Conversational is what characterizes this style of speech. Conversational style: its main features

Comparison of conversational style of speech with other styles. Originality of conversational style.

Spoken speech functions only in the private sphere of communication: everyday life, everyday professional, friendly, family, etc. Most often, the subject of conversation is the weather, health, news, any interesting events, purchases, prices... However, this does not mean that the conversational style is limited to everyday topics. Conversational speech can also touch on other topics: for example, a conversation between people in informal relationships about art, science, politics, etc. But these topics are also subject to the rules of conversational style, its syntactic structure, although in such cases the vocabulary of conversations is enriched with book words.

The conversational style performs the main function of language - the function of communication, its purpose is the direct transmission of information. This style is used not only in everyday life, but also in the professional sphere. In everyday life, it has an oral form - monologue or dialogic speech, and a written form - private letters, notes, diary entries. In the professional sphere - only oral. The linguistic features of the conversational style determine the special conditions for its functioning: informality, ease, expressiveness, lack of preliminary selection of linguistic means, automaticity of speech, ordinariness of content. In everyday communication, a concrete, associative way of thinking and a direct, expressive nature of expression are realized. Hence the disorder, fragmentation of speech forms and emotionality of style.

One of the most important features of colloquial speech is its reliance on an extra-linguistic situation, i.e. the real, objective context of speech in which communication takes place. This allows you to extremely shorten a statement that may lack individual components, which, however, does not interfere with the correct perception of colloquial phrases.

For example, in a bakery we don’t find the phrase strange:

- Please, with bran, one.

At the station at the ticket office:

- Two to Svetlogorsk.

Outside of these situations, these statements lose meaning.

In the conversational style, for which the oral form is primordial, the sound side of speech plays an important role, and above all intonation: it is this (in interaction with a peculiar syntax) that creates the impression of conversationality. Relaxed speech is characterized by sharp increases and decreases in tone, lengthening, “stretching” of vowels, scanning of syllables, pauses, and changes in the tempo of speech. Less tension in the speech organs leads to changes in the quality of sounds and sometimes even to their complete disappearance: “hello”, not “hello”, not “says” but “grit”, “buim” instead of “let’s be”, etc. This simplification of orthoepic norms is especially noticeable in non-literary forms of colloquial style, in common parlance.

Colloquial style vocabulary is divided into two large groups: 1) common words ( day, year, work, early, possible, good, new etc.); 2) colloquial words ( potato, reader, record book, real, perch). It is also possible to use colloquial words, dialectisms, jargon, i.e. extraliterary elements. All this vocabulary is predominantly of everyday content, specific. However, the thematic diversity of colloquial speech, which is not limited to everyday topics, involves the inclusion of different style groups of vocabulary: terms, abstract vocabulary, foreign language borrowings (although their range is quite narrow). The activity of expressive-emotional vocabulary (familiar, affectionate, disapproving, ironic) is indicative. Evaluative vocabulary usually has a reduced connotation here ( awesome, blond, homely, talkative etc.). It is interesting to use occasional words (neologisms that we come up with on occasion) - “opener” – a can opener, “adopt” – modeled after “adopt”» Metaphors are widely used ( vinaigrette, porridge, okroshka, - about the confusion ; jelly, weakling - about a sluggish, characterless person) against the background of neutral vocabulary. A feature of conversational style texts are the so-called empty words, which can replace any other words. Their meaning is specified in the situation: “thing”, “thing”, “deed”, “bandura”, “clunker”. For example:

-Where are we going to take this bandura?(About the closet).

- I don’t need sugar, but with this thing(pie).

In everyday communication, it is possible to name objects in a special way:

-Give me something to cover myself with.(blanket, plaid).

In the colloquial style, the law of “saving speech means” applies, therefore, instead of names consisting of two or more words, one is used: evening newspaper - “vecherka”, condensed milk - “condensed milk”, utility room - “back room”, five-story building - “ five-story building." In other cases, stable combinations of words are transformed: academic council - “advice”, sick leave - “sick leave”. The conversational style is rich in phraseology. Most Russian phraseological units are of a colloquial nature ( just a stone's throw away, unexpectedly, like water off a duck's back etc.), colloquial expressions are even more expressive ( There is no law for fools, in the middle of nowhere etc.). Colloquial and colloquial phraseological units give speech vivid imagery. They differ from book and neutral phraseological units not in meaning, but in special expressiveness and reduction. Compare: to die is to play the game, to mislead is to hang noodles on one’s ears.

At the word-formation level, the emotionality and evaluativeness of the conversational style are realized with the help of suffixes of subjective evaluation with the meaning of endearment, disapproval, magnification, etc. ( mommy, honey, sunshine; pretense, vulgarity; home, cold etc.), as well as suffixes with a functional connotation of colloquiality (-k -“locker room”, “overnight”, “stove”;- ik "knife", "rain""; - un " talker"; - Yaga " hard worker"). Suffixless formations are used ( snoring, dancing), compounding ( couch potato, windbag). You can also indicate the most active ways of word formation for adjectives of evaluative meaning ( big-eyed, toothy, biting, pugnacious; thin, healthy etc.), as well as verbs - prefix-suffical ( play naughty, talk, play), suffixes ( speculate, hello), prefix ( is-to-lose weight, to-buy). In order to enhance expression, doubling words are used - adjectives, sometimes with additional prefixation ( black-black, smart-premium), acting as superlatives.

The morphological norm of conversational style, on the one hand, corresponds to the general literary norm, on the other hand, it has its own characteristics. For example, verbs are used here more often than nouns. The particularly frequent use of personal and demonstrative pronouns is also indicative. As Professor G.Ya. says Solganik, “personal pronouns are widely used due to the constant need to designate the participants in a conversation. Any dialogue (and this is the main form of conversational speech) presupposes I - the speaker, YOU - the listener, who alternately takes on the role of the speaker, and HE - the one who is not directly involved in the conversation. Any content can be put into the formula I – YOU – HE.” Demonstrative pronouns and others are needed in conversational style due to their inherent breadth and generality of meaning. They are concretized by a gesture, and this creates the conditions for a very compressed transmission of this or that information (for example: “It’s not here, but there”). Only the conversational style allows the use of a pronoun accompanied by a gesture without prior use of a specific word: “ I won't take it. This one doesn't suit me».

Possessive adjectives are used in colloquial speech ( mom's dresses, father's work), but short forms are rarely used. Participles and gerunds do not occur at all, and for particles and interjections, colloquial speech is their native element. ( What can I say! That's the thing! Surprise for you!)

In conversational style, preference is given to variant forms of nouns ( on vacation´; locksmith´), numerals ( fifty, five hundred), verbs ( I will read, but I will not read; raise, not seen, not heard). In live conversation, truncated forms of verbs are often found that have the meaning of instant and unexpected action: grab, jump, jump etc. For example: And this one grabs him by the sleeve! The grasshopper hops and hits the grass. We use colloquial forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives ( better, shorter), adverb ( quickly, more conveniently). In colloquial speech, zero endings in the genitive plural of such nouns as gram, orange, tomato etc. ( one hundred grams of butter, five kilograms of orange).

Under the influence of the law of economy of speech means, the conversational style allows the use of real nouns in combination with numerals ( two milks, two coffees– meaning “two servings”). Here, peculiar forms of address are common - truncated nouns: Mom! Dad! Flax! Roll!

Colloquial speech is no less original in the distribution of case forms: the nominative dominates here, which in oral remarks replaces the book controlled forms. For example: He built a dacha - a station nearby; I bought a fur coat – gray astrakhan fur. The nominative case is especially consistent in replacing all others when using numerals in speech: The amount does not exceed three hundred rubles (instead of: three hundred); Had three dogs (three dogs).

The syntax of colloquial speech is very unique, which is due to its oral form and vivid expression. Simple sentences dominate here, often incomplete, of the most varied structure (definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal and others) and extremely short.

In oral speech, we often do not name an object, but describe it: With a hat haven't been here? They love to watch up to sixteen(meaning movies). As a result of unprepared speech, connecting constructions appear in it: We must go to St. Petersburg. To the conference. This fragmentation of the phrase is explained by the fact that the thought develops associatively, the speaker seems to recall details and complements the statement. Complex sentences are not typical for colloquial speech; if they are used, then more often than others they are non-conjunctive: If I leave, it will be easier for you; You speak, I listen.

The order of words in live speech is also unusual. As a rule, the most important word in the message is put first: I saw Oleg yesterday; Buy me a computer; Are we going to study today? At the same time, parts of a complex sentence (main and subordinate clauses) are sometimes intertwined: I don’t even know where to get water. Typical colloquial complex sentences are characterized by a weakening of the function of the subordinate clause, its merging with the main one, and structural reduction: You will work with whomever they order; Call whoever you want.

A number of colloquial types of sentences can combine question-answer constructions and reflect the features of conversational speech, for example: Who I need is you; Whom I respect on the course is Ivanov.

The following features of conversational syntax should be noted:

Using a pronoun that duplicates the subject: Vera, she comes late.

Placing an important word from the subordinate clause at the beginning of the sentence: I like bread to always be fresh.

Use of sentence words: OK; Clear; Can; Certainly.

Activity of introductory words: May be; Let's put it this way; You know.

The conversational style is contrasted with book styles, since they function in one or another sphere of social activity. However, colloquial speech includes not only specific colloquial means, but also neutral ones, which are the basis of the literary language. Therefore, this style is associated with other styles that also use neutral language means. Within a literary language, colloquial speech is contrasted with codified language as a whole. But codified literary language and colloquial speech are two subsystems within the literary language. As a rule, every native speaker of a literary language speaks both of these varieties of speech.


The colloquial style, to a greater extent than all other styles, has a striking originality of linguistic features that go beyond the scope of the standardized literary language. It can serve as convincing evidence that the stylistic norm is fundamentally different from the literary one. Each of the functional styles has developed its own norms that should be taken into account and has its own characteristics. In colloquial speech this is:

· unpreparedness, spontaneity;

· direct nature of the speech act;

· great influence of extra-linguistic factors;

· widespread use of everyday and emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology;

· implementation of evaluativeness and expressiveness at the morphological and syntactic level.

But this does not mean that colloquial speech always conflicts with literary language rules. Deviations from the norm may vary depending on the intra-style stratification of the conversational style. It contains varieties of reduced, rude speech, vernacular speech that has absorbed the influence of local dialects, etc. But the colloquial speech of intelligent, educated people is quite literary, and at the same time it differs sharply from bookish speech, bound by the strict norms of other functional styles.

Questions for control and self-control

1. In what area of ​​communication does spoken language function?

2. What conditions for the functioning of a conversational style determine its linguistic features?

3. What role do extra-linguistic factors play in the formation of spoken language?

4. In what forms is the main function of the conversational style implemented?

What is characteristic of orthoepy in colloquial speech?

5. How is expressiveness and evaluativeness of the colloquial style of speech determined in vocabulary and word formation?

6. What is the uniqueness of the morphology of the conversational style?

7. What syntactic structures are characteristic of colloquial speech?

8. What is the relationship between conversational style and other speech styles?

9. Is the colloquial style of speech included in the literary language?


1. Golub I.B. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook, - M.: Logos, 2004.

2. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and speech culture for engineers: Textbook, - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2003.

3. Maksimov V.I. and others. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook. - M.: Gardariki, 2001.

4. Zemskaya E.A. Russian colloquial speech: linguistic analysis and learning problems. – M., 1997.

5. Golub I.B., Rosenthal D.E. Secrets of good speech. – M., 1993.

Conversational style 1, as one of the varieties of the literary language, serves the sphere of casual communication between people in everyday life, in the family, as well as the sphere of informal relations in production, in institutions, etc.

The main form of implementation of the conversational style is oral speech, although it can also manifest itself in written form (informal friendly letters, notes on everyday topics, diary entries, remarks from characters in plays, in certain genres of fiction and journalistic literature). In such cases, the features of the oral form of speech are recorded 2.

The main extralinguistic features that determine the formation of a conversational style are: ease (which is possible only in informal relations between speakers and in the absence of an attitude towards a message of an official nature), spontaneity and unpreparedness of communication. Both the sender of the speech and its recipient directly participate in the conversation, often changing roles; the relationships between them are established in the very act of speech. Such speech cannot be pre-thought out; the direct participation of the addresser and addressee determines its predominantly dialogical nature, although a monologue is also possible.

A monologue in a conversational style is a form of casual story about some events, something seen, read or heard and is addressed to a specific listener (listeners) with whom the speaker must establish contact. The listener naturally reacts to the story by expressing agreement, disagreement, surprise, indignation, etc., or by asking the speaker about something. Therefore, a monologue in spoken speech is not as clearly opposed to dialogue as in written speech.

A characteristic feature of colloquial speech is emotionality, expressiveness, and evaluative reaction. So, they wrote to the question! Instead of No, they didn’t write, usually followed by emotionally expressive answers like Where did they write there! or Directly - they wrote it!; Where did they write!; That's what they wrote!; It's easy to say - they wrote it! etc.

A major role in spoken language is played by the environment of verbal communication, the situation, as well as non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, the nature of the relationship between the interlocutors, etc.).

The extralinguistic features of the conversational style are associated with its most general linguistic features, such as standardity, stereotypical use of language means, their incomplete structure at the syntactic, phonetic and morphological levels, intermittency and inconsistency of speech from a logical point of view, weakened syntactic connections between parts of the utterance or their lack of formality , sentence breaks with various kinds of insertions, repetitions of words and sentences, widespread use of linguistic means with a pronounced emotional-expressive coloring, activity of linguistic units with a specific meaning and passivity of units with an abstract-generalized meaning.

Colloquial speech has its own norms, which in many cases do not coincide with the norms of book speech recorded in dictionaries, reference books, and grammars (codified). The norms of colloquial speech, unlike books, are established by usage (custom) and are not consciously supported by anyone. However, native speakers sense them and perceive any unmotivated deviation from them as a mistake. This allowed researchers (O. B. Sirotinina, A. N. Vasilyeva, N. Yu. Shvedova, O. A. Lapteva, etc.) to claim that modern Russian colloquial speech is standardized, although the norms in it are quite peculiar. In colloquial speech, to express similar content in typical and recurring situations, ready-made constructions, stable phrases, and various kinds of speech cliches are created (formulas of greeting, farewell, appeal, apology, gratitude, etc.). These ready-made, standardized speech means are automatically reproduced and help strengthen the normative nature of colloquial speech, which is the distinctive feature of its norm. However, the spontaneity of verbal communication, the lack of preliminary thinking, the use of non-verbal means of communication and the specificity of the speech situation lead to a weakening of norms.

Thus, in a conversational style, stable speech standards coexist, reproduced in typical and repeated situations, and general literary speech phenomena that can be subject to various shifts. These two circumstances determine the specificity of the norms of conversational style: due to the use of standard speech means and techniques, the norms of conversational style, on the one hand, are characterized by a higher degree of binding compared to the norms of other styles, where synonymy and free maneuvering with a set of acceptable speech means are not excluded . On the other hand, general literary speech phenomena characteristic of the conversational style may, to a greater extent than in other styles, be subject to various shifts.

In the conversational style, compared to the scientific and official business style, the proportion of neutral vocabulary is significantly higher. A number of stylistically neutral words are used in figurative meanings specific to a given style. For example, the stylistically neutral verb cut off ('to separate something, part of something') in a conversational style is used in the meaning of 'to answer sharply, wanting to stop the conversation' (Said - cut off and did not repeat it again), fly ('move, move around air with the help of wings') - meaning 'to break, deteriorate' (the internal combustion engine flew). See also: blame (‘shift the blame, responsibility onto someone’), throw (‘give, deliver’), put (‘appoint to a position’), remove (‘dismiss from a position’), etc.

Everyday vocabulary is widely used: greedy, bother, instantly, tiny, unaware, rightly so, slowly, train, potato, cup, salt shaker, broom, brush, plate, etc.

In the style under consideration, the use of words with a concrete meaning is widespread and limited with an abstract one; It is uncharacteristic to use terms and foreign words that have not yet become commonly used. Author's neologisms (occasionalisms) are active, polysemy and synonymy are developed, and situational synonymy is widespread. A characteristic feature of the lexical system of the colloquial style is the wealth of emotionally expressive vocabulary and phraseology (hard worker, parasite, old man, silly; fool, frizzy, cast a shadow on the fence, take by the throat, climb into the bottle, starve to death).

Phraseologisms in colloquial speech are often rethought, change their form, the processes of contamination and comic renewal of the phraseme are active. A word with a phraseologically determined meaning can be used as an independent word, while preserving the meaning of the whole phraseological unit: don’t meddle - meddle - stick your nose into someone else’s business, slipped off - slip off your tongue. This expresses the law of economy of speech means and the principle of incomplete structure. A special type of colloquial phraseology consists of standard expressions, familiar formulas of speech etiquette such as How are you?; Good morning!; Be kind!; Thank you for your attention; I apologize, etc.

The use of non-literary vocabulary (jargon, vulgarisms, rude and abusive words, etc.) is not a normative phenomenon of conversational style, but rather a violation of norms, just like the abuse of book vocabulary, which gives colloquial speech an artificial character.

Expressiveness and evaluativeness are also manifested in the field of word formation. Formations with suffixes of subjective assessment with the meaning of endearment, diminutive, disdain, (dis)approval, irony, etc. are very productive (daughter, daughter, daughter, hands, furious, enormous). The formation of words with the help of affixes is active, giving a colloquial or vernacular tone. This includes nouns with the suffixes ‑ak (‑yak): weakling, good-natured; -k-a: stove, wall; -sh-a: cashier, secretary; -an(-yan); old man, troublemaker; -un: braggart, talker; ‑ish: strong, baby; -l-a: imagined, bigwig; relative: running, hustle; adjectives with suffixes ush(-yush): enormous, thin; with the prefix pre-: very kind, most unpleasant; verbs of prefix-suffix formation: walk, walk, sentence, whisper; verbs ending in fashion: to fashion, to grimace, to wander, to carpenter; na (‑a)‑nut: push, scold, scare, mutter, gasp. Colloquial speech, to a greater extent than book speech, is characterized by the use of multi-prefix verb formations (re-elect, hold back, reflect, throw away). Prefix-reflexive verbs with vivid emotional-evaluative and figurative expression are used (to run up, to work out, to agree, to come up with ideas), and complicated prefix-reflexive formations (to dress up, to invent, to talk).

To enhance expression, doubling of words is used, sometimes with prefixation (big-big, white-white, quickly-fast, small-very-small, high-high). There is a tendency to shorten names, to replace multi-word names with single-word ones (grade book - record book, ten-year school - ten-year school, naval school - sailor, surgical department - surgery, specialist in eye diseases - ophthalmologist, patient with schizophrenia - schizophrenic). Metonymic names are widely used (Today there will be a meeting of the trade union bureau - Today the trade union bureau; Dictionary of the Russian language compiled by S.I. Ozhegov - Ozhegov).


1. For this variety in linguistics there is no single terminological designation: colloquial, colloquial-everyday, colloquial-everyday style. The term “colloquial speech” is also used synonymously with it.

2. Conversational style should not be identified with the oral form of speech. Oral speech, as O. B. Sirotinina rightly notes, “is divided into spoken and non-spoken. Non-spoken oral speech, in turn, can be divided according to the principle of stylistic affiliation into scientific (scientific discussion, to some extent the teacher’s speech when explaining new material and the student’s speech during a detailed answer on any topic can be attributed to it), journalistic (public lecture, speech at a meeting), business (speech in a trial, business negotiations between a dispatcher and a pilot, driver, etc.), artistic (oral stories, anecdotes)” (Russian Colloquial Rech. M, 1983. P. 16 ). Non-spoken oral speech is characterized by the features of book styles with individual deviations from the norms of the latter due to the oral form.

T.P. Pleschenko, N.V. Fedotova, R.G. Taps. Stylistics and culture of speech - Mn., 2001.

Historically, functional or, as they also say, speech styles are divided into bookish (among them scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic) and colloquial.

Read more about book styles in previous articles on our website. Look at the analysis of style examples, and. And here we will analyze the conversational style in detail.

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So, the colloquial style of a text is a style that includes linguistic units (words, cliches, set expressions, phraseological units) characteristic of oral speech. This style is a style of relaxed communication, exchange of information in an informal setting. It is generally considered to be oral, but it is often used in written forms.

For example, in artistic speech, the dialogues of the characters are often framed in a conversational style, which helps to give the artistic reality of the work more authenticity.

Conversational style traits:

  1. A common form is dialogue, less often - monologue.
  2. A loose selection of linguistic means and simplicity (and slang words, and professional terms, and dialectisms, and curses), imagery and emotionality.
  3. Colloquial simplification of words (now - right now, what - what), sentences (one cup of coffee - one coffee). Phrases are often truncated and “tailored” to a specific situation in which clarification and details are not needed (closed the door, stood up and left); Doubling words is common (yes, yes, right, right).
  4. Unclear adherence to logic and specificity of speech (if the interlocutors lose the thread of the conversation and move away from the initial topic).
  5. The environment of verbal communication is important - facial expressions and gestures of the interlocutors, emotional reactions.
  6. Frequent use of exclamation and interrogative sentences.

Moreover, written forms of conversational style (essays, sketches, notes, stories) are also distinguished by informality and “conversational” presentation of information.

Let's look at examples of analysis of conversational style texts.

Conversational style: case studies

Let us take for analysis an excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s essay.

Essay excerpt:

I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but communication with pastures and forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and with every flower that nods his head from under a hazel bush. Every person must have their own happy time of discovery. I also had one such summer of discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows. This summer passed in the roar of pine forests, the cries of cranes, in the white masses of cumulus clouds, the play of the night sky, in the impenetrable odorous thickets of meadowsweet, in the warlike crows of cocks and the songs of girls among the evening meadows, when the sunset goldens the girls’ eyes and the first fog carefully smokes over the pools. . This summer I learned anew - by touch, taste, smell - many words that until then, although known to me, were distant and not experienced. Previously, they only evoked one regular, meager image. But now it turns out that every such word contains an abyss of living images.

As already mentioned, this text is written in the essay genre and belongs to the conversational style.

Let us note the signs of this style that are observed in the above passage.

1. Morphology:

  • there is some preference for nouns over verb forms;
  • participles and gerunds are often used;
  • cardinal and ordinal numbers are used and collective numbers are almost completely absent;
  • There is a characteristic selective attitude towards pronouns (relative and demonstrative are used first of all).

2. Logical presentation is achieved using the transition of connecting units from sentence to sentence. ( “For complete mastery, communication is needed - a time of discovery - a summer of discovery happened for me - this summer passed - this summer I learned a lot of words again - it turned out that in every such word there is an abyss of living images” etc.)

  1. This type of speech corresponds expanded complex syntacticdesigns (“This summer passed in the roar of pine forests, the cries of cranes, in the white masses of cumulus clouds, the play of the night sky, in the impenetrable odorous thickets of meadowsweet, in the warlike crows of cocks and the songs of girls among the evening meadows, when the sunset gilded the girls’ eyes and the first fog carefully smoked over whirlpools"), filled with descriptions and experiences, expressed in grammatical constructions - first-person narration, frequent use of the pronoun “I”, preference in the use of nouns and adjectives over verbs.

4. Theses of the verb structure are actively used: “I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people”, “every person has his own happy time of discovery”, “every such word contains an abyss of living images". Theses of the nominative system are not marked in the proposed text.

5. Words and phrases related to both book and colloquial vocabulary: abyss, abundant, anew, gilds, girlish, impassable, screaming, whistling. There are no specific terms in the text.

6. Emotionally expressive means of language are used(primarily colloquial vocabulary), which adds emotionality, liveliness, imagery to the text, and conveys the author’s feelings.

7. Frequent means of artistic representation used in the text: personification ( “with every flower that nods its head from under the hazel bush, the play of the night sky”), metaphors ( "sunset turns golden"), adjectives ( "in the white masses of cumulus clouds"), repeat ( “I also had one such summer of discoveries in the wooded and meadow side of Central Russia - a summer full of thunderstorms and rainbows”), epithets ( "warlike rooster crowing").

8. The linguistic features of the text in connection with syntactic constructions are marked by the alternation of complex and simple sentences, when one complex sentence is replaced by two simple ones or vice versa.

Let's consider the second example of conversational style text analysis.

Excerpt from the article:

Borovoye was badly damaged during the war. A good half of the huts were burned. There are almost no livestock left. The gardens were cut down. And what gardens there were! Lovely to look at! The village was deserted. When our people arrived, maybe a sixth of the collective farmers remained in the village, or maybe less. Some left on their own - went to the east, some joined the partisans, and some were driven away by the Krauts to Germany. Oh, that was bad! True, in Borovoye the German was not yet as fierce as in the neighboring villages, but still... What can I say - he ruined the village. And now you won’t recognize Borovoy...

The text style is conversational. Signs of style in this passage:

  1. Lax adherence to literary norms (applies to all language levels).
  2. The use of commonly used vocabulary, against which special words are used that reflect the general mood of the text (The gardens were cut down. And what gardens there were).
  3. Morphology is characterized by:
  • some preference for nouns over verbs and verb forms (Borovoye was badly damaged during the war. A good half of the huts were burned);
  • selective attitude towards pronouns (use of relative, demonstrative: such, as, after all, ours);
  1. Logical presentation is achieved through the transition of connecting units from sentence to sentence (crippled - burned - there was none left - they were cut down - (which ones there were - it’s nice to see) - depopulated - a sixth of them remained - who left - oh, it was bad - though he wasn’t so fierce yet - he ruined the village - you can’t recognize it now).
  2. Expanded complex syntactic structures (As our people arrived, maybe a sixth of the collective farmers remained in the village, or maybe less. Some left on their own - went to the east, some joined the partisans), filled with descriptions and experiences, which is reflected in grammatical constructions - first-person narration, preference in the use of nouns and adjectives over verbs.
  3. Words and phrases related to both book and colloquial vocabulary (knocked out, Fritz, he was angry, it was bad). There are no specific terms in the text. The choice in favor of emotionally expressive expressions and figurative means of language adds emotionality, liveliness, imagery, and well conveys the author’s feelings.
  4. Frequent use of tropes: metaphors (Borovoye was badly maimed) , metonymy and synecdoche (The German has not yet treated Borovoy so fiercely, ruined the village), hyperboles (village deserted), dysphemisms (Krauts, ruined by the Germans).
  5. The linguistic features of the text in the syntax are marked by the alternation of complex and simple sentences, when one complex sentence is replaced by two simple ones or vice versa (The village became deserted. When our people arrived, maybe a sixth of the collective farmers remained in the village, or maybe less. Some left on their own - went to the east, some joined the partisans. Oh, it was bad!).

Thus, the conversational style in terms of the use of linguistic units and semantic content is sharply different (and in many ways contrasted) with book styles.

The conversational style is so different from all others that scientists have even proposed a different name for it - colloquial speech. The conversational style corresponds to the everyday sphere of communication, uses the oral form, allows all types of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylogue), the method of communication here is personal. In the colloquial style, in contrast to the oral form of other styles, deviations from literary pronunciation are quite significant.

The colloquial variety of the literary language is used in various types of everyday relationships between people, subject to ease of communication. Conversational speech is distinguished from bookish and written speech not only by its form, but also by such features as unpreparedness, unplannedness, spontaneity, and direct contact between participants in communication.

The spoken variety of the literary language, unlike the bookish and written one, is not subject to targeted normalization, but it has certain norms as a result of speech tradition. This type of literary language is not so clearly divided into speech genres. However, here, too, various speech features can be distinguished - depending on the conditions in which communication takes place, on the relationship of the participants in the conversation, etc.

Naturally, a lot of everyday vocabulary is used in a conversational style ( kettle, broom, apartment, sink, faucet, cup). Many words have a connotation of disdain, familiarity, condescension ( get pissed off - learn, scald - talk).

In this style, many words acquire a “multicomponent” meaning, which is very clearly seen in the examples: How are you living? –Fine. How did you go? –Fine. Doesn't your head hurt? –Fine. To yousimple hamburger or double? Thissimple socks or synthetic? Please give me a general notebook andsimple .

Gerunds and participles are almost never used in conversational style, but particles are used very often here, well, that means as well as simple, non-union complex and incomplete sentences.

The vocabulary of conversational style is predominantly of everyday content, specific. Conversational style is characterized by economy of speech means (five-story building, condensed milk, utility room, Kat, Van, etc.). Phraseologisms that are expressive and depressing are actively used (like water off a duck's back, play a box that is difficult to lift, play the fool, wash your hands, etc.). Words with different stylistic connotations are used (interweaving of bookish, colloquial, colloquial words) - the Zhiguli car is called “Zhiguli”, “Zhiguli”.

With apparent freedom in choosing words and constructing sentences, the conversational style is characterized by a large number of standard phrases and expressions. This is natural, because Everyday situations (traveling by transport, communicating at home, shopping in a store, etc.) are repeated, and along with them, the linguistic ways of expressing them are consolidated.

32. The concept of artistic style.

Artistic style- functional style of speech, which is used in fiction. A text in this style affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the richness of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech. In this style, the means of artistic expression are varied and numerous. These are tropes: epithets, comparisons, personification, hyperbole, litotes, allegory, metaphor, etc. And stylistic figures: anaphora, epiphora, gradation, parallelism, rhetorical question, silence, etc.

If book styles (scientific, official business, newspaper journalistic, artistic) are used primarily in official settings and in writing and require constant care about the form of expression, then conversational style used in informal settings. The degree of speech preparedness may vary. In everyday conversation, she is usually completely unprepared (spontaneous). And when writing a friendly letter, pre-written drafts can also be used. But this preparedness never reaches the degree that is characteristic of book styles.

All this leads to the fact that the dominant of the conversational style, especially colloquial speech that exists in the oral form of informal personal communication, is to minimize concern about the form of expression of thoughts. And this, in turn, gives rise to a number of linguistic features of the conversational style.

On the one hand, the colloquial style of speech is characterized by a high degree of language standardization. Typical, standard constructions are convenient for spontaneous (unprepared) speech. Each typical situation has its own stereotypes.

For example, etiquette stereotypes include the following phrases: Good afternoon!; Hello!; What's new?; Bye! Stereotypes used in urban transport: Are you leaving next?; in the store - Weigh the oil, three hundred grams etc.

On the other hand, in a relaxed atmosphere, the speaker is not limited by the strict requirements of official communication and can use untyped, individual means.

It should be remembered that spoken language serves not only the purposes of communication, but also the purposes of influence. Therefore, the conversational style is characterized by expressiveness, clarity and imagery.

Among the characteristic features of the conversational style are the following:

Language means Examples
Language level: Phonetics
Incomplete pronunciation type. Grit instead of speaks; hello instead of Hello.
Intonation as one of the main means of expressiveness and organization of speech: rapid changes in intonation, timbre, tempo, play of intonation colors, etc.

The organizing role of intonation in non-union sentences, in sentences with a free connection of parts, etc. ( We walked / it was raining; Subway/here?)

Faster pace when pronouncing greetings, farewells, first names and patronymics ( Tanya, hello!); when expressing motivation, especially when combined with the emotion of irritation. ( Shut up!)

Slow pace with lengthening of vowels while emphasizing conviction - lack of conviction ( Yes. Of course); to express surprise ( - He has already arrived. - Are you here?), etc.

Language level: Vocabulary and phraseology
A large percentage of neutral, specific, commonly used vocabulary. Sofa, bed, sleep, get dressed, faucet.
Neutral colloquial vocabulary. Doctor, usherette, knife, understand.
Some socio-political and general scientific terms, nomenclature names. Revolution, administration, governor, analysis, radiation, bulldozer, excavator.
Emotional-evaluative colloquial vocabulary. Hard worker, headless, poor fellow, parasite.
Standardized figurative means. Metaphors: get stuck in the city; what a bug you are!; phraseological units: bend your back; fill your pocket; hyperbole and litotes: terribly fun; terribly funny; You can go crazy from this computer science; I could eat a bull right now etc.
Interspersed with professionalisms, jargon, colloquial words, etc. We have four today couples. Yes with window. I wouldn't go crazy by the evening!
Language level: Morphology
Frequency of the nominative case compared to other cases. There's a store there/ Groceries// and the entrance is on the left/ under the stairs//
Frequency of personal pronouns, demonstrative pronouns and adverbs, particles. Granny// Played cards with me/ fooling around// We were left... we were left alone/ me/ and her// And also John’s dog, that means// We fed this John/ and then sat down... I ran to her for cigarettes/ and we sat down to play/ the fool// Well, ten games a day// Here//
Lack of gerunds, rare use of participles (only past passive). You gave me a broken chair! Is it sewn or ready-made?
Free handling of tense forms (change of tenses, use of a tense form not in its meaning). And there we met. “Kolya, hello”... And we sit, or rather stand, chatting there, sitting on the bench for literally three hours. As we begin to remember how our bus got stuck, how they pulled us out.
Use of verbal interjections. Jump, jump, walk, bang, fuck.
Language level: Syntax
Short simple sentences, as if strung on top of each other. We lived in the country. We lived at the dacha. We always left early for the dacha. We also had a doctor.
Incomplete sentences, especially those with major clauses missing. - Tea?
- I'll have half a cup.
Restructuring of phrases on the fly, broken structure with interruptions in intonation. Activity of connecting structures, with introductory words and particles. My husband was a soldier. He served in the artillery. Five years. And so. They told him: “Here is a bride for you. Growing. Very good."
Activity of interjection phrases. Oh? What a strength!
Freer word order (words are arranged in the order in which thoughts are formed). In this case, everything important moves to the beginning of the sentence. Well, naturally, we lost money there. Because they were simple workers. I was a turner there.
She handed me such a wicker basket.
He was in Moscow then.

It should be remembered that, on the one hand, almost all norms of colloquial style are optional (optional), and on the other, the features of colloquial speech and colloquial style in general should not be transferred to official oral speech, much less written speech. The use of elements inherent in the conversational style in other styles (journalistic, artistic) must be stylistically justified!

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