Signs of dysgraphia. Types of dysgraphia and dyslexia

Speech at the methodological association

speech therapist teachers 12/17/2015

Presentation " Dysgraphia. Symptoms.

Characteristics of types of dysgraphia »

Teacher-speech therapist Belyaeva L.G.

Slide 1.


Slide 2. Dysgraphia - this is a partialdisruption of the writing process, manifested instop repetitious errors caused byformation of higher mental functionstions involved in the writing process.

In modern literature, the following terms are used to designate specific writing disorders:personal terms. Partial writing impairmentsare calleddysgraphia, complete incapacityletters -agraphia.

In domestic literature terms"disgra fiya" And"dysorphography" are opposed,that is, they are differentiated.

For differential diagnosis of these narudecisions, it is necessary to clarify those criteria based onin which errors in dysgraphia anddysorthography. The main criterion is thatthe principle of spelling that prevails significantly violated .

It is known that in Russianspelling, the following main ones are distinguished:prin Tips: phonetic (phonemic), morpholo gical, traditional.

At the corephonetic (phonemic) principle cipa spelling lies sound (phonemicChinese) speech analysis.Words are written as they are heard and pronounced (HOUSE, GRASS, KA NAVA, I HEAR). The writer analyzes the soundthe composition of the word and denotes certain soundsin letters. Thus, to implementphonemic principle of writingnecessary formation of differentiation of phonemes and fo nematic analysis .

Morphological principle is thatword morphemes (root, prefix, suffix, windowshope)have the same meaning and the same spelling, although their pronunciation in strong and weak position may be different (HOUSE -TO(a)MA, TABLE - STO(a)LY, GET OUT - S(z)BE-REAP). Use of morphological principlesprinciple presupposes the ability to identify meaningfulword morphemes,determine morphological word structure, highlighting morphemes with the same meaning, the pronunciation of which candiffer in different phonetic conditions. Level of development of morphological analysisfor tesco is associated with the development of vocabulary and grammarlogical structure of speech.

And finallytraditional principle pre-sexindicates the spelling of the word that developed inhistory of the development of writing and there cannot beexplained by the phonetic or morphological principle of spelling.Taking into account the principles of spelling, you can doconclusion that dysgraphia is predominantly associated withviolation of the implementation of the phonetic principle,and with dysorthography, the use ofmorphological and traditional principlesspelling.


Slide 3. 4. Psychological approach to the analysis of the mechanisms of dysgraphia.

    Atdysgraphiaerrors arepersistent and specific and more numerous, repeated and persist for a long time.

Dysgraphic errors are associated with the immaturity of higher mental functions involved in the writing process:

Thinking Perception Memory Attention

Violations appeardifferentiation of phonemes by ear and in pronunciation, analysis of sentences into words, syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, optical-spatial functions.

Slide 5. Psycholinguistic approach to the analysis of the mechanisms of dysgraphia

    With dysgraphia, thespecific operations of writing writing:

    Analysis of sentences into words

    Syllable analysis and synthesis

    Phoneme differentiation

    Phonemic analysis

    Translation of a phoneme to the level of visual symbolism

    Hand-eye coordination

    Motor realization of letters

Slide 6. Causes of writing disorders

    Caused by harmful influences in the perinatal period of development or hereditary predisposition, a delay in the formation of functional systems important for writing;

    disorders of oral speech of organic origin;

    difficulties in developing functional asymmetry of the hemispheres (lateralization) in a child;

    delay in the child’s awareness of the body diagram;

    as a consequence of a violation of the perception of space and time, analysis and reproduction of spatial and temporal sequence

Slide 7. Types of writing disorders

    Reading disorders: Alexia Dyslexia.

    Writing disorders Agraphia. Dysgraphia. Dysorphoraphy.

Slide 8.- 9. SYMPTOMATICS. According to the definitionThe meaning of the term “dysgraphia” can be distinguished as follows:Common features of errors in dysgraphia:

1 . Errors with dysgraphia are persistent and specific, what allowed makes it possible to distinguish these errors from “growth” errors, “physiological” errors,and naturally occurring in children when masteringni letter. It should be noted thaterrors in dysgraphia by external manifestationsimilar to the so-called physiologicalmistakes. Howeverat dysgraphia these mistakes are more numerous, repeating melts and lasts for a long time .

2. Dysgraphic errors are associated withnesfor worldliness of higher mental functions, involved in the writing process , - differential tion of phonemes by ear and in pronunciation, analysis sentences on words, syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, optical-spatial functions.

Violations of elementary functions (analyzer) can also lead to disordersletters. But don't consider these violations of writingare classified as dysgraphia.

Writing disorders in children (for example, whenmental development) may be associatedwith pedagogical neglect, with violationattention, control, which disorganize the entirethe writing process as a complex speech activity.However, in this case errors, if they are not related to immaturity of higher mental functions tions, are not specific, but variable in nature ter and therefore are not dysgraphic.

3. Errors in dysgraphia are characterized bydestructionphonetic principle of writing, i.e. errors are observed in strong phonetic positions (LOPADA - instead of SHOVEL, DM - instead then HOME), unlike spelling errors, which are observed only in weak phonetic positions (VADIANY - instead of WATER, LADY - instead of HOME).

4. Errors are characterized as dysgraphic skies when they are observed in children school age.

For preschool children, an accompanying letteris given by numerous errors similar incharacter and manifestation with dysgraphic ones. Odhowever, preschool children still lackmany mental functions are precisely formedtions that support the writing process.Therefore these errors are natural "physiologically skim."

Slide 9. The nature of letter substitutions

    Replacement of letters that are optically similar

    Substitutions of letters denoting phonetically similar sounds



Slide 10. The following groups of errors are distinguished when disabling graphies

    Distorted spelling of letters (for example, E-b,S-o).

    Replacement of handwritten letters: a) graphically similarnyh (for example,With - a-, l - w, c, - sch); b) denoting phonetically similar sounds (for example,shhh …).

    Distortions of the sound-letter structure of the layerva: permutations, omissions, additions, percevewalkie-talkie, contamination of letters, syllables (for example,BE-
    SENA- instead ofSPRING, STANA - STRAON, KULBOK- instead ofCLEW).

    Sentence Structure Distortions: Dividenew spelling of a word, continuous spelling of words, contaminations of words (for example, HEAT COUNTRIESFLYING ROOKS - instead of FROM WARM COUNTRIESTYAT ROOKS).

    Agrammatisms in writing (for example,MANYPENCILDS, NO KEYS, ON BRANCHES).

Slide 13 - 14. TYPES OF DYGRAPHIA.

Slide 15. Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in the fact that in writing there appearerrors caused by incorrect pronunciation of speech sounds (the child writes words the way he pronounces them) or unformed kinesthetic images of sounds (during internal pronunciation there is no reliance on the correct articulation of sounds).Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in mixtures, substitutions, and omissions of letters, which contribute to the same errors in oral speech.

Slide 16. Acoustic dysgraphia (based on violations of phoneme recognition - phoneme differentiation). Errors in this type of dysgraphia are caused by inaccuracy of auditory differentiation of sounds when they are correctly pronounced andthey manifest themselves in letter substitutions , denoting phonetically similar sounds . More often, letters denoting whistling and hissing, voiced and voiceless consonants, affricates and the components that make up them are mixed(h-t, h-sh, ts-t, ts-t, ts-s, s-sh, z-f, b-p, d-t, g-k etc.d..).

Slide 17. The mechanism of this type of dysgraphia is a violation of:

analysis of sentences into words : continuous writing of words, especially prepositions with different parts of speech; separate spelling of words (prefixes, roots);

syllabic and phonemic analysis and synthesis (distortion of the sound-letter, syllabic structure of the word, omissions of consonants when they come together (dozhi-dozhi, deki-denki), omissions of vowels (girls-girls, pshli-poshli), rearrangements of letters (pakelki-droplets), addition of letters, syllables (vesnana- spring)).

Slide 18. Ungrammatical dysgraphia manifests itself inagrammatisms in writing and is due to the immaturity of the lexico-grammatical structure of speech. Typical errors:

incorrect use of case endings, singular and plural (trees, pens), verb control;

incorrect use of adjectives (fox tail, fox fur coat;

coordination of various parts of speech in a phrase (seven horses, two horses, red dress, it started raining, etc.)

incorrect use of prepositional case constructions (flowers are in a vase; the dog gets out of the booth);

omissions of sentence members, most often verbs. (The boy __ sandbox.) There may also be omissions of the subject, quite often the adjective. (He went into the forest. He picked mushrooms.)

disruption of the connection between individual sentences, most often this happens as a result of missing an episode. (The hare was running and running through the forest. And suddenly he saw it. He has fast legs. The fox is angry.);

incorrect division of the text into sentences, linguistic sense and prosodic components are not formedspeech, rhythm and, above all, intonation.Agrammatic dysgraphia is characterized by a large number of errors in independent writing and copying.

Slide 19. Optical dysgraphia due toimmaturity of visual-spatial functions : visual gnosis, visual mnesis, visual analysis and synthesis, spatial representations. With optical dysgraphia, distorted reproduction of letters in writing is observed:

incorrect spatial reproductioncorrelations of letter elements, mirror spelling of letters, underwriting of elements, extra elements;

substitutions and mixturesgraphically similar letters (p-t, p-t, l-m, i-sh, v-d).

Literal optical dysgraphia manifests itself in difficulties in reproducing isolated letters. Atverbal optical dysgraphia is marked by distortions of letters in a word (replacement and confusion of graphically similar letters, contextualinfluence of neighboring letters to reproduce the visual image of a letter in a given word).

As a rule, dysgraphia in its “pure” form is extremely rare, most often it iso combination of different types of disgraphies Dysgraphia is often intertwined with dysorthography or dyslexia. In such cases, determinedirections, correction systemBut speech therapy work is much more difficult.

Slide 20. Mechanism and symptoms Dysgraphia due to impairment of language analysis and synthesis.

Slide 21. Dysorphography - This persistent impairment in mastering spelling knowledge, skills and abilities.

    Symptoms is polymorphic in nature:

- unclear knowledge of educational terminology and formulation of spelling rules,

- difficulties in mastering and applying spelling rules, especially the morphological principle, which manifests itself in a significant number of spelling errors in writing.

Slide 22-23. How can you determine before school whether a child has a tendency towards dysgraphia and dyslexia?

It is important to pay attention to which hand the child writes with. Was he not retrained? What is the child's vocabulary? Level of formation of grammatically correct speech. How are phonemic processes developed? Is visual-spatial perception formed? Is the child attentive, is he able to find incorrectly depicted objects, to find similarities and differences in comparing objects? How developedhand-eye coordination.

Slide 24-25. Dictations for dysgraphic children.

Slide 26- Participation of children with severe speech impairments in the Unified State Exam

Slide 27. List of used literature.

Slide 28. Thank you for your attention, colleagues!

Dysgraphia is a disorder in the field of speech therapy associated with disturbances in the patient’s writing process. This phenomenon is due to the insufficient formation of certain mental functions that are responsible for the control and implementation of writing processes. Dysgraphia can be recognized by the presence of systematically repeated errors in writing that do not disappear, and their elimination requires special methods. To diagnose dysgraphia in a patient, the tasks he has written are analyzed, and a specialist evaluates his oral speech skills using special techniques.

Dysgraphia is a specific writing disorder in a patient. As mentioned above, written speech in dysgraphic patients is significantly impaired. According to some data, the disorder can be identified in half of the students in primary school and in a third of students in secondary school. Analysis of these data suggests a very high prevalence of dysgraphia and its persistence among children. The reason for this is that a large number of children with any speech therapy disorders or with disorders associated with the perception of sounds are admitted to the first grades of schools and kindergartens. Due to the presence of these disorders, children cannot fully acquire knowledge and develop oral and written language skills. It should be noted that if a child with dysgraphia is in a general education school, the process of his learning should take place with the participation of a speech therapist, and specific errors in writing made by a patient suffering from dysgraphia should not affect the overall performance in such humanities disciplines as Russian language and literature.

Dysgraphia and aragraphia are often confused. These speech therapy disorders differ in a number of common features, but there is still a difference: with dysgraphia, written speech undergoes distortions, but is still preserved and can function. With graphography, the patient is incapable of mastering writing, and the skill is considered completely lost. Dysgraphia is often accompanied by reading disorders, such as dyslexia.

Causes of dysgraphia

As mentioned above, dysgraphia is associated with the writing skill that is developing in a person. Therefore, there is a connection with all aspects of the patient’s oral speech. An important role is played by the states of sound pronunciation, phonemic perception, lexical and grammatical aspects, coherence and intelligibility of speech. Therefore, the development of dysgraphia may have the same reasons as other speech therapy disorders, for example, dysarthria or alalia.

As in the case, for example, of dysarthria, dysgraphia can be caused by damage to the brain, its underdevelopment during the mother’s pregnancy and the postpartum period. Often the causes can be the pathological course of pregnancy, injuries received during childbirth, and asphyxia. Neuroinfectious diseases, for example, meningitis and encephalitis, and somatic diseases in a severe stage also cause damage to the child’s central nervous system and, as a result, dysgraphia.

In addition to factors determined by the physical state of the patient’s central nervous system, socio-psychological reasons play a great role in the formation of written speech disorders. This may be bilingualism in the family, private contacts with those suffering from speech disorders, a deficit of speech communications, as well as inattentive attitude of parents towards the child during the period of formation of speech and writing skills. Early start of a child's literacy training can also cause difficulties with writing, since psychologically he is not yet ready to perceive such a volume of information. In addition, dysgraphia can appear in children with a certain constitutional predisposition and mental retardation.

The appearance of dysgraphia in patients in adulthood is due to a history of traumatic brain injuries, strokes, and neurosurgical interventions. Brain tumors may also contribute to impairments in written language.

Mechanisms of dysgraphia

Dysgraphia is characterized by some complexity of its mechanism. Since written speech is a complex process with many levels, most analyzers are involved in its formation. These include visual, speech-auditory, speech-motor, and motor. Their interaction is responsible for the patient’s writing skill. The more developed a person’s oral speech is, the greater the likelihood of a high level of development of writing skills. However, written speech can only be developed through the process of targeted learning, while the development of oral speech does not require compliance with this rule.

The mechanism of occurrence of dysgraphia may be due to the fact that the process of establishing the dominant hemisphere, responsible for the development of speech functions, occurs untimely. Ideally, all related processes should be completed by the start of school. In case of delayed lateralization, the development of writing is disrupted, which leads to the appearance of corresponding diseases. Dysgraphia is often accompanied by disturbances in the formation of perception, memory, thinking, syllable analysis, spatial perception, phonemic processes and other similar factors.

Psycholinguistics also gives its assessment of the mechanism of dysgraphia. It is assessed as a violation of the operation of the origin of the written manifestation of one’s speech: structuring, dividing sentences into words and phrases, and the like.

Classification of dysgraphia

Currently, dysgraphia involves the identification of five forms. Each of them depends on which particular writing operation is not formed or is impaired in the patient:

  1. articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is caused by impaired perception of phonemics, articulation, and difficulty in sound pronunciation;
  2. acoustic dysgraphia is caused by a violation of phonemic recognition;
  3. a form of dysgraphia caused by the immaturity of language synthesis;
  4. agrammatic dysgraphia is caused by difficulties in the development of speech vocabulary and its grammar;
  5. optical dysgraphia is associated with the fact that the patient does not have developed visual-spatial perception.

It is worth noting that in speech therapy, in addition to strictly defined forms of dysgraphia, mixed forms are often diagnosed. By the way, mixed forms are somewhat more common in practice.

In addition to this classification, there is another:

  1. specific writing disorders;
  2. nonspecific writing disorders (related to the pedagogical and socio-psychological side of the disorder).

Symptoms of dysgraphia

Like any speech therapy disorder, dysgraphia is characterized by a number of specific symptoms. As a rule, these are writing errors that the patient repeats systematically. Moreover, it is worth noting that a person makes these mistakes not because of ignorance of the rules and norms of the language. Most often, errors are associated with the replacement or displacement of similar letters or similar sounds. Patients often skip letters and syllables in words, change their places, and add extra letters. Words are often written together, and in sentences there is no consistency between words and word forms. It was noted that the speed of writing the text is quite low, and the handwriting is indistinguishable. Taking into account all these factors, it should be remembered that a diagnosis of “dysgraphia” can be made only after the patient has mastered writing skills, that is, no earlier than 9 years. A diagnosis made before this age may later turn out to be false.

Articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia is also diagnosed with errors in writing, but in this case they are associated with incorrect pronunciation of sounds. Simply put, the patient writes in the same way as he hears this or that sound. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in children with speech underdevelopment on the phonetic-phonemic side. Errors are similar both in oral speech and in writing.

Acoustic dysgraphia does not imply a violation of the pronunciation of sounds, but their perception is incorrectly formed. Thus, in writing, the patient replaces some sounds with those that are similar to them in pronunciation, for example, hissing with whistling, voiced with voiceless, and so on. Dysgraphia, caused by disorders of language synthesis, does not allow the patient to correctly use letters and syllables in a word: he changes their places, adds extra ones, or does not complete the endings of words. Children suffering from this form of dysgraphia typically write prepositions with words together, while prefixes, on the contrary, are separated from the word in writing. When the disease is diagnosed among schoolchildren, this form is the most common.

Agrammatic dysgraphia has the following characteristic features: the patient incorrectly changes words into cases, confuses declensions, and cannot determine gender or number. In the sentences there is an inconsistency in the wording, some members of the sentence are missing. The speech of patients suffering from this form of dysgraphia is underdeveloped and quite inhibited. This disorder is accompanied by other speech therapy disorders, for example, dysarthria, alalia and others.

Optical dysgraphia manifests itself in such a way that when writing, the patient mixes and replaces letters with visually similar ones. In this case, either literal optical dysgraphia (impaired reproduction of isolated letters) or verbal optical dysgraphia (impaired spelling of letters in words) can be identified. The most common mistakes made by patients are adding extra elements to letters or not writing necessary ones, “mirroring” letters, and the like.

In patients suffering from dysgraphia, it is often possible to diagnose symptoms that are not related to speech therapy. As a rule, these are neurological disorders and disorders, for example, hyperactivity, memory impairment, and decreased performance. Patients find it difficult to concentrate on anything and are often distracted while studying or working.

Diagnostic measures to identify dysgraphia usually include consultation not only with a speech therapist, but also with other specialists: a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of hearing and vision defects. An assessment of speech function is given by a speech therapist. For this purpose, diagnostic measures of written speech are carried out. In this case, it is important to clearly distinguish between the presence of disorders with ignorance of the rules and norms of the language, with the patient’s illiteracy. Next, the specialist determines the form of dysgraphia.

Diagnostic measures to establish dysgraphia in a patient are carried out comprehensively. At the first stage of the examination, the patient’s written work is analyzed. Next, the child’s development, his speech skills, and general development are assessed. After this, specialists study the state of the central nervous system, organs of hearing and vision, articulation apparatus, hand motor skills and speech motor skills. It is also determined which hand the patient uses when writing.

Dysgraphia correction

Correction of dysgraphia involves systematics. The program is developed individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular case. The form of the violation must be taken into account.

To overcome the disorder, the specialist sets the task of filling the gaps in processes important for the formation of writing skills. Work is underway on the development of speech, on its coherence. The patient is given special tasks to develop vocabulary and form speech grammar. In addition, auditory and spatial perceptions are corrected, memory and thinking processes develop. After the development of oral speech skills - on their basis - writing skills also develop.

In addition to the speech therapy complex, medication courses, physiotherapeutic measures, massage and therapeutic physical training are often added to the correction.

Forecast and prevention of dysgraphia

In order to help a patient suffering from dysgraphia, it is necessary to involve not only specialists in the field of speech therapy and neurology, but also the participation of the child’s environment. Speech therapy assistance should also be provided during schooling.

To prevent the occurrence of a violation, certain work should be carried out even before the process of learning to write begins. It is necessary to develop attentiveness, memory, thought processes, spatial perception, auditory and visual differentiation and similar aspects responsible for mastering written language skills. It is necessary to correct oral speech disorders in a timely manner and develop vocabulary.

During the school period, interaction between a speech therapist and a teacher of Russian language and literature is important. The dictations of a child suffering from dysgraphia or suspected dysgraphia should be checked jointly by both specialists. With their help, you can both confirm the violation and trace the dynamics of its development or, conversely, regression. Specific dysgraphic errors should not be taken into account when grading work.

You can find out more detailed information about dysgraphia, as well as see the list of Moscow clinics where the disorder is diagnosed and treated, on our website. Here you will also find the necessary contact information.

Dysgraphia is a specific written language disorder that manifests itself in persistent errors. It occurs when the formation of the higher parts of the central nervous system is disrupted. Dysgraphia interferes with mastering the grammatical features of a language.

This problem is quite relevant for our country. In Russian schools, the number of students diagnosed with dysgraphia reaches 30% of the total number of children.



The symptoms of dysgraphia are very diverse and depend on the etiology that caused it. Children with dysgraphia are most often smart and intelligent, but they have a lot of mistakes in their notebooks. Parents are perplexed as to what is causing their beloved child’s poor performance. They think that this is either the child’s unwillingness to study at school, or that he has a bad teacher. In the early grades, children who have great difficulty with written language may perform well in other subjects and have good intelligence. But they do not write capital letters in words; they make many mistakes in dictations.

Poor performance at school, criticism from parents and teachers leads to the child refusing to attend classes. Very often he becomes an object of ridicule from his classmates, begins to worry greatly about this and withdraws into himself. He writes dictations very slowly, often in poor handwriting. Sometimes children with dysgraphia try to deliberately change their handwriting, in the hope that in this way some mistakes will not be noticeable to the teacher. They often confuse the letters “P” and “b”, “Z” and “E”.

In the specialized literature there are several classifications of dysgraphia (by type and form).


Table: “Forms of dysgraphia.”

Form of dysgraphiaDescription
Articulatory-acousticDoesn't pronounce sounds or write letters correctly
  • Replaces letters with phonetically similar sounds, but pronounces correctly

  • Mixes voiced and voiceless (B - P, D - T)

  • Confuses whistling and hissing sounds (S - W, Z - F).

  • Erroneously denotes the softness of consonants: “lubit”, “hurt”.

Disorder of language analysis and synthesis.
  • Skips letters and syllables

  • Swaps letters and/or syllables

  • Doesn't write endings

  • Writes extra letters in a word

  • Repeats letters and/or syllables

  • Mixes syllables from different words

  • Continuous writing of prepositions (“nastule”)

  • Separate writing of prefixes (“on shla”).

  • Disorder of the grammatical structure of speech (for example, black glove, “sunny day”).

  • Cannot inflect words according to cases, numbers and genders

  • Mistakes in word endings

  • Words do not agree with each other

  • Visual and spatial gnosis disorder

  • Letters are written using dashes and circles.

  • Does not complete elements of letters, for example “G” instead of “P”.

  • Adds extra elements to letters

  • Doesn't connect two letters

  • Confuses printed and written letters

  • Mirroring letters

Diagnostic measures

School teachers should promptly diagnose dysgraphia in children and refer them to a specialist for correction. Very often they get an appointment with a speech therapist after a long “influence” of teachers.

All children must be examined by a speech therapist, who fills out a speech card. In it he indicates the state of general and fine motor skills. The specialist must describe the articulatory apparatus, sound pronunciation, and indicate reading and writing problems. In the speech card, the speech therapist must write a brief description of the child and the speech therapy diagnosis. After the corrective work has been completed, he fills in the appropriate columns and reflects the results of the classes.

Early diagnosis of this disorder helps combat dysgraphia in the initial stages of development. If it was not corrected in childhood, then its manifestations can be observed in adults.


Dysgraphia is included in ICD-10, and psychiatrists treat this disease. In English-speaking countries, special training programs have been developed for dysgraphics; unfortunately, in Russia there is no such opportunity yet.

Correction of dysgraphia should begin in kindergarten. This disease can be overcome only with the help of special techniques and techniques that speech therapists are fluent in. The standard school curriculum will not be able to eliminate dysgraphia in primary schoolchildren.

No one can correct it completely, but the correct spelling of words can be brought closer to ideal.

A session with a speech therapist can take the form of a game. Younger students use magnetic letters to create words. This method reinforces the visual perception of letter elements. The child should write dictations to improve listening comprehension. At home with your parents you can play historian, write letters on paper using a fountain pen and ink.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of pens and pencils. It is best for a child to buy pens with uneven surfaces; they massage the distal ends of the fingers, thus sending additional signals to the brain. Felt-tip pens and pencils must also be chosen that are not smooth in shape (for example, triangular).

Optical dysgraphia can be corrected with regular written exercises.

To quickly master the skill of writing, you can use a gel pen. It will help you write out the elements of the letters more clearly.

In order to correct handwriting you need an average of 3 weeks of classes. For these purposes, you can buy a special copybook or school notebook. When writing words, you need to write letters in each cell.

Optical dysgraphia can be eliminated by training visual memory. The student is asked to draw several letters with chalk on the board, in the air, or fashion them out of plasticine.

There are several books and manuals, for example “Optical dysgraphia”. They provide examples of special activities. Parents can purchase these books on their own and study with their child at home.

Parents should be patient and not scold their children for writing mistakes. You cannot force him to study for hours and deprive him of proper rest and entertainment for bad grades. The child must completely trust his parents; there should be no panic fear of them. Only through joint efforts with teachers and psychologists can dysgraphia be overcome.

Example lesson

There are many speech therapy techniques for correcting dysgraphia.

One of the exercises to do at home is called “Proofreading.” To perform it, you need any text with a medium font. The book should be boring for the child, and he has never read it before. Parents suggest finding and underlining the vowels in the text first, for example, only “O”, then only the letter “A”.

After the vowels are finished, you can move on to consonants, preferably those that are problematic for the child. The child should do the exercise every day, but it should not last more than 5 minutes. When practicing, good lighting is a must.

After a week of such classes, you need to switch to two letters. For example, we find them in a word and underline one and cross out the other. The letters chosen should be “somewhat similar to each other” for the student, for example “L” and “M”, “R” and “T”. To process a pair of letters, you can use any text that was previously written by the child.

Preventative work

Prevention of dysgraphia is divided into primary and secondary. Primary preventive work is aimed at preventing the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth, reducing perinatal pathology and birth injuries in newborns. Neonatologists should develop measures to reduce the factors of infection of the newborn. It is necessary to carry out earlier diagnosis and treatment of neurological symptoms.

Secondary prevention of dyslexia includes timely identification of the disorder and pedagogical work. Preventive measures should be carried out with the participation of a psychologist, parents, speech therapist and educators. Prevention of grammatical errors should begin in the preschool period. In kindergarten, educators must pay attention to how the child pronounces sounds and constructs speech sentences. The teacher must correct speech errors of preschoolers.

Dysgraphia is a writing disorder manifested in the replacement or omission of letters, syllables, and words; combining words in a sentence or incorrectly separating them and other types. In simple terms, the child makes incomprehensible, repeated errors in writing, which cannot be corrected without special correctional work with a speech therapist.

Today, this disorder of written speech is increasingly found in children. According to studies, dysgraphia in children occurs in 80% of all cases among primary school students and in 60% among middle school students. Experts attribute this persistent form of speech disorder to the fact that many children entering first grade already have either a phonetic-phonemic disorder or general speech underdevelopment. Such violations do not allow the child to fully master literacy.

With a pronounced disorder of written speech, it is customary to talk about agraphia, i.e., a complete inability to write. Very often, writing impairment is accompanied by reading errors (dyslexia or alexia).

Types of dysgraphia

The classification of dysgraphia is carried out taking into account the immaturity of written skills and mental functions. The following forms of dysgraphia are distinguished depending on the violation of one or another operation of written speech:


This type of disorder is accompanied by a violation of phonemic recognition. A child may not distinguish vowels that are similar in sound, for example: o-u (golobi - doves), soft and hard consonants (shlapa - hat, cranberry - cranberry, lestr - chandelier, album - album), confuse voiced and unvoiced consonants (dictant - dictation , naztupila - stepped), hissing and whistling sounds (masina - car, eggplant - eggplant), complex sounds (affricates) with their components, for example: ts-s, ts-t, ch-t, ch-sch. With acoustic dysgraphia, the child pronounces the sounds themselves correctly and his hearing is preserved.


Optical dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren is associated with unformed visual and spatial concepts. It is usually celebrated in the second grade, when the child is already familiar with writing all the letters of the Russian alphabet.

  • Children begin to add some extra elements to the letters: loops, sticks, hooks or subtract them, for example: p-t, l-m, b-d, i-u, o-a, i-sh, a-d;
  • They confuse letters that are located differently in space (v-d, t-sh);
  • They write letters in a mirror image (in the other direction) - this letter is typical for children who write with their left hand, as they can write letters, numbers and signs in any direction.


Agrammatic dysgraphia is determined by the imperfection of the lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. In this case, children cannot use many words correctly. For example, they are familiar with strawberries, they ate them, but in speech they rarely mentioned this word, unlike the word strawberry, so the word strawberry began to be replaced with strawberry. These children find it difficult to select antonyms and synonyms for words, describe objects, and name more than five actions that an object can perform.

In written work, we observe the imperfection of oral speech; if a child forms the plural form with errors (ears, trees, peni, sleeves), then he will write in exactly the same way.

Children with this type of dysgraphia will have problems in forming the diminutive form of nouns (nests, little goats), prefixed verbs (to lock - to lock, looked out - looked), relative adjectives (metal, leather, fur, and not mental, leather and fur), in the coordination of various parts of speech (a beautiful cup, the blue sea, the boy was going), in the correct use of prepositional-case constructions.

For example, “the boy was looking out of the tree,” “the car was driving on the road,” “there was a lamp hanging on the table.” With this type of dysgraphia, there are difficulties in constructing sentences that are complex in structure, omission of sentence parts, and violation of the sequence of words in it. Often such deviations occur in bilingual families, where parents speak different languages, and the child has to speak a foreign language in parallel with Russian.


It occurs when a child has problems with sound pronunciation in oral speech. The child both speaks and pronounces words to himself when he writes them. For example, he does not clearly pronounce the sounds s, z, z, which means he can easily write not “funny hare”, but “funny hare”.

If in oral speech a student replaces the sound r with l, then when writing he can also do this, since children with this disorder, in addition to problems with sound pronunciation, have imperfect phonemic recognition, as in acoustic dysgraphia.

Some live examples of the errors described above from my practice:

Dysgraphia due to underdevelopment of language analysis and synthesis

This type of dysgraphia is very common in children's work; it is associated with imperfections in processes such as perception, analysis and synthesis. It is difficult for a student to determine whether a certain sound is in a syllable or a word or not, to name its place in a word, to indicate it with a number, to name all the sounds in a word sequentially. For example, not [g, p, y, w, a], but [g, p, w]. It is difficult for such children to come up with words for a given sound or a certain number of sounds. It is often difficult for them to assemble a word from sounds, especially if they are given in the wrong order (k, a, z, e, r, l, o - mirror).

For these children, it is difficult to distinguish concepts such as sound, letter, syllable, word, sentence, text. In the letter we can observe omissions of letters, syllables, words (stana - country, clone - clown), addition of letters, syllables (spring - spring, soborishche - gathering), rearrangement of letters, syllables (kulbok - ball, hammer - hammer), jams on a letter or syllable (water supply - water supply, birch - birch), incomplete spelling of words (shops - store, beautiful-beautiful), combined or separate spelling of words (on stepped - stepped, jumped up - jumped, under the birch - boletus, at home - at Houses). Problems in the design of sentence boundaries.

Along with the above classification of types of dysgraphia, there are also nonspecific writing disorders associated with delayed mental development in a child, mental retardation, etc. The cause of nonspecific dysgraphia can be pedagogical neglect.

Reasons for the imperfection of written speech

The reasons for the development of dysgraphia can be either previous injuries or diseases of the brain, or socio-psychological factors. Many experts note a hereditary predisposition to this disease. Underdevelopment of some individual areas of the brain is genetically transmitted to the child from the parents. Mental illnesses in relatives can also become a prerequisite for dysgraphia in a child.

Researchers studying the etiology (translated from Greek as the study of the causes) of this disorder note the presence of pathological factors affecting the child in the prenatal and postnatal periods, as well as at the time of birth. These include infections and other diseases suffered during pregnancy by a woman, bad habits of the mother, early and prolonged toxicosis, birth injuries of the newborn, rapid or prolonged labor, asphyxia (oxygen starvation), meningitis, head injuries, a short period between pregnancies (less than one and a half years ) etc.

The causes of dysgraphia can be both organic and functional. Functional reasons, in turn, are divided into internal, for example, long-term somatic diseases, and external - incorrect tongue-tied speech of others, frequent lisping with the baby, lack of verbal communication with him, inattention to the child’s speech development, bilingualism in the family, etc. Experts consider children at risk to be children whose parents began teaching them to read and write very early, when the children were completely psychologically unprepared.

Dysgraphia is often observed in children suffering from delayed mental and speech development, with a diagnosis of minimal brain dysfunction, general speech underdevelopment and attention deficit disorder.

In addition, this disorder can also occur in adults. The causes of dysgraphia in this case are head injuries, brain tumors, and strokes.

Symptoms and manifestations of dysgraphia

It is not so easy to independently determine dysgraphia in a child. As a rule, parents learn what dysgraphia is only when their children are in elementary school, when they are just learning to write. By mistake, a pathological violation of writing can be confused with the beginning of mastering the norms of the language or simple ignorance of grammar.

Errors in writing with dysgraphia have nothing to do with the child’s inability to apply spelling rules. These errors are numerous, similar, and unique. Substitution of letters, violation of the continuous and separate spelling of words, omissions and rearrangements of letters and syllables in words, incorrect changes in words and the formation of new words, mirror spelling of letters - these symptoms should alert both teachers at school and parents.

Thus, acoustic dysgraphia manifests itself in children in early preschool age. If by the age of 7 a child does not distinguish sounds that are similar in acoustics, then when subsequently learning to write, he often changes one letter to another.

Another symptom of underdeveloped written language is illegible handwriting. Such children write very slowly and unevenly. Often the height and width of letters fluctuates, capital letters are replaced with lowercase ones and vice versa. If a school teacher sees this problem, he will be able to tell about its presence.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnosis of dysgraphia comes down to the study of oral and written speech and its analysis. Based on the results obtained, correction of the disorder in the form of speech therapy is prescribed.

To identify the causes of impaired written speech, it is necessary to undergo examination by a number of specialists. Consultations with a neurologist, ophthalmologist and otolaryngologist are mandatory. The development of speech will be determined by a speech therapist.

Examination for the presence of dysgraphia in children is carried out in several stages. Initially, vision and hearing are diagnosed, and the condition of the central nervous system is assessed. Then they examine the child’s motor skills and the structure of his articulatory apparatus. Determine the child's leading hand (right-handed or left-handed).

An assessment of the state of the child’s phonemic processes and sound pronunciation, his vocabulary, and speech literacy is required. After a thorough study of oral speech, specialists move on to analyzing writing. At this stage, a child or adult suffering from dysgraphia rewrites printed or written works, writes letters, syllables, words from dictation, and analyzes words of various sound-syllable structures. They are given exercises to make sentences from words, deformed sentences, reading tasks, etc.

After all procedures and studies are completed, a speech therapy report is issued with subsequent recommendations for correcting violations.

Correction and treatment

When a child’s written speech is discovered to be unformed, parents immediately have questions about how to treat dysgraphia, what to do with this disorder, and whether complete correction is possible. With a competent approach from specialists and the support of parents and teachers, overcoming dysgraphia in younger schoolchildren is possible.

Parents should be patient, as this process of working to overcome dysgraphia in a child is not quick. It may take months and sometimes years of painstaking work. It is more difficult to work with older children because, along with writing problems, other accompanying deviations arise.

Correction of the disorder is tailored to the type of disorder and the age of the child. Based on the results of the studies, measures aimed at preventing or treating dysgraphia are prescribed.

Eliminating a problem such as dysgraphia is impossible quickly and alone. It is possible that to correct dysgraphia, the child will need the help of specialized specialists, such as a neuropsychologist, psychotherapist, or child psychologist. Speech school for children with more severe written language disabilities will be more appropriate and productive than regular school.

The main contribution to the correction of the disease is made by the work of a competent speech therapist. It is this specialist who prepares exercises to fill gaps in sound pronunciation, lexical and grammatical structure of speech, in the formation of phonemic recognition, sound-syllable structure of words, spatial representations, motor skills and other mental functions.

Among the effective methods for correcting dysgraphia are:

  • special written exercises aimed at recognizing and distinguishing elements of similar letters in cases of optical dysgraphia;
  • tasks aimed at developing perception, memory and thinking;
  • To form language analysis and synthesis, many speech games are used: Typesetter, Ladder, Speech Arithmetic and others. Children learn to guess and invent riddles and puzzles;
  • special work aimed at developing the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;
  • for acoustic dysgraphia, interesting tasks are carried out on the formation of phonemic recognition at the level of sounds, letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences and texts;
  • in case of impaired sound pronunciation, tasks are given to produce sounds, automate them in speech and differentiate them from sounds similar in pronunciation. For example, with a distorted pronunciation of the sound [l], it is not only placed and automated, but also distinguished from the sounds: [l’], [r], r’] and [v], if the child confuses them in oral speech.

If there are organic causes of dysgraphia, drug treatment may be necessary. The attending physician may prescribe rehabilitation therapy in the form of massage, physical therapy, and physiotherapy. These procedures will help treat the organic cause, allowing the speech therapist to correct the disorder.

Exercises for self-study

It is impossible to completely solve this problem at home without the participation of specialists. But if parents follow the recommendations of the speech therapist and work with the child, following all the instructions, then the result of joint activity will not be long in coming. There are many exercises that parents can do with their child at home.

  1. To train motor skills, use the Labyrinth exercise, when the child is asked to draw a continuous line. In this case, the child should only move his hand; do not allow him to change the position of the sheet. Finding objects and letters in story pictures. Drawing and shading of graphic dictations.
  2. To develop attention and in case of optical-spatial disorders, it is recommended to perform tasks on constructing letters from elements, transforming the resulting letters into others; to decipher the diagrams and symbols used to designate the letters. For example, 2-p, 3-t. Search for given letters in objects, insert missing letters into words, sentences and texts. Exercises in which the child must cross out, underline or circle a given letter or several letters in the text will help to remember the visual image of letters.
  3. Exercises aimed at correct and clear pronunciation of impaired speech sounds. An adult and a child look for objects with a given sound, determine the place of the sound in a word, come up with words and sentences for a given sound, learn poems and tongue twisters.
  4. Games and tasks for the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, for example: “Say the opposite,” when you need to select words or phrases with the opposite meaning. Or “Find the Whole,” where the child is asked to guess and draw an object based on its parts. For example: the bottom, lid, walls, handles are the pan of eyes, eyelashes, forehead, nose, mouth, eyebrows, cheeks are the face. Guessing riddles using generalizing words naming the purpose, location, situation in which the object is located. For example: they grow in the garden or in the forest, compotes and jams are made from them, it is useful to eat them raw - berries.
  5. Exercises to develop a child’s phonemic system. Determining the location of the sound (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end) with the help of a fish or squirrel. A fish is cut out or drawn and divided into three parts: the head is the beginning of the word, the body is the middle, and the tail is the end. Chain game, when an adult calls a word, for example, bus, and the child comes up with his own word for the last sound, for example, “sleigh”. The one who does not break this chain wins. You can also select a word with the last syllable, for example, fish - grandma - porridge, etc.

Daily and systematic home training to eliminate writing disorders will speed up the process of correction in the child.

Prevention of writing disorders in children

Prevention of written language disorders comes down to the development of higher mental functions in a child before he begins to master writing. Activities and educational games with children to develop fine and gross motor skills, games for attention and memory, exercises for the development of thinking in children, practicing a musical instrument - these are the best preventive measures.

How to teach a child to think, develop his intellect and memory? There are many play activities with a child that are aimed at developing mental functions. This is making pyramids and cubes, collecting nesting dolls and various construction sets, finishing poems and fairy tales, selecting pictures for a given sound or lexical topic (vegetables, fruits), solving riddles and puzzles, putting small objects on a thread or cord, sorting out different shapes and colors buttons or using all sorts of sorters for these purposes, games with cereals, finding differences, various games with objects, for example: put the bear under the table, take it from under the table, lift it above the bed, put it between chairs, etc.

Dysgraphia refers to the peculiarities of the implementation of neuropsychic functions, which affect a very small part of the capabilities of the human psyche, but can lead to serious difficulties in the socialization and development of the child.

Often, due to lack of awareness among teachers and parents, dysgraphia turns into a real nightmare for schoolchildren. Read on to find out what dysgraphia is and how to deal with it.

Writing is filtered thinking.
Stephen King. How to write books. Memoirs about the craft

What is dysgraphia?

The first thing you need to know about dysgraphia is that it is not a mental illness or a “deviation.” If a child is diagnosed with dysgraphia, this does not mean that he is stupider or worse than other children. However, completely ignoring this feature can certainly lead to difficulties in development.

Dysgraphia is diagnosed mainly in secondary school students. In preschoolers, it is not possible to reliably establish a diagnosis due to their age, and in adults, dysgraphia can only arise as a result of damage to certain areas of the brain as a result of a previous illness or in combination with another mental illness.

The very concept of dysgraphia implies a partial impairment of the writing process. A child with this disorder is able to write individual elements, but experiences certain difficulties, such as:

  • inability to coordinate words according to cases (only in writing);
  • inability to write syllables in words together (or separately);
  • lack of endings in words;
  • replacing syllables in a word, etc.
Since dysgraphia is a peculiarity of the nervous system, and not a pathology, there is no cure for it. However, timely identified dysgraphia can be successfully corrected to such an extent that after special classes the child can speak written language to the same extent as any other peer. Of course, the success of correction depends on the severity of the disorder at the start of treatment.

Much more serious than the problem itself are its psychological consequences associated with condemnation and ridicule from peers, teachers and even (unfortunately, this is not uncommon) parents. Those around them, who do not understand the child’s inability to write normally, mistake dysgraphia for laziness, lack of effort, or stupidity. This is usually followed by punishment, bad grades and the reputation of a “stupid”, “incapable”, “lazy” child.

Features of dysgraphia in schoolchildren

Due to the fact that writing is an integral part of a child’s learning and overall development, dysgraphia dramatically affects the success of learning, practically “putting an end to” further education. This is why timely correction of partial inability to write is so important.

In addition, not always and not everyone notices the problem. Many children are subjected to harsh criticism and even aggression from parents and teachers for their inability to study well. This causes a severe guilt complex, a feeling of inferiority compared to peers. As a result, the child becomes even more withdrawn, lowers expectations for his own success, and stops developing intellectually.

There is a direct relationship between the underestimated success of schoolchildren and the early formation of addictions. Not finding approval and success in the school curriculum, a child can escape into computer games, “dubious” companies, even to the point of becoming addicted to alcohol and drugs. Support and adequate attitude towards schoolchildren with dysgraphia can protect them from psychological trauma in the future.

Types of dysgraphia

Dysgraphia rarely appears in its “pure” form. Children and adolescents often experience a complex of disturbances in the perception and production of speech that arise as a result of disturbances in the development of certain areas of the cortex or certain influences during the development process.

Depending on the type of manifestation of the problem, the following types of dysgraphia are distinguished:

  • Articulatory-acoustic. Words are misspelled because the child cannot simultaneously pronounce them correctly and perceive them by ear. An erroneous pronunciation seems correct to him, hence the errors in writing.
  • Acoustic. Errors arise due to the fact that the child does not distinguish letters that sound similar by ear.
  • Dysgraphia due to immaturity of language analysis and synthesis.
  • Ungrammatical. Often develops in bilinguals, where parents speak different languages. At the same time, the child does not learn the norms of agreeing words in gender and case.
  • Optical. The child does not distinguish the outline of letters, “mirrors” them, adds unnecessary details, etc.
In addition, mixed forms of these disorders are distinguished. Dysgraphia should be distinguished from nonspecific writing disorders that are the result of mental retardation, pedagogical neglect or delayed mental development.


The presence of dysgraphia can be established no earlier than at 8.5-9 years of age. This is the age when children's handwriting and writing confidence are established.

Only a specialist can determine the presence of dysgraphia: a neuropsychologist or speech therapist. Obvious signs of the disorder are typical, repeated errors that are not related to language knowledge.

As mentioned above, different types of dysgraphia are characterized by different errors. It is important to take into account additional factors: the general development of the child’s fine motor skills, correctness of speech, language environment and general level of intellectual development.


Different types of dysgraphia cause different typical errors.

A few examples for each case:

  • Acoustic and articulatory-acoustic: bread – “bread”, game – “caviar”, going to school – “fschool”. The difference between the first and second forms is that in the case of articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia, the child pronounces words incorrectly, and not just spells them out.
  • Lack of formation of language analysis and synthesis: find - “to find”, go to school - “and children’s school”, bear - “mish”.
  • Ungrammatical: the cat sat down - “the cat sat down”, the sun rose - “the sun rose”.
  • At optical dysgraphia The style of the letters is changed, extra ones are added: shishka - “shishishka”.


The causes of dysgraphia can lie in various planes. First of all, these are disturbances in the functioning of certain areas of the cerebral cortex. The peculiarities of their functioning can be associated both with heredity and with injuries, infections, unfavorable pregnancy, poisoning, etc.

Another reason is the unfavorable learning environment. Multilingual parents, a change of country of residence, and simple neglect in upbringing can lead to the child incorrectly mastering the linguistic features of writing.

Less common is a lack of speech contacts: the child is left to watch TV and a computer, they talk to him little, he practically does not communicate verbally with peers and does not read books. Or the opposite situation: the family lives far from civilization, communicates little with each other, the child works from an early age and does not learn to spell or read.


Prevention of dysgraphia is the harmonious and timely development of the child’s higher mental functions. Development should occur consistently and without coercion: for example, some experts talk about the influence of the use of “walkers” on the development of dysgraphia, because The “leap” through the normal crawling stage interferes with the natural development of motor areas in the cerebral cortex.

In addition, you need to talk a lot with the child, trying to correctly express your speech and stimulating a detailed and competent oral response. The development of fine motor skills at an early age also has a positive effect on later writing development.

Finally, a parent should be sensitive and attentive to the problems of his child and not take an accusing position in relation to his difficulties and failures. Correction of dysgraphia, if its characteristic signs are visible, is better to begin at an early age with the involvement of a qualified specialist in order to avoid difficulties in the future.

Treatment, correction

Since the state of the cerebral cortex (in particular, its motor areas) plays a significant role in the development of dysgraphia, medication and physical therapy can be used in the treatment of dysgraphia. Treatment includes medications to improve nutrition of brain cells, as well as exercises aimed at increasing blood circulation and developing general motor functions.

As a specific method of influence, an individual set of procedures is being developed, which includes filling in the missing “links” in the process of developing speech skills. The child reads aloud, writes dictations, practices elements of penmanship, etc.

Exercises to correct dysgraphia

The speech therapist draws up a dysgraphia correction program taking into account the child’s current mental state. Along with the correctness of written speech, all the skills responsible for the success of mastering new information, in particular, the school curriculum, improve.

The main set of exercises includes:

  • psycho-gymnastics (learning rhymes accompanied by active movements and gestures),
  • learning spelling rules,
  • performing exercises to improve memorization (increasing the volume of active memory and mastering memory resources),
  • performing exercises for the development of fine and gross motor skills (outdoor games, penmanship, drawing, manipulation of small objects), etc.
In addition, the method of recognizing letters and sounds is actively used (if the violations are not caused by dysfunction of a particular system), performing tasks to find errors, general exercises to increase writing speed and improve handwriting.


Despite the apparent difficulty of correction, the prognosis for children and adolescents with dysgraphia is positive. If difficulties in writing are not associated with a progressive mental disorder, then they can be corrected in such a way that the person will experience virtually no difficulties with writing.

The life of a person with dysgraphia in the modern world is greatly facilitated by the presence of computers and other electronic devices with fast automatic spell checking.

If you or your child have encountered the problem of dysgraphia and overcoming it, share your experience in the comments to this article.

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