Distinguishing sounds sh. Summary of an individual speech therapy lesson on the topic “Differentiation of sounds - in syllables, words, phrases and sentences

Oksana Ryabchenko
Card index of games and tasks for differentiating sounds [S]-[W]

1. "Slam-stomp"

If you hear in a word sound C – clap your hands. What if sound Ш - stamp your foot.

Owl, hat, sofa, dog, gnome, pencil, icicle, ball, clouds, words, awl, drying, sleep, noise, scales, elephant, Masha.

2. Game "Be careful!"







3. Game “Repeat after me!”

Sa-sa-sa, here comes the wasp.

Sha-sha-sha is a Masha doll.

Sy - shi - sy - the cat has a mustache.

Osh - osh - os - there are many wasps above us.

4. "Add a syllable".

The cat has long ears (sy). The girl's name is Yes (sha). Mom cooked delicious ka (shu). Flies over the flower (sa).

5. « Sound analysis of a word» .

6. "Define a place sounds S – Sh in a word» .

7. "Repeat the tongue twister"

The cat sleeps, but sees the mouse.

Cones are on the pine tree, checkers are on the table.

8. Guess the riddles. Name the first one sound in a word(guess)

He sat down and did not harness the horse,

The horse rushed me down the hill.

The horse carried me down the mountain,

I'm dragging my horse up the hill.


I'm sitting astride, I don't know who,

I'll meet a friend, I'll drop off and bring him.


If it rains, we don’t bother, -

Let's splash through the puddles! (boots)

Fluffy snowdrift

Got into it -

And it's warm inside

Covered the body

Sheltered from the frost.

(fur coat)

9. Learn a poem.

The turtle makes everyone laugh

Because he's in no hurry.

Why rush?

Who is always at home?

Good luck everyone!

Publications on the topic:

Abstract of speech therapy GCD on differentiation of sounds [L] - [L’] for children of senior preschool age Goal: strengthening the skills of distinguishing the sounds “L-L” in coherent speech. Objectives: continue to teach how to differentiate sounds by hardness and softness;

Sound differentiation game [С]-[Ш] A game to differentiate the sounds S-Sh in words-names. Many parents notice that the child often confuses the sounds S-Sh in different words in speech.

Card index of articulation exercises for developing the pronunciation of sonorous sounds [l], [l’], [r], [r’] Exercises for sounds [P], [P’] 1. “Scapula” Purpose: to teach the child to keep the tongue wide and relaxed. Description: open your mouth, stick it out.

A card index of pure sayings for all groups of sounds. A card index of pure sayings for all groups of sounds. I often use it as speech exercises and to automate sounds in my speech therapy practice.

Card index of didactic games aimed at automating assigned sounds in preschool children In order for young children to master the necessary skills and abilities, they must be taught this. Didactic games were created to teach children.

A set of thematic tasks for teachers in the middle group to work with children during “correctional hours” A set of thematic tasks for teachers in the middle group to work with children during “correctional hours” Topic: “Vegetables”. 1. Visual.

Synopsis of a frontal lesson in the preparatory group on the differentiation of sounds [s], [sh] Topic: “Tasks from the Riddle Grandmother.” Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Speech development”, “Social and communicative.

Tips for parents on completing speech therapist tasks Memo for parents Tips for parents on completing speech therapist tasks The cooperation of the speech therapist and the family determines the overall success of the correctional program.

Sections: Working with preschoolers


    consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [s], [w] in syllables, words, phrases, in phrasal speech;

    teach children to distinguish these sounds by ear and pronunciation;

    learn to listen carefully to an adult’s speech, recognize the correct and incorrect use of case endings of nouns;

    form phonemic hearing;

    promote the development of speech breathing;

    promote the formation of grammatical structure of speech;

    promote the development of logical thinking and hand motor skills;

    cultivate sensitivity, responsiveness, and a friendly attitude towards others.


    Snowman toy;


    manual for the game “Vases”;

    pictures - snowflakes depicting objects whose names contain the sound [s] or [w];

    manual for breathing exercises “Storm”.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist:- One, two, three, four, five - stand in a circle to play! A new day has come, let's greet it with a smile. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other. We are calm and kind, we are friendly and affectionate.

Take a deep breath through your nose and inhale kindness, beauty, health, and exhale through your mouth all the grievances, anger, and sorrows (Lyrical music sounds.)

Children inhale and exhale three times.

Now, look who came to visit us?

Children: snowman.

II. Alternating pronunciation of sounds [s] - [w].

Speech therapist:- Right. He came to us from the Far North and brought a radiogram. He doesn’t know what weather awaits them in the near future, and you will help him decipher it. (In previous lessons, the word “radiogram” was explained to the children.) The speech therapist hands out cards to the children (Figure 1):

Figure 1.

Children take turns saying: S – Sh – SS – Sh, etc. (Pronounce loudly, quietly, moderately.)

An up arrow indicates that you need to pronounce the sound [w], and a down arrow indicates that you need to pronounce the sound [s].

Speech therapist:- Well done, guys! They correctly deciphered the radiogram: “Blizzards and wind await the Far North.”

III. Exercise to develop facial expressions.

Guys, does the snowman have friends, do you want to know which ones? (Figure 2)

Figure 2.

These are the friends our snowman has!

IV. Differentiation of sounds [s] and [sh] in syllables and words.

Speech therapist:- And now the snowman wants to play with you (d/i “Repeat after me”). Let's show him how attentive we are:

Okay, now on to the pictures:

V. Game "Vases". Coordination of numerals with phrases.

Figure 3.

Speech therapist:- Guys, our snowman was bringing these jugs as a gift to his friends and accidentally broke them.

Help him collect them. (Figure 3)

Children pick up the missing parts.

Now let's count how many jugs there are? And we will count like this: one beautiful jug, two beautiful jugs, etc.

Children count by correctly pronouncing the sounds [s], [w].

VI. Logorhythmic exercise.

Speech therapist:- Well done, guys! Let's try to cheer up the snowman, play with him, otherwise he is very upset because of the broken jugs:

Sha - sha - sha - we walk slowly,
Sa-sa-sa-blue skies,
Shu - shu - shu - I’ll crumble crumbs for the birds,
Su - su - su - and I'll bring some water,
Shi - shi - shi - our children are good,
Sy - sy - sy - we need to hide our noses,
Oshki - oshki - oshki - clap our hands.

Performing movements in accordance with the text.

VII. Breathing exercise “Storm in a glass.”

This game requires a cocktail straw and a glass with Styrofoam crumbs. A hole is made in the lid of the glass into which a cocktail straw is fixed. The child blows through a straw to make the foam crumbs fly up. You should pay attention to ensure that your cheeks do not puff out and your lips do not move.

Speech therapist:- So we warmed up, and our snowman began to melt. What to do?

The children prompt: “Storm.”

VIII. A game to develop phonemic hearing.

Speech therapist:- Oh, guys, how many snowflakes you have inflated. And the snowflakes are magical, with pictures. You need to put snowflakes with the sound [w] in the car, and with the sound [s] in the sleigh. Pictures on snowflakes:

  • horse, mouse, pear, cup, bear, sock, bus, cactus, sled, scales, etc.

IX. Didactic game “Is this correct?”

Speech therapist:- And the snowman came up with a game for you because you didn’t let him melt. It's called "Is This Right?" The snowman will tell you the wrong phrases, and you will have to say them correctly.

The girl eats porridge. A boy reads a book. A man drinks tea. A woman goes to the store. The cat is sitting on a chair. The mouse climbed into the closet. Mom sews an elegant dress for her daughter. Father reads a book to children.

X. Didactic game “Say a word.”

Speech therapist: - Also, our snowman is a big joker. Listen to what he came up with:

Speech therapist: - Guys, now let’s teach the snowman and tell him a simple truth about our tongue:

Tongue up: sha-sha-sha,
Porridge, pies, noodles.
Tongue down: sa - sa - sa,
Sugar, butter, sausage.

XI. Bottom line.

Speech therapist: - Well done, guys! Did you enjoy playing with the snowman? What do you remember most? You answered well, played, the snowman also really liked it, and for this he gives you magic ice cubes ("Chupa-chups" lollipops). It's time for him to return to the North. The snowman says goodbye.

This speech material does not contain other sounds from the groups of whistling and hissing sounds, since they are most often disrupted along with this sound. If you also have other sounds impaired (for example, [р], [р"], [л], [л"]), it is also advisable to exclude words with them from the material for automation.

We remind you that in a closed syllable (closed syllables are called “vowel+consonant”) the letter Ж is pronounced as the sound [Ш], for example: we write - "spoon", "uZh", we pronounce - "LoShka", "USH". Combinations of the letters CHT and CHN are pronounced [SHT] and [SHN]; examples: we write - "What", we pronounce - "WHAT", we write - "Certainly", we pronounce - "Of course".

sha-sa sho-so shu-su shi-sy she-se
sa-sha so-sho su-shu sy-shi se-she
ash-as osh-os ush-us ish-ys esh-es
as-ash os-osh us-ush ys-ysh es-esh
yash-yas yosh-yos yush-yus ish-is yosh-yes
yas-yash yos-yosh yus-yush is-ish es-yosh

Hat-cod, decide-hew, interfere-write, horse-landing, naughty-salute, miner-sapper, hut-salad, sage-napkin, bag-line, inch-sand, rustle-forty, thong-sock, mouse- sleepy, joke-day, writing-carrying, make noise-make noise, noisy-bag, plow-pass, dance-dancer, sewn-well-fed, wide-cheese, awl-strength, mice-rats, thorn-rash, decided-asked.

Your-you, porridge-helmet, shirt-sausage, our-us, tower-fable, arable-pasta, scary-red, penny-growing, went-growing, Yashka-clear, reed-kumys, stick-chandelier, pawns- songs, bear-bowl, swift-rice, bags-of-revenge, cherry-hanging, rhymes-vice.

Hat-slush, bumblebee-dared, curtains-guard, sleepers-slept.

Sasha, land, drying, pole, six, over, wool, prank, rush, rustle, listen, hear, Sashenka, senior, scary, sun, glass, highway, laugh, laugh, make me laugh, hurry, dry, make you laugh, hurry, poem, funny, carry, smile, successfully, fragrant, fluffy, obedient, little son, coward, old lady.

Sasha has a car. Sasha has sandals. Sasha walked with the old woman. Pasha is a coward, he’s scared. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Cats sit on the window and look at the sun. The cockerel got scared and fell from the roof onto the pole. Through the colored glass I look at the sun. Six kittens are hungry. The jays and cuckoos made noise at the edge of the forest. Cars rush noisily along the highway. The fishermen in the hut woke up. They took the nets off the poles and carried the oars to the boats.

Learn poetry by heart.

I am my brother Lyosha
I wiped my galoshes with a rag.
So that the cat doesn’t follow,
I sewed boots for the cat.

Cheerful old lady
She's been sewing all day today.
On a round reel
A fluffy cat is looking.
The old lady is tired of sewing
And she sat down at the gate,
And with a round reel
The cat started to play.
(K. Stewart)

Gray rogue.

Misha had a cat - a gray rogue. The cat has a fluffy tail and soft fur. He himself is gray and striped. The cat's voice is affectionate.
Misha gave him milk and porridge. The cat didn’t like porridge and asked for meat. The cat was lazy and did not catch mice. The mice weren't afraid of him at all. It was good for the mice. It was good for the rogue too. He sleeps sweetly and drinks milk. He will jump onto the window and warm his back in the sun.

Fox and jug
(fairy tale).

A woman went out into the field to mow and hid a jug of milk in the bushes. A fox approached the jug. She stuck her head into the jug and lapped up the milk. But here’s the problem: he can’t get his head out of the jug. The fox says: “The jug was joking, that’s enough, let go!” The jug is not far behind. The fox got angry: “You don’t understand in a good way, I’ll drown you.” The fox began to drown a jug in the river. Yes, the jug drowned along with the fox.

We wish you success!

Exercise.Say the words in pairs.

Ensure correctness WITH And Sh.



naughty salute

hut salad

fishing line bag

fluff piece

toe strap





I write and carry


rat mice

decided and asked


ours-we have


sausage shirt



roof rat

cash register


Exercise.Speak out sentences. Make sure that WITH And Sh don't get confused! Slowly.

Sanya eats potatoes. Sonya hurries to school. The school is large and bright. A rat rustles in the bushes. Masha has made cherry syrup. I ate a sweet chocolate bar. Grandfather is sitting in a wide chair. The squirrel has a bushy tail. Cars are rushing quickly across the bridge. A thick rosehip bush grows near the bench. Shura and Sveta are playing checkers. Pasha and Kostya are playing the puck with their sticks.

S-Sh in one word

Sasha, Sashenka, little son, old lady, sunshine, funny, dry land, drying, senior, dry, make laugh, hurry, listen, scary, pole, wool, prank, rustle, six, fragrant, fluffy, coward, silent.

Exercise.Speak out sentences.

Sasha has a car. Sasha has sandals.Sasha walked with the old woman. Pasha is a coward, he’s scared. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Cats sit on the window and bask in the sun. Through the colored glass I look at the sun. Six kittens are hungry. Long live scented soap and fluffy towels!

Pure talk

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

I got a bruise on my forehead.

Six little mice rustle in a hut.

Sasha was given porridge

and for Masha some yogurt.

Checkers on the table

cones on a pine tree.

Sasha loves sushi, and Sonya loves cheesecakes.

Scared of the bear cub

hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog,

siskin with siskin and little siskin,

a swift with a swift and a haircut.

Too many legs

in centipedes.

Rain, rain, no rain.

Don't rain, wait.

Come out, come out, sunshine

Golden bottom.


Got cocky, got cocky

Bully cockerel.

A bully somewhere in a fight

The comb was torn off.

He walks without a comb.

Doesn't look like a rooster!

A squirrel dropped a cone

The squirrel dropped a cone.

The cone hit the bunny.

He took off running

I almost knocked the bear off his feet.

Under the roots of an old spruce

the bear thought for half a day:
“Somehow the hares have become bolder,

are attacking me."

Sly hedgehog

Sly hedgehog - eccentric

I sewed a scratchy jacket.

A hedgehog will put a needle on it

pear, plum, any fruit,

whatever he finds under the tree.

And with a gift to the rich

will hurry to his hedgehogs.


I walked through the forest and was afraid.

I came across someone's scarf.

Immediately the forest became less scary.

Hey, who lost the scarf?

Why are you, hedgehog, so prickly?
- This is me just in case.
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears!

Where are the clasps?

Summer in a zoo cage

The little bear is very hot.

Good in this heat

take off your fur clothes.

He is looking for a clasp

to take off clothes.

About the cat

The cat sat on the window,

purred in her sleep.

What did you dream about, cat?

Tell me soon!

and the cat said:


Speak more quietly.

I dreamed of mice,

Not one, but three.

In the silence of the forest

Whisper rushes to Rustle.

Whisper rushes to Rustle.

Whispers rustle through the forest.

Cheerful old lady

Cheerful old lady

She's been sewing all day today.

Behind the round reel

A fluffy cat is watching.

The old lady is tired of sewing

And she sat down at the gate.

And with a round reel

The cat started to play.

Cat Fluff

The cat fluff jumped onto the chair.

He curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

The cat Fluffy is very tired.

He played with his tail all day.

The rain came and went,

The sun in the whole world.

This is very good

Both adults and children!


I love my horse.

I'll brush her fur smoothly.

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

At the toy store

Lying on a shelf, standing on a shelf

Elephants and dogs, camels and wolves,

Fluffy cats, harmonicas,

And ducks, and pipes, and matryoshka dolls.


There is darkness everywhere, silence everywhere.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?

The fox trail leads to the hole,

dog trail - to the kennel,

the squirrel's trail leads to the hollow,

Myshkin - to the hole in the floor.

It’s a pity that it’s in the river on the water

there are no traces of you anywhere.

Only darkness, only silence.

Fish, fish, where do you sleep?


Rain, rain, no rain,

Don't rain, wait.

Come out, come out, sunshine.

Golden Bottom


All Oksanka's whims

Let's put it in a big sleigh,

We'll take you to a distant forest

And we’ll leave it there by the tree,

Let the evil wolves eat them!


Squirrel from a branch to his little house

dragged the cone.

The squirrel dropped a pine cone

hit the bear right.

The bear groaned and groaned -

a saber jumped up on his nose.

Sounds Z-Z



rose mug

goat skin






basket spring



Poems to reinforce the given sounds


Golden spring day

We sing a loud song.

And the beetles are buzzing in the grass,

Animals are crawling out of their holes.

The bunny crawled out of the bushes.

He is always ready to jump.

A slippery snake crawls out,

Toads jump from puddles.

Mom needs to rest.

Mom wants to sleep.

I'm walking on tiptoes

I won't wake her.

And never, and never

I won't say a word.


The hare slept in the forest and did not bother anyone.

Suddenly something fell on his back.

The little coward ran, trembling with fear.

And somewhere in the bushes I disturbed a hedgehog.

And then the frightened bunny shouted:

Save yourself, who can, trouble has happened!

Exercise.Speak out sentences.

Near the puddle is a green toad. Bronze beetles hover over the roses. Zoya has a yellow rubber bunny. Zina lights the stove. Uncle Zhora cuts iron. Zoya loves golden gooseberry jelly. For aspic you need gelatin.

Exercise.Speak out sentences.

The foal ran into the yard and neighed. Zakhar loads the gun. Zhenya deserved the award. I held an iron nail in my hand. The dog lay and licked his paw. We tied Bug to the booth so she wouldn't run away. The iron saw screeched, the iron hammer began to knock. A green moth landed on a yellow stem. Near the puddle. Bronze beetles buzzed over the roses. Zoya has a yellow rubber bunny. Uncle Zhora cuts iron. Zoya loves gooseberry jelly. For aspic you need gelatin.


Exercise.Speak out sentences.

Oksana has a plush giraffe and a wind-up mouse. Yellow roses stand near the bookcase. Zhenya rides a bunny and a dog in a yellow car. Sasha and Zhanna ran after Masha. There are yellow daisies near the bushes. Behind the fence are jasmine and rose hips. At Sveta’s birthday party, the children ate ice cream, chocolate and watermelon.

Poems to reinforce the given sounds


The puppy was fed milk

May he grow up healthy.

Got up at night and secretly

They ran to him barefoot -

He should feel his nose.

The boys taught the puppy,

We were playing with him in the garden,

And he, slightly upset

Walked on lead.

Sly hedgehog

Sly weird hedgehog

I sewed a scratchy jacket.

All covered in needles, without fasteners.

A hedgehog will put a needle on it

pear, plum, any fruit,

whatever he finds under the tree.

And with a gift to the rich

will hurry to his hedgehogs.

Quiet fairy tale

You will read this fairy tale

quiet, quiet, quiet...

Once upon a time there was a gray hedgehog

and his hedgehog.

The gray hedgehog was very quiet

And the hedgehog too.

And they had a child -

very quiet hedgehog.

One worm got into the acorn

And he won't eat it.

Who got in where, tell me?

Who won't eat whom?

Is it an acorn or a worm?

Ugh, what nonsense!

One worm got into the acorn

And he won't eat it.


To the clearing to the meadow

A snowball is falling quietly.

The snowflakes have settled down,

White fluff.

But suddenly a breeze blew,

Our snowball started spinning.

All the fluffs are dancing,

White snowflakes.


Mouse in a green circle

I cooked millet porridge.

There are a dozen kids

Waiting for dinner.

Everyone got a spoonful.

Not a speck left!

In the forest

I've been walking in the forest since morning.

I was completely wet from the dew.

But now I know

about birch and moss.

About raspberries, blackberries,

about the hedgehog t about the hedgehog,

who have hedgehogs

all the needles are shaking.

Winter song

White lawn.

Warm sweatshirt,

I'll go skiing.

Catch me!

White carpet,

Wait a little.

Who's following the bush there?

Hare or cat?

Eggplant and tomato

An eggplant and a tomato were arguing in the garden about which of them was more beautiful and tastier. When they were ready, the owner took them to the market. At the market they lay side by side and argued again about which of them would be bought first.

One buyer bought the eggplant and tomato at once. In the buyer's wallet, they again argued about which of them would be eaten more quickly. And in the kitchen they made a sauce from eggplant and tomatoes.

So they never found out which of them was more beautiful and tastier.

Summary of individual speech therapy classes for 2nd grade

Topic: Differentiation of sounds [С]-[Ш].

Target: teach to differentiate the sounds [s] and [w] in syllables, words, sentences.


Correctional educational: consolidation of the correct pronunciation of sounds [s] and [sh]; differentiation of sounds [s] and [sh] according to acoustic and articulatory features in syllables and words, sentences; identifying them when conducting sound-syllable analysis of words.

Correctional and developmental: development of fine and articulatory motor skills, development of phonemic hearing and auditory attention, improvement of grammatical standing of speech, enrichment of students' vocabulary and stimulation of children to complete speech utterances through various training exercises and educational games.

Correctional and educational: developing the ability to listen and clearly follow the instructions of the speech therapist; formation of control over one’s own speech, cultivation of positive motivation for educational activities.

Equipment: thematic pictures, task cards, mirror, notebook and pen.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment


II. Main stage

    Articulation gymnastics

    Breathing exercises

    Announcing the topic of the lesson

    Training exercises

III. Summing up the lesson

IV. Homework


Child activity


I. Organizational moment

Schoolboy Pasha writes

Hat, puck, porridge

Mouse, midge, joke,

Chess, little bear.

And now in another poem:

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests,

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.

Says hello, identifies the sounds Sh, S.

II. Main stage

Articulation gymnastics

Let's remember what you need to do in order to pronounce these sounds correctly.

We begin our exercises for the tongue and lips:



    “Pancake” count to 5/ cooled down,

    “Brush your teeth” (from the inside at the top/bottom; from the outside), press your tongue to the lower teeth,

    “Cup” (count to 10),

    “Delicious jam” (5 times),

    "Painter" (5 times),


A child does articulatory gymnastics.

Breathing exercises

What else is needed to ensure that the sounds of our speech sound correctly and are understandable to others? Breathe correctly:

1. “Coachman”: the speech therapist and the child take turns playing the role of a horse (clack) and a coachman (with their lips closed they say “whoa-whoa”) - we develop the power of exhalation.

2. “Warming our hands”: we blow on our palms, changing the force of exhalation.

The child does breathing exercises.

Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Today we will distinguish between the sounds S and Sh.

The child gives an affirmative answer.

Analysis of sound articulation

Characteristics of sounds

    Let's remember how these sounds are made and give them a description:

Say the sound [s]

“Snake Song” - SHSH.

Now let's characterize these sounds: (common - consonants, voiceless, paired; difference - the sound S - can be hard and soft, and the sound Ш - always hard).

What letters represent these sounds? Let's name them and write them: the letter [es] and the letter [sha].

The child listens and makes sounds.

The sound “C” is the lips in a smile, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower front teeth, a cold stream of air flows through the middle of the tongue. Vocal folds don't work.

The sound “SH” - the lips are extended forward, the tongue takes the shape of a cup, located at the top, in the middle of the tongue there is a warm air stream of air. Vocal folds don't work. We'll show you

The child gives a description of the sound [S] - consonant, voiced, hard.

The child gives a description of the sound [Ш] - consonant, deaf, always hard.

The child names and writes sounds.

Mirror, notebook, pen

S-Sh differentiation in syllables

1. Game “Old and young parrot”: repeat after me like a parrot:

You made a wonderful young parrot!

2. Now we read the syllables by

table from left to right:

3. Try to repeat after me the simple sayings:

SA-SA-SA - a fox lives under a pine tree.

SHA-SHA-SHA - we walk slowly.

SU-SU-SU - I bring honey to Sonya.

SHU-SHU-SHU - we are preparing porridge.

SO-SO-SO - the car has a wheel.

SHO-SHO-SHO - very good in summer.

SY-SY-SY - we are not afraid of wasps.

You did great!

The child repeats.

The child is reading.

The child repeats.

Table with syllables

S-Sh differentiation in words

4. If I say a word with the sound [c], you should lower your handles down, and if I say a word with the sound [w], you raise your handles up:


You are very attentive! Good girl!

5. Let’s compare pairs of words by sound and meaning:

Card No. 1







6. Now please write in the missing letters and name the extra word:

Card No. 2

...ashka, we...i, kry...a, bir...a, ma...ina, katu...ka.

Play this

a number of words from memory (in forward and reverse order).

It was a difficult task and you did it well!

7.Complete the word by adding the syllable SA or SHA:

Card No. 3

li-..., ka-.., ko-.., su-.., roof-..., kole-..., flask-..., but-..., ro-....

Did a great job!

8. Children choose pictures whose names contain the sounds [С, Ш], arrange them into two groups and determine the place of the sound in the word (the child is presented with the pictures).

Well done!

9. You must answer all questions with a complete answer:

Who lifts the barbell? (weightlifter)

Who plays chess? (chess player)

Who plays hockey? (hockey player)

Who drives the trains? (driver)

Who drives the taxi? (taxi driver)

Who plays the piano? (pianist)

Who plays the guitar? (guitarist).

What words did we come up with (taxi - taxi driver, guitar - guitarist)? - single-rooted.

10. Confusion rhymes:

Help them put sounds and words back into place and pronounce the rhymes correctly.

The cat catches the "bowl"

Mom washes the mouse.

In front of the kids

The “Rat” is being painted by painters.

A fireman wears a "porridge"

Sasha ate "helmet".

Misha dances in a "mashka"

The candy was given to the “mask”.

You did it!

The child raises/lowers his arms.

The child explains the meaning of the words.

The child completes the task.

The child completes the task.

The child arranges the pictures into two piles.

The child answers.

The child restores the correct order of sounds and words.

Task card

Task card, notebook, pen

Task card

Subject pictures

S-Sh differentiation in sentences

11.Change the phrases according to the example:

Card No. 4

You wear - I wear

You're in a hurry -

Are you sleeping -

You draw -

You are pouring -

You sow -

I wear - you wear

I ask -

I'm in a hurry -

I draw -

I'm pouring -

12.Make up word combinations by selecting words from the second column that match the words in the first column:

Card No. 5

Merry Highway

Clear shepherdess

dry sun

Interesting cat

Gray journey

You chose everything correctly!

13. Come up with sentences with these phrases:

Card No. 6

Delicious noodles, fragrant lily of the valley, sledding, washing in the shower.

You made some wonderful complete sentences!

The child completes the task.

The child completes the task.

The child completes the task.

Task cards

III. Lesson summary

What sounds did we distinguish today?

Let's repeat the rule.

What did you like about the lesson?

How do you evaluate your work (if everything worked out, raise your right hand up, if not everything worked out, right hand to chest level, if nothing worked out, lower your right hand down).

Tongue up...shh.

Tongue down...ssss.

The child answers.

The child evaluates himself.

IV. Homework

Write the sentences by inserting the missing letters:

Kuku...ka ve...elo cuckoos. Sa...and not...et gr...u. Pa...tu...ok...go home. Se...tra...sewed Sa...e shirt...ku.

Table with syllables

Card No. 1


Card No. 2

...ashka, we...i, kry...a, bir...a, ma...ina, katu...ka.

Card No. 3

li-..., ka-.., ko-.., su-.., roof-..., kole-..., flask-..., but-..., ro-....

Card No. 4

You wear - I wear

You're in a hurry -

Are you sleeping -

You draw -

You are pouring -

You sow -

I wear - you wear

I ask -

I'm in a hurry -

I draw -

I'm pouring -

Card No. 5

Merry Highway

Clear shepherdess

dry sun

Interesting cat

Gray journey

Card No. 6

Delicious noodles, fragrant lily of the valley, sledding, washing in the shower.

Write the sentences by inserting the missing letters:

Kuku...ka ve...elo cuckoos. Sa...and not...et gr...u. Pa...tu...ok...go home. Se...tra...sewed Sa...e's shirt...ku.

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