"travel by sea" senior group. Abstract of the educational activity “Journey to the Sea” (senior group of preschool educational institutions)

Larisa Norova
Project “Sea Inhabitants” for older children

View project: informational and creative

Participants: children senior group

Interaction between teachers: educators, parents

Implementation period project: 1 week

Problem: “What are there sea ​​inhabitants»

Game motivation: “Journey to the underwater world”

Goal: Creating conditions for nurturing environmental culture and developing cognitive and creative abilities children.

expand ideas children about the inhabitants of the deep sea, develop the ability to think;

development of logical thinking, the ability to draw conclusions and conclusions based on a comparison of facts, results, observations;

develop aesthetic perception of the world around us, the ability to see beauty;

develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;

develop cognitive interest and creative abilities;

use various non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques;

teach to protect the environment;

Expected results project

master the concepts sea ​​animals", "fish", "shellfish";

have the simplest ideas about some of the structural features of the body in connection with their life in water, their methods of movement (swims, crawls, methods of camouflage, the uniqueness of each species;

be aware of relationships with others inhabitants;

have an understanding of the relationship between human activity and the environment;

develop initial skills of environmentally conscious behavior in nature;

write a descriptive story about sea ​​creature using a reference diagram.


There is still a lot of unknown and beautiful things around us. I would like to children introduce you to this mysterious and mysterious world. During implementation project children will gain knowledge about inhabitants of the seas and oceans. Feeling of love for nature. The desire to cherish and protect it.

Stages project:

Goal setting (problem identification).

Development project.

Execution project(Organization of joint work children and teachers on the project).

Summing up (Presentation).

Preliminary work:

search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic “ Sea life", "Sea";

acquaintance with literary works: G. Kosov “The ABC of the Underwater World”, S. Sakharnov “Who Lives in the Sea?”, A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, G. H. Andersen “The Little Mermaid”;

learning poems by V. Orlov “Why do I dress up at the sea?”, “I draw the sea”, Y. Dulepin “Octopus”, S. Baranov “Dolphins”, proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics “Seagull”, asking riddles, word creation;

examination of reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky “Night. Blue Wave”, “The Ninth Wave”, “Black Sea”, “Hurricane at Sea”, A. Rylov “Sea. Stones”, “In the blue expanse”, A. Bogolyubov “Sailboat at sea”;

listening to the song “Dolphins” based on verses by S. Kozlov from the cartoon “At the Port”; Debussy K. “The Sea”, sketch for symphony orchestra, “Conversation between the wind and the sea”; Ravel M. “The Game of Water”;

watching cartoons “The Colorful Family”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Finding Nemo”, “Shark Tale”.

Collaboration with family:

Photo exhibition: “Remember the blue sea!”, “I’m in the aquarium!” ;

Parents write down a story invented by the child about sea ​​creature, help to design with drawings;

Resource support:

Illustrations, photographic materials, videos, slides, books, works of art and materials, camera, computer, materials for visual and design activities, shells of various sizes and shapes, plasticine, waste material.

Can a person live in water? Why?

Which sea ​​animals you know?

What do you know about inhabitants of the underwater world?

What special devices do some residents use? depths of the sea?

What do they eat? sea ​​inhabitants?

Who is Neptune?

What inventions were suggested to man? sea ​​creatures?

Which animal is the largest, smartest, fastest, most musical?

Implementation project

Joint activities children and teachers.

Goal: To activate cognitive interest in inhabitants of the deep sea. Consolidate knowledge children about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search skills; enrich speech children; develop a caring attitude towards nature.

Conversations: About fish, about seas and oceans, about the underwater world;

Examination of illustrations (encyclopedias “The Sea and Its World”, “Fishes that Glow”;

Watching videos " Sea World" “Underwater World”, “Mammals at the Zoo: Dolphin Performance”, fur seals, the Beluga whale." Cartoons: “About the Fisherman and the Fish” by A. S. Pushkin; "Nemo." Videos: “Nemo Fish”, “Zebra Fish”... “Clown Fish”;

An album with species diversity of flora and fauna, their environment habitat;

Examination of paintings by artists depicting the underwater world of a painting by Mark Susino;

Reading fiction

Goal: To develop interest in works of art of various genres, to reveal the relationship between the fairy-tale and real worlds; learn to highlight the main idea of ​​a work;

Explain how important drawings are in a book; show how many interesting things can be learned by looking at book illustrations.

H. -K. Andersen "The Little Mermaid".

Creative stories: “How I went to the dolphinarium” (selected).

Evening of riddles, poems about sea ​​world.

Memorizing poems about the inhabitants of the underwater world.

Didactic games

Goal: To clarify and consolidate knowledge about inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention, and the ability to prove the correctness of your judgment.

"The Little Mermaid"

"The Fourth Wheel"

"Whose silhouette"

"Guess the sound of the animal"

"Whose shadow?"

"Collect the Dolphin"

"Decorate the aquarium"

“Guess which body of water”

"Who lives here?"

“Whom I’ll tell you about”

Board-printed games

"Paired pictures"

"Find out what has changed"

"Find the same one"

"Connect the dots"


Target. Develop the ability to describe a body of water, its inhabitants according to description.

Expand vocabulary children: jellyfish, octopus, shrimp, sawfish, crab, sea ​​horse, flounder.

"Describe the animal"

"Guess the riddle"

“Who hears what?”

“Whose children?”

“Find an item by description”

“Call it in one word”

“Who will notice more fables?”

Productive activities:

Exhibition of drawings and crafts made from natural and waste materials “Sea and sea ​​secrets».

Purpose: To educate children various techniques for working with various visual media, the ability to follow oral instructions, and operate with concepts denoting spatial characteristics. Develop fine motor skills and eye, artistic taste and creativity. Develop work culture and communication skills children.

Application “At the bottom” sea»

Collective application “B” sea ​​depths»

Plasticineography “Unusual fish”

Finger painting “Magic underwater world”

Stone painting “Goldfish”

Modeling from dough “Clown fish”

Paper construction - layout seabed

decorations in nautical style(pendants and bracelets made of shells)

Origami " Sea fish»

Making an album with illustrations “How beautiful this underwater world is...”

Musical activities

Goal: To teach to perceive the character of animals with the help of musical works. Exercise children in creating expressive images sea ​​creatures. Instill a love for various musical genres.

Listening to songs about the sea;

Listening to music: “Sounds of the sea”, “Sounds of a dolphin”;

Interaction with parents

Photo albums “How we vacationed at sea”;

Consultations for parents: “How to interest children the secrets of the unusual sea world»;

Assistance in organizing leisure time at marine theme.

Participation in the exhibition of drawings and crafts “Sea and sea ​​secrets» joint creativity of parents and children, educators.

Design of a library of educational games

Selection of puzzle on marine theme;

Cutting pictures « Sea animals»;

Plot-role-playing games:

"Ship Voyage", "Underwater Expedition"

(experiments and experiments);

"Boat trip to a fairyland"


Goal: Formation of motor skills, development of imagination, attention.

"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

"The sea is agitated"

"Fishes and Pebbles"



Music games

Goal: Stability of attention, accurate execution of verbal instructions; Motor-auditory coordination; Distribution of attention; Rhythmic speech, diction; Auditory attention;

"Funny Fishes";

"The Little Mermaids";


Decoration of the play corner " Sea World»

Quiz “Wonders of the Underwater World”

Goal: Consolidate knowledge children about the sea and the marine world. Instill interest children to the world around them. Develop coherent speech children. Expand your vocabulary. Learn to distinguish fish from mammals.

Equipment and materials: Puzzles, riddle picture, riddles, map, marine attributes.

Subject: "Sea. Sea inhabitants"

Group: senior


Final event:

Date: 10/26/2015

Day of the week



Group, subgroup




Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation on the topic: “There are different seas”

Target: give children an idea that there are many seas on earth. Each sea has its own name and characteristic features (warm, cold sea). Continue introducing children to the globe. Develop curiosity, speech, memory.

Didactic game for speech development “Tell

fairy tale" Goal: Speech development

children, ability to compose

story based on a picture (Katya K., Tigran).

Work in a corner of nature

Loosening the soil of plants

Goal: To develop the ability to independently care for indoor plants. Fostering an ecological culture.

Introduce landscape paintings about water (reproductions by Aivazovsky); map of Russia; educational and reference literature: encyclopedias, illustrated albums about the seas.

Invite parents to go to the sea with their children and watch it.


NGO "Cognitive Development" (Acquaintance with the surroundings)Topic: "Song of the Bell." Purpose: To introduce the history of the appearance of bells and bells in Rust and in other countries. To consolidate children's knowledge about glass, metal, wood and their properties. Dybina p.45

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" (Drawing)Topic: “A bus with flags is driving down the street.” Teach children to depict individual types of transport, to convey the shape of the main parts. parts, their size and location. Learn to beautifully place an image on a sheet of paper. strengthen the ability to draw with pencils.

NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic Development” (Music)according to the music plan leader.


Observation of natural phenomena

Goal: Continue to consolidate children's knowledge about the world around them, the seasons, weather and natural phenomena.

Sketch “The sea is agitated”. Goal: expand the content of the game, develop imagination, creativity, plasticity of movements.

Development of movements with a subgroup of children. Game exercise “Run to the flag.” Goal: improve running technique.

Outdoor game “Crucian carp and pike” Purpose: To improve basic movements - running, jumping. Develop attention and dexterity.

Games with external material. Construction game "Building a canal". Goal: to promote the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your game partners.

Work before bed

S. Sakharov “Sea Tales”.


Listening to the audio recording “The Sound of the Sea”.

D/game "Sea Kingdom" -

Improve children's knowledge of the underwater world. Learn to play, observing the prohibiting and allowing rules.

D/exercise “Count the fish” - to reinforce ordinal counting in children (Ruben, Vitya).

Working with Using Cuisenaire sticks “Lay out according to the diagram” - develop fine motor skills.

Watching the cartoon "Shark Tale".

Role-playing game “Brave Sailors”.

Board games: “Collect the picture” (sea inhabitants).


Outdoor games: “We are droplets”, “Living labyrinth”.

Target: teach to form double rows, make a wide circle, train coherence of collective actions, speed of reactions and ingenuity.


Subject: "Sea. Sea inhabitants"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/27/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation on the topic: “All about shells”encourage the desire to ask educational questions; cultivate a love of nature and a caring attitude.

D/game “The fourth odd one” - to consolidate children’s knowledge about sea inhabitants.

D/exercise “Find the sound A” - consolidate the ability to determine the place of the sound A in a word (at the beginning, middle, end) - Alina, Anya.

"Make no mistake"

Goal: practice increasing and decreasing numbers by one unit more or less(Katya Z., Roma)

Observation in a corner of nature “Which plant needs watering?” Target:

To develop the ability to establish the causes of the investigative relationship between the state of the plant and environmental conditions (the leaves are dry - there is not enough water).

Introduce the encyclopedia “Living Organisms of the Seas”; a collection of shells to look at.

Board games of children's choice, lacing.

Coloring pages "Underwater world".

Prepare the wall newspaper “Favorite Black Sea” with the children.


NGO "Cognitive Development" (FEMP) Subject: "The formation of the number 9". Goal: Learn to count within 9; show the formation of the number 9 based on a comparison of two groups of objects. expressed by adjacent numbers 8 and 9. Strengthen the idea of ​​geometric shapes, develop the ability to find objects in the environment that have the shape of familiar geometric shapes... continue to learn to determine your location among the people around you.

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development"(Modeling) “Oleshek” Learn to create an image based on the Dymkovo toy. Learn to create a figure from a whole piece, conveying the shape of individual parts using the drawing technique.


Observation “Finding autumn signs.” Goal: To develop in children the ability to independently identify signs of autumn in natural phenomena, to establish relationships (for example, a change in the position of the sun leads to a change in the length of the day and a decrease in air temperature).

Unlearning tongue twisters “In the lake there is a carp, and in the sea there is a crab” (Pasha, Diana)

Organize outdoor games of the children’s choice to foster independence and the ability to take initiative.

S/r game “Submarine Voyage”. Goal: to display knowledge about the surrounding life in the game, to develop the imagination and expressiveness of children’s speech.

Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. Readingstory by S. Voronin “The Good Shell”.


"How to make sea water" -

Laying out “Fish” from counting sticks - develop imagination (David, Dasha, Tanay)

Problem situation “What should we do to keep the water in the sea clean?”

Playing with a LEGO-type construction set “Batiscaphe – Underwater Research Station” - develop skills in working with the construction set.


Outdoor game “Roll to the target”, “Catch the ball”. Target: develop eye and accuracy.

Individual work.Development of movements.

Target: improve techniques for playing with the ball against the wall.


Subject: "Sea. Sea inhabitants"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/28/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation “City by the Sea.” Target:

consolidate knowledge about our city,

To clarify and expand knowledge about sea workers, about the work performed by ships,instill in children a love for their city.

Cutting out fish images using a template. Strengthen the ability to work with a template: hold the workpiece with your left hand, trace along the contour with a simple pencil, carefully cut along the contour (Elina, Emil).

KGN at the table. Goal: continue to teach children how to behave correctly at the table while eating (sit up straight, don’t sway in the chair, don’t rush and don’t talk with your mouth full); cultivate cultural behavior at the table, neatness.

Examination of pictures, photographs depicting marine life, posters from the albums “Natural World”, “Animals”.

Teach your children riddles about the inhabitants of the seas.


OO “Speech development” (Speech development) Subject: Reading poems about late autumn; D/U “Complete the sentence.” Goal: To introduce children to poetry, to develop a poetic ear. Practice composing complex sentences.

NGO "Artistic and Aesthetic Development" (Music)According to the plan of the muses. head

NGO "Physical Development"according to the physical instructor’s plan (“half a day”)


Watching the rain. Expand your understanding of natural objects and phenomena, the relationship between nature and man, develop cognitive interests through the ability to determine the nature of rain - fine, drizzling, lingering, cold, etc.

Development of movements with a subgroup of children.Game exercise “Balls”. Goal: improve buckles as you move forward.

Ecological ball game "I know".

Target: fix the names of natural objects (animals, birds, fish, trees, flowers).

Bring out sports equipment - develop the physical qualities of children, improve their health

Low mobility game


Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. ReadingG. Kosova “ABC of the underwater world.”


Conducting experimental research activities:

“Salt is crystals” -Develop cognitive interest, the ability to draw conclusions.

D/i “Find a Pair” - exercise children in selecting words that differ from each other in one sound, develop phonemic hearing (Katya Z., Igor)

Watching the cartoon “Shark Tale” (continued).

D/i “Who lives in the underwater kingdom? " Goal: to teach children to select appropriate pictures.

Offer children plasticine, natural material (leaves, Christmas tree needles, shells, feathers) for making fish.


Observing nature after the rain. Bring to the understanding that the moist, clean, fresh, tart smell of withering leaves is that special smell of autumn that is so keenly felt in the air, especially after rain. Please note that adults are not afraid of rain; they wear raincoats and cover themselves with umbrellas. Man has long learned to cover himself from the weather.


Subject: "Sea. Sea inhabitants"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/29/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation “Our Black Sea” -introduce children to versions of the origin of the name “Black Sea”;

continue to form ideas about the inhabitants of the Black Sea.

View the presentation “Inhabitants of the Black Sea”

D/exercise “Shade the fish” - to train children in the ability to shade in different directions (Sasha, Seryozha).

“How many of us?”

Goal: continue to introduce children to numbers and the corresponding number of objects (Elina, Pasha).

D/i “Render a guess, we will guess.” Goal: continue to teach children to describe sea creatures using a reference table.

Listening to the song “I love my city Sochi.”

Photos of children “We are at sea.”

Exhibition of crafts made from shells brought by children.

Encyclopedias for viewing and reading.

Visit the Sochi Oceanarium and Dolphinarium with your children.


NGO "Cognitive Development" (Ecology) Topic: " How forest animals - the bear and the squirrel prepare for winter." Goal: To give children an idea that the forest is a habitat for wild animals. squirrel and bear are adapted to life in the forest all year round; develop in children ideas about the sequence of events in the life of forest animals from summer to winter. Dybina page 129.

OO Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing)“Acquaintance with art - looking at the Dymkovo toy.” Goal: To introduce children to one of the types of folk arts and crafts - the Dymkovo clay toy. Learn to highlight elements of painting, color, motifs and pattern composition on a product. Shvaiko page 46


Excursion to the sea -expand children's ideas about the sea, about different states of the sea.

Problem situation “What will happen if...”

D/game “Four Elements”. Target: development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

D/exercise “Who is where?”Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine spatial direction relative to another person: left, right, in front, behind (Denis, Radmir)

Labor activity - collecting sea stones (flat) for art. activities.

Udmurd outdoor game “Water”

Goal: to foster friendly relationships between children.

Games with external equipment.

P/game “Magic jump rope”Goal: to teach children to jump rope as many times as there are syllables in a word. Strengthen the ability to divide words into syllables. Develop attention and coordination of movements.

Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. Reading a poemG. H. Andersen "The Little Mermaid".


View the multimedia presentation “Are Corals Animals or Plants?”

D/i “What is common? " Goal: To teach children to find similarities in representatives of the fauna, to develop attention and speech.

Game “Build according to the scheme”
Purpose of the game: to teach children to carry out elementary constructions, focusing on diagrams (Edgar, Artem)

Conducting the experiment “Growing corals by salt crystallization.”

Watching the cartoon "Finding Nemo".

Design of an album with photographs of children “Our beloved Black Sea”.


Outdoor games: "Black and white." Target: consolidate the ability to catch up with those running away at a signal in a given space.

"Hares and dogs." Target: strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

Individual work

Game exercises with a skipping rope.

Target: strengthen the ability to jump rope by rotating it forward and backward.


Subject: "Sea. Sea inhabitants"

Group: senior

Target: Continue to enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, generalize and systematize children’s knowledge about the seas and its inhabitants. Replenishing children's vocabulary with new words.

Final event:exhibition of children's works “Underwater inhabitants of the Black Sea”, “Black Sea Day”.

Date: 10/30/2015

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)


with parents (social partners

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in special moments



social-communicative cognitive speech artistic and aesthetic physical development

Morning exercises(complex October No.)

Conversation “Do you know sea creatures?” -Reveal children's knowledge about the underwater world.

D/game " Birds, animals, fish” - develop thinking, speech, reaction speed; develop the ability to accurately follow the rules of the game.

D/exercise “Trace the dots and color” (Angelina, Roma)

"Tell me about your pattern"

Target: teach to master spatial representations: left, right, above, below (Igor, Vitya).

Children's stories about the Black Sea, compiled together with their parents, using photographs.

The game “Where have we been, what have we seen” - to develop logical thinking, memory, attention, intelligence.

Game – lotto “Journey under water”.

Sea life stencils, pencils.

Schemes for laying out sea inhabitants from geometric shapes.

Consultations for parents: “How to interest children in the secrets of the unusual sea world.”


OO " Speech development" (Fiction) Subject: Reading the Russian folk tale “Khavroshechka”. Goal: To remember Russian folk tales known to children. Introduce the fairy tale “Havroshechka”, help remember the initial phrase and ending of the fairy tale. Develop the ability to distinguish fairy-tale situations from real ones.

NGO "Physical Development" -according to the manager's plan.

NGO “Artistic and Aesthetic” (Design and manual labor) Topic:"Airplanes" (building material). Goal: Expand children's understanding of various aircraft and their purposes. 4 develop design skills; practice planar modeling from geometric shapes according to the proposed scheme and come up with your own models.


Observation of coniferous and deciduous trees

Target: develop knowledge about trees (what they have common and what are the differences).

Teach physical exercises with children. minute "Sea"

Development of movements.

Target: practice walking with an extended step and running with an overflow (Dima, Veronica).

Outdoor games

“We are funny guys”, “Entertainers”.

Target: learn to clearly speak the text in the game, follow the rules of the game.

Independent activity of children is to teach them to play independently, negotiate among themselves, and distribute roles.

Work before bed

Rinsing your mouth before bed, walking on massage mats, breathing exercises.

Familiarization with fiction. Readingstory by E. Permyak “The First Fish”.


Quiz “Wonders of the Underwater World”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the sea and the marine world. To instill children's interest in the world around them. Develop children's coherent speech. Expand your vocabulary.

Did. game "Shop"

Goal: Continue to teach children to identify the first sound of a word (Diana, Anya)

Watching the cartoon “Finding Nemo” (continued)

D/game “Air, earth, water.”

Suggest materials for making the “Underwater World” panel - glue, scissors, colored paper, origami diagram “Fish”.


Outdoor games: “Who is faster?” Target: consolidate the ability to move according to a signal on the toes, with high knees, and gallop.

"Stream." Target: strengthen the ability to move in pairs.

Individual workDevelopment of movements.

Target: improve your hoop rolling skills in any direction.

Holiday "World Sea Day" for children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions

Author : Salimova Evgenia Igorevna, teacher at MBDOU kindergarten No. 65 in Orel.
Job description: I bring to your attention a lesson summary for the senior group of kindergarten. In this work, the guys will get acquainted with the amazing holiday that is celebrated in our country in the last week of September, World Sea Day. In the process of getting acquainted with the tasks of this holiday, we will get acquainted with the marine inhabitants and flora of the sea.
Relevance of the topic : interest in sea creatures evokes positive emotions in children. And if you add a festive mood to the emotions, you will get an amazing event that will remain in the memory of the children. This way the child learns the material better.
Target: Introducing children to the holiday<< Всемирный День Моря>>.
Developmental: introduce children to the purpose of this holiday. To form an idea of ​​the wealth of the underwater world, the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of planet Earth can do to preserve them.
Educational: Expand children's horizons about the flora and fauna of the seabed.
Educational: To foster a caring attitude and a desire to help preserve the seas and their biological resources.
Preliminary work: Making various fish, corals, algae to simulate the seabed, conversations on marine topics, making masks on this topic, reading fiction, observing on the map and getting to know different seas.
Material for work: decorative fish, algae, corals, shells, carnival masks, sound (you can choose any music), Crab toy.

Progress of the event :
Educator: Hello guys. Today I want to congratulate you on an amazing holiday - World Sea Day. This holiday has been celebrated in our country since 1978. It is celebrated in the last week of September. What do you think is the purpose of this holiday?
Children's answers.
Educator: The purpose of this holiday throughout the world is to attract the attention of the public, government and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. Traditionally, Sea Day is held in kindergartens, schools, and libraries in the form of competitions and festivals that tell the younger generation about the richness of the underwater world, the benefits of the seas and oceans for humans, as well as what every inhabitant of planet Earth can do to preserve them. Tell me, how do you think the seas and oceans are useful to us?
Children's answers.
In their waters, people catch fish, which they then eat. Some algae, such as kelp (seaweed), are beneficial to our body. It contains a high content of vitamins and minerals. One of the oldest Japanese legends tells us about the wise ruler Shan Gin. On the verge of death from cruel conquerors, he appealed to the gods. And the gods brought a wonderful drink that gives strength, stamina, fearlessness and longevity. To deliver the drink to all the islands of the state, the daughter of the ruler, the beautiful Yui, drank it and threw herself into the sea. The gods turned Yui into kelp, which absorbed all the power of the divine drink. The algae quickly spread around the islands. Having tried them, the exhausted residents gained resilience and strength, and the enemy was defeated...

During the story, an image of kelp is shown.
Educator: Quite often, public organizations celebrate this holiday by cleaning public beaches, as well as rallies and marches in defense of the seas. What can we do?
Children's answers.
I suggest you go to the bottom of the sea and see what kind of inhabitants live there.
Physical exercise "Sea"
The sea is very wide
(Children spread their arms wide to the side.)
The sea is very deep.
(They squat, touching the floor with their hands.)
Fish live there, friends,
(Perform the “Fish” movement.)
But you can’t drink water.
(They spread their arms to the side, raising their shoulders.)
Educator: Now we can dive to the seabed. Look around, what do you see?
Children's answers.
Let's meet some of the inhabitants. Look, there's a crab hiding under a stone. Hello, Grandpa Crab.
Children greet the Crab.
Crab: Hello, hello! Who came to visit us?
Educator: Children from kindergarten came to visit you. They want to get to know the inhabitants of the seabed.
Crab: This is good! I really love riddles, listen to this:
A flock is sailing on the sea,
It makes a wonderful sound,
Curious, playful,
With fins, but not fish!
Answer: Dolphins
Author: Leonov V.A.

Educator: What do you know about dolphins?
Children's answers.
Dolphins are very smart and amazingly developed mammals. An inexplicable love for people, the amazing process of sleep - these and many other mysteries about dolphins are constantly being studied and confirmed by new facts. It seems that a dolphin looks like a shark, but this is not the case at all. Although they have a fin and impressive teeth, they are not predators at all and, strictly speaking, are not even fish. You talked about how dolphins love children. Some children are specially brought to the dolphins and allowed to swim in the pool together. The child emerges from the water as a completely new person. This is explained by the fact that the dolphin seems to see right through a person and if something hurts, he feels it and can help. Being near them, we calm down and tune in to an optimistic mood, we gain new strength, lightness and joy. Let’s not forget that dolphins always treat us with selfless love and tenderness; any person should learn this attitude.
Across the sea-ocean
A huge giant is swimming.

Educator: Whales are the largest animals on Earth. These are wonderful creatures, and not at all evil inhabitants of the oceans. Whales get their name from the old Greek word ketos (sea monster). They look a little scary, but they are not at all dangerous to people, whales are not predators. And even though outwardly they are huge fish, inside they are not at all like the rest of the inhabitants of the oceans. The whale cannot chew anything and has to swallow his entire meal. Scientists often talk about the extraordinary ability of whales to communicate with each other. They send signals at their own frequency and can tell their relatives about anxiety or fear, even complain about pain. The whale is a family animal that prefers to stay in large groups. Whales are on the verge of extinction and we must take care of them and show respect for these huge creatures of nature.
Crab: What other inhabitants of the seas and oceans do you know?
Children's answers.
What a great fellow you are! Look, do you see?
Islands in the ocean
From living matter.
And the polyps are hard,
Very, very proud -
Without stones and without earth
They were able to build reefs. (Corals, coral polyps, coral reefs)
Educator: Fish live on reefs, let's see what they are like.
The children and the teacher are looking at the reef, near which many different fish have gathered.
Educator: Let's play a little.
Outdoor game<<Море волнуется>>.
Head and many legs
And the character is very strict:
If the guest is not invited to me,
I'm acting nice -
I release it into the ocean
Black ink.(Octopus)

Educator: There are 200 species of octopuses in the world. If you look closely, you can see a hole or a short tube under the eyes - this is a siphon. The siphon leads into the mantle cavity, into which the octopus draws water. By contracting the muscles of the mantle, he forcefully squeezes water out of the mantle cavity, thereby creating a jet stream that pushes his body forward. It just turns out that the octopus is swimming backwards. These animals have three hearts. Octopuses' blood is...blue! Octopuses have a special ink sac that stores dye for protection. Octopuses are often colored brown, red, or yellowish, but they can change color no worse than chameleons. Octopuses live alone and are very attached to their area. These animals are active in the dark, they sleep with their eyes open (they only constrict their pupils), and octopuses turn yellow in their sleep.
Crab: I see you guys are very inquisitive! Did you know that today we have a carnival on the reefs in honor of Sea Day! I would like to invite you.
Educator: Thank you, Grandpa Crab. The guys and I just brought masks for the carnival.
The teacher takes out the masks. Children get dressed. The sounds of the ocean + melodic music are turned on. Children are having fun and fish are swimming next to them (the fish can be hung on a fishing line, thus creating the effect that they are on the seabed).

Name: Abstract on ecology “Oceans”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, ecology, Mixed age group from 3 to 6 years

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 6" "Crane"
Location: Vilyuchinsk city, Kamchatka region

Abstract of GCD on ecology “Seas and Oceans” in a mixed-age group

Teachers: Nikolaeva Tatyana Borisovna

Target : expand knowledge about the “Ocean” ecosystem: clarify the idea of ​​​​the importance of seas and oceans in human life; teach to keep the environment clean; consolidate children's knowledge about the designation of water on the globe.

Material: globe, Montessori - map of continents, name cards, figurines of sea animals.

Vocabulary work : Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic

Preliminary work : looking at the globe, geographical maps, photographs of pictures depicting marine life, reading fiction.

Progress of classes.

1 . Children sit in a circle and greet the teacher (group greeting ritual using a ball).

IN caregiver: Guys, guess the riddle.

fit on it

Our entire Earth:

Seas, oceans,

Forests and fields,

And the North Pole

There you will also find

And if you want -

You will carry it in your hands.

Children: Globe.

Educator: What is a globe?

Children: The globe is a model of our Earth.

Educator: Look at the globe. Tell me what is he like?

Children: Round, multi-colored.

Educator: And if you spin it too much, what color will it become?

Children: It turns blue because there is more of this color on the globe than green and brown.

Educator: What do you think is indicated by the blue color on the globe?

Children: This color indicates rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.

Educator: Tell me please , Are the seas and oceans the same colors everywhere? ?

Children: No, because some are very deep and therefore the color is darker, while others are shallower and the color is lighter.

Educator: That’s right, the shallower the sea or ocean, the lighter the color, but still the seas and oceans are very deep. Even the highest mountain would have disappeared into their abyss. How did the seas and oceans form? Scientists suggest that after its origin the Earth was shrouded in a dense veil of clouds, and it was very hot. And when the Earth began to cool, downpours fell on it, flooding depressions in the earth’s crust with water. This is how the first oceans were formed.

Educator: Who has been to the sea and seen it? ( Children's answers) Do you think it’s good that there is a sea and why?

Children: The sea gives coolness, people relax by the sea, they transport goods by sea, they fish in the sea, etc.

The teacher places a Montessori map of the continents on the mat and asks the children to name what it is and why a map is more convenient than a globe.

(on the globe we see only one hemisphere or side of the Earth, but on the map we can see all the oceans and continents)

IN. Guys, you and I already know that there are four oceans on Earth, and I suggest you show the ocean on the map, name it and put a card - the name.

Let's start with the ocean on the shore where you and I live.

Younger children point out and name the oceans, and older children add names.

Physical exercise “The sea is agitated once...”

Educator: Our older children prepared messages about the oceans.

Children's messages about the oceans.

Educator: Is it possible to drink sea water? it is forbidden) Why?

Children: Because it is salty, not tasty, and does not quench your thirst.

Educator: That's right, the salty taste of water is given by various minerals that are brought into the oceans and seas and the rivers flowing into them. But sea water is very healthy. Where does a person use it?

Children: Various substances are extracted from sea water, from which medicines, fertilizers for plants, etc. are then made.

Educator: But although the water in the oceans and seas is salty, algae grow in it and various animals live in it. And now we will find out which ones if we take their figures out of the wonderful bag. I invite the younger children to take out a figurine and name the sea animal, and the older children read the name of the animal on the cards and put it next to it.

Game "Wonderful bag"

Educator: People have long been accustomed to the existence of seas and oceans. They carry cargo by sea, catch fish and seaweed. And too much garbage, waste, and oil get into them. Whales have become less common, there are fewer fish, and dolphins are disappearing. And people decided that the sea needed to be protected. But how?

Children: Create marine reserves, oil collection ships, waste collection ships.

Educator: Yes, people have long understood that the oceans need protection. Let's imagine that we are engineers who have already invented these miracle machines and will construct them in our workshop.

Children approach the tables on which there are Lego sets, and the teacher offers to use them to create the machines they have invented.

Program content: to develop in children the skills of movement in water, the ability to freely navigate under water; X; cultivate friendly relationships.

Equipment: anchors made of colored cardboard, 2 ships, sinking toys, colored pebbles, 2 sticks with ropes, fish tied at the ends, rope, boards.

Characters: Sailor-Bryak (swimming instructor), sailors (children).

Children enter the pool to the song “Sailor” (lyrics and music by O. Gazmanov), they are greeted by Sailor-Bryak.

Sailor-Bryak. I am the Sailor-Bryak! I sailed to you from distant warm countries to find a crew for my ship. I need fast, dexterous, brave and smart sailors.

I have prepared some interesting tasks for you. Let's divide into two teams and choose captains. The first team will be called "Seahorse", and the second - "Starfish". I will invite the team that wins to my ship. The winner of the competition will receive an anchor. The team that collects the most anchors will win.

Task 1. Game “Inhabitants of the Sea”.

Players take turns naming the inhabitants of the seas.

Sailor-Bryak. And now we will do a warm-up. Get down into the water and repeat after me.

Hydro aerobics is performed to music.

Task 2. Game “Divers”.

At the bottom of the pool (“sea”) there are colorful pebbles and toys (“treasures”). Children need to be divers and collect all the “treasures”.

The signal sounds, the children simultaneously dive and take out toys.

Task 3. Game “The sea is agitated...”.

While the rules of the game are explained, children move their hands through the water, making waves. After the phrase “Sea figure, freeze in place!” children perform any figure familiar to them (for example, “star”, “jellyfish”, etc.). In this competition, both teams receive anchors.

Task 4. Game “Hold on”.

Sailor-Bryak. During a storm, a ship may encounter sea rocks (reefs). Finding itself on a reef, the ship is wrecked, and the sailors need to stay afloat and wait for help. Whoever lasts longer will bring his team a winning point.

Children lie on their stomachs on the board and try to stay on it. Players who touch the bottom of the pool with their feet or fail to stay on the board leave the water.

Task 5. Captains' competition “Catch a Fish”.

Team captains stand at the pool stairs. When the whistle sounds, they begin to spin the stick, winding a rope around it, to which the fish is tied. Whoever turns the fastest wins.

Task 6. “Tug of War” competition.

Sailor-Bryak. You have good teams, I present you with certificates of initiation into sailors!

Summing up, rewarding.

Summary of the game-activity for children of senior preschool age was completed by: E. Isaenya, L. Apanasevich

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