Profession based on facial features. How to read a person using physiognomy - facial description

Ecology of life: Health. Recognizing illness from a person's face was called the art of Hsien Ming, which roughly translates to “reading” the face. This knowledge was secret, and the great masters of Xian Ming orally transmitted their experience to a few students.

Chinese facial diagnostics

The first attempts to read the secrets of the face, to determine the internal state of the body by external signs, were made in China, where recognizing a disease from a person’s face was called the art of Hsien-Ming, which roughly translates as “reading” the face. This knowledge was secret, and the great masters of Xian Ming orally transmitted their experience to a few students.

I will also note that the initiate will see on the face not only information related to diseases of internal organs or the psyche, but also information about the character of a person, the vicissitudes of his life path and fate.

A person’s face not only reflects the health problems that have arisen in a person over the course of his life, but also bears the stamp of the innate weak energy information links with which the Soul came to Earth. Signs on the face can also indicate the tasks that a person should solve in a given incarnation. These signs, as a rule, are associated with diseases that accompany all other problems and indicate moral and mental deviations.

The materials on this topic are quite extensive and varied; I will focus only on one aspect of Chinese physiognomy, namely the age-related facial panorama or the so-called “numerological diagnosis”.

Below is a scheme for dividing the face into three zones known as San-Ding, namely the upper, middle and lower zones.

The upper part, or upper zone, - the forehead, is correlated with the energy of Heat and Heat. With good forehead development, a person has a cheerful disposition. He radiates joy, as these emotions are inherent in warmth.

The middle zone is the left side, the left cheek relates to the energy of the Wind, the East, and the liver. The right side, the right cheek, relates to the energy of Dryness, the West, the lungs.

The chin relates to the energy of Cold and, therefore, the energy of the kidneys, bladder, and genitals is reflected on it.

The three zones must be in balance and in balance with each other.

The upper zone occupies the position from the hairline on the top of the forehead to the eyebrows. It reflects a person’s mentality and covers periods of life from 15 to 30 years and from 64 to 93 years.

The middle zone occupies the position from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose. It reflects all the vicissitudes of life from 35 to 50 years, as well as other years of life: from 1 to 7 years, from 8 to 14 years, from 80 to 83 years and from 94 to 97 years.

If the middle zone is disharmonious, that is, shorter than the other two, this is an indication of a relatively short life.

A harmonious middle zone, without flaws, warts, papillomas, spots, scars, burns, indicates a long life.

The lower zone extends from the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin. Manages years from 51 to 77 years, from 78 to 81 years and from 96 to 99 years.

On an ideal face, all three zones are well balanced. This means that the face is proportional and without defects. The concept of “three zones” applies not only to the face, but to the entire human body.

Chinese physiognomy divides the face into certain positions associated with age, and, depending on changes in these zones, interprets aspects of fate and character. Since life, character, fate and illness are closely related to each other and have common roots, then the same signs are used to diagnose deviations in health. To cover the topic, we need one more diagram.

Rice. Age-related facial panorama. Chinese version

Each position on this diagram and the age reflected on it are associated with the principles of the Five Elements, and it is this diagnostic system that has proven itself over the course of thousands of years.

There are 99 points on the Chinese face map. Position 100 is not applied as it controls the chin and jaw area.

The condition of the chin and jaws determines life expectancy: The wider the jaw and the more massive the chin, the greater the chance of living to 100 years or more.

Let us briefly consider the general positions, and then move on to age-related diagnostics. From the point of view of Chinese physiognomy, points 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 41, 44, 45, 51, 60, 70 are of particular importance, since the middle line, which divides the face in half, is the route of the two most important meridians.

The groove between the nose and upper lip (position 51) is very important. The nose represents the entrance of celestial energy, and the mouth represents the entrance of earthly energy. Moreover, the mouth and nose are separated by the philtrum. We will return to a detailed interpretation of the groove zone later. Very important for diagnosis is position 28 – the zone of the Yin-tan point.

If the flesh in the area of ​​zone 28 is well defined and slightly raised, then this indicates outstanding mental abilities.

Raised areas of tissue on the face are called bumps. sometimes they appear around the temples. The appearance of cones is associated with processes of transformation of internal energy and with certain changes in health or in life and destiny.

The color of the skin in zone 28 is important. According to ancient texts, the blackish color indicates gastric diseases, specifically Coldness in the stomach; bluish – for kidney diseases; reddish – for heart disease.

A terrible circumstance is the presence of a black mole in zone 28. It indicates a serious chronic illness and unfavorable aspects of fate.

Dark coloring and dark moles in zone 44 indicate a serious illness. Any defects at position 45 are also associated with health problems. By studying the projection zones of organs onto the nose zone, you can easily decide which organ is in the high-risk zone.

Chinese physiognomists believe that there is a connection between the nose and the development of the lower part of the brain. This development is happening slowly. Therefore, in childhood it is still difficult to determine the shape and length of the nose of a future adult. A child whose brain is still developing has a small, thick and short nose.

Full formation of the nose occurs only by the age of 20. By the end of 20 years, a person stops growing, and by this time the lower half of his brain has reached maturity.

Chinese medicine places the nose at the entrance gate of the lungs, holding it responsible for the condition of the lungs. And indeed, If a person breathes through his mouth, then this is a very serious sign of his illness in the future.

Previously, position 28 was mentioned as the most important zone. This tiny area is also called “the root of the mountain.”

The high area of ​​zone 28 indicates long life. If the same area has a fracture with depressions and horizontal lines crossing the bridge of the nose, then this indicates poor health and even, possibly, early death. If the “root of the mountain” represents a low platform, and the bridge of the nose is deviated to the side, this indicates that this individual will have health problems in the middle years of his life. An ideal straight bridge of the nose indicates long life.

A very unfavorable sign is the appearance of black spots on the tip of the nose in zone 48; they always indicate health problems. Zones 44 and 45 are best assessed in profile. If they are located low and tilted to one side, then this is an ominous sign foreshadowing an early death.

Let us dwell on the interpretation of the zones located along the midline of the face, starting from the hairline, which marks the last years of life, to position 71. The dominant part of this path belongs to the Spirit. It is he who owns the Chinese name Manager. Aspirations towards it determine the Life, Fate and Health of every Soul that comes to Earth for another experience.

Position 16 – relationship with father. Changes in the area of ​​this position indicate a troubled childhood.

Position 19 – reflects maternal heredity. As in the previous case, changes in the zone of this position indicate a lack of contact with the mother. A bluish color in this zone indicates unpleasant surprises (job loss, family troubles). A yellow-red tint with a lack of shine is a sign of imminent misfortune.

Position 22 – indicates personal life. In combination with positions 19 and 25, it forms an area called the “Place of Honors.” A dark or dull color in this area indicates a threat of loss of position.

Position 25 – controls prospects for the future. Black moles indicate a lack of patience, resulting in frequent failures. A sunken or dark surface of this zone indicates low intelligence.

Position 28 or “Stamp Place”. A good sign is that the size of this area is about 1.5 inches. Fleshy and marked with deep vertical grooves, up to four, the platform of position 28 indicates a strong personality. Defects in this zone indicate that a person will not achieve his goal. As an example, we can cite the leader of the Russian Communists G. Zyuganov.

The zone occupied by positions 15-28 is called “Corrido of Fortune”. To achieve success, this area must be clean and smooth, without concavities, spots and warts or nevi.

Position 41 – The foot of the mountain – an indicator of family happiness. A smooth, smooth, shiny surface of this zone indicates family happiness. Changes in the skin, crooked nose, concavity, eyebrows creeping into the eyes indicate failures in family life.

Position 44 – Dark coloring, wrinkles, spots in this zone indicate a lack of luck or a serious illness in the family. A mole located in the area of ​​this position indicates problems with the opposite sex.

Position 45 – With a smooth, clean and shiny surface, it indicates a happy destiny. The presence of spots, peeling, dull coloring, and sometimes even a fracture, indicate the opposite.

Position 48 – should be dense and round, without changes on the skin, preferably light pink in color. Any changes in this zone indicate serious financial problems, even bankruptcy.

Position 51 is very important; it determines the possibility of having offspring. A sloping philtrum that does not occupy a central position in relation to the upper lip indicates infertility. In addition, position 51 indicates a person’s favorable or unfavorable heredity.

Position 60 indicates the strong-willed qualities of the individual. Balance of the lips in a closed position indicates a strong will. A lagging lower lip indicates weakness of will.

Position 70 – balance of vital forces. Dark skin color indicates the presence of vitality, white, red or blue indicates their depletion.

Position 71 – “Life Experience”. A protruding, pointed chin indicates exhausting work.

In conclusion I will list signs of long life. When assessed “on the contrary,” they will indicate a short life.

1. Eyes – shiny, lively, good shape.

2. Brows – tall, smooth, long and strong.

3.Bridge of the nose – without flaws, straight, full, without spots or moles, strong.

4. Groove – straight, deep, long.

5. Nasolabial lines (Fa-lin) – without breaks, moles, warts, clearly defined.

6. Chin – smooth, without gaps, high, raised, wide.

7. Ears – long (fleshy) with well-rounded lobes (not attached to the face).

8. Wide and strong cheekbones . published . If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project

Hello dear readers of the Reading Technologies blog!

I will devote this article to esotericism.

But not in the sense that we will control fate through thoughts and attract events with energy. No. But we will try to use interesting and useful esoteric knowledge to develop our qualities.

Let's take for example a quality like: observation.

After all, in essence, being able to observe means being able to see details in an object/phenomenon that others do not notice.

But how can you notice, much less distinguish one from the other, if you don’t know what parts the object actually consists of and how it is correctly described. After all, you need not only to be able to see, but also know what you need to see in a particular object of observation .


Since ancient times, people have tried to classify similar properties of objects into so-called Typologies .

For example, there are typologies of human temperament: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic. According to the type of body structure: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic.

Or division according to the signs of the Zodiac or the year of the Chinese calendar.

Similarly, typical properties were noticed in the lines of the palm - arose palmistry , in the arrangement of objects - feng shui , in handwriting - graphology etc.

It was also noticed that people with the same facial features very often have similar character traits. This is how it arose physiognomy.

This is what we will talk about today in our "Book Review".

Physiognomy concept

Physiognomy is a method of determining a person’s personality type and character, and even fate, by external facial features. That's it in short.

The first mention of physiognomy is attributed to Aristotle. Even earlier, Hippocrates was also interested in this.

The word physiognomy (from the French physionomie) first came into Russian - the art of recognizing a person’s character by his facial features.

Today physiognomy is called a face, and instead of “ physiognomy"use the word " physiognomy».

Later, from the concept of “physiognomy” they separated kinesics (gestures, facial expressions), phrenology(study of the structure of the skull), oculesica (language of the eyes), etc.

Principles of physiognomy

Let us highlight the basic principles of human physiognomy in order to use them as the foundation for further study.

1. Balance and proportions.

The proportions of some facial features in relation to others are studied. Ideally they should be balanced.

To study, the face is divided into 3 parts by horizontal lines: the upper, middle and lower zone.

2. Zones and forms - this is the second principle.

Each zone controls its own age, for example, the top one will tell you about the period from 15 to 30 years and from 64 to 93 years.

Facial shapes are also studied. What are they - oblong, square, triangular or others, which allows you to complement the characteristics of a person.

Interesting research was carried out at the beginning of the 20th century by K. Huter. He also divided the face into 3 parts and showed that the upper part (forehead) determines mental activity, the middle - sensual and spiritual, the lower - the love of pleasure and profit.

The Arab physiognomist Abul-Faraj (1226-1286) in his “Book of Entertaining Stories” gave a description of a person’s appearance and its connection with character.

Some excerpts:

— A strong, brave man: a slightly elongated face, deep-set eyes, a large forehead, an “eagle” nose, coarse hair, thick eyebrows, narrow lips.

— Lover of wisdom: beautiful face, eyes glowing with power, thin lips.

— Slow person: thick tip of the nose, big ears.

3 . Sis topic of positions.

In the Chinese system of face reading, specific positions on the face are identified and they are responsible for a certain age. There are 99 positions in total.

For example, 37 years old – position 37 (pupil of the left eye). The features of this position will characterize a person at 37 years old.

Each position has its own characteristics, and some of them are the most important.

So position 19 (in the forehead) reflects the fate and character inherited from the mother’s side. And position 44 is associated with middle age (this is the middle of the nose).

4. Five essential traits.

There are five of them: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and forehead.

Other facial features are also studied: groove on the upper lip, wrinkles, moles, cheekbones, jaws, chin.

Overall, this is a very interesting way of analysis and self-reflection. Another reason to look at yourself and take your mind off the hustle and bustle. And with careful study, it is also an opportunity for self-development.

Here's a little information. To expand your horizons.

And although facial physiognomy has accumulated a huge array of observations and hypotheses over thousands of years, most of them do not withstand serious scientific testing. Those. is not considered scientifically proven.

Although in China, physiognomy was considered a full-fledged branch of medicine.

However, attempts to use physiognomy do not stop. After all, many people working in the system “ man-man “You need the ability to instantly obtain information about a client, partner, or interlocutor. Teachers and doctors and businessmen need this and….yes, everyone needs it.

After all, few have the gift of clairvoyance, and observant people are sometimes spoken of as clairvoyants, because they see what others do not see. Because they know how to see (observe).

This skill - learn to observe and read the face, I think you can pay attention and time. No magic, just the ability to work with visual information.

Although I do not rule out that long-term studies and experience in studying physiognomy will allow us to look into the future of a person, i.e. read his fate. After all, physiognomy states that this is also possible. There is a chance to check.

Knowing the future, you can change it if you are not happy with it. After all, what is fate , is the track along which a person walks, and since we are all passive and act automatically (we sleep according to Gurdjieff), we are not able to change anything until we wake up.

But by waking up and taking responsibility for our destiny, we can change what is not satisfactory in this rut ​​and even move to another, more preferable one, which we have built ourselves.

This is already a kind of magic, but conscious magic, and not the kind when they “manage energy” without understanding what is behind it and how it will affect.

A. Malovichko has this phrase “ We can’t even figure out 2% of our physical essence, but we are trying to work with the completely incomprehensible 98% ».

I’m not against energy, I’ve been involved in this topic for decades, but what I realized is that you shouldn’t climb over the fence when there’s a gate nearby.

Abilities will be given to a person when his condition is ready to accept them. To achieve such a state is a worthy and promising task.

Approaches to the study of physiognomy

I will not impose approaches, but I would highlight three levels of its study.

The first level is the quality of observation.

Knowledge of physiognomy allows you to remember human faces. After all, so often we simply cannot describe or remember someone. To do this, you need to know what and how to describe, using what algorithm.

And here the approaches of physiognomy are very convenient - dividing the face into zones, areas, key features and giving brief characteristics of all this.
It's easier to remember and easier to describe.

Second level of knowledge - this is the ability to draw conclusions about a person's character by analyzing his face.

Third levelread a person's fate by the face.

You can limit yourself to one level, but if you wish, you can deepen your knowledge and become a real physiognomist.

In any case, the knowledge gleaned from the study of Physiognomy can be useful in everyday life.

Sincere interest in studying physiognomy is the possibility of natural memorization, and not the mechanical type of “5 steps to remembering a person’s face.” After all, by showing sincere interest in studying people’s faces, you won’t have to strain yourself, everything happens naturally, and memory works much better under such conditions.

Books on physiognomy

Many books have been written to study physiognomy. And among them there are those with which you can begin an introduction to physiognomy.

I’ll start with two – which, in principle, are enough for a start.

Physiognomy. Series "The Fourth Dimension". Compiled by G.M. Novoselova. 1993

This book contains:
Timothy Mar. Face reading, or the Chinese art of physiognomy.
Eldar Razroev. Mirror of the soul.
G. Durville, A. Durville. Reading character, temperament and painful predispositions by face.
M. Gibadullin. Physiognomy.
F. Thomas. Secrets of the face Physiognomy.

As a source of information for developing the skill of observing faces, the following book is most suitable for this purpose.

Popov S.V. Visual observation.2002

In addition to a lot of interesting and useful information that helps in visually observing a person, the book provides detailed information and guidelines for remembering a person’s face, which I talked about at the beginning - this is the first level of using knowledge of physiognomy. Practical and most applicable knowledge in life.

I. Lavater. One hundred rules of physiognomy.2008

Johann Caspar Lavater (1741-1801) - Swiss writer, theologian and poet.
From 1769, he collected materials for Physiognomy, which was published in 1772-78, with many drawings by the best engravers.
The published work was the quintessence of Lavater’s entire physiognomic experience and brilliant insights.

Ivan Sikorsky. General psychology with physiognomy. 1912

Ivan Alekseevich Sikorsky (1842-1919) - Russian psychiatrist and anthropologist.

Fulfer M. The art of reading faces. 2004
The author is a lawyer with twenty years of legal practice, having studied many books on physiognomy, he gained practical experience by offering “Reading of faces with a guarantee” for more than 2 years at various fairs and festivals. This allowed him to gain practical experience.
Then he began to be invited to various companies, he conducted training among teachers, artists, photographers, psychologists, doctors, and lawyers. He was invited as a consultant to select juries in court. This is a person who has gained practical experience, so reading him is interesting and useful.

Nami Tikl. The face is the mirror of the soul. Physiognomy for everyone. 2010
It is interesting to read how the author of the book came to physiognomy. There are many examples and descriptions related to psychology.

Velkhover E, Vershinin B. Secret signs of the face. 2002

Closer to scientific and systematic presentation. Historical perspective of this science and deep detail of descriptions.

Roshal V.M. Physiognomy. Signatures of life. 2006
We are talking about four signatures: the first is a person’s face, this is what physiognomy deals with. The second is hands, which deals with palmistry. The third – bumps and bulges on the head, deals with phrenology. The fourth is imprints on the body (moles, etc.), called morphoscopy.
In the book:

Western method of analysis based on facial shape. Hindu method of division into castes. Chinese Five Element Method. Fundamentals of classical physiognomy.

Theodore Schwartz. Reading faces Physiognomy. 2010
A popular presentation, as examples - descriptions of the faces of famous personalities.

The book comes with a program on CD called PiterFizio, which allows you to compose portraits.

Physiognomy. Eldar Razroev. 2005
Having familiarized himself with Typology, Socionics and IIT (theory of information interaction), the author found a lot in common with his analysis technique. This is what he described in his book, proposing an eight-sector structuring. In Fig. below.

Each sector carries information about a person’s properties in a certain area:
1. Insight. 2. Spirituality.
3. Persistence. 4. Learning ability.
5. Practicality. 6. Adequacy.

7. Makings. 8. Perspective.

The next block of books - the books are also interesting, and although many of the information is repeated, each one has something of its own. This is also useful for expanding knowledge.

List of books in this block:

1. B. Khigir. Physiognomy. 2006
2. Angelo Repossi. Physiognomy or the art of determining a person’s character by his facial features. 2003
3. Francis Thomas. Secrets on the face. 1993 (The special feature of the book is about the connection between physiognomy and astrology).
4. Parshukova L.P., Karlyshev V.M. Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy. 2004 (Textbook for higher educational institutions in the service sector. It is interesting because it is a textbook. You can read what it teaches students).
5. Parshukova L.P., Shakurova Z.A. Physiognomy: read the face. 2004 (This is already a popular publication by the same authors).
6. S. Panfilov. Physiognomy of human emotions and characters. 2007
7. T. Klipina, V. Leonkin, I. Gribulina. How to read a person's face. Physiognomy accessible to everyone. 2008
8. Jonathan Dee. Chinese physiognomy. 2004
9. Kuai Ch. How to learn to read faces. 2003
10. Jonathan Dee. We read faces. How to find out a person's character. 2007
11. Jeffrey Ford. Physiognomy. 2005
12. Khomich E.O. How to read a person's thoughts: physiognomy. 2006
13. Morok A, Razumovskaya K. Reading by face. 2000
14. Shchegolev I. Secrets of the face: Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
15. L. Nimbroek. Physiognomy for everyone. 2006
16. Gene Haner. The wisdom of your face. Change your life with the help of the Chinese art of physiognomy. 2013
17. Rose Rosetree. Reading by faces. The art of seeing through people. 2011 Series: Mentalist.
18. B. Lin Henry. Reading by faces. 2003
19. Mente Boy Lafayette. Asian methods of face reading. 2005

Physiognomy brings many interesting impressions to those who approach it with an open mind.

Of course, we can say that this is not scientific, especially since attempts to simulate on a computer the connection between a person’s appearance and his character did not give a positive result.

But still, a person is not a machine, and observation does not consist only in the fact that he assessed a person according to formal criteria and that’s all.

No, he adds to these characteristics his experience and knowledge in other areas, i.e. has a holistic picture of what he sees.

That is why there are insightful people who truly read a person like a book.

Why not try it?

Best regards, Nikolay Medvedev.

When analyzing the face, it is very important to pay attention to its shape, the correlation of the upper, middle, lower zones, and wrinkles. The shape and wrinkles cannot be changed - this is given to us by nature, so by paying attention to these features, you can learn a lot about a person from the first minutes of meeting him.


Wrinkles indicate the muscles that are most frequently used. Psychologists distinguish between the real self and the mirror self. When we look in the mirror, we try to please ourselves, so we look different than in life. You can find out your real self if you tense your muscles a little in front of the mirror so that the wrinkles intensify. Now look at yourself - this is the face with which you go through life.

What do the lines on the chosen one’s face say?

  • In the corners of the eyes and mouth - found in people of a kind and cheerful disposition.
  • All over the eyelid around the eyes - indicate shyness and uncertainty.
  • Crow's feet indicate a person's attentiveness.
  • Two vertical deep wrinkles between the eyebrows - their owner is tactful and intelligent.
  • Nasolabial wrinkles are a sign of dissatisfaction. If their owner also has sagging cheeks, then this person loves to grumble.
  • Superciliary wrinkles indicate aggressiveness and anger. The effect is enhanced by the jaw muscles being pushed forward and teeth clenched tightly.
  1. Oval face. The owner is a peaceful, charming, good-natured person. In family relationships, such a partner will not create difficulties. He is not interested in fame and is inclined to carelessness.
  2. Triangular face (narrow chin and wide forehead). A talented and sensitive person. But he is very amorous, so he is not capable of a long-term relationship. He is very gifted, a thinker and an intellectual, but at the same time he can be cunning, resourceful, jealous and quarrelsome.
  3. Rectangular face (equal width of forehead and jaw). Such a person is a good organizer. To achieve goals, he interacts well with different people. Fair, far-sighted, prudent. In relationships with loved ones, he is sincere and reliable.
  4. Square face. Its owner is energetic, proactive, and executive. He persistently moves towards his goals and is not pretentious. But it may differ in the cruelty of its attitudes. In personal relationships - constant, faithful, committed.
  5. Trapezoidal face (wide forehead and cheekbones, narrow chin). Such a person is sensitive. He has a quick mind. It creates a comfortable atmosphere for loved ones, but under unfavorable circumstances it can leave to start all over again, dooming itself to repeat the past.
  6. Diamond-shaped face. The owner of such a face has the most contradictory character. He is stubborn and dogmatic, quickly adapts to new conditions, but often tries to change them to suit himself. This is a leader with fighting traits. In family life he is distinguished by irreconcilable positions. After achieving his goals, he reassesses his values, which is why he has a tendency to cheat.

Reason vs instincts

The human face is divided into zones: from the crown to the eyebrows - the upper (intellectual), from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose - the middle (emotional), from the nose to the chin - the lower (vital).

  • Upper zone- responsible for mental and intellectual activity. A person with a highly developed zone is an esthete, a humanist, and has a strong intellect. In life he is guided by idealistic, abstract considerations.
  • Middle zone can talk about the depth of the soul, the elaboration of one’s experiences, and sensitivity.
  • Lower zone- responsible for the love of pleasure and satisfaction of one’s instincts.
Now, let's pay attention to how all these zones relate. If the vital zone is expressed more than all others, the person is not consistent and is subject to hobbies and infidelity.

If the emotional zone predominates, impressionability will prevent such a person from violating family norms. He will not repeat the negative experiences of others.

A pronounced intellectual zone - a person will be focused on generally accepted norms and rules. You can rely on him.

Attention to detail - facial physiognomy will help you better understand the nuances and avoid misunderstandings from the very beginning of acquaintance.

Example in photography

From the author

The science of physiognomy is as old as the world. We can say that it began to take shape intuitively. Have you ever wondered why, for no apparent reason, we like one person, we feel antipathy towards another, and the third does not evoke any emotions at all?

Now imagine that on a subconscious level, your brain analyzes information, imagines a person’s character in a few seconds and sends a signal of sympathy or antipathy. That is why we either strive to win someone’s favor, or intuitively avoid meeting them.

This and much more is discussed in this book. You will learn that eyes are not just a mirror of the soul, and deep wrinkles on the forehead are not always a sign of intelligence, that there are eyebrows that are “off and on”, that lips can tell much more about a person than he imagines, and, unlike him, they will not minimize his shortcomings and will not increase his advantages.

I would like to warn you right away: this publication is of an educational and entertaining nature, so it will be of little interest to those who consider physiognomy a serious and important science. Of course, its postulates and theory have been formed and tested for centuries, but this book will primarily become a fascinating guide for beginning “physiognomists” who see the ability to read faces mainly as an opportunity to obtain interesting information about people, close and unfamiliar.

Chapter 1
From the history of physiognomy

Physiognomy(from Greek ph y sis – “nature”, “natural inclinations” and gnomonik o s - “knowledgeable”, “insightful”) means the art of recognizing a person’s character, his destiny, a certain connection between appearance and character by facial features.

We can say that the origins of physiognomy as a science appeared in ancient times, passed on as medicine secrets from teacher to student, from father to son, and preserved in traditions and legends. Later, physiognomic observations were recorded by healers of the Ancient East, and in ancient civilization they acquired a systematized form and classification, gaining the right to be called a doctrine. Moreover, physiognomic knowledge included knowledge not only about facial features, as in modern times, but also about a person’s appearance, his figure, gestures and facial expressions.

In the tomb of Hermes Trismegistus, discovered, as is commonly believed, by Alexander the Great, an emerald tablet was found - a board on which was written the doctrine of universal mysterious and fateful connections between phenomena in the Universe and man.

The famous Aristotle paid a lot of attention to the study of the features of the human face (this book contains excerpts from his works as epigraphs to chapters). He believed that facial features, its shape, and general expression are inherent in certain types of people, with specific character traits, aptitudes for various activities, abilities and intelligence. Pythagoras, another famous ancient Greek scientist, chose his students only from people whose faces he saw that they had a vocation and ability to study the exact sciences. The famous ancient healer Avicenna (Ibn Sina) made diagnoses after carefully examining the patient’s face.


By the way, in ancient times, sages who mastered the secrets of physiognomy and palmistry occupied places of honor at the courts of monarchs. However, they did not try to reveal the mechanism of connection between a person’s face, his character and fate, acting purely intuitively. Without trying to comprehend the scientific essence of physiognomy, they were sometimes content with their meager knowledge and the ignorance of the nobility, who believed everything that the “foretellers” said. Nevertheless, as it should be, such a “teaching” was transmitted along the chain of student succession and developed and supplemented over time, often acquiring unverified, absurd details, which contributed to the emergence of many charlatans in this science.

Nevertheless, the ancient tradition influenced the culture of Byzantium and the Western European Middle Ages, especially Arab sciences and Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah). The works of famous physiognomists, such as A. Debarrol, for example, helped to detail physiognomy and clear it of the distortions of various charlatans. Desbarrol tried to develop a unified theory that would explain the existence of an empirical connection between a person’s appearance and his character. In addition, some Western European scientists of the 16th–18th centuries returned to physiognomy, for example G. della Porta, author of the famous work “De humana Physiognomonia” (1586). However, the approval of new scientific criteria in the 17th–18th centuries. threw physiognomy into the realm of everyday experience, imagination and intuition. The attempt of I. Lavater, the author of the four-volume Physiognomic Fragments (1775–1778), to return physiognomy to the status of a science turned out to be untenable.

Later F. Gall developed phrenology– the science of the connection between the human psyche and the structure of the surface of his skull. Having settled in Paris, he, together with his friend I. K. Spurzheim, developed this teaching in a large work “Anatomie et physiologie du systeme nerveux en g e n e ral et du cerveau en particulier, etc.” (1810–1820). “Stinginess, giftedness, and talent - everything can be determined using my method,” wrote Gall.

Attempts to develop phrenology were made in the 70s. XIX century Italian forensic doctor C. Lombrazo. In his work “Criminal Man,” he argued that in appearance and constitutional features, criminals have deviations from the norm, by which they can all be identified. Lombrazo identified the characteristics for classification by analyzing the external features of 3839 people who committed crimes and 383 skulls of executed criminals. Subsequent generations rejected his teaching about “innate” criminals. An international commission of lawyers and doctors did not identify any features in the structure of their faces.


There are many of the most bizarre “occult”, “statistical”, “theoretical” interpretations of physiognomy. Astrologers believe that a person’s appearance is given to him by the dominant planet in his horoscope, which creates an “image” corresponding to its influence and specific character traits. Detailed descriptions of the typical appearance characteristic of the chosen, “pure-blooded” children of each planet make it quite easy to distinguish them from the crowd of mortals. These people are characterized by character traits confirmed by centuries of experience. Unfortunately for physiognomy, such people are quite rare. The appearance of most mortals bears the fruits of the collective leadership of several planets. Each of them not only controls the life and destiny of a person, but also endows him with specific character traits and appearance. Palmistry, astrology and physiognomy in their own way determine the dominant planet and its dominant influence on a person.

In the 1920-1930s. The “physiognomic” approach in the philosophy of culture was developed by R. Kassner. Many doctors widely used physiognomy in their medical practice. Thus, the famous Russian therapist G. Zakharyin was able to almost accurately make a diagnosis based on observation of the patient’s appearance. At one time, N. Pirogov even compiled the atlas “The Face of the Patient.” He argued that almost every disease leaves its own characteristic mark on a person’s face. However, the facial diagnostic method has become especially widespread in Eastern countries (especially in China and Korea). No experienced doctor trained in Tibetan medicine will make a diagnosis without carefully examining the patient’s face.

There are several schools of “face reading”, each of which is based on its own system. Thus, the Japanese usually divide the face into three zones: the upper (frontal part) - it reflects the state of the body and spirit, the middle (from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose), which shows the person’s mental state, and the lower (from the upper lip to the chin), reflecting character. An experienced physiognomist can tell a lot about the condition of the facial skin, its color, moisture, the severity of the vascular pattern, the location of wrinkles and their depth, etc. In addition, the state of the five “vital features” is taken into account: eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Their proportionality (shape, color, purity, etc.) is a favorable sign. Their significance is the basis for the widespread introduction into traditional diagnostics of such research methods as iridodiagnosis, auriculodiagnosis, and diagnosis by the capillary pattern of the eyeball.

Analysis of the five “vital traits” and three areas of the face is considered the basis of the reading procedure. However, in order to form a general impression of a person’s character and state of his psyche, one must also take into account the features of the facial bones, the shape of the jaws and chin, and the general configuration of the face.


When assessing the data obtained, it is necessary to compare them with the person’s age.

Physiognomy determines not so much the actual character and possible behavior, but how you, in most cases, subconsciously perceive a person you don’t know and involuntarily compare him with yourself. Thus, if someone is unpleasant to you, this does not mean at all that he will be unpleasant to others, even if his facial features reveal a maniac in this person. Knowing this rule will help you better navigate your conclusions.

Chapter 2
Where does the face begin?

Those who have a small face are cowardly; this correlates with the cat and the monkey. Those who have a wide face are lazy; this relates to donkeys and oxen. Therefore, the face should be neither small nor large; decent when it's average. Too dark and timid; this correlates with the Egyptians, Ethiopians. Those who are too white-faced are also timid; this correlates with women. Therefore, the color that indicates courage should be medium.

The first thing that catches your eye when you take a quick look at a person is the shape of the face and its color.

Face shape

Physiognomy distinguishes six main types of faces:

♦ oblong;

♦ triangular;

♦ trapezoidal;

♦ square;

♦ round;

♦ oval.

Let me make a reservation right away: “pure” facial types are rarely found in nature. Take a closer look at the faces of the people around you and highlight the most dominant features. For example, a wide forehead and narrow chin, combined with prominent cheekbones, make up a more triangular face type than a square or trapezoidal one. When determining your type, you can always rely on your own intuition.

Oblong face

An oblong face resembles a rectangle - in it the width of the forehead almost coincides with the width of the lower part of the face (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Oblong face

Such a face is also called aristocratic, because it characterizes its owner as an intelligent, balanced and sensitive person. Very often such people are endowed with power, and this does not prevent them, given their prudence and foresight, from being fair and wise rulers. More often than other people, the talents of those with a rectangular face type are used in the political and military spheres. They set goals for themselves and consistently achieve them. In the absence of pronounced negative facial features, the goals of such people are justified only by worthy means; violence and falsehood in relationships are alien to them.

Rice. 2.2. Maria Mironova


Maria Mironova (Fig. 2.2) is a famous Russian actress, daughter of actor Andrei Mironov. The actress's long face speaks of intelligence, determination and strong-willed character (which is confirmed by her reputation among fellow actors).

Triangular face

In its shape, it is as close as possible to a triangle and is characterized by a high, wide forehead, prominent cheekbones and a chin tapering towards the base (Fig. 2.3).

Such a face can speak of both genius and a tendency towards betrayal and falsity. Although one does not contradict the other. In any case, such a face, as a rule, appears in insensitive people, not prone to affection and devotion. They always stand a little apart from others - either because of their inability to be a socially active person, or because of negative character traits.

Rice. 2.3. Triangular face

Trapezoidal face

This face shape is also sometimes called semi-triangular - due to the wide forehead and clearly defined cheekbones and narrowed (but not pointed) chin (Fig. 2.4).

But more often such a face is compared with another geometric figure - a trapezoid. This more “smoothed out” face “removes” the negative qualities inherent in a triangular face. Thus, people with a trapezoidal face shape are more characterized by intelligence, sensuality, but at the same time a certain passivity. Unlike people with a rectangular face shape, they will not achieve their goal, and are unlikely to set a goal at all. If they nevertheless want to achieve something in their life, something will certainly hinder them: laziness, lack of professionalism, the desire to let things take their course - and they will abandon what they started halfway.

Rice. 2.4. Trapezoidal face

At the same time, the trapezoidal shape of the face characterizes its female owners only on the positive side: they are optimistic, sociable and, as a rule, satisfied and happy in life.

Square face

The square face shape is characterized by a proportional ratio of the height and width of the face, which makes it look like a square (Fig. 2.5).

Very often such a face is found in courageous, but stern and sometimes heartless people. They strive to conquer heights, achieve their goals and achieve success in everything, but in terms of their qualities they are more likely to be good performers than natural leaders. Due to the lack of flexibility and logical thinking, such people can often destroy in an instant what they have created over the years. Very often, “destruction” in their lives is provoked by the desire to live “by the rules.” People with such faces are born lawyers.

Women with this face shape tend to dominate rather than submit, to dominate both in personal and public life.

Rice. 2.5. Square face

Round face

A circle is a geometric figure that most clearly characterizes the round shape of the face (Fig. 2.6).

The absence of sharp, angular features reveals a good-natured, gentle and peaceful nature. But apparent humility can actually turn into amazing ambition, and if, at the same time, chubby people have a high bridge of the nose, prominent cheekbones, and sparkling eyes, then this means that this is a purposeful, strong-willed person. Such people can become enviable leaders and commanders.

Rice. 2.6. Round face

Chubby people are more likely than others to be able to adapt to their environment. They do this easily, as if playfully, however, in the same way they cope with all difficulties of both a financial and personal nature.

Oval face

The oval face shape (Fig. 2.7) combines oblong and round shapes.

The circle stretches out, but at the same time leaves its characteristic smoothness, that is, it “removes” the “corners” of an oblong face. Similar metamorphoses can be traced in the characters of people with oval faces. So, from an oblong face they took intelligence and sensuality, and from a round face - good nature and optimism. At the same time, they have lost the logic and consistency of thinking characteristic of people with long faces, so in this case it is unlikely to be appropriate to talk about a military or political career. On the other hand, the oval becomes a symbol of femininity, softness and wisdom, which are sometimes so lacking in the modern world.

Rice. 2.7. Oval face


Complexion also plays an important role in physiognomy. Here it is necessary to understand that we are not talking about the basic colors of the skin - signs of race. Unlike Aristotle, modern physiognomists know that the skin does not have a constant color. It can vary depending on the person's condition or the area where he lives. The complexion can range from snow-white to blue-black, which is due to the amount of coloring pigment - melanin. The more it is, the darker the skin.

Very often, when characterizing a person, you can hear that he has “an unhealthy complexion,” “skin like an alcoholic,” or, conversely, “a healthy color,” “the skin just glows.” This also gives a peculiar characteristic, but we will talk about it later. In the meantime, let's look at the eastern interpretation of physiognomy based on human skin color.

Following Eastern traditions in the study of complexion and its influence on a person’s character, skin tones can be correlated with the main elements: fire, water, wood, metal and earth.

Fire color

The reddish tint of the skin indicates that a person belongs to the element of fire. A dynamic life, a lot of expression, a temper that makes the skin “burn” are the main characteristics of people of this type. As a rule, they not only know how to shout and get irritated over trifles, but they are also good workers who work not through perseverance, but through courage and assertiveness. The skin of such people is often dry and easily irritated. Therefore, it is important for them to remember patience and calmness, the ability to control themselves and save energy not for useless disputes and conflicts, but for solving important professional tasks.

Water color

Being the complete opposite of fire, water characterizes a person with pale skin, which from a certain angle can have a blue tint (not to be confused with a bluish tint). Just as water takes the form of a vessel, people with the skin tone of this element are fickle and sensitive. The ideal field of activity for such people is intellectual.

Increased sensitivity and close proximity of veins often cause bruising from the slightest contact. Projecting this onto a person’s character, we can talk about excessive vulnerability and touchiness. Such people take everything to heart, and the result of this can be destructive, like a tsunami, because from outwardly calm and sophisticated people you can expect extremely unexpected actions that are completely unrelated to their appearance.

Metal color

The skin color of such people, just like that of people of the water element, is pale, but not with a bluish tint, but rather with a silvery tint. Often facial features are sharpened, and such people are characterized by a strong, strong-willed character. They always achieve their goals, and at any cost, sometimes without thinking about the consequences. And the reason for this is not recklessness and eccentricity, but cold prudence and even heartlessness.

With this type of skin, the face often resembles a mask: the absence of any emotions, the ability to control oneself in any situation, but if necessary, then to play to the public with a great degree of success. The main problem of such people is that their mania for self-control sometimes reaches a certain extreme, when a person loses his personality, retaining only its shadow.

Earth color

One of the most common facial skin tones - earthy, or yellowish-brown - undoubtedly belongs to the element of earth and belongs to people who are reliable and self-confident. They appreciate the attention and help of others and are never ungrateful. At the same time, one cannot envy their enemies or those who have ever betrayed them. People with earth-toned skin tones remember not only the good, but also the bad. Often their rancor develops into vindictiveness. They will not take revenge on purpose, but if an opportunity presents itself, they will never miss this opportunity.

It is very difficult to anger such people, but their rage will be like a hurricane, sweeping away everything in its path. Keeping this character trait in mind, one should beware of falling out of favor with them, and the people themselves, whose skin belongs to the element of earth, should remember that hurricanes often destroy not only the bad, but also the good in their path.

Wood color

The skin tone belonging to the element of wood combines the bluish tint of water and the yellow of earth, which is extremely rare. The temperament of two elements – water and earth – mixes in the same way. From water he inherited slowness and methodical calm, from land - reliability and confidence.

True, very often such a mixture of qualities develops into a certain phlegmatism, a desire to observe and not interfere in the life process of others. On the one hand, this helps to avoid unnecessary conflicts, but on the other hand, such people cannot always come to the rescue in time.

Chapter 3
From forehead to jaw...

... Those who have a small forehead are stupid; this correlates with pigs. Those whose forehead is too large are flabby; this relates to oxen. Round-faced are stupid; this relates to donkeys. Those with a large forehead surface are sensitive, insightful, and understanding; this relates to dogs. Those who have a proportionate square in their forehead are great in soul; this correlates with lions. Those who have a frowning forehead are proud; this correlates with the bull and the lion. Those with a smooth forehead are flatterers; it goes back to the corresponding state. And you can see in dogs: when dogs pet, they have a smooth forehead. Since a furrowed forehead denotes arrogance, and a smoothed forehead denotes flattery, the middle state would be appropriate.



Remember the famous: “Once upon a time there was a priest with a thick forehead”? What is a stubborn person usually called? That's right, “stubborn forehead.” “Copper forehead” is a name for a person who is not surprised by anything, reckless, courageous and never embarrassed. Pointing at a stupid or slow-witted person, we hit ourselves on the forehead. This is no coincidence. According to physiognomy, the general appearance of the forehead gives an idea of ​​the moral qualities of a person and his character. Based on the height, convexity and shape of the forehead, one can draw a conclusion about the fundamental qualities of a person, that is, those that are a direct reflection of his character.

The forehead is located in the area of ​​the face, which is responsible for the period of life from birth to 30 years. Pay attention to the presence of congenital signs on it - spots, bulges, etc. Depending on the area of ​​​​location (for men the right side is favorable, the left is unfavorable, for women - vice versa), you can find out how happy a person’s childhood was or what, perhaps , awaits him in his youth. The shape of your forehead can also tell you a lot. First of all, pay attention to its height and width. For example, a high and wide forehead speaks of a person’s intellectual merits, but at the same time it also implies excessive stubbornness, which can harm a career. On the contrary, a wide but low forehead indicates a rude, cruel, but excellent performer who will not think about the meaning of the assignment, but will try to fulfill it as best as possible. A narrow and high forehead often reveals people who are talented, but weak-willed and weak-willed, while a narrow and low forehead indicates a person’s limitations, his criminal inclinations and cowardice. Of course, it is impossible to characterize a person only by the parameters of the forehead - all the signs must be considered as a whole, but by analyzing the shape of the forehead, you can quite accurately determine some character traits.


British scientists conducted a number of studies and came to the conclusion that the shape and size of the forehead are determined by nationality and race. Thus, scientists have discovered that the narrowest foreheads among people of the white race belong to the population of the Mediterranean region, and the widest to the inhabitants of the Alpine mountains. At the same time, representatives of the Negroid race have the most sloping foreheads, while Italians have the lowest and square ones.

Mentally divide your forehead in half with a horizontal line. The upper part expresses a person’s attitude towards others, the lower part – his self-esteem. People with a more developed lower part of the forehead (brow ridges) (Fig. 3.1) are accustomed to relying only on their own strength, however, they are unlikely to provide support to anyone other than themselves.

Such people are individualists, focused on personal problems, accustomed to dominating and imposing their opinions on others (they are often born under the signs of Leo and Aries).

A person with a sloping upper forehead (Fig. 3.2) is often ambitious and is not used to obeying someone.

Rice. 3.1. Forehead with a more developed lower part

Rice. 3.2. Forehead with sloping top

He elevates himself above others, strives to conquer and dominate, and even if he does not succeed, he will not put up with a subordinate position, but uses all his strength and means to achieve what he wants. Sometimes this shape of the forehead is found in extremely contradictory people, who, even in the absence of their own position, will always adhere to the opposite opinion in a dispute with other people. A relatively high, convex forehead indicates the ability to absorb and remember information well, as well as receptivity, but lack of suspiciousness.


The absence of a hollow between the right and left sides of the brow ridges almost always characterizes a vain person. A religious, powerful person can always be recognized by the strongly pronounced upper part of the forehead: it is convex, although the forehead itself can be of any size (Fig. 3.3).

The groove separating the upper and lower parts of the forehead is also of great importance. If it exists, then this speaks of a person’s great moral and spiritual independence, which is subject to high cosmic law, as well as the ability to combine his own view with the opinions of other people. Such a person has objective views and judgments. It’s bad if the middle of the forehead is fixed and large. This is the forehead of Jupiter. A person who has it often confuses good and evil and tries to teach others and preach. If, with other not very good indicators, a too smooth forehead stands out on the face, then this also blurs the line between good and bad. One large horizontal crease running down the middle of the forehead indicates an ambitious and self-confident person who loves to be listened to and obeyed. If such a person chooses an occupation for himself that does not contradict moral principles, he will subsequently become an excellent mentor, capable of passing on experience to the younger generation.

In general, forehead shapes can be divided into several types. Each of them classifies a person according to certain moral qualities and strength of character. The shape of the forehead is determined by the hairline, for example, uneven (means that the hair on the forehead does not grow in a straight or rounded line, but along an uneven or curved line) or M-shaped (the hairline is shaped like the letter M).

Rice. 3.3. Forehead with a convex upper part

Aristotle Stagirite (384–322 BC) is an ancient Greek philosopher and encyclopedist, founder of the Peripatetic school, creator of a psychological system that integrated the achievements of ancient thought. The principles and main concepts of this system are set out in the treatise “On the Soul”, as well as in the works “Ethics”, “Metaphysics”, “History of Animals”. Aristotle recognized the driving force of behavior as aspiration, expressing the internal activity of the organism and associated with a feeling of pleasure or displeasure. Aristotle distinguishes between two types of reason: theoretical and practical. Stimulated the development of philosophical thought in subsequent eras.

Thick forehead (disdainful) - about a stupid, stupid person, a fool. The expression comes from folk speech, “tolokonny” - from “tolokno” - “flour, most often oatmeal”. To obtain such flour, grain grains were not ground in a mill, but were pounded, crushed by blows of a wooden masher. Food prepared from such flour was also called oatmeal. Oatmeal forehead is a contemptuous nickname for a fool, a fool (lit. “forehead stuffed with oatmeal flour” - cf. “sawdust in the head”).

Facial physiognomy, as a science, originated in Ancient China, but to this day it is developing and is in demand all over the world. It is by looking at a person’s face that Chinese masters are confident that they can read complete information, find out their character and behavioral characteristics. Emotions and facial expressions will tell you what a person is thinking about at the moment, but, of course, only specialists can recognize and correctly interpret all the data.

Specialists in individual facial features can read not only historical information, the real inner world, temperament and character of the human personality. Physiognomy is often practiced by criminologists, psychics, and civil servants in order to recognize what kind of person is: immoral or, conversely, kind, peace-loving, polite.

According to Timati More, as one of the masters of physiognomy, the face is a reflection of the past, present and future of a person.

By the shape of the face you can learn about a person’s character, inner world and even thoughts:

We recognize character by the eyes

Eyes are a reflection of the soul and can tell about a person’s personal qualities and character traits. And here are examples:

Of no small importance is the color of the eyes, which determines the character:

  • dark brown– impulsiveness;
  • light brown– prudence;
  • gray– a sign of curiosity;
  • blue– commitment to beauty, complaisance;
  • blue (as a rare color)– inconsistency, purposefulness;
  • gray-blue– kindness and responsiveness in character, but excessive vulnerability of nature;
  • green-eyed– loyalty, kindness, harmony in relationships;
  • gray-green– energy, purposefulness.

The color of the iris reveals a person’s position in life and strength of mind.

Revealing character from other areas of the face

According to experts, few people have an ideal face shape, if you look at photos and pictures.

Character traits can be identified not only by the eyes:

  1. Nostrils with excessive protrusion are a sign of licentiousness, self-will, and incontinence.
  2. A thin lip indicates indecision in character.
  3. Ears can indicate a person's level of intelligence. When located above the level of the eyebrows - high intelligence, when located at eye level - average. If the ears are shapeless and pale, then this is a sign of unreliability.
  4. Forehead. If it is round and tall, it is a sign of pride and generosity; if it is round and large, it is courage, but prone to lies; if it is elongated, it is a sign of cruelty and tyranny.
  5. A wide chin means a strong-willed nature, not prone to violence or depression. Square - among people who are mercantile and fixated on material wealth; prominent with a rounded shape is characteristic of more sensitive, intelligent and at the same time cunning, resourceful people.

Physiognomy requires a long learning curve. This is a science that can reveal a person’s character based on facial features based on all factors combined.

If you look in profile

Visually, the face can be divided into 3 zones: upper, middle and lower. Each of the zones can indicate signs that, to one degree or another, reflect the emotional component.

If a person has:

  • bulge, then this is a sign of irritability, difficulty concentrating on any particular object. But the person is practical, inclined to get to the essence of things;
  • concavity, then we can say about profundity and restraint, but excessive isolation, gloominess. Although there is a good memory, deep and common sense.

It is difficult to meet people with balanced and proportional 3 zones on their face at once.

If well developed:

  • upper zone (the area from the eyebrows to the hairline), then the person is intellectual. If there is a high forehead and an elongated middle zone, then he is noble, but arrogant;
  • middle zone, then values ​​spiritual qualities and is likely to be long-lived;
  • lower zone (from the bottom of the chin to the base of the upper lip), then the person is most likely successful and prosperous.

Facial physiognomy and character are often similar. By looking at a person, you can find out what feelings, emotions, and experiences he experiences. Each area on the face can carry additional information. If you master this technique, then based on the shape of your face, eye color, outline of lips and wrinkles, it is quite possible to create a complete image, a complete visual picture of a person’s character.

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