Where to start learning English. Self-study of English

I understand that learning English is not that easy.

Many spend years and still do not reach the desired level. Only a few people speak English fluently, although the benefits of this are obvious to everyone.

Luckily, using the right techniques can speed up your learning process significantly! I will share with you a list of 30 lifehacks that I used while learning English. They are guaranteed to improve your language in no time.

What's the secret?

The main thing in learning a language is regular practice and maximum “immersion” in the language. Think for yourself: after all, young children learn to communicate in their native language without dictionaries and lessons. Likewise, to learn effectively, you need to literally surround yourself with language.

But first...

Get rid of prejudices

  1. Is it possible to learn English only as a child? In fact, numerous studies show that adults learn language even easier than children!
  2. Do you have a bad memory? If you're just starting to learn a language, I have good news for you: you only need to learn the 25 most commonly used words to understand 25% of all written text! It will take about 100 words to understand half of it. Surely you can remember a hundred words?
  3. Don't have time? Firstly, in learning English, it is not the duration, but the frequency of classes that is important. Secondly, this is usually just an excuse: can't you carve out half an hour a day to achieve your goal?

Practice English without even noticing it

On all my devices I changed the interface language to English
  1. Change the interface language of your mobile phone, computer and other devices to English. This way you will learn some new words and expressions and get used to interacting with English text.
  2. Place stickers with their names on all objects in the house. You will be surprised how many items there are in your apartment whose names you don’t know. Label names on room doors, appliances, furniture, cabinets, and even cereal boxes.
  3. Read and memorize the words of your favorite songs and sing along to them! The Genius website contains not only words, but also explanations of the meaning of individual phrases of almost all popular songs.

Expand your English vocabulary

Google Images is a great way to remember new words and expressions
  1. When you are looking for a translation of an unfamiliar word, not only look it up in the dictionary, but also type it into Google image search. Very often, pictures will give you a much better idea of ​​the meaning of a word than a text description. Of course, this method works best for nouns that describe specific things.
  2. For all new words, try to find out their sound. Just type the words into Google Translate and click the “Listen” icon at the bottom of the text field. Usually it is enough to hear the pronunciation of a word once to remember it.
  3. Install apps on your smartphone that will teach you a few words every day. Try easyten, Duolingo or the more feature-rich Anki.
  4. If you already understand enough English text, use an English-English dictionary instead of an English-Russian one.

By the way, we have a simple .

  1. Watch recordings of English-language TV shows on YouTube. They are short and funny. Try it Conan O'Brien show or Stephen Colbert.
  2. Search YouTube for recordings of speeches from conferences that interest you. Speakers usually speak clearly, but in a lively manner. Shameless plug: take a look my speech at the 500 Startups demo day 😇
  3. Video tutorials can also be interesting. The main thing is to find something that is not boring! I like English Lessons with Alex.
  4. Films and TV series in English have been written about many times already, but not in vain! Watch depending on the level with Russian or English subtitles, or without them at all. Have you watched “Silicon Valley” yet?

Read in English

Vogue in the original is wonderful
  1. If your level is still low, read books for young children. They are short and written in simple language.
  2. Read English-language comics, preferably popular ones - about Batman, Superman, etc. They are also short, and the pictures help you understand what is happening.
  3. Did you know that there is Wikipedia in plain English? The articles in it are written with simplified grammar and vocabulary. Read about subjects that interest you, or start with selected articles.
  4. Read foreign magazines or articles from their websites that interest you. My choice is The New Yorker and Vogue 😊
  5. As for books, start with those that you have already read in Russian. By the way, translations of books from Russian into English are usually written in simpler English than the original English-language books.

Listen to English speech

BBC News is a great example of a standard English accent
  1. Be sure to listen to native speakers, even if you are just starting to learn the language. The important thing here is not so much to understand everything as to get used to its sound and rhythm. Don't worry, you will gradually begin to understand what is being said.
  2. Watch or listen to news recordings, preferably BBC and CNN. Newscasters speak with a standard accent (British for the BBC and American for CNN).
  3. Turn on English speech (same news) in the background. Unconsciously, you will get used to it and catch frequently occurring phrases.

Speak English

Sometimes I have to speak English in front of huge halls
  1. First, find someone you can practice with often! Constant communication practice is needed.
  2. Take advantage of language exchange: practice English by teaching your native language in exchange. The best platform for this is the italki website.
  3. Look for speaking clubs in your city. But remember: for them to be of any use, you need to take the initiative and not only listen to others, but also speak more yourself!
  4. The most effective option remains lessons with a professional teacher and native speaker. He must have a good accent, because you will unknowingly adopt it. To save time, choose (plus, they are usually cheaper).
  5. When you have a chance, just start talking! And no “sorry for my English”. The interlocutor will appreciate your desire and will happily forgive you your mistakes without unnecessary requests. Apologizing will only add to the awkwardness, especially for yourself.

Immerse yourself in an English-speaking environment

I learned English where it is spoken - in Miami and London
  1. When planning a holiday abroad, think about an English-speaking country - England, USA, Malta, Canada or Australia.
  2. Live abroad with other people. Instead of a hotel, rent a room on Airbnb or Homestay.
  3. Well, I won’t tire of repeating that nothing will give you such progress as language courses in the country where it is spoken! Head to . You can go there with any language level and at any age.

Many people don’t even think about the possibility of learning a language abroad, but in vain! - it’s effective, very interesting, and not nearly as expensive as is commonly believed.

Your turn

I tried to collect in this article all the tricks and tricks with which I improved my English.

What secrets help you learn a language? Share in the comments!


I almost forgot!

“The greatest of all myths is the one that promises a magic formula for instant success.”

Everyone knows that in order to achieve great results, you need to work hard. Success does not come immediately; you need to go to it for a long time, overcoming obstacles from the outside, as well as fighting your own qualities such as laziness and fear.

Learning a foreign language is a long and painstaking task. Many people expect immediate results and, of course, are disappointed. You need strong motivation to learn a language. It's different for everyone.

Selecting a foreign language

Many people wonder which foreign language to learn, and in the end they try to choose based on its ease. This means that you do not have a specific goal, and you will not get further than memorizing the lyrics of the song.

Basically, in many countries knowledge of the English language is required. All of us studied it at school. It is quite simple in both grammar and pronunciation (unlike, for example, French). Moreover, in our language and in English there are many similar words.

Which language is best to start learning depends on the country, employer requirements, and many other factors. One important thing to remember here is that there is not a single person in the world who cannot learn a foreign language.

Why do you need English?

This is the first question you should ask yourself before you start learning English on your own. Although it seems trivial, it is very important for further training planning.

Many people take courses, and at one point they may face a problem such as an unwillingness to continue studying. You are tired at work, the courses are located on the other side of the city - these are all reasons to feel sorry for yourself and stay at home.

Only you yourself can find the motivation that will help you in this difficult, but very interesting task. If you want a big salary, get a prestigious job abroad, or go to study in another country, you need to learn English.

What's the best way to start learning English? Find goals, without it you will never achieve any results. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is answer a few questions for yourself:

  • why do I need this language?
  • what goals do I want to achieve?
  • How will speaking a language help me achieve my goals?

When you answer these questions, you will understand how to force yourself to learn a foreign language. You will have strong motivation, anticipation of victory, and achieving a goal that you have long dreamed of.

You must clearly know why you are learning a language. This is important for those who are learning the language from scratch and for those who want to improve their knowledge. Answers must be specific. “Just in case”, “for the future”, “for everything” - does not work. After all, we cannot learn just like that; it negatively affects our emotional side.

The choice must be reasonable and conscious. The decision must be rational; this is the only way it can resist laziness and apathy, which often creep in for various reasons.

Only motivation helps you start learning a language correctly and bring it to a victorious end. Think about it, why do you need all this? What role does learning play in achieving goals? If it’s secondary, maybe there are other ways to achieve what you want?

Where to start learning English?

Once you have decided why exactly you need English, you must clearly define the period during which you must master a certain part. Don't exaggerate your capabilities. If you are learning a language from scratch, do not set yourself global goals - to learn it perfectly within a year. However, goals should not be small, otherwise you simply will not have enough motivation.

Another important point is responsibility. You should remember that you have only two options - learn the language or lose this battle. When you accept responsibility, you will understand:

- the thoughts “I’m not smart”, “I don’t have money for classes” are just excuses. The main thing is desire, and there is always a solution to the problem;

- you made a conscious decision, which means that in case of failure you can only blame yourself;

- and the last thing: which path to choose is up to you, no one else will help you with this.

Where to start learning a foreign language? With faith in your strength, with anticipation of victory. It is important to know and understand why you need it, and only after that the training will go in the right direction and be as effective as possible.

Simple tips for those who want to learn English on their own

In order for learning English to bring a lot of positive emotions, you should know some secrets. For example, make a list of activities that bring you only pleasure. If you like music, you can read a book in English with it.

Determine a clear time when you will study. If you find it difficult to do this, look for a solution that will help you find a few hours of free time.

Realize the values ​​for which you are learning English. This will increase your motivation.

Think about what knowledge of the English language will give you, what you will achieve thanks to it.

How to become a polyglot?

  1. Study correctly. Of course, it is necessary to memorize a large number of words, but it should be done correctly. Even in your native language, you do not use all the words you know, and many you do not know at all. It's the same in any other language. On average, in an English text, 65% of the total material is about 300 words.
  2. Don't stop training for any reason. Otherwise, you will begin to feel sorry for yourself and increasingly put them off for later. In the end, you will achieve nothing.
  3. Believe in yourself. Everyone can learn as many languages ​​as they want. Laziness and fear are the main obstacles to self-development and improvement.
  4. Look for related words. To say that you will learn a language from scratch is actually incorrect, because every language has related words.
  5. Remember words using associations (mnemonics). Come up with a story associated with a word or phrase, and it will always pop up in your memory when needed.
  6. Don't dwell on mistakes. Many people do not speak a foreign language because they are afraid of pronouncing a word or constructing a sentence incorrectly. Love your mistakes, laugh at them.
  7. Find friends in the country whose language you want to learn. Training with a native speaker is a very effective technique. In addition, today there are many opportunities to do this, such as the Skype program.
  8. There are many free resources where you can easily train your knowledge. You don't have to go to a tutor and pay a lot of money.


Our life is too short to waste it on laziness and idleness. You need to achieve, strive for more, better, working hard, without giving yourself a reason for relaxation and apathy. Many great people, before achieving their main goal, worked hard and believed in what they were doing.

Where to start learning English on your own is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Some people prefer to watch films or TV shows without translation, some read fiction or specialized literature, others simply try to think and translate everything around them into English.

The main thing is to believe in yourself and in your strengths, and then no laziness or apathy will be able to take possession of you and lead you astray in achieving the goal of your whole life.

Today it’s time to ask yourself not the question “Why do you need to learn English?”, but “Where to start learning English?” if you don’t know it yet. In this article, we tried to collect useful tips to give a clear answer. The information is aimed at those who are interested in independent study, but will be useful for all students in general.

Let's immediately agree that we will proceed from the fact that you already have a minimum level of English. This means no advice like “Learn your ABCs” or “First of all, understand the difference between a and the.” So, here are the most important tips you should heed if your English language skills leave much to be desired.

Learn the Basics

It would seem obvious, but rarely does anyone follow the rule. Mainly because it seems humiliating. Put your ego aside and learn what you need to know so you don't always have to go back to the basics.

Basic grammar

In English, there are eight main parts of speech that can be used to form complete sentences: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, interjection and conjunction.

There are much more temporary forms than in Russian, but the basic ones are enough for a confident start. And over time, you will see that the carriers themselves do not use all of them.

There are also basic points that you simply must know. For example, when should you use any and when should you use some? What is the difference between in, to, on and at?

Basic spelling

Even many native English speakers have problems with spelling, what can we say about us? Very often words are written differently from how they are pronounced. And there is no easier way to make progress here than by reading and writing.

Correct pronunciation

Many people like to put off this task until the last minute, focusing more on reading and writing exercises. But the problem is that later it may be too late to relearn. Start by at least pronouncing 100-200 words correctly.

Learn frequently used words

There are different opinions regarding how many words a beginner in English needs to learn: 200, 250, 300, 1000, 2000, 2500 or 5000. It's more a matter of the time you have. But we recommend finding several resources on the Internet with the most popular English words.

Many people believe that this limits their options, but this is not the case. The main thing in the English language is not the words, but the structures that can be built from them. So learn what is necessary, perfect their pronunciation and spelling, and then focus on grammar.

Remember irregular verbs

This is the very bitter pill that needs to be swallowed and preferably as early as possible, so as not to waste your valuable mental energy and stop reproaching yourself.

It is believed that more than half of the mistakes that people make when using English are associated with the incorrect use of irregular verbs.

Many students have been talking about irregular verbs with fear or hatred for several years. But why bother if you can memorize them in a few days and just use them when needed?

Translate books

Of course, you shouldn't take on Galsworthy or Joyce. Take something simpler, maybe even adapted ones.

Here are some more benefits that come from reading and translating literature:

  • Improves spelling: The spelling of some words in English defies any logic. It's better to just memorize them. And if the book is also interesting, then this process turns into an exciting game.
  • Increases vocabulary: This will inevitably happen. Yes, a small part will be forgotten after some time, but many of them will be etched in the memory and will remain there forever.
  • Helps to study collocations - grammatically and lexically correct phrases. For example, English speakers say "high temperature" rather than "tall temperature". The exercises are good and useful, but if you also translate the book and see specific live examples, learning happens much faster.

Where to start? First you need to consider several parameters:

  • Year the book was written. You probably shouldn't read 16th century literature if you're just starting to learn English. Start with something more modern.
  • Text complexity. Take the book you want to read and translate. How many unfamiliar words are on one page? If it’s more than 30%, then perhaps it’s not time for it yet.
  • Your age and level of knowledge. It is important to honestly answer yourself what level of English you are at, because many people worry when they take a book that is too difficult.
  • Format. It can be an e-book or paper. In the first case, it is desirable that there be a PDF format - with illustrations. Decide in advance how you will keep notes and notes.

Here is a list of fiction books that can be translated with basic knowledge of grammar and a small vocabulary:

  • "Theatre" Somerset Maugham.
  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
  • “For Whom the Bell Tolls” Ernest Hemingway.
  • "Harry Potter" by Joanne Rowling.
  • “The Catcher in the Rye” by Jerome Salinger.

What is the point of translating books? In context. These are not isolated phrases from textbooks (although they are very useful). You can translate the book, then put it aside for a month, and then re-read it again. It turns out that most of the words are already familiar, because they were repeated many times in the text in different situations.

Translating a book is a complex and lengthy process. So be patient and get started. Experiment with genres to expand your vocabulary from different sources.

We also recommend that you translate film scripts that can be downloaded on the Internet without problems. A huge amount of spoken language will help you learn idioms, slang and simply show in which situation which word is appropriate.

Create a curriculum

Why is this advice being given only now? Because to draw up a plan you need to have at least a small idea of ​​where to go. After all, you want to start learning English on your own, which means you need to collect all the necessary information.

A curriculum is usually a table where you determine what you will study and when. For example, on Monday it’s grammar, on Tuesday it’s pronunciation, on Wednesday it’s vocabulary building.

It's important to stick to the plan no matter what happens. The main problem with most people learning English is that they take “pauses” that last for several months. As a result, you have to repeat everything that you managed to forget. Therefore, you need persistence, patience, discipline and motivation. The curriculum implies them.

The following tips are not as extensive as the previous ones, but can give you a fresh perspective on learning English.

  • Practice the four basic skills: reading, writing, speaking, listening. Many experts in teaching English (as well as other) languages ​​agree that these are four different worlds. You can learn to translate written text and even speak, but without listening comprehension it will be very difficult.
  • Keep a notebook for new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try saying them three times before writing them down.
  • Practice every day. Even if there is a lot of work and other things to do today, schedule at least 15-20 minutes. For example, repeat words or rules.
  • Take our course on and. The first will help you remember words better using mnemonics, while the second will give you a lot of valuable advice, especially for those who have just started studying.
  • Test yourself constantly. This is the best way to consolidate knowledge.
  • Create an environment where you want, not feel forced, to learn.
  • Regularly review what you have learned in the past. Once a week, review all the grammar and words you have studied so far.
  • Don't rush to quickly move to the next level. This is the main problem of all beginners: without learning the basics, they choose Intermediate textbooks and then make ridiculous mistakes.
  • Newspapers and news sites are a great chance to search for constructions in the passive.
  • When working with text, read it first to get the general meaning. And only when repeating, write down words and phrases.
  • If you find it difficult to remember a word, memorize the whole sentence at once. The advantage is also that it will be in context.
  • When learning a new word, think about all its linguistic forms: beautiful (beautiful), beauty (beauty), beautifully (beautifully).
  • Use English wherever you can.
  • Use stickers - this is a great way to remember new words.
  • Remember that if it is difficult for you, then you are on the right path. At this point, you need to stop and spend as much time as necessary, rather than jumping to the next topic. Otherwise it will come back to haunt you in the future.

Services for learning English

We bring to your attention the most popular services for learning English. It should be said right away that you shouldn’t get hung up on any one of them: combine several at once. After all, each service has both its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Busuu. The developers challenged the traditional way of learning, which they always found boring, difficult and expensive.
  • LinguaLeo. The service is built according to all the rules of gamification. It is considered one of the most voluminous resources in terms of the amount of information: video, audio and text. Basic functionality is free, but for a fee you can expand the capabilities.
  • Duolingo. The developers guarantee that the service will always be free. Every lesson has an element of play. For example, there are hearts: you lose them when you answer incorrectly. If they run out, you have to start over. The resource is ideal for beginners.
  • Learn English. This site is available in English, so it immediately raises the barrier to entry. Here you will find materials for learning English in different formats: games, lessons, chats, etc.
  • BBC English. A very popular and high-quality resource that allows you to learn living and modern English. A lot of materials, including video, audio and texts.
  • Quora. On the site you can learn about English grammar, as well as individual cases of using certain vocabulary. There is a large community ready to answer any, even the most stupid questions.
  • Situational English. Despite the discreet design, the site provides very interesting information about which words and phrases are appropriate to use in different situations. For example, you can study the slang used in business. Or find out which exclamations should be used in this or that position.
  • Engvid. An excellent resource for those who already know how to understand English by ear at least at a basic level. You can watch a wide variety of videos in which teachers explain various grammar topics.


If you are a big fan of books, although you can't live without them, here are some works that may be useful:

  • “It is impossible to teach you English” Nikolai Zamyatkin. The book is a must for anyone who wants to succeed in learning English. The author tries to destroy all misconceptions that interfere with mastering a foreign language.
  • "Building your vocabulary" Marvin Terban. An excellent textbook for learning new words. You can replenish your stock by playing a variety of games.
  • "English vocabulary in Use". Level: Elementary. Oxford Word Skills. Level: Basic. If you are taking your first steps in English, then you cannot do without these books. They will help you expand your vocabulary with frequently used words through games and exercises.
  • "Tree or Three?" Ann Baker. The sooner you start working on your pronunciation, the more success you will have. In this manual you will find diagrams showing the correct position of the speech organs, as well as hundreds of exercises for practicing the pronunciation of similar sounds.
  • "New English File". Level: Beginner. "New Total English". Level: Starter. « Upstream". Level: Beginner. This list of three books is great because it allows you to work on all the skills at once. All textbooks are in English, but beginners should not be afraid of this, because the vocabulary in them is selected as simple as possible, and the pictures help to understand the meaning of the task.
  • "English Grammar in Use"(red, blue and green books) Raymond Murphy. The three books are respectively divided into Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. This is a cult textbook that is suitable for both schoolchildren and students, as well as adults. The form of presentation of the material is a thematic reference book with exercises.
  • Oxford Practice Grammar. There are three levels: Basic (Norman Coe, Mark Harrison and Ken Patterson), Intermediate (John Eastwood) and Advanced (George Yule). The manual is suitable for students of any age. Each textbook contains more than 100 lessons, each of which is aimed at studying one aspect of grammar. The theory is explained in great detail and there are many illustrations.
  • "Grammarway". There are four levels: Basic Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate (all textbooks written by Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley). Each manual contains from 12 to 20 lessons. The advantage is that there is a Russian-language version, and the manuals themselves have bright graphic content.
  • "Round-Up". There are six levels: Beginner Elementary, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Intermediate Upper-Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate. The textbooks boast a convenient structure for presenting the material, the presence of a Russian version, simple explanations and bright illustrations.
  • “Collection of exercises on English grammar” Krylova I.P., Gordon E.M. In it you will find various exercises on the course of grammar of modern English. The material for the assignments is individual sentences and coherent passages from the works of Anglo-American authors of the 19th and 20th centuries.

And finally, one video in which the teacher tells you where to start learning English. Humor and meaning included.

We wish you good luck!

8 tips on where to start learning English that will make the learning process easier for you. You will succeed! Good luck!

My subscribers have probably noticed that I don’t give out unfounded advice, I always try to back it up with real-life examples, to prove that what I write about in my articles is real and every person, with a little effort, can repeat it.

I don’t write about what I don’t know about, I don’t give away semi-finished products.

The topic of today's article is no exception.

It is based on the story of a real person.

Of course, I could tell you myself, where to start learning English, because I speak this language at the proper level, but I decided to take the advice of a person who started learning English in Ukraine, and then continued to do so after emigrating to the USA.

Plus a couple of tips from English teachers.

My second cousin Vlad and his wife Svetlana won a green card, which gives them the right to legally live in the United States.

It took them about a year to sell their property and resolve other organizational issues at home.

Naturally, during this time Vlad tried to master the English language.

  • Immerse yourself in the language environment. The best option is to go on a trip to an English-speaking country with a small dictionary and communicate, communicate, communicate.

    If you cannot afford this, then simulate immersion using foreign television channels.

  • Watch as many English-language videos as possible. If your level is zero, then first start watching your favorite films, TV series, cartoons, in which many dialogues have already been studied.

    A good option for beginners is films with Russian subtitles.

  • Find translations of English songs on the Internet and, while listening to the originals, check the translation.
  • Use cards or stickers with foreign words and their translation into your native language. The more such cards you have around you, the better.
  • Audio lessons are very effective for learning English, and you can download them directly to your smartphone and listen to them on your way to work.
  • Set your priorities correctly: do you want to first learn to speak English, read or write it? There is no need to try to master everything at once.

    Take things gradually.

  • You can learn to understand English and respond to a foreigner on your own, but it’s better to go through the labyrinths of grammar with an experienced guide.
  • Now you understand where to start learning English: with the right motivation and positive attitude

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    If you are new to the English language, but you have a desire and a firm decision to learn it, then you probably have been faced with the question: where to start learning English? In this article, we offer you some tips and solutions on where to start, how to start learning English, etc. Where to start learning English on your own?

    Anything new or something we encounter for the first time often causes slight fear and confusion. There is no need to be afraid. It is important to believe that you will succeed, because you will put maximum effort and effort into it.

    The English language is not inherently difficult at all. The grammar here is not as complex as, for example, in Russian or German, not to mention the eastern languages, whose writing consists of hieroglyphs. So, we want to offer some recommendations on where to start and how to learn English more effectively.

    This is the first question that will arise in your mind. So, you are determined to learn English and you are sure that you want it and you need it. Well, this is the beginning! And a very good start!

    Now set yourself in the most positive mood, add a smile and a good mood. Believe me, this is already half the success. Stick to this mood when starting each lesson.

    If you decide to study on your own, then first make yourself a small schedule of your classes. The effectiveness of such classes lies in the fact that these lessons are regular, preferably daily. Let your lesson be ten minutes, but every day, rather than an hour twice a week (as is done at school). If you have more free time and opportunity, then devote an hour or an hour and a half a day to the language and the results will please you very soon .

    As for the schedule of your classes, you can distribute one section per day: Monday - reading, Tuesday - writing, Wednesday - grammar, Thursday - listening to audio recordings etc. But it’s better if all these sections are included in one lesson every day, devoting 5-10 minutes to each area of ​​the language. This way you will train everything at once, you won’t forget anything until the next lesson, and all this will be stored in your memory.

    What does a beginner need?

    So, we have a schedule, let's move on to classes. Let's look at what each English lesson should consist of if you are studying it on your own.

    • Firstly, reading

    Read texts, dialogues, articles. Reading trains visual memory and pronunciation. After reading the text, translate it simultaneously, try to understand what is being said, look for unfamiliar words in the dictionary. IMPORTANT! Always work out loud, read out loud, you must hear yourself pronounce the words. With any foreign language you need to work out loud.

    • Secondly, vocabulary work

    This is one of the most important aspects in learning a foreign language. After all, by learning new words, we thereby expand our vocabulary. Write down a few words that are unfamiliar to you from the text you are working with. Translate them with a dictionary, write down the transcription, read them several times; After closing the notebook, try to reproduce them from memory. Don’t try to learn 40-50 words in one lesson, it doesn’t make any sense. Only 5-6 words will remain in your memory. It's better to work with 10 words that will remain in your memory. To better learn new words, make up sentences and short dialogues with them.

    • Thirdly, translation

    Beginners need a literal translation, because every new word is important for beginners. But gradually, as you work with the language, try to translate simultaneously, capturing the general meaning of the text. It is important not to translate word for word, but to understand what is being said in the text. Hook on two or three familiar words in a sentence and use them to translate the entire sentence. However, this does not cancel vocabulary work (see previous paragraph)! The translation can be general, but you need to work with words separately. Remember that you need to translate not only from English into Russian, but also vice versa.
    Where to start learning English for beginners?

    • Fourthly, letter

    Write in English as much as possible. Make up sentences, write vocabulary dictations, just rewrite some pieces of text. This trains your visual memory, and you better remember the spelling of words and entire sentences.

    • Fifthly, listening

    Spend 10-15 minutes of your lesson listening to tapes and discs with dialogues with texts and songs in English, watching excerpts from English-language films, etc. This allows you to hear English pronunciation and try to reproduce it.

    By following these points, you will make your classes productive, efficient and effective.

    How to train speaking?

    If you study a foreign language, then you understand that knowing a language means speaking it. Therefore, it is imperative to pay attention to the oral aspect. If you are learning English on your own, then retelling will help you here. Read the text aloud several times. Then try to retell it. To begin with, let these be short texts, gradually move on to longer ones, and then to stories, etc.

    To make it easier for you at first, make a short outline of the text that you need to retell. Speak out loud, listen to yourself. Over time, try to think in English, playing out various everyday situations in your mind. Writing sentences will also help you develop your speech.

    If you have the opportunity to study together with someone, then, together with this dialogue, build dialogues orally and in writing, give each other vocabulary or text dictations, in everyday life communicate with each other in English on everyday topics, retell films and books. Learn English with your child, it will be fun and interesting for both of you.

    Learn the language with our website, here you will find a lot of useful information on grammar, vocabulary, civilization and culture of the English language.

    The dictionary is our faithful friend!

    Now, in the era of computers and the Internet, everyone has abandoned the dictionary. This is especially true for schoolchildren. Of course, it’s much easier to enter the desired text in Google translator, press a button and get a ready-made translation, rather than digging through the dictionary for a long time and painfully.

    This is an easy, but not correct approach to the language. Google Translator is good for those who already have English speaking skills or for those who are in a hurry and need a quick translation. We read and forgot; in fact, nothing was left in our memory. In addition, the Internet often provides a literal translation, which makes the meaning of a sentence or an entire fragment lost.

    Working with a dictionary allows you to memorize words, trains visual memory and writing in a foreign language. This is especially important for beginners learning English.

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