resistance. During each lesson you have to step over yourself, through muscle fatigue and discomfort.

Many people don't exercise: because they lack willpower. But this is a self-contained process. It takes physical strength to lift a barbell 100 times in a row, but if you lift that barbell every day, your strength will increase and sooner or later you will do 100 lifts.

If you are not yet involved in sports, then start doing simple exercises in the morning. These exercises should follow a routine, for example, doing exercises 5 times a week.

Exercises in the morning can tone the “will muscle”. If you do exercises, then throughout the day it will be easier for you to fight temptations and do what you planned.

Do less nonsense

Limit the time you spend doing mindless, mind-numbing activities like watching TV shows or working on. Read more fiction and educational literature, spend time outdoors. Develop yourself, improve your skills, learn new things from books and other sources.

Make promises to yourself and keep them

Turn “must” into “I give you my word.” For example, you think, “I need to clean the house.” Has it often happened to you that things didn’t go further than this thought? You have been suffering from nonsense all day, and you still haven’t put the house in order, despite the fact that you thought it would be nice to do this. Therefore, turn “must” into “I give my word” or “I promise.” “I promise to clean up the apartment by the end of the day!” Let keeping your promise become a matter of honor for you. Promises help maintain self-discipline.

Turn any intention you have into a promise. Have you decided that you spend a lot of time in front of the computer? Stop berating yourself for this! Better promise yourself not to surf the Internet in the evening at home after work!

Maintain hygiene and keep your surroundings tidy

Hygiene is also an element of discipline that is subject to strict routines. Brush your teeth twice a day, wash, bathe and shave regularly. (I hope everyone does this, I wrote this just in case)

Keep your home and work place tidy. Clean up, wash the dishes, clean the furniture. Organize your desk drawers and your computer's hard drive. Delete unnecessary files from folders, get rid of inactive contacts in your QIP or Skype list, clean your email from spam. Create a logical directory structure on your computer.

Contain your gastronomic weaknesses

Eat at fast foods less often. Learn to cook. Eat more healthy foods. Try making a nutritious and delicious meat-free dinner at least once a week. This experience may be new and interesting for you.

Eliminate, at least partially, sausages and other nasty things from your diet. Read articles about healthy eating and try to follow the recommendations there.

If you eat a lot and have problems with excess weight, eat less. Learn to tolerate mild hunger. In this case, organize a nutritional routine and follow it. Eat three meals a day and do not eat anything in between.

Work on breaking bad habits

Smoke less, or better yet, quit altogether. Every cigarette, every bottle of beer is a little weakness. These weaknesses lead to the degradation of the will and the triumph of lower needs over our mind.

Practice meditation

You can start developing willpower with meditation. Introduce this practice into your daily routine. Meditation helps you relax and put your thoughts in order. With practice, you can learn to control your emotions and your body.

It was meditation that gave a significant impetus to my personal development. At the time when I first started meditating, I drank, smoked, did not exercise, and could not plan my tasks and get things done. All this came later, but it all began with meditation.

This practice is very good for discipline, since the classes imply a strict routine: you must meditate twice a day to achieve the desired effect. You should put aside all your affairs and sit in one position until the end of the session and try to keep your attention with one thing. If attention wanders to the side, you return it to the starting point. This is a great workout for willpower.

In Kelly McGonigal's book, it is written that scientific research has found that meditation increases the gray matter content in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. It is this area of ​​the brain that is responsible for willpower, while impulsive decisions are controlled by the central part of it.

“Over time, their [meditators’] brain begins to work like a well-oiled machine of will,” says the author of the book. And this is true. It was regular meditation that helped me strengthen my willpower when I lacked it so much. For me, it all started with this practice, and then everything else followed: sports, giving up cigarettes and alcohol, and discipline. Meditation has turned me, a lazy and disorganized person, into a more collected and disciplined person.

Even one single session of meditation can charge you with a “reserve of willpower” for the rest of the day. I noticed that if I don't meditate in the morning, my “willpower muscle” will not be in good shape. Then things will be difficult and with resistance, and it will be difficult for me to overcome temptations and temptations. But when I meditate and do exercises in the morning, I turn my willpower into tone and into full readiness. Things are going easy, and plans are being fulfilled!

This is far from the most difficult exercise, but it is extremely effective. In my opinion, meditation is the best and most effective way to develop willpower. I recommend starting with it. You can find out about this from the article at the link.

Don't hesitate, start taking action tomorrow!

Start working on developing willpower tomorrow: get up half an hour early and do some exercises! After this, tell yourself that from now on you will get up half an hour earlier every morning and do the exercises. After that, go to the bookstore and buy yourself a good, educational book, and start reading it.

Let this be your first step towards developing willpower.

I read somewhere that walking on two legs is a very difficult task for the brain. When you walk, you are in a permanent state of controlled fall, your brain sends a huge number of signals to keep your body balanced.

This is why it is so difficult to teach a robot to walk on two legs, so far, as far as I know, this is an impossible task for science. Nature solved this problem long ago.

Willpower also protects you from falling into the abyss of depravity and laziness. While you are awake, thousands of small desires attack your brain, and you risk deviating from the intended course, falling halfway: “sleep more,” “do it later,” “you won’t be able to, it’s very hard,” “stop and take a break, work won’t do.” will leave”, etc.

Movement towards the goal is a constant controlled fall. The less you fall, the sooner you achieve what you want. But once you start constantly falling off your feet, your fragile balance will turn into an eternal fall to God knows where...

Everyone who has a significant Goal in life strives to develop Willpower. And in this article we will look in detail at how this can be done, both from the point of view of personal growth and from the point of view of Esotericism. But before you move on to practice, be sure to read the first two articles on this topic:

Cultivating Willpower depends not only on the methods you use for this, but also on how neglected this issue is in you. For some people this will be quite accessible and quick, when there are no significant blocking problems, for example, ingrained bad habits that depress willpower. For others, for whom lack of will and corresponding problems (negativity) have developed to immense proportions and have largely enslaved a person and his will, this will not be easy and quick, it will be a protracted battle. Such people, in order to form a powerful Will in themselves, will most likely have to work on themselves for more than one year.

But first, let's look at a few important nuances that must be taken into account when you are working on your Will and.

  1. Willpower and self-abuse are completely different and completely incompatible things! And if a person has a lot of violence against himself, this ultimately blocks and destroys his Will! Self-violence is a stupid, irresponsible and heartless approach to oneself. And Will is a conscious and responsible attitude towards oneself. Yes, for some time a person can use violence, forcing himself to do something and suppressing his other needs. But you need to understand that sooner or later all the compressed springs will shoot out and there will be a breakdown, which always ends in failure.
  2. Willpower is not possible on the basis of self-hatred, on a negative attitude towards your loved one. Will based on negativity always turns into violence, and violence always leads to personal destruction and suffering. True creative Willpower is possible only on positivity, on correct motivation, on the basis of awareness, and not on...
  3. The will, when it opens and gains power, should not displace, suppress and block other components of the Personality! The will should not come into conflict with the mind (intellect) and (heart). Otherwise, a person quickly becomes dull and turns, as they say, into an “insensitive blockhead.” This very willpower will definitely not bring any benefit to such a thoughtless idiot. Everything in a person should be in harmony, and this is the ideal combination of Wisdom, Love and Strength.

Taking these and other principles into account, we move on to the algorithm for forming Willpower in ourselves.

How to cultivate Willpower in yourself? Step-by-step algorithm and recommendations

1. It is necessary to form a cool positive attitude towards Willpower and create powerful motivation:

  • Read the article -
  • Describe in writing: what kind of Will do you want? like who? How should your Willpower ideally work and help you?
  • Write at least 30 significant reasons that you will get if you cultivate enormous Willpower.
  • Also write down at least 30 points - what you will get rid of, free yourself when you eliminate your own Lack of Will and develop Will.
  • Describe in colors and with specifics how you will live your new life, how you will feel when you solve this Problem (you should really, really like this).
  • Work through this point according to the article -

Forming the right attitude and strong motivation is already half the battle!

2. It’s very good if you have at least basic meditative practices, for example, visualization. Enter into meditation and simulate everything that you wrote in paragraph 1, try to see and feel what kind of Willpower you want, how it should work and what you will get when it is fully revealed to you.

This needs to be done so that the rest of the conscious and subconscious mind stops resisting and begins to help you achieve this goal. And the subconscious mind best perceives and accepts information and motivation in images (in living pictures).

3. Practice Self-Hypnosis! For example: “I burn Lack of Will”, “I reveal Willpower”. Formulas may be different, it is important that the self-hypnosis program is absolutely clear, correct and unambiguous. About Self-Hypnosis -.

If you are an experienced esotericist and know how to work with, then to develop Willpower you need to unlock and develop first and foremost.

4. The most effective and fastest way is to find and hire a good, strict coach, a mentor who will help you build Willpower and Self-discipline. But before you hire a coach, make sure that he is able to help you solve this problem.

5. In order to reveal and form Willpower in yourself, there must always be something in your life in which you always need to overcome yourself, any difficulties, obstacles, etc. This could be Sports, Art and Creativity, Martial Arts, Business, etc. If there is nothing like this in a person’s life, it will be almost impossible to develop Willpower!

Recommendation: start visiting the gym regularly, go to martial arts, take up sports dancing, and form the habit of exercising regularly, always with full dedication and without missing classes.

6. Train your Will – every day! Will is, first of all, victory over oneself, over one’s weaknesses. And you need to make sure that you have at least small victories every day.

Choose a “victim” for yourself - some weakness or bad habit that you want to condemn (laziness, etc.), and beat it, overcome it every day. Determine what you want to replace it with and cultivate it.

7. Gradually rebuild your lifestyle - discipline it so that every day there is at least a small overcoming. Overcoming – awakens and trains the Will! Eliminate from your day all moments and periods of time when you mindlessly go with the flow and follow only your subconscious desires and instincts.

Better yet, make sure that every day you enter into a process that inevitably builds your Willpower. Again, this could be a sports section, some other training or work that disciplines you.

8. Try as much as possible to communicate with people who do not have problems with willpower, from whom you can learn. And try to avoid communicating with weak-willed people, who in life are like lazy animals or vegetables in the garden. As they say, “whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from that.”

9. Very Important! This point may be key for many! You need to understand that if the root cause why a person’s Will was blocked, why a person became weak-willed, is not removed, then even very solid efforts may turn out to be completely ineffective and may not give the expected result!

Therefore, I always recommend working individually with a specialist (or) to get an outside perspective - to find and remove the cause of the problem, which is very rarely obvious to the person himself (when you are sitting in a jar of green stuff, it is difficult to realize this on your own).

If you decide to work individually with a Coach-mentor or Healer -!

Good luck to you on this not easy but noble Path!

Castaneda gave a precise definition: “Will is what makes you win when your mind says that you are defeated.” Painful morning awakenings, doing uninteresting work and household chores, playing sports - this is a small part of our daily struggles.

How often have many of us heard, first from our parents, then from educators and teachers, that we do not have willpower, that we need to cultivate it in ourselves, otherwise we will grow up weak-willed or, which is really bad, weak-willed people.

Sometimes grown men, who cannot or do not want it enough, say about themselves: “There is strength, but there is no will.”

What is willpower

What is this mysterious willpower that you absolutely must have? Willpower is a character trait that allows a person to control his behavior and actions, his ability to act under the influence of reason, control himself and not be led by his feelings, desires and whims.

2. Do important things in the morning

Many have noticed that in the morning our thoughts are more “correct”, and we ourselves are filled with energy and the desire to do as much as possible. In the evening, as our strength dwindles, it becomes increasingly difficult to persuade us to “pull ourselves together.” Therefore, in order not to be tempted to put off unfinished tasks until tomorrow and not to test willpower once again, it is better to demonstrate it as much as possible in the morning hours (see “”).

3. Willpower needs to be “reinforced” in time

This idea is confirmed by research from psychologists who believe that it will be easier for us to “persuad” our willpower to activate and force ourselves to act more effectively if we eat or drink something sweet. Indeed, as blood glucose levels decrease, our ability to self-control also decreases.

Just like foods and drinks containing glucose, foods high in proteins and complex carbohydrates “reinforce” willpower.

4. Praise yourself

They say that if you don’t praise yourself, no one will praise you. And yet we are not used to praising ourselves, but scolding is always welcome. And a klutz, and a loser, and incompetent - sometimes you don’t even need a reason. But psychologists assure that you need to love and praise yourself, and praise yourself constantly. And this will definitely bring good luck into our lives. Whether this is true or not, everyone can see from their own experience.

But our willpower will only get stronger from encouragement and praise. The words “I will do it!” will stimulate us, and therefore contribute to achieving the goal.

The example of the same Vitya Maleev, who decided for himself that since he is weak-willed, he will be consistent in his actions, remaining so in the future, shows that such attitudes reduce all efforts to cultivate the will to nothing.

5. Stay calm

Self-control is impossible in a state of stress or panic, when a person is guided by instincts rather than logic. Giving in to emotions that drown out our reason, we forget about our own will, allowing our feelings to take over and control us. Therefore, cultivating willpower also includes mastering methods of maintaining calm and self-control in any situation.

6. Sleep as an “assistant” to a strong-willed person

They say that a sleepy person is the same as a drunk person. His consciousness is clouded, his attention is deconcentrated, and it is much more difficult for him to make a volitional effort than for a person who does not experience a lack of sleep.

When working on your willpower, it is worth remembering that we are stronger than we think, and our abilities are much higher than we estimate them.

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