Self-education in the broad sense of the word. What is self-education like at school age? How to switch to self-education at school

The modern world is a whirlpool of new products, changes and constant, never-ending development. In these conditions, the principle and process of self-development and self-improvement are incredibly important.

A person who stops at the achieved level, even a high one, risks sooner or later becoming an anachronism - losing touch with the present and future, losing the ability to effectively express himself and, perhaps, even forgetting how to solve new problems.

What is self-education?

Self-education is a process of voluntary and conscious cognitive activity, which is carried out according to individual desire and motivated by personal motives. Self-education can be of a professional or personal nature and pursue corresponding goals, for example, improving professional skills and accelerating career growth or acquiring new knowledge, skills and expanding personal horizons and worldview.

A characteristic feature is the lack of systemic control from the outside. The self-education plan of a teacher, doctor, lawyer or temporarily unemployed person is absolutely unique for everyone. A person engaged in professional and personal development has complete control over the entire process - from timing and content to results and their effectiveness.

Self-education in pedagogy

Pedagogy is a field of activity that does not tolerate stagnation. A teacher who is unable to change, accept new things and make them part of his life cannot give the new generation of people the necessary experience and even knowledge.

In today's world, everything is changing at great speed, except, perhaps, the recognized classics. Any educator, be it a school teacher or a kindergarten teacher, encounters several generations of people during his career. Who, if not him, should understand the process of inexorable change, development and renewal? Who, if not a teacher, should strive to become part of the same world as the people for whom he is responsible to society?

Pedagogical activity is extremely complex and specific, its high social influence and social role dictate its requirements for compliance with the profession. The reality of educational work is such that educators, teachers, teachers are faced with frequent and fundamental changes in the process of organizing their own activities and working conditions.

Changing social demands, high rates of development of sciences, methods and means of teaching pose increasingly complex tasks for the modern teacher and challenge his creative thinking, ability to respond to surprises, and rebuild his activities in response to changing social situations and scientific and social discoveries.

The teacher’s self-education plan should cover all possible areas of children’s interests. It is quite possible that a teacher cannot express a thoughtful opinion or a reasoned point of view on a particular issue. However, curiosity and the desire to know everything about the interests of their students motivates them to continuous self-development.

Attempts to regulate self-education

Not a single specialized educational institution will be able to provide young professionals with the most important topics for self-education. First, it is a highly individualized and subjective process; secondly, there is no standard set of topics whose range would cover the full depth and diversity of the modern world. Concepts such as “self-education according to the Federal State Educational Standard” and “mandatory advanced training courses” are familiar to every teacher. But, despite the presence of norms, regulations and external control, the process of professional self-education remains a personal choice for everyone.

Pedagogical universities focus on how important and necessary a teacher’s constant self-education is. However, the skills and abilities necessary to organize this process are not developed during lectures and seminars on pedagogy and teaching methods. The ability to draw up a plan for the self-education of an educator or teacher comes with work experience, as well as in the process of analyzing one’s own activities, comparing it with the work of colleagues and studying new developments in the field of methodology.

The influence of self-education on general intellectual development

The human brain is often compared to a computer, despite the fact that there are practically no similarities. However, there is a point that makes our brain extremely similar to a computing machine - the desire for automation. The brain tries to spend as little energy as possible on certain processes, sometimes bringing them to the point of automaticity. On the one hand, it’s convenient; you can do routine work and make vacation plans at the same time. On the other hand, nothing good comes easy.

Over time, the brain “freezes,” calms down and ossifies in the routine processes it has created, and when the moment comes to encounter something new, to make the necessary changes, human consciousness refuses to perceive the world outside the usual framework. This is exactly how a person with a limited outlook appears, the same one who goes to Tula with his samovar and refuses to live any other way.

Psychological function of self-education

Every few years, the brain needs to get a jolt, consciousness needs to go beyond the usual, and comfort zones need to expand. This is how a person maintains his activity at a high level, this is where the value of constant development lies. Self-education is an action that supports a person’s cognitive processes in constant tone.

The psychological function of self-education is that this process creates a number of obstacles that maintain the human brain and consciousness in a state of alertness and readiness. Such a person has much greater professional and personal value for macro- and microsociety.

The need for self-improvement

Self-education is a component process of self-improvement, which is stimulated by the discrepancy between a real person and his ideal image. The moment when a person realizes the opportunity and need to become better is the main motivator for working on oneself - a lifelong process.

Self-improvement is an independent, conscious process of developing moral, intellectual and physical qualities through constant work on oneself, setting and solving new problems, performing more complex tasks and forming a better version of oneself - one that can not only navigate, but also express oneself to the maximum in life. rapidly changing world.

Self-improvement leads to increased self-esteem, expansion of the comfort zone, personal and professional development. There are a number of professions whose representatives cannot imagine performing their duties effectively without a constant process of self-education. Doctors, teachers, psychologists, lawyers and many other professionals need constant self-development of both personal and professional qualities.

Personal growth

The ability for self-development, self-education and constant personal growth is the key to the formation of a successful person, the main features of which will be responsibility, independence, self-confidence and perseverance in achieving goals. It is these individuals who are especially valuable to society and enjoy great success in all spheres of life.

Psychologists characterize human personality as the sum of three components - emotional, cognitive and behavioral. Personal qualities are assessed by how developed each of the three components is. In fact, it is what a person knows about himself and the world around him, what he feels, and how he expresses and uses it.

Constant personal growth is especially important in pedagogy. Teachers, kindergarten teachers and university professors prepare future generations for life, and they do this not only by passing on a certain set of knowledge and skills, but also by their own example and life experience. A teacher who is able to practically demonstrate the benefits of self-development and self-education influences the worldview of his students much stronger and deeper.

Professional growth

Every professional, at some point in his career, finds himself at a crossroads, where a signpost awaits him, describing three possible paths for his professional development:

  • self-improvement;
  • stagnation;
  • adaptation.

The path of self-improvement is the most difficult, it has many obstacles, quagmires and unexpected turns, but it is precisely this path that can lead one to the most complete self-realization, the disclosure and use of one’s potential.

The adaptation path is a well-trodden road leading from point A to point B, with a certain number of holes, bumps and sharp turns. As a result, a worthy mid-level professional arrives at point B, guided along the way by road signs and a book of rules.

The path of stagnation is a flat, isolated path leading in a circle. In fact, stagnation is stagnation. The brain strives to expend a minimum of energy and automates habitual actions to such a level when anything new or unusual is perceived with hostility.

Self-education of kindergarten teachers, teachers, university professors, methodologists and even officials in the field of education should always follow the path of self-improvement.

What do you need for self-education?

To get tangible results from the process of self-education, self-development and self-improvement, you need, first of all, desire and willpower. However, this does not limit the number of necessary prerequisites, personal qualities and required actions.

For a successful process, external and internal incentives are necessary. External professional incentives may include:

  • competition;
  • professional requirements;
  • public opinion;
  • career growth;
  • financial reward.

Internal professional and personal incentives that motivate teacher self-education are:

  • professional ambitions;
  • interest and dedication;
  • creativity;
  • desire for self-improvement;
  • the need for new knowledge and experience.

Among the personal qualities and skills necessary for a successful self-education process, it is worth highlighting:

  • the ability to see and evaluate the final result of the process;
  • persistence and scrupulousness;
  • curiosity;
  • the ability to plan and evaluate the process of self-education;
  • ability to think critically and analytically;
  • developed processes of perception and processing of new information.


It is not easy to combine professional activities, personal and social life and at the same time engage in a constant process of self-improvement and self-education. That is why motivation plays a major role in this process.

Self-education of an educator, teacher or any other professional is a long process, and its results often manifest themselves implicitly and not immediately, therefore, in order to successfully achieve the goals of professional and personal development, it is necessary to remember the goals and motives that prompted a person to self-education.

“Seeing the goal” and “imagining the end result” are, of course, effective techniques, however, they sound much simpler than they are put into practice. Motivating yourself should be as long and effective a process as the self-education of a teacher or other professional.

Motivational techniques

To encourage prolonged cognitive, psychological and physical activity, motivational techniques are used, divided into two groups - stimulation and self-force. Self-stimulation techniques include:

  • belief;
  • encouragement;
  • suggestion.

Self-coercion is divided into:

  • condemnation;
  • ban;
  • order.

The teacher’s self-education plan does not necessarily have to be set out on paper, but, nevertheless, it is necessary to strictly and strictly follow its points. Accountability is important to maintain motivation. If a person is able to give himself an objective report on the work done, the knowledge acquired and the experience gained, this in itself is an excellent incentive to continue the activity.

Self-education is an integral part of pedagogical activity, because the teacher is not only a bearer of knowledge, but also a personal example. The knowledge and erudite opinion of a teacher should not be limited to his subject and academic knowledge in general, but cover the entire sphere of possible interests of his students.

purposeful cognition. activity controlled by the individual himself; acquisition system-tich. knowledge in k.-l. fields of science, technology, culture, politics. life, etc. S. is based on the direct personal interest of the student in organic combination with the independence of studying the material. S. is one of the means of self-education.

Basic types of S. - general, special (professional). and political. Basic S. form - the study of scientific, popular science, educational, artistic literature. and others. Sources of S. also include listening to lectures, reports, concerts, sound recordings, consultations with specialists, watching performances, films, visiting museums, exhibitions: various. types of practical activities - experiments, experiments, modeling, etc.

S. has always had the goal of obtaining qualifications or improving education. level. Mn. major figures in science, literature, art, societies, organizations helped S.: they created people. libraries, reading rooms, people Houses. In 1863-66, an educational literature was published in St. Petersburg. magazine “Self-education”, in 1893 a commission was created in Moscow to organize home reading at school. Department of the Society for Distribution of Technology. knowledge, which has been developed by special programs for many subjects studied in high fur boots, published a “Library for self-education”, and carried out writing. consultations. Lightweight programs for students were produced by the Department for Promoting Self-Education, created in St. Petersburg (1891). at Ped. Museum of military studies institutions on the initiative of N.A. Rubakin, N.I. Kareev and others. In 1892, a group of washers and scientists led by I.I. Yanzhul published “The Book of Books. An explanatory index for selecting books on the basics. branches of knowledge." In the beginning 20th century N. A. Rubakin’s books became widespread - “Letters to Readers on Self-Education” (1913), “The Practice of Self-Education” (1914), “Among Books” (vol. 1-3, 1911-152).

Means. Various people played a role in S.’s development. societies, courses and national unities.

Since the 20s organized and system-tich. the work was carried out by Ch. arr. in the field of politics S. In the field of general S., directed by the political education of the People's Commissariat of Education and trade unions, a broad program of education of workers was outlined to the level of requirements of incomplete social work. schools.

In mid. 30s, in connection with that means. development of the general education network. schools, technical schools and universities, S. became the main. way independently. deepening and expanding the knowledge acquired in school. establishments.

In the conditions of scientific and technical revolution (from the 50s of the 20th century). Systems of adult education and advanced training have been widely developed. The need for social media is also intensified by the development of the media. Their development, on the one hand, enriches the process of socialization, on the other hand, it makes a person involved in the events taking place in the world and creates a need to understand them.

The focus on personal development, the disclosure of human abilities, creative potential, self-expression, and the realization of his spiritual interests determines the special significance of S.

School plays an important role in the formation of S.’s skills. S. is an obligatory component of modern. training. It can develop as an accompaniment to learning, expanding, complementing, deepening what is being studied in the classroom. institution material, and maybe autonomously in relation to learning, including in the study of new ones that are not presented in the school. establishment of courses.

S., enriching the teaching, finds support in it, testing independently acquired knowledge, systematizing it. Training makes it possible to enrich S. with a collective search and to remove certain difficulties on his own. knowledge. Developing in the educational system, S. receives new incentives for his approval. S.'s skills are developed primarily in the process of carrying out various tasks. species are independent. work of students provided for by the school. programs (selecting the necessary literature, taking notes, summarizing what has been read, drawing up abstracts, preparing reports, etc.). Students use reference books and dictionaries; in the process of excursion, laboratory and experimental work, they acquire the skills necessary for S. to observe, compare, and generalize life phenomena. An important form of preparing schoolchildren for self-education. work is extracurricular reading directed by teachers and parents.

The development of S. skills in schoolchildren is facilitated by extracurricular and extracurricular activities in various fields. circles, clubs, lecture halls, technical. creativity, experimental work, etc.

S.'s skills acquired at school are deepened and improved during the educational process. work on Wed. specialist. and higher education establishments. An important role in this, in addition to self. work with the teacher and scientific lit-roy, play classes in seminars, scientific. circles, scientific student societies and design bureaus, participation in research. expeditions, etc.

S. - an integral part of the system of continuous education - acts as a link between basic education (general and vocational). and periodic advanced training and retraining of specialists.

Cultivating the need for S. is directly dependent on the authority of a particular specialty. A teacher is often perceived not only as a teacher of a certain teacher. subject, but also as an educator in the broad sense of the word, having a great impact on people. Special area of ​​specialization S. constitutes.n. ped. S. In the process of improving general culture and prof. knowledge through S. studies issues of pedagogy and psychology, management theory, and teaching methods. subject, general culture.

The direction and content of teaching are determined by the teacher himself in accordance with his needs and interests.

For teachers, educators, education workers State. b-ka according to Nar. education named after K. D. Ushinsky systematically publishes bibliographic. indexes, brief reviews of new literature and bibliographical. pointers for the department ped problems science. Lists of new books are placed in ped. periodicals, including subject-method. magazines.

Helping parents with their pedagogy. S. is provided by schools. Articles for S. parents are published in the journal. “Family and School”, “Health”, etc. Popular scientific brochures and books on the issues of upbringing, training and protection of children's health are published.

Lit. Medynsky E. N., External. education, its significance, organization and technology, M., 19185; Terpigorev A. M., Labor and self-education, [M.], 1959; Kovy-nev N.K., Working with a book, M., 1961; Rubakin N. A., How to engage in self-education, M., 1962; Gromtseva A.K., Self-education as a social category, Leningrad, 1976; her, Formation of schoolchildren’s readiness for self-education, M., 1983; Guide to self-education of schoolchildren, ed. M. N. Skatkina, B. F. Raisky, M., 1983. A. K. Gromtseva.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


(English) self-education) - education received independently, outside the walls of any educational institution, without the help of a teacher; informal individual uniform educational activities. There are a number of brilliant names in science and culture who did not receive a systematic education. Autodidacts (self-taught) were, for example, the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann, the anthropologist Eduard Taylor, and the artist Niko Pirosmani. Jean-Jacques Rousseau, having fallen ill at the age of 25 and “considering every day to be his last,” took up S., which led him to the idea of ​​the need to create an “Encyclopedia.” Apparently, a much more common special case is when a person's main activity does not coincide with the (formal) education received. For example, anthropologist Franz Boas was trained as a physicist; his student, anthropologist M. Mead, was a psychologist by training; psychologist L.WITH.Vygotsky received a legal education. The importance of S. as an opportunity to complement formal education was understood in many countries. In 1893, organizations arose in Russia with the goal of promoting S.: in Moscow - the “Commission for organizing home reading” (it created a 4-year program for systematic reading in various sciences, published a Library for self-education, which included “ Psychology" A.Ben), in St. Petersburg. - “Department for promoting self-education at the Pedagogical Museum.”

The question of including S. in the category educational activities is controversial. If we consider the essential feature of the latter content of activity, then it must be resolved positively; If - communication with the teacher, then you should first consider the problem of whether reading (representing the main method of S.) can be considered a type of communication with the teacher. The grounds for such a view. inherent in the dialogical nature of discursive thinking.

Weaknesses of S.: lack of leadership, feedback, unsystematic nature. However, they are often compensated by strengths: 1) what John Dewey called the unproductive waste of energy arising from the organization of the school is overcome; 2) problems are solved (or do not become acute) individual approach, motivation and consciousness of teaching. S. requires the subject to see the meaning of life in teaching; conscious goal setting; abilities for independent thinking, self-organization and self-control. This makes it impossible for many, especially children. However, starting from adolescence S. m. b. systematic and very effective. More J.Locke saw the purpose of education not in making a young man a scientist, but in developing and directing his mind in order to make him capable of perceiving any knowledge when he himself wishes to acquire it. D.I. Pisarev believed that real education is only S. and that it begins when a person says goodbye to all schools.

Although educational activities are leading only for a certain age, though passes through a person's entire life ( WITH. L.Rubinstein). Thus, S. is a learning activity independently organized by the subject, satisfying his needs for knowledge and personal growth. So understood, S. becomes a necessary component of self-development. (I. A. Meshcheryakova.)

Large psychological dictionary. - M.: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .


See what “SELF-EDUCATION” is in other dictionaries:

    self-education- self-education... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    self-education- self-study Dictionary of Russian synonyms. self-education noun, number of synonyms: 1 self-education (2) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N... Dictionary of synonyms

    SELF-EDUCATION- SELF-EDUCATION, self-education, many others. no, cf. Acquiring knowledge through independent study outside of school, without the help of a teaching person. Master foreign languages ​​through self-education. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SELF-EDUCATION- SELF-EDUCATION, I, cf. Acquiring knowledge through independent study, without the help of a teacher. | adj. self-educated, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SELF-EDUCATION- English self education/instruction; German Selbstbildung/Bildung, autodidaktische. Acquiring knowledge through independent studies outside educational institutions, without the help of a teaching person. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    SELF-EDUCATION- SELF-EDUCATION. Mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities on the initiative of the student himself in relation to the subject of knowledge (what to do), the volume and source of knowledge, establishing the duration and time of classes, as well as the choice of forms... ... New dictionary of methodological terms and concepts (theory and practice of language teaching)

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The concept of “self-education” - definition, meaning, tasks and essence, role in personality development

Self-education is the engine of progress and the main catalyst for personal development.

The truism that a person learns from birth until death has long been known to everyone. But this process is not always arbitrary, depending on the desire of the individual, conscious. Often learning occurs either through imitation or as a result of a person’s adaptation to circumstances and living conditions.

Self-education is a process of purposeful, conscious acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities. It is based not only on a person’s natural need for information and curiosity, but also on the application of volitional efforts. We can safely say that self-education is the engine of not only personal development. This is also a huge potential for progress.

True scientists have almost always been self-taught in the best sense of the word. Because they were driven not by duty, but by a thirst for knowledge. Of course, many had some level of formal education. Let us at least remember Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. What people understand from books that have already been written can become a starting point, a kind of foundation. Only self-education makes it possible to truly develop and reach new heights. This is what spurs an inquisitive mind and forces you to look for answers to ambiguous questions. This is what pushes us to discoveries. It is this that does not allow us to dwell on what has already been understood and assimilated.

Self-education technologies are available to anyone these days. First of all, of course, it consists of reading. Moreover, if earlier we used libraries, now finding the necessary information has become extremely simplified. On the Internet you can find books and articles in any language and on any topic. But sometimes reading alone is not enough. This is especially true for those areas where other skills are needed, for example, designing, drawing. There is also a lot to be gained from self-education. This includes watching training programs, mastering material on CDs, doing exercises and listening to the radio. Everything can be beneficial, just learn how to use your time and abilities. For example, a person who wants to independently master a foreign language can achieve a lot through self-education. Even seasoned linguists constantly practice passive proficiency: watching films in the original, listening to audiobooks. And for beginners, special programs are created that can be used anywhere, even in the car or while walking. Self-education in the Russian language is needed not only by a professional journalist or teacher. The ability to express one’s thoughts competently and harmoniously will not hurt anyone. And in legal practice, even one comma placed in the wrong place can be decisive for the interpretation of a particular law.

Throughout his life, from the moment of his birth until his death, a person acquires knowledge, obtaining the information, skills and abilities he needs in one or another area of ​​science, culture, politics or everyday life. The thirst for knowledge is inherent in human nature itself at the level of instincts, as one of the most important sources of survival. For some, this subsequently develops into a completely conscious interest, becoming a completely controlled and self-directed process, while for others it remains unconscious.

Self-education can be divided into two main types: the first - education, as a way of transferring experience and communication between generations, directed and controlled primarily from the outside, carried out in the interests of society and the state, family and team, the purpose of this education is to educate a full member of society, a citizen ; the second is the acquisition of knowledge independently, outside of educational institutions and groups, directed only by one’s own will, in one’s own interests and based on personal motives and preferences. The only factor influencing, to one degree or another, the course of self-education is the social and socio-political conditions that shape interest and limit access to information to varying degrees.

Self-education is an integral part of self-education, and it is its most productive and effective form, since it allows an individual to form fundamentally new qualities in himself, to improve himself, to develop skills and abilities, to eradicate vices and negative traits.

Today, self-education means not only reading all kinds of literature, visiting Internet information resources on a wide variety of topics, but also attending and actively participating in events such as business seminars, conferences, trainings, symposiums, courses, participation in discussions and debates, congresses and symposia on a wide variety of topics. Self-education allows a person to set various goals for himself and then achieve them, learn to optimize his own time and space in order to use them as efficiently as possible, allows him to mobilize all the resources at his disposal, expands his erudition and worldview, allows him to take a fresh look at familiar things, see what previously went unnoticed. With its help, a person can reveal his creative potential, because self-education itself is a kind of creative process, since each person approaches it strictly individually. It contributes to the fullest development and disclosure of personality, spiritual, moral, intellectual, and cultural growth occurs. Moreover, it is never too late to start self-education, just as it is never too early to start it. For the first time, people become most clearly interested in independently comprehending and understanding the world around them in their late teens, when they are still attending secondary school.

A person follows the path of self-education all his life, since without this it is not possible to achieve success in life or professional activity. In many respects at the present stage, this phenomenon is due to the deep crisis in which the current educational system is located. And an independent search for answers is one of the most likely options for solving this crisis, when it becomes not a source of knowledge, but only an assistant for students in mastering new forms of behavior, acquiring new knowledge and skills, becoming a full-fledged personality, and revealing their potential.

You will need this:

The concept of self-education - definition, meaning, tasks

Self-education is the acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life, etc., which presupposes the direct personal interest of the student in organic combination with independent study of the material.

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Self-education, independent education, the acquisition of systematic knowledge in any field of science, technology, culture, political life, etc., presupposing the direct personal interest of the student in organic combination with independent study of the material. self-education independence knowledge interest

Anyone who wants to achieve the best in their life must spend some time on themselves to “keep up with life.” Comparing the process of self-improvement with business, they say that you need to invest in yourself. By this they mean that in online business, as in ordinary life, a person’s main asset is not his income or accumulated property, but himself. This is the most effective investment of effort and money, since only this can provide a better understanding of life, which will ultimately help you find the path to self-realization and achieve what you want. As one of my favorite proverbs says: "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." In my opinion, one cannot talk about self-improvement, self-training and self-education without dwelling in detail on what it is. If we say that a person needs to learn, then let's see what is meant by this process. Let's start with the simplest thing - let's look at what "self-improvement" is. In explanatory dictionaries, this word is given a fairly simple definition: improving one’s moral, mental or physical qualities. Usually this means the conscious development of some positive qualities or abilities. A schoolboy training his memory; a teenager running to the gym to pump up more muscles; young mother and father, trying to become attentive and caring parents - all these are examples of self-improvement. I also improve myself and try to do it every day, that is, I try to change something in my character, I work on my figure and never stop there - which is the most important thing.

The concepts of “self-study” and “self-education” are a little more confusing. Unfortunately, ordinary explanatory dictionaries do not make any difference between these words. And most people believe that these words are synonymous, that is, they have the same meaning. I used to think so too. But recently I was surprised to learn that there is a difference between these concepts, which some teachers understand very clearly. See for yourself. The Big Explanatory Dictionary defines “self-study” as independent learning of something, for example, drawing. And “self-education” is defined as the acquisition of knowledge through independent study without the help of a teacher. Self-education, for example, can be political or economic. As you can see, the definitions of these words are very similar. Even if we look in the Dictionary of Methodological Terms, we won’t get far. Here, “self-study” is defined as the process of independent education without the direct participation of a teacher. The purposes of self-study are served by special teaching aids - self-instruction books, phrase books, phono- and video-phonograms and computer programs. “Self-education” is defined as the acquisition of knowledge, skills, abilities on the initiative of the student himself in relation to the subject of knowledge (what to do), the volume and source of knowledge, establishing the duration and time of classes, as well as the choice of forms of satisfying cognitive interests and needs. You can see for yourself that in both concepts the emphasis is on acquiring additional knowledge, independently mastering skills and abilities, be it a foreign language, playing the guitar or typing without constantly looking at the keyboard, not to mention various technical know-how. But if we delve deeper into the origin of words, then these concepts will appear before us in a different light. With the prefix “self-”, I believe everything is clear: a person does it personally, i.e. “himself.” The word "learning" can be understood thanks to the word "teach", which comes from the Ukrainian "teaching", the same root as Lit. jaukмnti “to accustom”, Arm. usanim "learning, getting accustomed." That is, this is what skill gives, addiction; science. The word "education" can be understood through the word "image", derived from obraziti "to depict, draw", which in turn was derived from raziti "to cut". In neighboring languages, the word “image” also has a similar meaning: Bulgarian. image "face, cheek", Polish. obraz "image, picture; image; icon." For example, in ancient times, a figurine was carved out of wood, which was endowed with certain well-recognized features. We can see this in sculpture - an image is formed that can convey some kind of semantic or emotional message. It turns out that with self-education a person not only acquires new knowledge and skills, as happens with self-education, but also creates a “new image” of himself, i.e. the person changes internally. Few people know that almost a hundred years ago Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin (Russian book scholar, bibliographer, popularizer of science and writer) wrote in the scientific essay “Letters to Readers on Self-Education”: “...As you know, it is the lot of a more or less cultured person, especially Russian, there is an infinitely large number of the most varied misfortunes. But there is no misfortune, we think, more terrible, more harmful in its consequences, in the mass of suffering that it causes to a person, moreover, for a long time, throughout human life, as the following: having eyes - not seeing, having ears - not hearing, having a normal brain, designed no worse than others, not understanding what is happening around... Living without seeing, not hearing and not understanding - is this really living? ? "At the beginning of the twentieth century, he worked with library readers, receiving and answering more than 1,200 letters, helping each one build his own program of self-education. He described an image of real education that, even a hundred years later, is still relevant for those who use the Internet: “It can be unmistakably said that at present the desire for education is manifested among the masses to such an intense degree as has never been manifested in any time before, and with Every year this tension increases. Life itself inevitably, fatally encourages every person to arm himself with knowledge and understanding. In order to live, so as not to die of hunger, so as not to perish in the general whirlpool, in order to adapt to this turmoil going on all around, it is necessary not only. know any craft or art (that is, have a special education), but you also need to have a general education, you need to be able to understand everything that is happening around you, and for this you need, so to speak, the ability to think and understand you need a certain breadth of outlook, known height of development." Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin explained very simply and clearly who an educated person is:

"...A truly educated person is not one who graduated from any, even higher, educational institution - you never know how many ignoramuses, narrow specialists or clever careerists come out of them! Not one who has read a lot, even a lot, in his lifetime, at least the best books. Not the one who has accumulated in himself, in one way or another, a certain stock, even a very large one, of various knowledge. This is not the very essence of education.” In his opinion: “To understand the life around us is the first task of an educated person.” And I completely agree with him, which is why I cited him as an example. For myself, I determined that self-education is necessary in order to learn to think “correctly”, acquire a broad outlook and rise in my development in order to truly understand what is happening around me and respond adequately to it. Isn’t this what changes a person internally, prepares him for action, makes him more successful in life? In my opinion, if a person understands the life around him, then he will be able to do something with it, and will not “wait by the sea for weather.”

Posted on Allbest. ru

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